List of volcanoes in the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain explained

The Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain is a series of volcanoes and seamounts extending about across the Pacific Ocean.[1]

The chain was produced by the movement of the ocean crust over the Hawaiʻi hotspot, an upwelling of hot rock from the Earth's mantle.

As the oceanic crust moves the volcanoes farther away from their source of magma, their eruptions become less frequent and less powerful until they eventually cease to erupt altogether. At that point, erosion of the volcano and subsidence of the seafloor cause the volcano to gradually diminish.

As the volcano sinks and erodes, it first becomes an atoll island and then an atoll. Further subsidence causes the volcano to sink below the sea surface, becoming a seamount. [2] This list documents the most significant volcanoes in the chain, ordered by distance from the hotspot, but there are many others that have yet to be properly studied.

The chain can be divided into three subsections. The first, the main windward Hawaiian islands consist of the eight youngest and easternmost Hawaiian islands. This is the youngest part of the chain and includes volcanoes with ages ranging from 400,000 years to 5.1 million years. The island of Hawaiʻi comprises five volcanoes, of which two (Kilauea and Mauna Loa) are still active. Kamaʻehuakanaloa Seamount (formerly Lōʻihi) continues to grow offshore, and is the only known volcano in the chain in the submarine pre-shield stage.[2]

The second part of the chain is composed of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, collectively referred to as the Leeward isles, the constituents of which are between 7.2 and 27.7 million years old. Erosion has long since overtaken volcanic activity at these islands, and most of them are atolls, atoll islands, and extinct islands. They contain many of the most northerly atolls in the world, including Kure Atoll, the northernmost atoll in the world.

The oldest and most heavily eroded part of the chain are the Emperor seamounts, which are 39 to 85 million years old.[3]

The Emperor and Hawaiian chains are separated by a large L-shaped bend that causes the orientations of the chains to differ by about 60 degrees. This bend was long attributed to a relatively sudden change in the direction of plate motion, but research conducted in 2003 suggests that it was the movement of the hotspot itself that caused the bend.[4], the issue is still under debate.[5]

All of the volcanoes in this part of the chain have long since subsided below sea level, becoming seamounts and guyots (see also: the seamount and guyot stages of Hawaiian volcanoes). Many of the volcanoes are named after former emperors of Japan. The seamount chain extends to the West Pacific, and terminates at the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench, a subduction zone at the border of Russia.[6]

Hawaiian archipelago

NameIslandLast eruptionCoordinatesAge (years)Notes
Kamaʻehuakanaloa Seamount (formerly Lōʻihi)Seamount18.92°N -155.27°WThe seamount is a submarine volcano approximately southeast of Hawaiʻi. It may eventually breach sea level and become the newest Hawaiian island.[7]
KīlaueaBig Island2021–ongoing (active)[8] 19.4167°N -172°W[9] Kīlauea is considered one of the most active volcanoes on Earth.[10] Kīlauea, was in near-continuous eruption on its East Rift Zone from January 3, 1983, to September 4, 2018, making it the longest-lived rift-zone eruption of the last six centuries.[11]
Mauna LoaBig Island[12] 19.4794°N 155.6028°W[13] Largest subaerial volcano on Earth
HualālaiBig Island1800–[14] 19.6922°N -155.8672°WLies on the western edge of the Big Island
Mauna KeaBig Island19.8206°N -155.4681°W[15] World's tallest mountain if below-sea elevation is counted[16]
KohalaBig Island[17] 20.0861°N -155.7172°WOldest volcano that remains part of the island of Hawaiʻi
MāhukonaSeamount20.0167°N -157°WSubmerged, having long since disappeared into the sea[18]
HaleakalāMaui20.7097°N -156.2533°W[19] Forms more than 75% of Maui
West MauiMaui20.9°N -193°W[20] Very eroded shield volcano that makes up the western quarter of Maui
KahoʻolaweKahoʻolawe20.55°N -192°W[21] Smallest of the 8 principal Hawaiian islands; uninhabited[22]
LānaʻiLānaʻi20.8333°N -212°WSixth-largest island[23] The only town is Lānaʻi City, a small settlement.
East MolokaiMolokaʻi21.1167°N -207°WThe northern half of this volcano suffered a large collapse 1.5 million years ago.[24] Only the southern half remains above the sea today.
West MolokaʻiMolokaʻi21.15°N -171°W
Penguin BankSeamount20.9167°N -197°W[25] The seamount is a submarine volcano, southwest of Molokaʻi. The submarine volcano used to be part of Maui Nui, a prehistoric island made from seven shield volcanoes.
Koʻolau RangeOʻahu[26] 21.3167°N -203°W[27] A fragmented remnant of the eastern or windward shield volcano, which also suffered a large collapse sometime before the Molokaʻi collapse
Waiʻanae RangeOʻahu[28] 21.5°N -167°WThe eroded remains of a shield volcano that comprised the western half of the island
Kaʻena RidgeOʻahu[29] 21.7°N -180°WThe eroded remains of a shield volcano west of Waiʻanae that has since subsided below sea level
KaʻulaKaʻula21.65°N -192°WTiny crescent-shaped barren island; uninhabited except for divers and fishermen[30]
NiʻihauNiʻihau21.9°N -170°W[31] Smallest inhabited island;[32]
KauaʻiKauaʻi22.0833°N -189°W[33] Oldest and fourth largest of the main islands, and home to Mount Waialeale, one of the wettest areas on Earth in terms of precipitation[34]

Northwestern Hawaiian islands

NameTypeCoordinatesAge[35] Notes
Unnamed seamountGuyot22.7°N -163°Wat a depth of below sea level
NihoaExtinct Island23.05°N -216°WSmall rocky island which supported a small population around 1000 CE; features over 80 cultural sites, including religious places, agricultural terraces, and burial caves[36]
Unnamed seamountGuyot22.9833°N -176°Wat a depth of below sea level
Unnamed seamountGuyot23.2333°N -199°Wat a depth of below sea level
Unnamed seamountGuyot23.2333°N -219°Wat a depth of below sea level
Unnamed seamountGuyot23.2°N -173°Wat a depth of below sea level
Unnamed seamountGuyot23.3°N -179°Wat a depth of below sea level
Necker IslandExtinct Island23.5764°N -164.7°WSmall deserted island with Hawaiian religious shrines and artifacts[37]
French Frigate ShoalsAtoll23.8689°N -166.286°W[38] Largest atoll in the northwestern Hawaiian islands[39]
East Brooks BankGuyot23.9833°N -208°Wat a depth of below sea level
Central Brooks BankGuyot24.1167°N -215°Wat a depth of below sea level
West Brooks BankGuyot24.2°N -223°Wat a depth of below sea level
Saint Rogatien BankGuyot24.3167°N -175°Wat a depth of below sea level
Gardner PinnaclesAtoll Island25.0167°N -226°WTwo barren rock outcrops surrounded by a reef[40]
Raita BankGuyot25.55°N -196°Wat a depth of below sea level
Maro ReefAtoll25.4167°N -205°WLargest coral reef of the northwestern Hawaiian islands[41]
LaysanAtoll Island25.7675°N -171.7334°WOriginally named "Kauō" meaning egg, referring to its shape, and home to one of only five natural lakes in all of Hawaiʻi[42]
Unnamed seamountGuyot25.3667°N -175°Wat a depth of below sea level
Northampton SeamountGuyot25.5°N -196°Wat a depth of below sea level
Unnamed seamountGuyot25.65°N -228°Wat a depth of below sea level
Pioneer TablemountGuyot25.9833°N -197°Wat a depth of below sea level
Lisianski IslandAtoll Island26.0636°N -173.9658°WA small island surrounded by a huge coral reef nearly the size of Oahu;[43] named after a captain in the Russian navy whose ship ran aground there in 1805[44]
Unnamed seamountGuyot26.3°N -206°Wat a depth of below sea level
Unnamed seamountsGuyot26.9333°N -211°Wpair of guyots at a depth of and below sea level
Unnamed seamountGuyot27.15°N -186°Wat a depth of below sea level
Salmon BankGuyot26.9333°N -201°Wat a depth of below sea level
Pearl and Hermes AtollAtoll Island27.8°N -226°WA collection of small, sandy islands, with a lagoon and coral reef; named after two whaling ships which were wrecked on the reef in 1822[45]
Unnamed seamountGuyot28.0833°N -230°Wat a depth of below sea level
Ladd SeamountGuyot28.5292°N -176.6667°Wat a depth of below sea level
Midway AtollAtoll Island28.2°N -198°WConsists of a ring-shaped barrier reef and two large islets; named "Midway" because of its strategic location in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and was the site of a key battle during World War II[46]
Nero SeamountGuyot27.9653°N -177.9639°Wat a depth of below sea level
Kure AtollAtoll28.4167°N -198°WNorthernmost coral atoll in the world[47]

Emperor seamounts

NameTypeSummit DepthCoordinates[48] AgeNotes
East WindwardGuyot28.9°N -215°W
Academician BergGuyot28.85°N -230°W
West WindwardGuyot28.8306°N -179.1306°W
HelsleyGuyot28.9°N -213°WNamed after Charles Helsley, a researcher at the University of Hawaii. Also named Zapadnaya Seamount.
East Townsend CromwellSeamount29.6833°N 199°W
Townsend CromwellSeamount29.7833°N 182°WNamed after Townsend Cromwell, a prominent oceanographer.
HancockSeamount30.25°N 228°W
De VeusterSeamount30.375°N 177.5667°Wpossibly named after Father Damien (born Jozef De Veuster), a Roman Catholic Priest in Hawaii during the late 19th century.
ColahanSeamount31.25°N 176°W[49] ref group="n">The error estimate is given for 2 standard deviations (95% of data contained within this range). -->
AbbottSeamount31.8°N 192°Wref group="n"/> -->
DaikakujiGuyot32.0833°N 190°Wref group="n"/> -->Located at the bend in the L-shaped chain of seamounts. Also the name of a Japanese temple
KammuGuyot32.1667°N 173°WNamed after Emperor Kammu, former ruler of Japan (781–806)
YuryakuGuyot32.67°N 188.2°WNamed after Emperor Yūryaku, former ruler of Japan (~456–479)
GoshirakawaGuyot32.65°N 205°WNamed after Emperor Go-Shirakawa, former ruler of Japan (1155–1158)
GosanjoGuyot32.9°N 205°WNamed after Emperor Go-Sanjō, former ruler of Japan (1068–1073)
TobaGuyot33.2333°N 210°WNamed after Emperor Toba, former ruler of Japan (1107–1123)
GenjiSeamount33.3333°N 186°WNamed after Hikaru Genji, the protagonist of the classic Japanese work, The Tale of Genji.
KimmeiSeamount33.6833°N 209°Wref group="n"/> -->Named after Emperor Kimmei, former ruler of Japan (539–571)
Unnamed SeamountSeamount34.95°N 171.5944°W
KokoGuyot35.25°N 206°Wref group="n"/> -->Named after Emperor Kōkō, former ruler of Japan (884–887)
Unnamed GuyotGuyot36.7958°N 171.3639°W
OjinGuyot37.97°N 192.8°WNamed after Emperor Ōjin, former ruler of Japan (~270–310)
JinguGuyot38.8333°N 186°W[50] ref group="n"/> -->Named after Empress Jingū, former ruler of Japan (~201–269)
NintokuGuyot41.08°N 204.2°WNamed after Emperor Nintoku, former ruler of Japan (~313–399)
NinigiSeamount41.7333°N 182°WNamed after Ninigi-no-Mikoto, a god in Japanese mythology.
GodaigoSeamount41.85°N 203°WNamed after Emperor Go-Daigo, former ruler of Japan (1318–1339)
YomeiGuyot42.3°N 194°WNamed after Emperor Yōmei, former ruler of Japan (540–587)
ShowaGuyot42.9833°N 191°WNamed after Hirohito (Emperor Shōwa), former ruler of Japan (1926–1989)
SogaGuyot43.4°N 228°WNamed after Emperor Saga, former ruler of Japan (809–823)
SuikoSeamount44.5833°N 190°WNamed after Empress Suiko, former ruler of Japan (592–628)
WinnebagoGuyot48.1667°N 188°W
TenjiGuyot48.8333°N 198°WNamed after Emperor Tenji, former ruler of Japan (661–672)
DetroitSeamount51.4833°N 203°WWell-documented seamount, second-oldest. Rock from lava flows show that while Detroit Seamount was on the hotspot, activity coming from the volcano continued for the next 18 million years.
MeijiSeamount53.2°N 194°WNamed after Emperor Meiji, former ruler of Japan (1867–1912); oldest known seamount in the chain

External links

Notes and References

  1. The great-circle distance, or shortest distance from Kamaʻehuakanaloa Seamount at the southern end of the chain to Meiji Seamount at the northern end of the chain, via the chain bend at Daikakuji Seamount, is . (source: NOAA Latitude/Longitude Distance Calculator).
  2. Web site: Evolution of Hawaiian Volcanoes . September 8, 1995 . Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (USGS) . March 7, 2009 . February 8, 2012 . . live .
  3. 10.1093/petrology/44.1.113 . Regelous . M. . Hofmann, A.W. . Abouchami, W. . Galer, S.J.G. . 2003 . Geochemistry of Lavas from the Emperor Seamounts, and the Geochemical Evolution of Hawaiian Magmatism from 85 to 42 Ma . Journal of Petrology . 44 . 1 . 113–140 . July 23, 2010 . dead . . July 19, 2011 . 2003JPet...44..113R . free.
  4. News: Hot Spot That Spawned Hawaii Was on the Move, Study Finds . John Roach . August 14, 2003 . . March 9, 2009 . March 5, 2014 . . dead .
  5. [#Sharp|Sharp]
  6. Web site: The Emperor and Hawaiian Volcanic Chains: How well do they fit the plume hypothesis? . G. R. Foulger . Don L. Anderson . amp . . April 1, 2009 . January 16, 2012 . . live .
  7. Michael O. Garcia . Jackie Caplan-Auerbanch . Jackie Caplan-Auerbach . Eric H. De Carlo . M.D. Kurz . N. Becker . September 20, 2005 . Geology, geochemistry and earthquake history of Lōʻihi Seamount, Hawaiʻi . Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry . This is the pre-press version of a paper that was published on 2006-05-16 as "Geochemistry, and Earthquake History of Lōʻihi Seamount, Hawaiʻi's youngest volcano", in Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry (66) 2:81–108 . . 66 . 2 . 81–108 . 2006ChEG...66...81G . 10.1016/j.chemer.2005.09.002 . free . 1912/1102. Pre-press version
  8. Web site: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Daily Update (Monday, October 10, 2022) . US Geological Survey . 10 October 2022 . 2022-10-10 . . live .
  9. Web site: Kilauea - Perhaps the World's Most Active Volcano. May 7, 2009. United States Geological Survey - Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. May 12, 2009. March 1, 2013. live.
  10. Web site: Volcano Watch: The most active volcano on Earth? . March 12, 2002 . . December 11, 2011 . December 11, 2011 . . live .
  11. Web site: The Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i, 1983 to 2003 . June 7, 2009 . December 2, 2002 . . May 11, 2009 . . live .
  12. Book: School Specialty Publishing . World Atlas . 2006 . School Specialty Publishing . 13 . 0-7696-4260-8 . Illustrated . December 13, 2009 . October 21, 2022 . . live .
  13. Web site: Mauna Loa Earth's Largest Volcano . United States Geological Survey – Hawaiian Volcano Observatory . July 3, 2009 . August 9, 2015 . . live .
  14. Web site: Hualalai: Hawai'i's Third Active Volcano . 18 June 2001 . Other Volcanoes . . 23 January 2010 . 27 May 2010 . . live .
  15. Web site: Mauna Kea Hawai'i's Tallest Volcano . . May 14, 2009 . October 21, 2006 . . dead.
  16. Web site: Highest Mountain in the World . Staff authors . July 4, 2009 . . April 2, 2016 . . live .
  17. Web site: USGS Open-File Report 2007–1089 (pamphlet to accompany geologic map) . Geological Map of the State of Hawaii . David R. Sherrod . John M. Sinton . Sarah E. Watkins . Kelly M. Brunt . 2007 . . April 12, 2009 . 41–43 . January 18, 2016 . . live .
  18. Book: Clague, D.A. . Moore, J.G. . amp . Geology and Petrology of Mahukona Volcano, Hawaii . . 1991 . 53 . 159–172.
  19. Web site: East Maui, or Haleakala—A Potentially Hazardous Volcano . February 2003 . . May 13, 2009 . January 15, 2007 . . live .
  20. Web site: Rubin, Ken . The Formation of the Hawaiian Islands . May 18, 2009 . Hawaii Center for Vulcanology . March 9, 2008 . . live .
  21. Web site: Kahoʻolawe, Hawaii . Photo Gallery of Kahoʻolawe island . . April 4, 2009 . dead . . January 25, 2009.
  22. Block Group 9, Census Tract 303.02, Maui County
  23. Web site: The State of Hawaii Data Book 2004 . May 17, 2009 . 2004 . . March 25, 2009 . . live .
  24. Web site: Hawaiian Landslides . June 13, 2009 . February 5, 2009 . Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute . May 27, 2009 . . dead .
  25. Penguin Bank: A Loa-Trend Hawaiian Volcano . AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts . 2007 . V33A–1174 . American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #V33A-1174 . 2007AGUFM.V33A1174X . Xu . G. . Blichert-Toft . J. . Clague . D. A. . Cousens . B. . Frey . F. A. . Moore . J. G. . 2007.
  26. These volcanoes experienced a 'rejuvenation' phase significantly after their primary eruptions ended, for reasons unknown. Ko'olau originally erupted from 2.5-1.7 MYA, before entering into a dormancy period until roughly 500,000 years ago, and may possibly remain active. Kaua'i similarly erupted mainly 5 MYA, with a notably short period of secondary eruptions 1,430,000 to 1,410,000 years ago.
  27. Web site: Hawaii's Coastline – Oahu . May 18, 2009 . . July 15, 2009 . . live .
  28. Web site: O'ahu, Ni'ihau, and Kaua'i . June 13, 2009 . September 29, 1995 . . May 10, 2009 . . live .
  29. Sinton . John M. . Eason . Deborah E. . Tardona . Mary . Pyle . Douglas . Zander . Iris van der . Guillou . Hervé . Clague . David . Mahoney . John J. . Ka'ena Volcano—A precursor volcano of the island of O'ahu, Hawai'i . Geological Society of America Bulletin . Geological Society of America . 2 May 2014 . 10.1130/B30936.1 . 126 . 9–10 . 1219–1244 . 2014GSAB..126.1219S.
  30. Web site: Offshore Island Restoration Committee – Kaula . June 11, 2009 . Offshore Island Restoration Committee . dead . . January 6, 2009.
  31. Web site: Hawaii's Coastline – Niihau . May 18, 2009 . . . March 5, 2012 . dead.
  32. Web site: Main Hawaiian Islands: Ni'ihau . June 13, 2009 . . September 19, 2009 . . live .
  33. Web site: Hawaii's Coastline – Kauai . May 18, 2009 . . March 30, 2009 . . live .
  34. Web site: Kaua'i . June 13, 2009 . June 17, 2008 . . September 19, 2009 . . live .
  35. Web site: The Formation of the Hawaiian Islands . Hawaii Center for Volcanology . March 10, 2009 . March 9, 2008 . . live .
  36. Web site: Nihoa Island . June 14, 2009 . Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Multi-Agency Education Project . July 20, 2008 . . live .
  37. Web site: Necker Island (Mokumanamana) . June 13, 2009 . Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Multi-Agency Education Project . July 20, 2008 . . live .
  38. Web site: Hotspots and Plate Motion . Darby Dyar . . April 22, 2008 . April 4, 2009 . June 7, 2011 . . dead .
  39. Web site: French Frigate Shoals Reserve Preservation Area . June 13, 2009 . . dead . . May 6, 2009.
  40. Web site: Voyage to Kure: The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: Gardner Pinnacles . 22 March 2006 . . 1 May 2010 . 30 August 2008 . . live .
  41. Web site: Maro Reef (Ko'anako'a) . June 13, 2009 . Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Multi-Agency Education Project . July 5, 2008 . . live .
  42. Web site: Laysan Island . June 13, 2009 . March 22, 2006 . Public Broadcasting System – KQED . October 10, 2008 . . live .
  43. Web site: Lisianski Island . June 14, 2009 . Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Multi-Agency Education Project . December 17, 2019 . . live .
  44. Web site: Lisanski Island . June 13, 2009 . March 22, 2006 . Public Broadcasting System – KQED . September 30, 2007 . . live .
  45. Web site: Pearl and Hermes Atoll . June 13, 2009 . March 22, 2006 . Public Broadcasting System – KQED . December 24, 2007 . . live .
  46. Web site: Midway Atoll . June 13, 2009 . March 22, 2006 . Public Broadcasting System – KQED . October 12, 2008 . . live .
  47. Web site: Kure Atoll . June 13, 2009 . March 22, 2006 . Public Broadcasting System – KQED . January 20, 2022 . . live .
  48. Web site: Seamount Catalog . Seamounts database . EarthRef, a National Science Foundation project . April 10, 2009 . November 22, 2012 . . live .
  49. 10.1126/science.1128489 . 50-Ma Initiation of Hawaiian-Emperor Bend Records Major Change in Pacific Plate Motion . DA . 2006 . Clague . Sharp . W. D. . Science . 313 . 5791 . 1281–84 . Sharp . 16946069 . 2006Sci...313.1281S . 43601673 . 2019-08-25 . 2020-01-11 . . live .
  50. Web site: Age and chemistry of volcanic rocks dredged from Jingu Seamount, Emperor seamount chain . Dalrymple, G.B. . Garcia, M.O. . Jackson, E.D. . Koizumi, I. . Avdeiko, G. . Butt, A. . Clague, D. . Greene, H.G. . Karpoff, A.M. . Kirkpatrick, R.J. . Kono, M. . Hsin Yi, L. . McKenzie, J. . Morgan, J. . Takayama, T. . 1980 . Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 55: 685–693 . April 4, 2009 . July 16, 2011 . . live .