Manuel da Silva Rosa explained

Manuel da Silva Rosa (born 1961)[1] is a Portuguese American writer and independent researcher and lecturer on the life of Christopher Columbus. Rosa received a PhD in Insular and Atlantic History (XV-XX Centuries) from Azores University (April 12, 2023) with a dissertation titled CRISTOFORO COLOMBO versus CRISTÓBAL COLÓN Cristoforo  Colombo, the weaver from Genoa, was not Don Crsitóbal Colón, the navigator from Ibéria[2] and has published several controversial books and has been featured in Polish documentaries about Columbus and several other international media outlets.

In his latest book, Portugal na História, Uma Identidade (Lisbon, 2023) Professor João Paulo Oliveira e Costa describes Rosa's work as scrupulous, "No estudo recente de Manuel Rosa, que, respeitando escrupulosamente as fontes, deixa clara a impossibilidade de Colón ter nascido no seio de uma família de tecelões genoveses.”.[3]


Rosa was born in Madalena, Pico Island, Portugal in 1961. He and his family emigrated to Boston in 1973.[1] [4]

From 2008 to 2018 he worked as an IT analyst at Duke University.[5]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Rosa, Manuel da Silva, 1961-
  2. Web site: Universidade dos Açores . Reconhecimento de Habilitações Provas Académicas . 2023-04-26 . . pt-pt.
  3. Book: Oliveira e Costa, João Paulo . Portugal na História - Uma Identidade . Temas e Debates . 2022 . 9789896446017 . 402.
  4. Web site: Livro 'Portugal e o Segredo de Colombo' de Manuel da Silva Rosa apresentado no Funchal . . 8 May 2021 . pt.
  5. Web site: Butler. Karen. Modern Day Sherlock Holmes Unearths New Evidence; Claims Columbus Was Secret Agent. Duke University. 4 February 2015.