Marcel Lopuchovský Explained

Marcel Lopuchovský
Birth Date:1977 5, df=yes
Birth Place:Košice, Czechoslovakia
Height:1.87m (06.14feet)
Sport: Bobsleigh

Marcel Lopuchovský (born 2 May 1977 in Košice) is a former Slovak bobsledder and sprinter who works as a fitness and Olympics coach.[1]

Early life

Lopuchovský was born on 2 May 1977 in Košice.[2] He did athletics for a maximum of twelve years and learnt how to sprint quickly.[3] Lopuchovský developed an interest in bobsleigh after watching Cool Runnings. He was offered to try the sport whilst in Königssee, Germany.[4]



As a sprinter, Lopuchovský debuted at the 2000 Summer Olympics as a member of the Slovak 4x400m relay team.[5] He later competed at the 2002 IAAF World Cup, finishing fourth place with 400 m heats and ran a personal record of 47.40 in Vienna.[6] Lopuchovský went on to finish fifth place during the 400 m event in Szombathely.[7]


At the 2008–09 Bobsleigh World Cup, Lopuchovský teamed up with Milan Jagnešák in the two-man bobsleigh, finishing eighth place.[8]

During the seventh round of 2009–10 Bobsleigh World Cup, Lopuchovský teamed up with Jagnešák, David Rolet, and Andrej Benda in the four-man bobsleigh category. They finished the worst position at 29th place.[9]

At the 2010 Winter Olympics, Lopuchovský crashed out during the first run of the four-man event.[10]

Notes and References

  1. News: Marcel Lopuchovský: Behajte aj každý deň, keď vládzete. Pravda. 6 May 2013. sk.
  2. News: Tréner slovenských atlétov Marcel Lopuchovský: Dostať športovca na olympijské hry je vrchol. Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee. 28 April 2021. sk.
  3. News: Lopuchovský druhým Slovákom na letných aj zimných OH. 8 February 2010. sk.
  4. News: Košičan Marcel Lopuchovský bol na olympiáde ako atlét, a chcel by ísť aj ako bobista. Korzár. Bratislava. Petit Press. 15 February 2008. sk.
  5. News: Lopuchovský po 10 rokoch na druhú olympiádu, prvú. SITA. 8 February 2010. sk.
  6. News: Atletika: Na HME neuspel taktiež štvrtár Lopuchovský. Sme. Bratislava. Petit Press. 1 March 2002. sk.
  7. News: Atletika: Lopuchovský a Žitňanský na 5.mieste na mítingu IAAF v Szombathely. Sme. Bratislava. Petit Press. 15 July 2002. sk.
  8. News: Jagnešák s Lopuchovským v Lake Placid na 8. mieste. Sme. Bratislava. Petit Press. 22 November 2008. sk.
  9. News: V štvorboboch víťazný hetrik Langeho, Jagnešák 29.. SITA. 17 January 2010. sk.
  10. News: Bohuš. Matia. Marcel Lopuchovský bol sklamaný, šance sa rozplynú po 50 sekundách. Korzár. Bratislava. Petit Press. 14 March 2010. sk.