List of wolfpacks of World War II explained

Wolfpacks (German: U-Boot-Gruppe) were employed by Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II against Allied and neutral shipping.

Outbreak of War

From the outbreak of war until mid-1940 there were various groups of U-boats engaged in collective patrols. With the exception of experimental Hartmann's wolfpack in 1939, the first recognised wolfpack was led by KrvKpt Günther Prien in June 1940.

Invasion of Norway and Denmark

In preparation for the impending invasion of Norway and Denmark, in early April 1940, 31 U-boats were ready for operations between England and Norway. On 6 April, the codeword "Hartmut" was transmitted and German submarines began their designated operations.


NameFromToBoatsShips SunkShips DamagedBoats LostNotes
HartmannOct 1939Apr 19406703Atlantic Ocean vs convoys KJF.3 and HG.3. Comprised U-37, U-40 (lost), U-42 (lost), U-45 (lost), U-46 and U-48. The name Hartmann was not an official codename.
Prien12 Jun 194017 Jun 19407500Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.47 and HX.48. Comprised U-25, U-28, U-30, U-32, U-38, U-47 and U-51. Sank the British tanker San Fernando (U-47), the Norwegian tanker Eli Knudsen (U-32) and the Norwegian Randsfjord (U-30).
Rösing12 Jun 194015 Jun 19405400Atlantic Ocean off northwest Spain vs convoys SL.34 and US.3. Comprised U-29, U-43, U-46, U-48 and U-101.
West8 May 194120 Jun 1941233341Two-part operation in the Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.126, HX.128, OB.317, OB.318, OB.322, OB.327, OB.328, OB.329, OB.330 and SC.30. Comprised, at times, U-43, U-46, U-48, U-66, U-73, U-74, U-75, U-77, U-93, U-94, U-97, U-98, U-101, U-108, U-109, U-110 (lost), U-111, U-201, U-204, U-553, U-556, U-557 and U-751.
Kurfürst16 Jun 194120 Jun 19415100Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SL.76. Comprised U-43, U-73, U-201, U-204 and U-371.
Süd22 Jul 19415 Aug 19414000Atlantic Ocean, off the northwest coast of Africa. Comprised U-93, U-94, U-109 and U-124.
Hammer5 Aug 194112 Aug 19413000Atlantic Ocean, off the southwestern approaches to the UK. Comprised U-96, U-105 and U-751.
Grönland10 Aug 194127 Aug 194121310Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ON.4. Comprised U-38, U-43, U-71, U-73, U-77, U-82, U-84, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-129, U-202, U-206, U-501, U-553, U-563, U-567, U-568, U-569, U-652 and U-751. Sank the HMS Picotee (U-568) and damaged the British auxiliary minelayer HMS Southern Prince (U-652).
Kurfürst II23 Aug 19412 Sep 19417000Atlantic Ocean vs convoy OG.73. Comprised U-77, U-96, U-206, U-553, U-563, U-567 and U-568.
Markgraf27 Aug 194116 Sep 1941151742Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.10, ON.11 and SC.42. Comprised U-38, U-43, U-81, U-82, U-84, U-85, U-105, U-202, U-207 (lost), U-432, U-433, U-501 (lost), U-569 and U-652.
Bosemüller28 Aug 19412 Sep 19418100Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SL.84 and OG.73. Comprised U-71, U-83, U-95, U-557, U-558, U-561, U-562 and U-751.
Seewolf2 Sep 194115 Sep 194117500Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ON.14 and/or convoy OG.73. Comprised U-69, U-71, U-77, U-83, U-94, U-95, U-96, U-98, U-206, U-553, U-557, U-558, U-561, U-563, U-567, U-568 and U-751.
Brandenburg15 Sep 19412 Oct 1941111100Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.14, SC.42, SC.44 and ON.16. Comprised U-69, U-74, U-94, U-372, U-373, U-431, U-552, U-562, U-564, U-572, U-575. Sank the corvette HMCS Lévis (U-74) and 10 merchant ships.
Goeben16 Sep 19415 Oct 19416000Mediterranean Sea via the Strait of Gibraltar. Comprised U-75, U-79, U-97, U-331, U-371 and U-559.
Breslau2 Oct 194129 Oct 19416911Atlantic Ocean vs convoys OG.75 and HG.75. Comprised U-71, U-83, U-204 (lost), U-206, U-563, and U-564. Sank the British destroyer HMS Cossack (U-563) and corvette HMS Fleur de Lys (U-206); damaged the merchant ship Ariguani.
Mordbrenner16 Oct 19413 Nov 19414200Off Newfoundland vs convoys including ON.27 and SC.52. Comprised U-105, U-208, U-374 and U-573.
Schlagetot20 Oct 19411 Nov 19419210Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SL.89. Comprised U-38, U-82, U-84, U-85, U-93, U-123, U-202, U-203 and U-569. Damaged the armed merchant cruiser RMS Aurania (U-123).
Reissewolf21 Oct 194131 Oct 19417100North Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HG.75. Comprised U-73, U-77, U-101, U-432, U-502, U-568 and U-751.
Stosstrupp30 Oct 19414 Nov 19416200Atlantic Ocean vs convoys OS.10 and HX.156. Comprised U-96, U-133, U-552, U-567, U-571 and U-577. Sank the US destroyer USS Reuben James (U-552).
Raubritter1 Nov 194117 Nov 194114400Atlantic Ocean off Newfoundland vs convoy SC.52. Comprised U-38, U-74, U-82, U-84, U-85, U-93, U-106, U-123, U-133, U-202, U-203, U-569, U-571 and U-577.
Arnauld5 Nov 194118 Nov 19414101Individual U-boats from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean through the Strait of Gibraltar; U-81, U-205, U-433 (lost) and U-565. Sank the British .
Störtebecker5 Nov 19412 Dec 194119000Atlantic Ocean vs OS.11. Comprised U-69, U-77, U-85, U-96, U-98, U-103, U-107, U-123, U-133, U-201, U-332, U-372, U-373, U-402, U-552, U-567, U-571, U-572 and U-577.
Steuben14 Nov 19412 Dec 19416300Atlantic Ocean, off the Cape Race area of Newfoundland, vs Allied convoys including OS.12. Comprised U-43, U-105, U-372, U-434, U-574 and U-575.
Benecke19 Nov 19412 Dec 19414000Atlantic Ocean vs OG-series convoys. Comprised U-96, U-332, U-402 and U-552.
Gödecke19 Nov 194126 Nov 19414000Atlantic Ocean, along with the Benecke and Störtebecker wolfpacks, vs OG.77. Comprised U-69, U-98, U-201 and U-572.
Letzte Ritter25 Nov 19414 Dec 19413000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-69, U-201 and U-402.
Seeräuber14 Dec 194123 Dec 19418304Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HG.76. Comprised U-67, U-71, U-107, U-108, U-125, U-127, U-131, U-434, U-567 and U-574.
Ulan25 Dec 194119 Jan 19423410Norwegian Sea vs convoys PQ.7A, PQ.7B and PQ.8. Comprised U-134, U-454 and U-584. Sank the British destroyer HMS Matabele (U-454) and Soviet submarine M-175.
Seydlitz27 Dec 194116 Jan 19427001Atlantic Ocean vs HG.78. Comprised U-71, U-84, U-93 (lost), U-203, U-373, U-552 and U-571.
Zieten6 Jan 194222 Jan 1942121130Atlantic Ocean, off Newfoundland, vs convoys SC.62, ON.52, SC.63 and ON.53. Comprised U-84, U-86, U-87, U-135, U-203, U-333, U-552, U-553, U-582, U-654, U-701 and U-754.
Siegfried11 Jan 194216 Jan 19423000Central part of the North Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.207 and HX.262. Comprised U-71, U-93 and U-571.
Robbe15 Jan 194224 Jan 19424100UK/Iceland gap vs convoy SC.63. Comprised U-94, U-582, U-587 and U-588. Sank the Greek Dimitrios G. Themiotis and British Caledonian Monarch.
Schlei16 Jan 194212 Feb 19427300Norwegian Sea and UK/Iceland gap vs convoys ON.63 and SC.67. Comprised U-136, U-212, U-404, U-578, U-591, U-656 and U-753. Two of the three ships sunk were corvettes - British HMS Arbutus (U-136) and Canadian HMCS Spikenard (U-136) - and the third the Norwegian transport Heina.
Hecht27 Jan 19424 Feb 19423000UK/Iceland gap. Comprised U-352, U-435 and U-455.
Umbau4 Feb 194216 Feb 19424000Norwegian Sea. Comprised U-134, U-435, U-436 and U-456.
Neuland16 Feb 194218 Mar 1942????Caribbean Sea; used single boats rather than wolfpacks against Allied shipping, especially oil tankers and aluminum ore transport vessels.
Westwall2 Mar 194212 Mar 19428500Atlantic Ocean, west of the British Isles. Comprised U-87, U-135, U-212, U-213, U-553, U-569, U-701, U-752 and U-753.
(No Name)7 Mar 194211 Mar 19424000
Umhang10 Mar 194216 Mar 19423000North coast of Norway. Comprised U-436, U-454 and U-456.
Blücher11 Mar 194218 Mar 19423000West coast of Norway. Comprised U-377, U-403 and U-589.
Wrangel11 Mar 194218 Mar 19422000Off Norway. Comprised only U-405 and U-592.
York12 Mar 194226 Mar 19424000Norwegian Sea. Comprised U-135, U-553, U-569 and U-701.
Zieten II23 Mar 194229 Mar 19424001Off the north coast of Norway. Comprised U-209, U-376, U-378 and U-655 (lost).
Eiswolf28 Mar 194231 Mar 19428211Arctic Ocean vs convoy PQ.13. Comprised U-209, U-376, U-378, U-435, U-454, U-456, U-585 (lost) and U-589.
Naseweis31 Mar 194210 Apr 19423000Arctic Ocean in the area bounded by Iceland, Greenland and the Svalbard islands group. Comprised U-334, U-592 and U-667.
Bums6 Apr 194214 Apr 19426000Northwest coast of Norway. Comprised U-334, U-377, U-403, U-589, U-591 and U-592.
Robbenschlag7 Apr 194214 Apr 19428300Arctic Ocean off the north coast of Norway vs convoys QP.10 and PQ.14. Comprised U-209, U-376, U-378, U-435, U-436, U-454, U-456 and U-589.
Blutrausch15 Apr 194219 Apr 194210100Norway vs convoy PQ.14. Comprised U-209, U-376, U-377, U-378, U-403, U-436, U-454, U-456, U-589 and U-592.
29 Apr 19425 May 19429120Off the north coast of Norway vs convoys QP.11 and PQ.15. Comprised U-88, U-251, U-376, U-378, U-405, U-436, U-456, U-589 and U-703.
Hecht II8 May 194218 Jun 194291410Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.92, ONS.100, ONS.102 plus two other ON-series. Comprised U-94, U-96, U-116, U-124, U-404, U-406, U-569, U-578 and U-590.
Greif14 May 194229 May 19426100North coast of Norway vs convoys PQ.16 and QP.12. Comprised U-209, U-436, U-582, U-589, U-591 and U-703.
Pfadfinder21 May 194227 May 19428200Off the east coast of Canada. Comprised U-135, U-212, U-404, U-432, U-455, U-553, U-566, U-578 and U-653.
Endraß12 Jun 194217 Jun 19429500Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HG.84. Comprised U-71, U-84, U-89, U-132, U-134, U-437, U-552, U-571 and U-575.
Eisteufel21 Jun 194212 Jul 1942111300Norwegian Sea and Arctic Ocean, in conjunction with Operation Rösselsprung vs convoy PQ.17. Comprised U-88, U-251, U-255, U-334, U-355, U-376, U-408, U-456, U-457 and U-657.
Hai3 Jul 194221 Jul 19426911Atlantic Ocean vs convoy OS.33. Comprised U-116, U-136 (lost), U-201, U-572, U-582 and U-752.
Wolf13 Jul 19421 Aug 194211221Atlantic Ocean, vs convoys ON.111 and ON.113. Comprised U-43, U-71, U-86, U-90 (lost), U-379, U-454, U-461, U-552, U-597, U-607 and U-704.
Nebelkönig27 Jul 194214 Aug 194210000Norwegian Sea and Arctic Ocean between Greenland and Norway. Comprised U-255, U-355, U-403, U-405, U-435, U-582, U-589, U-591, U-592 and U-657.
Pirat29 Jul 19423 Aug 194213121Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ON.115. Comprised U-43, U-71, U-164, U-210, U-217, U-454, U-511, U-552, U-553, U-588 (lost), U-597, U-607 and U-704.
Steinbrock29 Jul 19423 Aug 194211221Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Pirat, vs convoy ONS.115. Comprised U-43, U-71, U-164, U-210 (lost), U-217, U-511, U-552, U-553, U-597, U-607 and U-704.
Steinbrinck3 Aug 194211 Aug 1942141132Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SC.94. Comprised U-71, U-176, U-210 (lost), U-256, U-379 (lost), U-454, U-552, U-593, U-595, U-597, U-605, U-607, U-660 and U-704.
Lohs11 Aug 194222 Sep 194219801Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.95, ONS.122, and SC.100. Comprised U-135, U-174, U-176, U-216, U-256, U-259, U-373, U-410, U-432, U-438, U-462, U-569, U-593, U-596, U-599, U-605, U-660, U-705 (lost) and U-755.
Blücher14 Aug 194228 Aug 19428610Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SL.118 and SL.119. Comprised U-107, U-214, U-333, U-406, U-566, U-590, U-594 and U-653.
Eisbär17 Oct 194213 Nov 19425100Atlantic off the Iberian peninsula and Northwest Africa vs convoy SL.119. Comprised U-68, U-156, U-172, U-459 and U-504.
Vorwärts25 Aug 194226 Sep 1942181591Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Stier, vs convoys SC.97, ON.127 and RB.1. Comprised U-91, U-92, U-211, U-218, U-380, U-404, U-407, U-409, U-411, U-461, U-584, U-594, U-604, U-608, U-609, U-659 and U-756 (lost).
Stier29 Aug 19422 Sep 19426000Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Vorwärts, vs convoy ON.127. Comprised U-96, U-380, U-404, U-584, U-594 and U-608.
Iltis25 Aug 194229 Aug 19424200Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of northwest Africa vs convoy SL.119. Comprised U-107, U-214, U-406 and U-566.
Pfeil12 Sep 194222 Sep 194211000Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.99 and ON.129. Comprised U-216, U-221, U-258, U-356, U-440, U-595, U-607, U-615, U-617, U-618 and U-661.
Trägertod12 Sep 194222 Sep 194210413Arctic Ocean vs convoys PQ.18 and QP.14. Comprised U-88 (lost), U-377, U-378, U-403, U-405, U-408, U-457 (lost), U-589 (lost), U-592 and U-703. Sank the British destroyer HMS Somali (U-703).
Blitz22 Sep 194226 Sep 194219700Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.100, ON.131 and RB.1. Comprised U-216, U-221, U-258, U-259, U-260, U-356, U-310, U-437, U-582, U-595, U-597, U-599, U-607, U-615, U-617, U-618, U-619, U-661 and U-755.
Tiger26 Sep 194230 Sep 194217000Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ON.131. Comprised U-221, U-258, U-260, U-356, U-407, U-410, U-437, U-575, U-582, U-595, U-597, U-599, U-607, U-615, U-617, U-618 and U-755.
Luchs27 Sep 19426 Oct 194219202Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.101 and HX.209. Comprised U-183, U-216, U-254, U-257, U-260, U-382, U-404, U-437, U-442, U-575, U-582 (lost), U-597, U-610, U-619 (lost), U-620, U-706, U-753 and U-755.
Letze Ritter II29 Sep 19421 Oct 19424000Atlantic Ocean vs convoys associated with Operation Torch. Comprised U-216, U-404, U-410 and U-584.
Tümmler1 Oct 194211 Oct 19426000Bay of Biscay, eastern part of the central Atlantic and western part of the Mediterranean. Comprised U-89, U-438, U-458, U-593, U-605 and U-660.
Wotan5 Oct 194219 Oct 1942112101Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Leopard, vs convoys ON.135, ON.136, SC.104, and ON.137. Comprised U-118, U-216, U-221, U-258, U-356, U-410, U-599, U-607, U-615, U-618 and U-661 (lost).
Panther6 Oct 194220 Oct 194234301Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.103, ONS.136 and ONS.137. Comprised U-71, U-84, U-89, U-132, U-183, U-254, U-260, U-301, U-353, U-381, U-382, U-402, U-437, U-438, U-441, U-442, U-443, U-454, U-518, U-563, U-571, U-575, U-597 (lost), U-602, U-609, U-610, U-620, U-621, U-658, U-662, U-704, U-706, U-753 and U-757.
Leopard12 Oct 194219 Oct 19428102Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Wotan, vs convoys ONS.136 and SC.104. Comprised U-254, U-353 (lost), U-382, U-437, U-442, U-597 (lost), U-620 and U-662.
Puma16 Oct 194229 Oct 1942131330Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.138, ON.139 and HX.212. Comprised U-224, U-301, U-383, U-436, U-441, U-443, U-563, U-575, U-602, U-606, U-621, U-624 and U-753.
Streitaxt20 Oct 19422 Nov 1942101270Atlantic Ocean, off the Strait of Gibraltar, vs convoy SL.125. Comprised U-103, U-134, U-203, U-409, U-440, U-509, U-510, U-572, U-604 and U-659.
Veilchen20 Oct 19427 Nov 194213821Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SC.107. Initially comprised U-71, U-84, U-89, U-132, U-381, U-402, U-438, U-454, U-571, U-658 (lost) and U-704, reinforced by U-437 and U-442.
Südwärts24 Oct 194226 Oct 19426000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-154, U-260, U-301, U-620, U-662 and U-706.
Natter30 Oct 19428 Nov 194215200Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ON.142. Comprised U-86, U-91, U-92, U-98, U-218, U-224, U-383, U-436, U-564, U-566, U-606, U-613, U-624, U-653 and U-753.
Delphin4 Nov 194214 Nov 19429101Western Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic Ocean off the Strait of Gibraltar. Comprised U-259, U-380, U-407, U-440, U-595 (lost), U-596, U-617, U-662 and U-755. Sank the Dutch Nieuw Zeeland of the Operation Torch invasion convoys.
Kreuzotter8 Nov 194224 Nov 194213711Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ON.144. Comprised U-84, U-184 (lost), U-224, U-262, U-383, U-454, U-521, U-522, U-606, U-611, U-624 and U-753.
Westwall II8 Nov 194216 Dec 1942201131Atlantic Ocean, in the Bay of Biscay and western Mediterranean, vs convoys for Operation Torch, MKF.1X, MKF.1Y, MKS.1X, KMS.3, ON.149. Comprised U-86, U-91, U-92, U-98 (lost), U-103, U-106, U-118, U-130, U-155, U-185, U-218, U-263, U-411, U-413, U-515, U-519, U-564, U-566, U-613 and U-653.
Schlagetot II9 Nov 194221 Nov 194210432Off the northwest coast of Africa vs convoy UGF.1. A reaction to Operation Torch. Comprised U-103, U-108, U-130, U-173, U-509, U-510, U-511, U-572 and U-752.
Wal10 Nov 194215 Nov 19428312Mediterranean Sea vs convoys for Operation Torch. Comprised U-73, U-81 (lost), U-259, U-380, U-407, U-565, U-617 and U-660 (lost).
Boreas19 Nov 19429 Dec 194210200Between Norway and the Svalbard islands group vs convoy QP.15. Comprised U-209, U-212, U-376, U-378, U-405, U-456, U-582, U-592, U-601 and U-625. Sank the British Goolistan (U-625) and the Soviet Kuznets (U-601).
Drachen22 Nov 19423 Dec 19425200Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.110 and HX.216. Comprised U-262, U-445, U-611, U-623 and U-663. Sank the British Ocean Crusader (HX.216) by U-262 and Barberrys (SC.110) convoy by U-663.
Panzer23 Nov 194211 Dec 194211102Atlantic Ocean vs HX.217. Comprised U-135, U-211, U-254 (lost), U-439, U-445, U-465, U-524 (lost), U-611, U-623, U-663 and U-758. Sank the British Empire Spenser (U-524).
Panther29 Nov 194211 Dec 19427???Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ONS.148 and HX.217. Comprised U-135, U-211, U-254, U-439, U-465, U-524 and U-758.
Draufgänger29 Nov 194211 Dec 194210300Atlantic Ocean vs convoys MKF.3 and HX.217. Comprised U-221, U-373, U-455, U-553, U-569, U-600, U-604, U-609, U-610 and U-615.
Büffel9 Dec 194215 Dec 19423000Atlantic Ocean vs . Comprised U-373, U-445 and U-663.
Raufbold11 Dec 194222 Dec 194214410Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.152 and ON.153. Comprised U-135, U-203, U-211, U-356, U-409, U-410, U-439, U-600, U-609, U-610, U-621, U-623 and U-644.
Ungestüm11 Dec 194230 Dec 194213910Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.218, ONS.152 and, in tandem with Spitz, ON.154. Comprised U-336, U-373, U-435, U-445, U-455, U-524, U-569, U-591, U-604, U-615 and U-628.
Spitz22 Dec 194231 Dec 194211891Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Ungestüm, vs convoy ONS.154. Comprised U-123, U-203, U-225, U-260, U-356 (lost), U-406, U-440, U-441, U-659, U-662 and U-664.
Delphin II26 Dec 194214 Feb 1943171012Atlantic Ocean vs convoys TM.1 and UGS.4. Comprised U-87, U-107, U-125, U-202, U-258, U-264, U-381, U-436, U-442 (lost), U-463, U-511, U-514, U-522, U-558, U-571, U-575 and U-620 (lost).
Falke28 Dec 194219 Jan 194323600Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ONS.158, ONS.159, ONS.160 and HX.222. Comprised U-69, U-71, U-167, U-201, U-226, U-257, U-268, U-333, U-384, U-403, U-404, U-414, U-441, U-444, U-525, U-563, U-572, U-584, U-606, U-607, U-631, U-632 and U-706.
Habicht10 Jan 194319 Jan 194310100Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.115 and HX.222. Comprised U-186, U-226, U-268, U-303, U-383, U-438, U-613, U-624, U-704 and U-752.
Jaguar10 Jan 194331 Jan 19438200Atlantic vs convoys SC.117 and HX.223. Comprised U-96, U-123, U-266, U-413, U-594, U-598, U-662 and U-706.
Haugegen19 Jan 194315 Feb 194326211Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.223, SG.19, HX.225, SC.119 and ON.165.
Landsknecht19 Jan 194328 Jan 194321001Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.224. Comprised U-71, U-187, U-257, U-262, U-267, U-333, U-384, U-402, U-404, U-444, U-454, U-456, U-465, U-553 (lost), U-572, U-584, U-609, U-614, U-631 and U-632.
Nordwind24 Jan 19434 Feb 19437300Off north coast of Norway vs convoy RA.52. Comprised U-255, U-302, U-622, U-625, U-629 and U-657.
Rochen27 Jan 19431 Mar 194313530Atlantic Ocean, off northwest Africa, vs convoys UC.1 and ON.165. Comprised U-43, U-66, U-87, U-108, U-118, U-202, U-218, U-258, U-264, U-461, U-504, U-521 and U-558.
Pfeil II1 Feb 19439 Feb 1943131112Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SC.118. Comprised U-89, U-135, U-187 (lost), U-262, U-266, U-267, U-402, U-413, U-454, U-465, U-594, U-608 and U-609 (lost).
Nordsturm2 Feb 19439 Feb 19435100Atlantic Ocean, south of Greenland, vs convoy SG.19. Comprised U-186, U-223, U-268, U-358 and U-707.
Hartherz3 Feb 19437 Feb 194310000Atlantic, west of the Bay of Biscay, vs KMS and MKS convoys. Comprised U-71, U-107, U-183, U-332, U-519, U-572, U-584, U-621, U-628, U-653 and U-753.
Seehund5 Feb 194312 Apr 1943????Off the coast of South Africa and in the Indian Ocean.
Ritter11 Feb 194326 Feb 194313541Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Knappen, vs convoys HX.226 and ON.166. Comprised U-92, U-225, U-332, U-377, U-454, U-468, U-529, U-603, U-621, U-623 (lost), U-628, U-653 and U-753.
Taifun15 Feb 194320 Feb 19435100Atlantic Ocean, off Newfoundland and Labrador, vs convoy ONS.165. Comprised U-186, U-223, U-358 and U-707 detached from the Haudegen.
Robbe16 Feb 194313 Mar 19438620Atlantic Ocean vs convoys UC.1, KMS.10, OS.44 and others. Comprised U-103, U-107, U-382, U-410, U-437, U-445, U-511 and U-569.
Neptun18 Feb 19433 Mar 194311300Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.226 and HX.227. Comprised U-89, U-135, U-359, U-376, U-377, U-405, U-448, U-566, U-608, U-634, U-659, U-709 and U-759.
Knappen19 Feb 194325 Feb 19434220Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Ritter, vs convoy ON.166. Comprised U-91, U-92, U-600 and U-604.
Sturmbock21 Feb 194326 Feb 19439200Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ONS.167. Comprised U-84, U-432, U-591, U-664 and U-758. Sank the Panamanian H. H. Rogers (U-664) and US Rosario (U-664).
Burggraf24 Feb 19435 Mar 194318100Atlantic vs convoy SC.121. Worked with the Neuland, Ostmark, Westmark and Wildfang wolfpacks.
Wildfang26 Feb 19435 Mar 194310000Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Ostmark and Westmark, against the SC.121. Comprised U-84, U-89, U-359, U-409, U-432, U-448, U-591, U-638, U-664 and U-758.
Tümmler II1 Mar 194322 Mar 19436200Eastern Atlantic Ocean, off northwest Africa and the western approaches to the Strait of Gibraltar, with Unverzagt and Wohlgemut, vs convoys UGS.6 and ON.165. Comprised U-43, U-66, U-202, U-504, U-521 and U-558.
Neuland4 Mar 194313 Mar 194322521Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.228 and SC.121. Comprised U-86, U-190, U-221, U-229, U-336, U-373, U-406, U-439, U-440, U-441, U-444 (lost), U-447, U-448, U-530, U-590, U-608, U-633, U-641, U-642, U-659, U-665 and U-757.
Ostmark6 Mar 194311 Mar 194311511North Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SC.121. Comprised U-190, U-229, U-439, U-447, U-530, U-618, U-633 (lost), U-641, U-642, U-665 and U-666.
Westmark6 Mar 194311 Mar 1943171001Atlantic Ocean, together with Burggraf, Neuland, Ostmark and Wildfang, vs convoys SC.121 and HX.228. Comprised U-228, U-230, U-332, U-359, U-405, U-409, U-432 (lost), U-448, U-523, U-526, U-527, U-566, U-591, U-616, U-634, U-659 and U-709.
Raubgraf7 Mar 194320 Mar 1943131130Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Dränger and Stürmer, vs convoys ONS.169, ONS.170, SC.122 and HX.229. Comprised U-84, U-89, U-91, U-435, U-468, U-600, U-603, U-615, U-621, U-638, U-653, U-664 and U-758.
Stürmer11 Mar 194320 Mar 1943191031Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Dränger and Raubgraf, vs convoys SC.122 and HX.229. Comprised U-134, U-190, U-229, U-305, U-338, U-384 (lost), U-439, U-526, U-527, U-530, U-598, U-618, U-631, U-641, U-642, U-665 and U-666.
Unverzagt12 Mar 194322 Mar 19436211Atlantic Ocean, off the western approaches to the Strait of Gibraltar, in tandem with Tümmler and Wohlgemut, vs convoy UGS.6. Comprised U-106, U-130 (lost), U-167, U-172, U-513 and U-515.
Wohlgemut12 Mar 194322 Mar 19435101Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Tümmler and Unverzagt, vs convoy UGS.6. Comprised U-67, U-103, U-109, U-159 and U-524 (lost).
Dränger14 Mar 194320 Mar 194311300Atlantic vs convoys HX.229 and SC.122, in conjunction with Raubgraf and Stürmer. Comprised U-86, U-221, U-333, U-336, U-373, U-406, U-440, U-441, U-590, U-608 and U-610.
Seeteufel21 Mar 194330 Mar 194317100Convoy HX 230
Seewolf II21 Mar 194330 Mar 194319000Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.123 and HX.230. Comprised U-84, U-86, U-257, U-305, U-333, U-336, U-373, U-440, U-441, U-527, U-530, U-590, U-591, U-615, U-618, U-631, U-641, U-642 and U-666.
Seeräuber25 Mar 194330 Mar 19437300Atlantic Ocean vs convoy RS-3. Comprised U-67, U-123, U-159, U-167, U-172, U-513 and U-515.
Eisbär27 Mar 194315 Apr 194312001Northwest coast of Norway vs Allied Arctic convoys. Comprised U-212, U-251, U-255, U-269, U-302, U-354, U-355, U-378, U-467, U-625, U-639 and U-644 (lost).
(No name)27 Mar 194330 Mar 19435410Convoy SL 126
Löwenherz1 Apr 194310 Apr 194314432Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.231. Comprised U-168, U-191, U-260, U-270, U-563, U-564, U-572, U-584, U-592, U-594, U-630, U-632 (lost), U-635 (lost) and U-706.
Taifun II2 Apr 19434 Apr 19434000Norwegian Sea. Comprised U-255, U-582, U-629 and U-646.
Adler7 Apr 194313 Apr 194316400Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.232, ON.176 and ONS.2. Comprised U-71, U-84, U-108, U-188, U-257, U-381, U-404, U-413, U-438, U-571, U-613, U-615, U-618 and U-662.
Lerche10 Apr 194316 Apr 194310310North Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.232. Comprised U-168, U-191, U-203, U-260, U-270, U-532, U-563, U-584, U-630 and U-706.
Meise11 Apr 194327 Apr 194334522North Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.126, HX.234, and ONS.4. Comprised U-71, U-84, U-108, U-134, U-188 (lost), U-191 (lost), U-192, U-203, U-209, U-257, U-258, U-267, U-306, U-378, U-381, U-404, U-413, U-415, U-438, U-531, U-532, U-552, U-571, U-598, U-610, U-613, U-618, U-631, U-648, U-662, U-706, U-732 and U-954.
(No Name)15 Apr 194318 Apr 19438111Convoy HX 233
Specht19 Apr 19434 May 194324101Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Amsel I, Amsel II, Fink and Star, vs convoys SC.127, SC.128 and ONS.5. Comprised U-84, U-92, U-108, U-125 (lost), U-168, U-203, U-226, U-257, U-260, U-264, U-270, U-358, U-404, U-438, U-514, U-584, U-614, U-618, U-628, U-630, U-662, U-706, U-707 and U-732. Sank the British Lorient (ONS.5).
Amsel22 Apr 19433 May 194316000Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.127 and HX.235. Comprised U-186, U-223, U-266, U-267, U-359, U-377, U-383, U-403, U-448, U-366, U-454, U-466, U-468, U-514, U-525, U-634 and U-709.
Star27 Apr 19434 May 194316100Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Specht, vs convoy ONS.5. Comprised U-192, U-209, U-231, U-258, U-378, U-381, U-386, U-413, U-528, U-531, U-532, U-533, U-552, U-648, U-650 and U-954.
Drossel29 Apr 194315 May 194313407Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SL.128 and HX.237. Comprised U-89 (lost), U-221, U-230, U-332 (lost), U-406, U-436, U-439 (lost), U-447 (lost), U-456 (lost), U-600, U-607, U-659 (lost) and U-753 (lost).
Amsel 13 May 19436 May 19436101Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ONS.5. Comprised U-267, U-402, U-504, U-575, U-621 and U-638 (lost). Sank the British Dolius.
Amsel 23 May 19436 May 19436300Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ONS.5. Comprised U-107, U-223, U-266, U-377, U-383 and U-634.
Amsel 33 May 19436 May 19436000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-448, U-468, U-525, U-569, U-709 and U-752.
Amsel 43 May 19436 May 19436000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-103, U-186, U-359, U-403, U-454 and U-466.
Fink4 May 19436 May 194328805Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ONS.5 and SC.128, in tandem with the Amsel I, Amsel II, Specht and Star wolfpacks. Comprised U-125 (lost), U-168, U-192 (lost), U-209, U-226, U-231, U-260, U-264, U-270, U-358, U-378, U-381, U-413, U-438 (lost), U-514, U-531 (lost), U-533, U-552, U-584, U-614, U-628, U-630 (lost), U-648, U-650, U-662, U-707, U-732 and U-954.
Aufnahme7 Mar 194211 Mar 19424000Arctic Ocean off Norway. Comprised U-377, U-403, U-454 and U-589.
(No Name)5 May 194310 May 19439000
Elbe7 May 194310 May 194316000North Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-107, U-223, U-231, U-266, U-267, U-377, U-383, U-402, U-504, U-514, U-575, U-584, U-614, U-621, U-634 and U-650.
Rhein7 May 194310 May 194312000Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.237. Formed from the Amsel I and Amsel II packs, comprised U-103, U-186, U-359, U-403, U-448, U-454, U-466, U-468, U-525, U-569, U-709 and U-752.
Elbe 110 May 194314 May 194313000Central North Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.237. Comprised U-231, U-267, U-468, U-514, U-525, U-569, U-575, U-584, U-614, U-650, U-709 and U-752.
Elbe 210 May 194314 May 194313201North Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SC.129. Comprised U-103, U-107, U-186 (lost), U-223, U-359, U-377, U-383, U-402, U-448, U-454, U-466, U-504 and U-621.
Isar10 May 194315 May 19434000North Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with the Inn wolfpack, vs convoy ONS.7. Comprised U-304, U-418, U-645 and U-952. On 15 May the Isar, Inn and Nahe wolfpacks combined to create the two Donau wolfpacks.
Nahe?? May 1943?? May 1943????Unrealised wolfpack in the Atlantic. Absorbed into the Donau I and Donau II wolfpacks.
Lech10 May 194315 May 19433000Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Isar and Inn, vs convoy ONS.7. Comprised U-91, U-202 and U-664. Broken up for incorporation in the Donau wolfpacks.
Inn11 May 194315 May 19434000Atlantic Ocean, in tandem with Isar vs convoy ONS.7. Comprised U-92, U-258, U-381 and U-954. On 15 May, Inn and Isar plus the Nahe wolfpack combined to create the two Donau wolfpacks.
Iller12 May 194315 May 19436001Greenland/Iceland gap vs convoy SC.130. Comprised U-340, U-636, U-640 (lost), U-657, U-731 and U-760.
Naab12 May 194315 May 19437000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-92, U-218, U-264, U-378, U-413, U-552 and U-707.
Donau 115 May 194326 May 194312103North Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ONS.7 and SC.130. Comprised U-304.
Donau 215 May 194326 May 194311001North Atlantic Ocean vs convoy SC.130.
Oder17 May 194319 May 19439000Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.238. Comprised U-221, U-228, U-336, U-558, U-603, U-642, U-666 and U-752.
Mosel19 May 194324 May 194321002Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.239, ON.184 and SC.130. Comprised U-218, U-221, U-228, U-231, U-264, U-305, U-336, U-378, U-468, U-552, U-558, U-569 (lost), U-575, U-603, U-607, U-621, U-641, U-642, U-650, U-666 and U-752 (lost).
Trutz1 Jun 194315 Jul 194318001Atlantic Ocean vs convoys between the US and Gibraltar including GUS.7A. Lost U-217.
Trutz 116 Jun 194329 Jun 19434000Breakup of Trutz into smaller wolfpacks, vs convoy GUS.8. Comprised U-228, U-558, U-608 and U-642.
Trutz 216 Jun 194329 Jun 19438000Breakup of Trutz into smaller wolfpacks, vs convoy GUS.8. Comprised U-135, U-232, U-336, U-603, U-641, U-666, U-951 and U-953.
Trutz 316 Jun 194329 Jun 19434000Breakup of Trutz into smaller wolfpacks, vs convoy GUS.8. Comprised U-193, U-211, U-221 and U-435.
Geier 130 Jun 194315 Jul 19434000One of three sub-operations in Geier in the Atlantic off the Iberian peninsula using boats which had previously been part of the Trutz wolfpack. Comprised U-228, U-603, U-608 and U-641.
Geier 230 Jun 194315 Jul 19434002One of three sub-operations in Geier in the Atlantic off the Iberian peninsula using boats which had previously been part of the Trutz wolfpack. Comprised U-211, U-435 (lost), U-951 (lost) and U-953.
Geier 330 Jun 194315 Jul 19433001One of three sub-operations in Geier in the Atlantic off the Iberian peninsula using boats which had previously been part of the Trutz wolfpack. Comprised U-232 (lost), U-336 and U-642.
(No Name)11 Jul 194329 Jul 19436000
Wiking1 Aug 19438 Oct 19437410Kara Sea vs convoy VA.18. Comprised U-302, U-307, U-354, U-601, U-703, U-711 and U-960.
Monsun6 Jul 194327 Aug 1943????Indian Ocean, by individual boats rather than a wolfpack.
Monsun30 Aug 194323 Nov 19438000Between Norway and the Svalbard islands group against Allied Arctic convoys. Comprised U-277, U-307, U-355, U-360, U-387, U-713, U-737 and U-956.
Leuthen15 Sep 194324 Sep 1943211033Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.202 and ONS.18. Comprised U-229 (lost), U-238, U-260, U-270, U-274, U-305, U-338 (lost), U-341 (lost), U-377, U-378, U-386, U-402, U-413, U-422, U-584, U-641, U-645, U-666, U-731, U-758, U-952 and U-963.
Rossbach24 Sep 19439 Oct 194326206Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.203, ONS.19, HX.258, ON.204, HX.259 and SC.143. Comprised U-91, U-260, U-275, U-279 (lost), U-305, U-309, U-336 (lost), U-378, U-389 (lost), U-402, U-419 (lost), U-437, U-448, U-539, U-584, U-603, U-610 (lost), U-631, U-641, U-643 (lost), U-645, U-666, U-731, U-758, U-762 and U-952. Sank the Free Polish destroyer Orkan.
Schlieffen14 Oct 194322 Oct 194318005Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.206 and ONS.20. Comprised U-91, U-231, U-267, U-281, U-309, U-413, U-426, U-437, U-448, U-455, U-470 (lost), U-540 (lost), U-608, U-631 (lost), U-762, U-841 (lost), U-842 and U-844 (lost).
Eisenbart22 Oct 19435 Jan 194412000Arctic Ocean vs convoys JW.55A, RA.55A and RA.55B. Comprised U-277, U-307, U-314, U-354, U-360, U-387, U-601, U-716 and U-957.
Siegfried22 Oct 194327 Oct 194323000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-91, U-212, U-226, U-231, U-267, U-281, U-309, U-373, U-405, U-413, U-426, U-437, U-552, U-575, U-592, U-608, U-648, U-709, U-762, U-842, U-963, U-967 and U-969.
Schill25 Oct 194316 Nov 194310102Atlantic Ocean vs convoys MKS.28, KMS.31, MKS.29A, MKS.30 and SL.139. Comprised U-228, U-262, U-306 (lost), U-333, U-358, U-466, U-707 (lost) and the anti-aircraft boats U-211, U-441 and U-953.
Siegfried 127 Oct 194330 Oct 19436000First section of Siegfried vs convoy SC.145. Comprised U-212, U-231, U-405, U-608, U-967 and U-969.
Siegfried 227 Oct 194330 Oct 19438000Second section of Siegfried vs convoy SC.145. Comprised U-267, U-281, U-413, U-426, U-437, U-552, U-592 and U-963.
Siegfried 327 Oct 194330 Oct 19436000Third section of Siegfried vs convoy SC.145. Comprised U-226, U-373, U-575, U-648, U-709 and U-842.
Jahn30 Oct 19432 Nov 194312000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-226, U-373, U-426, U-437, U-552, U-575, U-582, U-592, U-608, U-648, U-709 and U-842.
Körner30 Oct 19432 Nov 194311000Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ON.208, HX.263 and ONS.21. Comprised U-212, U-231, U-267, U-280, U-281, U-413, U-714, U-843, U-963, U-967 and U-969.
Tirpitz 12 Nov 19438 Nov 19434000Part of a five-part wolfpack in the Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.264.
Tirpitz 22 Nov 19438 Nov 19435000Part of a five-part wolfpack in the Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.264.
Tirpitz 32 Nov 19438 Nov 19435000Part of a five-part wolfpack in the Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.264.
Tirpitz 42 Nov 19438 Nov 19434001Part of a five-part wolfpack in the Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.264.
Tirpitz 52 Nov 19438 Nov 19433001Part of a five-part wolfpack in the Atlantic Ocean vs convoy HX.264.
Eisenhart 19 Nov 194315 Nov 19433000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 29 Nov 194315 Nov 19433000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 39 Nov 194315 Nov 19433000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 49 Nov 194315 Nov 19433000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 59 Nov 194315 Nov 19433000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 69 Nov 194313 Nov 19431000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 79 Nov 194315 Nov 19433000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 89 Nov 194311 Nov 19434000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 99 Nov 194311 Nov 19433000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Eisenhart 109 Nov 194310 Nov 19431000One of ten sub-operations in Eisenhart in the North Atlantic vs convoys HX.264, SC.146 and HX.265.
Schill 116 Nov 194322 Nov 19438101Part of a three-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean vs MKS.30. Comprised U-211 (lost), U-228, U-262, U-333, U-358, U-426, U-515 and U-600. Damaged beyond repair the British sloop HMS Chanticleer (U-515).
Schill 217 Nov 194322 Nov 19439001Part of a three-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-86, U-238, U-343, U-536 (lost), U-582, U-608, U-648, U-709 and U-969.
Schill 318 Nov 194322 Nov 19439000Part of a three-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-212, U-391, U-424, U-542, U-618, U-714, U-764, U-843 and U-967.
Weddigen22 Nov 19437 Dec 194317004Atlantic Ocean vs convoys KMS.30, OS.59, MKS.31, SL.140, KMS.34 and OS.60. Comprised the remaining boats of the Schill wolfpack, U-86 (lost), U-107, U-228, U-238, U-262, U-358, U-391, U-424, U-542 (lost), U-582, U-600 (lost), U-618, U-648 (lost), U-714, U-764, U-843 and U-969.
Coronel4 Dec 19438 Dec 194319000North Atlantic Ocean vs convoys ONS.24, HX.268 and ON.214. Comprised U-92, U-107, U-269, U-311, U-415, U-421, U-541, U-543, U-544, U-618, U-625, U-629, U-653, U-667, U-672, U-734, U-761, U-801 and U-962.
Coronel 18 Dec 194317 Dec 194319001North Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-92, U-284, U-311, U-364, U-392, U-421, U-471, U-544, U-625, U-629, U-653, U-672, U-741, U-744, U-761, U-960, U-972 (lost), U-976 and U-981.
Coronel 28 Dec 194317 Dec 194321001North Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-92, U-107, U-302, U-311, U-390, U-415, U-421, U-541, U-543, U-544, U-618, U-625, U-629, U-645 (lost), U-653, U-667, U-672, U-734, U-761, U-801 and U-962.
Coronel 314 Dec 194317 Dec 19439000North Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-107, U-415, U-541, U-543, U-618, U-645 (lost), U-667, U-801 and U-962.
Amrum18 Dec 194323 Dec 19436000Atlantic Ocean vs various ON, HX and SC convoys. Comprised U-302, U-311, U-392, U-629, U-960 and U-976.
Borkum18 Dec 19433 Jan 194417201Atlantic Ocean vs convoys MKS.33/SL.142, OS.62/KMS.36 and MKS.34/SL.143 pairs. Comprised U-107, U-231, U-270, U-275, U-305, U-377, U-382, U-415, U-541, U-618, U-641, U-645 (lost), U-667, U-758, U-801, U-953 and U-962. Sank two destroyers, the British HMS Hurricane (U-415) and US USS Leary (U-275).
Föhr18 Dec 194323 Dec 19436000Atlantic vs ON, HX and SC-series convoys. Comprised U-92, U-421, U-544, U-625, U-653 and U-672.
Sylt18 Dec 194323 Dec 19436000Atlantic Ocean against several ON, HX and SC convoys. Comprised U-364, U-471, U-741, U-744, U-972 and U-981. The Sylt wolfpack's boats were divided, together with those of the Amrum and Föhr wolfpacks, into the six elements of the Rügen wolfpack.
Rügen 123 Dec 19437 Jan 19448110Part of a seven-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean vs convoy ON.217. Comprised U-364, U-545, U-547, U-741, U-744, U-762, U-972 and U-981.
Rügen 223 Dec 19437 Jan 19446001Part of a seven-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-364, U-545, U-741, U-744, U-762, U-972 (lost) and U-981.
Rügen 323 Dec 19437 Jan 19448000Part of a seven-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-302, U-390, U-392, U-471, U-763, U-846 and U-960.
Rügen 423 Dec 19437 Jan 19449000Part of a seven-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-92, U-302, U-311, U-392, U-471, U-846, U-960 and U-976.
Rügen 523 Dec 19437 Jan 19449000Part of a seven-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-92, U-260, U-311, U-672, U-757, U-846 and U-976.
Rügen 623 Dec 19437 Jan 194411000Part of a seven-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-260, U-309, U-421, U-544, U-625, U-653, U-666, U-672, U-731 and U-976.
Hela28 Dec 19431 Jan 19444000Southwestern approaches to the UK. Comprised U-421, U-505, U-618 and U-666.
Rügen 728 Dec 19432 Jan 19443000Part of a seven-part wolfpack operation in the Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-309, U-653 and U-731.
Isegrim1 Jan 194427 Jan 194415320Arctic Ocean vs convoys JW.56A and JW.56B. Comprised U-278, U-312, U-314, U-360, U-425, U-472, U-601, U-636, U-716, U-737, U-739, U-956, U-957 and U-965. Damaged the British destroyer HMS Obdurate (U-360).
Borkum 13 Jan 194413 Jan 19443100West of the Iberian peninsula vs convoys MKS.35 and SL.144. Comprised U-270, U-305 and U-382. Sank the British frigate HMS Tweed (U-305).
Borkum 23 Jan 194413 Jan 19442000West of the Iberian peninsula. Comprised U-641 and U-758.
Borkum 33 Jan 194413 Jan 19443001West of the Iberian peninsula. Comprised U-231 (lost), U-377 and U-953.
Rügen7 Jan 194426 Jan 194431004Atlantic Ocean vs convoys TU.5 and ON.215. Survivors of seven individually numbered and smaller Rügen groups were assembled into this larger group; comprised U-92, U-212, U-260, U-271, U-281, U-302, U-305 (lost), U-309, U-311, U-364, U-377 (lost), U-382, U-390, U-392, U-406, U-471, U-545, U-547, U-571, U-592, U-641 (lost), U-650, U-666, U-731, U-741, U-757 (lost), U-762, U-846, U-976, U-981 and U-984.
Hinein26 Jan 19443 Feb 19448002Atlantic vs convoy ON.221. Comprised U-212, U-271 (lost), U-281, U-441, U-571 (lost), U-592, U-650 and U-764.
Stürmer26 Jan 19443 Feb 194413000Atlantic Ocean vs convoys OS.66 and KMS.40. Comprised U-283, U-309, U-386, U-390, U-406, U-545, U-547, U-666, U-731, U-762, U-984, U-985 and U-989.
Werwolf27 Jan 194428 Feb 194421201Norwegian Sea vs convoys JW.56B, JW.57 and RA.56. Comprised U-278, U-312, U-313, U-314 (lost), U-362, U-425, U-472, U-601, U-674, U-713, U-716, U-737, U-739, U-956, U-957, U-965, U-973 and U-990. Sank the British destroyers HMS Hardy (U-278) and HMS Mahratta (U-990).
Igel3 Feb 194417 Feb 194415103Double operation in the North Atlantic vs convoys MKS.38, SL.147, UC.12, ON.223, HX.277, OS.67, KMS.41, ONS.29, ON.224, OS.68 and KMS.42.
Hai 117 Feb 194422 Feb 194416103Atlantic Ocean vs convoys HX.278 and ON.224. Comprised U-91, U-212, U-256, U-264 (lost), U-386 (lost), U-406 (lost), U-437, U-441, U-546, U-549, U-603, U-608, U-709, U-764, U-985 and U-989. Sank the British sloop HMS Woodpecker (U-256).
Hai 217 Feb 194422 Feb 19443000Atlantic Ocean. Comprised U-281, U-650 and U-963.
Preussen22 Feb 194422 Mar 194431518Atlantic Ocean vs convoys SC.153, SL.150, MKS.41, CU.16, SL.154, HX.281 and ON.227. Comprised U-91 (lost), U-92, U-212, U-255, U-256, U-262, U-267, U-281, U-302, U-311, U-358 (lost), U-415, U-437, U-441, U-448, U-549, U-575 (lost), U-603 (lost), U-608, U-625 (lost), U-653 (lost), U-667, U-672, U-709 (lost), U-741, U-744, U-764 (lost), U-962, U-963, U-985 and U-986. Sank the British frigate HMS Gould (U-358), British LST-362, US destroyer escort USS Leopold (U-255) and British corvette HMS Asphodel (U-575); damaged the British LST-324.
Hartmut23 Feb 194428 Feb 19444000Norwegian Sea vs convoy JW.57. Comprised U-315, U-366, U-472 and U-673.
Boreas28 Feb 194410 Mar 194412002
Orkan5 Mar 194410 Mar 19444001Norwegian Sea. Comprised U-288, U-366 (lost), U-674 and U-990.
Taifun5 Mar 194410 Mar 19444001Norwegian Sea. Comprised U-278, U-737 and U-973 (lost).
Hammer10 Mar 19445 Apr 19445001Versus convoy JW.58. Comprised U-288 (lost), U-354, U-674, U-968 and U-990.
Thor10 Mar 19445 Apr 19446000Norwegian Sea vs convoy JW.58. Comprised U-278, U-307, U-312, U-313, U-361 and U-959.
Blitz24 Mar 19445 Apr 19449002Arctic Ocean vs convoy JW.58. Comprised U-277, U-288, U-315, U-355 (lost), U-360 (lost), U-361, U-711, U-956 and U-990.
Donner5 Apr 194420 Apr 19449000
Keil5 Apr 194420 Apr 19445100Norwegian Sea vs convoys RA.58 and RA.59. Comprised U-315, U-361, U-711, U-716 and U-739.
20 Apr 19443 May 194414102Northwest Norway vs convoy RA.59. Donner comprised U-277 (lost), U-307, U-312, U-315, U-354, U-362, U-636 and U-703. Kiel comprised U-278, U-313, U-361, U-387, U-674 (lost), U-711 and U-739.
Trutz3 May 194410 Jul 194426001
Dragoner21 May 194428 May 19446000
Grimm31 May 19446 Jun 194410000Area of Norway, Iceland and Spitsbergen. Comprised U-307, U-313, U-315, U-347, U-362, U-387, U-668, U-711, U-742 and U-997.
Greif3 Aug 194426 Sep 19446501Kara Sea vs convoys BD.5 and VD.1. Comprised U-278, U-362 (lost), U-365, U-711, U-739 and U-957.
Trutz17 Aug 19446 Sep 19447303Arctic Ocean vs convoy JW.59. Comprised U-344 (lost), U-354, U-363, U-395, U-668, U-703 and U-997. Damaged the British escort carrier HMS Nabob (U-354), sank the British sloop HMS Kite (U-344) and the frigate HMS Bickerton (U-354).
Dachs31 Aug 19445 Sep 19446000
Grimm9 Sep 19442 Oct 194417001Arctic Ocean. Comprised U-293, U-310, U-312, U-315, U-363, U-365, U-387, U-425, U-636, U-668, U-737, U-921 (lost), U-956, U-965, U-968, U-992 and U-997.
Feuer17 Sep 194419 Sep 19444000Southwest coast of Norway. Comprised U-293, U-310, U-387 and U-737.
Schwefel22 Sep 194425 Sep 19443000Arctic Ocean. Comprised U-313, U-668 and U-965.
Zorn26 Sep 19442 Oct 194413200Norwegian Sea vs convoy RA.60. Comprised U-293, U-310, U-315, U-363, U-365, U-387, U-636, U-668, U-771, U-965, U-968, U-992 and U-995.
Regenschirm14 Oct 194416 Oct 19444000Off the northwest coast of Norway. Comprised U-293, U-310, U-771 and U-997.
Panther16 Oct 194410 Nov 194421010Norwegian Sea vs convoys RA.61 and JW.61. Comprised U-293, U-295, U-310, U-312, U-315, U-363, U-365, U-387, U-425, U-636, U-668, U-737, U-771, U-956, U-965, U-968, U-992, U-995, U-997 and U-1163. Damaged the British frigate HMS Mounsey (U-295).
GrubeNov 1944Dec 19447000Arctic Ocean vs convoy JW.62 supported by Operation Golden. Comprised U-295, U-310, U-387, U-668, U-965, U-997 and U-1163.
Stock27 Nov 194414 Dec 194410??0Arctic Ocean, in the area to the west of Bjørnøya and in tandem with Grube, vs convoy JW.62 supported by Operation Golden. Comprised U-286, U-293, U-299, U-313, U-315, U-318, U-363, U-365, U-995 and U-992.
Stier21 Nov 19448 Jan 194518712vs convoys KB.35, RA.62, KB.37 and KP.24.
Stier30 Dec 194421 Jan 19457000Arctic Ocean vs convoy JW.63. Comprised U-299, U-956, U-995 and U-997 deployed in the Bjørnøya Passage, and U-293, U-310 and U-636 deployed off the mouth of the Kola inlet.
Rasmus6 Feb 194513 Feb 19458000Arctic Ocean vs convoys JW.64 and BK.3. Comprised U-286, U-293, U-307, U-318, U-425, U-636, U-711, U-716, U-739, U-968, U-992 and U-995.
Hagen13 Mar 194521 Mar 194513300Arctic Ocean vs convoys JW.65 and RA.65 of Operation Scottish. Comprised U-307, U-310, U-312, U-313, U-318, U-363, U-668, U-711, U-716, U-968, U-992, U-995 and U-997.
Seewolf III14 Apr 19451 May 19456104Atlantic Ocean. Operation Teardrop. Comprised U-518 (lost), U-546 (lost), U-805, U-858, U-880 (lost) and U-1235 (lost). Sank the US destroyer escort USS Frederick C. Davis (U-546).
Faust16 Apr 19451 May 19459102Arctic Ocean vs convoy JW.66 as part of Operation Roundel. Comprised U-278, U-286 (lost), U-295, U-307 (lost), U-312, U-313, U-363, U-427 and U-481. Sank the British frigate HMS Goodall (U-286).

