Mariyah Islamic School | |
Address: | 3667 Lawrence Ave. East |
City: | Toronto |
Province: | Ontario |
Postcode: | M1G 1P7 |
Country: | Canada |
Schooltype: | Private |
Religious Affiliation: | Islam |
Founded: | 1995 |
District: | Scarborough / Toronto |
Number: | 880032 |
Principal: | Mufti Abdul Majid Khan and Sister Mariam Jameela Khan |
Grades Label: | Grades |
Grades: | Kindergarten to grade twelve |
Language: | English |
Colours: | Blue and White |
Mariyah Islamic School is an all-girls school located in Toronto, Canada. It is located at Central Mosque Scarborough.
The school is recognized and accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Education, was first opened in 1995 and is known as the "sister" of Jaamiah Ajax, a boarding school exclusively for boys. The education offered at Mariyah ranges from kindergarten to grade 12. The school's curriculum consists of both Islamic studies and traditional academic courses.