Lycaon (king of Arcadia) explained

In Greek mythology, Lycaon (/laɪˈkeɪɒn/; Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: [[:wikt:Λυκάων|Λυκάων]], Lukáо̄n, pronounced as /grc-x-attic/) was a king of Arcadia who, in the most popular version of the myth, killed and cooked his son Nyctimus and served him to Zeus, to see whether the god was sufficiently all-knowing to recognize human flesh. Disgusted, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf and killed his offspring; Nyctimus was restored to life.

Despite being notorious for his horrific deeds, Lycaon was also remembered as a culture hero: he was believed to have founded the city Lycosura, to have established a cult of Zeus Lycaeus and to have started the tradition of the Lycaean Games, which Pausanias thinks were older than the Panathenaic Games.[1] According to Gaius Julius Hyginus (d. AD 17), Lycaon dedicated the first temple to Hermes of Cyllene.[2]


Lycaon was the son of Pelasgus[3] and either the Oceanid Meliboea[4] or Deianira, daughter of an elder Lycaon.[5] His wife was called Cyllene, an Oread nymph who gave her name to Mount Cyllenê[6] though sometimes she was regarded as his mother instead.[7] In some accounts, the Arcadian town Nonakris was thought to have been named after his wife.[8] Lycaon was also known to have had at least three daughters: Callisto, Dia[9] and Psophis.[10]

Sons of Lycaon

According to the Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus), Lycaon has 50 sons.[11] An alternate list of Lycaon's sons is given by Pausanias. According to his account, almost each of them founded a city in Arcadia and became its eponym.[12]

Acacusfoster-father of Hermes; founded Acacesium
Alipherus3founded Aliphera
Aseatasfounded Asea
Caucon9[13] eponym of the Caucones that were believed to have settled in Triphylia
Ceteus[14] father of Callisto or Megisto
Charisiusfounded Charisia
Cleitor10possibly eponym of Cleitor
Cromusfounded Cromi
Daseatasfounded Dasea
Eleuther[15] stayed aside from the abomination
Euaemon13possibly eponym of Euaemon
Haemon17possibly eponym of Haemoniae
Helissonfounded the town of Helisson (also gave his name to a nearby river)
Heraeus21founded Heraea
Hyperes[16] founded Hyperesia
Hypsusfounded Hypsus
Lebadusstayed aside from the abomination
Lycius26✓(possibly)founded Lycoa
Macareus27founded Macaria
Macednus28founded Macedonia
Maenalus29founded Maenalus
Mantineus30founded Mantinea
Melaeneus32✓ (possibly)founded Melaeneae
Nyctimus33succeeded to Lycaon's power
Oenotrus[17] the youngest, founded Oenotria in Italy
Orchomenus34founded Orchomenus and Methydrium
Orestheusfounded Oresthasium
Pallas35founded Pallantium
Parrhasius[18] founded Parrhasia and said to be the father of Arcas
Peraethusfounded Peraetheis
Phigalusfounded Phigalia
Phthius39possibly eponym of Phthiotis
Stymphalus46possibly eponym of the town Stymphalus
Tegeatesfounded Tegea
Thesprotus48founded Thesprotia
Thocnusfounded Thocnia
Thyraeusfounded Thyraeum
Trapezeusfounded Trapezus
Tricolonusfounded Tricoloni


There are several versions of the Lycaon myth already reported by Hesiod (Fragmenta astronomica, by Eratosthenes, Catasterismi), told by several authors. The most popular version is the one reported by Ovid in the first book of his Metamorphoses.

The different versions of the myth are as follows:[19]

Modern interpretation

The English poet Robert Graves, in his The Greek Myths, explained the origin of Lycaon's myth as follows:

"The story of Zeus and the boy's guts is not so much a myth as a moral anecdote expressing the disgust felt in more civilized parts of Greece for the ancient cannibalistic practices of Arcadia, which were still performed in the name of Zeus, as "barbarous and unnatural" (Plutarch: Life of Pelopidas). Lycaon's virtuous Athenian contemporary Cecrops, offered only barley—cakes, abstaining even from animal sacrifices. The Lycaonian rites, which the author denies that Zeus ever countenanced, were apparently intended to discourage the wolves from preying on flocks and herds, by sending them a human king. "Lycaeus" means "of the she-wolf", but also "of the light", and the lightning in the Lycaon myth shows that Arcadian Zeus began as a rain-making sacred king—in service to the divine She-wolf, the Moon, to whom the wolfpack howls.[28] A Great Year of one hundred months, or eight solar years, was divided equally between the sacred king and his tanist; and Lycaon's fifty sons—one for every month of the sacred king's reign—will have been the eaters of the umble soup. The figure twenty-two, unless it has been arrived at by a count of the families who claimed descent from Lycaon and had to participate in the umble-feast, probably refers to the twenty-two five-year lustra which composed a cycle—the 110-year cycle constituting the reign of a particular line of priestesses."[29]

See also


Notes and References

  1. [Pausanias (geographer)|Pausanias]
  2. [Hyginus]
  3. Book: [[Robert Fowler (academic)|Fowler, Robert L.]]. Early Greek Mythography: Volume II Commentary. Oxford University Press. 2013. 978-0-19-814741-1. Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom. 107.
  4. [Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus)|Apollodorus]
  5. [Dionysius of Halicarnassus]
  6. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae 1.13.1
  7. Apollodorus, 3.8.1; Scholia ad Euripides, Orestes 1642
  8. Pausanias, 8.17.6
  9. Tzetzes ad Lycophron, 480; Scholia on Apollonius Rhodius, 1.1213; Etymologicum Magnum, 288. 33 (under Dryops)
  10. [Stephanus of Byzantium]
  11. Apollodorus, 3.8.1
  12. Pausanias, 8.3.1–5
  13. Tzetzes on Lycophron, 481
  14. [Gaius Julius Hyginus|Hyginus]
  15. [Plutarch]
  16. [Stephanus of Byzantium]
  17. [Dionysius of Halicarnassus]
  18. The dictionary of classical mythology, Pierre Grimal, p. 346-7
  19. Book: Hertz, Wilhelm. Der Werwolf. Beitrag zur Sagengeschichte. von A. Kröner, Stuttgart. 1862. de.
  20. Apollodorus, 3.8.1–2
  21. Pausanias, 8.2.3
  22. Lycophron, 480
  23. Hyginus, Fabulae 176
  24. Theoi: Astronomica, Bear-watcher
  25. [Ovid]
  26. Suda s. v. Lykaōn
  27. Pseudo-Eratosthenes, Catasterismi, 8
  28. [Robert Graves]
  29. Book: Robert Graves. The Greek Myths. Penguin Books. 1960. 978-0143106715. Harmondsworth, London, England. s.v. Deucalion's Flood.