Mature minor doctrine explained

The mature minor doctrine is a rule of law found in the United States and Canada accepting that an unemancipated minor patient may possess the maturity to choose or reject a particular health care treatment, sometimes without the knowledge or agreement of parents, and should be permitted to do so.[1] It is now generally considered a form of patients rights; formerly, the mature minor rule was largely seen as protecting health care providers from criminal and civil claims by parents of minors at least 15.[2]

Jurisdictions may codify an age of medical consent, accept the judgment of licensed providers regarding an individual minor, or accept a formal court decision following a request that a patient be designated a mature minor, or may rely on some combination. For example, patients at least 16 may be assumed to be mature minors for this purpose,[3] patients aged 13 to 15 may be designated so by licensed providers, and pre-teen patients may be so-designated after evaluation by an agency or court. The mature minor doctrine is sometimes connected with enforcing confidentiality of minor patients from their parents.[4]


In the United States, a typical statute lists: "Who may consent [or withhold consent for] surgical or medical treatment or procedures."

"...Any unemancipated minor of sufficient intelligence to understand and appreciate the consequences of the proposed surgical or medical treatment or procedures, for himself."[5] [6]

Medical emancipation

See also: Emancipation of minors. By definition, a "mature minor" has been found to have the capacity for decisional autonomy, or the right to make decisions including whether to undergo risky medical but potentially life-saving medical decisions alone, without parental approval.[7] By contrast, "medical emancipation" formally releases children from some parental involvement requirements but does not necessarily grant that decision making to children themselves. Pursuant to statute, several jurisdictions grant medical emancipation to a minor who has become pregnant or requires sexual-health services, thereby permitting medical treatment without parental consent and, often, confidentiality from parents. A limited guardianship may be appointed to make medical decisions for the medically emancipated minor and the minor may not be permitted to refuse or even choose treatment.[8]


One significant early U.S. case, Smith v. Seibly, 72 Wn.2d 16, 431 P.2d 719 (1967), before the Washington Supreme Court, establishes precedent on the mature minor doctrine. The plaintiff, Albert G. Smith, an 18-year-old married father, was suffering from myasthenia gravis, a progressive disease. Because of this, Smith expressed concern that his wife might become burdened in caring for him, for their existing child and possibly for additional children. On March 9, 1961, while still 18, Smith requested a vasectomy. His doctor required written consent, which Smith provided, and the surgery was performed. Later, after reaching Washington's statutory age of majority, then 21, the doctor was sued by Smith, who now claimed that he had been a minor and thus unable to grant surgical or medical consent. The Court rejected Smith's argument: "Thus, age, intelligence, maturity, training, experience, economic independence or lack thereof, general conduct as an adult and freedom from the control of parents are all factors to be considered in such a case [involving consent to surgery]."

The court further quoted another recently decided case, Grannum v. Berard, 70 Wn.2d 304, 307, 422 P.2d 812 (1967): "The mental capacity necessary to consent to a surgical operation is a question of fact to be determined from the circumstances of each individual case." The court explicitly stated that a minor may grant surgical consent even without formal emancipation.

Especially since the 1970s, older pediatric patients sought to make autonomous decisions regarding their own treatment, and sometimes sued successfully to do so.[9] The decades of accumulated evidence tended to demonstrate that children are capable of participating in medical decision-making in a meaningful way;[10] [11] and legal and medical communities have demonstrated an increasing willingness to formally affirm decisions made by young people, even regarding life and death.[12]

Religious beliefs have repeatedly influenced a patient's decision to choose treatment or not. In a case in 1989 in Illinois, a 17-year-old female Jehovah's Witness was permitted to refuse necessary life saving treatments.[13]

In 1990, the United States Congress passed the Patient Self-Determination Act; even though key provisions apply only to patients over age 18,[14] the legislation advanced patient involvement in decision-making. The West Virginia Supreme Court, in Belcher v. Charleston Area Medical Center (1992) defined a "mature minor" exception to parental consent, according consideration to seven factors to be weighed regarding such a minor: age, ability, experience, education, exhibited judgment, conduct, and appreciation of relevant risks and consequences.[15] [16]

The 2000s and 2010s experienced a number of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as the 2019–2020 measles outbreaks, which were fueled in part by vaccine hesitancy. This prompted minors to seek vaccinations over objections from their parents.[17] [18] Beginning in the 2020s during the COVID-19 pandemic, minors also began seeking out the COVID-19 vaccine over the objections of their vaccine-hesitant parents.[19] This has led to proposals and bills allowing minor to consent to be administered with any approved vaccine.[20]

Laws by jurisdiction


The Supreme Court of Canada recognized mature minor doctrine in 2009 in A.C. v. Manitoba [2009] SCC 30; in provinces and territories lacking relevant statutes, common law is presumed to be applied.

Province or TerritoryMinimum ageNotes
AlbertaNoneNo statute exists in Alberta dictating an age of consent; absent a statute, common law being the mature minor doctrine endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada applies.[21]
British ColumbiaNoneThe Infants Act does not set an age at which a child becomes capable of consent to medical procedures. A child is capable of consenting if they understand the nature and consequences of the treatment, the reasonably foreseeable benefits and risks, and a medical practitioner determines it is in their best interests. [22]
ManitobaNonePeople under 16 are presumed to be incapable of giving consent unless proven otherwise. Otherwise, the mature minor doctrine still applies.
New BrunswickNoneA minor may consent if they're capable of understanding the nature and consequences of the treatment and the pracitioner believes its in their interests.
Newfoundland and LabradorNoneNo statute exists in Newfoundland and Labrador dictating an age of consent; absent a statute, common law being the mature minor doctrine endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada applies.
Northwest TerritoriesNoneNo statute exists in Northwest Territories dictating an age of consent; absent a statute, common law being the mature minor doctrine endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada applies.[23]
Nova ScotiaNoneNo statute exists in Nova Scotia dictating an age of consent; absent a statute, common law being the mature minor doctrine endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada applies.
NunavutNoneNo statute exists in Nunavut dictating an age of consent; absent a statute, common law being the mature minor doctrine endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada applies.
OntarioNoneThe Health Care Consent Act allows all persons capable of informed consent to agree to treatment and presumes all people of being capable of giving consent, unless there is reason to believe to the contrary. [24]
Prince Edward IslandNoneComparable to Ontario, all people are presumed capable of consent.
Quebec14Minors of the minimum are able to consent to procedures not required for their health. Parental consent is still required for anything that involves serious risks or may cause serious effects to the child.
SaskatchewanNoneNo statute exists in Saskatchewan dictating an age of consent; absent a statute, common law being the mature minor doctrine endorsed by the Supreme Court of Canada applies.
YukonNoneComparable to Ontario, all people are presumed capable of consent.

United States

Several states permit minors to legally consent to medical treatment without parental consent or over parental objections.[25] In addition, many other states allow minors to consent to medical procedures under a more limited set of circumstances. These include providing limited minor autonomy only in enumerated cases, such as blood donation, substance abuse, sexual and reproductive health (including abortion and sexually transmitted infections), or for emergency medical services. Many states also exempt specific groups of minors from parental consent, such as homeless youth, emancipated minors, minor parents, or married minors.[26] Further complicating matters is the interaction between state tort law, state contract law, and federal law, depending on if the clinic accepts federal funding under Title X or Medicaid.

StateMinimum ageNotes
Alabama14Minors 14 years or older or who have graduated high school can consent to medical procedures. No evaluation of maturity required. Parental consent is required for abortion but can be bypassed.
AlaskaNoneNo evaluation of maturity required. Parental consent is not required for abortion, as this violates the Constitution of Alaska's clause protecting privacy.
ArkansasNoneAny minors capable of informed consent.
California12CA Family Code 6926 permits minors to consent to immunization against sexually transmitted infections.[27]
DelawareNone"Reasonable efforts" must have first been made to secure parental consent. Minors can consent to vaccinations for sexually transmitted infections.
IdahoNoneAny minors capable of informed consent.
IllinoisNoneAny minors capable of informed consent, but informed refusal of medical treatment can be overruled.
Kansas16Minors aged 16 are permitted de jure to consent to medical treatment when no parent is available. Mature minors are permitted to consent to medical treatment, but maturity must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
LouisianaNoneMinors are allowed to consent to any medical procedure they deem necessary.
MaineNoneA mature minor's wishes expressed in a living will must be considered.
MassachusettsNoneMature minors meeting are permitted to consent to medical treatment, but only if their "best interests ... will be served by not notifying his or her parents of intended medical treatment."
MinnesotaNoneMinnesota Statutes §144.3441 permits minors to consent to immunization against Hepatitis B.
MontanaNoneAny minors who have completed high school are able to consent to medical treatment.
NevadaNoneMature minors meeting are permitted to consent to medical treatment, but only if the healthcare worker believes the minor would risk a "serious health hazard" absent treatment.
New YorkNoneNY Public Health Law §2305 permits minors to consent to treatment for and immunization against sexually transmitted infections.[28]
Oregon15Minors aged 15 and up have the authority to consent to (but not necessarily refuse) medical treatment.
Pennsylvania18Minors aged 18 or who have completed high school can consent to medical treatment.
South Carolina16Minors aged 16 and up can consent to any medical treatment other than "operations".
Tennessee7Any mature minors capable of informed consent can consent to medical procedures. The courts make the rebuttable presumption that minors aged 7 to 13 are not mature, while minors 14 and up are.
WashingtonNoneMature minors may consent to medical procedures, including immunizations.[29]
Washington, D.C.12Minors 12 and older may consent to immunization with CDC-approved vaccines, even over parental objections. The law compels healthcare providers to seek payment directly from insurance companies without notifying parents.[30]
West VirginiaNoneAny minors capable of informed consent can consent to medical procedures.

Withholding of consent

See also: Informed refusal.

United States

In the United States, bodily integrity has long been considered a common law right; the United States Supreme Court, in 1891's Union Pacific Railway Company v. Botsford, found, "No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded, by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law." The Supreme Court in 1990 (Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health) allowed that "constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment may be inferred" in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, but the Court refrained from explicitly establishing what would have been a newly enumerated right. Nevertheless, lower courts have increasingly held that competent patients have the right to refuse any treatment for themselves.[31]

In 1989, the Supreme Court of Illinois interpreted the Supreme Court of the United States to have already adopted major aspects of mature minor doctrine, concluding,

Although the United States Supreme Court has not broadened this constitutional right of minors beyond abortion cases, the [Illinois] appellate court found such an extension "inevitable." ...Nevertheless, the Supreme Court has not held that a constitutionally based right to refuse medical treatment exists, either for adults or minors. ...[U.S. Supreme Court] cases do show, however, that no "bright line" age restriction of 18 is tenable in restricting the rights of mature minors, [thus] mature minors may possess and exercise rights regarding medical care... If the evidence is clear and convincing that the minor is mature enough to appreciate the consequences of her actions, and that the minor is mature enough to exercise the judgment of an adult, then the mature minor doctrine affords her the common law right to consent to or refuse medical treatment [including life and death cases, with some considerations].[32]

In 2016 the case of "In re Z.M." was heard in Maryland regarding a minor's right to refuse chemotherapy.[33]

In Connecticut, Cassandra C. a seventeen-year-old, was ordered by the Connecticut Supreme Court to receive treatment. The court decided that Cassandra was not mature enough to make medical decisions.[34] [13]


In 2009, the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in A.C. v. Manitoba [2009] SCC 30 (CanLII) found that children may make life and death decisions about their medical treatment. In the majority opinion, Justice Rosalie Abella wrote:

"The result of this [decision] is that young people under 16 will have the right to demonstrate mature medical decisional capacity. ...If, after a careful analysis of the young person’s ability to exercise mature and independent judgment, the court is persuaded that the necessary level of maturity exists, the young person’s views ought to be respected."A "dissenting"[35] opinion by Justice Ian Binnie would have gone further:

"At common law, proof of capacity entitles the 'mature minor' to exercise personal autonomy in making medical treatment decisions free of parental or judicial control. ...[A] young person with capacity is entitled to make the treatment decision, not just to have 'input' into a judge’s consideration of what the judge believes to be the young person's best interests."[36] Analysts note that the Canadian decision merely requires that younger patients be permitted a hearing, and still allows a judge to "decide whether or not to order a medical procedure on an unwilling minor".[37]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Book: West's Encyclopedia of American Law . 8 . West Publishing . 1998 . 47 . 9780314055385 .
  2. Legal issues in pediatrics and adolescent medicine . Angela Roddey . Holder . Yale University Press . 1985 . 133 . j.ctt1dr37qh .
  3. Web site: Mature-Minor Doctrine Law and Legal Definition . . Mature minor doctrine is a legal principle which... has been consistently applied in cases where the minor is sixteen years or older . 2 August 2021 .
  4. Web site: The Mature Minor Rule: Teens and patient confidentiality . Public Health - Seattle & King County . 2021-08-02 . April 4, 2021 .
  5. Web site: Mississippi Code . Miss. Code Ann. § 41-41-3 . 2021-08-02 . . § 41-41-3. Consent for surgical or medical treatment or procedures on unemancipated minors..
  6. Web site: 2019 Arkansas Code . . Title 20 - Public Health and Welfare; Subtitle 2 - Health and Safety; Chapter 9 - Health Facilities and Services Generally; Subchapter 6 - Consent to Treatment; § 20-9-602. Consent Generally - Definition . 2021-08-02 . 2019 .
  7. Tunick. Mark. 2021. State Authority, Parental Authority, and the Rights of Mature Minors. The Journal of Ethics. Online first, Sept. 4, 2021. 1–23. Springer Nature.
  8. Book: Children and the Law . Douglas E. . Abrams . Sarah H. . Ramsey . West Group . 2003 . 769 . 9780314263254 .
  9. Affirming the Decisions Adolescents Make about Life and Death. 10.2307/3527716. 3527716. Weir. Robert F.. Peters. Charles. The Hastings Center Report. 1997. 27. 6. 29–40. 9474494.
  10. Ethical problems in pediatric critical care: Consent. 12771592. 2003. Zawistowski. C. A.. Frader. J. E.. Critical Care Medicine. 31. 5 Suppl. S407-10. 10.1097/01.CCM.0000065274.46402.DB. 40746856.
  11. Mature Minors Should Have the Right to Refuse Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment. 10.1111/j.1748-720x.2000.tb00001.x. 2000. Derish. Melinda T.. Heuvel. Kathleen Vanden. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 28. 2. 109–124. 11185027. 21131455.
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  13. News: You Must Be This Old to Die . . Nicholas . St. Fleur . January 7, 2015 . July 30, 2021 .
  14. The Patient Self-determination Act. An early look at implementation. 8436486. 1993. Mezey. M.. Latimer. B.. The Hastings Center Report. 23. 1. 16–20. 10.2307/3562274. 3562274.
  15. . Belcher v. Charleston Area Medical Center . July 15, 1992 . S.E.2d . 422 . 827 .
  16. Web site: Mature Minors and Emancipated Minors . Health Sciences Center, West Virginia University . 2011-08-04 . . 2011-12-26 . dead .
  17. Vaccination over Parental Objection — Should Adolescents be Allowed to Consent to Receiving Vaccines?. 10.1056/NEJMp1905814. 2019. Silverman. Ross D.. Opel. Douglas J.. Omer. Saad B.. New England Journal of Medicine. 381. 2. 104–106. 31167045. 1805/22186. 174811777 . free.
  18. Web site: Teens of 'Anti-Vaxxers' Can Get Their Own Vaccines, Some States Say . . June 24, 2019 . Michael . Ollove . 30 July 2021 .
  19. News: As Parents Forbid Covid Shots, Defiant Teenagers Seek Ways to Get Them . The New York Times . 2021-06-26 . 30 July 2021 . Jan . Hoffman .
  20. Web site: Editorial: Vaccines are safe. So why shouldn't teens be able to get them on their own? . . 19 August 2022 . 28 August 2022 . L.A. Times Editorial Board .
  21. Web site: Consent of Minors to Medical Treatment . Kimberly N. . Knight . Siskinds LLP . 5 August 2014 . February 19, 2024.
  22. Web site: The Infants Act, Mature Minor Consent and Immunization . . March 29, 2019 . December 2015 .
  23. Web site: Consent of Minors to Medical Treatment . Kimberly N. . Knight . Siskinds LLP . 5 August 2014 . 29 March 2019.
  24. Web site: Health Care Consent Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c.2, Sched. A . elaws . 19 February 2024.
  25. The Legal Authority of Mature Minors to Consent to General Medical Treatment . Doriane Lambelet . Coleman . Philip M. . Rosoff . . 131 . 4 . 786–793 . April 2013 . 10.1542/peds.2012-2470 . 23530175 . 686006 . 12 March 2019 . . 2019-02-19 . dead .
  26. State Minor Consent Laws: A Summary, 3rd Edition . Abigail . English . Lindsay . Bass . Alison Dame . Boyle . Felicia . Eshragh . January 2010 . . 12 March 2019 .
  27. News: States are finding ways for teens to get HPV shots without parental consent . USA Today . Sonja . Haller . 2019-08-21 . 30 July 2021 .
  28. Web site: Dear Colleague: Minor Consent to HIV and HPV Prevention and Treatment . . December 19, 2017 . 31 July 2021 . Johanne E. . Morne . Nora K. . Yates .
  29. Web site: Providing Health Care to Minors under Washington Law: A summary of health care services that can be provided to minors without parental consent. . Columbia Legal Services . November 5, 2007 . March 12, 2019 .
  30. News: Parents Take Aim At D.C. Law That Allows Minors To Get Vaccinated Without Parental Permission . July 19, 2021 . . 30 July 2021 . Debbie . Truong . 30 July 2021 . . live .
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  32. In re E.G., 549 N.E.2d 322, 133 Ill. 2d 98, Supreme Court of Illinois, November 13, 1989, Retrieved 2011-05-16
  33. Web site: Court of Appeals Documents . October 3, 2016 . . 2019-07-08.
  34. News: The Choice is Not Always Yours: A Minor's Right to Make Medical Decisions. Campbell Law Observer. en-US. 2016-10-11.
  35. That is, dissenting to the disposition of this specific case rather than the larger point of law
  36. "A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services)", Supreme Court of Canada, June 26, 2009, Docket 31955, Retrieved 2011-05-16
  37. News: Charter Offers No Protection from Forced Blood Transfusion for Young Jehovah's Witness . Jim . Young . Center for Constitutional Studies . July 2, 2009 . . . dead . . 2011-05-16 . 10 October 2009 .