Mary Louise Roberts (historian) explained

Mary Louise Roberts is an American historian currently the WARF Distinguished Lucie Aubrac Professor and Plaenert Bascom Professor of History at University of Wisconsin.[1] [2] [3] [4] For the 2020–2021 academic year, she additionally was Charles Boal Ewing Chair in Military History at the United States Military Academy.[5]


Notes and References

  1. Web site: Mary Lou Roberts . . May 14, 2017.
  2. Web site: 2016 event . . May 14, 2017.
  3. Web site: Roberts, Mary Lou . . May 14, 2017.
  4. Web site: Mary Lou Roberts . August 11, 2017.
  5. Web site: Mary Louise Roberts.
    • Allen . James Smith . Review of Disruptive Acts: The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France . . 66 . 4 . 890–891 . 2004 . 0018-2370 . 24453046 . mdy-all .
    • Apter . Emily . Review of Disruptive Acts: The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France, ; The Modern Woman Revisited: Paris between the Wars . South Central Review . 22 . 3 . 133–139 . 2005 . 10.1353/scr.2005.0046 . 0743-6831 . 40039997 . 144551997 . mdy-all .
    • Berlanstein . Lenard R. . Review of Disruptive Acts: The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France, Mary Louise Roberts . . 76 . 3 . 702–704 . 2004 . 10.1086/425469 . 0022-2801 . 10.1086/425469 . mdy-all .
    • Edelman . Nicole . Review of Disruptive Acts. The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France . Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine . 52 . 2 . 243–244 . 2005 . 10.3917/rhmc.522.0243 . 0048-8003 . 20531246 . mdy-all . free .
    • Garelick . Rhonda . Review of Disruptive Acts: The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France . Social History . 29 . 1 . 111–113 . 2004 . 0307-1022 . 4287057 . mdy-all .
    • Mesch . Rachel L. . Review of Disruptive Acts. The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France . French Forum . 30 . 3 . 148–149 . 2005 . 0098-9355 . 40552408 . mdy-all .
    • Rogers . Rebecca . Review of Disruptive Acts: The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France . French Politics, Culture & Society . 23 . 3 . 153–156 . 2005 . 1537-6370 . 42843418 . mdy-all .
    • Web site: Schultheiss . Katrin . Shifting sexual roles at the turn of the century . . 2003-03-09 . en-US . 2020-09-19 . mdy-all .
    • Vergereau-Dewey . S. Pascale . Review of Disruptive Acts: The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France . The French Review . 77 . 2 . 404–405 . 2003 . 0016-111X . 3132812 . mdy-all .