List of x86 virtualization instructions explained

See also: x86 virtualization.

Instruction set extensions that have been added to the x86 instruction set in order to support hardware virtualization. These extensions provide instructions for entering and leaving a virtualized execution context and for loading virtual-machine control structures (VMCSs), which hold the state of the guest and host, along with fields which control processor behavior within the virtual machine.

AMD-V instructions

Instruction Opcode Instruction Description Used by Added in
Basic SVM (Secure Virtual Machine) instructions[1]
0F 01 DF Invalidate TLB mappings for the virtual page specified in rAX and the ASID (Address Space IDentifier) specified in ECX.K8
VMRUN rAX 0F 01 D8 Run virtual machine managed by the VMCB (Virtual Machine Control Block) specified by physical address in rAX.
VMLOAD rAX 0F 01 DA Load a specific subset of processor state from the VMCB specified by the physical address in the rAX register.rowspan="2"
VMSAVE rAX 0F 01 DB Save a specific subset of processor state to the VMCB specified by the physical address in the rAX register.
STGI 0F 01 DC Set GIF (Global Interrupt Flag).rowspan="2"
CLGI 0F 01 DD Clear GIF.
VMMCALL NFx 0F 01 D9 Call to VM monitor from guest by causing a VMEXIT.
SKINIT EAX 0F 01 DE Secure Init and Jump with Attestation.
Initializes CPU to known state, designates a 64 Kbyte memory area specified by EAX as an SLB ("Secure Loader Block"), submits a copy of the memory area to the system TPM for validation using a digital signature, then jumps into the SLB.
Turion "Lion",[2]
Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV): Encrypted State (SEV-ES) instructions
Explicit communication with the VMM for SEV-ES VMs.
Zen 1
Secure Nested Paging (SEV-SNP): Reverse-Map Table (RMP) instructions
PSMASH F3 0F 01 FF Page Smash: expands a 2MB-page RMP entry into a corresponding set of contiguous 4KB-page RMP entries. The 2 MB page's system physical address is specified in the RAX register.Zen 3
RMPUPDATE F2 0F 01 FE Write a new RMP entry. The system physical address of a page whose RMP entry is modified is specified in the RAX register. The RCX register provides the effective address of a 16-byte data structure which contains the new RMP state.
PVALIDATE F2 0F 01 FF Validate or rescind validation of a guest page's RMP entry. The guest virtual address is specified in the register operand rAX.rowspan="2"
RMPADJUST F3 0F 01 FE Adjust RMP permissions for a guest page. The guest virtual address is specified in the RAX register. The page size is specified in RCX[0]. The target VMPL (Virtual Machine Privilege Level) and its permissions are specified in the RDX register.
RMPQUERY F3 0F 01 FD Reads an RMP permission mask for a guest page. The guest virtual address is specified in the RAX register. The target VMPL is specified in RDX[7:0]. RMP permissions for the specified VMPL are returned in RDX[63:8] and the RCX register. Zen 4
RMPREAD F2 0F 01 FD Read an RMP entry. The system physical address of the page whose RMP entry is to be read is specified in the RAX register. The RCX register provides the effective address of a 16-byte data structure that the RMP entry will be written to.(Zen 5)

Intel VT-x instructions

Intel virtualization instructions. VT-x is also supported on some processors from VIA and Zhaoxin.

Instruction Opcode Instruction Description Used by Added in
Basic VMX (Virtual Machine Extensions) instructions
VMXON m64 F3 0F C7 /6 Enter VMX Operation – enters hardware supported virtualisation environment.,
Nano 3000
VMXOFF NP 0F 01 C4 Leave VMX Operation – stops hardware supported virtualisation environment.
VMPTRLD m64 NP 0F C7 /6 Load pointer to Virtual-Machine Control Structure (VMCS) from memory and mark it valid.
VMPTRST m64 NP 0F C7 /7 Store pointer to current VMCS to memory.
VMCLEAR m64 66 0F C7 /6 Flush VMCS data from CPU to VMCS region in memory. If the specified VMCS is the current VMCS, then the current-VMCS is marked as invalid.
VMLAUNCH NP 0F 01 C2 Launch virtual machine managed by current VMCS.
VMRESUME NP 0F 01 C3 Resume virtual machine managed by current VMCS.
VMREAD r/m,reg NP 0F 78 /r Read a specified field from the current-VMCS. The reg argument specifies which field to read – the result is stored to r/m. rowspan="2"
NP 0F 79 /r Write to specified field of current-VMCS. The reg argument specifies which field to write, and the r/m argument provides the data item to write to the field.
VMCALL NP 0F 01 C1 Call to VM monitor from guest by causing a VMEXIT.
Extended Page Tables (EPT) instructions
INVEPT reg,m128 Invalidates EPT-derived entries in the TLBs and paging-structure caches. The reg argument specifies an invalidation type, the memory argument specifies a 128-bit descriptor.Nehalem,
Invalidates entries in the TLBs and paging-structure caches based on VPID (Virtual Processor ID). The reg argument specifies an invalidation type, the memory argument specifies a 128-bit descriptor.
VMFUNC NP 0F 01 D4 Invoke VM function specified in EAX.Haswell,
Trust Domain Extensions (TDX): Secure Arbitration Mode (SEAM) instructions[4]
SEAMOPS 66 0F 01 CE Invoke SEAM specific operations. Operation to perform is specified in RAX.
SEAMRET 66 0F 01 CD Return to legacy VMX root operation from SEAM VMX root operation.
SEAMCALL 66 0F 01 CF Call to SEAM VMX root operation from legacy VMX root operation.
TDCALL 66 0F 01 CC Call to VM monitor from TD guest by causing a VMEXIT.

Notes and References

  1. AMD, AMD64 Virtualization Codenamed “Pacifica” Technology, publication no. 33407, rev 3.01, May 2005. Archived on Jun 13, 2011.
  2. CPU-World, CPUID for AMD Turion 64 X2 RM-75, 2022-03-05. Archived on Apr 19, 2023.
  3. Intel, Intel® Atom™ Processor S1200 Product Family for Microserver Datasheet, Volume 1 of 2, order no. 328194-001, dec 2012, page 44
  4. Intel, Trust Domain CPU Architectural Extensions, order no. 343754-002, may 2021.