Marmara (moth) explained

Marmara is a genus of moths in the family Gracillariidae.

The head is smooth, antennae four-fifths to one, basal joint thick, with slight pecten. Labial palpi moderately long, porrected, slender, with appressed scales, pointed. Maxillary palpi 3 absent, 4 absent, 6 absent, 8 absent, 11 absent. Hindwings about one-half, linear-canceolate, cilia: 3 absent, 4 absent, 5 and 6 stalked.[1]

Correlated to Lithocolletis, but distinguished by the smooth head.Imago in repose sitting with forepart somewhat raised.


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Notes and References

  1. Genera insectorum Meyrick, in: Genera insectorum fasc. 128. P:12