List of university and college mottos explained

Many colleges and universities have designated mottos that represent the ethos and culture of that institution.


University of Buenos Aires[1] LatinArgentine virtue is strength and study
Buenos Aires Institute of Technology[2] LatinTo the light peacefully she goes
National University of CórdobaLatinCarry my name to the people
National University of the SouthLatinThrough the difficulties to the truth
National University of TucumanLatinFeet on the ground eyes towards the stars


Australian Catholic University Truth in LoveEnglish
Australian National UniversityNaturam Primum Cognoscere RerumLatinFirst, to learn the nature of things. (From Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, l. VI.)
Bond UniversityBringing ambition to lifeEnglish
Central Queensland UniversityDoctrina PerpetuaLatinForever learning
Charles Sturt UniversityFor the public goodEnglish
Curtin University of TechnologyLook Ever ForwardEnglish
Deakin UniversityEnglish
Edith Cowan University Freedom Through KnowledgeEnglish
Federation University AustraliaLearn to SucceedEnglish
Flinders UniversityInspiring AchievementEnglish
Griffith UniversityKnow More. Do More.English
James Cook UniversityCrescente LuceItalianLight ever increasing
La Trobe UniversityQui cherche trouveFrenchWhoever seeks, finds.
Macquarie UniversityAnd Gladly TecheMiddle EnglishAnd gladly teach (from The Canterbury Tales)
Monash UniversityAncora imparoItalianI am still learning - Michelangelo.
Queensland University of TechnologyA university for the real worldEnglish
Royal Melbourne Institute of TechnologyPerita manus mens excultaLatin[A] skilled hand [and] cultivated mind
Swinburne University of TechnologyFactum per LitterasLatinAchievement through learning
University of AdelaideSub Cruce LumenLatinThe light [of learning] under the [Southern] Cross
University of CanberraNew IntelligenceEnglish
The University of MelbournePostera Crescam LaudeLatinWe grow in the esteem of future generations. ("I will grow in praise afterwards.") - Horace, Odes, l. III. 30.
University of New EnglandEx sapientia modusLatinOut of wisdom comes moderation
University of New South WalesScientia Manu et MenteLatinKnowledge by hand and mind
University of NewcastleI Look AheadEnglish
The University of Notre Dame AustraliaIn principio erat VerbumLatinIn the beginning was the Word. (John 1:1)
University of QueenslandScientia ac LaboreLatinThrough knowledge and hard work
University of Southern QueenslandPer Studia Mens NovaLatinThrough study the mind is made new
University of SydneySidere mens eadem mutatoLatinThe constellations change, [but] the mind [remains] the same[3]
University of TasmaniaIngeniis Patuit CampusLatinThe field is open to talent
University of Technology, SydneyThink. Change. Do.English
University of Western AustraliaSeek WisdomEnglish
Western Sydney UniversityUnlimitedEnglish


University of ViennaUnermüdlich neugierig. Seit 1365.GermanTirelessly curious. Since 1365
Theresian Military AcademyA.E.I.O.U.German/Latin
Technical University of ViennaTechnik für MenschenGermanTechnology for the people
Vienna University of Economics and BusinessScience inspired by consumersEnglish
Veterinary Medicine University of ViennaLehren mit Verantwortung, Forschen mit Vision und Heilen mit AmbitionGermanTeach with responsibility, research with vision, heal with ambition
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, ViennaUniversität der Nachhaltigkeit und des LebensGermanA University of sustainability and of life
University of KlagenfurtPer aspera ad astraLatinThrough difficulties to the stars
University of GrazWe work for tomorrow!English
Medical University of GrazPioneering minds-caring for patients' health and well-being!English
University of LeobenAlles außer gewöhnlich!GermanEverything but usual!


University of Dhakaশিক্ষাই আলোBengaliEducation is light
Bangladesh University of Engineering and TechnologyThe Ocean of KnowledgeEnglish
North South UniversityCenter of Excellence in Higher EducationEnglish
Bangladesh Agricultural Universityজ্ঞান, দক্ষতা, চরিত্র BengaliKnowledge, Efficiency, Moral Character
Shahjalal University of Science and Technologyঅর্জন, চর্চা, সৃষ্টিBengaliInner spirit
Rajshahi University of Engineering and TechnologyHeaven's Light is Our GuideEnglish
Jagannath Universityশিক্ষা, ঈমান, শৃঙ্খলাBengaliEducation, Faith, Discipline
BRAC UniversityInspiring Excellence English
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural Universityগবেষণা, শিক্ষা, সম্প্রসারণBengaliResearch, Education, Extension
Bangladesh University of Professionalsজ্ঞানের মাধ্যমে উৎকর্ষ সাধনBengaliExcellence through knowledge
Bangladesh University of Textilesজ্ঞানই শক্তিBengaliKnowledge Is Power
Military Institute of Science and Technologyপ্রগতির জন্য প্রযুক্তিBengaliTechnology for Advancement


Université Libre de BruxellesScientia vincere tenebrasLatinConquering darkness by science
Vrije Universiteit BrusselScientia vincere tenebrasLatinConquering darkness by science
Université catholique de LouvainSedes sapientiaeLatinSeat of wisdom
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenSedes sapientiaeLatinSeat of wisdom
Ghent UniversityInter UtrumqueLatinIn Between Both Extremes
University of HasseltKnowledge in ActionEnglish


Pontifícia Universidade Católica de CampinasFide Splendet et ScientiaLatinMay it shine with truth and knowledge
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de GoiásVeritas in Scientia et FideLatinTruth in Knowledge and Faith
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de JaneiroAlis grave nilLatinNothing is too heavy for those who have wings
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulAd verum ducitLatinLeading to the truth
Universidade de BrasíliaAutonomiaPortugueseAutonomy
Universidade de São PauloScientia VincesLatinThrough knowledge you win
Universidade Estadual do CearáLumen Ad ViemLatinEnlightening life
Universidade Federal de AlagoasScientia ad SapientiamLatinKnowledge for Wisdom
Universidade Federal do Espírito SantoDocete Omnes GentesLatinTeach all the people
Universidade Federal FluminenseDiscere, Docere, Seminare LatinLearn, Teach, Spread
Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisIncipit Vita NovaLatinA new life begins
Universidade Federal da ParaíbaSapientia ÆdificatLatinKnowledge Builds
Universidade Federal do ParanáScientia et LaborLatinScience and Work
Universidade Federal de PernambucoVirtus ImpavidaLatinFearless Virtue
Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroA Universidade do BrasilPortugueseThe University of Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteAccipit ut DetLatinReceive to give
Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUm bem público a serviço do BrasilPortugueseA public good in the service of Brazil
Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e MucuriSapientia et LibertasLatinWisdom and Freedom
Universidade Federal de ViçosaEdiscere, Scire, Agere, VincereLatinStudy, Know, Act, Win
Universidade Presbiteriana MackenzieTradição e Pioneirismo na EducaçãoPortugueseTradition and pioneering in education
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáTecnologia e HumanismoPortugueseTechnology and humanism


Acadia UniversityIn pulvere vincesLatinIn dust, you conquer
Athabasca UniversityLearning for LifeEnglish
Bishop's UniversityRecti cultus pectora roborantLatinSound learning strengthens the spirit
Brandon UniversityAletheuontes de en AgapeGreekSpeaking the truth in love
Brock UniversitySurgite!LatinPush on!
Cape Breton UniversityTheid Dìchioll Air ThoiseachScottish GaelicPerseverance will Triumph
Carleton UniversityOurs the Task EternalEnglish
Concordia UniversitySmall planet, Big thinkingEnglish
Crandall UniversityChristus PraeeminensLatinChrist is preeminent
Dalhousie UniversityOra et LaboraLatinPrayer and work
École Polytechnique de MontréalUt tensio sic visLatinAs the extension, the force
Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityThrough tireless effort knowledge and understandingEnglishThrough tireless effort knowledge and understanding
Lakehead UniversityVos persolvo pro angustus obviusLatinAchievement through effort
Laurentian UniversityEmitte lucem et veritatemLatinSend forth thy light and thy truth
McGill UniversityGrandescunt aucta laboreLatinBy work, all things increase and grow
McMaster UniversityΤΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΕΝ ΧΡΙΣΤΩΙ ΣΥΝΕΣΤΗΚΕΝGreekAll things cohere in Christ
Memorial University of NewfoundlandProvehito in AltumLatinLaunch forth into the deep
Mount Allison UniversityLitterae, Religio, ScientiaLatinWriting, Divinity, Knowledge
Mount Royal UniversityQuam Bene Non QuantumLatinHow well, not how much
Mount Saint Vincent UniversityVeritas ad Deum ducitLatinTruth leads to God
Nipissing UniversityIntegritasLatinIntegrity
Nova Scotia Agricultural CollegeMens agitat molemLatinmind over matter
OCAD UniversityImagination is Everything.English
Queen's University at KingstonSapientia et Doctrina StabilitasLatinWisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times
Royal Military College of CanadaTruth, Duty, ValourEnglishFrench: Vérité, Devoir, Vaillance
Royal Roads UniversityLife.ChangingEnglish
Saint Francis Xavier UniversityQuaecumque Sunt VeraLatinWhatsoever things are true (Philippians 4:8)
Saint Mary's UniversityAge Quod AgisLatinWhat you do, do well
St. Mary's University College, CalgaryIn Lumine Tuo Videbimus LumenLatinIn Thy light shall we see light
Simon Fraser UniversityNous sommes prêtsFrenchWe are ready
St. Thomas UniversityDoce Bonitatem Scientiam et DisciplinamLatinTeach me Goodness and Knowledge and Discipline
Thompson Rivers UniversityQuansem IlepSecwepemcTo strive ahead
Toronto Metropolitan UniversityMente et ArtificioLatinWith mind and skill
Trent UniversityNunc cognosco ex parteLatinNow I know in part
Trinity Western UniversityTurris Fortis Deus NosterLatinA Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Université de MontréalFide splendet et scientiaLatinMay it shine with truth and knowledge
Université LavalDeo favente haud pluribus imparLatinBy the grace of God, to no one equal
University of AlbertaQuaecumque VeraLatinWhatsoever things are true
University of British ColumbiaTuum estLatinIt's up to you or It is yours
University of CalgaryMo Shùile Togam SuasScottish GaelicI will lift up my eyes
University of GuelphRerum cognoscere causasLatinTo learn the reasons of realities
University of King's CollegeDeo Legi Regi GregiLatinFor God, Law, King, People
University of LethbridgeFiat LuxLatinLet there be light
University of ManitobaFloreatLatin"Flourish" or "Prosper"
University of New BrunswickSapere AudeLatinDare to know / Dare to be wise
University of Northern British ColumbiaEn Cha HunáDakelh languageliterally "He/she too lives", figuratively "Other people have their point of view"
University of Ontario Institute of TechnologyCogitando et Agendo DucemusLatinBy thinking and doing, we shall lead
University of OttawaDeus Scientiarum Dominus EstLatinGod is the Master of Sciences
University of Prince Edward IslandFaith, Knowledge, ServiceEnglish
University of ReginaAs One Who ServesEnglish
University of SaskatchewanDeo et PatriaeLatinFor God and Country
Université de SherbrookeVeritatem in charitateLatinTruth in charity
University of TorontoVelut arbor ævoLatinLike a tree through the ages
University of Victoriaויהי אור /
Multitudo sapientium sanitas orbis
Hebrew /
Let there be light
A multitude of the wise is the health of the world
University of WaterlooConcordia cum veritateLatinIn harmony with truth
University of Western OntarioVeritas et UtilitasLatinTruth and usefulness
University of WindsorBonitatem, disciplinam, scientiamLatinGoodness, discipline, knowledge
University of WinnipegLux et Veritas FloreantLatinLet Light and Truth Flourish
Wilfrid Laurier UniversityVeritas Omnia VincitLatinTruth conquers all
York UniversityTentanda viaLatinThe way must be tried


Pontifical Catholic University of ChileIn Christi Lumine pro Mundi VitaLatinIn Christ's light for the world's life
Pontifical Catholic University of ValparaísoFides et LaborLatinFaith and work
Federico Santa María Technical UniversityEx Umbra in SolemLatinFrom the shadow into the sun
Metropolitan University of Educational SciencesVeritas Humanitatis LuxLatinTruth is the light of mankind
University of Santiago, ChileLabor Lætitia NostraLatinWork is our joy
Austral University of ChileLibertas CapiturLatinFreedom is conquered


Beijing Foreign Studies University兼容并蓄 博学笃行[6] Chinese
Beijing Normal University学为人师 行为世范[7] ChineseLearn, so as to instruct others; Act, to serve as example to all.[8]
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications厚德 博学 敬业 乐群[9] ChineseGreat Virtue, Profound Knowledge, Total Commitment, Harmonious Cooperation[10]
Beijing University of Technology不息为体 日新为道[11] ChineseTaking persistence in pursuit as the substance, taking innovation everyday as the way[12]
Chang'an University弘毅明德 笃学创新[13] Chinese
China Pharmaceutical University精业济群[14] ChineseBe proficient and benefit others[15]
Chongqing University耐劳苦、尚俭朴、勤学业、爱国家[16] ChineseEndure Toil, Cherish Thrift, Work Hard and Love the Country[17]
Dalian University文明 自强 求是 创新[18] ChineseCivilization Self-Improvement Truth-Seeking and Originality[19]
Fudan University博学而笃志,切问而近思[20] ChineseRich in knowledge and tenacious of purposes, inquiring with earnestness and reflecting with self-practice[21]
Harbin Institute of Technology规格严格 功夫到家[22] Chinese
Hebei University实事求是,笃学诚行[23] Chinese
Heilongjiang University参天尽物 博学慎思[24] Chinese
Henan University明德,新民,至于至善[25] ChineseTo illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence[26]
Hohai University艰苦朴素,实事求是,严格要求,勇于探索[27] Chinese
Huazhong University of Science and Technology明德厚学,求是创新[28] ChineseVirtue, Knowledge, Truth, Originality[29]
Hunan University实事求是 敢为人先[30] ChineseSeeking Truth from Facts and Daring to be Pioneers[31]
Jiangsu University博学 求是 明德[32] ChineseBe erudite, practical and virtuous[33]
Jilin University求实创新,励志图强[34] ChineseObjective and innovative, determination and persistence.
Jinan University忠信笃敬[35] ChineseLoyalty, Sincerity, Integrity and Respect[36]
Lanzhou University自强不息 独树一帜[37] ChineseConstantly Improving, Blazing Our Own Path[38]
Nanjing UniversityChinese: 诚朴雄伟 励学敦行[39] ChineseSincerity with Aspiration, Perseverance and Integrity[40]
Nankai University允公允能,日新月异[41] ChineseDedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, Aspiration for Progress with Each Passing Day
Ningbo University实事求是 经世致用[42] ChineseTruth and pragmatism
Northeastern University自强不息,知行合一[43] Chinese
Northwest University公诚勤朴[44] Chinesejustice, honesty, diligence, simple[45]
Ocean University of China海纳百川,取则行远[46] ChineseOcean Embraces Streams All and Exploring Promises Reaching Far[47]
Peking University(No official motto)[48]
Qingdao University博学笃志,明德求真,守正出奇[49] Chinese
Renmin University of China实事求是[50] ChineseSeeking truth from facts[51]
Shandong University学无止境 气有浩然[52] ChineseNoble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge[53]
Shanghai International Studies University格高志远,学贯中外ChineseIntegrity, Vision and Academic Excellence[54]
Shanghai Jiao Tong University饮水思源 爱国荣校[55] ChineseWhen you drink water, never shall you forget its source; love your motherland and add credit to your Alma Mater[56]
Shanghai University自强不息;先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐[57] ChineseThe movement of heaven is full of power. Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring.
Be concerned about the affairs of state before others, and enjoy comfort after others.[58]
Shanxi University尊广道艺、登崇俊良[59] Chinesebeing industrious, strict, honest and creative[60]
Sichuan Normal University重德,博学,务实,尚美[61] Chinese
Sichuan University海纳百川 有容乃大[62] ChineseSea encompasses hundreds of rivers, willingness to accept all is virtuous
Officially: The ocean is exclusive because it embraces hundreds of rivers[63]
Soochow University养天地正气,法古今完人[64] ChineseUnto a full-grown man[65]
Southeast University止于至善[66] ChineseStrive for Perfection[67]
Sun Yat-sen University博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行[68] ChineseStudy Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly[69]
Tianjin University实事求是[70] ChineseSeeking Truth from Facts[71]
Tianjin University of Technology重德重能、求实求新[72] ChineseFocusing on Morals and Capability, Pursuing Truth and Innovation[73]
Tongji University严谨、求实、团结、创新[74] ChineseDiscipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity[75]
Tsinghua University自强不息、厚德载物[76] ChineseSelf-Discipline and Social Commitment[77]
University of Science and Technology of China红专并进,理实交融[78] ChineseBeing Both Politically Sound and Professionally Competent, and Integrating Theory with Practice[79]
Wuhan University自强 弘毅 求是 拓新[80] ChineseImprove Oneself, Promote Perseverance, Seek Truth and Make Innovations[81]
Xiamen University自强不息 止于至善[82] ChinesePursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection[83]
Xiangtan University博学笃行,盛德日新[84] ChineseKnowledge, Action and Virtue[85]
Yantai University守信 求实 好学 力行[86] ChineseBe trustworthy, be down-to-earth, be fond of learning, and practice earnestly[87]
Yunnan University自尊 致知 正义 力行[88] Chinese
Zhejiang University求是创新[89] ChineseSeeking the Truth and Pioneering New Trails[90]


Autonomous University of Bucaramanga - UNABLiderazgo para el futuroSpanishLeadership for the future
National University of ColombiaInter Aulas Academiæ Quære VerumLatinAmong the halls of the academy look for the truth
Pontifical Bolivarian UniversityFormación integral para la transformación social y humanaSpanishIntegral education for social and human transformation
Pontifical Xavierian UniversitySapientia aedificavit sibi domumLatinWisdom has built a Home for itself
Pontifical Bolivarian University, Bucaramanga CampusExcelencia con sentido humanoSpanishExcellence with human sense
University of Los Andes (Colombia)Más Allá del DeberSpanishBeyond Duty


Aalborg UniversityViis NovisLatinNew ways
University of AarhusSolidum petit in profundisLatinSeek a firm footing in the depths
University of CopenhagenCoelestem adspicit lucemLatinIt looks at the celestial light


University of Art and Design HelsinkiPro Arte UtiliLatinFor useful abilities
Helsinki University of TechnologyLabor et scientiaLatinWork and science
University of JyväskyläAmica veritasLatinTruth is a friend


Ecole PolytechniquePour la Patrie, les Sciences et la GloireFrenchFor the Homeland, Science and Glory
Académie de BordeauxCrescam et LuceboLatinI shall grow and I shall shine
Mines ParisThéorie et pratiqueFrenchTheory and practice
University of NancyVive labeur[91] FrenchLong live labour
University of ParisHic et ubique terrarumLatinHere and anywhere on earth
Centrale ParisLeader, Entrepreneur, InnovateurFrenchLeader, Entrepreneur, Innovator
Chavagnes StudiumIn electis tuis mitte radicesLatinPut down roots in your elect
IESEG School of ManagementEmpowering Changemakers for a Better SocietyEnglish


RWTH Aachen UniversityZukunft denkenGermanThinking the Future
Free University of BerlinVeritas - Iustitia - LibertasLatinTruth - Justice - Freedom
University of FreiburgDie Wahrheit wird euch frei machenGermanThe truth will make you free (John 8 :32)
Jacobs UniversityInspiration is a placeEnglish
Darmstadt University of TechnologyMens agitat molemLatinMind drives matter
University of GreifswaldWissen lockt. Seit 1456.GermanKnowledge attracts. Since 1456.
Hannover Medical SchoolUnitas Libertas CaritasLatinUnity Liberty Charity
University of MainzUt omnes unum sintDass alle eins seienLatin, GermanThat they all may be one (John 17:21)
Ruprecht Karl University of HeidelbergSemper apertusLatinAlways open
University of Hamburgder Forschung, der Lehre, der BildungGermanfor research, for teaching, for education
University of KielPax optima rerumLatinPeace is the greatest good
Technische Universität DresdenWissen schafft Brücken.GermanKnowledge builds bridges.
University of MannheimIn Omnibus VeritasLatinIn All the Truth
Technische Universität MünchenZuhause in Bayern, erfolgreich in der Welt. Die unternehmerische Universität.GermanAt home in Bavaria, successful in the world. The entrepreneurial University.
University of PotsdamKlein aber feinGermanSmall but excellent
University of RostockTraditio et InnovatioLatinTradition and innovation
University of GöttingenIn publica commodaLatinFor the good of all
University of TrierTreveris ex urbe Deus complet dona sophiaeLatinIn the city of Trier, God completes the gifts of wisdom
University of TübingenAttempto!LatinI dare!


Georgian Institute of Public AffairsIn hoc signo vincesLatinIn this sign you will conquer
Free University of TbilisiScientia, Labor, LibertasLatinKnowledge, Labour, Freedom
Grigol Robakidze UniversityScientia Et VeritasLatinKnowledge and Truth


University of GhanaIntegri Procedamus[92] Latinproceed with integrity
University of Cape CoastVeritas Nobis Lumen[93] LatinTruth, Our guide.
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologyNyansapɔ wɔsane no badwenma[94] TwiThe knot of Wisdom is untied only by the wise
University of Education, WinnebaEducation for serviceEnglish
Zenith University CollegePer Ardua Ad AstraLatinThrough Adversity to the Stars - in effect, Through Hard Work to the Top
University for Development StudiesKnowledge for Service[95] English
University of Mines and TechnologyKnowledge, truth and excellence[96] English


Aristotle University of ThessalonikiΜούσαις Χάρισι ΘῦεGreekSacrifice to the Muses and the Graces
University of MacedoniaΠοιότητα, Αξιοκρατία, ΚαινοτομίαGreekQuality, Meritocracy, Innovation

Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong明徳格物
Sapientia et Virtus[97]
Classical Chinese/LatinWisdom and virtue/To disseminate virtue and to investigate the way of things
The Chinese University of Hong Kong博文約禮[98] Classical ChineseThrough learning and temperance to virtue
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(No official motto)[99]
City University of Hong Kong敬業樂群
Officium et Civitas[100]
Classical Chinese/Latinrespect one's professional knowledge, deal with others cheerfully and harmoniously
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University開物成務 勵學利民[101] ChineseTo learn (every truth) and to apply, for the benefit of mankind[102]
Hong Kong Baptist University篤信力行
Light and truth[103]
Classical Chineseto have faith and proceed with perseverance
Lingnan University作育英才,服務社會[104] ChineseEducation for Service[105]
Hong Kong Metropolitan University公誠毅樸,開明進取
Disce, Progredere, Crea[106]
Classical Chinese/Latin


Andrássy University BudapestGermanDesigning Europe
University of PécsHungarianThe first University of Hungary.
University of SzegedLatinTruth. Courage. Freedom.
Eötvös Loránd UniversityHungarianThe community of knowledge.
Corvinus UniversityLatinMy knowledge is my helper.


Ranchi UniversityMay our knowledge become brilliant
Indian Institute of Technology Madrasसिद्धिर्भवति कर्मजा siddhirbhavati karmajaSanskritEffort Yields Success
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpurयोगः कर्मसु कौशलम्SanskritExcellence in work is (true) yoga
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpurतमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय (tamaso mā jyotirgamaya)SanskritLead me from darkness to light
Indian Institute of Technology Bombayज्ञानं परमं ध्येयम्(jñānaṁ paramaṁ dhyeyam)SanskritKnowledge is the Supreme Goal
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkeeśramam vinā na kimapi sādhyam / श्रमम् विना न किमपि साध्यम् / shramam vinA na kimapi sAdhyamSanskritwithout effort nothing is possible
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasiसंस्कार ही शिक्षा (sanskAr hi shikshA)HindiEducation is Character
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabadvidyā viniyogāt vikāsaḥ / विद्या विनियोगात् विकासः / vidyA viniyogAt vikAsaHSanskritprogress comes from proper application of knowledge
Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalliज्ञानम् अनंतम्SanskritKnowledge is Endless
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikodeyogaḥ karmasu kauśalam / योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् / yogaH karmasu kaushalamSanskritexcellence in action is yoga
Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwaliorviśvajīvanāmṛtam jñānam / विश्वजीवनामृतम् ज्ञानम् / vishvajeevanAmRRitam GYaanamSanskritKnowledge is the elixir of Life
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknowjñānaṃ bharah kriyam bina / ज्ञानं भारः क्रियां विना / GYaanaM bharah kriyam bina SanskritKnowledge without action is a burden
Indian Statistical Institutebhinneṣvaikyasya darśanam / भिन्नेष्वैक्यस्य दर्शनम् / bhinneShvaikyasya darshanamSanskriteven in differences, see the unity
Acharya Nagarjuna Universitysatye sarvaṃ pratiṣṭhitam / सत्ये सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् / satye sarvaM pratiShThitamSanskritEverything is established in truth
All India Institute of Medical Sciencesśarīramādyaṃ khalu dharmasādhanam / शरीरमाद्यं खलु धर्मसाधनम् / shareeramAdyaM khalu dharmasAdhanamSanskritBody indeed is the primary instrument of dharma
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyaniswāsthyam sarvārthasādhanam / स्वास्थ्यं सर्वार्थसाधनम् / Swasthyam sarwarthasadhanamSanskritAll can be achieved with good health
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeethamśraddhāvān labhate jñānam / श्रद्धावान् लभते ज्ञानम् / shraddhAvAn labhate GYaanamSanskritReverent attains wisdom, (from Rigveda)
Andhra Universitytejasvi nāvadhītamastu / तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु / tejasvi naavadhiitamastuSanskritMay our knowledge become brilliant
Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal Universitytejasvi nāvadhītamastu / तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु / tejasvi naavadhiitamastuSanskritMay our knowledge become brilliant
Banaras Hindu Universityvidyayā amṛtaṃ aśnute / विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते / vidyayA amRRitaM ashnuteSanskritbe immortal through knowledge
Banasthali Vidyapithsā vidyā yā vimuktaye / सा विद्या या विमुक्तये / sA vidyA yA vimuktayeSanskritThat is knowledge which liberates
Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpuruttiṣṭha jāgrata prāpya varānnibodhata / उत्तिष्ठ जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत / uttiShTha jAgrata prApya varAnnibodhataSanskritarise, awake, obtaining worthy (teachers), know (the truth)
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchisā vidyā yā vimuktaye / सा विद्या या विमुक्तये / sA vidyA yA vimuktayeSanskritThat is knowledge which liberates
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilanijñānaṃ paramaṃ balam / ज्ञानं परमं बलम् / GYaanaM paramaM balamSanskritKnowledge is the ultimate power
Central Board of Secondary Educationasato mā sadgamaya / असतो मा सद्गमय / asato mA sadgamayaSanskritLead us From Untruth to Truth
Cochin University of Science and Technologytejasvi nāvadhītamastu / तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु / tejasvi naavadhiitamastuSanskritMay our knowledge become brilliant
College of Engineering, Trivandrumkarma jyayoghya karmanahSanskrit
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalayadhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt / धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् / dhiyo yo naH prachodayaatSanskritmay (the divine power) propel our intellect
University of Mumbaiशीलष्टतफला विद्याSanskritThe Fruit of Learning is Character and Righteous Conduct.
University of Delhiनिष्ठा धृति: सत्यमSanskritDedicated to the Truth
University of Puneय: क्रियावान् स पण्डितःSanskritHe who is industrious is learned
University of CalcuttaAdvancement of LearningEnglish
Visva Bharati UniversityYatra visvam bhavatyekanidamSanskritWhere the world makes a home in a single nest
Gujarat National Law Universityā no bhadrāḥ kratavo yantu viśvataḥ / आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः / A no bhadraaH kratavo yantu vishvataH SanskritLet good (thoughts) come from everywhere, from all the world
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha Universityज्योतिवृ्णीत तमसो विजानऩ /jyotivranit tamso vijajnamSanskritCleave the darkness and light through knowledge.
Kurukshetra Universityyogastha kuru karmāṇi / योगस्थ कुरु कर्माणि / yogastha kuru karmANiSanskritdo while steadfast in yoga
Madan Mohan Malaviya Engineering College, Gorakhpuryogaḥ karmasu kauśalam / योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् / yogaH karmasu kaushalamSanskritexcellence in action is yoga
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda[107] satyaṃ śivaṃ sundaram / सत्यं शिवं सुन्दरम् / satyaM shivaM sundaramSanskrittruth, auspiciousness, beauty
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technologysiddhirbhavati karmajā / सिद्धिर्भवति कर्मजा / siddhirbhavati karmajASanskritsuccess is born of action
National Institute of Technology, Durgapurudyogah purushasya lakshanam / उद्योगः पुरुषस्य लक्षणं / udyogah purushasya lakshanamSanskritindustry is man's objective
National Institute of Technology, HamirpurUdyamena hi siddhayānti kāryāṇi na manorathaiḥ / उद्यमेन हि सिद्धयान्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैःSanskritA goal is achieved through labor, not by desire only
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetraśramonavarata ceṣṭā ca / श्रमोनवरत चेष्टा च / shramonavarata cheShTA chaSanskrittireless effort and attempt
National Institute of Technology, Raipur[108] नित्यं यातो शुभोदयं / Nityam Yato ShubhodayamSanskritLet the rise of goodness happen everyday
National Institute of Technology, Agartalajñānaṃ paramaṃ balam / ज्ञानं परमं बलम् / GYaanaM paramaM balamSanskritknowledge is the supreme power
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technologyvidha bharen bhooshanamSanskrit
National Institute of Technology Calicutतमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय (tamaso mā jyotir gamaya)SanskritFrom Darkness, Lead us unto Light
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipurय़ॊगः कऱमसु कौशलमSanskritDiligence Leads to Excellence
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technologyसरस्वती नमस्तुभ्यम्SanskritI bow to mother saraswati (goddess saraswati).
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpurशंन ॠभवः सुकृतः सुहस्ताःSanskrit
National Institute of Technology, Patnaśramonavarata ceṣṭā ca / श्रमोनवरत चेष्टा चSanskrittireless effort and attempt
National Institute of Technology Raipurनित्यं यातो शुभोदयंSanskritLet the rise of goodness happen everyday
National Institute of Technology, Silchartejasvi nāvadhītamastu / तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तुSanskritMay our knowledge become brilliant
National Institute of Technology, Srinagarالظلمات إلى النور /तमसो मा ज्योर्तिगमयSanskritLead me from Darkness to Light
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Suratविज्ञानम सारथि (Vigyanam Saarthi)SanskritCharioteer(सारथि) of Science(विज्ञानम)
National Institute of Technology KarnatakaKannada: ಕಾಯಕವೇ ಕೈಲಾಸ Sanskrit: तत्पूजा कर्मचाखिलमKannada, SanskritWork is worship
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalliसत्यमेव जयतेSanskritTruth alone triumphs
National Institute of Technology, Goaया विद्या सा विमुक्तयेSanskritTrue Knowledge Liberates
Anna UniversityProgress through knowledgeEnglishProgress through knowledge
Loyola College, ChennaiLuceat Lux VestraLatinLet your Light Shine
Scottish Church College, KolkataNec Tamen ConsumebaturLatinBurning, but yet not consumed
St. Xavier's College, KolkataNihil UltraLatinNothing Beyond
St. Stephen's College, DelhiAd Dei GloriamLatinTo the Glory of God
Madras Christian CollegeIn Hoc SignoLatinWith this as your banner, you shall prevail
Presidency College, Chennaiunde orta recurrentLatinwhence it arose back
Fergusson University, PuneKnowledge is PowerEnglish
Christ University, BangaloreExcellence and ServiceEnglishExcellence and Service
Netaji Subhas University of Technologyā no bhadrāḥ kratavo yantu viśvataḥ / आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः / A no bhadraaH kratavo yantu vishvataH [from (1.89.1 rigveda)]SanskritLet good (thoughts) come from everywhere, from all the world
Osmania Universitytamaso mā jyotirgamaya / तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय / tamaso mA jyotirgamayaSanskritLead us from Darkness to Light
National Law School of India Universitydharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ / धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः / dharmo rakShati rakShitaHSanskritvalues protect the protector (of values)
Sampurnanand Sanskrit UniversitySśrutam me gopāya / श्रुतम् मे गोपाय / shrutam me gopaayaSanskritlet my learning be safe, i.e. let it be fruitful, let me not forget my learning
Samrat Ashok Technological Instituteyogaḥ karmasu kauśalam / योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् / yogaH karmasu kaushalamSanskritexcellence in action is yoga
Sri Venkateswara UniversityJnānam Samyaga VekshanamSanskritWisdom lies in proper perspective
Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur Universitytamaso mā jyotirgamaya / तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय / tamaso mA jyotirgamayaSanskritLead us from Darkness to Light
University of CalicutNirmaya Karmana SreeSanskritProsperity will be produced by pure action
University of HyderabadSa Vidhya Ya VimukthayeSanskritEducation results in liberation
University of KeralaKarmani Vyajyate PrajnaSanskritOne's intellect is revealed through one's actions
University of MysoreNahi Jnanena Sadrusham, Sathyamevoddharamyaham,SanskritNothing is Equal to Knowledge, I uphold only the truth
University of RajasthanDharmo Vishwasya Jagatah PratishthaSanskritDharma is the firm foundation upon which the entire universe stands
Uttar Pradesh Technical Universityyogaḥ karmasu kauśalam / योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् / yogaH karmasu kaushalamSanskritexcellence in action is yoga
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpuryogaḥ karmasu kauśalam / योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् / yogaH karmasu kaushalamSanskritexcellence in action is yoga
West Bengal National University of Juridical SciencesYuktiheena Vicharetu Dharmahnih PrajayateSanskritJudgement Devoid Of Logic Destroys Dharma
Visvesvaraya Technological UniversityModalu mānavanāguKannadaAbove all, be human
University of AllahabadQuot Rami Tot ArboresLatinas many Branches so many Trees
Ma'din Academy, MalappuramMa'din Makes Tomorrow English
National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, KalyaniAccelerating Genomics for HealthEnglish


IPB UniversityInspiring Innovation with IntegrityEnglish
Bandung Institute of TechnologyIn Harmonia ProgressioLatinProgress in Harmony
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of TechnologyIntelligentia Fides IngeniumLatinIntelligent, Trustworthy, Inventive
Gadjah Mada UniversityMengakar Kuat, Menjulang TinggiBahasa IndonesiaLocally rooted, globally respected
University of IndonesiaVeritas, Probitas, IustitiaLatinTruth, Honesty, Justice
Diponegoro UniversityWiyata Hangreksa Gapuraning NagaraSanskritSafeguarding the Dignity of the Nation
Jenderal Soedirman UniversityMaju Terus, Pantang Mundur, Tak Kenal MenyerahBahasa IndonesiaAlways Moving Ahead, No Retreat, Never Give Up
Islam University of IndonesiaValues. Innovation. Perfection.English
Padjadjaran UniversityBermanfaat dan MenduniaBahasa IndonesiaBeneficial and global
Sebelas Maret UniversityMangesthi Luhur Ambangun NagaraJavaneseAspire Sublimely to Build the Nation
Brawijaya UniversityBuilding Up Noble FutureEnglish
Andalas UniversityUntuk Kedjajaan BangsaBahasa IndonesiaFor the Glory of the Nation
Udayana UniversityTaki-takining sewaka guna widyaBalinesePeople who oblige knowledge shall pursue wisdom and virtue
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic UniversityKnowledge Piety IntegrityEnglish
Indonesia University of EducationLeading and UnderstandingEnglish
Sanata Dharma UniversityAd Maiorem Dei GloriamLatinTo the greater glory of God
Indonesian Christian UniversityMelayani, bukan DilayaniBahasa IndonesiaTo serve, not to be served (Mark 10:45)
HKBP Nommensen UniversityPro Deo et PatriaLatin For God and Country
Muhammadiyah University of YogyakartaUnggul dan IslamiBahasa IndonesiaEminent and Islamic
Sriwijaya UniversityIlmu Alat PengabdianBahasa IndonesiaScience as Dedication Services
Indonesia Open UniversityMaking Higher Education Open to AllEnglish
Atma Jaya Yogyakarta UniversityServien in Lumine VeritatisLatinServing in The Light of Truth
The Republic of Indonesia Defense UniversityPraditya Wiratama Nagara BhaktiSanskritSmart warrior to serve the nation
Parahyangan Catholic UniversityBakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya BhaktiOld JavaneseBased on the belief in God, pursuing knowledge in devotion to the community
Soegijapranata Catholic UniversityTalenta Pro Patria et HumanitateLatinThe best talent is dedicated to the nation-state and humanity
University of RokaniaMenata Kehidupan Untuk Masa DepanBahasa IndonesiaArranging Life for the Future
STMIK Citra MandiriBuat, Pengembangan, Inovasi TeknologiBahasa IndonesiaCreate, Develoving, Innovation Technology
Institut Teknologi DelMartuhan, Marroha, MarbisukBatakneseGodly, Conscientious, Wise


Dublin City UniversityIreland's University of EnterpriseEnglish
Maynooth UniversityVeritati Fir FerLatinTruth Strength Courage
NUI GalwayDeo faventeLatinBy favouring God
Trinity College DublinPerpetuis futuris temporibus duraturamLatinIt will last into endless future times
University College CorkWhere Finbarr taught, let Munster learnEnglish
University College DublinAd Astra[109] LatinTo the stars
Comhtrom FéinneIrishFair play[110]
University of LimerickWisdom for actionEnglish
Queens University Belfast Pro tanto Quid RetribuamusLatinWhat will we give back for so much


University of Tehranمیاسایید ز آموختن یک زمانPersianRest not a moment from learning
Tehran University of Medical SciencesCaring for a New GenerationEnglish
Iran University of Science and Technologyهیچ چیز غیرممکن نیستPersianNothing is Impossible
زنان آگاه جامعه پیشرفتهPersianLearned Woman, Progressive Society
Kharazmi Universityآموختن برای زندگی بهتر PersianLearning for A Better Life
تربیت مهندس بر فراز قللPersianEngineer training on the summits
خرد باید و دانش و راستیPersianOne must have wisdom and knowledge and honesty


Ben-Gurion University of the Negevהשראה פוגשת מצוינות‎HebrewInspiration Meets Excellence
Tel Aviv Universityבעקבות הלא נודע‎HebrewPursuing the Unknown


Pontifical Gregorian UniversityReligioni et Bonis ArtibusLatinFor Religion and Culture
Sapienza University of RomeIl futuro è passato quiItalianIn here the future is already become past / The future has been here / The future has stopped by here
Sant'Anna School of Advanced StudiesExcellentiam ut disciplinam / L'eccellenza come disciplinaLatin/ItalianExcellence as discipline
University of BolognaAlma mater studiorumLatinNourishing mother of the studies
University of PaduaUniversa Universis Patavina LibertasLatinLiberty of Padua, universally and for all
University of PisaIn Supremae DignitatisLatinIn the highest dignity
University of Venice (Ca' Foscari)Venetiarum universitas in domo FoscariLatinUniversity of the Venices in Foscari's house
University of Naples (Federico II)Ad scientiarum haustum et seminarium doctrinarumLatinA seminary for those drawn to fields of knowledge and doctrine


Keio UniversityCalamus gladio fortior[111] LatinThe pen is mightier than the sword
Waseda University学問の独立 (Gakumon no Dokuritsu)[112] JapaneseIndependence of scholarship
Kwansei Gakuin University奉仕のための練達 (Hōshi no Tame no Rentatsu)[113] JapaneseMastery for Service
Rikkyo UniversityPro Deo et Patria[114] LatinFor God and Country
Sophia UniversityLux Veritatis[115] LatinThe light of truth

South Korea

Chung-Ang UniversityKorean: 의에 죽고 참에 살자
(Euihe jookgo chame salja)
KoreanLive in Truth, Live for Justice
Ewha Womans UniversityKorean: 진, 선, 미
(Jin, Seon, Mi)
KoreanTruth, Goodness, Beauty
Gyeongsang National UniversityKorean: 개척
Hankuk University of Foreign StudiesKorean: 외대로 오면 세계를 만난다
(Wedero omyeon Segyerul man-nanda)
KoreanCome to HUFS, Meet the World
Hanyang UniversityKorean: 사랑의 실천
(Sarang-eui shilcheon)
KoreanLove in Truth and in Deed
Hongik UniversityPro Hominum BeneficioLatinAct of kindness for the human kind
Konkuk UniversityKorean: 성, 신, 의
(Seong, Shin, Ui)
KoreanSincerity, Fidelity, and Righteousness
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyEducation for the world, research for the futureEnglish
Korea National University of EducationKorean: 사랑, 신뢰, 인내
(Sarang, Silloe, Innae)
KoreanLove, Confidence, and Patience
Korea UniversityLatin: Libertas, Justitia, Veritas
Korean: 자유, 정의, 진리
(Jayu, Jungeu, Jinli)
Latin and KoreanFreedom, Justice, Truth
Pohang University of Science and TechnologyKorean: 성실, 창의, 진취
(Sungsil, Changeui, Jinchi)
KoreanIntegrity, Creativity, and Aspiration
Seoul National UniversityVeritas lux meaLatinTruth is my light
Sogang UniversityObedire VeritatiLatinObey the Truth
Sookmyung Women's UniversityKorean: 정숙, 현명, 정대
(Jeongsook, Hyunmyung, Jeongdae)
KoreanModesty, Wisdom, and Justice
Soongsil UniversityKorean: 진리와 봉사
(Jinliwa Bongsa)
KoreanTruth and Service.
Sungkyunkwan UniversityKorean: 수기치인
(Su Gi Chi In)
KoreanPursue Truth and Embody Social Justice [the Analects of Confucius]
Yonsei UniversityLatin: Cognoscetis Veritatem et Veritas Liberabit Vos
Korean: 진리가 너희를 자유롭게 하리라.
(Jinli-ga neohui-rul jayuropke-harira)
Latin and KoreanTruth will set you free. [John 8:32]


University of LatviaScientiae et patriae[116] LatinFor science and fatherland
Daugavpils UniversityScientia Vinces[117] LatinThrough knowledge you win


Al Maaref UniversityMastering Life with Wisdom and KnowledgeEnglish
American University of BeirutThat they may have life and have it more abundantly [John 10:10]English
Arab Open UniversityTowards a Promising FutureEnglish
Haigazian UniversityTruth Freedom ServiceEnglish
Holy Spirit University of KaslikWhen the Spirit of Truth Comes, He Will Lead You to the Whole TruthEnglish
Lebanese American UniversityTo Strive, to Seek, to Find, and Not to YieldEnglish
Lebanese International UniversityAffordable Quality EducationEnglish
Lebanese UniversityLearning, Engaging and ProsperityEnglish
Middle East University (Lebanon)Gateway to Truth and LifeEnglish
National Conservatory of Arts and CraftsDocet Omnes UbiqueLatinHe/it teaches everyone everywhere
Notre Dame University – LouaizeGaudium De VeritateLatinJoy from the Truth
Phoenicia UniversityLeaders Aren't Born, They Are CraftedEnglish
Saint Joseph UniversityAd Majorem Dei GloriamLatinFor the greater glory of God
University of Balamandوالحق تعرفونه ArabicAnd You Know What Is Right


International Islamic University MalaysiaTaman Ilmu dan BudiMalayGarden of Knowledge and Virtue
Multimedia UniversityInquire, Inspire and Innovate[121] [122] English
National University of MalaysiaMengilham harapan, mencipta masa depan[123] MalayInspiring futures, nurturing possibilities[124]
Tun Hussein Onn University of MalaysiaDengan Hikmah Kita Meneroka[125] MalayWith Wisdom, We Explore[126]
Sultan Zainal Abidin UniversityIlmu Demi Faedah Insan[127] MalayKnowledge for the Benefit of Humanity
Universiti MalayaIlmu Punca KemajuanMalayKnowledge is the Key to Success
Universiti Malaysia SarawakBersifat Sezaman dan Berpandangan JauhMalayContemporary and Forward Looking
Universiti Putra MalaysiaBerilmu BerbaktiMalayWith Knowledge We Serve
Universiti Sains MalaysiaKami MemimpinMalayWe Lead
Universiti Teknologi MalaysiaKerana Tuhan Untuk Manusia[128] MalayIn the Name of God for Mankind
Universiti Teknologi MaraUsaha, Taqwa, Mulia[129] MalayEndeavour, Religious, Dignified[130]
Universiti Utara MalaysiaIlmu, Budi, Bakti[131] MalayScholarship, Virtue, Service[132]


Universidad de las Américas PueblaSapientia, Pax, FraternitasLatinWisdom, Peace, Brotherhood
Universidad Anahuac - UAXVince in bono malumLatinConquer evil with good.
Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de MéxicoNada Humano me es AjenoSpanishNothing human is alien to me
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de PueblaPensar bien, para vivir mejorSpanishTo think well, so as to live better
Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico - UNITECCiencia y Técnica con HumanismoSpanishScience and technics with humanism
Autonomous University of CampecheDel Enigma sin Albas a Triángulos de LuzSpanishFrom Mystery Without a Dawn to Triangles of Light
Universidad de MonterreyHomo Hominis in Ministerio PerficiturLatinMan is perfected through the service of man
Autonomous University of Nuevo LeonAlere Flammam VeritatisLatinTo feed the flame of truth.
Autonomous University of Baja CaliforniaPor la realización plena del hombreSpanishFor man's fulfillment
Autonomous University of ChihuahuaLuchar para Lograr, Lograr para DarSpanishFight to Achieve, Achieve to Give
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México - ITAMLos mejores profesores para los mejores estudiantesSpanishThe best teachers for the best students.
Instituto Politécnico Nacional - IPNLa técnica al servicio de la patriaSpanishTechnique at the service of the fatherland
Universidad IberoamericanaLa Verdad Nos Hará LibresSpanishThe truth will set us free. [John 8:32]
Universidad Juarez Autonoma de TabascoEstudio en la Duda, Acción en la FeSpanishStudy in doubtful things, action in the Faith.
University of GuadalajaraPiensa y TrabajaSpanishThink and Work
Sonora Institute of TechnologyEducar para trascenderSpanishEducate to transcend
Universidad de SonoraEl saber de mis hijos hará mi grandezaSpanishThe knowledge of my children will be my greatness
National Autonomous University of MexicoPor mi raza hablará el espírituSpanishFor my people the Spirit will speak
National Polytechnic InstituteLa técnica al servicio de la patriaSpanishThe technique to the service of the fatherland
Universidad VeracruzanaLis de Veracruz, Arte, Ciencia, LuzSpanishLily of Veracruz, Art, Science, Light
Universidad Autónoma de YucatánLuz, Ciencia, y VerdadSpanishLight, Science, and Truth
Universidad Autonoma Agraria Antonio NarroAlma Terra MaterLatinKindly Mother Earth


Ion Creangă Pedagogical State UniversityDisce ut doceasLatinLearn in order to teach
Moldova State UniversityVitae discimusLatinFor life we learn
Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and PharmacyLucendo allis ego ipse ardeo!LatinWhile I burn, I give light to others!

The Netherlands

Free University AmsterdamAuxilium nostrum in nomine Domini (Psalm 123 :8]])LatinOur help is in the name of the Lord
University of Amsterdam(no official motto)
Delft University of TechnologyChallenge the FutureEnglish
Eindhoven University of TechnologyMens Agitat MolemLatinThe mind moves matter
Erasmus UniversityMain port of knowledgeEnglish
Groningen UniversityVerbum domini lucerna pedibus nostrisLatinThe word of the Lord is a light for our feet
Kampen Theological UniversityIn lumine tuo videmus lumenLatinIn Your Light we see the light
Leiden UniversityPraesidium LibertatisLatinBastion of Freedom
Maastricht UniversityLeading in LearningEnglish
Nyenrode Business UniversityThe Spirit of EnterpriseEnglish
Radboud University NijmegenIn Dei Nomine FeliciterLatinProceed with happiness in God's name
Tilburg UniversityUnderstanding SocietyEnglish
University of TwenteHigh Tech, Human TouchEnglish
Utrecht UniversitySol Iustitiae Illustra NosLatinSun of Justice, Enlighten Us
Wageningen UniversityFor quality of lifeEnglish

New Zealand

Lincoln UniversityScientia et industria cum probitateLatinScience and industry with integrity
Massey UniversityFloreat scientiaLatinLet knowledge flourish
University of AucklandIngenio et LaboreLatinBy natural ability and hard work
University of CanterburyErgo tua rura manebuntLatinTherefore, your fields will remain (yours)
University of OtagoSapere audeLatinDare to be wise
University of WaikatoKo te tangataMāoriFor the people
Victoria University of WellingtonSapientia magis auro desiderandaLatinWisdom is desired more than gold


Abia State University[133] Excellence and serviceEnglish
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa UniversityDoctrina mater artiumLatinEducation is the mother of all practical arts
Achievers University, OwoKnowledge, integrity, leadershipEnglish
Adamawa State UniversityEducation for developmentEnglish
Adekunle Ajasin UniversityFor learning and serviceEnglish
Adeleke UniversityEducation, excellence and characterEnglish
Admiralty University of NigeriaExcellence in EducationEnglish
Afe Babalola UniversityLabor Servitum Et IntergritasLatinLabour for service and integrity
African University of Science and TechnologyKnowledge is freedomEnglish
Ajayi Crowder UniversityScentia probitasLatinKnowledge with probity
Akwa Ibom State UniversityKnowledge and technology for developmentEnglish
Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-AlikeHome of soaring eaglesEnglish
Al-Hikmah UniversityLearning for Wisdom and MoralityEnglish
Ambrose Alli UniversityKnowledge for AdvancementEnglish
American University of NigeriaQuality, Integrity, StyleEnglish
Anchor University, LagosCharacter, Competence, CourageEnglish
Augustine UniversityPro Scientia Et MoribusLatinFor learning and character
University of IbadanRecte Sapere FonsLatinTo Think Straight Is The Fountain (Of Knowledge)


Al-Islah Islamic Education System, Sadiqabad, RYKإن أريد إلا الإصلاح ما استطعتArabicI only seek advancement to the best of my abilities
Army Burn Hall CollegeLatinTo what heights can I not rise?
COMSATS Institute of Information TechnologyWe Aim to InspireEnglish
Institute of Business Administration (Karachi)Leadership and Ideas for TomorrowEnglish
Institute of Management Sciences, LahoreWhere Aims Become AchievementEnglish
International Islamic University, Islamabadوفوق كل ذي علم عليمArabicAnd above every possessor of knowledge is someone more knowledgeable
University of Agriculture, FaisalabadEt ex omnibus virtutibus Universitatis brings, inter incapabilityLatinThe University brings out all abilities, including incapability
University of Karachiرَبِّ زدْنيِ علماًArabicO my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge


Catholic University of AsunciónIn Principio Erat Verbum - Genuit Nos Verbo VeritatisLatinIn the Beginning was the Word - He Has Begotten Us by the Word of Truth [John 1:1], [James 1:18]
National University of AsunciónVitam Impendere VeroLatinTo stake one's life on what is true. - Juvenal, Satires, IV, 91.


Pontifical Catholic University of PerúEt Lux in Tenebris LucetLatinAnd the Light Shone in the Dark
Universidad de LimaScientia et PraxisLatinScience and Practice


Adamson UniversityMy Faith in God AlmightyEnglish
Adventist University of the PhilippinesOn Ever OnwardEnglish
Arellano UniversityPro Deo et PatriaLatinFor God and Country
Ateneo de Cagayan - Xavier UniversityVeritas Liberabit VosLatinThe Truth Shall Set You Free
Ateneo de Davao UniversityFortes in FideLatinStrong in Faith
Ateneo de Manila UniversityLux in DominoLatinLight in the Lord
Ateneo de Naga UniversityPrimum Regnum DeiLatinFirst, The Kingdom of God
Ateneo de Zamboanga UniversityPro Deo et PatriaLatinFor God and Country
Baliuag UniversityPatria, Scientia et VirtusLatinCountry, Science and Virtue
Central Philippine UniversityScientia et FidesLatinKnowledge and Faith
Centro Escolar UniversityCiencia y VirtudSpanishScience and Virtue
Colegio de San Juan de LetranDeus, Patria, LetranLatinGod, Country, Letran
De La Salle UniversityReligio, Mores, CulturaLatinReligion, Morals, Culture
Far Eastern UniversityLove of Fatherland and GodEnglish
Holy Angel UniversityLaus Deo SemperLatinPraise God Always
La Fortuna CollegeVeritas et honor, vis in peritaLatinTruth and honor, strength in skill
Laguna State Polytechnic UniversityIntegrity, Professionalism and Innovation English
Loyola College of CulionFortes in FideLatinStrong in Faith
Lyceum of the Philippines UniversityVeritas et Fortitudo, Pro Deo et PatriaLatinTruth and Courage, For God and Country
Malayan Colleges LagunaExcellence and VirtueEnglish
Manuel S. Enverga University FoundationPro Deo et PatriaLatinFor God and Country
Misamis UniversityEducating for the FutureEnglish
Mountain View CollegeShine On Til Jesus ComesEnglish
New Era UniversityGodliness is the Foundation of KnowledgeEnglish
Our Lady of Fatima UniversityVeritas et MisericordiaLatinFor Truth and Compassion
Pamantasan ng CabuyaoKapayapaan, Kaunlaran, PaglilingkodFilipinoPeace, Prosperity, Service
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaKarunungan, Kaunlaran, KadakilaanFilipinoWisdom, Prosperity, Greatness
Philippine Normal UniversityTruth, Excellence, ServiceEnglish
Polytechnic University of the PhilippinesTanglaw ng BayanFilipinoLight of the Nation
San Beda UniversityFides, Scientia, VirtusLatinFaith, Knowledge, Virtue
Saint Louis UniversitySapientia AedificatLatinWisdom Builds
Saint Mary's UniversitySapientia A DeoLatinWisdom from God
Saint Paul University SystemCaritas, Veritas, ScientiaLatinLove, Truth and Knowledge
Silliman UniversityVia, Veritas, VitaLatinThe Way, The Truth, The Life
Trinity University of AsiaPro Deo et PatriaLatinFor God and Country
Universidad de ZamboangaLa Educacion es LibertadSpanishEducation is Freedom
University of Asia and the PacificUnitasLatinUnity
University of the AssumptionScientia, Virtus, et CommunitasLatinKnowledge, Virtue, Community Service
University of the EastTomorrow begins in the EastEnglish
University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical CenterPro Deo Et PatriaLatinFor God and Country
University of Perpetual Help SystemCharacter Building is Nation BuildingEnglish
University of the Philippines (System)Honor and ExcellenceEnglish
University of San AgustinVirtus et ScientiaLatinVirtue and Science
University of San CarlosScientia, Virtus, DevotioLatinKnowledge, Virtues and Devotion
University of San Jose – RecoletosCaritas et ScientiaLatinLove and Knowledge
University of Santo TomasVeritas in CaritateLatinTruth in Charity
West Visayas State UniversityService, Harmony, ExcellenceEnglish


University of ŁódźVeritas et LibertasLatinTruth and Liberty
Jagiellonian UniversityPlus ratio quam visLatinLet reason prevail over force (lit. More reason than force)
AGH University of Science and TechnologyLabore creata, labori et scientiae servioLatinCreated in labour, I serve labour and science
John Paul II Catholic University of LublinDeo et PatriaeLatinTo God and the Fatherland
University of GdańskIn mari via tuaLatinYour path is through the sea


University of Lisbon[134] Ad LucemLatinTo the Light
Portuguese Open University[135] Ad AstraLatinTo the Stars
New University of Lisbon[136] Omnis Civitas Contra Se Divisa Non StabitLatinAll the city divided against itself will not remain
Lusíada University[137] Sol Lucet OmnibusLatinThe sun shines over everyone
University of Évora[138] Honesto Estudo com Longa Experiência MisturadoPortugueseHonest Study mixed with Long Experience
Catholic University of Portugal[139] VeritatiLatinTruth
University of Aveiro[140] Theoria, Poiesis, PraxisGreekTheory, Reflection, Action
Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies[141] Humani nihil alienumLatinNothing human is strange to me
University of Porto[142] Virtus Unita Fortius AgitLatinThe united virtue is the strongest
University of Beira Interior[143] Scientia et Labore Altiora PetimusLatinScience and Work aim higher things
University of Trás-os-Montes and Upper Douro[144] Scientia et labore omnia adipiscereLatinScience and Work to obtain all


Alexandru Ioan Cuza UniversityPer libertatem ad veritatemLatinThrough freedom to truth
Babeș-Bolyai UniversityTraditio nostra unacum Europae virtutibus splendetLatinOur tradition glows together with the virtues of Europe
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of IașiIpsa scientia potestas estLatinKnowledge itself is power
Polytechnic University of TimișoaraNu zidurile fac o școală, ci spiritul care domnește într’însaRomanianIt's not the walls that make a school, but the spirit living inside
Technical University of Cluj-NapocaParadoxul ingineriei: pune teoria în practicăRomanianThe paradox of engineering: It puts the theory into practice
University of BucharestVirtute et sapientiaLatinBy virtue and wisdom


Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityНаука есть ясное познание истины, просвещение разумаRussianScience is the clear learning of truth and enlightenment of the mind
Moscow Institute of Physics and TechnologySapere aude[145] LatinDare to know; Dare to be wise
Peoples' Friendship University of RussiaScientia unescamus[146] LatinWe unite with knowledge
St. Petersburg State UniversityHic tuta perennatLatinHere we stay in peace
State University – Higher School of EconomicsNon scolae sed vitae discimusLatinWe do not learn for the school, but for life
European University at Saint PetersburgAddo Optimus UnaLatinBringing the best together
Orenburg State Institute of Management (OSIM)Наши студенты - наша рекламаRussianOur students do us proud

Sri Lanka

University of Sri JayewardenepuraVijja Uppaththang Settah[147] SanskritScience is the Greatest of that which is born
University of PeradeniyaSarvasva Locanam SasthramSanskritSupreme

South Africa

North-West University, PotchefstroomIn U Lig[148] AfrikaansIn Thy Light
Rhodes UniversityVis, virtus, veritas[149] LatinStrength, courage, truth
Stellenbosch UniversityPectora roborant cultus recti[150] LatinSound learning strengthens the spirit
University of Cape TownSpes Bona[151] LatinGood Hope
University of Fort HareIn lumine tuo videbimus lumen[152] LatinIn Thy light we see light
Durban University of TechnologyLearn. Think. Do English
University of the Free StateIn Veritate Sapientiae Lux[153] LatinIn Truth is the Light of Wisdom
University of JohannesburgDiens Deur Kennis[154] AfrikaansService Through Knowledge
University of PretoriaAd Destinatum Persequor[155] LatinI pursue destiny (lit. "I pursue toward that which is resolved")
University of South AfricaPro Gentibus Sapientia[156] LatinLearning in Service to Humanity
University of the Western CapeRespice Prospice[157] Latinlook to the future, learn from the past
University of the WitwatersrandScientia et Labore[158] LatinWith knowledge and labor
University of VendaKnowledge is Precious[159] English
University of ZululandDiligentia Cresco[160] LatinBy Diligence we shall lead


Universidad Politécnica de MadridTechnica impendi nationiLatinTechnology impulses nations
Universidad del País VascoEman ta zabal zazuBasqueGive and spread it
Universidade da CoruñaHac luceLatinWith (the use of) light
Universidad Autónoma de MadridQuid ultra faciam?LatinWhat more should I do?
Universidad Carlos III de MadridHomo homini sacra resLatinMan must be sacred for man
Complutense UniversityLibertas Perfundet Omnia LuceLatinFreedom pours light around
Universidad de AlmeríaIn lumine sapientiaLatinIn sunlight, wisdom
Universidad de CádizNon plus ultraLatinNothing further beyond
Universidad de GranadaCarolus Romanus Imperator Semper Augustus Hispaniarum Rex Fundator Universitatis GranatensisLatinCharles, ever Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, founder of Granada University
Universidad de La LagunaReg. Sancti Ferdinandi Vniversitatis Canariarvm StemmaLatinFrom the King Saint Ferdinand, Canary Islands University shield
Universidad Nacional de Educación a DistanciaOmnibus Mobilibus Mobilior SapientiaLatinOf all the things that move, knowledge moves the fastest
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran CanariaAd Orbem per TechnicamLatinTo the world through technics
Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaEx Technica ProgressioLatinProgress through technics (lit. "Progress out of technics")
Universidad de SalamancaQuod Natura Non Dat, Salmantica non praestat (unofficial)LatinWhat nature does not provide, Salamanca does not add
Universidad de ValladolidSapientia Aedificavit Sibi DomumLatinWisdom hath built herself a house
Real Centro Universitario Escorial-Maria ChristinaVox veritatis non tacetLatinThe voice of truth is not silent
Universidad Internacional Menéndez PelayoSapere AudeLatinDare to think / Dare to know
Universitat de BarcelonaLibertas Perfundet Omnia LuceLatinFreedom pours light around
Universitat Jaume ISapientia sola libertas estLatinOnly knowledge is freedom


University of LausanneLe savoir vivantFrenchThe knowledge alive
University of FribourgScientia et SapientiaLatinKnowledge and wisdom
University of GenevaPost Tenebras LuxLatinAfter darkness, light
ETH ZurichWelcome Tomorrow[162] English


Karolinska InstitutetAtt förbättra människors hälsaSwedishTo improve human health
Chalmers University of TechnologyAvancezFrenchAdvance
Lund UniversityAd utrumque (paratus)Latin(Prepared) for both
University of GothenburgTradita innovare innovata tradereLatinA Tradition of Invention, an Inventor of Tradition
University of UppsalaGratiae veritas naturaeLatinTruth through God's mercy and nature
Royal Institute of TechnologyVetenskap och konstSwedishScience and Art
Örebro UniversityDulce est sapereLatinKnowledge is sweet


Aletheia University虔誠、質實、勤勞、服務、科學、健康、前進[163] Traditional ChinesePious, solid, hard-working, serving, scientific, healthy, progressive
Asia University健康 · 關懷 · 創新 · 卓越[164] Traditional ChineseHealth, Care, Innovation, Excellence[165]
Central Police University[166] [167] Traditional ChineseHonesty
Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology忠、信、篤、敬[168] Traditional ChineseLoyalty, trust, sincerity, and respect[169]
Chang Gung University勤勞樸實[170] Traditional ChineseDiligence, Perseverance, Frugality and Trustworthiness
Chang Gung University of Science and Technology勤勞樸實[171] Traditional ChineseDiligence, Perseverance, Frugality and Trustworthiness[172]
Chaoyang University of Technology勤學、敦品、力行[173] Traditional ChineseDiligence, character and action[174]
Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology好學有禮[175] Traditional ChineseStudious and Polite
Chinese Culture University質樸堅毅[176] Traditional ChineseTemperament, Simplicity, Strength, and Tenacity[177]
China Medical University仁、慎、勤、廉[178] Traditional ChineseCompassion, Prudence, Diligence, Integrity
Chung Hua University勤樸誠正[179] Traditional ChineseDiligence, Simplicity, Truthfulness, Justness
Chung Shan Medical University誠愛精勤[180] Traditional ChineseHonesty, Love, Excellence, Diligence
Chung Yuan Christian University篤信力行[181] Traditional Chinese
Dayeh University手腦並用、敬業樂群[182] Traditional ChineseUsing the hands and mind together; dedicated and gregarious
Feng Chia University忠勤誠篤[183] Traditional ChineseLoyalty, diligence, sincerity and perseverance
Fo Guang University義正道慈[184] Traditional Chinese
Fu Jen Catholic UniversityVeritas, Bonitas, Pulchritudo, Sanctitas
Traditional Chinese
Truth, beauty, goodness and sanctity
Hsuan Chuang University德智勤毅[186] Traditional ChineseVirtue, Knowledge, Diligence and Perseverance[187]
Huafan University德智能仁[188] Traditional ChineseVirtue, knowledge, ability and compassion
I-Shou University務實創新[189] Traditional ChinesePragmatic and Innovative
Kainan University至誠、卓越、自由、豪邁[190] Traditional ChineseSincere, excellent, free, bold
Kaohsiung Medical University樂學至上,研究第一
Traditional Chinese
Ming Chuan University誠樸敬毅[192] Traditional ChineseHonesty, Modesty, Respect, Fortitude
MingDao University明善誠身[193] Traditional ChineseWisdom, Virtue, Honesty, Progress[194]
Nanhua University慧道中流[195] Traditional ChineseWisdom, Means, Middle Way
National Changhua University of Education新本精行[196] Traditional Chinese
National Central University誠樸[197] Traditional ChineseSincerity and Simplicity[198]
National Cheng Kung University窮理致知[199] Traditional ChineseIntellectual Development through Persistent Pursuit of Knowledge
National Chengchi University親愛精誠[200] Traditional ChineseHarmony, Independence, Balance and Preeminence[201]
National Chi Nan University誠樸弘毅、務本致用[202] Traditional Chinese
National Chiayi University誠樸、力行、創新、服務[203] Traditional ChineseSincerity, Action, Innovation, and Service[204]
National Chung Cheng University積極創新,修德澤人[205] Traditional ChineseTo innovate with earnestness; be virtuous with altruism[206]
National Chung Hsing University誠樸精勤[207] Traditional ChineseHonesty, Simplicity, Advancement, Diligence
National Defense Medical Center精愛精誠 博愛忠真[208] Traditional Chinese
National Formosa University誠正精勤[209] Traditional ChineseIntegrity, Righteousness, Spirit, Diligence
National Hsinchu University of Education博雅弘達[210] Traditional Chinese
National Ilan University篤學, 力行, 敬業, 樂群[211] Traditional ChineseStudying diligently, practicing with earnestness, developing a respectful attitude toward professionalism[212]
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology敬業、樂群、卓越、創新[213] Traditional ChineseDedication, camaraderie, excellence, and innovation[214]
National Kaohsiung Marine University忠、信、勤、勇[215] Traditional ChineseLoyalty, trustworthiness, industriousness and bravery
National Kaohsiung Normal University誠敬宏遠[216] Traditional ChineseSincerity, Reverence, Greatness and Profundity[217]
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences弘、毅、精、勤[218] Traditional ChineseAltruism, Perseverance, Competence, and Diligence
National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism精、誠、勤、樸[219] Traditional ChinesePerfect, Honest, Diligent, Modest
National Open University敦品勵學、敬業樂群[220] Traditional Chinese
National Penghu University of Science and Technology新、實、謙、愛[221] Traditional ChineseInnovation, Practicality, Modesty, Love-caring[222]
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology仁實[223] Traditional ChineseBenevolent and True
National Quemoy University真知、力行、兼善天下[224] Traditional ChineseSincerity, being knowledgeable, fulfillment, and actualization to improve ourselves and to make the world better at the same time[225]
National Taichung University of Education忠毅勤樸[226] Traditional Chinese
National Taichung University of Science and Technology遠大密微[227] Traditional ChineseBroad, dense, micro
National Taipei University追求真理,服務人群[228] Traditional ChineseSearching for the truth and serving the people
National Taipei University of Education敦愛篤行Traditional ChineseTo love and to act
National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science樂育親仁[229] Traditional Chinese
National Taipei University of Technology誠、樸、精、勤[230] Traditional ChineseIntegrity, Simplicity, Professionalism, Diligence
National Taiwan Normal University誠正勤樸[231] Traditional ChineseSincerity, Justice, Diligence, and Simplicity[232]
National Taiwan Ocean University誠樸博毅[233] Traditional ChineseHonesty, Simplicity, Fraternity, Perseverance
National Taiwan Sport University精誠樸毅[234] Traditional ChinesePrecision, Honesty, Frugality and Perseverance[235]
National Taiwan University敦品 勵學 愛國 愛人[236] Traditional ChineseIntegrity, Diligence, Fidelity, Compassion
National Taiwan University of Arts真善美[237] Traditional ChineseTruth, Goodness, and Beauty[238]
National Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sport術德兼修、堅強勤奮[239] Traditional Chinese
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology精誠[240] Traditional ChinesePrecision in Work, Sincerity in Attitude.
National Tsing Hua University自强不息 厚德載物[241] Traditional ChineseConstantly strengthen and cultivate ourselves[242]
National United University誠、敬、勤、新[243] Traditional ChineseHonesty, Respect, Diligence and Creativity
National University of Tainan仁、智、誠、正[244] Traditional ChineseMercy, Intelligence, Sincerity, Justice[245]
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung UniversityTraditional Chinese
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology誠 敬 恆 新[246] Traditional ChineseSincerity, Honor, Perseverance, Originality
Providence University進德、修業[247] Traditional ChineseVirtue with Knowledge / Virtus cum Scientia[248]
Open University of Kaohsiung精勤恆實[249] Traditional ChineseExpertise, diligence, perseverance, pragmatism
Shih Chien University力行實踐,修齊治平[250] Traditional ChineseKnowledge is the beginning of practice. Doing is the completion of knowing.[251]
Shih Hsin University德智兼修、手腦並用[252] Traditional ChineseMaster virtue and wisdom; practice hands and mind[253]
Soochow University養天地正氣,法古今完人[254]
Unto a Full Grown Man[255]
Traditional ChineseTo nourish the spirit of universal truth, and to emulate the perfect man of the ages
Taipei Medical University誠樸[256] Traditional ChineseHonesty
Tamkang University樸 實 剛 毅[257] Traditional ChineseSimplicity, Truthfulness, Firmness, Perseverance
Toko University科技、智慧、創造、榮譽[258] Traditional ChineseScience and technology, intelligence, creativity, honor
Tunghai University求真、篤信、力行[259] Traditional ChineseTruth, Faith, Deeds—Truth attained through Faith expressed by Deeds
Tzu Chi University慈悲喜捨[260] Traditional ChineseKindness, Compassion, Joy, and Unselfish Giving[261]
University of Kang Ning創新 創意 創未來[262] Traditional ChineseInnovation, Creativity & Future-building!
University of Taipei公、誠、勤、樸[263] Traditional Chinese
Yuan Ze University誠、勤、樸、慎[264] Traditional ChineseSincerity, Diligence, Thrift, Prudence[265]


Mahidol Universityอตฺตานํ อุปมํ กเรPaliOne ought to conduct oneself exemplarily
Nakhon Phanom Universityมหาวิทยาลัยใกล้บ้าน มาตราฐานสากลThai
Thammasat Universityเป็นเลิศ เป็นธรรม ร่วมนำสังคมThaiBe the finest, be the fairness, be the main engine of society
Silpakorn UniversityArs longa, Vita brevis.LatinArt is long, Life is short.
Chiang Mai Universityอตฺตานํ ทมยนฺติ ปณฺฑิตาPaliThe wise control themselves.
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburiทนโต เสฏโฐ มนุสเสสุPaliThe trained man wins.
Srinakharinwirot Universityสิกฺขา วิรุฬหิ สมฺปตฺตาPaliEducation is Growth.
Burapha Universityสุโข ปญฺญาปฏิลาโภPaliGaining intellectual knowledge brings happiness.


Hacettepe UniversityTimeo hominem unius libriLatinI fear of a man with a single book
Bilkent UniversityVeritasLatinTruth
Istanbul Bilgi UniversityNon scholae sed vitae discimusLatinWe do not learn for the school, but for life
Istanbul Technical UniversityAsırlardır ÇağdaşTurkishPioneer Through the Ages
Middle East Technical UniversityScientia Dux Vitae CertissimusLatinScience is the truest guide in life
Izmir University of EconomicsGeleceği yönetmekTurkishManaging the Future
|Trakya Üniversitesi|Geleceğe Köprü|Turkish|Bridge to the Future|-|}


Crimea State Medical UniversityScientia Potentia Est[267] LatinFor also knowledge itself is power
Kyiv-Mohyla AcademyTempus fugit, Academia sempiternaLatinTime is running, Academy is eternal
Lviv PolytechnicLitteris et artibusLatinArt & Science
Lviv UniversityРаtriаe dесоri сіvibus еducаndisLatinEducated citizens - glory of the Motherland
National Aviation UniversityVivere! VincereCreare!LatinLive! CreateOvercome!
University of KyivUtilitas honor et gloriaLatinUtility Honor and Glory
Ukrainian Catholic UniversityNosce te ipsumLatinKnow Thyself

United Kingdom

University of AberdeenInitium sapientiæ dominiLatinThe beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord
Abertay UniversityBeatus homo qui invenit sapientiamLatinBlessed is the one who finds wisdom
Aberystwyth UniversityNid Byd, Byd Heb WybodaethWelshA world without knowledge is no world at all
Alcuin College, YorkPanton nos postuloLatinAll we need
University of the Arts LondonA Creative ConstellationEnglish
Aston UniversityForwardEnglish
Birkbeck, University of LondonIn nocte consiliumLatinIn night is counsel
Bangor UniversityGorau Dawn DeallWelshThe best gift is knowledge
University of BathGeneratim discite cultusLatinLearn each field of study according to its kind
University of BirminghamPer Ardua Ad AltaLatinThrough efforts to high things
Birmingham City UniversityAge Quod AgisLatinDo what you are doing; attend to your business
Bournemouth UniversityDiscere Mutari EstLatinTo learn is to change
Bowland College, LancasterBowland 'til I dieEnglish
School of Oriental and African StudiesKnowledge is powerEnglish
University of BradfordGive invention lightEnglish
University of BristolVim promovet insitamLatin(Learning) promotes one's innate power
University of BuckinghamAlis Volans PropriisLatinFlying on our own wings
Buckinghamshire New UniversityArte et industriaLatinBy art and industry
University of CambridgeHinc lucem et pocula sacraLatinFrom here, light and sacred draughts
Canterbury Christ Church UniversityVeritas liberabit vos (John 8 :31)LatinThe truth shall make you free
Cardiff UniversityGwirionedd Undod A ChytgordWelshTruth, unity and harmony
Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityThe most valuable possession is knowledgeEnglish
Cartmel College, LancasterLive the dreamEnglish
University of Central LancashireEx solo ad solemLatinFrom the ground to the sun
University of ChesterQui docet in doctrinaLatinHe that teacheth, on teaching
University of ChichesterDocendo discimusLatinBy teaching, we learn
Christ's College, CambridgeSouvent me SouvientFrenchI remember often
City University, LondonTo serve mankindEnglish
College of St Hild and St Bede, DurhamEadem mutata resurgoLatinI rise again changed but the same[268]
Collingwood College, DurhamAime le meilleurFrenchLove the best
Corpus Christi College, CambridgeFloreat Antiqua DomusLatinMay this old house flourish
Corpus Christi College, OxfordEst Deo GratiaLatinThanks are to God
County College, LancasterSine Consilio NihilLatinNothing without counsel
Cranfield UniversityPost nubes, luxLatinOut of darkness, light
De Montfort UniversityExcellentia et studiumLatinExcellence and zeal
University of DerbyExperientia DocetLatinExperience teaches
Downing College, CambridgeQuaerere VerumLatinSeek the truth
University of DundeeMagnificat anima mea dominumLatinMy soul doth magnify the Lord
Durham UniversityFundamenta eius super montibus sanctisLatinHer foundations are upon the holy hills[269]
University of East AngliaDo DifferentEnglish
Edge Hill UniversityIn Scientia OpportunitasLatinIn knowledge there is opportunity
Edinburgh Napier UniversityNisi sapientia frustraLatinWithout knowledge all is in vain
University of EssexThought the harder, heart the keenerEnglish
University of ExeterLucem sequimurLatinWe follow the light
Exeter College, OxfordFloreat ExonLatinMay Exeter flourish
Falmouth UniversityDoing Things Differently / Creative Minds, Inspiring FuturesEnglish
Fitzwilliam College, CambridgeEx antiquis et novissimis optimaLatinThe best out of the old and the new
Furness College, LancasterEverywhere else is nowhereEnglish
Fylde College, LancasterIn arvo quaerere verumLatinSeek truth in the field
University of GlamorganSuccess Through EndeavourEnglish
University of GlasgowVia, Veritas, VitaLatinThe way, the truth, and the life
Glasgow Caledonian UniversityFor the Common WealScotsFor the common good
University of GloucestershireIn animo et veritateLatinIn spirit and truth
Goodricke College, YorkSetting the standardEnglish
Graduate College, LancasterCuriositas nostrum viam illuminat LatinCuriosity lights our way
Grey College, DurhamGradibus ascendimusLatinAscending by degrees
Grizedale College, LancasterNever ForgetEnglish
Halifax College, YorkScholarship, Activity and CommunityEnglish
Harper Adams UniversityUtile DulciLatinUseful and agreeable
Hatfield College, DurhamVel Primus Vel Cum PrimisLatinEither the first or with the first
Heythrop College, University of LondonNil Sine FideLatinNothing without faith
Homerton College, CambridgeRespice FinemLatinLook to the end
Imperial College LondonScientia imperii decus et tutamenLatinKnowledge is the adornment and safeguard of the empire
James College, YorkOderint Dum MetuantLatinLet them hate, so long as they fear
Jesus College, CambridgeProsperum iter faciasLatinMay your journey be successful
John Snow College, DurhamPer scientiam et prudentiam quaere summamLatinTo seek the highest through knowledge and wisdom
Josephine Butler College, DurhamComme je trouveFrenchAs I find
Keele UniversityThanke God for AllEnglish
University of KentCui servire regnare estLatinWhom to serve is to reign
King's College LondonSancte et sapienterLatinWith holiness and with wisdom
King's College, CambridgeVeritas et utilitasLatinTruth and usefulness
Lady Margaret Hall, OxfordSouvent me SouviensFrenchI remember often
University of LancasterPatet omnibus veritasLatinTruth lies open to all
Langwith College, YorkVincit qui se vincitLatinHe conquers who conquers himself
University of LeedsEt augebitur scientiaLatinAnd knowledge will be increased
University of LeicesterUt vitam habeantLatinSo that they may have life
Linacre College, OxfordNo End to LearningEnglish
University of LincolnLibertas per SapientamLatinThrough wisdom, liberty
University of LiverpoolHaec otia fovent studiaLatinThese days of peace foster learning
Liverpool Hope UniversityIn faith, hope and loveEnglish
Liverpool John Moores UniversityFortes fortuna adiuvatLatinFortune favours the bold
London School of Economics and Political ScienceRerum cognoscere causasLatinTo understand the causes of things
Lonsdale College, LancasterSimply the bestEnglish
Loughborough UniversityVeritate, Scientia, LaboreLatinBy Truth, by science, and by labour
Magdalen College, OxfordFloreat MagdalenaLatinMay Magdalen flourish
Magdalene College, CambridgeGarde ta FoyFrenchKeep your faith
University of ManchesterCognitio, sapientia, hvmanitasLatinKnowledge, wisdom, humanity
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityMany arts, many skillsEnglish
Mansfield College, OxfordDeus locutus est nobis in filioLatinGod hath spoken unto us by his son
Merton College, OxfordQui Timet Deum Faciet BonaLatinHe that feareth God will do good
Napier University, EdinburghNisi sapientia LatinWithout knowledge, all is in vain
New College, OxfordManners Makyth ManEnglish
Newman University, BirminghamEx Umbris in VeritatemLatinFrom the shadow to the truth
Northumbria UniversityAetas DiscendiLatinA lifetime of learning
University of NottinghamSapientia urbs conditurLatinA city is built on wisdom
Nottingham Trent UniversityShaping FuturesEnglish
The Open UniversityLearn and LiveEnglish
University of OxfordDominus Illuminatio MeaLatinThe Lord is my light
Oxford Brookes UniversityExcellence in DiversityEnglish
Pendle College, LancasterAltiora sequamorLatinSeek to Climb to the Top
Plymouth UniversityIndagate Fingite InveniteLatinExplore, dream, discover
Queen Mary, University of LondonConiunctis viribusLatinWith united power
Queens' College, CambridgeFloreat DomusLatinMay this house flourish
Regent's Park College, OxfordOmnia probate quod bonum teneteLatinTest all things; hold fast to that which is good
The Robert Gordon University, AberdeenOmni nunc arte magistraLatinNow by all your mastered arts
Royal Holloway, University of LondonEsse quam videreLatinTo be, rather than to seem
Royal Veterinary CollegeVenienti Occurrite MorboLatinConfront disease at its onset
University of SalfordAltiora PetamusLatinLet us seek higher things
Selwyn College, CambridgeΑΝΔΡΙΖΕΣΘΕGreekQuit ye like men
University of SheffieldRerum cognoscere causasLatinTo discover the causes of things
Sheffield Hallam UniversityLearn and ServeEnglish
Sidney Sussex College, CambridgeDieu me garde de calomnieFrenchGod preserve me from calumny
South College, DurhamLibertas, aequalitas, civitas totius mundiLatinFreedom, equality and global citizenship
University of SouthamptonStrenuis Ardua CeduntLatinAdversity yields to endeavour
Southampton Solent UniversityScintill Tuus ImaginationemLatinSpark your imagination
St Aidan's College, DurhamSuper fundaments certisLatinUpon sure foundations
University of St AndrewsΑιέν αριστεύεινGreekEver to excel[270]
St Anthony's College, OxfordPlus est en vousLatinThere is more in you
St Catherine's College, OxfordNova et VeteraLatinThe old and the new
St Chad's College, DurhamNon vestra sed vosLatinNot yours but you
St Cross College, OxfordAd Quattuor Cardines MundiLatinTo the four corners of the earth
St Cuthbert's Society, DurhamGratia gratiam paritLatinFriendship begets friendship
St John's College, CambridgeSouvent me SouvientFrenchI remember often
St John's College, DurhamFides nostra victoriaLatinOur faith is our victory
St Mary's College, DurhamAncilla DominiLatinThe handmaid of the Lord
St Peter's College, OxfordDum Spiro SperoLatinWhile I breathe, I hope
Stephenson College, DurhamMe quondam mirabitur orbisLatinOne day I shall astonish the world
Staffordshire UniversityCreate the differenceEnglish
University of StirlingBe the DifferenceEnglish
University of SussexBe Still and KnowEnglish
Swansea UniversityGweddw crefft heb ei dawnWelshTechnical skill is bereft without culture
University of TeessideFacta Non VerbaLatinDeeds not words
Trevelyan College, DurhamVera fictis libentiusLatinTruth more readily than falsehood
University College, DurhamNon nobis solumLatinNot for ourselves alone
University College LondonCuncti adsint meritaeque praemia palmaeLatinLet all come who by merit most deserve reward
University of Wales College of MedicineGwybod Medr IachauWelshKnowledge enables cures
University of WarwickMens agitat molemLatinMind over matter
University of WinchesterWisdom ond LarOld EnglishWisdom and knowledge
Van Mildert College, DurhamSic vos non vobisLatinNot for yourselves
Wolfson College, CambridgeRing TrueEnglish
Wolfson College, OxfordHumani nil alienumLatinMankind is not unknown to me
Wrexham Glyndŵr UniversityHyder trwy AddysgWelshConfidence through education
Wycliffe Hall, OxfordVia, Veritas, VitaLatinThe way, the truth and the life
University of YorkIn limine sapientiæLatinOn the threshold of wisdom
York St John UniversityUt Vitam Habeant et AbundantiusLatinThat they have life and have it more abundantly
University of GreenwichDiscere, Agere, ConficereLatin To learn, to do, to achieve

United States

Abraham Lincoln UniversityCare, Connect, Conquer[271] English
Ana G. Méndez UniversityStudium ral luxLatinLight of enlightenment
Appalachian State UniversityEsse Quam Videri[272] LatinTo be, rather than to seem
University of Alaska FairbanksAd SummumLatinTo the top
Albright CollegeVeritas et JustitaLatinTruth and justice
Alfred UniversityFiat Lux[273] LatinLet there be light
American UniversityPro deo et patriaLatinFor God and country
Amherst CollegeTerras IrradientLatinLet them give light to the world
Anderson University (South Carolina)Humanitatem per crucem alereLatinTo nourish humanity through the cross
Andrews UniversityCorpus, Mens, SpiritusLatinBody, mind, spirit
Angelo State UniversityFiat LuxLatinLet there be light
Antioch CollegeBe ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanityEnglish
University of ArkansasVeritate Duce ProgrediLatinTo advance with truth as our guide
Aquinas InstituteCredo Quid Quid Dixit Dei FiliusLatinI believe whatever the son of God has said
Auburn UniversityFor The Advancement of Science and ArtsEnglish
Azusa Pacific UniversityGod FirstEnglish
Barnard Collegeεπομενη τω λογισμωGreekFollowing the way of reason
Bard CollegeDabo tibi coronam vitaeLatinI shall give thee the crown of life
Barton CollegeHabebunt Lumen Vitae LatinThey shall have the light of life
Bates CollegeAmore Ac StudioLatinLove of learning
Bay Path UniversityCarpe DiemLatinSeize The day
Baylor UniversityPro Ecclesia, Pro TexanaLatinFor church, for Texas
Belmont Abbey CollegeThat in all things God may be glorifiedEnglish
Benedict CollegeVeritas et virtusLatinTruth and virtue
Berea CollegeGod has made of one blood all peoples of the earthEnglish
Berklee College of MusicEsse quam videriLatinTo be, rather than to seem
Bob Jones UniversityPetimus CredimusLatinWe seek, we trust
Boston CollegeΑιεν αριστευεινGreekEver to excel
Boston UniversityLearning, Virtue, PietyEnglish
Bowdoin CollegeUt Aquila Versus CoelumLatinAs an eagle towards the sky
Brandeis UniversityאמתHebrewTruth, even unto its innermost parts
University of BridgeportEducating for the Real WorldEnglish
Brigham Young University'Enter to learn; go forth to serve'English
Brown UniversityIn deo speramusLatinIn God we hope
University at BuffaloMens sana in corpore sanoLatinSound mind in a sound body
University of California all campusesFiat luxLatinLet there be light
Calvin UniversityCor meum tibi offero, Domine, prompte et sincereLatinMy heart I offer to you, Lord, promptly and sincerely
California Institute of TechnologyThe truth shall make you freeEnglish
California State University Maritime AcademyLaborare Pugnare Parati SumusLatinTo work or fight, we are ready
California State University all campusesVox Veritas VitaLatinVoice, Truth, Life
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Pomona, and HumboldtDiscere FaciendoLatinLearn by Doing
California State University, ChicoToday decides tomorrowEnglish
Caldwell CollegeSapientia Et ScientiaLatinWisdom and knowledge
Campbell UniversityAd astra per asperaLatinTo the stars through difficulties
Campbellsville UniversityFind Your CallingEnglish
Canisius UniversityWhere leaders are madeEnglish
Cardinal Stritch UniversityUt Probetis PotioraLatinTo value the better things
Carleton CollegeDeclaratio Sermonum Tuorum IlluminatLatinThe revelation of your words illuminates
Carnegie Mellon UniversityMy heart is in the workEnglish
Case Western Reserve UniversityLuxLatinLight
Catawba CollegeScholarship, Character, Culture, ServiceEnglish
The Catholic University of AmericaDeus Lux Mea EstLatinGod is my light
University of Central FloridaReach for the StarsEnglish
Central Michigan UniversitySapientia, Virtus, Amicitia[274] LatinWisdom, virtue, and friendship
College of CharlestonSapientia ipsa libertasLatinKnowledge itself is liberty
University of ChicagoCrescat scientia; vita excolaturLatinLet knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched
Chowan UniversityLux et VeritasLatinLight and truth
Christian Brothers UniversityVirtus et ScientiaLatinCharacter and knowledge
University of CincinnatiJuncta Juvant / Alta PetitLatinStrength in unity / She seeks the heights
Claremont McKenna CollegeCrescit cum commercio civitasLatinCivilization prospers with commerce
Clark Atlanta UniversityI'll Find a Way or Make OneEnglish
Clarkson UniversityA Workman That Needeth Not to be Ashamed[275] English
Clemson UniversityWho shall separate us now?English
Colby CollegeLux Mentis ScientiaLatinKnowledge is the light of the mind
Colgate UniversityDeo ac VeritatiLatinFor God and for truth
University of Mount Saint VincentBonitatem et disciplinam et scientiam doce meLatinTeach me goodness and discipline and knowledge
College of the Holy CrossIn hoc signo vincesLatinIn this sign you will conquer
College of WoosterScientia et religio, ex uno fonte.LatinKnowledge and religion from one source.
University of ColoradoΛαμψατω το φώσ υμώνGreekLet your light shine
Colorado Christian Universityχάρις καὶ ἀλήθειαGreekGrace and truth
Colorado CollegeScientia et DisciplinaLatinKnowledge and training
Columbia UniversityIn lumine Tuo videbimus lumenLatinIn Thy light shall we see light
Cornell UniversityI would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study – Ezra Cornell, 1865English
Crichton CollegeThink. Grow. Change.English
University of DallasVeritatem, Justitiam diligiteLatinLove ye truth and justice
Dartmouth CollegeVox clamantis in desertoLatinThe voice of one crying in the wilderness
Davidson CollegeAlenda Lux Ubi Orta Libertas LatinLet learning be cherished where liberty has arisen
University of DenverPro Scientia et ReligioneLatinFor knowledge and religion
DePaul UniversityViam sapientiae monstrabo tibiLatinI will show you the way of wisdom
Dickinson CollegePietate et doctrina tuta libertasLatinFreedom is made safe through character and learning
Dominican University (Illinois)Caritas et VeritasLatinLove and truth
Drew Universityδωρεαν ελαβετε δωρεαν δοτεGreekFreely you have received, freely give (Matthew 10:8)
Drexel UniversityScience, Industry, ArtEnglish
Duke UniversityEruditio et ReligioLatinErudition and religion
Duquesne UniversitySpiritus est qui vivificatLatinIt is the spirit that gives life
East Carolina UniversityServireLatinTo serve
Eastern Kentucky UniversityGet wisdom, get understandingEnglish
Eastern Nazarene CollegeVia, Veritas, VitaLatinThe way, the truth, and the life
Elizabethtown CollegeEducate for ServiceEnglish
Emory UniversityCor prudentis possidebit scientiamLatinThe wise heart will possess knowledge
The Evergreen State CollegeOmnia ExtaresLatinLet it all hang out [no official translation given, but Latin is incorrectly constructed]
Florida A&M UniversityExcellence with caringEnglish
The Florida State UniversityVires, Artes, MoresLatinStrength, skill, character
University of FloridaCivium in moribus rei publicae salusLatinThe welfare of the state depends upon the morals of its citizens
Fontbonne UniversityVirtus et ScientiaLatinVirtue and knowledge
Fordham UniversitySapientia et DoctrinaLatinWisdom and learning
Franklin & Marshall CollegeLux et lexLatinLight and law
Franklin Pierce Law CenterInspiring ExcellenceEnglish
Furman UniversityChristo et DoctrinaeLatinFor Christ and learning
Gallaudet UniversityEthpatachSyriacBe opened (Mark 7:34)
Gardner-Webb UniversityPro Deo et HumanitateLatinFor God and humanity
George Mason UniversityFreedom and LearningEnglish
George Washington UniversityDeus Nobis FiduciaLatinIn God our trust
Georgetown UniversityUtraque UnumLatinBoth into one
University of GeorgiaEt docere et rerum exquirere causasLatinTo teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things
Georgia Institute of TechnologyProgress and Service
(formerly "To Know, To Do, To Be")
University of Great FallsIn lumine tuo, videmus lumenLatinIn Your light we see the light
Greensboro CollegePalma Non Sine PulvereLatinNo reward without effort
Greenville Technical CollegeClavis Ad FuturaLatinKeys to the future
Grinnell CollegeVeritas et HumanitasLatinTruth and Humanity
Guilford CollegeI strive for wisdom and virtueEnglish
Hamilton CollegeΓνῶθι ΣεαυτόνGreekKnow thyself
Hampden–Sydney CollegeHuc venite iuvenes ut exeatis viriLatinCome here as boys so you may leave as men
Hampshire CollegeNon Satis ScireLatinTo know is not enough
Harvard UniversityVeritas[276] LatinTruth
University of Hawaiʻi SystemMa luna a'e o na lahui a pau ke ola o ke kanaka[277] HawaiianAbove all nations is humanity
Hendrix CollegeEις ανδρα τελειονGreekUnto the whole person
(Ephesians 4:13)
High Point UniversityNil Sine NumineLatinNothing without divine guidance
Hillsdale CollegeVirtus Tentanime GaudetLatinStrength rejoices in the challenge
Hobart CollegeDisceLatinLearn
University of HoustonIn temporeLatinIn time
Howard UniversityVeritas et UtilitasLatinTruth and service
Huntington UniversityThe Truth Will Make You FreeEnglish
University of IllinoisLearning and LaborEnglish
Illinois State UniversityGladly we Learn and TeachEnglish
Indiana UniversityLux et VeritasLatinLight and truth
University of IndianapolisEducation for ServiceEnglish
International Academy of ScienceScientia est PotentiaLatinKnowledge is power
Iona UniversityCerta Bonum CertamenLatinFight the good fight
Iowa State UniversityScience with PracticeEnglish
James Madison UniversityKnowledge is LibertyEnglish
John Jay College of Criminal JusticeEducating of JusticeEnglish
Johns Hopkins Universityla|Veritas vos liberabit [John 8:32], (The truth will set you free)LatinThe truth shall make you free
Johnson & Wales UniversityThe Wildcat Way; Pride, Courage, Character and CommunityEnglish
Johnson C. Smith UniversitySit LuxLatinLet There Be Light
Johnson State CollegeDocendo discimusLatinBy teaching, we learn
Juniata CollegeVeritas LiberatLatinThe truth sets free
Kalamazoo CollegeLux estoLatinBe light
Kansas State UniversityRule by Obeying Nature's LawsEnglish
University of KansasVidebo visionem hanc magnam quare non comburatur rubusLatinI will see this great sight, how the bush does not burn
University of KentuckyDream, Challenge, SucceedEnglish
Lafayette CollegeCur NonFrenchWhy Not
Lehigh UniversityHomo minister et interpres naturaeLatinMan, the servant and interpreter of nature
Liberty UniversityTraining Champions for ChristEnglish
Lindenwood UniversityNatura et DoctrinaLatinCharacter and learning
Lees-McRae CollegeIn Montibus, Ex Montibus, Pro MontibusLatinIn the mountains, of the mountains, for the mountains
Lenoir-Rhyne Universityἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶςGreekThe truth shall set you free
Lesley UniversityPerissem Ni PerstitissemLatinI had perished had I not persisted
Loras CollegePro Deo et PatriaLatinFor God and country
Loyola Marymount UniversityAd maiorem Dei gloriam — Tua Luce DirigeLatinFor the greater glory of God. — Direct us by thy light.
Loyola University ChicagoAd Maiorem Dei GloriamLatinFor the greater glory of God
University of Louisiana at LafayetteFortiter, Feliciter, FideliterLatinBoldly, Happily, Faithfully
University of Louisiana at MonroeSeek the TruthEnglish
Louisiana Tech UniversityUnion, Confidence, JusticeEnglish
Macalester CollegeNatura et Revelatio Coeli GeminiLatinNature and revelation are twin sisters of heaven
Manhattan UniversitySignum FideiLatinSign of faith
Marietta CollegeLux Et VeritasLatinLight and truth
University of MaryLumen VitaeLatinThe light of life
University of Maryland(no official motto)[278]
Marylhurst UniversityCor Sapientis Quaerit DoctrinamLatinThe wise of heart seek knowledge (Proverbs XV)
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMens et ManusLatinMind and hand
University of MassachusettsEnse petit placidam sub libertate quietamLatinBy the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty
Mercyhurst UniversityCarpe diemLatinSeize the day
University of MemphisDriven by doingEnglish
Messiah UniversityChrist PreeminentEnglish
Methodist UniversityVeritas et VirtusLatinTruth and virtue
Miami UniversityProdesse Quam ConspiciLatinTo accomplish rather than to be conspicuous
University of MiamiMagna est VeritasLatinGreat is the truth
University of MichiganArtes Scientia VeritasLatinArt, science, truth
Middlebury CollegeScientia et VirtusLatinKnowledge and virtue
University of MinnesotaCommune Vinculum Omnibus ArtibusLatinA common bond for all the arts
Mississippi CollegeVeritas et VirtusLatinTruth and virtue
University of MissouriSalus PopuliLatinThe welfare of the people
Montana State University BillingsAccess and ExcellenceEnglish
Montclair State UniversityCarpe DiemLatinSeize the day
Montreat CollegeEsse Quam VideriLatinTo be, rather than to seem
University of Mount OliveCollegium Christianum Pro Homnibus et MulieribusLatinA Christian college for men and women
Morehead State UniversityLuxLatinLight
Morehouse CollegeEt Facta est LuxLatinAnd there was light
University of Nebraska at KearneyBe Blue. Be Gold. BE BOLD.English
University of Nebraska–LincolnLiteris Dedicata et Omnibus ArtibusLatinDedicated to letters and all the arts
University of Nevada Las VegasOmnia Pro PatriaLatinEverything, all things for country
University of New MexicoLux Hominum VitaLatinLight of the life of mankind
New York UniversityPerstare et PraestareLatinTo persevere and to excel
State University of New YorkTo learn, to search, to serveEnglish
Niagara UniversityUt Omnes Te CognoscantLatinThat all may know you
University of North Carolina at AshevilleLevo Oculos Meos In MontesLatinI lift my eyes to the mountains
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillLux LibertasLatinLight, liberty
University of North Carolina at GreensboroServiceEnglish
University of North Carolina at WilmingtonDiscere AudeLatinDare to learn
University of North DakotaLux et LexLatinLight and law
North Dakota State UniversityFor the Land and its PeopleEnglish
University of Northern ColoradoSapientia In Aeterum Est LatinWisdom is eternal
Northeastern UniversityLux, Veritas, VirtusLatinLight, truth, courage
Northwestern UniversityQuaecumque sunt veraLatinWhatsoever things are true
Norwich UniversityI Will Try[279] English
University of Notre DameVita, Dulcedo, SpesLatinOur life, our sweetness, our hope
Ohio UniversityReligio Doctrina Civilitas, Prae Omnibus VirtusLatinReligion, learning, civility; Above all, virtue
Ohio State UniversityDisciplina in civitatemLatinEducation for citizenship
Ohio Wesleyan UniversityIn lumine tuo videbimus lumenLatinIn your light we shall see the light
Old Dominion UniversityA Portal to New WorldsEnglish
University of OregonMens Agitat MolemLatinMinds move mountains
Peace CollegeEsse Quam VideriLatinTo be, rather than to seem
University of PennsylvaniaLeges sine moribus vanaeLatinLaws without morals are useless
Pennsylvania State UniversityMaking life betterEnglish
Pitzer CollegeProvida FuturiLatinMindful of the future
Pepperdine UniversityFreely you have received, Freely give (Matthew 10:8)English
University of PittsburghVeritas et VirtusLatinTruth and virtue
Plymouth State UniversityUt ProsimLatinThat I may serve
Polytechnic Institute of New York UniversityHomo et hominis opera partes naturaeLatinBoth man and the works of man are part of nature
Point Park UniversityPro Arte, Pro Communitate, Pro ProfessioneLatinFor knowledge, for community, for career
Princeton UniversityDei sub numine vigetLatinUnder God's power she flourishes
Portland State UniversityDoctrina urbi serviatLatinLet knowledge serve the city
Principia CollegeAs the sowing, the reapingEnglish
Providence CollegeVeritasLatinTruth
Purdue University"Education, Research, Service"English
Queens University of CharlotteNon ministrari sed ministrareLatinNot to be served but to serve
Queens CollegeDiscimus ut serviamusLatinWe learn in order to serve
Quinnipiac UniversityChallenging Students to Meet the Challenges of the FutureEnglish
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteKnowledge and ThoroughnessEnglish
University of Rhode IslandThink big. We do.English
Rhodes CollegeTruth, Loyalty, ServiceEnglish
Rice UniversityLetters, Science, ArtEnglish
University of RichmondVerbum Vitae et Lumen ScientiaeLatinThe word of life and the light of knowledge
Roanoke CollegeSet for the Defense of the GospelEnglish
University of RochesterMelioraLatinEver better
Rollins CollegeFiat LuxLatinLet there be light
Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyLabor et scientiaLatinLabor and knowledge
Rutgers UniversitySol iustitiae et occidentem illustraLatinSun of righteousness, shine upon the West, also
Salem CollegeReach Within, Shape the FutureEnglish
University of San FranciscoPro Urbe et UniversitateLatinFor city and university
San Francisco State UniversityExperientia DocetLatinExperience teaches
Scripps CollegeIncipit vita novaLatinHere begins new life
Seton Hall UniversityHazard Zet ForwardAnglo-Norman / Old EnglishDespite hazard, forward
Shimer CollegeNot to be served, but to serveEnglish
Skidmore CollegeScuto amoris diviniLatinUnder the shield of divine love
Smith CollegeἘν τῇ ἀρετῇ τὴν γνῶσινGreekIn virtue, knowledge
Sonoma State UniversityLux Mentis, Lux OrbisLatinLight of the mind, light of the world
The University of the SouthEcce quam bonum, et quam iucundum habitare fratres in unumLatinBehold, how good and joyful a thing it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity!
University of South CarolinaEmollit Mores Nec Sinit Esse FerosLatinLearning humanizes character and does not permit it to be cruel
University of Southern CaliforniaPalmam Qui Meruit FeratLatinLet him who deserves it bear away the palm
Southern Illinois University CarbondaleDeo VolenteLatinGod willing
Southern Methodist UniversityVeritas Liberabit VosLatinThe truth will make you free
Southwestern UniversityNon Quis Sed QuidLatinNot who but what
St. Augustine's University (Raleigh)Veritas vos liberabitLatinThe truth will set you free
St. Bonaventure UniversityIn Sanctitate et DoctrinaLatinIn holiness and learning
St. John's College (Annapolis/Santa Fe)Facio liberos ex liberis libris libraqueLatinI make free adults from children by means of books and a balance
St. John's University (New York City)Educatio Christiana Animae PerfectioLatinA Christian education perfects the soul
St. John Fisher UniversityBonitatem et Disciplinam et Scientiam Doce MeLatinTeach me goodness, discipline, and knowledge
Stanford UniversityDie Luft der Freiheit wehtGermanThe wind of freedom blows
Stetson UniversityPro Deo et Veritate.LatinFor God and truth
Stevens Institute of TechnologyPer aspera ad astraLatinThrough adversity to the stars
Stonehill CollegeLux et SpesLatinLight and hope
Sweet Briar CollegeRosam quae Meruit FeratLatinShe who earns the rose may bear it
Syracuse UniversitySuos Cultores Scientia CoronatLatinKnowledge crowns those who seek her
Taylor UniversityLux et FidesLatin Light and Faith
Temple UniversityPerseverantia VincitLatinPerseverance Conquers
University of TennesseeVeritatem cognoscetis et veritas te liberabitLatinYou will know the truth and the truth shall set you free
University of Texas (all schools)Disciplina praesidium civitatisLatinEducation, the guardian of society
Texas Southern UniversityExcellence in AchievementEnglish
Texas Woman's UniversityScientia Lumen VitaeLatinKnowledge brings light to life
Texas Tech UniversityFrom here, it's possibleEnglish
University of ToledoCoadyuvando El Presente, Formando El PorvenirSpanishGuide to the Present, Moulder of the Future
Touro UniversityTo Serve, To Lead, To TeachEnglish
Tufts UniversityPax et LuxLatinPeace and light
Tulane UniversityNon Sibi Sed SuisLatinNot for one's self, but for one's own
University of TulsaWisdom, Faith, ServiceEnglish
Union CollegeSous les lois de Minerve nous devenons tous frères et soeursFrenchUnder the laws of Minerva, we all become brothers and sisters
Union University (New York)In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritasLatinUnity in necessary matters, freedom in doubtful matters, charity for all
Union UniversityReligio et EruditioLatinReligion and erudition (also: Faith and learning)
United States Coast Guard AcademyScientiæ Cedit MareLatinThe sea yields to knowledge
United States Merchant Marine AcademyActa non Verba[280] LatinDeeds not Words
United States Military AcademyDuty, Honor, CountryEnglish
United States Naval AcademyEx Scientia TridensLatinFrom knowledge, seapower
Valparaiso UniversityIn Tua Luce Videmus LucemLatinIn thy light we see light
Vanderbilt UniversityCrescere AudeLatinDare to grow
University of VermontStudiis Et Rebus HonestisLatinThrough studies and upright affairs
Villanova UniversityVeritas Unitas CaritasLatinTruth unity love
Virginia Military InstituteIn Pace Decus, In Bello PraesidiumLatinIn peace, a glorious asset, in war, a tower of strength.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityUt prosimLatinThat I may serve
Wake Forest UniversityPro humanitateLatinFor humanity
Warren Wilson CollegeWe're not for everyone... but then, maybe you're not everyone.English
University of WashingtonLux sitLatinLet there be light
Washington University in St. LouisPer veritatem visLatinStrength through truth
Washington and Lee UniversityNon Incatus FuturiLatinNot unmindful of the future
Wellesley CollegeNon Ministrari sed MinistrareLatinNot to be ministered unto, but to minister
West Texas A&M UniversityVisio Veritas Valor[281] LatinVision, truth, value.
West Virginia UniversityΠιστει την αρετην εν δε τηι αρετηι την γνωσινGreekAdd to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge
West Virginia University at ParkersburgSummum BonumLatinThe highest good
Western Carolina UniversityFacultas Vestri MentisLatinThe power of your minds
Western Kentucky UniversityThe spirit makes the masterEnglish
Western University of Health SciencesEducare, Sanare, ConiunctimLatinTo teach, to heal, together
William Jewell CollegeDeo Fisus LaboraLatinTrust in God, Work
Willamette UniversityNon nobis solum nati sumusLatinNot unto ourselves alone are we born
Williams CollegeE liberalitate E. Williams, armigeriLatinThrough the generosity of E. Williams, Esquire
William Smith CollegeΒΙΟΣ, ΨΥΧΗGreekLife, soul
Wingate UniversityFaith, Knowledge, ServiceEnglish
Winthrop UniversityVeritas cum libertateLatinTruth with liberty
Wheaton College (Illinois)Christo et Regno EjusLatinFor Christ and his kingdom
Whitman Collegeper ardua surgoLatinThrough adversities I rise
University of Wisconsin–MadisonNumen LumenLatinGod, our light (also: The divine within the universe, however manifested, is my light)
University of Wisconsin–River FallsWhere the Free Spirit PrevailsEnglish
Wofford CollegeIntaminatis fulget honoribusLatinUntarnished, she shines with honor
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteLehr und KunstGermanTheory and practice
Xavier UniversityVidit mirabilia magna / Ad majorem Dei gloriamLatinHe has seen great wonders / For the greater glory of God
Yale UniversityLux et veritasLatinLight and truth


La Universidad del ZuliaPost Nubila PhoebusLatinAfter the clouds, the sun
Universidad Católica Andrés BelloUt innotescat multiformis sapientia DeiLatinTo make known the manifold wisdom of God
Universidad Central de VenezuelaLa Casa que Vence la SombraSpanishThe house that defeats the shadow
Universidad de CaraboboDeus Libertas CulturaLatinGod, Freedom and Culture
Universidad de Los AndesInitium Sapientiae timor dominiLatinThe Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom
Universidad Simón BolívarLa Universidad del FuturoSpanishThe University of the Future


Faculty of Computer Network and Communication, University of Information TechnologyVirtus et SapientiaLatinVirtue and Wisdom
Vietnam National University, HanoiAb uno disce omnesLatinFrom one, learn everything.
Van Lang UniversityMoralitas, Voluntas, CreativitasLatinMorality, Will, Creativity.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Universidad de Buenos Aires Ranking & Review. 2020-05-05.
  2. Web site: Buenos Aires Institute of Technology Ranking & Review. 2020-05-05.
  3. Web site: The University of Sydney's coat of arms - Heraldry - The University of Sydney. Archives and Records Management. Services.
  4. Web site: Hall of Fame . College of the Bahamas . July 2, 2014.
  5. Web site: Facts and Figures . University of Botswana . July 2, 2014.
  6. Web site: 大学简介 (Chinese) . BFSU . June 24, 2014.
  7. Web site: 北京师范大学简介 (Chinese) . BNU . June 24, 2014 . . 2014-06-29 . dead .
  8. Web site: Beijing Normal University . BNU . May 28, 2014.
  9. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . BUPT . June 24, 2014 . May 21, 2014 . . dead .
  10. Web site: General Information . BUPT . June 24, 2014 . August 11, 2014 . . dead .
  11. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . BJUT . June 24, 2014 . dead . . February 8, 2014 .
  12. Web site: Message from Leadership . BJUT . June 24, 2014 . dead . . December 17, 2014 .
  13. Web site: 学校表示 (Chinese) . Chang'an U. . June 24, 2014 . dead . . January 4, 2015 .
  14. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . CPU . November 4, 2015.
  15. Web site: Overview . CPU . November 4, 2015 . dead . . June 26, 2013 .
  16. Web site: 校训 (Chinese) . Chongqing U. . June 24, 2014 . December 24, 2020 . . dead .
  17. Web site: About the university . Chongqing U. . June 24, 2014 . dead . . June 24, 2014 .
  18. Web site: 大连大学校徽校训 (Chinese) . DLU . June 24, 2014 . dead . . September 1, 2015 .
  19. Web site: Dalian University . DLU . June 12, 2014 . dead . . December 27, 2014 .
  20. Web site: 复旦标志 (Chinese) . Fudan U. . June 25, 2014 . dead . . June 5, 2014 .
  21. Web site: University Name, Motto and Logo . Fudan U. . June 25, 2014 . September 2, 2011 . . dead .
  22. Web site: 学校标志 (Chinese) . HIT . June 26, 2014.
  23. Web site: 校训校歌 (Chinese) . Hebei U. . June 30, 2014 . dead . . July 8, 2014 .
  24. Web site: 黑龙江大学校训 (Chinese) . HLJU . June 30, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  25. Web site: 校徽校训校风 (Chinese) . Henan U. . June 30, 2014 . . 2014-07-01 . dead .
  26. Web site: The Motto Of Henan University . Henan U. . June 30, 2014 . . 2015-01-18 . dead .
  27. Web site: 校训、校徽 (Chinese) . Hohai U.. June 30, 2014.
  28. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . HUST . June 30, 2014 . dead . . July 1, 2014 .
  29. Web site: Vision and Mission . HUST . June 30, 2014 . dead . . March 14, 2015 .
  30. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . Hunan U. . July 1, 2014 . dead . . March 7, 2015 .
  31. Web site: Admonition of Hunan University . Hunan U. . July 1, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  32. Web site: 校训校徽 (Chinese) . Jiangsu U. . July 1, 2014 . dead . . May 28, 2013 .
  33. Web site: Welcome ceremony for the 2012 overseas freshers of JU held . . dead . July 2, 2014 . Jiangsu U. . July 1, 2014 .
  34. Web site: 校训 (Chinese) . Jilin U. . June 26, 2014 . dead . . July 31, 2014 .
  35. Web site: 校训 校徽 校歌 (Chinese) . Jinan U. . July 1, 2014.
  36. Web site: JNU Motto & Spirit . Jinan U. . July 1, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  37. Web site: 兰州大学校训 (Chinese) . LZU . July 2, 2014 . June 5, 2014 . . dead .
  38. Web site: University Motto . LZU . July 2, 2014 . . July 14, 2014 . dead .
  39. Web site: 校歌校训 (Chinese) . Nanjing U. . July 2, 2014 . dead . . June 30, 2014 .
  40. Web site: President's Message . Nanjing U. . July 2, 2014 . dead . . June 29, 2014 .
  41. Web site: 南开大学·校训 (Chinese) . Nankai U. . July 2, 2014 . . March 23, 2014 . dead .
  42. Web site: 校训校歌 (Chinese) . Ningbo U. . July 3, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  43. Web site: 校标校名校训校风校歌 (Chinese) . Northeastern U. . July 3, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  44. Web site: 学校"中国梦•成才梦"演讲比赛圆满落幕 (Chinese) . Northwest U. . July 7, 2014 . . 2014-07-14 . dead .
  45. Web site: MBA Program Center in School of Economics & Management, Northwest University . NWU . July 7, 2014 . . 2014-07-14 . dead .
  46. Web site: 学校概况 (Chinese) . OUC . July 3, 2014 . . 2014-07-14 . dead .
  47. Web site: Vision & Mission . OUC . July 3, 2014.
  48. Web site: 关于北京大学校训的几点思考 (Chinese) . 长期以来,国际国内著名大学一般都有公认的明确的校训,唯独北京大学没有一致的校训。(Transl: For a long time, most internationally or domestically famous universities have had clearly recognized mottos; PKU is the only one that lacks a consistent motto.) . PKU . July 3, 2014 .
  49. Web site: 百卉广场 (Chinese) . Qingdao U. . July 9, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  50. Web site: 人大校训 (Chinese) . RUC . July 9, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  51. Web site: RUC }} shown at Times Square ]. RUC . July 9, 2014.
  52. Web site: 山东大学校训 (Chinese) . Shandong U. . July 10, 2014 . . 2015-09-24 . dead .
  53. Web site: SDUW Holds Launching Ceremony of 2013 Overseas Study Programs . SDU . July 10, 2014 . . 2014-11-22 . dead .
  54. Web site: Mission and Vision . SHISU . July 10, 2014 .,enabout,000667.shtml . 2014-08-25 . dead .
  55. Web site: 校训 (Chinese) . SJTU . July 10, 2014 . dead . . September 9, 2016 .
  56. Web site: The Naming Ceremony of Cheng Jianmin Building Grandly Held . SJTU . July 10, 2014 . March 4, 2016 . . dead .
  57. Web site: 校训校风 (Chinese) . Shanghai U. . July 11, 2014 . October 8, 2018 . . dead .
  58. Web site: SHU at a Glance . Shanghai U. . July 11, 2014 . . July 14, 2014 . dead .
  59. Web site: 2014年山西大学招聘工作人员工作方案 (Chinese) . Shanxi U. . July 11, 2014 . . 2014-07-04 . dead .
  60. Web site: General Information . Shanxi U. . July 11, 2014 . . 2014-05-11 . dead .
  61. Web site: 校训校徽校歌 (Chinese) . Sichuan Normal U. . July 11, 2014 . dead . . June 1, 2014 .
  62. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . Sichuan U. . July 11, 2014 . . 2014-07-06 . dead .
  63. Web site: About SCU . Sichuan U. . July 11, 2014.
  64. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . Soochow U. . July 13, 2014 . dead . . September 25, 2014 .
  65. Web site: Our Philosophy . Soochow U. . July 13, 2014 . . 2014-07-14 . dead .
  66. Web site: 对校训"止于至善"的说明 (Chinese) . Southeast U. . July 14, 2014.
  67. Web site: Glance at SEU . Southeast U. . July 14, 2014 . . 2014-07-15 . dead .
  68. Web site: 校歌 校训 校徽 (Chinese) . SYSU . July 14, 2014 . dead . . July 16, 2014 .
  69. Web site: SYSU Today . SYSU . July 14, 2014.
  70. Web site: 天大简介 (Chinese) . Tianjin U. . July 14, 2014 . . 2014-08-18 . dead .
  71. Web site: Welcome from President Li Jiajun . Tianjin U. . July 14, 2014 . dead . . July 15, 2014 .
  72. Web site: 学校简介 (Chinese) . Tianjin U. Tech . August 14, 2014 . dead . . July 9, 2014 .
  73. Web site: Brief Introduction of Tianjin University of Technology . Tianjin U. Tech . August 14, 2014 . . 2014-08-19 . dead .
  74. Web site: 校训校歌 (Chinese) . Tongji U. . July 14, 2014 . . 2014-08-18 . dead .
  75. Web site: About Tongji . Tongji U. . July 14, 2014 . . 2014-07-15 . dead .
  76. Web site: 学校沿革 (Chinese) . Tsinghua U. . July 14, 2014.
  77. Web site: General Information . Tsinghua U. . July 14, 2014 . . 2014-07-15 . dead .
  78. Web site: 中国科学技术大学校训 (Chinese) . USTC . May 29, 2015 . . March 12, 2015 . dead . mdy-all .
  79. Web site: USTC, Our University, Happy Birthday! . USTC . September 18, 2013 . September 26, 2013 . . dead .
  80. Web site: 校训释义 (Chinese) . Wuhan U. . July 14, 2014 . dead . . July 4, 2014 .
  81. Web site: Overview . Wuhan U. . July 14, 2014.
  82. Web site: 学校标识 (Chinese) . Xiamen U. . July 14, 2014 . July 5, 2020 . . dead .
  83. Web site: Hallmarks . Xiamen U. . July 14, 2014 . . 2013-04-04 . dead .
  84. Web site: 湘潭大学校训 (Chinese) . Xiangtan U. . July 13, 2014 . July 15, 2014 . . dead .
  85. Web site: University Profile . Xiangtan U. . June 20, 2014 . October 6, 2014 . . dead .
  86. Web site: 烟台大学校训及释义 (Chinese) . Yantai U. . July 14, 2014 . dead . . March 4, 2016 .
  87. Web site: Message from the Leadership . Yantai U. . July 14, 2014.
  88. Web site: 大学文化 (Chinese) . Yunnan University News . July 14, 2014 . . August 14, 2014 . dead . mdy-all .
  89. Web site: 校训 (Chinese) . Zhejiang U. . July 13, 2014 . dead . . December 25, 2016 .
  90. Web site: Introduction to Zhejiang University . Zhejiang U. . June 20, 2014 . dead . . December 25, 2016 .
  91. Web site: Vive labeur: p. 9/12 . 2020-06-05 . 2020-06-05 . . dead .
  92. Web site: Visitors>Overview . U. of Ghana . July 7, 2014 . dead . . July 14, 2014 .
  93. Web site: About UCC . U. of Cape Coast . July 7, 2014.
  94. Web site: The Emblem . KNUST . July 7, 2014 . dead . . June 25, 2014 .
  95. Web site: Mission & Vision . UDS . July 7, 2014 . . 2014-07-09 . dead .
  96. Web site: The Student Guide, 2013/2014 . UMAT . PDF . July 7, 2014 . . July 17, 2014 . dead .
  97. Web site: Background . U. of Hong Kong . July 17, 2014.
  98. Web site: Mission & Vision, Motto & Emblem. Chinese U. of HK. July 17, 2014.
  99. Web site: 10 Questions for New Council Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung . Most universities created a motto when they were first established. Since we had not and we are going into our second phase development, we feel that we could defer this idea to a later date. . HKUST Newsletter - Genesis . Summer 2008 . July 17, 2014 . . March 3, 2016 . dead . mdy-all .
  100. Web site: University Motto. City U. of HK. July 17, 2014. January 20, 2015. dead.
  101. Web site: 校訓、願景及使命 (Chinese). HK Polytechnic U.. July 17, 2014.
  102. Web site: Motto, Vision and Mission (Chinese). HK Polytechnic U.. July 17, 2014.
  103. Web site: Fund supports Chinese literature . . dead . August 5, 2014 . HKBU . July 29, 2014 .
  104. Web site: 校長歡迎辭 (Chinese). Lingnan U.. July 29, 2014.
  105. Web site: Welcome from President. Lingnan U.. July 29, 2014.
  106. Web site: 校訓 .
  107. Web site: The Maharaja Sayajirao University Baroda.
  108. Web site:

    National Institute of Technology Raipur :::

  109. Web site: UCD Logo FAQs - UCD University Relations . 2024-01-14 .
  110. Web site: Claeys-Kulik . Anna-Lena . Jørgensen . Thomas Ekman . May 2018 . Universities' Strategies and Approaches towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Examples from across Europe . 14 January 2024.
  111. Web site: Keio logo . Keio University . March 10, 2018.
  112. Web site: Mission . Waseda University . March 11, 2018.
  113. Web site: Message from the President . Kwansei Gakuin University . September 5, 2017.
  114. Web site: Message from the Dean . Rikkyo U. . July 14, 2014.
  115. Web site: School insignia and the school name . Sophia U. . December 3, 2019.
  116. Web site: History, traditions and symbols - University of Latvia . 2010-01-31 . 2010-03-02 . . dead .
  117. Web site: Daugavpils University. Daugavpils Universitāte.
  118. Web site: Brand resources .
  119. Web site: Elements of the University Identity. U. of Macau. July 31, 2014. July 20, 2014. dead.
  120. Web site: Emblem & Motto. U. of Macau. July 31, 2014. dead. August 8, 2014.
  121. Web site: Dean's Message. MMU. August 1, 2014. dead. August 6, 2014.
  122. Web site: Welcome to Multimedia University. MMU. August 1, 2014.
  123. Web site: Moto, Visi, Misi & Falsafah . NUM . August 1, 2014 .
  124. Web site: Motto, Vision, Mision & Philosophy . NUM . August 1, 2014 . dead . . June 6, 2014 .
  125. Web site: Visi, Misi, Moto dan Hala Tuju (Malay). UTHM. August 11, 2014.,ms/. 2014-09-11. dead.
  126. Web site: Vision, Mission, Motto and Direction. UTHM. August 11, 2014.,en/. 2014-08-28. dead.
  127. Web site: Visi, Misi & Moto (Malay). Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. August 4, 2014.
  128. Web site: Emblem and Motto. UTM. August 12, 2014.
  129. Web site: Moto, Visi, Misi, Falsafah & Objektif Universiti (Malay). UiTM. August 12, 2014. dead. August 12, 2014.
  130. Web site: University Motto, Vision, Mission, Philosophy & Objectives. UiTM. August 12, 2014. dead. August 12, 2014.
  131. Web site: Falsafah (Malay). UUM. August 11, 2014. dead. August 12, 2014.
  132. Web site: Philosophy. dead. September 13, 2013. UUM. August 11, 2014.
  133. Web site: A-Z list of accredited Nigerian Universities & Colleges. 2021-05-05.
  134. Web site: dead. October 9, 2011. October 9, 2011.
  135. Web site: dead. January 7, 2010. January 7, 2010.
  136. Web site: dead. December 6, 2010. December 6, 2010.
  139. Web site: dead. March 31, 2003. March 31, 2003.
  141. Web site: dead. October 9, 2011. October 9, 2011.
  143. Web site: dead. August 9, 2011. August 9, 2011.
  144. Web site: dead. March 4, 2016. March 4, 2016.
  145. Web site: MIPT at a Glance — MIPT.
  146. Web site: Главная|РУДН - Росcийский университет дружбы народов. dead. 2012-05-24.
  147. Web site: Home. USJ - University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
  148. Web site: NWU | North-West University.
  149. Web site: Rhodes University - Frontispiece. dead. September 26, 2006. September 26, 2006.
  150. Web site: Inleiding1. dead. October 1, 2006. October 1, 2006.
  151. Web site: University of Cape Town / About the university > Introducing UCT > UCT coat of arms. dead. January 3, 2007. January 3, 2007.
  152. Web site: Human Resources Division. dead. September 27, 2007. September 27, 2007.
  153. Web site: Vision and Mission.
  154. Web site: Vision, Mission, and Values.
  155. Web site: UP | University of Pretoria.
  156. Web site: This website was recently revamped.
  157. Web site: The University of the Western Cape. dead. January 14, 2007. January 14, 2007.
  158. Web site: Archived copy . . 12 January 2022 . . 16 July 2011 . dead.
  159. Web site: Home. University of Venda.
  160. Web site: Uzpress Online. dead. September 27, 2007. September 27, 2007.
  161. Web site: University Emblem . U. of Khartoum . August 13, 2014 . dead . . June 30, 2014 .
  162. Web site: Campus City Collection ETH. January 18, 2018.
  163. Web site: 校歌與校訓 (Chinese) . Aletheia U. . October 16, 2014 . dead . . October 23, 2014 .
  164. Web site: 校訓校徽 (Chinese) . Asia U. . October 17, 2014.
  165. Web site: Motto & Insignia . Asia U. . October 17, 2014 . . October 25, 2014 . dead . mdy-all .
  166. Web site: 教育宗旨 (Chinese) . Central Police U. . October 14, 2014 . October 19, 2014 . . dead .
  167. Web site: 102年聯合畢業典禮吳副總統敦義先生蒞校致詞 (Chinese) . Central Police U. . October 14, 2014 . October 19, 2014 . . dead .
  168. Web site: 學校特色 (Chinese) . CTUST . November 13, 2014 . . November 24, 2014 . dead .
  169. Web site: Brief History of CTUST . CTUST . November 13, 2014 . . November 24, 2014 . dead .
  170. Web site: Our View of Education . CGU College of Mgmt . November 17, 2014 . . 2014-11-29 . dead .
  171. Web site: 學校沿革及辦學理念 (Chinese) . CGUST . November 17, 2014 . dead . . November 22, 2014 .
  172. Web site: President . CGUST . November 17, 2014 . dead . . November 29, 2014 .
  173. Web site: 校訓及校徽 (Chinese) . Chaoyang U. of Tech. . November 18, 2014 .,c128-1.php?Lang=zh-tw . December 19, 2014 . dead .
  174. Web site: About the University . Chaoyang U. of Tech. . November 18, 2014 . . October 22, 2014 . dead .
  175. Web site: 健行校訓 (Chinese) . Chien Hsin U. of Sci. & Tech. . June 20, 2014 . July 14, 2014 . . dead .
  176. Web site: 文大簡介 (Chinese) . Chinese Culture U. . October 19, 2014 . dead . . November 2, 2014 .
  177. Web site: CCU Logo . Chinese Culture U. . October 19, 2014 .
  178. Web site: 學生基本素養與核心能力 (Chinese) . China Medical U. . October 20, 2014.
  179. Web site: 校徽 (Chinese) . Chung Hua U. . October 21, 2014 . September 18, 2014 . . dead .
  180. Web site: College Motto . Chung Shan Medical U. . October 22, 2014 . dead . . December 22, 2014 .
  181. Web site: 中原大學校訓 (Chinese) . CYCU . October 22, 2014.
  182. Web site: 學校沿革 (Chinese) . Dayeh U. . October 23, 2014 . dead . . November 3, 2014 .
  183. Web site: FCU History . Feng Chia U. . October 24, 2014.
  184. Web site: 義正道慈校訓意涵 (Chinese) . Fo Guang U. . October 24, 2014.
  185. Web site: 輔仁精神 (Chinese) . Fu Jen Catholic U.. July 15, 2014.
  186. Web site: 玄奘校訓 (Chinese) . Hsuan Chuang U. . October 24, 2014 . dead . . October 12, 2014 .
  187. Web site: Our Motto . Hsuan Chuang U. . October 24, 2014 . dead . . October 25, 2014 .
  188. Web site: 校訓釋義 (Chinese) . Huafan U. . October 27, 2014 . . October 27, 2014 . dead .
  189. Web site: 關於本校 (Chinese) . I-Shou U. . October 27, 2014 . . October 10, 2013 . dead .
  190. Web site: 董事長介紹 (Chinese) . Kainan U. . October 27, 2014 . dead . . October 28, 2014 .
  191. Web site: 關於高醫 (Chinese) . KMU . October 28, 2014.
  192. Web site: MCU Motto . MCU . October 29, 2014.
  193. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . MingDao U. . October 30, 2014 . May 18, 2022 . . dead .
  194. Web site: Accommodation . MDU . October 30, 2014 . March 4, 2016 . . dead .
  195. Web site: Motto . NHU . October 31, 2014 . November 8, 2014 . . dead .
  196. Web site: 彰師簡介 (Chinese) . Nat'l Changhua U. of Ed. . September 5, 2014 . . 2014-09-05 . dead .
  197. Web site: 關於中央大學﹣校徽/校訓/校歌 (Chinese) . Nat'l Central U. . August 21, 2014.
  198. Web site: NCU Motto: Sincerity and Simplicity . Nat'l Central U. . August 14, 2014.
  199. Web site: 校務基本資料 (Chinese) . NCKU . June 20, 2014 . . March 27, 2014 . dead .
  200. Web site: 關於政大 (Chinese) . National Chengchi U.. 2014-10-21.
  201. Web site: About NCCU . National Chengchi U. . 2014-10-21.
  202. Web site: 校名校徽 (Chinese) . Nat'l Chi Nan U. . August 25, 2014 . . June 3, 2013 . dead .
  203. Web site: 嘉大之教育目標、校訓與願景 (Chinese) . Nat'l Chiayi U. . August 25, 2014.
  204. Web site: 2011 National Chiayi University Commencement Remarks . Nat'l Chiayi U. . August 25, 2014.
  205. Web site: 認識中正 (Chinese) . Nat'l Chung Cheng U. . August 25, 2014 . . August 26, 2014 . dead .
  206. Web site: University Motto . Nat'l Chung Cheng U. . August 25, 2014.
  207. Web site: 中興大學校訓 (Chinese) . . dead . December 28, 2013 . Chung Hsing University Archives . August 25, 2014 .
  208. Web site: 校風 (Chinese) . NDMC . June 20, 2014.
  209. Web site: 學校簡介 (Chinese) . NFU . September 22, 2014 . dead . . December 17, 2014 .
  210. Web site: 認識竹大 (Chinese) . NHCUE . September 8, 2014 . dead . . March 3, 2016 .
  211. Web site: 國立宜蘭大學 (Chinese) . Nat'l Ilan U. . August 26, 2014 . dead . . January 14, 2010 .
  212. Web site: History . Nat'l Ilan U. . August 26, 2014 . dead . . August 27, 2014 .
  213. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . FirstTech . September 24, 2014 . July 17, 2020 . . dead .
  214. Web site: A Brief History . FirstTech . September 24, 2014.
  215. Web site: 學校簡介 (Chinese) . NKMU . September 25, 2014 . dead . . December 30, 2014 .
  216. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . NKNU . September 5, 2014.
  217. Web site: University Profile . NKNU . September 5, 2014.
  218. Web site: KUAS Profiles . KUAS . September 26, 2014.
  219. Web site: 設校理念 / Founding Principles . NKUHT . October 1, 2014.
  220. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . Nat'l Open U. . October 13, 2014 . . 2014-10-18 . dead .
  221. Web site: 精神指標 (Chinese) . NPU . October 2, 2014.
  222. Web site: Overview . NPU . October 2, 2014.
  223. Web site: University Motto . NPUST . October 3, 2014 . dead . . October 6, 2014 .
  224. Web site: 校訓、校歌 (Chinese) . Nat'l Quemoy U. . August 27, 2014.
  225. Web site: Overview . Nat'l Quemoy U. . August 27, 2014.
  226. Web site: 中師校訓「忠毅勤樸」的最佳代言人 (Chinese) . Nat'l Taichung U. of Ed. . September 9, 2014 . February 3, 2020 . . dead .
  227. Web site: 臺中科大歷史 (Chinese) . NTCUST . October 3, 2014 . October 28, 2020 . . dead .
  228. Web site: 臺北大學精神 (Chinese) . Nat'l Taipei U. . August 28, 2014.
  229. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . NTUNHS . October 6, 2014.
  230. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . NTUT . October 8, 2014.
  231. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . NTNU . June 24, 2014.
  232. Web site: Classroom Buildings(Cheng) . NTNU . July 15, 2014 . dead . . February 4, 2005 .
  233. Web site: 海大校訓、校徽、校歌 (Chinese) . NTOU . September 2, 2014 . July 1, 2017 . . dead .
  234. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . NTSU . September 12, 2014.
  235. Web site: President's Office . NTSU . September 12, 2014 . . 2014-09-12 . dead .
  236. Web site: University Motto . NTU . June 24, 2014 . dead . . August 22, 2014 .
  237. Web site: 認識臺藝>校訓 (Chinese) . NTUA . September 11, 2014 . dead . . September 11, 2014 .
  238. Web site: About Us . NTUA College of Design . September 11, 2014.
  239. Web site: 臺體校訓 (Chinese) . NTUPES . September 12, 2014 . dead . . September 13, 2014 .
  240. Web site: Emblem & Motto . NTUST . October 7, 2014.
  241. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . NTHU . June 24, 2014 . dead . . July 17, 2014 .
  242. Web site: Message from the President . NTHU . June 24, 2014 . dead . . April 10, 2008 .
  243. Web site: Goals & Prospects . NUU . September 3, 2014.
  244. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . NUTN . September 3, 2014.
  245. Web site: School Motto . NUTN . September 3, 2014 . . 2014-09-04 . dead .
  246. Web site: Emblem & Motto . Nat'l Yunlin U. of Science & Tech. . October 9, 2014.
  247. Web site: 靜宜特色 (Chinese) . Providence U. . June 24, 2014.
  248. Web site: Who We Are . Providence U. . June 24, 2014.
  249. Web site: 空大校史 (Chinese) . Open U. of Kaohsiung . October 14, 2014.
  250. Web site: 校長的話 (Chinese) . Shih Chien U. . October 31, 2014 . dead . . December 3, 2014 .
  251. Web site: Introduction . Shih Chien U. . October 31, 2014 . dead . . December 30, 2014 .
  252. Web site: 董事長的話 (Chinese) . Shih Hsin U. . November 3, 2014 . dead . . December 17, 2014 .
  253. Web site: History . Dept. of Business Admin., Shih Hsin U. . November 3, 2014.
  254. Web site: Facts about Soochow U. . Soochow U. . August 14, 2014 . dead . . February 9, 2012 .
  255. Web site: About SU . Soochow U. . August 14, 2014 . dead . . August 16, 2014 .
  256. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . Taipei Med. U. . November 4, 2014 . dead . . March 4, 2016 .
  257. Web site: 淡江校訓 (Chinese) . Tamkang U. . November 4, 2014.
  258. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . Toko U. . November 5, 2014.
  259. Web site: 東海圖騰 (Chinese) . Tunghai U. . November 6, 2014 . . November 6, 2014 . dead . mdy-all .
  260. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . Tzu Chi U. . June 24, 2014.
  261. Web site: Our History . Tzu Chi U. . June 24, 2014 . . January 19, 2018 . dead .
  262. Web site: School Mottos . U. of Kang Ning . November 7, 2014 . . 2014-10-09 . dead .
  263. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . U. of Taipei . September 4, 2014 . December 17, 2014 . . dead .
  264. Web site: 校訓 (Chinese) . YZU . November 12, 2014 .,tw/ . 2014-11-13 . dead .
  265. Web site: University Motto . YZU . November 12, 2014 .,en/ . 2014-11-13 . dead .
  266. Web site: Présidence de l'Université (French) . Université de Lomé . October 17, 2014 . . 2014-09-05 . dead .
  267. Web site: Main page. dead. May 2, 2008. May 2, 2008.
  268. Web site: University Calendar : Arms and Mottos - Durham University. 2021-09-06.
  269. Web site: University Calendar : University Calendar Volume I - Durham University. 2021-09-06.
  270. Web site: Coat of arms. 2019-02-16. en.
  271. Web site: ALU: Online Law School - Earn Your Law Degree Online. 2016-05-18.
  272. Web site: More than 2,600 receive degrees during Appalachian's May ceremonies . Appalachian Statue U. . January 16, 2016.
  273. Web site: Alfred University : News. 2016-11-01.
  274. Web site: CMU History | Spirit and Traditions | Central Michigan University.
  275. 2 2 Timothy KJV
  276. Web site: Harvard at a Glance. Harvard U. . April 8, 2015.
  277. Web site: About UH Mānoa . University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa . November 12, 2014.
  278. Web site: Archival Mysteries, Vol. 3: What Is The University Motto? . University Libraries, U. of Maryland . October 8, 2014 . dead . . November 2, 2013 .
  279. Web site: Mission Statement . Norwich U. . January 16, 2016 . . February 26, 2016 . dead .
  280. Web site: About USMMA | U.S. Merchant Marine Academy .
  281. Web site: Official Seals . West Texas A&M U. . May 3, 2017.