List of Maronite patriarchs of Antioch explained

This is a list of the Maronite patriarchs of Antioch and all the East, the primate of the Maronite Church, one of the Eastern Catholic Churches. Starting with Paul Peter Massad in 1854, after becoming patriarch of the Maronite Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch, they assume the name "Peter" (Boutros in Arabic, بطرس), after the traditional first Bishop of Antioch, St. Peter, who was also the head of the Apostles. The official title that the Maronite Patriarch assumes is "Patriarch of Antioch and All the East". To this date 15 patriarchs have been canonized by the Catholic Church, with an extra two being beatified but not yet canonized.

For the Patriarchs of Antioch before John Maron, see List of Patriarchs of Antioch.

List of Patriarchs of Antioch and all the Levant of the Maronite Church

A famous list of Maronite Patriarchs of Antioch was written and published by Giuseppe Simone Assemani,[1] and Simon Awad, which follows the Series of Maronite Patriachs written by Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy in the 17th century,[2] but it is incomplete for the first centuries. Besides the Assemani's list, another more detailed list was written in Bejjeh in 1766 by Georges Saad.[3]

In the list here below the names shifted on the right are not included in the incomplete Assemani's list and derive from the Bejjeh list.

Patriarchs of Antioch before the Maronite-Greek schism, 1st century–686

OrderName of PatriarchPeriodNotes
1(c. 44–c. 53)
2(c. 53–c. 69)
3(c. 70–c. 108) Who was martyred in the reign of Trajan. His seven epistles are unique sources for the early Church.
7(c. 169–c. 182)
8Maximus I of Antioch (182–191)
11Philetus (220–231)
12Zebinnus (231–237)
13(237–c. 250)Who, according to Nicephorus, was martyred in the reign of Decius.
15(256–260)Who was taken captive by the Persians under Shapur
16(260–268) Was supported by Zenobia, deposed by Emperor Aurelian; in Paul's time Lucian of Antioch was head of the Antiochene catechetical school.
17Domnus I (268/9–273/4) Was supported by Emperor Aurelian.
18Timaeus (273/4–282)
19Cyril (283–303)
21Vitalius (314–320)
23St. Eustathius(324–330)
24Paulinus I (330, six months) Formerly bishop of Tyre, Semi-Arian and friend of Eusebius of Caesarea.
25Eulalius (331–332)
26Euphronius (332–333)
27Flacillus or Facellius (333–342)In whose time renovations were made to the great church of Antioch, according to Nicephorus.
28(342–344) Arian and opponent of Athanasius of Alexandria, deposed in 344.
29Leontius the Eunuch(344–358)Arian.
30(358–359)Formerly bishop of Germanicia, later (360–370) bishop of Constantinople, Homoian.
31Anianus (359)Immediately deposed.
32(360/1–362)Semi-Arian, deposed in the reign of Valens for Homoiousian leanings.
37Alexander(412–417)He ended the schism with the Eustathians in 415.
38(417–428) (alternately 420–429)
39John I(428–442)Condemned the First Council of Ephesus in the Nestorian controversy.
40(442–449)Deposed by the Second Council of Ephesus.
41(449–455)Appointed by Emperor Theodosius II, accepted the Council of Chalcedon, deposed under unclear circumstances.
42Basil of Antioch (456–458)Chalcedonian.
43Acacius of Antioch (458–461)Chalcedonian.
44(461–470)Chalcedonian, deposed by general Zeno.
45(471–476)Chalcedonian, exiled by Peter the Fuller.
47(479–before 488)Chalcedonian, opposed the Henoticon, exiled by Zeno, replaced by Peter the Fuller.
48Palladius(488–498)Chalcedonian, accepted the Henoticon.
49(498–518)Chalcedonian, accepted the Henoticon, deposed by Emperor Anastasius I.
51Euphrasius (521–528)
53Domnus III(546–561)
55(571–594/599) Brief interruption by Anastasius I of Antioch in 594.
57Gregory II(610–620)
58Anastasius III(620–628)
60George I(662–669)

Patriarchs during the Marada states, 686–1099

See main article: 7th century in Lebanon and 8th century in Lebanon.

OrderName of PatriarchNotes
63St. John Maron Iمار يوحنا مارون الأول63rd after Saint Peter. First of the Maronite patriarchs (b. 628, consecrated 686, d. 707)
64CyrusقوروشSon of Saint John Maron's sister
65Gabriel Iجبرائيل الأولLast patriarch to reside in Kfarhi monastery
66John Maron IIيوحنا مارون الثانيAlso known as John Maron II. At this point the Patriarchate moved to Yanou', Byblos
67John IIيوحنا الثانيOriginating from Byblos, also known as John I (or John III considering John Maron I and John Maron II)
68Gregory IIغريغوريوس الثاني-
69Stephen IIIاسطفانوس الثالث-
71EusebiusأوسابيوسAlso known as Hoaushab (حوشب)
72John IIIيوحنا الثالثAlso known as John II of Hama (or John IV considering Youhanna Maron, Youhanna Maron II and Youhanna I). During his reign, the Fourth Council of Constantinople convened in the year 869
73Joshua Iيشوع الأول
74David Iداوود الأول-
75Gregory IIIغريغوريوس الثالث-
76TheophylactثاوفيلكتوسAlso known as Habib or John V Habib
77Joshua IIيشوع الثانيYeshu II of Damascus
78DomitiusضوميطيوسDomitius of Beirut
80John IVيوحنا الرابعAlso known as John III (John VI)
81Simeon I شمعون الأولAlso known as Semaan (سمعان)
82Jeremiah Iإرميا الأولAlso known as Jeremiah I
83John Vيوحنا الخامسAlso known as John IV (John VII)
84Simeon IIشمعون الثاني-
85Simeon IIIشمعون الثالث-

Patriarchs during the Crusades, 1099–1305[3]

OrderName of PatriarchBirthplacePeriodPositionNotes
86Joseph I Al-Jirjissiيوسف الأول الجرجسي-1100–1120-First contact with the Crusaders
87Peter IIبطرس الأول-1120–1130-Patriarchate moves to Mayfuq, Byblos
88Gregory IVغريغوريوس الرابعHalat, Byblos1130–1141--
89Jacob Iيعقوب الأولRamat, Batroun1141–1151--
90John VIيوحنا السادسLehfed, Byblos1151–1154-Also known as John V (John VIII)
91Peter IIIبطرس الثالث-1154–1173--
92Peter IVبطرس الرابع-1173–1189--
93Peter VIبطرس الخامي-1189–1199--
94Jeremiah II Amsheetiإرميا الثاني العمشيتيAmsheet, Byblos1199–1230-Also known as Jeremiah II. Took part in the Fourth Lateran Council in Rome
95Daniel Iدانيال الأولShamat, Byblos1230–1239--
96John VIIيوحنا السابعJaj, Byblos1239–1245-Also known as John VI (John IX)
97Simeon IVسمعان الرابعBilaouza Jibbet1245–1277--
98Jacob IIيعقوب الثاني-1277–1278-Also known as Jacob II
99Daniel IIدانيال الثانيHadchit, Bsharri1278–1282--
100Luke لوقا Benahran, Koura1282–????-Schism and two rival patriarchs
101Jeremiah IIIإرميا الثالثDemalsa, Byblos1283–1297-Also known as Jeremiah III

Patriarchs during the Mamluk rule, 1305–1516

See also: Mamluk Sultanate (Cairo).

OrderName of PatriarchBirthplacePeriodPositionNotes
102Simeon Vشمعون الخامس-1297–1339Bishop of Cyprus-
103John VIIIيوحنا الثامنAqura, Byblos1339–1357-Also known as John VII
104Gabriel IIجبرائيل الثانيHjoula, Byblos1357–1367-Martyred at the hand of the Mamluks
105David IIداوود الثاني-1367–1404--
106John IX El-Jajiيوحنا الثامن الجاجيJaj, Byblos1404–1445Patriarchal emissary (نائب بطريركي)Also known as John VIII. At this time the Patriarchate moved to Kannoubine
107Jacob III El-Hadathiيعقوب الثالث الحدثيHadath El Jebbeh, Besharri1445–1468Bishop of Mar. Yohanna, BesharriAlso known as Jacob of Hadath
108Joseph II El-Hadathiيوسف الثاني الحدثيHadath El Jebbeh, Besharri1468–1492Patriarchal emissary (نائب بطريركي)Known as Joseph of Hadath and Ibn Hassan

Patriarchs during the Ottomans, 1516–1918

See also: Egypt Eyalet.

OrderName of PatriarchBirthplacePeriodPositionNotes
109Simeon VI El-Hadathiسمعان السادس الحدثيHadath El Jebbeh, Besharri1492–1524Patriarchal emissary (نائب بطريركي)-
110Moses Saade موسى سعادةKafroun, Akkar1524–1567Bishop of Sayyde and Houqa-
111Michael I Rizziميخائيل الأول الرزيBkoufa, Ehden1567–1581Bishop of Mar; Antonios Kozhaya-
112Sergius Rizziسركيس الرزيBkoufa, Ehden1581–1597Patriarchal emissary-
113Joseph III El-Rizziيوسف الثالث الرزيBkoufa, Ehden1597–1608Patriarchal emissary-
114John X Makhloufيوحنا العاشر مخلوفEhden, Zghorta1608–1633Patriarchal emissaryAlso known as John IX
115Greorge II Omairaجرجس (جورج) الثاني عميرةEhden, Zghorta1633–1644Bishop of Ehden-
116Joseph IV Halib يوسف الرابع حليبAqoura, Byblos1644–1648Bishop of Saida and Sour-
117John XI El-Bawwabيوحنا الحادي عشر البوابSafra, Keserwan1648–1656Patriarchal emissaryAlso known as John X
118George III Beseb'elyجرجس (جورج) الثالث البسبعليSebaal, Zghorta1656–1670Patriarchal emissary-
119Bl. Stephen IV El-Douaihyاسطفانوس الرابع الدويهيEhden, Zghorta1670–1704Bishop of Cyprus
120Gabriel IIIجبرائيل الثالثBlouzan, Keserwan1704–1705Bishop of AleppoAlso known as Gabriel II of Blaouza
121Jacob IV Awadيعقوب الرابع عوّادHasroun, Bsharri1705–1733Bishop of Tripoli-
122Joseph V El-Khazenيوسف الخامس الخازنJounieh, Keserwan1733–1742Bishop of Ghosta
123Simeon VII Awadسمعان السابع عوّادHasroun, Bsharri1742–1756Bishop of Damascus-
124Tobias El Khazenطوبيا الخازنBeqaata, Keserwan1756–1766Bishop of Cyprus-
125Joseph VI Estephanيوسف السادس اسطفانGhosta, Keserwan1766–1793Bishop of Beirut-
126Michael II Fadelميخائيل الثاني فاضلBeirut1793–1795Bishop of Beirut-
127Philip Gemayelفيليبس الجميّلBikfaya, Metn1795–1796Bishop of Cyprus-
128Joseph VII Tyanيوسف السابع تيّانBeirut1796–1809Bishop of Damascus; ونائب بطريركي-
129John XII Helouيوحنا الثاني عشر الحلوGhosta, Keserwan1809–1823Bishop of Haifa; ونائب بطريركي-
130Joseph VIII Hobaishيوسف الثامن حبيشSahel Alma, Keserwan1823–1845Bishop of TripoliPatriarchate moved to Bkerke
131Joseph IX El Khazenيوسف التاسع الخازنAjaltoun, Keserwan1845–1854Bishop of Tripoli 1845 events
132Paul III Peter Massadبولس الثالث بطرس مسعدAshqout, Keserwan1854–1890Patriarchal emissary (نائب بطريركي)1860 events, since his election "Peter" was added to the patriarcal nouns.
133John XIII Peter El Hajjيوحنا الثالث عشر بطرس الحاجDlebya, Batroun1890–1898Bishop of Baalbek-

Patriarch during modern Lebanon, 1918–present

See also: Lebanon.

OrderName of PatriarchBirthplacePeriodPositionNotes
134Bl. Elias Peter Hoayekالياس بطرس الحويّكHalta, Batroun1898–1931Bishop of Haifa; نائب بطريركيBirth of Greater Lebanon
135Anthony I Peter Aridaأنطونيوس الأول بطرس عريضةBecharri1931–1955Bishop of Tripoli-
136Paul IV Peter Meouchiبولس الرابع بطرس المعوشيJezzine1955–1975Bishop of Sour (Tyre)
137Anthony II Peter Khoraishأنطونيوس الثاني بطرس خريشAin Ebel, Bint Jbeil1975–1986نائب بطريركيAbdicated
138Nasrallah Peter Sfeirنصرالله بطرس صفيرRayfoun, Kesrwan1986–2011Bishop of Sarba and DamascusAbdicatedPatriarch Emeritus, Cardinal of the Catholic Church
139Bechara Peter Al-Rahiبشارة بطرس الراعيHemlaya, Metn2011–presentBishop of ByblosIncumbent Patriarch

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. J.S.Assemani Serie chronologica Patriarchorum Antionchiae, edited and integrated by Joanne Darauni, Rome 1881
  2. Book: Graf, Georg . Georg Graf . Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, Volume 3 . Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana . 1960 . 90.5 . 371.
  3. Book: Dau, Butros. Religious, cultural and political history of the Maronites . 1984 . Lebanon . 228–238.