Lords of Verona explained

The Lords of Verona ruled the city from 1260 until 19 October 1387 and for ten days in 1404. The lordship was created when Mastino I della Scala was raised to the rank of capitano del popolo from that of podestà. His descendants, the Scaliger, all Ghibellines, ruled the city and its vicinity as a hereditary seigniory for a century and a half, during which the city experienced its golden age.

Mastino I della Scala 1259 1277bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellinePodestà of Verona
Elected signore in 1262
Alberto I della Scala 1277 1301bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineFormer Podestà of Mantua
Brother of Mastino I
First hereditary signore
Bartolomeo I della Scala 1301 1304bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Alberto I
Alboino della Scala 1304 1311bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Alberto I
Cangrande I della Scala 1311 1339bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Alberto I
Joint-lord with Alboino I
Mastino II della Scala 1339 1351bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Alboino I
Joint-lord with Cangrande I
Alberto II della Scalabgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Alboino I
Joint-lord with Cangrande I
Cangrande II della Scala 1351 1359bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Mastino II
Son-in-law of Louis IV
Murdered by his brother Cansignorio
Cansignorio della Scala 1359 1375bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Mastino II
Paolo Alboino della Scalabgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Mastino II
Murdered by Cansignorio in death bed
Bartolomeo II della Scala 1375 1381bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineNatural son of Cansignorio
Murdered by his half-brother Antonio
Antonio I della Scala 1381 1388bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Cansignorio
Deposed by pro-Milanese nobles
Died in exile on 5 August 1388
(suspected being murdered by Visconti's envoys)
Gian Galeazzo Visconti 1388 1402bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineElected signore by pro-Milanese nobles
Still Lord of Milan
Gian Maria Visconti 1402 1404bgcolor=#FFCCCC GhibellineSon of Gian Galeazzo
Lacked of any authority over Verona
Deposed by anti-Visconti forces
Guglielmo della Scala 1404 1404bgcolor=#DDDDFF GuelphNatural son of Cangrande II
Re-enthroned by anti-Visconti forces
Murdered shortly after by his ally Francesco II da Carrara
Francesco II da Carrara 1404 1405bgcolor=#DDDDFF GuelphUsurper of Gugliemo
Still Lord of Padua
Executed after the Venetian victory in the War of Padua

See also