Mária Šofranko Explained

Office:Member of the National Council
Termstart:12 May 2020
Termend:25 October 2023
Birth Date:30 June 1970
Birth Place:Krompachy, Czechoslovakia
Party:Ordinary People and Independent Personalities
Education:University of Prešov
Catholic University in Ružomberok

Mária Šofranko (born 30 June 1970[1] in Krompachy[2]) is a Slovak teacher, activist and politician. From 2020 to 2023, she served as a Member of the National Council for the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities movement.

Šofranko studied pedagogy at the University of Prešov and the Catholic University in Ružomberok. She worked as a teacher and later headmistress at the elementary school in Domaňovce.[3] In addition, she was in charge of the local culture centre in Smižany.

When elected MP, her swearing in was delayed to 12 May, for health reasons.[4]

Šofranko is divorced, has one daughter. Her daughter is the partner of the hockey player Adam Jánošík.[5]


  1. Web site: PaedDr. Mária Šofranko . Národná rada SR.
  2. Web site: 2020-02-04 . O Matovičovi, živote bez manžela a tajných plánoch: Mária Šofranko, jednotka kandidátky OĽaNO . 2022-12-20 . www1.pluska.sk . sk.
  3. 2019-12-06 . Jednotka OĽaNO Šofranko: Odchod Remišovej ma neodradil, Matoviča buď milujete, alebo nenávidíte . N Press . 1339-844X.
  4. 2020-05-12 . Šofranko zložila poslanecký sľub a Blanár nepochodil s dvomi procedurálnymi návrhmi . iSITA .
  5. Web site: Líderka Matovičovej kandidátky Mária Šofranko je už babkou: Otcom jej vnuka je hokejista Jánošík . Nový Čas . 20 December 2022 . sk . 5 December 2019.