March 1893 Serbian parliamentary election explained

Country:Kingdom of Serbia
Previous Election:1889 Serbian parliamentary election
Next Election:May 1893 Serbian parliamentary election
Election Date:March 1893
Image1:Nikola Pašić cph.3b31626.jpg
Party1:People's Radical Party
Party2:Liberal Party (Kingdom of Serbia)
Image3:Milutin Garasanin1.jpg
Party3:Serbian Progressive Party (Kingdom of Serbia)
Prime Minister
Posttitle:Prime Minister after election
Before Election:Jovan Avakumović
Before Party:Liberal Party (Kingdom of Serbia)
After Election:Lazar Dokić
After Party:People's Radical Party

Parliamentary elections were held in Serbia in early March 1893.[1] Although the People's Radical Party had won a large majority in the 1889 elections, by 1893 a Liberal government led by Prime Minister Jovan Avakumović was in place.[1]

The Liberals and People's Radical Party both won 64 seats, with the Progressive Party winning four.[2] However, Liberals had manipulated the elections, which would have otherwise resulted in a majority for the People's Radical Party.[3] As a result, the People's Radical Party threatened to boycott the Assembly, meaning the quorum of 68 members could not be achieved.[3]

A coup d'état was carried out by King Alexander on 13 April, with the Liberal government of Jovan Avakumović removed from office and replaced by a cabinet headed by Lazar Dokić and composed of People's Radical Party members.[4] The National Assembly was dissolved, and fresh elections called.[4]

Notes and References

  1. "Servia", The Times, 7 March 1893
  2. "Servia", The Times, 5 June 1893
  3. "Political Parties In Servia". The Times, 29 March 1893
  4. "Coup d'état in Servia", The Times, 15 April 1893