Luttinger–Ward functional explained

In solid state physics, the Luttinger–Ward functional, proposed by Joaquin Mazdak Luttinger and John Clive Ward in 1960, is a scalar functional of the bare electron-electron interaction and the renormalized one-particle propagator. In terms of Feynman diagrams, the Luttinger–Ward functional is the sum of all closed, bold, two-particle irreducible diagrams, i.e., all diagrams without particles going in or out that do not fall apart if one removes two propagator lines. It is usually written as




, where


is the one-particle Green's function and


is the bare interaction.

The Luttinger–Ward functional has no direct physical meaning, but it is useful in proving conservation laws.


, which differs from the Luttinger–Ward functional by a trivial term.


Given a system characterized by the action


in terms of Grassmann fields


, the partition function can be expressed as the path integral:





is a binary source field. By expansion in the Dyson series, one finds that


is the sum of all (possibly disconnected), closed Feynman diagrams.


in turn is the generating functional of the N-particle Green's function:








\rangle =





The linked-cluster theorem asserts that the effective action


is the sum of all closed, connected, bare diagrams.


in turn is the generating functional for the connected Green's function. As an example, the two particle connected Green's function reads:

=-\langleci\barcjck\barcl\rangle+\langleci\barcj\rangle\langleck\barcl\rangle -\langleci\barcl\rangle\langleck\barcj\rangle =\left.



To pass to the two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective action, one performs a Legendre transform of


to a new binary source field. One chooses an, at this point arbitrary, convex


as the source and obtains the 2PI functional, also known as Baym–Kadanoff functional:





Unlike the connected case, one more step is required to obtain a generating functional from the two-particle irreducible effective action


because of the presence of a non-interacting part. By subtracting it, one obtains the Luttinger–Ward functional:

\Phi[G]=\Gamma[G]-\Gamma0[G] =\Gamma[G]-trlog(-G)-tr(\SigmaG)




is the self-energy. Along the lines of the proof of the linked-cluster theorem, one can show that this is the generating functional for the two-particle irreducible propagators.


Diagrammatically, the Luttinger–Ward functional is the sum of all closed, bold, two-particle irreducible Feynman diagrams (also known as “skeleton” diagrams):

The diagrams are closed as they do not have any external legs, i.e., no particles going in or out of the diagram. They are “bold” because they are formulated in terms of the interacting or bold propagator rather than the non-interacting one. They are two-particle irreducible since they do not become disconnected if we sever up to two fermionic lines.


of a system:



is a generating functional for irreducible vertex quantities: the first functional derivative with respect to


gives the self-energy, while the second derivative gives the partially two-particle irreducible four-point vertex:





While the Luttinger–Ward functional exists, it can be shown to be not unique for Hubbard-like models. In particular, the irreducible vertex functions show a set of divergencies, which causes the self-energy to bifurcate into a physical and an unphysical solution.

Baym and Kadanoff showed that we can satisfy the conservation law for any functional


, thanks to the Noether's theorem. This is followed by the fact that the equation of motion of


responding to one-body external fields apparently satisfies the space- and time- translational symmetries as well as the abelian gauge symmetry (phase symmetry), as long as the equation of motion is given with the derivative of


. Note that reverse is also true. Based on the diagramatic analysis, what Baym found is that
is needed to satisfy the conservation law. This is nothing but the completely-integrable condition, implying the existenceof


such that
(recall the completely-integrable condition for



Thus the remainig problem is how to determine


approximately.Such approximations are called as conserving approximation. Some examples:


to so-called ring diagrams:


(A ring diagram consists of polarisation bubbles connected by interaction lines).



, where


are lattice site indices.

See also


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Notes and References

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