List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family explained

The following is a list of widely known trees and shrubs. Taxonomic families for the following trees and shrubs are listed in alphabetical order, likewise the genera and closely related species. The list currently includes 1352 species.

Least-concern species
Vulnerable species
Endangered species
Critically endangered


  • Conifers
    • Araucariaceae: monkey-puzzle family
    • Cupressaceae: cypress family
    • Pinaceae: pine family
    • Podocarpaceae: podocarp family
    • Sciadopityaceae: umbrella pine family
    • Taxaceae: yew family
  • Cycads
    • Cycadaceae: cycad family
  • Maidenhair trees
    • Ginkgoaceae: maidenhair family
class=unsortableScientific nameCommon nameFamilyFIA Code (US)Conservation status
Agathis australiskauri; New Zealand kauriAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Agathis lanceolatared kauriAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Agathis robustaQueensland kauri; smooth bark kauri; Dundathu pineAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Araucaria angustifoliaParaná pineAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Araucaria araucanamonkey-puzzleAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Araucaria bidwilliibunya-bunyaAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Araucaria columnarisCook pineAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Araucaria cunninghamiiMoreton Bay pine; hoop pineAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Araucaria heterophyllaNorfolk Island pineAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Araucaria hunsteiniiklinkiAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Wollemia nobiliswollemiaAraucariaceae (monkey-puzzle family)
Athrotaxis cupressoidespencil pineCupressaceae (cypress family)
Athrotaxis selaginoidesKing Billy pineCupressaceae (cypress family)
Callitris columellariswhite cypress-pine; Murray River cypress-pine; northern cypress-pineCupressaceae (cypress family)
Callitris preissiiRottnest Island cypress-pineCupressaceae (cypress family)
Callitris verrucosamallee cypress-pine; sandhill pine; scrub cypress pineCupressaceae (cypress family)
Calocedrus decurrensCalifornia incense-cedarCupressaceae (cypress family)81
Chamaecyparis lawsonianaLawson's cypress; Port Orford-cedarCupressaceae (cypress family)41
Chamaecyparis nootkatensisNootka cypress; Alaska-cedar; yellow-cedarCupressaceae (cypress family)42
Chamaecyparis obtusahinoki cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Chamaecyparis pisiferasawara cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Chamaecyparis thyoideswhite cypress; Atlantic white cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)43
Cryptomeria japonicaSugi; Japanese cedarCupressaceae (cypress family)
Cunninghamia lanceolataCunninghamia; China-firCupressaceae (cypress family)
Cupressus arizonica stephensoniiCuyamaca cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Cupressus forbesiiTecate cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Cupressus × leylandiiLeyland cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Cupressus macrocarpaMonterey cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Cupressus sempervirensMediterranean cypress; Italian cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Glyptostrobus pensilisChinese swamp cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus asheiAshe's juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)61
Juniperus chinensisChinese juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus communiscommon juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus drupaceaSyrian juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus excelsaGreek juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus foetidissimafoetid juniper; stinking juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus occidentaliswestern juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)64
Juniperus oxycedrusprickly juniper; cade juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus sabinasavin juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)
Juniperus scopulorumRocky Mountain juniperCupressaceae (cypress family)66
Juniperus silicicolasouthern redcedarCupressaceae (cypress family)67
Juniperus virginianaeastern redcedarCupressaceae (cypress family)68
Metasequoia glyptostroboidesdawn redwoodCupressaceae (cypress family)
Platycladus orientalisOriental arborvitaeCupressaceae (cypress family)
Sequoia sempervirenscoast redwood; California redwood; giant redwoodCupressaceae (cypress family)211
Sequoiadendron giganteumgiant sequoia; big treeCupressaceae (cypress family)212
Taiwania cryptomerioidesTaiwaniaCupressaceae (cypress family)
(Taxodium distichum var. nutans)pond cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Taxodium distichumbald cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)221
Taxodium mucronatumMontezuma cypressCupressaceae (cypress family)
Thuja occidentaliseastern arborvitaeCupressaceae (cypress family)241
Thuja plicatagiant arborvitaeCupressaceae (cypress family)242
Abies albaEuropean silver firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies amabilisPacific silver firPinaceae (pine family)11
Abies balsameabalsam firPinaceae (pine family)12
Abies beshanzuensisBaishanzu firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies borisii-regisBulgarian firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies bracteataSanta Lucia firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies cephalonicaGreek firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies chensiensisShensi firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies cilicicaCilician firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies concolorwhite firPinaceae (pine family)15
Abies delavayiDelavay's firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies delavayi subsp. fansipanensisFansipan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies densaBhutan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies durangensisDurango firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies fabriFaber's firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies fanjingshanensisFanjingshan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies fargesiiFarges' firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies firmamomi firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies flinckiiJalisco firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies forrestiiForrest's firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies fraseriFraser firPinaceae (pine family)16
Abies grandisgrand firPinaceae (pine family)17
Abies guatemalensisGuatemalan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies hickeliiHickel's firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies hidalgensisHidalgo firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies holophyllaManchurian firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies homolepisNikko firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies jaliscanaJalisco firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies kawakamiiTaiwan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies koreanaKorean firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies lasiocarpaalpine fir; subalpine firPinaceae (pine family)19
Abies magnificared fir; California mountain firPinaceae (pine family)20
Abies mariesiiMaries' firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies milleriMiller's fir (fossil)Pinaceae (pine family)
Abies nebrodensisSicilian firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies nephrolepisKhingan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies nordmannianaCaucasian fir; Nordmann firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojaniTurkish firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies numidicaAlgerian firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies pindrowpindrow firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies pinsapoSpanish firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies recurvataMin FirPinaceae (pine family)
Abies religiosaoyamel firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies proceranoble firPinaceae (pine family)22
Abies sachalinensisSakhalin firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies sibiricaSiberian firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies spectabilisEast Himalayan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies squamataFlaky FirPinaceae (pine family)
Abies veitchiiVeitch's firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies vejariiVejar's firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies yuanbaoshanensisYuanbaoshan firPinaceae (pine family)
Abies ziyuanensisZhiyuan firPinaceae (pine family)
Cathaya argyrophyllaCathay Silver-firPinaceae (pine family)
Cedrus atlanticaAtlas cedarPinaceae (pine family)
Cedrus brevifoliaCyprus cedarPinaceae (pine family)
Cedrus deodaradeodar cedarPinaceae (pine family)
Cedrus libanicedar of Lebanon; Lebanon cedarPinaceae (pine family)
Keteleeria davidianaDavid's keteleeriaPinaceae (pine family)
Keteleeria evelynianaEvelyn's keteleeriaPinaceae (pine family)
Keteleeria fortuneiFortune's keteleeriaPinaceae (pine family)
Larix deciduaEuropean larchPinaceae (pine family)
Larix gmeliniiDahurian larchPinaceae (pine family)
Larix griffithiiSikkim larchPinaceae (pine family)
Larix kaempferiJapanese larchPinaceae (pine family)
Larix laricinatamarack; eastern larchPinaceae (pine family)71
Larix lyalliialpine larchPinaceae (pine family)72
Larix mastersianamasters larchPinaceae (pine family)
Larix occidentaliswestern larchPinaceae (pine family)73
Larix potaniniiChinese larchPinaceae (pine family)
Larix sibiricaSiberian larchPinaceae (pine family)
Nothotsuga longibracteatabristlecone hemlockPinaceae (pine family)
Picea abiesNorway sprucePinaceae (pine family)91
Picea alcoquianaAlcock's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea asperatadragon sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea aurantiacaorange sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea brachytylaSargent's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea brewerianaBrewer's sprucePinaceae (pine family)92
Picea chihuahuanaChihuahua sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea crassifoliaQinghai sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea engelmanniiEngelmann sprucePinaceae (pine family)93
Picea farreriBurmese sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea glaucawhite sprucePinaceae (pine family)94
Picea glehniiGlehn's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea jezoensisJezo sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea koraiensisKorean sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea koyamaeKoyama's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea likiangensisLikiang sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea marianablack sprucePinaceae (pine family)95
Picea martineziiMartinez sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea maximowicziiMaximowicz's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea meyeriMeyer's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea morrisonicolaTaiwan sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea neoveitchiiVeitch's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea obovataSiberian sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea omorikaSerbian sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea orientalisCaucasian sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea politatiger-tail sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea pungensblue sprucePinaceae (pine family)96
Picea purpureapurple-cone sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea retroflexagreen dragon sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea rubensred sprucePinaceae (pine family)97
Picea schrenkianaSchrenk's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea sitchensisSitka sprucePinaceae (pine family)98
Picea smithianaMorinda spruce; West Himalayan sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea spinulosaSikkim sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Picea wilsoniiWilson's sprucePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus albicauliswhitebark pinePinaceae (pine family)101
Pinus amamianaYakushima white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus aristataRocky Mountains bristlecone pinePinaceae (pine family)102
Pinus arizonicaArizona pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus armandiiChinese white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus attenuataknobcone pinePinaceae (pine family)103
Pinus ayacahuiteMexican white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus balfourianafoxtail pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus banksianajack pinePinaceae (pine family)105
Pinus bhutanicaBhutan white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus brutiaCalabrian pine; Turkish pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus bungeanaLacebark pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus canariensisCanary Island pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus caribaeaCaribbean pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus cembraSwiss pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus cembroidesMexican pinyonPinaceae (pine family)140
Pinus cernuaNAPinaceae (pine family)
Pinus chiapensisChiapas pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus clausasand pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus contorta subsp. contortashore pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus contorta subsp. latifolialodgepole pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus cooperiCooper's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus coulteriCoulter pine; bigcone pinePinaceae (pine family)109
Pinus cubensisCuban pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus culminicolaPotosí piñónPinaceae (pine family)
Pinus dabeshanensisDabieshan white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus dalatensisVietnamese white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus densataSikang pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus densifloraJapanese red pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus devonianaMichoacán pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus douglasianaDouglas pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus durangensisDurango pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus echinatashortleaf pinePinaceae (pine family)110
Pinus edulispinyon; Colorado pinyonPinaceae (pine family)106
Pinus elliottiislash pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus engelmanniiApache pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus fenzelianaHainan white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus flexilislimber pinePinaceae (pine family)113
Pinus gerardianaChilghoza pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus glabraspruce pinePinaceae (pine family)115
Pinus greggiiGregg's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus × hakkodensisHakkōda pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus halepensisAleppo pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus hartwegiiHartweg's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus heldreichiiBosnian pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus henryiHenry's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus herreraeHerrera's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus hwangshanensisHuangshan pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus jaliscanaJalisco pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus jeffreyiJeffrey pinePinaceae (pine family)116
Pinus johannisJohann's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus kesiyaKhasi pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus koraiensisKorean pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus krempfiiKrempf's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus lambertianasugar pinePinaceae (pine family)117
Pinus latteriTenasserim pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus lawsoniiLawson's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus leiophyllaChihuahua pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus longaevaancient bristlecone pine; Methuselah pine; long-lived pinePinaceae (pine family)142
Pinus luchuensisLuchu pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus lumholtziiLumholtz's weeping pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus luzmariaethree-needled egg-cone pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus maestrensisSierra Maestra pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus massonianaChinese red pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus maximartineziibig-cone pinyonPinaceae (pine family)
Pinus maximinoithinleaf pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus merkusiiSumatran pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus monophyllasingle-leaf pinePinaceae (pine family)133
Pinus montezumaeMontezuma pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus monticolawestern white pinePinaceae (pine family)119
Pinus morrisonicolaTaiwan white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus mugomugo pine; Swiss mountain pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus muricatabishop pinePinaceae (pine family)120
Pinus nelsoniiNelson's pinyonPinaceae (pine family)
Pinus nigra subsp. nigraEuropean black pine; Austrian pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus nigra subsp. salzmanniiCevennes black pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii var. corsicanaCorsican pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus occidentalisHispaniolan pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus oocarpaegg-cone pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus orizabensisOrizaba pinyonPinaceae (pine family)
Pinus palustrislongleaf pinePinaceae (pine family)121
Pinus parvifloraJapanese white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus patulajelecote pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus peuceMacedonian pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus pinastermaritime pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus pineaEuropean stone pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus ponderosaponderosa pinePinaceae (pine family)122
Pinus praetermissaMexican scrub pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus pringleiPringle's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus pseudostrobussmooth-bark Mexican pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus pumiladwarf Siberian pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus pungenstable mountain pinePinaceae (pine family)123
Pinus quadrifoliaParry pinyonPinaceae (pine family)
Pinus radiataMonterey pinePinaceae (pine family)124
Pinus remotaTexas pinyonPinaceae (pine family)
Pinus resinosared pinePinaceae (pine family)125
Pinus rigidapitch pinePinaceae (pine family)126
Pinus roxburghiiChir pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus rzedowskiiRzedowski's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus sabinianagray pinePinaceae (pine family)127
Pinus serotinapond pine; swamp pinePinaceae (pine family)128
Pinus sibiricaSiberian pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus squamataQiaojia pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus strobiformissouthwestern white pinePinaceae (pine family)114
Pinus strobuseastern white pinePinaceae (pine family)129
Pinus stylesiiStyles's white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus sylvestrisScots pinePinaceae (pine family)130
Pinus tabuliformisChinese pine; Chinese red pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus taedaloblolly pinePinaceae (pine family)131
Pinus taiwanensisTaiwan red pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus tecunumaniiTecun Uman's pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus teocoteAztec pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus thunbergiiJapanese black pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus torreyanaTorrey pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus tropicalistropical pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus vallartensisPuerto Vallarta pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus virginianaVirginia pinePinaceae (pine family)132
Pinus wallichianablue pine; Bhutan pine; Himalayan pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus wangiiGuangdong white pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pinus yunnanensisYunnan pinePinaceae (pine family)
Pseudolarix amabilisgolden-larchPinaceae (pine family)
Pseudolarix wehriiWehr's false larch (fossil)Pinaceae (pine family)
Pseudolarix arnoldiiArnold's false larch (fossil)Pinaceae (pine family)
Pseudotsuga japonicaJapanese Douglas-firPinaceae (pine family)
Pseudotsuga macrocarpabigcone Douglas-firPinaceae (pine family)201
Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas-fir; common douglas-firPinaceae (pine family)202
Pseudotsuga menziesii subsp. glabrablue Douglas-firPinaceae (pine family)
Pseudotsuga sinensisChinese Douglas-firPinaceae (pine family)
Tsuga canadensiseastern hemlock; Canadian hemlockPinaceae (pine family)261
Tsuga carolinianaCarolina hemlockPinaceae (pine family)262
Tsuga chinensisChinese hemlock Pinaceae (pine family)
Tsuga diversifoliaNorthern Japanese hemlock Pinaceae (pine family)
Tsuga dumosaHimalayan hemlock Pinaceae (pine family)
Tsuga forrestiiForest HemlockPinaceae (pine family)
Tsuga heterophyllawestern hemlockPinaceae (pine family)263
Tsuga mertensianamountain hemlockPinaceae (pine family)264
Tsuga sieboldiisouthern Japanese hemlockPinaceae (pine family)
Tsuga ulleungensisUlleungdo hemlockPinaceae (pine family)
Afrocarpus graciliormusengera; zigbaPodocarpaceae (podocarp family)
Dacrycarpus dacrydioideskahikateaPodocarpaceae (podocarp family)
Dacrydium cupressinumrimuPodocarpaceae (podocarp family)
Podocarpus graciliorEast African yellowwoodPodocarpaceae (podocarp family)
Podocarpus henkeliilong-leafed yellowwoodPodocarpaceae (podocarp family)
Podocarpus macrophylluskusamaki; inumakiPodocarpaceae (podocarp family)
Podocarpus neriifoliusoleander-leaf podocarpPodocarpaceae (podocarp family)
Sciadopitys verticillatakoyamaki; umbrella-pineSciadopityaceae (umbrella pine family)
Taxus baccataEuropean yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus brevifoliaPacific yewTaxaceae (yew family)231
Taxus canadensisCanada yew; American yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus chinensisChinese yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus cuspidataJapanese yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus floridanaFlorida yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus globosaMexican yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus × mediahybrid yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus sumatranaSumatran yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Taxus wallichianaHimalayan yewTaxaceae (yew family)
Torreya californicaCalifornia TorreyaTaxaceae (yew family)251
Torreya taxifoliaFlorida torreyaTaxaceae (yew family)
Cycas circinalisGuamanian cycadCycadaceae (cycad family)
Cycas micronesicaMicronesian cycadCycadaceae (cycad family)
Cycas pruinosapowdery cycadCycadaceae (cycad family)
Cycas revolutasago cycadCycadaceae (cycad family)
Cycas thouarsiiMalagasy sago palmCycadaceae (cycad family)

bread trees

Encephalartos natalensisNatal cycadCycadaceae (cycad family)
Ginkgo bilobaginkgo; Japanese maidenhairGinkgoaceae (maidenhair family)561


  • Hardwoods
    • Aceraceae: maple family
    • Agavaceae: agave family
    • Anacardiaceae: cashew family
    • Annonaceae: custard apple family
    • Apocynaceae: dogbane family
    • Aquifoliaceae: holly family
    • Araliaceae: ginseng family
    • Arecaceae: palm family
    • Asphodelaceae: asphodel family
    • Asteraceae: sunflower family
    • Berberidaceae: barberry family
    • Betulaceae: birch family
    • Bignoniaceae: trumpet creeper family
    • Bombacaceae: bombax family
    • Boraginaceae: borage family
    • Burseraceae: bursera family
    • Buxaceae: box family
    • Canellaceae: wild cinnamon family
    • Cannabaceae: hemp family
  • Capparidaceae: caper family
  • Caprifoliaceae: honeysuckle family
  • Caricaceae: papaya family
  • Casuarinaceae: casuarina family
  • Celastraceae: bittersweet family
  • Cercidiphyllaceae: katsura family
  • Chrysobalanaceae: coco plum family
  • Clusiaceae: St. John's wort family
  • Combretaceae: combretum family
  • Cornaceae: dogwood family
  • Cyrillaceae: titi family
  • Davidsoniaceae: Davidson's plum family
  • Ebenaceae: ebony family
  • Elaeagnaceae: oleaster family
  • Ericaceae: heath family
  • Euphorbiaceae: spurge family
  • Fabaceae: legume family (peas)
  • Fagaceae: beech family
  • Grossulariaceae: gooseberry family
  • Hamamelidaceae: witch hazel family
  • Hippocastanaceae: buckeye family
  • Illiciaceae: anise-tree family
  • Juglandaceae: walnut family
  • Lauraceae: laurel family
  • Lecythidaceae: lecythis family
  • Lythraceae: loosestrife family
  • Magnoliaceae: magnolia family
  • Malpighiaceae: malpighia family
  • Malvaceae: mallow family
  • Melastomataceae: melastome family
  • Meliaceae: mahogany family
  • Moraceae: mulberry family
  • Moringaceae: moringa family
  • Muntingiaceae: strawberry-tree family
  • Myoporaceae: myoporum family
  • Myricaceae: bayberry family
  • Myrsinaceae: myrsine family
  • Myrtaceae: myrtle family
  • Nothofagaceae: southern beech family
  • Nyctaginaceae: four o'clock family
  • Nyssaceae: sourgum family
  • Olacaceae: olax family
  • Oleaceae: olive family
  • Oxalidaceae: wood sorrel family
  • Pandanaceae: screwpine family
  • Papaveraceae: poppy family
  • Phyllanthaceae: gooseberry tree family
  • Pittosporaceae: pittosporum family
  • Platanaceae: sycamore family
  • Poaceae: grass family
  • Polygonaceae: knotweed family
  • Proteaceae: protea family
  • Punicaceae: pomegranate family
  • Rhamnaceae: buckthorn family
  • Rhizophoraceae: mangrove family
  • Rosaceae: rose family
  • Rubiaceae: madder family
  • Rutaceae: citrus family
  • Salicaceae: willow family
  • Sapindaceae: soapberry family
  • Sapotaceae: sapodilla family
  • Simaroubaceae: quassia family
  • Solanaceae: nightshade family
  • Staphyleaceae: bladdernut family
  • Sterculiaceae: sterculia family
  • Strelitziaceae: bird-of-paradise family
  • Styracaceae: storax family
  • Surianaceae: bay cedar family
  • Symplocaceae: sweetleaf family
  • Tamaricaceae: tamarisk family
  • Theaceae: tea family
  • Theophrastaceae: theophrasta family
  • Thymelaeaceae: mezereum family
  • Tiliaceae: basswood family
  • Ulmaceae: elm family
  • Verbenaceae: verbena family
Scientific name!Common name!Family!FIA Code (US)!Conservation status
Acer amplumbroad mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer argutumdeep-veined mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer floridanumFlorida maple; southern sugar mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer barbinervebearded mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer buergerianumtrident mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer caesiumHimalayan mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer campbelliiCampbell's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer campestrefield mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer capillipesKyushu maple; red snakebark mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer cappadocicumCappadocian maple; Caucasian maple; coliseum mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer carpinifoliumhornbeam-leaved mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer caudatifoliumKawakami mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer caudatumtail-leaf mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer cinnamomifoliumleatherleaf maple; Yunnan mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer circinatumvine mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer cissifoliumvine-leaved mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer crataegifoliumhawthorn-leaved maple; hawthorn mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer creticumCretan mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer davidiiDavid's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer diabolicumhorned mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer discolorChinese maple; Hunan mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer distylumlime-leaved mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer elegantulumelegant mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer eucalyptoideseucalyptus maple; gum mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer fabriFaber's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer fenzelianumFenzl's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer forrestiiForrest's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer ginnalaAmur mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer giraldiiGirald's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer glabrumRocky Mountain maple; Douglas mapleAceraceae (maple family)321
Acer granatenseSpanish mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer grandidentatumbigtooth maple; canyon mapleAceraceae (maple family)322
Acer griseumpaperbark mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer grosseriGrosser's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer heldreichiiHeldreich's maple; Greek mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer henryiHenry's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer hyrcanumBalkan mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer japonicumdowny Japanese maple; fullmoon mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer laevigatumsmoothbark mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer leucodermechalk mapleAceraceae (maple family)323
Acer lobeliiLobel's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer macrophyllumOregon maple; bigleaf mapleAceraceae (maple family)312
Acer mandshuricumManchurian mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer maximowiczianumNikko mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer maximowicziiMaximowicz's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer miyabeiMiyabe's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer monspessulanumMontpelier mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer negundoash-leaf maple; boxelder; Manitoba mapleAceraceae (maple family)313
Acer nigrumblack mapleAceraceae (maple family)314
Acer nipponicumNippon mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer obtusifoliumSyrian mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer oliverianumOliver's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer opalusItalian mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer palmatumJapanese mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer pensylvanicumstriped maple; moosewoodAceraceae (maple family)315
Acer pictum subsp. monopainted mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer platanoidesNorway mapleAceraceae (maple family)320
Acer pseudoplatanussycamore mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer pseudosieboldianumKorean mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer rubrumred mapleAceraceae (maple family)316
Acer rufinerveredvein mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer saccharinumsilver mapleAceraceae (maple family)317
Acer saccharumsugar mapleAceraceae (maple family)318
Acer sempervirensCretan mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer shirasawanumShirasawa's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer sieboldianumSiebold's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer sinenseCampbell's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer skutchiiSkutch's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer spicatummountain maple; moose mapleAceraceae (maple family)319
Acer stachyophyllumbirch-leaved mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer tataricumTatar mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer trautvetterired-bud maple; Trautvetter's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer triflorumthree-flowered mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer truncatumShandong mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer ukurunduenseUkurundu mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer velutinumvelvet mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Acer wilsoniiWilson's mapleAceraceae (maple family)
Cordyline australiscabbage treeAgavaceae (agave family)
Furcraea roezliifurcraea treeAgavaceae (agave family)
Nolina recurvatabottle palm; ponytail palmAgavaceae (agave family)
Yucca aloifoliaSpanish bayonetAgavaceae (agave family)
Yucca brevifoliaJoshua treeAgavaceae (agave family)
Yucca elephantipesgiant yuccaAgavaceae (agave family)
Yucca gloriosamoundlily yuccaAgavaceae (agave family)
Yucca torreyiTorrey's yucca; great yuccaAgavaceae (agave family)
Anacardium occidentalecashewAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Cotinus coggygriacommon smoke treeAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Cotinus obovatusAmerican smoke treeAnacardiaceae (cashew family)996
Harpephyllum afrumSouth African wild plumAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Mangifera caesiajack; binjai; Malaysian mangoAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Mangifera foetidahorse mangoAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Mangifera indicacommon mango; Indian mangoAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Mangifera odoratakuweni mango; kuwini; Saipan mango; fragrant mangoAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Mangifera persiciformispeach mangoAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Mangifera siamensisThai mangoAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Mangifera sylvaticaHimalayan mango; pickling mango; Nepal mangoAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Metopium browneiblack poisonwoodAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Metopium toxiferumFlorida poisonwoodAnacardiaceae (cashew family)886
Pistacia chinensisChinese pistachioAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Pistacia terebinthusterebinth; Old World turpentine treeAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Pistacia verapistachioAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Rhus copallinawinged sumac; shiny sumacAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Rhus glabrasmooth sumacAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Rhus typhinastaghorn sumacAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Schinus mollePeruvian pepper treeAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Schinus terebinthifoliusBrazilian pepper treeAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Spondias dulcisTahitian apple; Otaheite apple; golden apple; ambarellaAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Spondias mombinyellow mombin; Javanese hog plumAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Spondias purpureared mombin; Spanish hog plumAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Spondias tuberosaumbú; imbu; Brazilian hog plumAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron vernixpoison sumacAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron vernicifluumChinese lacquer treeAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron succedaneumJapanese Hazenoki treeAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron striatummanzanilloAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron rydbergiiwestern poison ivyAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron radicanseastern poison ivyAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron pubescensAtlantic poison oakAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron parviflorumsmall-flowered poison sumacAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron diversilobumPacific poison oakAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Toxicodendron calcicolumAnacardiaceae (cashew family)
Annona cherimolacherimoyaAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Annona glabrapond appleAnnonaceae (custard apple family)853
Annona reticulatacustard apple; bullock's heart; bull's heart; cashiman; sitaphal; shareefahAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Annona squamosasweetsop; sugar-appleAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina angustifoliaslimleaf pawpawAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina incanawoolly pawpawAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina obovatabigflower pawpawAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina parviflorasmallflower pawpawAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina pygmaeadwarf pawpawAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina reticulatanetted pawpawAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina tetramerafourpetal pawpawAnnonaceae (custard apple family)
Asimina trilobacommon pawpaw; prairie bananaAnnonaceae (custard apple family)367
Cascabela thevetiaPeruvian oleander; lucky nut; yellow oleanderApocynaceae (dogbane family)
Cascabela thevetioidesgiant thevetia; be-still treeApocynaceae (dogbane family)
Nerium oleanderoleanderApocynaceae (dogbane family)
Plumeria albawhite frangipaniApocynaceae (dogbane family)
Plumeria inodoraodorless frangipaniApocynaceae (dogbane family)
Plumeria obtusaSingapore frangipaniApocynaceae (dogbane family)
Plumeria rubrared frangipani; temple treeApocynaceae (dogbane family)
Ilex ambiguaCarolina hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex amelanchierserviceberry holly; sarvis hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex aquifoliumEuropean hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex cassinedahoonAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex coriaceasweet gallberry; large gallberry hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex cornutaChinese hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex deciduapossumhaw; possumhaw hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex krugianatawnyberry hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex laevigatasmooth winterberryAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex longipesGeorgia hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex montanamountain winterberryAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex myrtifoliamyrtle-leaved hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex opacaAmerican hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)591
Ilex verticillatacommon winterberryAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Ilex vomitoriayaupon; yaupon hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Nemopanthus mucronatusmountain holly; alpine hollyAquifoliaceae (holly family)
Aralia elataJapanese angelica tree; Japanese araliaAraliaceae (ginseng family)
Aralia spinosaDevil's walkingstickAraliaceae (ginseng family)
Cussonia spicataspiked cabbage treeAraliaceae (ginseng family)
Didymopanax morototoniyagrumo machoAraliaceae (ginseng family)
Meryta sinclairiipuka; pukanuiAraliaceae (ginseng family)
Heptapleurum actinophyllumoctopus tree; umbrella treeAraliaceae (ginseng family)
Acoelorraphe wrightiiEverglades palmArecaceae (palm family)
Archontophoenix alexandraeAlexandra palmArecaceae (palm family)
Archontophoenix cunninghamianaking palmArecaceae (palm family)
Arenga engleriFormosa palmArecaceae (palm family)
Bactris gasipaespejibaye palmArecaceae (palm family)
Bismarckia nobilisBismarck palmArecaceae (palm family)
Brahea armataMexican blue palmArecaceae (palm family)
Brahea brandegeeiSan Jose hesper palmArecaceae (palm family)
Brahea edulisGuadalupe palmArecaceae (palm family)
Butia capitatajelly pindo palmArecaceae (palm family)
Butia yatayyatay pindo palmArecaceae (palm family)
Caryota gigasThai mountain fishtail palmArecaceae (palm family)
Chamaerops humilisMediterranean fan palmArecaceae (palm family)
Cocos nuciferacoconut palmArecaceae (palm family)
Dypsis decaryitriangle palmArecaceae (palm family)
Dypsis lutescenscane palm; yellow palmArecaceae (palm family)
Howea forsterianakentia palmArecaceae (palm family)
Hyophorbe verschaffeltiispindle palmArecaceae (palm family)
Jubaea chilensisChilean wine palmArecaceae (palm family)
Livistona chinensisChinese fan palmArecaceae (palm family)
Livistona decipiensribbon fan palmArecaceae (palm family)
Lodoicea maldivicacoco de mer palm; Maldive coconut; double coconutArecaceae (palm family)
Phoenix canariensisCanary Island palmArecaceae (palm family)
Phoenix dactyliferadate palmArecaceae (palm family)
Phoenix reclinataSenegal date palmArecaceae (palm family)
Phoenix roebeleniipygmy date palmArecaceae (palm family)
Phoenix rupicolacliff date palmArecaceae (palm family)
Phytelephas aequatorialisivory nut palmArecaceae (palm family)
Phytelephas macrocarpatagua palmArecaceae (palm family)
Raphia fariniferaraffia palmArecaceae (palm family)
Ravenea rivularismajesty palmArecaceae (palm family)
Rhapis excelsalady palmArecaceae (palm family)
Rhapis humilisslender lady palmArecaceae (palm family)
Rhopalostylis baueriNorfolk Island palmArecaceae (palm family)
Rhopalostylis sapidanikau palmArecaceae (palm family)
Roystonea elataFlorida royal palmArecaceae (palm family)
Roystonea regiaCuban royal palmArecaceae (palm family)
Sabal causiarumPuerto Rican hat palmArecaceae (palm family)
Sabal palmettocabbage palmettoArecaceae (palm family)912
Sabal roseiLlanos palmettoArecaceae (palm family)
Sabal uresanaSonoran palmettoArecaceae (palm family)
Serenoa repenssaw palmettoArecaceae (palm family)
Syagrus romanzoffianaqueen palmArecaceae (palm family)
Trachycarpus fortuneiChusan palmArecaceae (palm family)
Washingtonia filiferaCalifornia fan palmArecaceae (palm family)
Washingtonia robustaMexican fan palmArecaceae (palm family)
Wodyetia bifurcatafoxtail palmArecaceae (palm family)
Aloidendron barberaegiant tree aloeAsphodelaceae (asphodel family)
Aloidendron dichotomumquiver treeAsphodelaceae (asphodel family)
Baccharis halimifoliaeastern baccharis; groundsel bush; silverlingAsteraceae (sunflower family)
Brachylaena huillensismuhuhuAsteraceae (sunflower family)
Lepidaploa polypleuraAsteraceae (sunflower family)
Montanoa hexagonaAsteraceae (sunflower family)
Montanoa revealiiAsteraceae (sunflower family)
Telanthophora uspantanensisAsteraceae (sunflower family)
Nandina domesticaheavenly bamboo; sacred bambooBerberidaceae (barberry family)
Alnus acuminataAndean alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus alnobetulagreen alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus cordataItalian alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus cremastogynelong peduncled alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus formosanaFormosan alder; Formosa alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus fruticosaSiberian alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus glutinosaEuropean alderBetulaceae (birch family)355
Alnus incanagrey alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus japonicaJapanese alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus jorullensisMexican alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus maritimaseaside alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus nepalensisNepalese alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus nitidaHimalayan alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus oblongifoliaArizona alderBetulaceae (birch family)353
Alnus orientalisOriental alder; Syrian alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus rhombifoliawhite alderBetulaceae (birch family)352
Alnus rubrared alderBetulaceae (birch family)351
Alnus rugosaspeckled alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus serrulatacommon alder; hazel alder; tag alder; smooth alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus sinuataSitka alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus subcordataCaucasian alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Alnus tenuifoliamountain alder; thin-leaf alderBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula × caeruleablue birch; blueleaf birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula albosinensisChinese red birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula alleghaniensisyellow birchBetulaceae (birch family)371
Betula alnoidesalder-leaf birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula austrosinensisSouth China birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula chinensisChinese dwarf birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula cordifoliamountain paper birch; heartleaf birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula ermaniiErman's birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula glandulosaAmerican dwarf birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula grossaJapanese cherry birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula jacquemontiiwhite-barked Himalayan birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula kenaicaKenai birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula lentasweet birch; cherry birch; black birchBetulaceae (birch family)372
Betula mandschuricaManchurian birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula maximowicziimonarch birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula medwediewiiCaucasian birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula michauxiiNewfoundland dwarf birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula nanadwarf birch; bog birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula neoalaskanaAlaska birch; Yukon birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula nigrariver birchBetulaceae (birch family)373
Betula occidentaliswater birch; western birch; red birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula papyriferapaper birch; canoe birch; American white birchBetulaceae (birch family)375
Betula pendulasilver birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula platyphyllaSiberian silver birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula populifoliagray birchBetulaceae (birch family)379
Betula pubescensdowny birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula pumilaswamp birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula szechuanicaSichuan birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula uberAshe's birch; Virginia birch; roundleaf birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Betula utilisHimalayan birchBetulaceae (birch family)
Carpinus betulusEuropean hornbeamBetulaceae (birch family)
Carpinus carolinianaAmerican hornbeamBetulaceae (birch family)391
Corylus americanaAmerican hazel; American hazelnutBetulaceae (birch family)
Corylus avellanacommon hazelBetulaceae (birch family)
Corylus colurnaTurkish hazelBetulaceae (birch family)
Corylus cornutabeaked hazel; beaked hazelnutBetulaceae (birch family)
Corylus maximafilbertBetulaceae (birch family)
Ostrya carpinifoliaEuropean hop-hornbeamBetulaceae (birch family)
Ostrya virginianaAmerican hop-hornbeam; ironwoodBetulaceae (birch family)701
Amphitecna latifoliablack calabashBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Catalpa bignonioidessouthern catalpaBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)451
Catalpa speciosanorthern catalpaBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)452
Handroanthus heptaphyllusBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Handroanthus impetiginosuspurple tabebuia; purple trumpet treeBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Jacaranda mimosifoliablue jacaranda; black pouiBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Kigelia africanaAfrican sausage treeBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Markhamia luteamarkhamia; Nile tulip tree; sialaBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Paulownia tomentosaempress tree; princess tree; foxglove tree; paulowniaBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)712
Radermachera sinicaChina doll tree; serpent treeBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Spathodea campanulataAfrican tulip treeBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Tabebuia caraibayellow tabebuiaBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Tabebuia chrysanthagolden trumpetBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Tabebuia chrysotrichagolden trumpetBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Tabebuia heterophyllapink trumpet treeBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Tabebuia rosearosy trumpet treeBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Tabebuia roseo-albaipê-branco; lapacho blancoBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Tecoma stansyellow elder; yellow bellsBignoniaceae (trumpet creeper family)
Adansonia digitataAfrican baobab; monkeybread treeBombacaceae (bombax family)
Adansonia grandidieriGrandidier's baobabBombacaceae (bombax family)
Adansonia gregoriiboab; Australian baobabBombacaceae (bombax family)
Adansonia madagascariensisMadagascar baobabBombacaceae (bombax family)
Adansonia perrieriPerrier's baobabBombacaceae (bombax family)
Adansonia rubrostipafony baobabBombacaceae (bombax family)
Adansonia suarezensisSuarez baobabBombacaceae (bombax family)
Adansonia zaza baobabBombacaceae (bombax family)
Bombax buonopozenseGold Coast bombax; red-flowered silk cotton treeBombacaceae (bombax family)
Bombax ceibacotton tree; tree cottonBombacaceae (bombax family)
Ceiba pentandrakapok tree; ceibaBombacaceae (bombax family)
Ceiba speciosafloss silk treeBombacaceae (bombax family)
Durio graveolensdurian merah; durian burongBombacaceae (bombax family)
Durio kutejensisdurian pulu; durian merah; nyekak; laiBombacaceae (bombax family)
Durio zibethinusdurian; civet fruitBombacaceae (bombax family)
Ochroma pyramidalebalsaBombacaceae (bombax family)
Bourreria ovataBahamian strongbarkBoraginaceae (borage family)
Bourreria radularough strongbarkBoraginaceae (borage family)
Cordia alliodoracapa prietoBoraginaceae (borage family)
Bursera simarubagumbo-limbo; West Indian birch; tourist treeBurseraceae (bursera family)854
Dacryodes excelsatabonucoBurseraceae (bursera family)
Buxus austro-yunnanensisYunnan boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus balearicaBalearic boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus colchicaGeorgian boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus hainanensisHainan boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus harlandiiHarland's boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus henryiHenry's boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus humbertiiHumbert's boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus hyrcanaCaspian boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus macowaniiCape boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus madagascaricaMadagascan boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus microphyllaJapanese boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus natalensisNatal boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus sempervirenscommon box; European boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus sinicaChinese boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus vahliiVahl's box; smooth boxBuxaceae (box family)
Buxus wallichianaHimalayan boxBuxaceae (box family)
Canella winteranapepper cinnamon; cinnamonbark; winter cinnamonCanellaceae (wild cinnamon family)
Celtis aetnensisSicilian hackberry; Mt. Etna hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis africanawhite stinkwoodCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis australisEuropean nettle tree; European hackberry; lote treeCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis bungeanaBunge's hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis caucasicaCaucasian hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis integrifoliaAfrican hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis japonicapseudo-hackberry; nakai; paeng-na-muCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis jessoensisJapanese hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis koraiensisKorean hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis labilisHubei hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis laevigatasouthern hackberry; sugar hackberry; sugarberryCannabaceae (hemp family)461
Celtis lindheimeriLindheimer hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis occidentaliscommon hackberry; northern hackberry; false elmCannabaceae (hemp family)462
Celtis pallidaspiny hackberry; granjenoCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis reticulatanet-leaved hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis sinensisChinese hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis talatalaCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis tenuifoliadwarf hackberry; Georgia hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Celtis tournefortiiOriental hackberryCannabaceae (hemp family)
Trema micranthaFlorida tremaCannabaceae (hemp family)
Trema orientalisOriental trema; nalitaCannabaceae (hemp family)
Capparis cynophallophoraJamaican caperCapparidaceae (caper family)
Capparis flexuosalimber caperCapparidaceae (caper family)
Capparis spinosacaperbush; caper bud; caper berry; prickly caperCapparidaceae (caper family)
Sambucus caeruleablue-berried elderCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Sambucus callicarpaPacific red-berried elderCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Sambucus canadensisAmerican elder; common elderberryCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Sambucus ebulusEuropean dwarf elderCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Sambucus melanocarpablack-berried elderCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Sambucus nigracommon elder; black elderCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Sambucus pubenseastern red-berried elderCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum burejaeticumManchurian viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum cassinoidespossumhaw; possumhaw viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum edulesquashberry; squashberry viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum lantanawayfaring viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum lentagonannyberryCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum nudumnaked possumhaw; naked possumhaw viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum obovatumsmall-leaf viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum opulusGuelder-roseCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum prunifoliumblackhaw viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum rufidulumrusty blackhaw; rusty viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum suspensumsandankwa; sandankwa viburnumCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
Viburnum trilobumcranberry viburnum; highbush cranberryCaprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family)
}! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Carica papaya| papaya| Caricaceae (papaya family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Casuarina cunninghamiana| Cunningham beefwood| Casuarinaceae (casuarina family)| | |-| Casuarina equisetifolia| Australian beefwood; horsetail casuarina; horsetail tree| Casuarinaceae (casuarina family)| | |-| Casuarina glauca| Brazilian beefwood| Casuarinaceae (casuarina family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Crossopetalum ilicifolium| Christmasberry; quail berry; ground holly| Celastraceae (bittersweet family)| | |-| Crossopetalum rhacoma| Florida crossopetalum; maidenberry| Celastraceae (bittersweet family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Euonymus alatus| winged spindle; winged euonymus| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-| Euonymus atropurpureus| burning bush| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-| Euonymus europaeus| European spindle| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-| Euonymus fortunei| Fortune's spindle; winter creeper euonymus| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-| Euonymus japonicus| Japanese spindle| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-| Euonymus occidentalis| western spindle| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Gyminda latifolia| West Indian false boxwood| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Maytenus phyllanthoides| Florida mayten; guttapercha mayten; leatherleaf| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Schaefferia frutescens| Florida boxwood| Celastraceae (spindle family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Cercidiphyllum japonicum| katsura| Cercidiphyllaceae (katsura family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Chrysobalanus icaco| coco plum| Chrysobalanaceae (coco plum family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Maranthes corymbosa| merbatu; sea beam| Chrysobalanaceae (coco plum family)| | |-| Maranthes panamensis| corozo; palo de gusano| Chrysobalanaceae (coco plum family)| | |-| Maranthes polyandra| pera morada; Mayan pear| Chrysobalanaceae (coco plum family)| | |-! colspan="5"|

See main article: List of Clusiaceae genera. |-!colspan="5"||-| Calophyllum calaba| Maria tree; Santa Maria tree| Clusiaceae (St. John's wort family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Clusia rosea| Florida clusia; rose clusia| Clusiaceae (St. John's wort family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Garcinia mangostana| mangosteen| Clusiaceae (St. John's wort family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Conocarpus erectus| button mangrove; false mangrove; Florida buttonwood; grey mangrove; Zaragoza mangrove| Combretaceae (combretum family)| 987| |-!colspan="5"||-| Laguncularia racemosa| white mangrove| Combretaceae (combretum family)| 988| |-!colspan="5"||-| Terminalia catappa| Indian almond| Combretaceae (combretum family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Cornus alternifolia| alternate-leaf dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus asperifolia| stiff cornel dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus drummondii| roughleaf dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus florida| flowering dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| 491| |-| Cornus kousa| Kousa dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus mas| cornelian dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus nuttallii| western flowering dogwood; Pacific flowering dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| 492| |-| Cornus racemosa| gray dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus sanguinea| common dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus stolonifera| red osier dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-| Cornus stricta| swamp dogwood| Cornaceae (dogwood family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Cliftonia monophylla| buckwheat tree; cliftonia| Cyrillaceae (titi family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cyrilla parvifolia| little-leaf cyrilla| Cyrillaceae (titi family)| | |-| Cyrilla racemiflora| titi; swamp cyrilla| Cyrillaceae (titi family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Davidsonia jerseyana| Davidson's plum; Mullumbimby plum| Davidsoniaceae (Davidson's plum family)| | |-| Davidsonia johnsonii| smooth Davidson's plum| Davidsoniaceae (Davidson's plum family)| | |-| Davidsonia pruriens| North Queensland Davidson's plum| Davidsoniaceae (Davidson's plum family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Diospyros digyna| black sapote| Ebenaceae (ebony family)| | |-| Diospyros ebenum| ebony; Indian ebony| Ebenaceae (ebony family)| | |-| Diospyros kaki| kaki; Japanese persimmon| Ebenaceae (ebony family)| | |-| Diospyros texana| Texas persimmon| Ebenaceae (ebony family)| 522| |-| Diospyros virginiana| American persimmon; eastern persimmon| Ebenaceae (ebony family)| 521| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Elaeagnus angustifolia| oleaster; Russian olive| Elaeagnaceae (oleaster family)| 997| |-| Elaeagnus commutata| silverberry| Elaeagnaceae (oleaster family)| | |-| Elaeagnus pungens| thorny olive; spotted elaeagnus; silverthorn| Elaeagnaceae (oleaster family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Hippophae rhamnoides| sea-buckthorn| Elaeagnaceae (oleaster family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Shepherdia argentea| silver buffalo berry| Elaeagnaceae (oleaster family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Arbutus menziesii| arbutus; madrone| Ericaceae (heath family)| 361| |-| Arbutus unedo| strawberry-tree| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Clethra accuminata| sweet pepperbush| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Elliottia racemosa| elliottia; southern plum| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Erica arborea| tree heath| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Kalmia latifolia| mountain laurel| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Lyonia ferruginea| tree lyonia| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Oxydendrum arboreum| sourwood| Ericaceae (heath family)| 711| |-!colspan="5"||-| Rhododendron albiflorum| white-flowered rhododendron| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Rhododendron calendulaceum| flame azalea| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Rhododendron catawbiense| purple laurel; Catawba rhododendron| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Rhododendron macrophyllum| Pacific rhododendron| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Rhododendron maximum| great rhododendron; rosebay rhododendron| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Rhododendron occidentale| western azalea; Pacific azalea| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Rhododendron periclymenoides| pinxterbloom azalea| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Rhododendron ponticum| Pontic rhododendron| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Vaccinium arboreum| sparkleberry; farkleberry| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-| Vaccinium corymbosum| highbush blueberry| Ericaceae (heath family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Aleurites fordii| tung tree| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-| Aleurites moluccanus| candlenut| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Drypetes diversifolia| milkbark| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-| Drypetes lateriflora| Guiana plum| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Euphorbia candelabrum| candelabra tree| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-| Euphorbia cotinifolia| Caribbean copper plant| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-| Euphorbia ingens| candelabra tree| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-| Euphorbia tetragona| naboom| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-| Euphorbia tirucalli| pencil spurge| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Gymnanthes lucida| crabwood| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Hevea brasiliensis| Pará rubber tree; rubber tree| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Hippomane mancinella| manchineel| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Manihot esculenta| cassava; manioc; manihot| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-| Manihot grahamii| wild cassava; Graham's cassava| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Sapium sebiferum| Chinese tallow tree| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Savia bahamensis| Bahamian maidenbush| Euphorbiaceae (spurge family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Acacia albida| winter thorn acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia aneura| mulga acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia angustissima| prairie acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea'| purple-leaf acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia choriophylla| cinnecord| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia crassifolia| butterfly-leafed acacia; bauhinia-leafed acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia dealbata| silver wattle| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia farnesiana| sweet acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 303| |-| Acacia greggii| catclaw acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia koa| koa| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia longifolia| Sydney golden wattle| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia macracantha| longspine acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia mearnsii| black wattle| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia melanoxylon| Australian blackwood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia pendula| weeping acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia pycnantha| golden wattle| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia tortilis| umbrella tree; tortilis| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia tortuosa| huisachillo| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Acacia xanthophloea| yellow-fever tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Albizia julibrissin| silk tree; Persian silk tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 345| |-| Albizia lebbeck| lebbeck; woman's tongue| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Albizia saman| saman; rain tree; monkeypod| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Bauhinia purpurea| purple orchid tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Bauhinia variegata| pink orchid tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Bauhinia variegata var. candida| white orchid tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Caesalpinia echinata| pau ferro; brazilwood; pau-brasil; pau de Pernambuco; Pernambuco tree; Nicaragua wood; ibirapitanga| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Caesalpinia mexicana| Mexican bird-of-paradise tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Caesalpinia pulcherrima| red bird-of-paradise tree; flowerfence poinciana| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Caragana arborescens| Siberian pea tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cassia leptophylla| gold medallion tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Centrolobium robustum| canary wood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Ceratonia siliqua| carob tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cercis canadensis| eastern redbud| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 471| |-| Cercis occidentalis| western redbud| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Cercis siliquastrum| Judas-tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cladrastis kentukea| Kentucky yellowwood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 481| |-!colspan="5"||-| Dalbergia bariensis| Burmese rosewood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia baronii| Madagascar rosewood; madaga| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia congestifloria| kingwood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia decipularis| tulipwood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia frutescens| pau rosa| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia latifolia| Indian rosewood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia melanoxylon| African blackwood; mpingo| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia retusa| cocobolo| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Dalbergia stevensonii| Honduran rosewood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Delonix regia| royal poinciana; flamboyant| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Dermatophyllum secundiflorum| Texas mountain laurel| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Dialium guianense| | Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Enterolobium cyclocarpum| elephant-ear tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Erythrina afra| coastal coral tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Erythrina coralloides| naked coral tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Erythrina falcata| Brazilian coral tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Erythrina humeana| Natal coral tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Gleditsia aquatica| water locust| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 551| |-| Gleditsia triacanthos| honey locust| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 552| |-!colspan="5"||-| Guibourtia arnoldiana| bubinga; benge; benzi; bubinga| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Guibourtia ehie| amazakoue; ovangkol; shedua| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Gymnocladus dioica| Kentucky coffeetree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Hymenaea courbaril| jatoba; Brazilian cherry| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Inga edulis| ice cream bean| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Laburnum alpinum| alpine laburnum| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Laburnum anagyroides| common laburnum| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Leucaena leucocephala| lead tree; white popinac| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Lysiloma latisiliquum| false tamarind; Bahamian wild tamarind| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Machaerium scleroxylon| Bolivian rosewood; morado| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Millettia laurentii| wenge| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Mimosa biuncifera| Arizona ironwood; mimosa| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Myroxylon balsamum| | Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Parkinsonia aculeata| Jerusalem-thorn; Mexican palo verde| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Peltogyne pubescens| purpleheart| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Piscidia piscipula| Jamaican dogwood; Florida fishpoison tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 887| |-!colspan="5"||-| Pithecellobium guadalupense| Guadaloupe blackbead| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Pithecellobium saman| monkeypod| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Pithecellobium unguis-cati| catclaw blackbead| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Platymiscium polystachyum| coyote| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Prosopis glandulosa| honey mesquite| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 756| |-| Prosopis juliflora| thorny kiawe; algaroba| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Prosopis pallida| kiawe| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Prosopis pubescens| screw bean; tornillo| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 758| |-!colspan="5"||-| Pterocarpus santalinus| red sanders; red sandalwood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Pterocarpus soyauxii| African padauk; African coralwood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Robinia hispida| bristly locust; rose acacia| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Robinia neomexicana| New Mexican locust| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 902| |-| Robinia pseudoacacia| black locust| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| 901| |-| Robinia viscosa| clammy locust| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Schizolobium parahyba| Brazilian fire tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Senna marilandica| Maryland senna| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Senna occidentalis| coffee senna| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Sophora tomentosa| yellow necklacepod| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Styphnolobium japonicum| pagoda tree| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-| Styphnolobium affine| Eve's necklace| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-

!colspan="5"||-| Tamarindus indica| tamarind| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Tipuana tipu| tipu tree; rosewood| Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Vatairea lundellii| | Fabaceae (legume family (peas))| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Castanea alnifolia| Florida chinkapin| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Castanea dentata| American chestnut| Fagaceae (beech family)| 421| |-| Castanea mollissima| Chinese chestnut| Fagaceae (beech family)| 424| |-| Castanea ozarkensis| Ozark chinkapin| Fagaceae (beech family)| 423| |-| Castanea pumila| Allegheny chinkapin; chinquapin| Fagaceae (beech family)| 422| |-| Castanea sativa| sweet chestnut| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Castanopsis cuspidata| Japanese chinkapin| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Castanopsis sieboldii| itajii chinkapin| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Chrysolepis chrysophylla| golden chinquapin; giant chinquapin| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Chrysolepis sempervirens| bush chinquapin| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Fagus grandifolia| American beech| Fagaceae (beech family)| 531| |-| Fagus sylvatica| European beech| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Lithocarpus cleistocarpus| stoneoak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 631| |-| Lithocarpus henryi| Henry's stoneoak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 631| |-!colspan="5"||-| Notholithocarpus densiflorus| tanoak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 631| |-!colspan="5"||-| Quercus acutissima| sawtooth oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus agrifolia| California live oak; coastal live oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 801| |-| Quercus alba| white oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 802| |-| Quercus arkansana| Arkansas oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus austrina| bastard white oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus bicolor| swamp white oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 804| |-| Quercus brantii| Brant's oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus breviloba| shallow-lobed oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus calliprinos| kermes oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus cerris| Turkey oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus chapmanii| Chapman oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus chrysolepis| canyon live oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 805| |-| Quercus coccinea| scarlet oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 806| |-| Quercus ellipsoidalis| northern pin oak; Hill's oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 809| |-| Quercus falcata| southern red oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 812| |-| Quercus frainetto| Hungarian oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus garryana| Oregon white oak; Garry oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 815| |-| Quercus geminata| sand live oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus georgiana| Georgia oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus hemisphaerica| laurel oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus ilex| holm oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus ilicifolia| scrub oak; bear oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 816| |-| Quercus imbricaria| shingle oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 817| |-| Quercus incana| bluejack oak; upland willow oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 842| |-| Quercus infectoria| Cyprus oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus laevis| turkey oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 819| |-| Quercus laurifolia| swamp laurel oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 820| |-| Quercus lyrata| overcup oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 822| |-| Quercus macranthera| Caucasian oak; Persian oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus macrocarpa| bur oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 823| |-| Quercus margaretta| sand post oak; shrubby oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus marilandica| blackjack oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 824| |-| Quercus michauxii| swamp chestnut oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 825| |-| Quercus montana| chestnut oak; rock chestnut oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus muehlenbergii| chinquapin oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 826| |-| Quercus myrtifolia| myrtle oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus nigra| water oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 827| |-| Quercus nuttallii| Nuttall oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus oglethorpensis| Oglethorpe oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 844| |-| Quercus pagoda| cherrybark oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 813| |-| Quercus palustris| pin oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 830| |-| Quercus petraea| sessile oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus phellos| willow oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 831| |-| Quercus pubescens| downy oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus pyrenaica| Pyrenean oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus robur| pedunculate oak; English oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus rubra| northern red oak; red oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 833| |-| Quercus shumardii| Shumard oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 834| |-| Quercus similis| delta post oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 836| |-| Quercus sinuata| bastard oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 808| |-| Quercus stellata| post oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 835| |-| Quercus suber| cork oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| | |-| Quercus velutina| black oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 837| |-| Quercus virginiana| southern live oak| Fagaceae (beech family)| 838| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"|

See main article: List of Ribes species. |-| Ribes alpestris| hedge gooseberry| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes alpinum| alpine currant| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes aureum| golden currant| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes cynosbati| prickly gooseberry| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes grossularioides| Japanese gooseberry| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes hirtellum| North American gooseberry| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes nigrum| black currant| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes rubrum| red currant; cultivated currant| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes sanguineum| flowering currant; red-flowering currant| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-| Ribes uva-crispa| common gooseberry| Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Hamamelis virginiana| witch-hazel| Hamamelidaceae (witch-hazel family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Liquidambar formosana| Chinese sweetgum| Hamamelidaceae (witch-hazel family)| | |-| Liquidambar orientalis| Oriental sweetgum| Hamamelidaceae (witch-hazel family)| | |-| Liquidambar styraciflua| sweetgum| Hamamelidaceae (witch-hazel family)| 611| |-!colspan="5"||-| Loropetalum chinense| Chinese fringe flower; Chinese witch hazel| Hamamelidaceae (witch-hazel family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Aesculus flava| yellow buckeye| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| 332| |-| Aesculus glabra| Ohio buckeye; fetid buckeye| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| 331| |-| Aesculus hippocastanum| horse-chestnut; common horse-chestnut| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| | |-| Aesculus indica| Indian horse-chestnut| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| | |-| Aesculus parviflora| bottlebrush buckeye| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| | |-| Aesculus pavia| red buckeye| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| | |-| Aesculus sylvatica| painted buckeye| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| 337| |-| Aesculus turbinata| Japanese horse-chestnut| Hippocastanaceae (buckeye family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Illicium floridanum| Florida anise-tree| Illiciaceae (anise-tree family)| | |-| Illicium parviflorum| yellow anise-tree| Illiciaceae (anise-tree family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Carya aquatica| water hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 401| |-| Carya cordiformis| bitternut hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 402| |-| Carya floridana| scrub hickory; Florida hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| | |-| Carya glabra| pignut hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 403| |-| Carya illinoinensis| pecan| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| | |-| Carya laciniosa| shellbark hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 405| |-| Carya myristiciformis| nutmeg hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 406| |-| Carya ovalis| red hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 412| |-| Carya ovata| shagbark hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 407| |-| Carya pallida| sand hickory; pale hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 410| |-| Carya texana| black hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 408| |-| Carya tomentosa| mockernut hickory| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Juglans cinerea| butternut; white walnut| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 601| |-| Juglans nigra| black walnut| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| 602| |-| Juglans regia| Persian walnut; common walnut| Juglandaceae (walnut family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Cinnamomum aromaticum| Chinese cinnamon| Lauraceae (laurel family)| | |-| Cinnamomum camphora| camphor tree; camphor laurel| Lauraceae (laurel family)| 858| |-| Cinnamomum verum| cinnamon tree| Lauraceae (laurel family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Laurus nobilis| poet's laurel; sweet bay laurel| Lauraceae (laurel family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Licaria triandra| Florida licaria| Lauraceae (laurel family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Nectandra coriacea| lancewood| Lauraceae (laurel family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Persea americana| avocado; ashue| Lauraceae (laurel family)| | |-| Persea borbonia| red bay| Lauraceae (laurel family)| 721| |-| Persea palustris| swamp bay| Lauraceae (laurel family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Sassafras albidum| sassafras| Lauraceae (laurel family)| 931| |-!colspan="5"||-| Umbellularia californica| California laurel| Lauraceae (laurel family)| 981| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Bertholletia excelsa| Brazil nut| Lecythidaceae (lecythis family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Couroupita guianensis| cannonball tree| Lecythidaceae (lecythis family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Lagerstroemia indica| crepe-myrtle| Lythraceae (loosestrife family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Liriodendron chinense| Chinese tulip-tree| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| | |-| Liriodendron tulipifera| American tulip-tree| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| 621| |-!colspan="5"||-| Magnolia × soulangeana| saucer magnolia; tulip magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| | |-| Magnolia acuminata| cucumber tree; cucumber magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| 651| |-| Magnolia ashei| ashe magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| | |-| Magnolia fraseri| Fraser magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| 655| |-| Magnolia grandiflora| southern magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| 652| |-| Magnolia liliiflora| lily magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| | |-| Magnolia macrophylla| bigleaf magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| 654| |-| Magnolia pyramidata| pyramid magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| | |-| Magnolia stellata| star magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| | |-| Magnolia tripetala| umbrella magnolia| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| 658| |-| Magnolia virginiana| sweetbay; swamp bay| Magnoliaceae (magnolia family)| 653| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Byrsonima lucida| Long Key locustberry; shiny locustberry| Malpighiaceae (malpighia family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Malpighia glabra| acerola; Barbados cherry; wild crape myrtle| Malpighiaceae (malpighia family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Hibiscus mutabilis| Confederate rose; cotton rose| Malvaceae (mallow family)| | |-| Hibiscus syriacus| Syrian hibiscus; Rose-of-Sharon; althea| Malvaceae (mallow family)| | |-| Hibiscus tiliaceus| seaside mahoe; sea hibiscus| Malvaceae (mallow family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Lagunaria patersonia| cow itch tree; primrose tree; Norfolk Island hibiscus; pyramid tree| Malvaceae (mallow family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Thespesia populnea| portia tree; milo| Malvaceae (mallow family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Tetrazygia bicolor| Florida tetrazygia| Melastomataceae (melastome family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Cedrela odorata| Spanish cedrela; cedro hembra| Meliaceae (mahogany family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Melia azedarach| chinaberry| Meliaceae (mahogany family)| 993| |-!colspan="5"||-| Swietenia macrophylla| American mahogany| Meliaceae (mahogany family)| | |-| Swietenia mahagoni| mahogany| Meliaceae (mahogany family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Antiaris toxicaria| upas; ipoh; dart-poison tree| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Artocarpus altilis| breadfruit| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus ansiophyllus| entawak| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus heterophyllus| common jackfruit| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus integer| chempedak| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus kemando| pudau| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus lacucha| lakoocha| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus lamellosus| butong| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus odoratissimus| marang| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus parvus| kwai muk| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus rigidus| monkey jackfruit| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus sarawakensis| pingan| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Artocarpus sericicarpus| pedalai| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Brosimum alicastrum| breadnut| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Brosimum gaudichaudii| mama-cadela| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Broussonetia luzonica| alakon| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Broussonetia papyrifera| paper mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cecropia peltata| trumpet tree; yagrumo hembra| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Ficus altissima| council tree| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus aspera| lofty fig; clown fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus aurea| Florida strangler fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| 876| |-| Ficus auriculata| Roxburgh fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus benghalensis| banyan fig; Bengal fig; Indian fig; East Indian fig; Indian banyan| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus benjamina| weeping fig; Benjamin's fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus callosa| kalukoi| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus carica| common fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus celebensis| Celebese fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus coronata| creek sandpaper fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus deltoidea| mistletoe fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus elastica| rubber tree; rubber fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus erecta| inu-biwa; Japanese fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus fistulosa| yellow-stem fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus fraseri| shiny sandpaper fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus glomerata| cluster fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus kurzii| thick-rinded fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus laevigata| Jamaican cherry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus lutea| kaffir fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus lyrata| fiddle-leaf fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus maclellandii| banana-leaf fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus macrophylla| Moreton Bay fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus mauritiana| Mauritian fig; Maldive fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus microcarpa| Chinese banyan tree; laurel fig; fig laurel| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus mysorensis| Mysore fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus nekbudu| Zulu fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus neriifolia| narrowleaf fig; willow-leaf fig; oleander-leaf fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus nota| tibig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus obliqua| small-leaf fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus petiolaris| rock fig; lava fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus platypoda| desert fig; Australian fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus pseudopalma| Philippine fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus religiosa| sacred fig; bo tree| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus ribes| walen; gooseberry fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus rubiginosa| Port Jackson fig; little-leaf fig; rusty fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus septica| angular-fruit fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus sycomorus| sycamore fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus triangularis| triangle fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus variegata| variegated weeping fig; cauliflorus fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus virens| white fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Ficus watkinsiana| Australian strangler fig| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Maclura cochinchinensis| Chinese cockspur thorn| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Maclura pomifera| Osage-orange| Moraceae (mulberry family)| 641| |-| Maclura tricuspidata| cudrang; Mandarin melonberry; silkworm thorn; zhe (che); Chinese mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Morus alba| white mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| 681| |-| Morus australis| Chinese mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Morus celtidifolia| Mexican mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Morus insignis| Argentine mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Morus mesozygia| African mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Morus microphylla| Texas mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| 683| |-| Morus nigra| black mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| | |-| Morus rubra| red mulberry| Moraceae (mulberry family)| 682| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Moringa oleifera| horseradish tree; olive moringa; moringa| Moringaceae (moringa family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Muntingia calabura| strawberry tree| Muntingiaceae (strawberry-tree family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Myoporum laetum| ngaio; mousehole tree; myoporum| Myoporaceae (myoporum family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Myrica californica| California bayberry| Myricaceae (bayberry family)| | |-| Myrica cerifera| wax myrtle; southern bayberry| Myricaceae (bayberry family)| | |-| Myrica inodora| odorless bayberry| Myricaceae (bayberry family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Ardisia escallonioides| marlberry; coralberry| Myrsinaceae (myrsine family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Myrsine floridana| Florida myrsine| Myrsinaceae (myrsine family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Agonis flexuosa| Western Australian peppermint; Swan River peppermint; Australian willow myrtle| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Callistemon viminalis| weeping bottlebrush| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Calyptranthes acevedoi| Puerto Rico mountainbay| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Calyptranthes pallens| pale lidflower| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Calyptranthes zuzygium| myrtle-of-the-river| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Corymbia ficifolia| red-flowering gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Eucalyptus caesia| silver princess mallee| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus camaldulensis| red river gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus cinerea| silver dollar tree| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus citriodora| lemon-scented gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus cladocalyx| sugar gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus deglupta| Mindanao gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus globulus| bluegum eucalyptus| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus grandis| rose gum eucalyptus| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| 513| |-| Eucalyptus marginata| jarrah| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus nicholii| willow-leafed peppermint gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus polyanthemos| silver dollar gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus rhodantha| rose mallee| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus robusta| robust eucalyptus| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus rudis| flooded gum; desert gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus saligna| saligna eucalyptus| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus sideroxylon| pink-flowering ironbark| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eucalyptus spathulata| narrow-leaf gimlet| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Eugenia axillaris| white stopper| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia brasiliensis| gumichama| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia confusa| redberry stopper| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia foetida| boxleaf stopper| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia involucrata| cherry of the Rio Grande| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia luschnathiana| pitomba| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia pyriformis| uvalha| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia rhombea| red stopper| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| 873| |-| Eugenia sprengelii| littleleaf eugenia; littleaf stopper| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia stipitata| arazá| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Eugenia uniflora| Surinam cherry; Brazilian cherry; Cayenne cherry; pitanga| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Feijoa sellowiana| pineapple guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Leptospermum laevigatum| Australian tea tree| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Lophostemon confertus| Brisbane box| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Melaleuca linariifolia| flaxleaf paperbark| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Melaleuca nesophila| pink melaleuca| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Melaleuca quinquenervia| cajeput melaleuca| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| 992| |-!colspan="5"||-| Metrosideros excelsa| pohutukawa; New Zealand Christmas tree| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Metrosideros polymorpha| Hawaiian bottlebrush; ʻōhiʻa lehua; lehua| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Metrosideros robusta| northern rata| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Metrosideros umbellata| southern rata| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Myrcianthes fragrans| twinberry; Simpson's stopper| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Myrtus communis| common myrtle| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Psidium friedrichsthalianum| Costa Rica guava; cas guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium galapageium| Galapagos guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium guajava| apple guava; common guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium guineense| Guinea guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium havanense| Cuban guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium littorale var. cattleianum| strawberry guava; Cattley guava; Peruvian guava; Chinese guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium littorale var. littorale| lemon guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium longipes| long-stalk stopper; mangroveberry| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium montanum| mountain guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Psidium sartorianum| Sartre guava| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Rhodomyrtus tomentosa| downy rose myrtle| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Syzygium aromaticum| clove| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Syzygium cumini| jambul; jamun; jamblang| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| 896| |-| Syzygium luehmannii| riberry; small-leaved lillypilly; cherry satinash; cherry alder; clove lillypilly| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Syzygium malaccense| Malay apple; mountain apple; jambu bol; plum rose; pommerac| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Syzygium oleosum| blue lilly pilly| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Syzygium paniculatum| magenta lillypilly; magenta cherry; brush cherry| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-| Syzygium samarangense| wax apple; love apple; Java apple; bellfruit| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Tristaniopsis laurina| Australian water gum| Myrtaceae (myrtle family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Nothofagus antarctica| Antarctic beech; ñire| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus betuloides| Magellan's beech; birch-leaf beech; guindo| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus cunninghamii| myrtle beech| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus dombeyi| coihue; coigue; false beech| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus fusca| red beech| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus menziesii| silver beech| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus moorei| Moore's Antarctic beech| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus nitida| coigüe de Chiloé; Chiloé's coigue| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus obliqua| roble; hualle; coyán| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus pumilio| lenga; lenga beech| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-| Nothofagus truncata| hard beech| Nothofagaceae (southern beech family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Guapira discolor| longleaf blolly; beeftree| Nyctaginaceae (four o'clock family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Pisonia brunoniana| parapara; birdcatcher tree; pāpala kēpau| Nyctaginaceae (four o'clock family)| | |-| Pisonia grandis| Indian pisonia; catchbird tree; birdcatcher tree| Nyctaginaceae (four o'clock family)| | |-| Pisonia rotundata| smooth devil's claws; Florida pisonia| Nyctaginaceae (four o'clock family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Nyssa aquatica| water tupelo| Nyssaceae (sourgum family)| 691| |-| Nyssa biflora| swamp tupelo; swamp blackgum| Nyssaceae (sourgum family)| 694| |-| Nyssa ogeche| Ogeechee lime; Ogeechee tupelo| Nyssaceae (sourgum family)| 692| |-| Nyssa sylvatica| blackgum; black tupelo| Nyssaceae (sourgum family)| 693| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Schoepfia chrysophylloides| graytwig; Gulf graytwig| Olacaceae (olax family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Chionanthus virginicus| fringe tree| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Forestiera acuminata| swamp privet| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Forestiera segregata| Florida privet| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Fraxinus americana| white ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 541| |-| Fraxinus angustifolia| narrow-leafed ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Fraxinus caroliniana| Carolina ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 548| |-| Fraxinus excelsior| European ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Fraxinus latifolia| Oregon ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 542| |-| Fraxinus nigra| black ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 543| |-| Fraxinus ornus| manna ash; flowering ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Fraxinus pennsylvanica| green ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 544| |-| Fraxinus profunda| pumpkin ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 545| |-| Fraxinus quadrangulata| blue ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 546| |-| Fraxinus uhdei| evergreen ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Fraxinus velutina| Arizona ash| Oleaceae (olive family)| 547| |-!colspan="5"||-| Ligustrum japonicum| Japanese privet| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Ligustrum lucidum| glossy privet| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Ligustrum ovalifolium| garden privet| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Ligustrum sinense| Chinese privet| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Ligustrum vulgare| wild privet; common privet| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Noronhia emarginata| Madagascar olive| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Olea europaea| Mediterranean olive; common olive| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Osmanthus americanus| devilwood; osmanthus| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Osmanthus fragrans| sweet osmanthus| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Syringa pekinensis| Chinese tree lilac| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Syringa reticulata| Japanese tree lilac| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Syringa vulgaris| common lilac| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-| Syringa yunanaensis| rosea lilac| Oleaceae (olive family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Averrhoa carambola| carambola; star fruit| Oxalidaceae (wood sorrel family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Pandanus utilis| screwpine| Pandanaceae (screwpine family)| | |-}}! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Bocconia frutescens| tree poppy| Papaveraceae (poppy family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Dendromecon harfordii| Channel Islands tree poppy| Papaveraceae (poppy family)| | |-| Dendromecon rigida| bush poppy| Papaveraceae (poppy family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Bischofia javanica| bishopwood; toog tree| Phyllanthaceae (gooseberry tree family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Phyllanthus acidus| star gooseberry; Tahitian gooseberry tree; Malay gooseberry| Phyllanthaceae (gooseberry tree family)| | |-| Phyllanthus emblica| Indian gooseberry tree| Phyllanthaceae (gooseberry tree family)| | |-| Phyllanthus niruri| chanca piedra| Phyllanthaceae (gooseberry tree family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Pittosporum rhombifolium| Queensland pittosporum; diamond pittosporum| Pittosporaceae (pittosporum family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Platanus × hispanica| London plane| Platanaceae (plane family)| | |-| Platanus occidentalis| American sycamore| Platanaceae (plane family)| 731| |-| Platanus orientalis| Oriental plane| Platanaceae (plane family)| | |-| Platanus racemosa| California sycamore| Platanaceae (plane family)| 730| |-| Platanus wrightii| Arizona sycamore| Platanaceae (plane family)| 732| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Dendrocalamus asper| giant bamboo; edible bamboo| Poaceae (grass family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Coccoloba diversifolia| pigeon plum| Polygonaceae (knotweed family)| | |-| Coccoloba uvifera| seagrape| Polygonaceae (knotweed family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Alloxylon flammeum| satin oak| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Banksia ashbyi| ashby's banksia| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Banksia integrifolia| coast banksia| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Banksia seminuda| river banksia| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Dryandra proteoides| king dryandra| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Embothrium coccineum| Chilean firebush| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Grevillea robusta| silk oak; Australian silver oak| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Hakea laurina| pincushion bush; pincushion tree| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Leucadendron argenteum| silverleaf; silvertree| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Leucadendron laureolum| golden conebush| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Leucospermum conocarpodendron| pincushion| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Macadamia integrifolia| smooth-shelled macadamia| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Macadamia ternifolia| small-fruited macadamia| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Macadamia tetraphylla| rough-shelled macadamia| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Mimetes cucullatus| common pagoda bush| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Persoonia levis| smooth geebung; broad-leaved geebung| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Persoonia linearis| narrow-leaved geebung; geebung pine| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Protea afra| common protea| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Protea cynaroides| king protea| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-| Protea repens| common sugarbush; sugarbush protea| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Stenocarpus sinuatus| firewheel tree| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Telopea speciosissima| waratah| Proteaceae (protea family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Punica granatum| pomegranate| Punicaceae (pomegranate family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Colubrina arborescens| greenheart; coffee colubrina| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-| Colubrina asiatica| Asian nakedwood| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-| Colubrina cubensis| Cuban nakedwood| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-| Colubrina elliptica| soldierwood| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Frangula alnus| alder buckthorn| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-| Frangula purshiana| pursh; cascara buckthorn| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Krugiodendron ferreum| leadwood; black ironwood| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Reynosia septentrionalis| darling plum; red ironwood| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Rhamnus caroliniana| Carolina buckthorn; polecat tree| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-| Rhamnus cathartica| common buckthorn; European buckthorn| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-| Rhamnus lanceolata| lance-leaf buckthorn| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Ziziphus jujuba| jujube| Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Rhizophora apiculata| bakau minyak| Rhizophoraceae (mangrove family)| | |-| Rhizophora mangle| red mangrove| Rhizophoraceae (mangrove family)| 989| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Amelanchier alnifolia| saskatoon| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier amabilis| lovely shadbush| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier arborea| downy serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| 357| |-| Amelanchier asiatica| Asian serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier bartramiana| mountain serviceberry; alpine serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier canadensis| eastern serviceberry; shadblow serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier florida| Pacific serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier humilis| low shadbush| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier interior| Wiegand's serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier laevis| smooth serviceberry; Allegheny serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier lamarckii| snowy mespilus; juneberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier ovalis| snowy mespilus| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier sanguinea| roundleaf serviceberry; red-twigged serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| 358| |-| Amelanchier sinica| Chinese serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier spicata| thicket serviceberry; dwarf serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Amelanchier utahensis| Utah serviceberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Aronia arbutifolia| red chokeberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Aronia melanocarpa| black chokeberry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Chaenomeles cathayensis| Chinese flowering quince| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Chaenomeles japonica| Japanese flowering quince| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Chaenomeles speciosa| common flowering quince| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cotoneaster frigidus| tree cotoneaster| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Crataegus aestivalis| may haw; may hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus calpodendron| pear hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus × canescens| Stern's medlar| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus chrysocarpa| fireberry hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus coccinea| scarlet hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus columbiana| Columbia hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus crus-galli| cockspur hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| 501| |-| Crataegus douglasii| black hawthorn; Douglas hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus flabellata| fanleaf hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus flava| southern hawthorn; yellow hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus germanica| common medlar| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus laevigata| midland hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus marshallii| parsley hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus mollis| downy hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| 502| |-| Crataegus monogyna| common hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus phaenopyrum| Washington hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus punctata| dotted hawthorn; whitehaw| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus spathulata| spatulate hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus succulenta| succulent hawthorn; fleshy hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Crataegus uniflora| single-flower hawthorn; dwarf hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cydonia oblonga| quince| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Eriobotrya deflexa| bronze loquat| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Eriobotrya japonica| Japanese loquat| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Lyonothamnus floribundus| Catalina ironwood| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Malus angustifolia| southern crabapple| Rosaceae (rose family)| 662| |-| Malus baccata| Siberian crabapple| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Malus coronaria| sweet crabapple| Rosaceae (rose family)| 663| |-| Malus domestica| orchard apple| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Malus floribunda| Japanese flowering crabapple| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Malus fusca| Oregon crabapple; Pacific crabapple| Rosaceae (rose family)| 661| |-| Malus ioensis| prairie crabapple| Rosaceae (rose family)| 664| |-| Malus sieversii| Asian wild apple| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Malus sylvestris| European wild apple| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Photinia × fraseri| red tip photinia; red tip| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Photinia davidiana| stranvaesia photinia; David's photinia| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Photinia glabra| Japanese photinia| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Photinia serrulata| Chinese photinia| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Prunus alleghaniensis| Allegheny plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus americana| American plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| 766| |-| Prunus amygdalus| almond| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus andersonii| desert peach| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus angustifolia| Chickasaw plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus armeniaca| apricot| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus avium| wild cherry; orchard cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| 771| |-| Prunus capollin| capulin| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus caroliniana| Carolina cherry laurel| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus cerasifera| cherry plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus cerasus| sour cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus domestica| garden plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus emarginata| bitter cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| 768| |-| Prunus fasciculata| desert almond| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus fremontii| desert apricot| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus hortulana| prairie plum; hortulana plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus ilicifolia| holly-leaved cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus insititia| damson; bullace| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus laurocerasus| common cherry laurel| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus lusitanica| Portuguese cherry laurel| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus lyonii| Catalina cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus maackii| Amur chokecherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus mahaleb| mahaleb| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus maritima| beach plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus mexicana| Mexican plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus mume| Chinese plum; Japanese apricot| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus munsoniana| wild goose plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus myrtifolia| myrtle-leaved cherry laurel| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus nigra| Canada plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| 765| |-| Prunus padus| bird cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus pensylvanica| pin cherry; fire cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| 761| |-| Prunus persica| peach| Rosaceae (rose family)| 764| |-| Prunus pumila| sand cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus salicifolia| willow-leaf cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus serotina| black cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| 762| |-| Prunus serrulata| Japanese cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus spinosa| blackthorn; sloe| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus subcordata| sierra plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus subhirtella| autumn cherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus umbellata| flatwoods plum; hog plum| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Prunus virginiana| chokecherry| Rosaceae (rose family)| 763| |-!colspan="5"||-| Pseudocydonia sinensis| Chinese quince| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Pyracantha coccinea| scarlet firethorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Pyrus calleryana| Callery pear; Bradford pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus communis| common pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus cordata| Plymouth pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus cossonii| Algerian pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus elaeagrifolia| oleaster-leaf pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus kawakamii| Kawakam pear; Kawakam evergreen pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus koehnei| Koehne pear; Koehne evergreen pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus nivalis| snow pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus pashia| Afghan pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus pyrifolia| sand pear; Asian pear; nashi pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus salicifolia| willow-leaf pear; weeping pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Pyrus ussuriensis| Siberian pear; Chinese fragrant pear| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Rhaphiolepis indica| Indian hawthorn| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Sorbus americana| American mountain ash| Rosaceae (rose family)| 935| |-| Sorbus aria| whitebeam| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Sorbus aucuparia| European rowan| Rosaceae (rose family)| 936| |-| Sorbus cashmiriana| Kashmir rowan| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Sorbus decora| showy mountain ash| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Sorbus domestica| true service tree| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Sorbus intermedia| Swedish whitebeam| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Sorbus sitchensis| Sitka mountain ash; Pacific mountain ash| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-| Sorbus torminalis| wild service tree| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Spiraea nipponica| Nippon spiraea; snowmound| Rosaceae (rose family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Blepharidium guatemalense| | Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Casasia clusiifolia| seven-year apple| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cephalanthus occidentalis| button bush| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Chione venosa| | Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cinchona pubescens| quinine tree| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Coffea arabica| coffee; Ethiopian coffee| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Exostema caribaeum| princewood; Caribbean princewood| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Guettarda elliptica| oval-leaf velvetseed| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-| Guettarda scabra| rough-leaf velvetseed| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Hamelia patens| firebush; hummingbird bush| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Morinda citrifolia| Tahitian noni; great morinda; Indian mulberry; beach mulberry| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Pinckneya pubens| pinckneya; fevertree; feverbark tree| Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Simira salvadorensis| | Rubiaceae (madder family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Calodendrum capense| Cape chestnut| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Citrus aurantiifolia| lime| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus aurantium| sour orange| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus grandis| shaddock; pumelo| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus japonica| kumquat| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus limon| lemon| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus medica| citron| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus paradisi| grapefruit| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus reticulata| mandarin| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Citrus sinensis| sweet orange| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Poncirus trifoliata| trifoliate orange| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Ptelea trifoliata| hop tree| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Zanthoxylum americanum| American prickly ash| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Zanthoxylum clava-herculis| Hercules' club| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Zanthoxylum coriaceum| Biscayne prickly ash| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Zanthoxylum fagara| wild-lime prickly ash| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Zanthoxylum flavum| satinwood| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-| Zanthoxylum martinicense| white prickly ash; espino rubial; pino macho| Rutaceae (citrus family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Populus × acuminata| lanceleaf cottonwood| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus × canadensis| hybrid black poplar| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus alba| white poplar| Salicaceae (willow family)| 752| |-| Populus angustifolia| narrowleaf cottonwood| Salicaceae (willow family)| 749| |-| Populus balsamifera| balsam poplar| Salicaceae (willow family)| 741| |-| Populus candicans| balm of Gilead| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus × canescens| grey poplar| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus deltoides deltoides| eastern cottonwood| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus deltoides monilifera| plains cottonwood| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus grandidentata| bigtooth aspen| Salicaceae (willow family)| 743| |-| Populus heterophylla| swamp cottonwood| Salicaceae (willow family)| 744| |-| Populus nigra| black poplar| Salicaceae (willow family)| 753| |-| Populus simonii| Simon poplar| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus tremula| European aspen| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Populus tremuloides| quaking aspen| Salicaceae (willow family)| 746| |-| Populus trichocarpa| black cottonwood; western balsam poplar| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Salix × sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma'| golden weeping willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix alaxensis| feltleaf willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix alba| white willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| 927| |-| Salix amygdaloides| peachleaf willow; almondleaf willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| 921| |-| Salix arbusculoides| littletree willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix aurita| eared willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix babylonica| Chinese weeping willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix bebbiana| Bebb willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| 923| |-| Salix caprea| goat willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix caroliniana| coastal plain willow; Carolina willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| 925| |-| Salix cinerea| grey willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix daphnoides| violet willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix discolor| pussy willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix eriocephala| heartleaf willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix exigua| sandbar willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix floridana| Florida willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix fragilis| crack willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix glaucophylloides| dune willow; broadleaf willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix hookeriana| Hooker willow; coast willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix lasiandra| Pacific willow; western black willow; yellow willow; whiplash willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix lasiolepis| arroyo willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix lucida| glossy willow; shiny willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix monticola| mountain willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix nigra| black willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| 922| |-| Salix pellita| satiny willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix pentandra| bay willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix petiolaris| meadow willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix prolixa| Mackenzie willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix purpurea| purple willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix pyrifolia| balsam willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix scouleriana| Scouler willow; fire willow; mountain willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix sericea| silky willow; satin willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix sitchensis| Sitka willow| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-| Salix viminalis| osier| Salicaceae (willow family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Cupania glabra| Florida toadwood| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cupaniopsis anacardioides| tuckeroo| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Dodonaea viscosa| varnish leaf| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Exothea paniculata| butterbough; inkwood| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Hypelate trifoliata| white ironwood| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Koelreuteria bipinnata| Chinese flame tree| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-| Koelreuteria paniculata| goldenrain tree| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Litchi chinensis| litchi| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Sapindus drummondii| western soapberry| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-| Sapindus marginatus| Florida soapberry| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| | |-| Sapindus saponaria| wingleaf soapberry| Sapindaceae (soapberry family)| 919| |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Bumelia celastrina| saffron plum bumelia| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-| Bumelia lanuginosa| gum bumelia| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-| Bumelia lycioides| buckthorn bumelia| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-| Bumelia tenax| tough bumelia| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Chrysophyllum cainito| star apple| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-| Chrysophyllum oliviforme| satinleaf| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Dipholis salicifolia| willow bustic| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Manilkara bahamensis| wild dilly| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-| Manilkara bidentata| ausubo; balata| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-| Manilkara zapota| sapodilla| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Mastichodendron foetidissimum| mastic| Sapotaceae (sapodilla family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Ailanthus altissima| tree of heaven; ailanthus| Simaroubaceae (quassia family)| 341| |-!colspan="5"||-| Alvaradoa amorphoides| Mexican alvaradoa| Simaroubaceae (quassia family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Picramnia pentandra| bitterbush| Simaroubaceae (quassia family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Simarouba glauca| paradise tree; bitterwood| Simaroubaceae (quassia family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Nicotiana glauca| tree tobacco| Solanaceae (nightshade family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Solanum erianthum| potato tree; mullein nightshade| Solanaceae (nightshade family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Staphylea trifolia| American bladdernut| Staphyleaceae (bladdernut family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Brachychiton populneus × acerifolius| flame tree| Sterculiaceae (sterculia family)| | |-| Brachychiton rupestris| Queensland bottle tree| Sterculiaceae (sterculia family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Cola acuminata| cola nut tree; kola tree| Sterculiaceae (sterculia family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Dombeya rotundifolia| South African wild pear| Sterculiaceae (sterculia family)| | |-| Dombeya wallichii| pink-ball; tropical hydrangea| Sterculiaceae (sterculia family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Firmiana simplex| Chinese parasol tree| Sterculiaceae (sterculia family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Theobroma cacao| cacao; cacahuatl; kakaw| Sterculiaceae (sterculia family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Ravenala madagascariensis| traveler's tree| Strelitziaceae (bird-of-paradise family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Strelitzia nicolai| giant bird-of-paradise| Strelitziaceae (bird-of-paradise family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Halesia carolina| Carolina silverbell| Styracaceae (storax family)| 581| |-| Halesia diptera| two-winged silverbell; double-winged silverbell| Styracaceae (storax family)| 582| |-| Halesia tetraptera| four-winged silverbell; quadruple-winged silverbell| Styracaceae (storax family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Styrax americanus| storax; American snowbell| Styracaceae (storax family)| | |-| Styrax grandifolius| bigleaf snowbell| Styracaceae (storax family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Suriana maritima| bay cedar| Surianaceae (bay cedar family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Symplocos tinctoria| sweetleaf; horse sugar| Symplocaceae (sweetleaf family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Tamarix africana| African tamarisk| Tamaricaceae (tamarisk family)| | |-| Tamarix gallica| tamarisk| Tamaricaceae (tamarisk family)| | |-| Tamarix parviflora| American tamarisk; tamarisk| Tamaricaceae (tamarisk family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Camellia japonica| Japanese camellia| Theaceae (tea family)| | |-| Camellia sinensis| tea camellia; tea plant| Theaceae (tea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Franklinia alatamaba| Franklinia| Theaceae (tea family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Gordonia lasianthus| loblolly bay; red bay| Theaceae (tea family)| 555| |-!colspan="5"||-| Stewartia malacodendron| Virginia stewartia; silky stewartia; silky camellia| Theaceae (tea family)| | |-| Stewartia ovata| mountain stewartia| Theaceae (tea family)| | |-| Stewartia pseudocamellia| Japanese stewartia; deciduous camellia| Theaceae (tea family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Jacquinia keyensis| joewood| Theophrastaceae (theophrasta family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Daphne laureola| spurge-laurel| Thymelaeaceae (mezereum family)| | |-| Daphne mezereum| mezereon| Thymelaeaceae (mezereum family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Tilia americana| American basswood| Tiliaceae (basswood family)| 951| |-| Tilia caroliniana| Carolina basswood| Tiliaceae (basswood family)| 953| |-| Tilia cordata| small-leaved lime| Tiliaceae (basswood family)| | |-| Tilia × europaea| common lime| Tiliaceae (basswood family)| | |-| Tilia heterophylla| white basswood| Tiliaceae (basswood family)| 952| |-| Tilia platyphyllos| large-leaved lime| Tiliaceae (basswood family)| | |-| Tilia tomentosa| silver lime| Tiliaceae (basswood family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Planera aquatica| water elm; planertree| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 722| |-!colspan="5"||-| Ulmus alata| winged elm; wahoo| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 971| |-| Ulmus americana| American elm; white elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 972| |-| Ulmus bergmanniana| Bergmann's elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus canescens| grey elm; grey-leafed elm; hoary elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus castaneifolia| chestnut-leafed elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus chenmoui| chenmou elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus crassifolia| cedar elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 973| |-| Ulmus davidiana| David elm; Father David's elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus davidiana var. japonica| Japanese elm; Wilson's elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus gaussenii| Anhui elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus glabra| wych elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus glaucescens| Gansu elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus harbinensis| Harbin elm; Harbinese elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus laciniata| Manchurian elm; cut-leaf elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus laciniata var. nikkoensis| Nikko elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus laevis| European white elm; fluttering elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus lamellosa| Hebei elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus macrocarpa| large-fruited elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus mexicana| Mexican elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus minor subsp. angustifolia| Cornish elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus minor subsp. minor| field elm; smooth-leaved elm; narrow-leaved elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus minor subsp. sarniensis| Guernsey elm; Jersey elm; Southampton elm; Wheatley elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus minor var. plotii| Plot's elm; Goodyer's elm; Lock elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus parvifolia| Chinese elm; lacebark elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus parvifolia var. coreana| Korean lacebark elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus procera| English elm; Atinian elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus pumila| Siberian elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 974| |-| Ulmus rubra| slippery elm; red elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 975| |-| Ulmus serotina| September elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 976| |-| Ulmus szechuanica| Szechuan elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus thomasii| rock elm; cork elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| 977| |-| Ulmus uyematsui| Arishan elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus villosa| cherry bark elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Ulmus wallichiana| Himalayan elm; Kashmir elm| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Zelkova carpinifolia| Caucasian zelkova| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-| Zelkova serrata| Japanese zelkova| Ulmaceae (elm family)| | |-! colspan="5"||-!colspan="5"||-| Avicennia germinans| black mangrove| Verbenaceae (verbena family)| 986| |-!colspan="5"||-| Citharexylum caudatum| juniper berry| Verbenaceae (verbena family)| | |-| Citharexylum fruticosum| Florida fiddlewood| Verbenaceae (verbena family)| | |-| Citharexylum spinosum| spiny fiddlewood| Verbenaceae (verbena family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Duranta erecta| golden dewdrop; pigeon berry; skyflower| Verbenaceae (verbena family)| | |-| Duranta erecta variegata| variegated skyflower; pigeon berry| Verbenaceae (verbena family)| | |-!colspan="5"||-| Vitex agnus-castus| chaste tree| Verbenaceae (verbena family)| | |}

See also

External links