List of creations of cardinals explained

List of the promotions of the cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Dates of the consistories are known or possible to establish only from the pontificate of Pope Gelasius II (1118–1119).[1] Information concerning the number and names of the cardinals created before this pontificate are certainly incomplete.[2] For the later period, the available data are probably complete, but, for some pontificates (particularly in the 12th century), it is impossible to establish the exact number of promotions, because in some cases there are doubts whether the promotion really took place, and in some others it is not possible to ascertain whether the records describe two separate individuals or one individual who held two cardinal titles during his lifetime.

The numbers in the list do not include the cardinals created Latin: [[in pectore]] whose names were never published, those who declined the appointment, and those who died before their announced promotion took place.

Until 1118

PeriodListNumber of cardinals created
until 7th centuryArticle
8th centuryArticle
9th centuryArticle
Pontificate of Paschal II (1099–1118)Article

From 1118

PopePontificateListNumber of consistoriesNumber of cardinals
Gelasius II1118–1119Article11
Callixtus II1119–1124Article3523
Honorius II1124–1130Article2714
Innocent II1130–1143Article76
Antipope Anacletus II1130–1138Article?14 to 17
Celestine II1143–1144Article110
Lucius II1144–1145Article211
Eugene III1145–1153Article916
Anastasius IV1153–115400
Adrian IV1154–1159Article5 to 712 or 13
Alexander III1159–1181Article17 to 2035
Antipope Victor IV1159–1164Article?10 to 13
Antipope Paschal III1164–1168Article?9
Antipope Callixtus III1168–1178Article?7
Lucius III1181–1185Article415
Urban III1185–118700
Gregory VIII118700
Clement III1187–1191Article624 to 26
Celestine III1191–1198Article15
Innocent III1198–1216Article9 or 1030 to 32
Honorius III1216–1227Article56
Gregory IX1227–1241Article410
Celestine IV124100
Innocent IV1243–1254Article2 or 315 or 16
Alexander IV1254–1261Article0 or 10 or 1
Urban IV1261–1264Article214
Clement IV1265–126800
Gregory X1271–1276Article15
Innocent V127600
Adrian V127600
John XXI1276–127700
Nicholas III1277–1280Article19
Martin IV1281–1285Article17
Honorius IV1285–1287Article11
Nicholas IV1288–1292Article16
Celestine V1294Article213
Boniface VIII1294–1303Article515
Benedict XI1303–1304Article22
Clement V1305–1314Article324
John XXII1316–1334Article628
Antipope Nicholas V1328–1330Article49
Benedict XII1334–1342Article16
Clement VI1342–1352Article425
Innocent VI1352–1362Article315
Urban V1362–1370Article413
Gregory XI1370–1378Article221
Urban VI1378–1389Article442
Antipope Clement VII1378–1394Article1133
Boniface IX1389–1404Article26
Antipope Benedict XIII1394–1422Article719
Innocent VII1404–1406Article111
Gregory XII1406–1415Article212
Antipope Alexander V1409–1410Article415
Antipope John XXIII1410–1415Article415
Martin V1417–1431Article417
Eugene IV1431–1447Article627
Antipope Felix V1439–1449Article414
Nicholas V1447–1455Article3 (or 4)[3] 8 (or 11)
Callixtus III1455–1458Article29
Pius II1458–1464Article212
Paul II1464–1471Article210
Sixtus IV1471–1484Article834
Innocent VIII1484–1492Article18
Alexander VI1492–1503Article943
Pius III150300
Julius II1503–1513Article627
Leo X1513–1521Article842
Adrian VI1522 - 1523Article11
Clement VII1523–1534Article1433
Paul III1534–1549Article1271
Julius III1550–1555Article420
Marcellus II155500
Paul IV1555–1559Article317
Pius IV1559–1565Article446
Pius V1566–1572Article321
Gregory XIII1572–1585Article934
Sixtus V1585–1590Article833
Urban VII159000
Gregory XIV1590–1591Article25
Innocent IX1591Article12
Clement VIII1592–1605Article653
Leo XI160500
Paul V1605–1621Article1060
Gregory XV1621–1623Article411
Urban VIII1623–1644Article874
Innocent X1644–1655Article840
Alexander VII1655–1667Article638
Clement IX1667–1669Article312
Clement X1670–1676Article620
Innocent XI1676–1689Article243
Alexander VIII1689–1691Article314
Innocent XII1691–1700Article430
Clement XI1700–1721Article1569
Innocent XIII1721–1724Article23
Benedict XIII1724–1730Article1229
Clement XII1730–1740Article1535
Benedict XIV1740–1758Article764
Clement XIII1758–1769Article752
Clement XIV1769–1774Article1217
Pius VI1775–1799Article2373
Pius VII1800–1823Article1999
Leo XII1823–1829Article825
Pius VIII1829–1830Article36
Gregory XVI1831–1846Article2475
Pius IX1846–1878Article23123
Leo XIII1878–1903Article27147
Pius X1903–1914Article750
Benedict XV1914–1922Article532
Pius XI1922–1939Article1776
Pius XII1939–1958Article256
John XXIII1958–1963Article552
Paul VI1963–1978Article6143
John Paul I197800
John Paul II1978–2005Article9231
Benedict XVI2005–2013Article590
Francis2013 - Article9142

See also


  1. Cfr. Hüls, p. 84-87
  2. Cfr. Klewitz, p. 99.
  3. Number depends on whether to consider as proper promotions the recognition of three promotions made by Antipope Felix V.
