Prince Edward Islands Explained

Prince Edward Islands
Location:Indian Ocean
Area Km2:335
Highest Mount:Mascarin Peak
Elevation M:1230
Population:0 (permanent)
50 (non-permanent research staff)
Country: South Africa
Country Admin Divisions Title:Province
Country Admin Divisions:Western Cape
Country Admin Divisions Title 1:Municipality
Country Admin Divisions 1:City of Cape Town

The Prince Edward Islands are two small uninhabited islands in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean that are administered by South Africa. They are named Marion Island (named after Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne, 1724–1772) and Prince Edward Island (named after Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn, 1767–1820).

The islands in the group have been declared Special Nature Reserves under the South African Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, No. 57 of 2003, and activities on the islands are therefore restricted to research and conservation management.[1] [2] Further protection was granted when the area was declared a marine protected area in 2013.[3] [4] The only human inhabitants of the islands are the staff of a meteorological and biological research station run by the South African National Antarctic Programme on Marion Island.


Barent Barentszoon Lam of the Dutch East India Company reached the islands on 4 March 1663 on the ship Maerseveen. They were named Dina (Prince Edward) and Maerseveen (Marion),[5] but the islands were erroneously recorded to be at 41° South, and neither were found again by subsequent Dutch sailors.[6] [7]

In January 1772, the French frigate Le Mascarin, captained by Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne, visited the islands and spent five days trying to land, thinking they had found Antarctica (then not yet proven to exist).[8] Marion named the islands Terre de l'Espérance (Marion) and Ile de la Caverne (Prince Edward).[6] After failing to land, Le Mascarin continued eastward, discovering the Crozet Islands and landing at New Zealand, where Marion du Fresne and some of his crew were killed by local Māoris.

Julien Crozet, navigator and second in command of Le Mascarin, survived the disaster, and happened to meet James Cook at Cape Town in 1776, at the onset of Cook's third voyage.[9] Crozet shared the charts of his ill-fated expedition, and as Cook sailed from Cape Town, he passed the islands on 13 December, but was unable to attempt a landing due to bad weather. Cook named the islands after Prince Edward, the fourth son of King George III; and though he is also often credited with naming the larger island Marion, after Captain Marion, this name was adopted by sealers and whalers who later hunted the area, to distinguish the two islands.[10]

The first recorded landing on the islands was in 1799 by a group of French seal hunters of the Sally.[10] Another landing in late 1803 by a group of seal hunters led by American captain Henry Fanning of the Catharine found signs of earlier human occupation.[11] The islands were frequented by sealers until about 1810, when the local fur seal populations had been nearly eradicated.[10] The first scientific expedition to the islands was led by James Clark Ross, who visited in 1840 during his exploration of the Antarctic, but was unable to land.[10] Ross sailed along the islands on 21 April 1840. He made observations on vast numbers of penguins ("groups of many thousands each"), and other kinds of sea-birds. He also saw fur seals, which he supposed to be of the species Arctocephalus falklandicus. The islands were finally surveyed during the Challenger Expedition, led by Captain George Nares, in 1873.[12]

The sealing era lasted from 1799 to 1913. During that period visits by 103 vessels are recorded, seven of which ended in shipwreck.[13] Sealing relics include iron trypots, the ruins of huts and inscriptions. The occasional modern sealing vessel visited from Cape Town, South Africa, in the 1920s.

The islands have been the location of other shipwrecks. In June 1849 the brig Richard Dart, with a troop of Royal Engineers under Lt. James Liddell, was wrecked on Prince Edward Island; only 10 of the 63 on board survived to be rescued by elephant seal hunters from Cape Town.[14] In 1908 the Norwegian vessel Solglimt was shipwrecked on Marion Island, and survivors established a short-lived village at the north coast, before being rescued.[11] [15] [16] The wreck of the Solglimt is the best-known in the islands, and is accessible to divers.[11]

On 22 September 1979, a US surveillance satellite known as Vela 6911 noted an unidentified double flash of light, known as the Vela incident, in the waters off the islands. There was and continues to be considerable controversy over whether this event was perhaps an undeclared nuclear test carried out by South Africa and Israel or some other event.[17] The cause of the flash remains officially unknown, and some information about the event remains classified.[18] Today, most independent researchers believe that the 1979 flash was caused by a nuclear explosion.[19] [20] [21]

In 2003, the South African government declared the Prince Edward Islands a Special Nature Reserve, and in 2013 declared of ocean waters around the islands a Marine Protection Area, thus creating one of the world's largest environmental protection areas.

Marion Research Station

Marion Island Base
Settlement Type:Antarctic base
Coordinates:-46.8755°N 37.8585°W
Subdivision Type:Country
Subdivision Name:
Subdivision Type1:Operator
Subdivision Name1:SANAP
Established Title:Established
Extinct Title:Evacuated
Unit Pref:Metric
Elevation M:22
Population Blank1 Title:Summer
Population Blank1:18
Population Blank2 Title:Winter
Population Blank2:18
Utc Offset1:+3
Code1 Name:UN/LOCODE
Code1 Info:ZA
Blank Name Sec1:Active times
Blank Info Sec1:All year-round
Blank1 Name Sec1:Status
Blank1 Info Sec1:Operational
Blank Name Sec2:Activities

In 1908, the British government assumed ownership of the islands. In late 1947 and early 1948, South Africa, with Britain's agreement, annexed the islands and installed the meteorological station on Transvaal Cove on the north-east coast of Marion Island.[6] The research station was soon enlarged and today studies regional meteorology and the biology of the islands, in particular the birds (penguins, petrels, albatrosses, gulls) and seals.[22]

A new research base was built from 2001 to 2011 to replace older buildings on the site.[23] The access to the station is either by boat or helicopter.[24] A helipad and storage hangar is located behind the main base structure.[23] [25]

In April 2017, scientists from McGill University, in collaboration with the South African National Antarctic Programme, launched a new astrophysical experiment on Marion Island called Probing Radio Intensity at high-Z from Marion (PRIZM), searching for signatures of the hydrogen line in the early universe.[26] In 2018, another cosmology experiment was launched by the McGill team called Array of Long Baseline Antennas for Taking Radio Observation from Sub-Antarctic (ALBATROS). The new experiment aims to create very high-resolution maps of the low-frequency radio emission from the universe, and take first steps towards detecting the cosmological Dark Ages. [27]

Geography and geology

The island group is about south-east of Port Elizabeth in mainland South Africa. At 46 degrees latitude, its distance to the equator is only slightly longer than to the South Pole. Marion Island, the larger of the two, is long and wide with an area of and a coastline of some, most of which is high cliffs. The highest point on Marion Island is Mascarin Peak (formerly State President Swart Peak), reaching above sea level. The topography of Marion Island includes many hillocks and small lakes, and boggy lowland terrain with little vegetation.[28]

Prince Edward Island is much smaller—only about, long and wide—and lies some to the north-east of Marion Island. The terrain is generally rocky, with high cliffs on its south western side.[28] At the van Zinderen Bakker Peak north-west of the center, it reaches a height of .[29]

There are a few offshore rocks along the northern coast of Prince Edward Island, like Ship Rock north of northernmost point, and Ross Rocks from the shore. Boot Rock is about off the northern coast of Marion Island.

Both islands are of volcanic origin.[28] Marion Island is one of the peaks of a large underwater shield volcano that rises some from the sea floor to the top of Mascarin Peak. The volcano is active, with eruptions having occurred between 1980 and 2004.[30]


Despite being located inside the south temperate zone at 46 degrees latitude, the islands have a tundra climate. They lie directly in the path of eastward-moving depressions all year round and this gives them an unusually cool and windy climate. Strong regional winds, known as the roaring forties, blow almost every day of the year, and the prevailing wind direction is north-westerly.[28] Annual rainfall averages from up to over on Mascarin Peak. In spite of its very chilly climate it is located closer to the equator than mild northern hemisphere climates such as Paris and Seattle and only one degree farther south than fellow southern hemisphere climates such as Comodoro Rivadavia in Argentina and Alexandra in New Zealand. Many climates on lower latitudes in the Northern hemisphere have far colder winters than Prince Edward Islands due to the islands' maritime moderation, even though temperatures in summer are much cooler than those normally found in maritime climates.

The islands are among the cloudiest places in the world; about 1300 hours a year of sunshine occur on the sheltered eastern side of Marion Island, but only around 800 hours occur away from the coast on the wet western sides of Marion and Prince Edward Islands.

Summer and winter have fairly similar climates with cold winds and threat of snow or frost at any time of the year. However, the mean temperature in February (midsummer) is and in August (midwinter) it is .[31] [32]

Flora and fauna

The islands are part of the Southern Indian Ocean Islands tundra ecoregion that includes a small number of subantarctic islands. Because of the paucity of land masses in the Southern Ocean, the islands host a wide variety of species and are critical to conservation.[4] In the cold subantarctic climate, plants are mainly limited to grasses, mosses, and kelp, while lichens are the most visible fungi. The main indigenous animals are insects along with large populations of seabirds, seals[33] and penguins.


See main article: List of birds of the Prince Edward Islands.

The islands have been designated an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International for their significant seabird breeding populations.[34] At least thirty different species of birds are thought to breed on the islands, and it is estimated the islands support upwards of 5 million breeding seabirds, and 8 million seabirds total.[4] Five species of albatross (of which all are either threatened or endangered) are known to breed on the islands, including the wandering albatross, dark-mantled, light-mantled, Indian yellow-nosed and grey-headed albatross.[4]

The islands also host fourteen species of petrel, four species of prion, the Antarctic tern, and the brown skua, among other seabirds.[4] Four penguin species are found: king penguins, Eastern rockhoppers, gentoos and macaroni penguins.


Three species of seal breed on the islands: the southern elephant seal, the Antarctic fur seal, and the Subantarctic fur seal.[4] The waters surrounding the islands are often frequented by several species of whale, especially orcas, which prey on penguins and seals.[35] Large whales such as southern rights and southern humpbacks, and leopard seals are seen more sporadically, and it remains unclear how large or stable their current local populations are, though it is thought their numbers are significantly down compared to the time of first human contact with the islands.[36]

The area saw heavy sealing and whaling operations in the nineteenth century and continued to be subject to mass illegal whaling until the 1970s, with the Soviet Union and Japan allegedly continuing whaling operations into the 1990s.[37] Currently, the greatest ecological threat is the longline fishing of Patagonian toothfish, which endangers a number of seabirds that dive into the water after baited hooks.[4]

Invasive species

The wildlife is particularly vulnerable to introduced species and the historical problem has been with cats and mice. House mice arrived to Marion Island with whaling and sealing ships in the 1800s and quickly multiplied, so much so that in 1949, five domestic cats were brought to the research base to deal with them.[38] The cats multiplied quickly, and by 1977 there were approximately 3,400 cats on the island, feeding on burrowing petrels in addition to mice, and taking an estimated 455,000 petrels a year.[39] Some species of petrels soon disappeared from Marion Island, and a cat eradication programme was established.[38] A few cats were intentionally infected with the highly specific feline panleukopenia virus, which reduced the cat population to about 600 by 1982.[40] The remaining cats were killed by nocturnal shooting, and in 1991 only eight cats were trapped in a 12-month period.[38] [41] [42]

It is believed that no cats remain on Marion Island today, and with the cats gone, the mouse population has sharply increased to "plague like" levels.[39] In 2003, ornithologists discovered that in the absence of other food sources, the mice were attacking albatross chicks and eating them alive as they sat helplessly on their nests.[39] A similar problem has been observed on Gough Island, where a mouse eradication programme began in 2021.[43] A programme to eradicate invasive rats on South Georgia Island was completed in 2015, and as of 2016 the island appears to be completely rat free.[44] The geography of Marion Island presents certain obstacles not found on either Gough or South Georgia islands, particularly its large size, high elevations and variable weather.[39] An assessment of the island was completed in May 2015, led by noted invasive species ecologist John Parkes, with the general conclusion that an eradication programme is feasible, but will require precise planning.[45]

Both Gough Island and the Prince Edward Islands also suffer from invasive procumbent pearlwort (Sagina procumbens), which is transforming the upland ecosystem and is now considered beyond control.[46]

Legal status

Marion Island and Prince Edward Island were claimed for South Africa on 29 December 1947 and 4 January 1948 respectively, by a South African Navy force from HMSAS Transvaal under the command of John Fairbairn.[11] On 1 October 1948 the annexation was made official when Governor-General Gideon Brand van Zyl signed the Prince Edward Islands Act, 1948. In terms of the Act, the islands fall under the jurisdiction of the Cape Town Magistrate's Court, and South African law as applied in the Western Cape applies on them. The islands are also deemed to be situated within the electoral district containing the Port of Cape Town; this is ward 115 of the City of Cape Town.

Amateur radio

, Marion Island, prefix ZS8, was the third most wanted DXCC "entity" by the amateur radio community. By the end of 2014, it had dropped to 27th, after simultaneous activity by three licencees in the 2013/2014 team. However, their activity was mainly on voice. On Morse telegraphy, the Islands remain the second most wanted entity after North Korea, while on data they are sixth out of 340.[47]

See also

General and cited sources

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Cooper . John . Antarctica and Islands – Background Research Paper produced for the South Africa Environment Outlook report on behalf of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism . 5 October 2010 . June 2006 . 6 . . 14 May 2016 . dead.
  2. Book: 1993 United Nations list of national parks and protected areas . 1993 . World Conservation Monitoring Centre, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Commission on Natural Parks and Protected Areas, United Nations Environment Programme . 978-2-8317-0190-5 . 173 .
  3. Web site: Prince Edward Islands declared a Marine Protected Area . 9 April 2013 . Department of Environmental Affairs, Republic of South Africa . . 12 July 2016 . live.
  4. Web site: Prince Edward Islands Marine Protected Area: A global treasure setting new conservation benchmarks . . 12 July 2016 . live.
  5. Pieter Arend Leupe: De eilanden Dina en Maerseveen in den Zuider Atlantischen Oceaan; in: Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen, de zeevaartkunde, de hydrographie, de koloniën en de daarmede in verband staande wetenschappen, Jg. 1868, Deel 28, Afd. 2, [No.] 9; Amsterdam 1868 (pp. 242–253); cf. Book: Rubin, Jeff . Antarctica . 2008 . Lonely Planet . 978-1-74104-549-9 . 233.
  6. Web site: Marion Island, South Indian Ocean . . 29 June 2003 . 2012-10-09 . . 29 July 2012 . dead.
  7. Web site: Marion and Prince Edward Islands . 2016-09-21 . 22 March 2015 . . live .
  8. Book: Keller, Conrad . Madagascar, Mauritius and the other East-African islands . 1901 . S. Sonnenschein & Co. . 224–225 . . 5 October 2010 . XXII – The Prince Edward Isles.
  9. Book: Hough, Richard . Captain James Cook: A Biography . W. W. Norton & Company . 1995 . 978-0393315196 . 259–260 . registration .
  10. Book: Mills, William J. . 2003 . Exploring Polar Frontiers: A Historical Encyclopedia, Volume 1 . ABC-CLIO . 531 . 978-1576074220 . 2014-04-04 . 4 July 2014 . . live .
  11. Web site: Marion Island – History . . 2012-10-09 . . 24 July 2017 . dead.
  12. Book: Cooper, John . 2008 . Human history . Steven L. . Chown . Pierre William . Froneman . The Prince Edward Islands: Land-sea Interactions in a Changing Ecosystem . Stellenbosch, South Africa . Sun Press . 331–350, page 336 . 978-1-920109-85-1.
  13. R.K. Headland, Historical Antarctic sealing industry, Scott Polar Research Institute (Cambridge University), 2018, p.167
  14. Web site: Wreck of the troopship Richard Dart . 26 March 2014 . 24 October 2013 . . live .
  15. News: Four Weeks' Vigil of South Sea Crusoes . The Victoria Daily Times . 28 January 1909 . 8 . . 12 December 2019 . 12 December 2019 . . live .
  16. Web site: ALSA to talk on Marion Island's forgotten history at a SCAR conference . 2016-09-21 . 2016-08-24 . 23 September 2016 . . live .
  17. Book: The Bomb – South Africa's Nuclear Weapons Programme . Nic . Von Wielligh . Lydia . Von Wielligh-Steyn . Litera . Pretoria, ZA . 2015 . 978-1-920188-48-1 . 930598649.
  18. Vela Incident: South Atlantic Mystery Flash in September 1979 Raised Questions about Nuclear Test . National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 570 . 8 December 2016 . William . Burr . Avner . Cohen . 27 September 2020 . 12 August 2017 . . live .
  19. Web site: Declassified documents indicate Israel and South Africa conducted nuclear test in 1979 . 9 December 2016 . 27 September 2020 . 8 November 2020 . . live .
  20. News: Researchers: Radioactive Australian sheep bolster nuclear weapon test claim against Israel . Johnston . Martin . 2018-08-13 . The New Zealand Herald . 2018-08-13 . en-NZ . 1170-0777 . 13 August 2018 . . live .
  21. De Geer . Lars-Erik . Wright . Christopher M. . 2018 . The 22 September 1979 Vela Incident: Radionuclide and Hydroacoustic Evidence for a Nuclear Explosion . Science & Global Security . en . 26 . 1 . 20–54 . 10.1080/08929882.2018.1451050 . 0892-9882 . 2018S&GS...26...20D . 126082091 . 27 September 2020 . 24 March 2020 . . live .
  22. Web site: Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme . . 2021-02-15 . 3 July 2020 . . live .
  23. News: Yeld, John . New Marion Island base opens . 18 March 2011 . The Cape Argus (Independent Newspapers) . . 25 April 2016 . live.
  24. Web site: New Base Puts Sa on Top of the Weather . 21 March 2011 . South African Garden Route . . 25 November 2015 . dead.
  25. Web site: Google Maps . Google Maps . 1 January 1970 . 2012-10-09 . 4 October 2013 .,37.858769&spn=0.003348,0.006518&t=h&z=18 . live .
  26. . 8 . 1950004 . 10.1142/S2251171719500041 . 2019JAI.....850004P . 1806.09531 . Philip . L. . Probing Radio Intensity at high-Z from Marion: 2017 Instrument . Abdurashidova . Z. . Chiang . H. C.. etal . 2018 . 2 . 119106726.
  27. 10.1142/S2251171720500191 . The Array of Long Baseline Antennas for Taking Radio Observations from the Sub-Antarctic . 2020 . Chiang . H. C. . Dyson . T. . Egan . E. . Eyono . S. . Ghazi . N. . Hickish . J. . Jáuregui-Garcia . J. M. . Manukha . V. . Ménard . T. . Moso . T. . Peterson . J. . Philip . L. . Sievers . J. L. . Tartakovsky . S. . Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation . 09 . 4 . 2050019–2050564 . 2008.12208 . 2020JAI.....950019C . 221340854 .
  28. Web site: Marion Island . . 2016-09-27 . . 24 June 2014 . dead.
  29. Web site: Peakbagger – Van Zinderen Bakker Peak, South Africa . 20 March 2012 . 22 December 2015 . . live .
  30. Web site: Marion Island . . 2015-04-30 . 25 July 2015 . . live .
  31. General Survey of Climatology, V12 (2001), Elsevier
  32. GISS Climate data averages for 1978 to 2007, source – GHCN
  33. Web site: Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme . . 2016-04-28 . 3 July 2020 . . live .
  34. Web site: Prince Edward Islands Special Nature Reserve . . 2020 . BirdLife Data Zone . BirdLife International . 13 December 2020 . 5 December 2020 . . live .
  35. Web site: Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme . . 2021-02-15 . 1 May 2021 . . live .
  36. M. Postma . M. Wege . M.N. Bester . D.S. van der Merwe . 2011 . 10.3377/004.046.0112 . Inshore Occurrence of Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis) at Subantarctic Marion Island . African Zoology . 46 . 188–193 . 2016-03-09 . 2263/16586 . 54744920 . free . 17 February 2022 . . live .
  37. Berzin A. . Ivashchenko V.Y. . Clapham J.P. . Brownell L. R.Jr. . 2008 . The Truth About Soviet Whaling: A Memoir . DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska – Lincoln . 2016-03-09 . 5 March 2016 . . live .
  38. Bloomer J.P. . Bester M.N. . 1992 . Biological Conservation . 60 . 3 . 211–219 . Control of feral cats on sub-Antarctic Marion Island, Indian Ocean . 2016-09-23 . 10.1016/0006-3207(92)91253-O . 24 September 2016 . . live .
  39. Web site: Marion Island's Plague of Mice . John Yeld . 2016-09-23 . 24 September 2016 . . live .
  40. News: Dynamics of a feline virus with two transmission modes within exponentially growing host populations . K Berthier . M Langlais . P Auger . D Pontier . BioInfoBank Library . 22 October 2000 . dead . . 10 February 2012.
  41. Book: de Bruyn P.J.N. & Oosthuizen W.C.. Pain forms the Character: Doc Bester, Cat hunters & Sealers . 2017 . Antarctic Legacy of South Africa . 978-0-620-74912-1.
  42. Web site: Cat hunter and sealer book – Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme . . 2021-02-15 . 1 May 2021 . . live .
  43. Web site: The killer mice of Gough Island . Financial Times. 2016-09-23 . 2016-05-27 . 24 September 2016 . . live .
  44. Web site: Ridding South Georgia of rats and reindeer . 2016-09-26 . 17 February 2022 . . live .
  45. Web site: Impressions of an expert. Field work to assess the feasibility of eradicating Marion Island's mice completed . 2016-09-26 . 18 November 2019 . . live .
  46. Cooper, J. et al., "Earth, fire and water: applying novel techniques to eradicate the invasive plant, procumbent pearlwort Sagina procumbenss, on Gough Island, a World heritage Site in the South Atlantic", Invasive Species Specialist Group, 2010, retrieved 12 February 2014.
  47. Web site: Club Log: DXCC Most-Wanted List for April 2016 . . 2016-04-23 . 2016-04-28 . 15 March 2015 . . live .