Márta Grabócz Explained

Márta Grabócz (born 10 October 1952 in Budapest) is a Franco-Hungarian musicologist, professor at the University of Strasbourg and senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France...[1]

Education and career

Grabocz is the daughter of the Hungarian composer (1927-1974). She graduated in musicology from the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest in 1979.

Academic career in Hungary

Márta Grabócz studied musicology at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest and was a researcher at the XXth century Music and Esthetics Department at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest (1977-1990).

From 1986 to 1989, she was the driving force (together with János Maróthy) behind the creation of the first studio for computer music in Hungary. The studio was dedicated to creation, research and pedagogy. After 1990, its equipment was moved over to the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest.[2]

Márta Grabócz is currently a member of the External Advisory Board of the Human Sciences Research Institute (BTK) at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences[3] and a member of the Semiotics Working Group at that same Academy (since 2019).

Academic career in France

In 1985, she obtained her PhD at Paris I University. Her doctoral thesis (domain: “Esthetics and Arts”) under the direction of Michel Guiomar, dealt with the influence of narrative programs on musical forms: "Influence du programme sur l’évolution des formes instrumentales. Morphologie des œuvres pour piano de F. Liszt".

In 1991, she was appointed at Marc Bloch University, and in 1995 became professor at that same university. In parallel, she taught a course on the semiotics of music at University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (1992-1995). In 1997, she created "Jeune équipe - Méthodes nouvelles en musicologie" (JE 2114) at Strasbourg University, a group she supervised until 2001. She also directed the Approches contemporaines de la création et de la réflexion artistiques (ACCRA, EA 3402) research group from 2002 until 2010.[4]

In 1993, she completed her post-doctoral studies at Panthéon-Sorbonne University and was awarded her habilitation degree. (She was Research Associate at IDEAT, a joint research center CNRS-université Panthéon-Sorbonne from 2000 to 2009).[5]

She has been in member of the Labex GREAM (now: ITI CREAA), University of Strasbourg and responsible of research programs on semiotics and narratology: ‘Signification, sémiotique et narratologie musicales’ at Strasbourg University since 2011. (Presently: that of axis on ‘Memory and invariables’).[6]

She is a contributing author to the Encyclopædia Universalis, writing the entry on Franz Liszt.

She has been member of the French Academic Institute (IUF) between 2009-2014 and between 2015–2020 (holding an accentuated research position).

She is also editor of the Music Studies Collection at Éditions des Archives Contemporaines (Paris, London).[7]



Márta Grabócz is the author or co-editor of several books[11] related to signification and meaning in music, music semiotics, musical narratology and contemporary music[12] [13] Her research focuses on new methods in musicology with a special attention given to the analysis of expression and signification in musical forms with respect of benefits from human sciences (literary semiotics, narratology, extra-musical models, etc.) and to the production of various 19th, 20th and 21st c. composers including Franz Liszt, Béla Bartók, György Kurtág, Péter Eötvös, François-Bernard Mâche, Kaija Saariaho, Philippe Manoury, Pascal Dusapin, Jean-Claude Risset a.o. To date (2021), she has published 168 articles (including chapters in collective volumes, proceedings of international conferences or articles in various national and international journals – in French, Hungarian, English, German and Spanish). She was guest speaker at 55 international conferences and symposia (delivering 14 key-note lectures) and many other conferences or scientific seminars at national level. She organized (or co-organized) 16 international conferences (including 5 sessions as part of conventions) and 24 other events: study days or lectures, workshops, etc.

Books (selection)

Books as author

Books as director of publication

Books as director of collection

Márta Grabócz is the founder and director of a collection dedicated to the writings of contemporary composers and musicologists.

Edition of music and musicology journals

Chapters in books (recent selection in English)

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Members - Institut Universitaire de France. 2021-07-27. .
  2. Web site: Curriculum vitæ - Marta Grabocz. 2020-04-16.
  3. Web site: hu. " A Francia Köztársaság Becsületrendjét kapta Grabócz Márta zenetörténész ". 2021-07-27.
  4. Web site: Marta Grabocz - Approches contemporaines de la création et de la réflexion artistiques - ACCRA - Université de Strasbourg. 2020-03-17.
  5. Web site: Márta Grabócz (BNF). 2020-03-17.
  6. Web site: fr. Signification, sémiotique et narratologie musicales - Groupe de recherches expérimentales sur l'acte musical - GREAM - Université de Strasbourg. 2020-04-16. .
  7. Web site: Collection Music Studies, Editions des Archives Contemporaines. 2021-10-26. .
  8. Web site: Internal electronic journal of the University of Strasbourg, n°43, 20/05/2011. 2020-04-10.
  9. Web site: Internal electronic journal of the University of Strasbourg, n°43, 20/05/2011. 2020-04-10.
  10. Web site: french. Décret du 30 décembre 2017 portant promotion et nomination. 2021-07-27.
  11. Web site: Works of Márta Grabócz (Bibliothèque nationale de France). 2020-03-17. .
  12. Web site: fr . Márta GRABÓCZ, Musique, narrativité, signification, Préface de Charles ROSEN, L'Harmattan, Collection « Arts et Sciences de l'art », 2009, 380 pages . 2020-03-20. .
  13. Web site: FR. Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France. 2020-03-26. .