Mainstream Baptists Explained

Mainstream Baptists is a network of Baptists in fourteen U.S. states that have organized to uphold historic Baptist principles, particularly separation of church and state, and to oppose Fundamentalism and Theocratic Calvinism within the Southern Baptist Convention. As such, it is not a denomination, but rather an organization that provides resources, support, and interagency communication. Organizations/agencies considered to share Mainstream Baptists and cooperate with and support the network are listed below under External links.

Historic Baptist beliefs of Mainstream Baptists


Lordship of Christ

Salvation by Grace Through Faith

Believer's Baptism

Priesthood of All Believers and Liberty of Conscience

Religious Liberty and the Separation of Church and State

Mainstream Baptists and the Bible

Congregational Autonomy

Cooperative Missions

External links of cooperating agencies/organizations

Notes and References

  1. Baptist Beliefs
  2. 2:8-9 NASB
  3. 3:28
  4. 2:5
  5. 7:25-28
  6. 4:15-16
  7. 2:15
  8. 16:13
  9. 1:20-21
  10. Peter 2:9
  11. 12:4-7
  12. Dr. Truett was pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, TX 1897-1944, president of the Southern Baptist Convention 1927-1929, and president of the Baptist World Alliance 1934-1935. The quotation is from Truett's famous sermon, "Baptists and Religious Liberty," preached on May 16, 1920 to 15,000 people from the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
  13. Further details are posted at
  14. 18:20
  15. 12:28