Männin Explained

Director:Mika'ela Fisher
Producer:Mika'ela Fisher
Studio:Chrysopras Films
Music:Birgit Yew
Cinematography:Philippe Deutsch
Editing:Pierre Goupillon
Runtime:20 minutes

Männin is a 2015 French-German philosophical drama film (short film) written and directed by Mika'ela Fisher.[1] [2] [3] [4]


What does being a man? What does being a woman? A search for identity that unites these two sexes to the same person.


Männin is a term originated by Martin Luther, meaning woman created from the rib of man.(Verse Gen 2:23).

And the man said, "This at last is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. One will call her she- man (Männin), based on this that she was taken out of the man". Lutherbibel

About the film

Männin is a psychological interrogation. Man and woman deal with the identity rules of society and try to become aware of their role. In doing so, they resort to their biblical ancestors, the first human pair and ancestral parents of all humans, Adam and Eve.

The dialogues of the film are alternately in German and French, and are intended to support the idea of duality.


"We were expelled from paradise and therefore it remained intact. This expulsion is in a way a form of good luck, because had we not been expelled from paradise, paradise would have had to be destroyed.” (Franz Kafka) [5]



2015Accolade Global Film Competition
Award of Merit (Women Filmmakers)Mika'ela Fisher
2015American Psychological Association Film Festival
Best Short Film (Avant-garde)Mika'ela Fisher


The film started a theatrical run on January 7, 2015 at Cinema Saint André des Arts in Paris, and was shown again at the Arthouse Cinema Studio Galande from December 16, 2015 to January 2016.[3] [11] [12] The film is listed in the catalog of Bibliothèque nationale de France,[13] Mediapart.[14]

External links

Notes and References

  1. http://www.artistikrezo.com/2014123018373/actualites/cinema/maennin-drame-de-mikaela-fisher.html Actualités Cinéma.
  2. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb45039033x Auteur
  3. http://www.offi.fr/cinema/evenement/les-mains-courageuses-dans-le-chaos-du-temps-mannin-55625.html L'officiel des spectacles.
  4. http://www.cnc.fr/web/fr/rechercher-une-oeuvre/-/visa/140758 visa d'exploitation
  5. http://www.kafka.org/index.php?ohg Oktavheft
  6. https://apafilmfestival-maennin.blogspot.fr/ American Psychological Association Film Festival
  7. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3772476/awards?ref_=tt_awd Nomination APA Film Festival
  8. http://accoladecompetition.org/?page_id=3661 Accolade Global Film Competition
  9. http://www.religionfilm.com/en/news/2015-religion-today-film-festival-official-selection-en Religion Today Film Festival
  10. http://greatlakesfilmfest.com/2015-film-selections/ Great Lakes Film Festival
  11. http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=243593.html Face 3-drei Filme von Mika'Ela Fisher.
  12. https://dossierpressemika-ela-film.blogspot.com Dossier Presse-Reviews.
  13. https://passagedesmots.wordpress.com/2018/04/27/mannin-un-film-de-mikaela-fisher/ Le passage des mots
  14. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/laurent-monserrat/blog/250518/maennin-un-film-de-mika-ela-fisher Männin