Lutzia shinonagai explained

Lutzia shinonagai was first described in 1979.[1] The genus name was originally spelled Lützia;[2] [3] the species name honors medical entomologist Dr. Satoshi Shinonaga who has published extensively on the taxonomy of the muscid, sarcophagid and calliphorid flies of Japan and the Oriental Region. Lutzia shinonagai is the only species in the subgenus Insulalutzia.[3]


Collected on Chichijima, Lutzia shinonagai is one of four species of mosquitoes enzootic to the Ogasawara Islands of Japan.[1] [4] Larvae have been collected from a tree hole.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Kazuo Tanaka, Kiyoyuki Mizusawa and Edward S. Saugstad. 1979. A Revision of the Adult and Larval Mosquitoes of Japan (Including the Ryukyu Archipelago and the Ogasawara Islands) and Korea (Diptera: Culicidae). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, 16: 245-247; Web site: Archived copy . 2016-03-22 . dead . . 2016-03-10 . .
  2. Frederick V. Theobald. 1903. A monograph of Culicidae or Mosquitoes. London: British Museum (Natural History). III: xv + 359 pp.
  3. Kazuo Tanaka. 2003. Studies on the Pupal Mosquitoes of Japan (9) Genus Lutzia, with Establishment of Two New Subgenera, Metalutzia and Insulalutzia (Diptera, Culicidae) Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, 9(2): 159-169;
  4. Thomas V. Gaffigan, Richard C. Wilkerson, James E. Pecor, Judith A. Stoffer and Thomas Anderson. 2016. "Lutzia » Insulalutzia » shinonagai (Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad)" in Systematic Catalog of Culicidae, Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit,