List of volcanoes in the United States explained

This article contains a list of volcanoes in the United States and its territories.


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
645 2115 51.9878°N -176.5917°W 210,000 ± 5,000 years ago
1303 4275 54.1344°N -165.9861°W 1996
1675 5495 59.1572°N -155.3983°W 43,000 ± 8,000 years ago
488 1601 55.4239°N -163.1492°W 1796
1066 3497 52.5°N -171.2522°W 1997
1341 4400 56.8833°N -158.1667°W 1931
1252 4108 59.3633°N -153.4333°W 2005
1032 3385 56.5531°N -158.7867°W 1900 BCE ± 150 years
150 492 53.9333°N -168.0333°W 2017
656 2152 52.35°N -175.9106°W Holocene
5005 16,421 61.385°N -141.7508°W 847
4996 16,390 61.7317°N -143.4331°W3.4 million years ago
Buzzard Creek830 2723 64.0611°N -148.4153°W 1050 BC
2356 7728 62.43°N -144.1°W 1.02 million years ago[1]
1620 5315 52.8939°N -170.0542°W 1987
Chagulak Island1142 3747 52.5767°N -171.1333°W Unknown
2221 7287 57.135°N -156.99°W 1998
1730 5676 52.825°N -169.9439°W 2020[2]
1354 4442 55.6411°N -161.2139°W 1890 BC
328 1076 Probably Holocene
2318 7606 58.4178°N -154.4492°W Probably Holocene
1954 6409 58.5°N -154.3°W 245,000 years ago
1239 4065 60.68°N -152.62°W Pleistocene
2140 7021 58.8553°N -153.5419°W Probably Holocene
1506 4941 55.1681°N -162.2717°W Holocene
970 3132 57.05°N -135.75°W 2220 BC ± 100 years
1436 4711 55.3406°N -164.0786°W More than 10,000 years ago[3]
66.35°N -164.33°W 17,500 years BP
1112 3648 54.65°N -164.4333°W 1830
2105 6906 58.77°N -153.6722°W 2006
1920 6299 55.082°N -162.894°W Late Pleistocene or later
1573 5161 51.7903°N -178.7939°W 1989
818 2684 54.2521°N -165.662°WUnknown, fumaroles until 1948[4]
1740 5709 52.0761°N -176.13°W Ongoing
2755 9039 62.1333°N -143.0833°W Holocene
2317 7602 58.3539°N -155.0917°W 1790 BC ± 40 years
3034 9954 61.6403°N -152.4114°W 1200 ± 300 years
1280 4199 52.7422°N -170.1106°W Unknown
3053 10,016 60.0319°N -153.0903°W 1876
610 2001 65.6°N -163.9167°W 300
190 623 61.4333°N -164.4667°W Holocene
Isanotski Peaks2446 8025 54.765°N -163.7225°W Unknown
Kagamil Island893 2930 52.9736°N -169.7167°W 1929
901 2956 58.6083°N -154.0278°W 1650 BC
1307 4288 51.9228°N -177.1678°W 2012
314 1030 52.1775°N -175.5083°W 2008
2047 6716 58.2797°N -154.9633°W 1912
1517 4977 58.0258°N -155.6547°W Unknown
1575 5167 57.2028°N -156.7453°W Holocene[5]
Kiska Volcano1220 4003 1990
Koniuji Island273 896 52.2167°N -175.1333°W 1150 BC
1533 5029 52.3817°N -174.1658°W 2007
2043 6703 58.4528°N -154.355°W Holocene[6]
1895 6217 56.0111°N -159.7972°W 1987
673 2208 63.6°N -170.4333°W Holocene
1174 3852 51.95°N -178.5431°W 1830
2165 7103 58.1947°N -155.2528°W 500 BC ± 50 years
1800 5905 53.8908°N -165.9228°W 1995
1863 6112 58.1722°N -155.3611°W 1953
1196 3924 51.9439°N -176.7467°W 1600 BC
841 2759 58.2667°N -155.1567°W 1912
511 1676 60.0167°N -166.3333°W 300,000 years ago
1073 3520 53.4333°N -168.1333°W 2008
St. Michael volcanic field715 2346 63.45°N -162.1167°WMore recent than 500 BC
Saint Paul Island203 666 57.1833°N -170.3°W1280 BC ± 40 years
Mount Pavlof2519 8264 55.4167°N -161.8875°W2022
Pavlof Sister2142 7027 55.4528°N -161.8431°W1786
Pogromni2002 6569 54.57°N -164.85°WLate Pleistocene[7]
1054 3458 52.3153°N -172.5917°W 1993
1984 6509 53.1567°N -168.5389°W 3,000 years ago
3108 10,197 60.4853°N -152.7419°W 2009
1871 6138 54.8°N -163.5889°W 9,100-10,000 years ago[8]
4949 16,237 62.2167°N -144.1333°W 320,000 years ago
Mount Segula1160 3806 52.0153°N -178.1356°W A few hundred years ago
Semisopochnoi Island1221 4006 51.9333°N -179.5833°W 2023
560 1837 52.0333°N -174.9333°W Pleistocene[9]
2857 9373 54.7556°N -163.9667°W Ongoing
2162 7093 58.3356°N -154.6819°W 1710 ± 200 years
3374 11,069 61.2994°N -152.2511°W 1992
St. Michael volcanic field715 2346 63.45°N -162.1167°W Within 3,000 years
203 666 57.1833°N -170.3°W 1280 BC ± 40 years
2272 7454 58.4333°N -154.4°W Probably Holocene
Stepovak Bay 31555 5102 55.9333°N -160°W Probably Pleiocene
Table Top-Wide Bay792 2598 53.9681°N -166.6772°W Holocene[10]
1449 4754 51.8728°N -178.0056°W Last few hundred years[11]
1170 3839 52.83°N -169.27°W Mid-late Holocene[12]
1806 5925 51.885°N -178.1458°W 1914
50 164 55.25°N -133.3°W Holocene/Post-glacial[13]
1864 6115 58.2356°N -155.1°W 1975
1474 4836 57.7508°N -156.3681°W 1814
91 299 57.8317°N -156.5097°W 1977
Uliaga Island888 2913 53.065°N -169.7667°W Holocene
2507 8225 56.1667°N -159.3833°W 2021
2149 7050 53.13°N -168.6931°W 1957
1654 5426 54.5183°N -164.65°W 1992
1345 4413 57.0214°N -157.185°W 800 BC ± 500 years
Yunaska Island550 1804 52.6428°N -170.6286°W 1937
--63.72°N -141.62°WPleistocene
4766 15,632 61.25°N -141.7°W 700 ± 200 years
3661 12,010 62.1°N -144.5°W About 250,000 years ago[14]
4091 13,422 62.0178°N -143.6172°W 1 million years ago
4317 14,163 62°N -144.02°W1999

American Samoa

Name Elevation Location Last eruption
---14.6079°N -169.7849°W Last 8,000 years
931 3054 -14.23°N -169.454°W30,000 years ago[15]
639 2096 -14.175°N -169.618°W1866 unnamed submarine cone eruption
653 2142 -14.295°N -170.7°W440 CE440 CE[16]
-592 -1842 -14.295°N -170.7°W2003 west of unnamed submarine caldera and nafauna


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
Arlington Cone--33.3488°N -112.7484°W -
- - 35.3983°N -111.3952°W -
Colton Crater2,246 7,368 35.545°N -111.637°W1075 AD Sunset Crater and Unnamed Fissure vents
2,426 7,959 35.3428°N -111.4477°W Pleistocene
- - 35.36°N -111.5299°W-
Maroon Crater- - 35.4422°N -111.4702°W -
Merriam Cone2,077 6,813 35.3°N -129°W 150,000 years ago
3,480 11,420 33.9061°N -109.5628°W 8-9 million years ago
2,834 9,299 35.2411°N -111.5967°W 250,000 years ago
2428 7965 35.5231°N -111.8756°W 740,000 years ago
- - 35.427°N -111.2577°W 400,000 years ago
3851 12,633 35.3464°N -111.6778°W 92,000 years ago[17]
- - 35.3642°N -111.5031°W 1075 AD ± 25 years
2141 7021 35.5822°N -111.6319°W 5,500 years ago
Stewart Crater- - 35.361°N -111.404°W-
1,9896,52635.4422°N -111.4702°W Late Pleistocene
Sunset Crater (San Francisco volcanic field) 2447 8026 35.3642°N -111.5031°W 1075 AD ± 25 years
- - 36.2189°N -113.0774°W 1100 AD ± 75 years Little Springs Pyroclastic Cone


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
Amboy Crater-300-984-34.5439°N -115.7911°W23 million years ago 79,000 ± 5,000 years ago
1259 4131 40.955°N -121.365°W38,000 ± 7,000 years ago
37°N -133°W17,000 years ago
1939 6362 41.363°N -122.348°W 9,500 years ago
1174 3852 41.178°N -121.443°W 12,000 years ago
2397 786340.81°N -121.63°W 280,000 ± 6,000 years ago[18]
1509 6925 35.25°N -115.75°W 15,000 ± 5,000 years ago
2105 6907 40.55°N -121.32°W1666
2629 8625 37.692°N -119.02°W 1380 CE ± 50 years
Mount Konocti (Clear Lake Volcanic Field) 1312 4305 38.97°N -122.77°W 11,000 years ago
3189 10,462 40.4881°N -121.505°W 1917
- - 40.4917°N -121.5083°W 1917
3390 11,122 37.6°N -118.8°W 50,000 years ago
1304 4278 33.9°N -116°W 15.93 ± 0.08 million years ago
3371 11,059 37.63°N -119.03°W 1260 AD ± 40 years
2412 7913 41.36°N -121.33°W 1060 AD
2,796 9,173 37.88°N -119°W 1350 AD ± 20 years
- - 36.487°N -121.167°W 23 million years ago
34.6867°N -116.62°W 770,000 ± 40,000 years ago
774 2,539 34.7464°N -116.375°W 18,000 ± 5,000 years ago
2,748 9,015 37.58°N -119.05°W 8,500 years ago
Round Mountain (Clear Lake Volcanic Field) 696 2,294 39.049°N -122.6362°W 10,000 years ago
538 1,764 37.85°N -122.48°W 10 Million Years Ago[19]
1,323 4,342 38.67°N -122.63°W 3.4 million years ago
4,317 14,162 41.409°N -122.193°W 1250
650 2,130 39.2057°N -121.8203°W 1.5 million years ago
Tumble Buttes2,191 7,188 40.68°N -121.55°W 10,000 – 15,000 years ago[20]
1631 5351 40.78°N -121.6°W 10,000 to 15,000 years ago
Ubehebe Craters 752 2467 37.02°N -117.45°W 150 BC


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
2,230 7,316 39.661°N -107.056°W 2200 BC ± 300 years
4,274 14,022 37.7267°N -106.7744°W 26.3 Ma
3,94612,945 40.4694°N -105.895°W24 to 29 million years ago
Summer Coon- - 37.7808°N -106.3692°W 24 to 34 million years ago


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
232 761 21.2597°N -157.8117°W 400,000 to 500,000 years ago
Haleakalā or East Maui Volcano 3055 10,023 20.71°N -156.25°W 1750
196 642 10,000 - 32,000 years ago
2521 8270 19.69°N -155.87°W 1801
462 1,516 35000 or 76000 years ago.
- - Pleistocene Epoch
450 1475 20.6°N -156.6°W 1 million years ago
150 490 21.1878°N -156.9661°W 230,000-300,000 years ago
1,598 5,243 22.0567°N -159.4967°W 4 million years ago
1247 4091 19.452°N -155.292°W 2024
1670 5480 20.0861°N -155.7172°W 120,000 years ago
- - 35.25°N 206°W 50 million years ago
368 1207 21.2616°N -157.7029°W10,000 years ago
941 3149 21.37°N -157.8°W 40,000 years ago
1,026 3,366 20.8333°N -212°W 1.2 million years ago
Kamaʻehuakanaloa Seamount (Loihi) -975 -3199 18.92°N -155.25°W 1996
Māhukona--20.1°N -156.1°W About 470,000 years ago
4208 13,796 19.8°N -155.5°W 2460 BC ± 100 years
4169 13,679 19.5°N -155.6°W 2022
Mount Waialeale1,544 5,066 22.0739°N -159.4986°W-
Puʻu Hawaiʻiloa103 337 21.4481°N -157.7567°W-
Punchbowl Crater- - 21.3125°N -157.8461°W400,000 to 500,000 years ago
201 659 21.4544°N -157.7317°W -
Waianae Range1342 4,025 21.5069°N -158.1428°W 2.6 million years ago
1,764 5,788 20.8936°N -156.5894°W 320,000 years ago


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
2298 7540 43.24°N -113.01°W 300,000 years ago
Blue Creek- - - -
2005 6578 43.42°N -113.5°W 130 BC ± 50 years
2805 9203 44.471°N -110.5019°W 70,000 years ago (magmatic) / 1350 BC ± 200 years (hydrothermal)[21]
Juniper Buttes1905 6250 44.2°N -111.53°W -
1713 5619 43.6°N -111.5°W 10,000 years ago
Shoshone Volcano- - - -
- - -
- - -


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
-880 (from surface)-290032.3°N -90.1719°W 65 million years ago
-1110 (from surface) -3641 66 million years ago


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
Cottonwood Caldera- - - 15.70 million years ago
Crater Flat (Southwest Nevada Volcanic Field) - - 36.7833°N -150°W 80,000 years ago
Indian Peak-Caliente Caldera Complex- - 38°N -114°W 18 million years ago
- - 39.9333°N -170°W Jurassic
- - 38°N -116°W 38,100 ± 10,000 years ago
McDermitt Caldera2078 6816 42.0014°N -117.9967°W 16.39 ± 0.02 million years ago
1415 4642 39.375°N -119.72°W 1.14 million years ago
1251 4104 39.8833°N -146°W Holocene
Virgin Valley Caldera- - - 16.38 million years ago
2044 6707 36.9333°N -145°W 80,000 years ago

New Hampshire

Name Elevation Location Last eruption
- - 43.1108°N -71.1864°W Cretaceous
- - 43.7436°N -71.2739°W Cretaceous

New Mexico

Name Elevation Location Last eruption
1,840 6,030 35.1414°N -106.7719°W 70,000-170,000 years ago
2,494 8,182 36.7889°N -103.9617°W 58,000–52,000 years ago
1,731 5,679 33.78°N -105.93°W 3,250 BC ± 500 years ago
664 2,178 35.7°N -106.2°W 2.2 million years ago
3,525 - 35.88°N -106.53°W 60,000-50,000 years ago
1,565 5,136 33.5333°N -158°W 760,000 years ago
1,555 4,240 31.97°N -106.97°W 80,000 years ago
2,445 11,300 35.2386°N -107.6083°W 1,500,000 years ago
2,188 7,177 36.6875°N -108.8361°W 27 million years ago
3,652 11,981 33.3742°N -105.8086°W 26 million years ago
3,430 11,253 35.87°N -106.57°W 50,000 to 60,000 years ago
2,550 8,366 34.8°N -108°W 1,170 BC ± 300 years

North Carolina

Name Elevation Location Last eruption
--36.0733°N -78.9811°W 630 million years ago[24]
1517.904 4980 36.5748°N -81.653°W 760 million years ago[25]

Northern Mariana Islands

Name Elevation Location Last eruption
965 3165 18.8°N 145.7°W 1917
-137 -449 20.42°N 145.03°W 2023
744 2441 17.6°N 145.83°W 1887
788 2592 16.35°N 145.67°W 2008
857 2810 19.7°N 145.4°W 1906
-323 -1060 21.32°N 144.19°W Holocene
Eifuku-1535 -5036 21.485°N 144.043°W Holocene
East Diamante-127 -417 15.93°N 145.67°W Holocene
Esmeralda Bank-43 -141 15°N 145.25°W Holocene
360 1,180 20.5°N 144.9°W 1967
-1456 -4777 13.4°N 143.92°W Holocene
-217 -712 21.93°N 143.47°W 1974
287 942 17.32°N 145.83°W 1883
-598 -1962 21.765°N 143.71°W 1959
227 745 20.02°N 145.22°W Pleistocene
Northwest Rota-1-517 -1696 14.601°N 144.775°W 2004
570 1870 18.1°N 145.76°W 2021
-230 -755 15.62°N 145.57°W 2023
538 1765 16.708°N 145.78°W Unknown
-1230 -4035 13.25°N 144.02°W Holocene
-184 -604 16.58°N 145.78°W 2010
-8 -26 20.13°N 145.1°W 1989
0 0 16.88°N 145.85°W Holocene


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
2,763 9,064 43.9794°N -121.6885°W 5800 BC ± 750 years
Bald Mountain Caldera- - 43.4167°N -146°W 3.4 to 4.6 million years ago
2,551 8,368 43.1551°N -122.22°W 11,000 to 100,000 years ago
2,095 6,873 44.2849°N -121.8422°W 480 AD
1,962 6,436 44.3997°N -121.6355°W About 1,430,000 years ago
1,230 4,035 44.411°N -121.774°W 680 AD ± 200 years
2,800 9,185 44.0828°N -121.6997°W About 100,000 years ago
- - 42.36°N -122.27°W 12,000 to 60,000 years ago
1956 6417 43.241°N -122.108°W 4855 BC to 9,000 BC
- - - 6.0 million years ago
Crater Lake (Mount Mazama) 2,487 8,159 42.93°N -122.12°W 2850 BC
- - 44.3°N -120.9°W 29.5 million years ago
1,450 4,750 43.1°N -118.7°W 5610 BC ± 470 years
2,665 8,744 43.5207°N -122.1496°W 11,000 to 100,000 years ago
1,716 5,628 43.3742°N -121.0689°W 13,500 to 18,000 years ago
- - 44.5°N -121.3°W 29.5 million years ago
3,426 11,237 45.3735°N -121.6959°W 1866 [26]
1,418 4,652 42.606°N -117.589°W Holocene
3199 10,492 44.7°N -121.8°W 950 AD
1400 4600 43.147°N -117.46°W 1250 BC or later
2,380 7,810 43.6269°N -121.9639°W Pleistocene
2,078 6,816 - 16.39 ± 0.02 million years ago
- - 43.235°N -117.2559°W 15.5 million years ago
2,894 9,492 42.4445°N -122.3156°W 20,000 to 30,000 years ago
3,063 10,050 44.15°N -168°W 14,000 years ago
2,434 7,986 43.7°N -121.5°W 690 AD ± 100 years
3,075 10,090 44.1667°N -167°W 46,000 years ago
2,200 7,219 44.8217°N -121.7639°W 11,000 years ago or earlier
- - 42.51°N -122.06°W 60,000 years ago or earlier
- - 45.5467°N -122.5659°W 30,000 to 90,000 years ago
Round Butte- - 44.5°N -121°W -
Saddle Butte1,700 - 43°N -117.8°W 430,000 ± 90,000 years ago
3,158 10,360 44.1°N -167°W 50 BC
Strawberry Volcanics--44.2°N -118.8°W 12.5 to 16.2 million years ago
298 978 45.4381°N -122.7224°W 1 million years ago or earlier
- 636 45.5129°N -122.5926°W 300,000 years ago or earlier
2,800 9,184 43.1528°N -122.0665°W 290,000 years ago
2,390 7,840 44.4783°N -121.8414°W 40,000 to 80,000 years ago
Tower Mountain (Oregon)- - - 22.0 million years ago
2,376 7,790 44.332°N -121.837°W 700 AD
Wildcat Mountain Caldera- - - 36.0 million years ago


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
169 576 30.162°N -97.706°W 79 to 83 million years ago (late Cretaceous)
125 410 29.181°N -99.766°W Eocene or possibly Miocene


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
2,135 7,005 37.328°N -112.408°W 300,000 years ago or later
1,800 5,904 38.97°N -112.5°W 1290 AD ± 150 years
1,609 5,279 39.615°N -112.803°W 900,000 years ago
Indian Peak-Caliente Caldera Complex- - 38°N -114°W 18 million years ago
3,694 12,137 38.5°N -112.5°W 19 million years ago
2,840 9,318 37.617°N -112.825°W 1050 AD
1,465 4,806 37.257°N -113.625°W 32,000 years ago


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
5771,893 38.4486°N -78.9533°W 47 million years ago (early Eocene)
9523,12338.4047°N -79.5878°W 35 million years ago (late Eocene)
1,7505,730 36.6597°N -81.5444°W 760 million years ago (Tonian)
3541,16238.6572°N -78.06°W 704 million years ago (Cryogenian)


Name Elevation Location Last eruption
229 750 45.8053°N -122.6581°W 105,000 years ago
2,8579,37348.7693°N -121.8526°W 500,000 to 300,000 years ago
3,743 12,281 46.2025°N -121.4908°W 500 BC ± 1000 years
3,285 10,778 48.7772°N -121.8133°W 1880
3,213 10,541 48.1125°N -121.1139°W 1700 ± 100 years
2,494 8,184 46.5°N -121.45°W 500,000 years ago
1,513 5,925 45.93°N -121.82°W ~6250 BC
14574,780 46.0544°N -121.8392°W Either 80,000 or 140,000 years ago ± 10,000 years
1,3784,521 45.9°N -122°W ~7700 years ago
4,392 14,411 46.8531°N -121.7597°W 1894
2,550 8,364 46.1911°N -122.1942°W 2008
1,270 4,167 47.5075°N -121.74°W Cretaceous to Jurassic
549 1,801 47.1736°N -121.9733°W
1,330 4,364 45.7477°N -122.239°W Pluton formed 20 million years ago
1954 6,410 46.1°N -120.9°W 631,000 ± 27,000 years ago
890 2,920 45.8365°N -121.9948°W 340,000 years ago
611 2,004 45.9341°N -122.337°W 70,000 years ago
1,329 4,360 45.88°N -122.08°W 5750 BC
1,830 6,002 48.05°N -121.17°W Between 17,000 and 2,000 years ago

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Capital – Historic eruptions. June 8, 2018.
  2. Web site: Cleveland – Introduction. October 1, 2014. September 15, 2022. dead.
  3. Web site: USGS DDS-40, Volcanoes of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands – Album. June 13, 2018.
  4. Web site: gilbert – Introduction. June 13, 2018.
  5. Web site: Global Volcanism Program Kialagvik. en. June 14, 2018.
  6. Web site: Global Volcanism Program Kukak. en. June 14, 2018.
  7. Web site: Westdahl Peak description and information. June 17, 2018.
  8. Web site: Roundtop – Historic eruptions. dead. June 17, 2018. June 17, 2018.
  9. Web site: Global Volcanism Program Sergief. en. June 17, 2018.
  10. Web site: Wide Bay cone – Introduction. June 17, 2018.
  11. Jicha . Brian . Coombs . Michelle . Michelle Coombs . T. Calvert . Andrew . Singer . Brad . May 1, 2012 . Geology and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the medium- to high-K Tanaga volcanic cluster, western Aleutians . Geological Society of America Bulletin . 124 . 5–6 . 842–856 . 2012GSAB..124..842J . 10.1130/B30472.1.
  12. Web site: Tana. June 17, 2018.
  13. Web site: Global Volcanism Program Tlevak Strait-Suemez Is.. en. June 17, 2018.
  14. Richter. D. H.. Moll-Stalcup. E. J.. Miller. T. P.. Lanphere. M. A.. Dalrymple. G. B.. Smith. R. L.. March 1994. Eruptive history and petrology of Mount Drum volcano, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska. Bulletin of Volcanology. en. 56. 1. 29–46. 10.1007/bf00279727. 1994BVol...56...29R. 128820426. 0258-8900.
  15. Book: Geology of National Parks. Harris. Ann G.. Tittle. Esther. Tittle. Sherwood D.. 2004. Kendall Hunt. 9780787299705. en.
  16. Web site: Global Volcanism Program Tutuila . 2023-09-11 . Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program . en.
  17. Web site: San Francisco Peaks Geology. en-US. August 15, 2018.
  18. Web site: Geologic Field-Trip Guide to Lassen Volcanic National Park and Vicinity, California. Muffler. L.J. Patrick. Clynne. Michael A.. 2015. United States Geological Survey. 21. July 8, 2018.
  19. Web site: Exploring Volcanic Remnants in the Bay Area. JOHN. McKINNEY. March 25, 2001. LA Times.
  20. Web site: Global Volcanism Program Tumble Buttes. en. 2018-06-29.
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