This military standard established the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and the ExtensibleMarkup Language (XML) requirements for use in Army digital publications. Within this military standard, Armypublications SGML/XML requirements are separated by publication types. There are specified sectionsfor administrative publications, training and doctrine publications, technical and equipment publicationsand Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A). This new publication of the standard contains theXML requirements for Technical Manuals (TM) developed in accordance with the functional requirementscontained in MIL-STD-40051-1 and MIL-STD-40051-2, GCSS-A collection and reporting of maintenance data developed inaccordance with MIL-STD-3008, and administrative publications developed in accordance with AR 25–30.The XML requirements are applicable for the development, acquisition, and delivery of Electronic andInteractive Electronic Publications (EP/IEP) such as Electronic and Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals(ETM/IETM). The previous SGML for training and doctrine publications functional requirements, developedin accordance with TRADOC Reg 350-70 and TRADOC Reg 25–36, remain unchanged. Specific InteractiveMultimedia Instruction (IMI) functionality is currently contained in MIL-PRF-29612, The Developmentand Acquisition of Training Data Products and TRADOC Reg 350–70, Systems Approach to TrainingManagement, Processes, and Products.