Lorber Explained

Lorber or Lorbeer is a surname with German roots (Lorbeer means Laurel in German).

Origin and meaning

The name "Lorber" probably derives from the German name of the spice Bay Laurel ("Lorbeer") and could therefore refer to an activity as a spice merchant.[1]

These early mentions are recorded in books:

Known family branches


Two aristocratic families by name Lorber are mentioned by nobility directories.[2] Although they share the same name, there seems to be no connection between these families.

Lorber (von Störchen)

The family (von) Lorber, also called "Lorber von Störchen", was found over the centuries in the City Council Bamberg and among the servants of the Prince Bishops.

The family was found up to the Secularization of the Prince-Bishopric of 1802 among the leading offices of the Bishopric and the Council of the City. The last known name carrier was Ignatz Nepomuck Lorber von Störchen (1788–1857). The street name "Lorbersgasse" in Bamberg is keeping the memory of the distinct family.


These Franconian, later Bavarian noble family was mentioned the first time in 1394:[3] A certain Clas or Niklas Lorber is known as a master chef of the Prince-Bishop Lamprecht von Brunn. The historian Konrad Arneth expressed the assumption that there may be a connection to a (still existing) farmer family branch from Stübig.[4] Therefore, it might be possible that the name (after the spice "bay"), is associated with this task as cook.

The family remained in the service of the Prince Bishops and quickly rose through the ranks to able-bodied citizens of the city council. 1412 is Clas Lorber (perhaps the chef said) named as mayor of Bamberg.

The family seems to have come quickly to prosperity in addition to their position in the council. 1445 the family donated a chapel dedicated to Saint Pancras of Rome. 1462 on today's "Am Kranen 14" – the former town port on the banks of the Regnitz – the "Kupferhof der Lorber" (copper-yard) was mentioned. This the copper trading post remained at least until 1635 in family ownership.

1546 Pankraz Lorber is listed as owner of the “Haus unter den Störchen” ("house among the storks") in today's "Dominikanerstraße 4". Meanwhile, this building is located in the well-known Bamberg inn, the "Schlenkerla".

Remaining for generations among the leading families of Bamberg, it was granted to the peerage on September 1, 1571, by Emperor Maximilian II. The document then lists the five surviving sons of Pankraz Lorber as the receivers of the diploma. In the course of the survey the arms of the family had been relieved. The Shield (five silver lilies on a red shield) remained, the ridge has been replaced by a coronet, which were originally silver buffalo horns in the crest now alternately red and silver divided and among them was another silver lily added.[5]

To differentiate from other lines of bourgeois and peasant Lorber-named cousins, the family took the name "Lorber von Störchen". The epithet may refer to either the first known residents of the Austraße 33 (but of 1571 no longer inhabited by the family) or the aforementioned "Haus unter den Störchen" in the Dominkanerstraße. This property was sold in 1677 to the Dominican Order.

Michael Lorber von Störchen, a son of one of the brothers ennobled, wrote a family chronicle in 1613. The family treasures included a silver bowl "of 2 marks and 1 ounce of weight," which Michael, Pancraz and Jobst Justus Lorber decreed in her will. The bowl showed the arms of the Lorber and closely related Haller-family, and the oldest of the family should be inherited.[6]

The Lorbers over the centuries produced many scholars, especially the lawyers and Councillors Thomas Johann Jakob Lorber of storks (1695–1734) or his son Johann Nepomuk Ignatz Christoph Lorber of storks (1725–1797).

The feud of the family were scattered across the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg. In addition to houses and fields in Bamberg, possessions were also mentioned in Zeil am Main and Scheßlitz. Last family seat was the "Lorberhof" on Jakobsplatz 15 in Bamberg. Unlike the still surviving (albeit uncommon) house name suggests, it was only a few decades in the hands of the family and is now the “Don Bosco St. Joseph's home” as a youth accommodation.

With the end of the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg and the integration of the city into the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1803, the importance of the family seems to disappear. The last known representatives of the family of storks were Ignaz Nepomuck Lorber (1788–1857), a royal Bavarian captain, who died on June 3, 1857, and his sister Elisabetha von Poschinger, born von Lorber (1790–1859). Ignaz Nepomuck describes himself, in his application for recognition of his noble title, which he addressed to the King of Bavaria, as the last male heir of his family. He and his wife Maria Karolina Kreß von Kressenstein left behind a daughter, Maria Caroline Helena, whose traces disappear after her marriage to Ferdinand Freiherr von zu Rhein 1883 in Augsburg.

Possessions and residences
Notable members of this family branch

Lorber von Lorberau

The first member of the Austrian noble family Johann Niclas Lorber was elevated to the peerage in 1741. Members of the family served in the Austria-Hungarian army.[15]

Today, no descendants of the noble Lorber branches are known.

Jewish families

Jewish Lorbers can be found in the USA. Their name may refer to names like "Lorbeerbaum" and "Lorbeer".Lorber - A very large Jewish family from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. Dozens of them were murdered by the Nazis in Auschwitz. The survivors arrived in Israel, the United States and other countries. They established families and today the Jewish Lorber tribe is strong and prosperous

Middle class Lorbers

Name dictionaries mention several first sources:

Notable Lorbers


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Hans Bahlow: Deutsches Namenlexikon. Familien- und Vornamen nach Ursprung und Sinn erklärt. Lizenzausgabe. Bindlach, Gondrom 1990, .
  2. [Ernst Heinrich Kneschke]
  3. Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Band VIII, C.A. Starke Verlag
  4. Konrad Arneth, Wappen Bamberger Bürgergeschlechter, Bamberg State Library
  5. Adelsmatrikel von Lorber (Nr. L 31), Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv München
  6. Anton Schuster, Alt Bamberg, Band 4, Seite 105f
  7. Hans Paschke, Die Au zu Bamberg, page 37f
  8. Hans Paschke, Uff der Greten zu Bamberg, page 53
  9. Hans Paschke, Dominikanerkloster, page 541f
  10. Anton Schuster, Alt Bamberg, Volume 4, page 135
  11. Adelsmatrikel von Lorber (Nr. L 31), Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv München and Dieter Weiss, Germania Sacra neue Folgen 38,1 – Bamberger Bischöfe 1522–1693, page 632
  12. Bericht des Historischen Vereins Bamberg, Number 146/2010, page 155
  13. Wachter, General Personalschematismus der Erzdiözese Bamberg, page 39
  14. Norbert J. Haas, Grabdenkmäler in und an der Kirche zu Unserer Lieben Frauen Pfarre zu Bamberg, page 39
  15. Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Band VIII, C.A. Starke Verlag, Seite 54