Ma näen su häält explained

Director:Anna Stepanova[1]
Starring:The celebrity panelists (see)
Num Seasons:3
Num Episodes:
  • Regular: 36
  • Special: 2
  • Overall: 38
Executive Producer:Triin Luhats
Producer:Kaupo Karelson
Network:Kanal 2

Estonian: Ma näen su häält (English: italics=yes|I Can See Your Voice) is an Estonian television mystery music game show series based on the South Korean programme of the same name. It aired on Kanal 2 from 27 February 2022[2] [3] to 31 December 2023, for three seasons.



Presented with a group of seven "mystery singers" identified only by their occupation, a guest artist and a group of two contestants must attempt to eliminate bad singers from the group without ever hearing them sing, assisted by clues and a celebrity panel over the course of four rounds. At the end of the game, the last remaining mystery singer is revealed as either good or bad by means of a duet between them and one of the guest artists.

If the singer is good, the contestants win a cash prize; if the singer is bad, the same amount is given to the bad singer instead.


Visual round

The guest artist and contestants are given some time to observe and examine each mystery singer based on their appearance.

Lip sync round

Each mystery singer performs a lip sync to a song; good singers mime to a recording of their own, while bad singers mime to a recording by someone else.

Evidence round

The guest artist and contestants are presented with a video package containing possible clues by one of the mystery singers.

Interrogation round

The guest artist and contestants may ask questions to the remaining mystery singers. Good singers are required to give truthful responses, while the bad singers must lie.



Production and development

Following the successful broadcasts of Maskis laulja,[4] TV3 has initially made interest to produce a local adaptation of I Can See Your Voice in Estonia,[5] as per CJ ENM's dealing with Fremantle in November 2020.[6] [7] Duo Media Networks would later acquire the rights in January 2022,[8] including with production duties assigned by Ruut.[5] [9]


Filming of the show took place at various locations, such as TV3 Stuudio[10] [11] and ETV Stuudio,[12] [13] both from Tallinn.

Broadcast history

Ma näen su häält debuted on 27 February 2022.[2] [3] A day after the first season finale as a highlight special, the series was already renewed for a second season[14] that premiered on 18 September 2022.[15] In celebration of Kanal 2's 30th founding anniversary, the third season[16] [17] premiered on 17 September 2023.[16] [18] During the second season finale of Tähtede täht,[19] [20] the series has announced to renew for a fourth season.[21]

Special episodes and companion events

In the first season, a highlight special (subtitled Estonian: italics=yes|Suurimad üllatused, English: italics=yes|The Biggest Surprises) was aired on 22 May 2022.[22] [23] In the third season, an encore concert (subtitled Estonian: italics=yes|Ma ei näinud su häält, English: italics=yes|I Didn't See Your Voice) was aired on the last day of 2023.[24] [25]

In the second season, an in-game event Estonian: italics=yes|Ma kuulen su häält (English: italics=yes|I Can Hear Your Voice) was conducted during the main programme, followed by its postgame aftershow Estonian: italics=yes|Ma nägin su häält (English: italics=yes|I Saw Your Voice).[26]


The series has a panel of celebrities who assist the guest artist(s) to decipher mystery singers' identities throughout the game. Alongside with mainstays, guest panelists also appear since the first season. Overall, 7 different members have been assigned, with the original lineup being Mart Juur, Estoni Kohver (of 5miinust), Grete Kuld, Evelin Võigemast, and .

Beside them, subsequent members joining on that lineup also include (from second season) and (from fourth season).

Cast type:
width=25px width=25px width=25px width=25px
Piret Laoscolspan="4"
Mart Juur
Estoni Kohver (5miinust)colspan="2"
Grete Kuld
Evelin Võigemastcolspan="4"
Andrei Zevakin
Tõnis Niinemets
Kristel Aaslaid

Series overview

See main article: List of Ma näen su häält episodes.


2023Best Entertainment ShowMa näen su häält[27]
Best HostPiret Laos
2024Best Entertainment ShowMa näen su häält[28]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Anna Stepanova: me peaksime rohkem rääkima meisterlikkusest. Nädala intervjuu. Edasi. Brent. Pere. et. 7 June 2024. 8 June 2024.
  2. Web site: Kevade suurim teleshow "Ma näen su häält" toob ekraanile Eesti armastatuimate staaride paraadi. Kanal 2. Duo Media Networks. et. 10 February 2022. 10 February 2022.
  3. Web site: Saates "Ma näen su häält" vaatajad pahviks löönud Kailiin sai staarisaatelt pureda. Sky Plus. Sky Media Group. Võsu. Kadi-Maarja. et. 1 March 2022. 2 March 2022.
  4. Web site: Maskisaate produtsent Kaupo Karelson: teadsin juba väiksena, et minust saab teadlane!. Õhtuleht. Postimees Group. Toomemets. Katharina. et. 24 November 2020. 26 November 2020.
  5. Web site: Kas Eesti teeleekraanidele jõuab varsti järjekordne suur laulusaade?. Õhtuleht. Postimees Group. Mugra. Liisa. et. 25 November 2020. 26 November 2020.
  6. Web site: Korea's CJ Expands Format Sales Deal With Fremantle on 'I Can See Your Voice'. Variety. Penske Media Corporation. Frater. Patrick. 24 November 2020. 4 December 2021.
  7. Web site: CJ ENM's 'I Can See Your Voice' sells into five European countries. Television Business International. Middleton. Richard. 6 September 2021. 4 December 2021.
  8. Web site: Kanal 2 otsib osalejaid uude lõbusasse telemängu. Diktor. Geenius Meedia. Maripuu. Victoria. et. 17 January 2022. 23 February 2022.
  9. Web site: Kanal 2 uus muusikaline telesõu "Ma näen su häält" üllatab uute andekate staaridega. Kanal 2. Duo Media Networks. et. 22 February 2022. 22 February 2022.
  10. Web site: Tule ise ja võta sõber ka kaasa! Uue meelelahutussaate "Ma näen su häält" salvestustele oodatakse publikut. Kroonika. Delfi. et. 9 February 2022. 9 February 2022.
  11. Web site: Huvilisi oodatakse saate "Ma näen su häält" salvestusele publikuks. Diktor. Geenius Meedia. et. 8 March 2022. 8 March 2022.
  12. Web site: "Ma näen su häält" uus hooaeg alustab juba sel pühapäeval. Muusika Planeet. et. 17 September 2022. 18 September 2022.
  13. Web site: Ligi poolsada Rõuge põhikooli õpilast osales telesaate salvestusel. Wõrumaa Teataja. Annom. Kadi. et. 10 September 2022. 18 September 2022.
  14. Web site: "Ma näen su häält" jätkab sügisel uue hooga!. Sky Plus. Sky Media Group. et. 23 May 2022. 23 May 2022.
  15. Web site: Saade "Ma näen su häält" üllatab uue nõunikuga: mulle meeldib, kui mind haneks tõmmatakse!. Kanal 2. Duo Media Networks. et. 1 September 2022. 2 September 2022.
  16. Web site: Kanal 2 juubelisügis toob ekraanile vanad lemmikud ja parimad palad telekanali algusaegadest. Elu24. Postimees Group. et. 24 August 2023. 25 August 2023.
  17. Web site: "Ma näen su häält" otsib uusi lauljaid ja teesklejaid!. Sky Plus. Sky Media Group. et. 29 May 2023. 30 May 2023.
  18. Web site: Sõus "Ma näen su häält" asub osalejaid nõustama uus tegija. Diktor. Geenius Meedia. Heidi. Toome. et. 24 August 2023. 25 August 2023.
  19. Web site: «Müts maha kõikide osaliste ees!» Muusikalise telesõu «Tähtede täht» võitjaks krooniti Ott Lepland. Elu24. Postimees Group. Kristiina. Reimand. Chrislin. Metsanurm. Andry. Padar. et. 5 May 2024. 13 May 2024.
  20. Web site: "Tähtede täheks" krooniti finaalsaates Ott Lepland: olen alati olnud enda suurim konkurent. Sky Plus. Sky Media Group. Katriin. Roondi. et. 6 May 2024. 7 May 2024.
  21. Web site: Suurejooneline meelelahutussaade “Ma näen su häält” otsib uusi osalisi!. Sky Plus. Sky Media Group. Triin. Tammistu. et. 27 May 2024. 27 May 2024.
  22. Web site: Telemängu "Ma näen su häält" erisaade võtab luubi alla hooaja kõige üllatavamad olukorrad. Elu24. Postimees Group. et. 20 May 2022. 22 May 2022.
  23. Web site: Jüri Pihel telesaatest "Ma näen su häält": see ei ole ainult telesaade, vaid ka tugev panus Eesti muusikasse. Good News. et. 13 May 2022. 28 May 2022.
  24. Web site: Ma ei näinud su häält. Kanal 2. Duo Media Networks. et. 14 November 2023.
  25. Web site: Aasta viimane päev Kanal 2-s! Ekraani vallutavad heatujulised erisaated ja uhke Aastavahetuse ÕHTU!. Kanal 2. Duo Media Networks. et. 27 December 2023. 29 December 2023.
  26. Web site: Jüri Pihel sügishooajast: televisioonil läheb täna väga hästi. Raadio Elmar. Duo Media Networks. et. 5 September 2022. 6 September 2022.
  27. Web site: Täielik nimekiri: vaata, kes on Eesti filmi- ja teleauhindade tänavused nominendid. Diktor. Geenius Meedia. Heidi. Toome. et. 14 March 2023. 15 March 2023.
  28. Web site: Võitjad 2024 — Eesti Filmi. Estonian Film and Television Awards. et. 20 April 2024.