List of unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO explained

Below is a list of unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO. Since the founding of the AFL in 1886, the AFL-CIO and its predecessor bodies have been the dominant labor federation (at least in terms of the number of member workers, if not influence) in the United States. As of 2014, the labor federation had approximately 12.7 million members.[1] [2] As of 2015, the AFL–CIO had 56 member unions.[3] [4]

Historical context

AFL forms

On December 8, 1886, the five-year-old Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions dissolved itself and became the American Federation of Labor (AFL).[5] [6] [7] [8] In its first half-century, a large number of trade and labor unions formed, joined the AFL, and either merged with other unions or ceased to exist. Many unions, particularly those in the construction industry and affiliated building trades,[9] disaffiliated from the AFL for a variety of reasons. Some rejoined; some did not.

Throughout the AFL's history, jurisdictional issues caused a number of disaffiliations.[10] In contrast to its early rival, the Knights of Labor, the AFL had adopted a policy of forming and admitting to membership (with a few limited, and notable, exceptions such as the United Mine Workers and Brewery Workers) only craft unions—unions whose membership was limited to workers with a single, narrow skill-set. But industrialization, with its emphasis on teams rather than individual workers manufacturing a product, disadvantaged craft unions in the drive to organize workers. A notable example was the effort to unionize the steel industry, where the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers' adherence to craft unionism was a factor in the failure of many unionization drives.[11] Some unions, including some large ones such as the Mine Workers, began advocating for a shift toward industrial unionism, where a union would organize all workers (regardless of skills) in a single company, market, or industry.[12]

CIO splits, 1936–1955

The battle between the craft and industrial union philosophies led to a major membership loss for the AFL in 1935. In the first years of the Great Depression, a number of AFL member unions advocated for a relaxation of the strict "craft union only" membership policy but to no avail.[13] In 1932, Mine Workers president John L. Lewis privately proposed to several like-minded union presidents that those unions which wanted to organize workers on an industrial basis form a group to begin to do just that.[14] The group met informally for three years, and lost a number of jurisdictional battles over potential or newly organized workers. Eight national unions formally organized themselves into the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) on November 9, 1935. On September 10, 1936, the AFL suspended all 10 CIO unions (two more had joined in the previous year) and their four million members. In 1938, these unions formed the Congress of Industrial Organizations as a rival labor federation.

Over the next 20 years, both the AFL and CIO would lose member unions. The AFL would purge some member unions for advocating industrial unionism (notably the United Auto Workers and the United Rubber Workers) or for supporting political philosophies it felt were antithetical to its purposes. It also reaffiliated some unions which had joined the CIO. The CIO, for its part, expelled a number of unions in 1948 after concluding they had become infiltrated by Communists (at least one additional union disaffiliated rather than be expelled). Both the AFL and CIO would form new unions to compete with those they had expelled, with varying degrees of success.

AFL–CIO, 1955–1999

By the early 1950s, however, the disagreement over craft and industrial unionism had largely ceased to exist. In 1955, the AFL and CIO merged to forming a new entity known as the American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO).[15] Over the next five decades, the AFL–CIO continued to gain and lose member unions. After a series of particularly divisive union raids on one another as well as repeated jurisdictional squabbles, the AFL adopted Article 20 of its constitution, which prevented its member unions from raiding one another[16] —a policy retained in the AFL–CIO constitution. Theoretically, violation of Article 20 could lead to expulsion, but corruption soon became much more important than jurisdictional issues. After hearings by the Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management led to major revelations regarding the dominance of several AFL-CIO unions by organized crime, new rules were enacted by the AFL–CIO's Executive Council that provided for the removal of vice presidents engaged in corruption as well as the ejection of unions considered corrupt.[17] The labor federation expelled the International Brotherhood of Teamsters on corruption charges on December 6, 1957.[18]

Membership changes continued, albeit at a markedly lower level, throughout the last four decades of the 20th century. On a few occasions, unions in the construction industry disaffiliated and reaffiliated. The most important membership changes, however, occurred in 1968. The United Auto Workers (UAW) disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO on July 1, 1968, after UAW President Walter Reuther and AFL–CIO President George Meany could not come to agreement on a wide range of national public policy issues or on reforms regarding AFL–CIO governance.[19] A few days after the UAW's disaffiliation, the UAW and the Teamsters formed a new labor federation, the Alliance for Labor Action (ALA).[20] Several smaller AFL–CIO unions either joined the ALA and were expelled from the AFL–CIO for dual unionism or disaffiliated and joined the ALA.[21] The ALA was not successful, however, and ceased to exist in January 1972.[22] Over the years, most of the unions which had been expelled or left the AFL–CIO rejoined it. For example, the UAW re-affiliated on July 1, 1981,[23] and the Teamsters did so on October 24, 1987.[24]

21st century

The AFL–CIO saw several disaffiliations in the first decade of the 21st century. The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America disaffiliated from the AFL–CIO on March 29, 2001, disagreeing with the labor federation's rapid expansion in spending.[25] After lengthy debate and disagreement over dues levels, the governance structure, the leadership, and the philosophy of the AFL–CIO, the Laborers' International Union of North America, Service Employees International Union, Teamsters, UNITE HERE, United Farm Workers, and United Food and Commercial Workers disaffiliated from the AFL–CIO to form the Change to Win, a new national union federation.[26] The Carpenters joined the new federation as well.[27]

After the split, the AFL–CIO gained two new members. The 100,000-member independent California School Employees Association joined the federation in August 2001,[28] and the 65,000-member independent California Nurses Association joined in March 2007.[29] After a lengthy and divisive internal leadership struggle within UNITE HERE, 100,000 members of the union's apparel division disaffiliated from the national union in March 2009, formed a new union called Workers United, and affiliated their union with SEIU.[30] The remaining 265,000 members of UNITE HERE reaffiliated with the AFL–CIO on September 16, 2009.[31]

LIUNA rejoined the AFL–CIO in August 2010.[32] Three years later, UFCW did as well.[33] The National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) was decertified in 2010 as players faced a lockout, but reformed and rejoined the AFL–CIO in 2011.[34] The National Taxi Workers Alliance (also known as the New York Taxi Workers Alliance) affiliated with the AFL–CIO as well. It was the first non-traditional workers' organization to do so since the early 1960s.[35] However, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union disaffiliated from the federation on August 30, 2013, accusing the AFL–CIO of unwillingness to punish other unions when their members crossed ILWU picket lines and over federal legislative policy issues.[36]

AFL–CIO membership criteria

Article III of the AFL–CIO constitution, as amended, addresses membership in the AFL–CIO.[37] Membership is limited to national and international unions and to certain subordinate bodies of the AFL–CIO (such as organizing committees, directly affiliated local unions, departments, and state and local central labor bodies).[38] Article III, Section 4(a) gives the Executive Council (or the President, if the Executive Council so designates) the power to approve new affiliations, and restricts new affiliates to union whose jurisdiction does not conflict with the jurisdiction of existing members (unless the existing members authorize such affiliation).

[39] Article III, Section 4(b) provides for provisional charters and the attaching of conditions to provisional charters. Section 5 declares that charters shall not be revoked without a two-thirds affirmative vote of the convention, and for the restoration of charters upon a two-thirds vote of either the convention or Executive Council.[40] Section 7 provides for the expulsion of member unions if they are "officered, controlled or dominated by persons whose policies and activities are consistently directed toward the achievement of the program or purposes of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, terrorism and other forces that suppress individual liberties and freedom of association".

[41] Article X, Section 8 gives the Executive Council the authority to investigate "any situation in which there is reason to believe that any affiliate is dominated, controlled or substantially influenced in the conduct of its affairs by any corrupt influence" and upon a two-thirds vote suspend any member found to be so influenced.[42] Article X, Section 17 permits the Executive Council to establish a code of ethical conduct for the AFL–CIO, its departments and councils, and its staff; to require member unions to also establish such codes; and upon a two-thirds vote to suspend any member found to be in violation of such codes.[43]

Article III, Section 8, amended in 2005, establishes that it is the official policy of the AFL–CIO to encourage its members with overlapping and/or conflicting jurisdiction to merge, to encourage smaller unions to merge into larger ones, and to encourage member unions to reduce overlapping jurisdiction.[44] [45]

Article IV of the AFL–CIO constitution provides for representation of members at the quadrennial convention.[46] Article X of the AFL–CIO constitution provides for an Executive Council, and for representation of members on this council.[47]

Article XI of the AFL–CIO constitution provides for a General Board, and for representation of members on this board.[48]

Currently affiliated unions

This is a list of AFL–CIO affiliated member unions:

Formerly affiliated unions

Union Abbreviation Founded[49] Affiliated Left Reason left Membership (1957)[50] Membership (1980)[51]
1932 1996 1998 Merged into SEIU N/A N/A
Air Line Dispatchers' Association ALDA 1955 1977 Dissolved 550 N/A
ABG 1982 1982 1996 Merged into USW N/A N/A
AWIU 1953 1955 1982 Merged into ABG 24,000 29,000
ACWA 1914 1955 1976 Merged into ACTWU 385,000 N/A
ACTWU 1976 1976 1995 Merged into UNITE N/A 526,000
ALA 1915 1955 1958 Disaffiliated 32,000 N/A
AMC 1897 1955 1979 Merged into UFCW 310,000 N/A
ABC 1957 1957 1969 Merged into BCTGM N/A N/A
AFGM 1936 1955 1999 Merged into BCTGM 39,000 35,000
AFHW 1915 1955 1976 Merged into ACTWU 10,000 N/A
AFGWU 1878 1955 2003 Merged into USW 35,000 33,375
ANG 1933 1955 1995 Merged into CWA 29,000 33,518
American Railway and Airway Supervisors' Association ARASA 1934 1955 1980 Merged into TCU 8,000 7,054
American Wire Weavers' Protective Association WWPA 1900 1955 1964 Suspended 431 N/A
AFA 1945 1984 2003 Merged into CWA N/A N/A
BBC 1939 1955 1956 Merged into BBAIIA N/A N/A
BBAIIA 1887 1955 1980 Merged into UFCW 72,000 40,000
BSWU 1895 1955 1977 Merged into RCIU 40,000 N/A
BofLE 1883 1989 2004 Merged into IBT N/A N/A
BofLF&E 1873 1956 1969 Merged into UTU 97,000 N/A
BMWE 1887 1955 2004 Merged into IBT 225,000 119,203
BRT 1883 1957 1969 Merged into UTU 217,462 N/A
BRC 1890 1955 1986 Merged into TCU 129,804 93,737
BSCP 1925 1955 1978 Merged into TCU 10,000 N/A
CNA 1903 2007 2009 Merged into NNA N/A N/A
CMIU 1864 1955 2003 Merged into RWDSU 8,046
CIUNA 1864 1955 1992 Merged into GMP 3,900 1,056
DWAW 1940 1955 1996 Merged into UFCW 25,000 26,600
Flight Engineers' International Association FEIA 1948 1955 2000 Dissolved 2,300 1,720
GBBA 1895 1955 1982 Merged into GPPAW 51,650 81,000
GMPIU 1988 1988 2018 Merged into USW N/A N/A
GPPAW 1982 1982 1988 Merged into GMP N/A N/A
GCIA 1877 1955 1980 Merged into TMT 4,000 N/A
GAIU 1972 1972 1983 Merged into GCIU N/A 88,837
GCIU 1983 1983 2005 Merged into IBT N/A N/A
HERE 1891 1955 2004 Merged into UNITE HERE 441,000 403,890
IUMSWA 1933 1955 1988 Merged into IAM 40,000 25,000
IAIU 1951 1955 1959 Merged into IWIU 11,000 N/A
IWIU 1959 1959 1983 Merged into UFCW N/A 20,000
IWA 1950 1955 1959 Merged into IWIU 13,000 N/A
BPBD 1902 1955 1977 Dissolved 1,600 N/A
CDHW 1937 1955 1956 Merged into LWIU N/A N/A
IAS 1899 1955 1992 Merged into IAM 45 15
International Broom and Whisk Makers' Union BWM 1893 1955 1962 Dissolved 380 N/A
IBFO 1898 1955 2008 Merged into SEIU 50,000 43,000
IBL 1953 1955 1959 Merged into ILA 30,000 N/A
IBPAW 1890 1955 1982 Merged into GPPAW 26,000 16,938
IBP 1902 1955 1957 Merged into UPP N/A N/A
IBPSPMW 1906 1955 1972 Merged into UPIU 165,000 N/A
IBT 1903 1955 2005 Transferred to CtW 1,368,082 1,923,896
ICWU 1940 1955 1996 Merged into UFCW 84,299 65,800
IGWUA 1902 1955 1961 Merged into ACTWU 3,100 N/A
IJWU 1916 1955 1980 Merged into SEIU 32,000 9,500
ILGWU 1900 1955 1995 Merged into UNITE 450,802 348,380
ILGPNWU 1937 1955 1996 Merged into SEIU 31,700 27,000
ILWU 1937 1988 2013 Disaffiliated N/A N/A
IMAWU 1859 1955 1988 Merged into GMP 72,593 66,449
IPEU 1904 1955 1964 Merged into LPIU 16,739 N/A
IPGCU 1973 1973 1983 Merged into GCIU N/A 120,000
IPPU 1889 1955 1973 Merged into IPGCU 104,000 N/A
ISEU 1902 1955 1973 Merged into IPGCU 13,577 N/A
ITU 1852 1955 1987 Merged into CWA 99,179 88,876
AIW 1935 1955 1994 Merged into UPIU 80,000 90,686
IUB 1886 1955 1973 Merged into IBT 62,000 N/A
IUE 1949 1955 2000 Merged into CWA 397,412 255,427
IUJAT 1874 1955 2002 Merged into USW 260 400
WWML 1899 1955 1979 Merged into UBC 16,500 N/A
IWA 1937 1955 1994 Merged into IAM 98,517 117,691
JSANA 1907 1955 1968 Merged into LIUNA 1,900 N/A
LWIU 1900 1955 1957 Suspended 90,000 N/A
LWU 1955 1955 1992 Merged into OPEIU 5,743 2,110
LPIU 1964 1964 1972 Merged into GAIU N/A N/A
MESA 1933 1955 1997 Merged into UAW 49,423 25,000
MPBP 1892 1955 1996 Merged into IBB 25,000 10,000
NAWU 1934 1955 1970 4,500 N/A
NABET 1934 1955 1994 Merged into CWA 5,100 7,300
National Association of Master Mechanics and Foremen of Naval Shore Establishments NAMMFNSE 1933 1955 1964 Disaffiliated 556 N/A
POMH 1912 1955 1968 Merged into LIUNA 9,000 N/A
NAPOGSME 1937 1966 1971 Merged into APWU N/A N/A
NFPOC 1906 1955 1961 Merged into UFPC 97,052 N/A
NFPOMVE 1924 1958 1971 Merged into APWU N/A N/A
SDM 1932 1955 1971 Merged into APWU 2,000 N/A
NMU 1937 1955 2001 Merged into SIU 40,000 50,000
NPTA 1898 1955 1961 Merged into UFPC 26,800 N/A
National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees NUHHCE 1973 1984 1989 Disaffiliated N/A N/A
OCAW 1917 1955 1999 Merged into PACE 183,000 180,000
ORT 1886 1955 1969 Merged into TCU 65,267 N/A
PACE 1999 1999 2005 Merged into USW N/A N/A
PMLNA 1887 1955 1991 Merged into IAM 15,000 9,600
Radio and Television Directors' Guild RTDG 1947 1955 1960 Merged into DGA 800 N/A
RYA 1912 1955 1985 Merged into UTU 4,610 4,701
Railway Patrolmen's International Union RPIU 1949 1955 1969 Merged into TCU 3,201 N/A
RCIU 1890 1955 1979 Merged into UFCW 300,000 N/A
RWDSU 1937 1955 1993 Merged into UFCW 117,668 198,000
SEIU 1921 1955 2005 Transferred to CtW 230,000 625,000
SMWIA 1888 1955 2014 Merged into SMART 50,000 158,528
SFAW 1894 1955 1994 Merged into IBB 9,183 6,400
SUNA 1894 1955 1964 Merged into UTU 18,800 N/A
TWUA 1939 1955 1976 Merged into ACTWU 202,700 N/A
TMT 1901 1955 1988 Merged into UBC 8,200 9,300
TWIU 1895 1955 1978 Merged into BCTGM 34,686 N/A
TCU 1899 1955 2012 Merged into IAM 350,000 201,083
UNITE 1995 1995 2004 Merged into UNITE HERE N/A N/A
UAN 1999 2001 2009 Merged into NNU N/A N/A
UBCWA 1917 1955 1981 Merged into ABG 15,000
UBC 1867 1955 2001 Disaffiliated 850,000 780,398
UCLGWIU 1939 1955 1984 Merged into IBB 40,000 36,800
UFW 1962 1972 2006 Transferred to CtW N/A 25,000
UFPC 1961 1961 1971 Merged into APWU N/A N/A
UFWA 1937 1955 1987 Merged into IUE 50,000 27,042
UGWA 1891 1955 1994 Merged into UFCW 40,000 31,000
UGCWNA 1937 1955 1982 Merged into ABG 53,000 34,539
UHCMW 1934 1955 1983 Merged into ACTWU 40,000 10,000
UPWA 1943 1955 1968 Merged into AMC 150,000 N/A
UPP 1957 1957 1972 Merged into UPIU 130,000 N/A
UPA 1944 1955 1957 Merged into UPP N/A N/A
UPIU 1972 1972 1999 Merged into PACE N/A 284,329
URW 1935 1955 1995 Merged into USW 178,017 199,990
USWA 1937 1955 1979 Merged into ACTWA 60,000 N/A
USAPWA 1903 1955 1970 Merged into USW 13,260 N/A
UTW 1903 1955 1986 Merged into CWA 32,000 11,466
UTW 1901 1955 1996 Merged into UFCW 100,000 40,000
UTU 1969 1969 2014 Merged into SMART N/A 175,500
UTSEA 1942 1955 1972 Merged into TCIU 6,500 N/A
UWPC 1923 1955 1958 Merged into IBPSPMW 1,500 N/A
UIU 1882 1955 1985 Merged into USW 55,569 48,920
WCGLA 1917 1955 1975 Merged into GBBA 1,600 N/A

Disaffiliated and re-affiliated

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. 000-106. 562569. LM2Form. September 26, 2014.
  2. Form LM-2 Labor Organization Annual Report. AFL-CIO National Headquarters. File Number 000-106. June 30, 2008.
  3. News: AFL-CIO. 29 January 2015. Annenberg Public Policy Center. June 17, 2014.
  4. Web site: AFL-CIO Unions. AFL–CIO. 29 January 2015.
  5. Dubofsky, Melvyn and Dulles, Foster Rhea. Labor in America: A History. 6th ed. Wheeling, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1999.
  6. Foner, Philip. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 1: From Colonial Times to the Founding of the American Federation of Labor. New York: International Publishers, 1947.
  7. Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 2: From the Founding of the American Federation of Labor to the Emergence of American Imperialism. New York: International Publishers, 1955.
  8. Rayback, Joseph G. A History of American Labor. Rev. and exp. ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1966.
  9. Palladino, Grace. Skilled Hands, Strong Spirits: A Century of Building Trades History. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2005.
  10. Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 3: The Policies and Practices of the American Federation of Labor, 1900–1909. Paperback ed. New York: International Publishers, 1964. ; Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 4: Industrial Workers of the World. Paperback ed. New York: International Publishers, 1965. ; Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 5: The AFL in the Progressive Era, 1910–1915. Paperback ed. New York: International Publishers, 1980. ; Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 8: Postwar Struggles, 1918–1920. Paperback ed. New York: International Publishers, 1988.
  11. Brody, David. Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1969. ; Brody, David. "The Origins of Modern Steel Unionism: The SWOC Era." In Forging a Union of Steel: Philip Murray, SWOC, and the United Steelworkers. Ithaca, N.Y.: ILR Press, 1987.
  12. Galenson, Walter. The CIO Challenge to the AFL: A History of the American Labor Movement. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960. ; Phelan, Craig. William Green: Biography of a Labor Leader. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1989. ; Zieger, Robert H. The CIO 1935-1955. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1995.
  13. Bernstein, Irving. The Turbulent Years: A History of the American Worker, 1933-1941. Paperback ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co., 1970.
  14. Dubofsky, Melvyn and Van Tine, Warren. John L. Lewis: A Biography. Reprint ed. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1992.
  15. Goldberg, Arthur J. AFL–CIO: Labor United. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956.
  16. Levey, "Union Raiding Ban Drafted By A.F.L.," New York Times, August 14, 1954.
  17. Loftus, Joseph A. "Meany Summons Council to Weigh Beck Suspension." New York Times. April 17, 1956; Raskin, A.H. "Meany Wins Round Against Underworld." New York Times. April 29, 1956; Loftus, Joseph A. "A.F.L.-C.I.O. Votes to Curb Rackets." New York Times. August 30, 1956; Loftus, Joseph A. "Union Questioned On Hiding of Data." New York Times. January 18, 1957.
  18. "A.F.L.-C.I.O. to Go Ahead With Expulsion of Teamsters." New York Times. December 4, 1957; Raskin, A.H. "Meany Will Drop Teamster Ouster If Hoffa Gets Out." New York Times. December 5, 1957; "Teamsters Await Expulsion Today." New York Times. December 6, 1957; Raskin, A.H. "A.F.L.-C.I.O. Ousts Teamsters Union By Vote of 5 to 1." New York Times. December 7, 1957.
  19. Lichtenstein, Nelson. The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit: Walter Reuther and the Fate of American Labor. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1995.
  20. Janson, Donald. "U.A.W. and Teamsters Form Alliance." New York Times. July 24, 1968; Stetson, Damon. "2 Biggest Unions Set Up Alliance." New York Times. May 27, 1969; "Mr. Clean and the Outcast." Time. June 6, 1969.
  21. "Chemical Workers Join Reuther Group." United Press International. September 19, 1968; Stetson, Damon. "A.F.L.-C.I.O. Expels the Chemical Workers for Ties to Reuther." New York Times. October 4, 1969; Stetson, Damon. "Local Union of Retail Workers Is Near Split With Parent Body." New York Times. March 21, 1969; "New Union Is Formed." Associated Press. May 25, 1969.
  22. Salpuka, Agis. "U.A.W., in Debt, Halts Funds For Alliance With Teamsters." New York Times. July 6, 1971; Salpuka, Agis. "A Labor Alliance to Be Dissolved." New York Times. January 25, 1972.
  23. Peterson, Iver. "After 13 Years, Auto Union Joins A.F.L.-C.I.O. Again." New York Times. July 2, 1981.
  24. Noble, Kenneth. "Teamsters Gain A Readmittance to A.F.L.-C.I.O." New York Times. October 25, 1987.
  25. "Carpenters’ Union Cuts Ties With AFL-CIO Over Direction."
  26. SEIU and the Teamsters left in July 2005. UFCW left in August 2005. UNITE HERE disaffiliated in September 2005. The Farm Workers disaffiliated on January 1, 2006. The Laborers left on May 21, 2006. See: Amber, Michelle and Bologna, Michael. "Departure of SEIU, Teamsters Creates Split Within AFL-CIO on Convention's Opening Day." Labor Relations Week. July 28, 2005; "UFCW Becomes Third Union to Leave AFL-CIO in One Week." Labor Relations Week. August 4, 2005; "UNITE HERE Disaffiliates From AFL-CIO, Citing Differences Over Organizing, Politics." Labor Relations Week. September 15, 2005; "Laborers Plan to Leave AFL-CIO." Wall Street Journal. September 24, 2005; "Organized Labor Fails to Heal Rift." Associated Press. April 25, 2006; "Laborers Union Breaks Free From AFL-CIO." Associated Press. May 22, 2006.
  27. "Carpenters Joins Five AFL-CIO Unions in Coalition to Rebuild Labor Movement." Labor Relations Week. June 30, 2005.
  28. "Union of California School Workers Votes for AFL-CIO Affiliation." Associated Press. August 1, 2001.
  29. Greenhouse, Steven. "California: Nurses' Union Joins A.F.L.-C.I.O."
  30. Greenhouse, Steve. "Union Dissidents Vote to Secede and Realign."
  31. Greenhouse, Steve. "Union Rejoining A.F.L.-C.I.O."
  32. Trottman, Melanie. "LIUNA Move to Rejoin AFL-CIO Is Win for Trumka." Wall Street Journal. August 16, 2010.
  33. "AFL-CIO Wins Back United Food and Commercial Workers." Wall Street Journal. August 8, 2013.
  34. Jamieson, Dave. "NFL Players Union Rejoins AFL-CIO." Huffington Post. August 29, 2011.
  35. Massey, Daniel. "City Taxi Drivers' Organization Joins AFL-CIO." Crain's New York Business. October 20, 2011.
  36. "Longshore Union Pulls Out of National AFL-CIO." Associated Press. August 31, 2013.
  37. Article III: Affiliates. Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  38. Article III, Section 1, Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  39. Article III, Section 4(a), Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  40. Article III, Section 5, Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  41. Article III, Section 7, Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  42. Article X, Section 8
  43. Article X, Section 17
  44. Article III, Section 8, Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  45. "AFL-CIO Leaders Endorse Plan to Create Coordinating Bodies for Contracts, Organizing." Labor Relations Week. July 14, 2005; "Executive Council Approves Plan, Budget to Increase Support for Organizing, Politics." Labor Relations Week. June 30, 2005.
  46. Article IV: Convention. Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  47. Article X: Executive Council. Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  48. Article XI: General Board. Constitution of the AFL–CIO.
  49. Web site: Inactive Organizations . UMD Labor Collections . University of Maryland . 18 April 2022.
  50. Book: Directory of National and International Labor Unions in the United States . 1957 . United States Department of Labor . Washington, D.C. . 18 April 2022.
  51. Book: Directory of National Unions and Employee Associations . 1980 . United States Department of Labor . Washington DC . 3 May 2022.