Mark Monmonier bibliography explained

Mark Monmonier (born February 2, 1943) is a geographer with a long track record of publications that have been influential to the discipline. In 2023, the American Association of Geographers awarded Monmonier a lifetime achievement award, with prominent mention of his publication track record, specifically stating, "Monmonier’s works are timeless and have transformed how people see, analyze, and interact with maps."[1] Monmonier stands out from other academics in that he published several books aimed at the general population. His most famous book, How to Lie with Maps has been referred to as the "bible for cartographers" by Steven Bernard of the Financial Times and ""the closest thing to a religious text we have in cartography" in Spatial Literacy in Public Health: Faculty-Librarian Teaching Collaborations.[2] His publication Maximum-Difference Barriers : An Alternative Numerical Regiodization Method lead to what is now referred to as the "Monmonier Algorithm."


Single author books

Maps, Distortion, and Meaning1977Association of American Geographers
Computer-assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects1982Prentice-Hall[3] [4] [5]
Technological Transition in Cartography 1985University of Wisconsin Press[6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
Maps with the News: the Development of American Journalistic Cartography1989University of Chicago Press[15]
How to Lie with Maps1991, 1996, 2018University of Chicago Press[16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
Mapping It Out: Expository Cartography for the Humanities and Social Sciences 1993University of Chicago Press[24]
Drawing the Line: Tales of Maps and Cartocontroversy1995Henry Holt[25]
Cartographies of Danger: Mapping Hazards in America 1997University of Chicago Press[26]
Air Apparent: How Meteorologists Learned to Map, Predict, and Dramatize Weather1999University of Chicago Press
Bushmanders & Bullwinkles: How Politicians Manipulate Electronic Maps and Census Data to Win Elections2001University of Chicago Press[27]
Spying with Maps: Surveillance Technologies and the Future of Privacy2002University of Chicago Press[28]
Rhumb Lines and Map Wars: a Social History of the Mercator Projection 2004University of Chicago Press[29] [30] [31]
From Squaw Tit to Whorehouse Meadow: How Maps Name, Claim, and Inflame2006University of Chicago Press
Coast Lines: How Mapmakers Frame the World and Chart Environmental Change2008University of Chicago Press[32] [33]
No Dig, No Fly, No Go: How Maps Restrict and Control2010University of Chicago Press[34] [35] [36]
Lake Effect: Tales of Large Lakes, Arctic Winds, and Recurrent Snows2012 Syracuse University Press[37] [38] [39]
Adventures in Academic Cartography: A Memoir2014, 2016Syracuse, NY: Bar Scale Press[40]
Patents and Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective for Map History2017Palgrave Macmillan[41]
Connections and Content: Reflections on Networks and the History of Cartography2019Esri Press, [42] [43] [44]
Clock and Compass: How John Byron Plato Gave Farmers a Real Address 2022University Of Iowa Press[45] [46]

Co-authored books and edited volumes

The Study of Population: Elements, Patterns, ProcessesGeorge A. Schnell1983Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co
The History of Cartography: Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian SocietiesGeorge A. Schnell1983Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co
Map AppreciationGeorge A. Schnell1988Prentice-Hall
Volume Six of the History of Cartography:Cartography in the Twentieth Century2015University of Chicago Press
A Directory of Cartographic Inventors: Clever People Awarded a US Patent for a Map-Related Device or MethodAdrienne Atterberry, Kayla Fermin, Gabrielle Marzolf, Madeline Hamlin 2018Bar Scale Press[47]

Book chapters and encyclopedia entries

Chapter TitleBook titleCo-author(s)DatePublisherIdentifierCitation(s)Notes
The Three R's of Gis-Based Site Selection: Representation, Resistance, and RidiculePolicy issues in modern Cartography1998Elsevier
Thematic Maps in GeographyInternational Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences2001Elsevier
Chapter 6 - The Internet, Cartographic Surveillance, and Locational PrivacyMaps and the Internet2003Wiley-Blackwell
Chapter 26 CartographyGeography in America at the Dawn of the 21st CenturyRobert B McMaster2004Oxford University Press
CartographyThe Social Science Encyclopedia2004Taylor and Francis
Chapter 2 POMP and circumstance: Plain old map products in a cybercartographic worldModern Cartography Series2005Elsevier
Geolocation and Locational Privacy: The “Inside” Story on Geospatial TrackingPrivacy and Technologies of Identity2006Springer
High-Resolution Coastal Elevation Data: The Key to Planning for Storm Surge and Sea Level Rise Geospatial Technologies and Homeland Security2008Springer
Web Cartography and the Dissemination of Cartographic Information about Coastal Inundation and Sea Level Rise International perspectives on maps and the Internet2008Springer
A Century of Cartographic ChangeThe Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation 2010Wiley-Blackwell
Strategies for the Visualization of Geographic Time-Series DataThe Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation 2010Wiley-Blackwell
Strategies for the Visualization of Geographic Time-Series DataClassics in Cartography: Reflections on Influential Articles from Cartographica2011John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Reflection Essay: Strategies for the Visualization of Geographic Time-Series DataClassics in Cartography: Reflections on Influential Articles from Cartographica2011John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Maps that Say "No!": The Rise of Prohibitive CartographyGeography and Social Justice in the Classroom2013Routledge
Innovation and Inertia in Atmospheric and Census Cartography in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century AmericaVisible Numbers2016Routledge
CartographyInternational Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology2017John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hunches and hopesThe Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography2017Routledge
‘Change-of-State’ in the History of CartographyMotion in Maps, Maps in Motion2020Amsterdam University Press

Peer reviewed Articles

Single author articles

The production of shaded maps on the digital computer1965The Professional Geographer
Computer mapping with the digital increment plotter1968The Professional Geographer
Computer mapping with the digital increment plotter1968The Professional Geographer
Shaded area symbols for the digital increment plotter1970Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie
A Spatially-Controlled Principal Components Analysis1970Geographical Analysis
Digitized map measurement and correlation applied to an example in crop ecology1971Geographical Review
Upland adjustment to regional drainage in central Pennsylvania: an application of trend surface analysis1971Journal of Geography
Comparison of quantitative regionalization methods1972Geographical Review
Flow‐linkage construction for spatial trend recognition1972Geographical Analysis
Maximum-Difference Barriers : An Alternative Numerical Regiodization Method* 1973Geographical Analysis[48] [49]
Measures of Pattern Complexity for Choroplethic Maps1974The American Cartographer
Maximizing the information content of maps of spatial-temporal disease distributions1974Cartographica
Internally-stored Scan-lines for Line-printer Mapping1975The American Cartographer
Class Intervals to Enhance the Visual Correlation of Choroplethic Maps1975Cartographica
Jacques M. May1976 The Professional Geographer
Modifying objective functions and constraints for maximizing visual correspondence of choroplethic maps1976 Cartographica
Regression-based Scaling to Facilitate the Cross-correlation of Graduated Circle Maps1977The Cartographic Journal
The significance and symbolization of trend direction1977The Cartographic Journal
Viewing Azimuth and Map Clarity1978 Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Estimates of trend direction/ vagueness and bias in map reading1979 Canadian Cartography
Modelling the Effect of Reproduction Noise on Continuous-tone Area Symbols1979 The Cartographic Journal
The hopeless pursuit of purification in cartographic communication: A comparison of graphic-arts and perceptual distortions of graytone symbols1980Cartographica
Automated Techniques in Support of Planning for the National Atlas1981The American Cartographer
Trends in atlas development1981Cartographica
Street Maps And Private-Sector Map Making/A Case Study Of Two Firms1981Cartographica
Map-text coordination in geographic writing1981The Professional Geographer
Flat Laxity, Optimization, And Rounding In The Selection Of Class Intervals1982 Cartographica
Cartography and Mapping1982Progress in Human Geography
Cartography, geographic information, and public policy1982Progress in Human Geography
Comments on “Automated Geography”1983Progress in Human Geography
Cartography, mapping and geographic information1983Progress in Human Geography
Raster-mode area generalization for land use and land cover maps1983Cartographica
More on mapping1984Journal of Geography in Higher Education
Geographic Information and Cartography1984Progress in Human Geography
Former Editor Protests Censorship1985The American Cartographer
The rise of map use by elite newspapers in England, Canada, and the United States1987Imago Mundi
Displacement in vector-and raster-mode graphics1987Cartographica
Telegraphy, iconography, and the weather map: Cartographic weather reports by the United States Weather Bureau, 1870–19351988Imago Mundi
Geographic brushing: Enhancing exploratory analysis of the scatterplot matrix1989Geographical analysis
Regionalizing and matching features for interpolated displacement in the automated generalization of digital cartographic databases1989Cartographica
Interpolated Generalization: Cartographic Theory For Expert guided Feature Displacement1989Cartographica
Strategies for the visualization of geographic time-series data1990Cartographica
Graphically encoded knowledge bases for expert-guided feature generalization in cartographic display systems1990International Journal of Expert Systems
Cartography at Syracuse University1991Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
Ethics and map design: Six strategies for confronting the traditional one-map solution1991Cartographic Perspectives
Authoring Graphic Scripts: Experiences and Principles1992Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
Summary Graphics for Integrated Visualization in Dynamic Cartography1992Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
Exploring the Quality of Enumeration-Area Data with Graphic Scripts1993Cartographica
What a Friend We Have in GIS1993The Professional Geographer
The Rise of the National Atlas1994Cartographica
Temporal Generalization for Dynamic Maps1996Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
Geography And Cartography In The Twenty-First Century1996Cartographic Perspectives
Civil War Newspaper Maps: A Historical Atlas1996Imago Mundi
Anatomy of a Cartographic Surrogate: the Portrayal of Complex Electoral Boundaries in the Congressional District Atlas2000Cartographic Perspectives
Hook, Line, and Gerrymander2000Mercator's World
Webcams, Interactive Index Maps, and Our Brave New World’s Brave New Globe2000Cartographic Perspectives
My Favorite Map2000Mercator's World
Simple Rules, Useful Maps2000Mercator's World
The dearth of modern projects2001Mercator's World
Orthophotos and orthophotoquad maps2001Mercator's World
Perfectly Flat2001Mercator's World
The changing landscape of cartographic copyright2001Mercator's World
Where Should Map History End?2001Mercator's World
Map Traps2001Mercator's World
Originality Bites2001Mercator's World
Current and seamless: the US geological survey's national map project.(All Over The Map)2001Mercator's World
Current and seamless: the US geological survey's national map project.(All Over The Map)2001Mercator's World
The earth moved: datums and detail on topographic maps.(All Over the Map
| 2002| Mercator's World||||-|Faith-based cartography: it's back: the Peters world view.(All Over The Map)| 2002| Mercator's World||||-|Wright on: density maps, symbolic landscapes, and the cartographic insight of John Kirtland Wright.(All Over The Map)| 2002| Mercator's World||||-|Aerial Photography at the Agricultural Adjustment Administration: Acreage Controls, Conservation Benefits, and Overhead Surveillance in the 1930s| 2002| Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing||||-|Cartography: distortions, world-views and creative solutions| 2005| Progress in Human Geography| |||-|Lying with Maps| 2005| Statistical Science| |||-|Critic, Deconstruct Thyself: A Rejoinder to Koch's Nonsense of Snow| 2005| Cartographica| |||-|Cartography: uncertainty, interventions, and dynamic display| 2006| Progress in Human Geography| |||-|Cartography: the multidisciplinary pluralism of cartographic art, geospatial technology, and empirical scholarship| 2007| Progress in Human Geography| |||-|History, Jargon, Privacy and Multiple Vulnerabilities| 2013| The Cartographic Journal| |||-|Twentieth-Century Themes for the Progressive Map Collection| 2015| Cartographic Perspectives| |||-|Motives for Patenting a Map Projection: Did Fame Trump Fortune?| 2018 | The Cartographic Journal| |||-|Waldo R. Tobler (1930–2018)| 2019 | Imago Mundi| |||-


Co-authored articles

Improving the interpretation of geographical canonical correlation modelsFay Evanko Finn1973The Professional Geographer
Interstate Migration of Physicians in the United States: the Case of 1955–1959 GraduatesGeorge A Schnell1976The Professional Geographer
U.S. Population Change 1960–70: Simplification, Meaning, And MappingGeorge A Schnell1976Journal of Geography
Maps in Minds: Reflections on Cognitive MappingRoger M. Downs, David Stea1976Geographical Review
The mortality-fertility ratio: a useful measure for describing demographic change in the United States, 1940-1975.George A Schnell1979Geographical survey
Population change: components, measurements and effects of scale(northwestern United States)George A Schnell1979Ecumene
Focus Groups for Design Improvement in Dynamic CartographyMyke Gluck1979Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
GIS in New York State county emergency management offices: User assessmentAlberto Giordano1998Applied Geographic Studies
Municipal boundaries and the idea of placeG. A. Schnell1998Pennsylvania Geographer
The Exploratory Essays Initiative: Background and OverviewDavid Woodward2002 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

Book reviews

Review work: Medical Geography: Techniques and Field Studies1972Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Reviewed Work: Graphic Communication and Design in Contemporary Cartography D. R. Fraser Taylor1984Geographical Review
Reviewed Work: Mapping Information: The Graphic Display of Quantitative Information Howard T. Fisher1984Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Reviewed Works: Semiology of Graphics: Diagrams, Networks, Maps by Jacques Bertin, William J. Berg; The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Edward R. Tufte1985Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Education and training in contemporary cartography: A review1985Journal of Geography in Higher Education
Reviewed Work: Monarchs, Ministers, and Maps: The Emergence of Cartography as a Tool of Government in Early Modern Europe David Buisseret1993Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Reviewed Work: Picturing Knowledge: Historical and Philosophical Problems concerning the Use of Art in Science Brian S. Baigrie1997Geographical Review
Book Review: Framework for the world.1999Progress in Human Geography
Reviewed Work: South Carolina Atlas of Environmental Risks and Hazards by Susan L. Cutter, Deborah S. K. Thomas, Micah E. Cutler, Jerry T. Mitchell, Michael S. Scott2000Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Review: The New Nature of Maps: Essays in the History of Cartography2001Cartographic Perspectives
A Review of “Putting “America” on the Map: The Story of the Most Important Graphic Document in the History of the United States”2009The Professional Geographer
On the Edge: Mapping North America’s Coasts by Roger M. McCoy (review)2009Cartographica
Cartographic Japan: A History in Maps2017The AAG Review of Books
Dark spaces on the map2021Technology Review
Review of Emma Willard: Maps of History2023Cartographic Perspectives

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2023 AAG Awards Recognition: Lifetime Achievement Honors . American Association of Geographers . 11 January 2023 . 12 January 2023.
  2. Book: Adams . Aaron . Ghosh . Debarchana . Chen . Xiang . Li . Weidong . Zhang . Chuanrong . Gallaher . Adam . Ou . Ashley Benitez . Cantwell-Jurkovic . Laureen P. . Parece . Tammy E. . Spatial Literacy in Public Health: Faculty-Librarian Teaching Collaborations . 24 July 2024 . ACRL . 979-8-89255-547-0 . 31 July 2024 . Using Geospatial Visualizations to Better Understand Public Health Data.
  3. Hubert . George . Reviews: Computer-Assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects by Mark Monmonier . Computers & Geosciences . 1989 . 15 . 7 . 1200–1201 . 10.1016/0098-3004(89)90135-0 . 6 October 2024.
  4. Gardiner . Vince . Literature for Teaching Computer Assisted Cartography to Geographers . Journal of Geography in Higher Education . 1986 . 10 . 1 . 71–77 . 10.1080/03098268608708958 . 6 October 2024.
  5. Smith . N. S. . Reviewed Work: Computer-Assisted Cartography-Principles and Prospect Mark S. Monmonier . The Geographical Journal . 1984 . 150 . 1 . 125–126 . 10.2307/633980 . 633980 . 6 October 2024.
  6. Goodchild . Michael F. . Technological Transition in Cartography . Cartographica . 1987 . 24 . 3 . 91–124 . 10.3138/1236-0286-3035-3520 . 25 July 2024.
  7. Keller . C. P. . Reviews: Technological Transitions in Cartography . Canadian Geographies . 1986 . 30 . 4 . 290–381 . 10.1111/j.1541-0064.1986.tb01232.x . 25 July 2024.
  8. Book: Smith . Linda C. . Gluck . Myke . Smith . Linda C. . Gluck . Myke . Geographic information systems and libraries: patrons, maps, and spatial information . 1995 . Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign . 0-87845-097-1 . 23 July 2024 . Introduction. 2142/354 .
  9. Carter . James R. . Reviewed Work(s): Technological Transition in Cartography . Geographical Review . 1986 . 76 . 1 . 112–113 . 10.2307/214794 . 214794 . 25 July 2024.
  10. Snyder . John P. . Reviewed Work(s): Technological Transition in Cartography . Annals of the Association of American Geographers . 1987 . 77 . 1 . 148–150 . 2569215 . 25 July 2024.
  11. Karroway Jr. . Robert W. . Reviewed Work(s): Technological Transition in Cartography . Technology and Culture . 1987 . 28 . 1 . 181–183 . 10.2307/3105517 . 3105517 . 25 July 2024.
  12. MacEachren . Alan . Review of the book Technological Transition in Cartography . The American Cartographer . 1986 . 13 . 4 . 276–277 . 10.1559/152304086783887190.
  13. Blakemore . M. . Reviews: Technological Transition in Cartography . Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space . 1986 . 18 . 2 . 283 . 10.1068/a180277 . 25 July 2024.
  14. Book: Dodge . Martin . Kitchin . Rob . Perkins . Chris . Dodge . Martin . Kitchin . Rob . Perkins . Chris . The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation . 2011 . John Wiley & Sons . 9780470979587 . ixx . 1 . 16 August 2024 . Preface. 10.1002/9780470979587 .
  15. Kielbowicz . Richard B. . Maps with the News: The Development of American Journalistic Cartography by Mark Monmonier (review) . Technology and Culture . 1990 . 31 . 553–554 . 10.1353/tech.1990.0041 . 8 October 2024.
  16. Web site: Lehmann-Haupt . Christopher . Books of The Times; Appearance of Fact, Inevitable Deception (How to Lie With Map By Mark Monmonier) . . 25 June 2024 . 1991.
  17. Blij . Harm J de . Book Reviews:How to Lie with Maps. Mark Monmonier. . Annals of the Association of American Geographers . 1992 . 82 . 1 . 175–176 . 10.1111/j.1467-8306.1992.tb01903.x . 25 June 2024.
  18. Gilmartin . Patricia . Review: How to Lie with Maps by Mark Monmonier. . Geographical Review . 1992 . 82 . 1 . 92–93 . 10.2307/215413 . 215413 . 25 June 2024.
  19. Pickle . Linda Williams . Reviewed Work: How to Lie with Maps by Mark Monmonier . The American Statistician . 1997 . 51 . 2 . 206 . 10.2307/2685420 . 2685420 . 25 June 2024.
  20. Carlucci . April . Shorter notices:How to Lie with Maps. Mark Monmonier. . Imago Mundi the International Journal for the History of Cartography . 1997 . 49 . 1 . 187 . 10.1080/03085699708592869 . 25 June 2024.
  21. Levine . Evan I. . Review of How to Lie with Maps, Third Edition . Cartographic Perspectives . 2018 . 91 . 91 . 141–147 . 10.14714/CP91.1498 . 25 June 2024. free .
  22. Web site: Smith . Alan . Review: How to lie with maps . . Financial Times . 25 June 2024 . 2018.
  23. Belyea . Barbara . Review: How to lie with maps (third edition) . The Cartographic Journal . 2018 . 55 . 4 . 400–404 . 10.1080/00087041.2018.1545458.
  24. Turner . Eugene . Reviewed Work: Mapping It out: Expository Cartography for the Humanities and Social Sciences Mark Monmonier . Geographical Review . 1994 . 84 . 3 . 347–349 . 10.2307/215461 . 215461 . 6 October 2024.
  25. Tyner . Judith . Book Review:Drawing the Line, Tales of Maps and Cartocontroversy . Cartographic Perspectives . 1995 . 22 . 15–16 . 10.14714/CP22.781 . 8 October 2024. free .
  26. Barnett . Arnold . Cartographies of Danger: Mapping Hazards in America . Technology Review . 1997 . 100 . 7 . 7 September 2024.
  27. Crampton . Jeremy W . Maps, politics, and history:An interview conducted with Mark Monmonier . Environment and Planning D: Society and Space . 2002 . 20 . 6 . 10.1068/d2006c . 6 October 2024.
  28. Web site: 2002 AAG Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography . American Association of Geographers . 16 September 2024.
  29. Fitzsimons . Dennis . Review: Rhumb Lines and Map Wars: A Social History of the Mercator Projection . The Professional Geographer . 2006 . 58 . 4 . 497–499 . 10.1111/j.1467-9272.2006.00585_3.x . 6 October 2024.
  30. Vermij . Rienk . Reviewed Work: Rhumb Lines and Map Wars: A Social History of the Mercator Projection Mark Monmonier . ISIS . 2008 . 99 . 1 . 10.1086/589341 . 10.1086/589341 . 6 October 2024.
  31. Spanagel . David I. . Rhumb Lines and Map Wars: A Social History of the Mercator Projection (review) . Journal of Interdisciplinary History . 2007 . 37 . 3 . 427–428 . 10.1162/jinh.2007.37.3.427 . 6 October 2024.
  32. Warner . Deborah Jean . Charting the water's edge . Nature . 2008 . 453 . 7193 . 285–286 . 10.1038/453285a . 2008Natur.453..285W . 8 October 2024.
  33. Meyer-Arendt . Klaus J. . Coast Lines: How Mapmakers Frame the World and Chart Environmental Change (review) . Technology and Culture . 2009 . 62 . 3 . 703–704 . 10.1353/tech.0.0312 . 8 October 2024.
  34. Bol . Peter K. . Reviews: No Dig, No Fly, No Go: Hows Map Restrict and Control. By Mark Monmonier . The Journal of Interdisciplinary History . 2011 . 41 . 4 . 620–621 . 10.1162/JINH_r_00159 . 6 October 2024.
  35. Jackson . Shannon . No Dig, No Fly, No Go: How Maps Restrict and Control (review) . Technology and Culture . 2011 . 52 . 2 . 432–434 . 10.1353/tech.2011.0044 . 6 October 2024.
  36. Cloud . John . Book Reviews: No Dig No Fly No Go: How Maps Restrict and Control. By Mark Monmonier . Imago Mundi . 2011 . 63 . 2 . 236–237 . 10.1080/03085694.2011.568774 . 6 October 2024.
  37. Hickey . Bob . Review of Lake Effect: Tales of Large Lakes, Arctic Winds, and Recurrent Snows . Cartographic Perspectives . 2014 . 77 . 77 . 73–74 . 10.14714/CP77.1261 . free .
  38. McNally . Lou . Lake Effect: Tales of Large Lakes, Arctic Winds, and Recurrent Snows by Mark Monmonier (review) . Technology and Culture . 2014 . 55 . 4 . 1014–1015 . 10.1353/tech.2014.0101 . 9 October 2024.
  39. Hall-Beyer . Mryka . Reviews: Lake effect: Tales of large lakes, arctic winds, and recurrent snows by Mark Monmonier . Canadian Geographies . 2015 . 59 . 2 . e39 . 10.1111/cag.12180 . 9 October 2024.
  40. Starrs . Paul F. . Two Authors, Forty Books: Coping with Writing Matters . Geographical Review . 2017 . 107 . 4 . 722–738 . 10.1111/j.1931-0846.2016.12172.x . 2017GeoRv.107..722S . 6 October 2024.
  41. Swab . John J. . Review of Patents and Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective for Map History . Cartographic Perspectives . 2018 . 90 . 90 . 110–112 . 10.14714/CP90.1464 . 6 October 2024. free .
  42. Walker . Stewart . Book Review "Connections and Content: Reflections on Networks and the History of Cartography" . Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing . 2020 . 86 . 11 . 659–660 . 10.14358/PERS.86.11.659. free .
  43. Wood . Marissa . Connections and Content: Reflections on Networks and the History of Cartography . Cartographic Perspectives . 2020 . 97 . 65–67 . 10.14714/CP97.1661 . 1 November 2024 . 7 September 2024.
  44. Web site: Seegel . Steven . Interview "Mark Monmonier Connections and Content Reflections on Networks and the History of Cartography" . New Books Network . 6 October 2024.
  45. Kirby . Russell S. . Review of Clock and Compass: How John Byron Plato Gave Farmers a Real Address . Cartographic Perspectives . 2023 . 101 . 10.14714/CP101.1823 . 7 October 2024. free .
  46. Hampton . Matthew . Review: Review of Clock and Compass: How John Byron Plato Gave Farmers a Real Address . Cartographic Perspectives . 2023 . 101 . 10.14714/CP101.1831 . 7 October 2024. free .
  47. Suchan . Trudy . Review of A Directory of Cartographic Inventors: Clever People Awarded a US Patent for a Map-Related Device or Method . Cartographic Perspectives . 2019 . 92 . 10.14714/CP92.1530 . 30 September 2024. free .
  48. Manni . Franz . Guérard . Etienne . Heyer . Evelyne . Geographic patterns of (genetic, morphologic, linguistic) variation: how barriers can be detected by using Monmonier's algorithm . Human Biology . 2004 . 76 . 2 . 173–90 . 10.1353/hub.2004.0034 . 15359530 . 8 October 2024.
  49. Book: Monmonier . Mark . Adventures in Academic Cartography: A Memoir . 2016 . Bar Scale Press . 978-0692332252.