List of synagogues in Hungary explained

This List of synagogues in Hungary contains active, otherwise used and destroyed synagogues in Hungary.This article 'contains synagogues' built in the historical Hungary area, broken down by county. Most of the synagogues listed are no longer in use or have other non-religious functions, and some have been demolished.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were Jewish communities in many settlements of the Kingdom of Hungary, which eventually built their own church, synagogue. Most of these buildings were built with extremely sophisticated artistic exterior and interior designs. There were many Classicist style, many Romantic, many Eclectic and some Art Nouveau. It was designed to be more monumental in size to show the greatness and richness of the equalized and enriching Jewry of the turn of the century - similar to the churches of the Christian churches of the time.

However, during World War II, several synagogues were destroyed or significantly damaged. There has never been a central register of the properties of decentralized and autonomous communities, says Gusztáv Zoltai in 2010, the managing director of Mazsihisz (Association of Jewish Communities in Hungary). After World War II, much was demolished. Many buildings could not be maintained by the local Jewish community, whose membership dropped significantly due to the Holocaust and were sold to municipalities in the 1950s and 1960s. Several of the buildings sold in this way were renovated for cultural purposes - but there were some that were used as warehouses without any preservation. Some were transformed into shops and not one was demolished, as the simplistic architectural trends of the era did not favor the more ornate styles of the past.[1] Examples are the huge Eger Synagogue,[2] a Makó Neological Synagogue[3] and Salgótarján synagogue.[4] The memory of the destroyed Hungarian synagogues is now only photos and postcards. The situation is similar with other parts of the Carpathian Basin belonging to historical Hungary. (Southern Region, Croatian Territories, Highlands, Transylvania, Transcarpathia)

The list of Hungarian synagogues is not necessarily complete, as only a negligible number of sources testify to the existence of some synagogues. Edited by Péter Újvári in 1929, Budapest lists' 'Hungarian Jewish lexicon' 'lists several Hungarian settlements where a synagogue existed at the time of the book' s publication. Larger research into the still standing and already destroyed buildings began during the change of regime. In 1989 László Gerő Synagogues in Hungary, in 2005 Hedvig Podonyi Synagogues in Hungary published photo albums. Larger than all this is Rudin Klein's 2011 book Synagogues in Hungary 1782–1918, who devoted no less than 678 pages to the issue. In 2019, 162 still existing synagogues were identified in a study organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which "which is roughly a quarter of the number of synagogues before World War II." If this estimate is correct, there were more than 600 synagogues in Hungary before 1939, and it seems that this number' 'does not include' 'many of the previously annexed Hungarian territories. synagogue. "During the trip, [of the participants of the research tour] managed to visit 138 of the 162 buildings listed. Roughly 10,000 photos were taken and many synagogues were fully documented, and accurate floor plans were made for several buildings, such as the synagogue in Abony, Baja, Keszthely or Kővágóörs."[5]


There are several synagogues in the Hungarian capital. Some of them work, some are not in religious use. It has recently undergone several major renovations.

BudapestDessewffy Street Syangogue1870standIt stands in the courtyard of a building. In use.
BudapestCinkota Synagogue
BudapestDohány Street Synagogue1854–1859standIt is the largest synagogue in Hungary and the largest synagogue in Europe too. In use.
BudapestDózsa György Street Synagogue1907–1909standIt is currently a fencing room, next to which there is a neolog community in a prayer hall.
BudapestFrankel Leo street Synagogue, Budapest1887–1888standIn use.
BudapestHegedűs Gyula Street Synagogue1911standIt is located in a residential house. In use.
BudapestChurch of heroes1931standIn use.
BudapestKazinczy Street Synagogue, Budapest1912–1913standIn use.
BudapestKőbánya Synagogue, Budapest1909–1912standConverted into a Christian church, it operates that way.
BudapestLágymányos Synagogue1936standIt became the property of the Scientific Dissemination Society.
BudapestLipótváros SynagogueA monumental synagogue left in the plans.
BudapestNagytétény Synagoguebefore 1760standIt works when converted to a library.
BudapestÓbuda Synagogue1820–1821standRecently renovated. In use.
BudapestPáva Street Synagogue, Budapest1923standRecently renovated. In use.
BudapestPesterzsébet Synagogue, Budapest1901standIt is in an extremely dilapidated condition.[6]
BudapestRákoscsaba Synagogue
BudapestRákospalota Synagogue1926–1927standCurrently in the warehouse of the National Széchényi Library.
BudapestRumbach Street Synagogue1869–1872standIt is under renovation.
BudapestSashalom Synagogue
BudapestÚjpest Synagogue1885–1886standRecently renovated. In use.
BudapestVasvári Pál Street Synagogue1886stand It stands in the courtyard of a building. In use.

Bács–Kiskun county

ApostagApostag Synagogue1822standIn 1989, it was the first synagogue to be renovated while retaining its sacred character. During the restoration, a library was converted from the building, but it is seen in its original condition as a fridge cabinet and bima (lake reading platform) and also provides space for community celebrations. The renovation work was awarded the Europa Nostra Award.
BácsalmásBácsalmás Synagogue18881954 World War II, the number of members of the community declined. The synagogue was demolished in the 1950s.
BajaBaja Synagogue1842–1845 standThe Ady Endre City Library and Cultural Center operates in it.
DunapatajDunapataj Synagogue18791957 World War II, the number of members of the community declined. The synagogue was demolished in the 1950s.
FajszFajsz Synagogue
JánoshalmaJánoshalma Synagoguebefore 1850standIt is not in use.
KalocsaKalocsa Synagogue1861standIt is used for cultural purposes.
KecelKecel Synagogue
KecskemétKecskemét Orthodox Synagogue1918 standIt houses the Hungarian Museum of Photography.
KecskemétKecskemét Neolog Synagogue1864−1868 standIt houses the House of Science and Technology.
KiskőrösKiskőrös Great Synagogue18731946It was demolished after World War II.
KiskőrösKiskőrös Little Synagogue1915standIt functions as a music school, a concert hall.
KiskunfélegyházaKiskunfélegyháza Synagogue
KiskunhalasKiskunhalas Synagogue1860standIn use.
SoltvadkertSoltvadkert Synagogue
SzabadszállásSzabadszállás Synagogue
TassTass Synagogue
TiszakécskeTiszakécske Synagogue1909standIt is used for cultural purposes.

Baranya county

MohácsMohács Synagogue1864[7] 1968It has been broken down.
PécsPécs Synagogue1868–1869standRecently renovated. In use.
PécsváradPécsvárad Synagogue
SiklósSiklós Synagogue
SzigetvárSzigetvár Synagogue1857standThe Szigetvár City Library operates in it.

Békés county

BattonyaBattonya Synagogue
BékésBékés Synagogue1909standIt is used for cultural purposes
BékéscsabaBékéscsaba New Synagogue2004standA new building. In use.
BékéscsabaBékéscsaba Orthodox Synagogue1894standIt has been transformed, it has no religious function.
BékéscsabaBékéscsaba Neolog Synagogue1893standIt has been transformed, it has no religious function.
FüzesgyarmatFüzesgyarmat Synagogue1929standIt works as a school.
GyulaGyula Synagogue1882–1883 standIt works as a school.
MezőberényMezőberény Synagogue1884after 1945 (?)It has been broken down.
OrosházaOrosháza Synagogue1890standIt is not in use.
SzeghalomSzeghalom Synagogue

Borsod–Abaúj–Zemplén county

AbaújszántóAbaújszántó Synagogue1896standUsed as a warehouse.
BodrogkeresztúrBodrogkeresztúr Synagogue1906standThe Directorate of the Bükk National Park operates in it.
EncsEncs Synagogue
ErdőbényeErdőbénye Synagogue
FonyFony Synagogue
JósvafőJósvafő Synagogue??
KazincbarcikaKazincbarcika Synagogue
MádMád Synagogue1795standIn use.
MegyaszóMegyaszó Synagoguebefore 1913standUsed as a warehouse.
MezőcsátMezőcsát Synagogue1880standRecently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
MezőkövesdMezőkövesd Synagogue1896after 1945It has been broken down.
MiskolcSynagogue of Miskolc (Kazinczy Street Synagogue)1856–1863 standIn use.
MiskolcPalóczy Street Synagogue19001963The building was damaged in World War II. It was later demolished, citing its damaged condition and excessive size.
OlaszliszkaOlaszliszka Synagogue1875standLargely broken down. Remains converted into a memorial site.
ÓnodÓnod Synagogue
PutnokPutnok Synagogue1865standOut of order. In a ruined and life-threatening condition.
SajókazincSajókazinc Synagogue
SajószentpéterSajószentpéter Synagogue1900standIt operates as a pension.
SálySály Synagogue
SárospatakSárospatak Synagogue1890standIt operates as a department store.
SátoraljaújhelySátoraljaújhely Old Synagogue1795standOut of order.
SátoraljaújhelySátoraljaújhely New Synagogue1830standOut of order.
SzendrőSzendrő Synagogue1830c. 1944It was broken down.
SzerencsSzerencs Synagoguebefore 1909mid 1970sIt was broken down.
SzikszóSzikszó Synagogue1914standIt acts as an incubator house.
TállyaTállya Synagogue
TarcalTarcal Synagogue1779
(or 1795)
standUsed as guesthouse.
TokajTokaj Synagogue1899standIt is used for cultural purposes.
TolcsvaTolcsva Synagogue??It has been broken down.
VilmányVilmány Synagogue
VizsolyVizsoly Synagogue

Csongrád county

CsanádpalotaCsanádpalota Synagogue
HódmezővásárhelyHódmezővásárhely Synagogue1857standIt was remodeled in 1908. Recently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
MakóMakó Orthodox Synagogue1895standRecently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
MakóMakó Neological Synagogue19141965After the destruction of Makó Jewry in World War II, the synagogue lost its former role. In the 1950s and 1960s, several ideas were born for recycling, but they were eventually dismantled.
SzegedSzeged Old Synagogue1843standIt is used for cultural purposes.
SzegedSzeged Synagogue1900–1902 standIt is the second largest synagogue in Hungary and the fourth largest in the world. Recently renovated. In use.
SzentesSzentes Synagogue1868–1872 standThe Szentes City Library operates in the building.

Fejér county

BicskeBicske Synagogue
CeceCece SynagogueAt the time of its rise in 1955, the building was already in its original function: it was piled full of fruit crates.
Dunaújváros (before 1951: Dunapentele)Dunaújváros Synagogue
EnyingEnying Synagogue
LovasberényLovasberény Synagoguebefore 1798after 1945It has been broken down.
MartonvásárMartonvásár Synagogue
SárbogárdSárbogárd Synagogue
SzékesfehérvárSzékesfehérvár Orthodox Synagogue18621946The building was bombed during World War II and was significantly damaged. Its ruins were demolished in 1946.
SzékesfehérvárSzékesfehérvár Neolog Synagogue1870after 1945It has been broken down.

Győr–Moson–Sopron county

GyőrGyőr Synagogue1870standRecently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
MosonmagyaróvárMosonmagyaróvár Synagogue
PannonhalmaPannonhalma Synagogue1870sstandRecently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
RajkaRajka Synagogue
SopronSopron Old Synagogue14th centurystandIt is used for cultural purposes.
SopronSopron New Synagogue1874after 1945The synagogue building was bombed in 1945, so its remains were later demolished.
SopronSopron Orthodox Synagogue1891standThe building is ruined and life threatening. Renovation is planned.
SzilsárkánySzilsárkány Synagogue??

Hajdú–Bihar county

BerettyóújfaluBerettyóújfalu Synagogue1903stand The building is ruined and life threatening. Renovation is planned.
DebrecenDebrecen Orthodox Synagogue1893stand Recently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
DebrecenDebrecen Neological Synagogue18961949It was injured in World War II. They started renovating, but it caught fire and burned out. Its remains were then demolished.
DebrecenDebrecen Kápolnás Street Synagogue1909–1910stand It was renovated in 2015.
DerecskeDerecske Synagogue
EgyekEgyek Synagogue
FöldesFöldes Synagogue
HajdúböszörményHajdúböszörmény Synagogue1863stand It is under renovation.
HajdúdorogHajdúdorog Synagoguebefore 1859after 1945 (?)Destroyed.
HajdúnánásHajdúnánás Synagogue
KabaKaba Synagogue
KonyárKonyár Synagoguec. 1900stand ?

Heves county

EgerEger Synagogue1911–1913 1967It was blown up, citing its exaggerated and degrading size of the settlement.
EgerEger Orthodox Synagogue1893standIt was converted into a store.
EgerEger Little Synagogue1820standIt is used for cultural purposes.
FüzesabonyFüzesabony Synagogue
GyöngyösGyöngyös Synagogue1930standRecently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
GyöngyösGyöngyös Old Synagogue18721917It burned out, so it was demolished.
HatvanHatvan Synagogue1876after 1955No information was found about it, probably demolished.
HevesHeves Synagogue?after 1945The building was demolished.
RecskRecsk Synagogue
VerpelétVerpelét Synagogue1870standToday, in the former synagogue, the town operates a fire station.

Jász–Nagykun–Szolnok county

KarcagKarcag Synagogue1899standRecently renovated. In use.
JászberényJászberény Synagogue1887[8] after 1945The building was demolished.
JászárokszállásJászárokszállás Synagogue19th century (?)after 1945The building was demolished.
JászfényszaruJászfényszaru Synagogue19th century (?)after 1945The building was demolished.
KisújszállásKisújszállás Synagogue
KunmadarasKunmadaras Synagogue18801941The building collapsed.
KunhegyesKunhegyes Synagogue1893standIt is not in use. The building is ruined and life threatening.
KunszentmártonKunszentmárton Synagogue1911–1912standRecently renovated. It is used for cultural purposes.
MezőtúrMezőtúr Synagogue1830standIt houses the local City Gallery.
SzolnokSzolnok Synagogue1898standRecently renovated. The Szolnok Gallery operates in the building.
TiszabőTiszabő Synagogue
TiszafüredTiszafüred Synagogue1912[9] standConverted to be used as a store.
TörökszentmiklósTörökszentmiklós Synagogue

Komárom–Esztergom county

ÁcsÁcs Synagogue
BanaBana Synagogue? standIt functions as a residential house.
EsztergomEsztergom Synagogue1888standIt is used for cultural purposes.
KisbérKisbér Synagogue
TataTata Synagogue1861standIt acts as an exhibition place for local Greco-Roman sculptures.

Nógrád county

BalassagyarmatBalassagyarmat Synagogue18661950It was used as a munitions depot in World War II and was then blown up by retreating German troops in December 1944. The ruined remains of the building were blown up and cleaned up in 1950.
SalgótarjánSalgótarján Neolog Synagogue1901–1902 1969Although declared a monument by the Hungarian state, it was demolished in 1969.
SalgótarjánSalgótarján Orthodox Synagogueearly 20th century (?)1964 (?)It has been broken down.
SzécsénySzécsény Synagogue?after 1945It has been broken down.

Pest county

AbonyAbony Synagogue1825standUsed as a warehouse.
AlbertirsaAlbertirsa Synagogueearly 1800sstandIt is used for cultural purposes.
AszódAszód Synagogue19081950The building was demolished.
CeglédCegléd Synagogue1905standIt functions as a sports hall.
GödGöd Synagogue
GödöllőGödöllő Synagogue1894after 1945The building was demolished.
GyömrőGyömrő Synagogue
IsaszegIsaszeg Synagogue
MaglódMaglód Synagogue
MonorMonor Synagogue
NagykátaNagykáta Synagogue1905standAfter World War II, the number of members of the community declined. The building was sold to the village in 1952. It has been used for worldly functions for decades. It's been empty for a long time.
NagykőrösNagykőrös Synagogue1923standThe example of Nagykőrös shows the possibility of the fate of the synagogues. György Feldmájer, the then leader of the Nagykőrös community - the father of Péter Feldmájer, the later president of Mazsihisz - refused to sell the synagogue either on request or under threat. In return, central support was withdrawn, and maintenance costs were borne by the family and the local community for decades from their own coffers. In use.
ÓcsaÓcsa SynagogueThe building of the synagogue in Ócsa did not remain, but the covenant was dismantled and sent to the Hungarian Jewish Museum, where it was hoped for its gracious preservation. In the museum, the fridge cabinet was assembled and, according to an album made in 1949, was incorporated into the exhibition. His cubicle was covered with a Polish parokhet (torah curtain) from the collection of Béla Lajta, and a Hanukkah menorah from a Polish synagogue was placed in front of him. On both sides it was surrounded by former candlesticks of the Arad community. Unfortunately, the locker is no longer in the museum's collection (2010).
PécelPécel Synagogueearly 1800s (?)standOut of order.
PilisvörösvárPilisvörösvár Synagogue
TápióbicskeTápióbicske Synagogue
TápiógyörgyeTápiógyörgye Synagogue1896demolishedThe synagogue was built by the Tafler-Györgyey family. Neológ synagogue had been located in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun county, Hungary. 17 Jews had lived in the town in 1785. From 1910 that number increased to 110. In 1941, there were 30 Jews and 12 Christians of Jewish descent. The congregation had 27 members in 1944. The synagogue went through tough times in the second World War, but it survived the war. With the advent of communism, it became a warehouse. After its use the building became dangerous for usage and was demolished.
TinnyeTinnye Synagogue19th century (?)standUsed as a warehouse.
VácVác Synagogue (Vác Neolog Synagogue)1864standIn use.
VácVác Orthodox Synagogueafter 1871demolishedA ten-storey tower block was built in its place.[10]
ZsámbékZsámbék Synagogue1790after 1945The historical value of the Jewish community of the same age as Óbuda was already known, in 1943 some of the surviving historical documents had already been collected by the employees of the Hungarian Jewish Museum. In 1947, the Jewish central leadership was brought to the attention of the synagogue's endangered values, but despite their warning, the synagogue was demolished not long after.

Somogy county

ÁdándÁdánd Synagoguebefore 1955At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing.
BalatonboglárBalatonboglár Synagogue19th century (?)standIt operates as the Somogy County Labor Center.
BarcsBarcs Synagogue1899standIt was converted into a furniture store.
IgalIgal Synagogue?standOut of order.
KaposvárKaposvár Synagogue1864after 1945The building was damaged in World War II and was therefore demolished on the grounds of town planning.
KéthelyKéthely Synagogue
MarcaliMarcali Synagogue19061963The greatly reduced number of Jewish communities after World War II was no longer able to use the building much, so it was later demolished.
NagyatádNagyatád Synagogue
NemesdédNemesdéd Synagogue
PusztakovácsiPusztakovácsi Synagogue
SiófokSiófok Old Synagogue1869after 1945The synagogue was dismantled after World War II.
SiófokSiófok New Synagogue1985standIn use.
SomogyszilSomogyszil Synagoguebefore 1955At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing.
TabTab Synagogue1897before 1955At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing.
ToponárToponár Synagogue1652?after 1945The building was demolished.

Szabolcs–Szatmár–Bereg county

BeregdarócBeregdaróc Synagogue?standIt was actually just a prayer room. It has been converted into a business.
BeregsurányBeregsurány Synagogueearly 1900standSmaller house of prayer, converted into a residential building.
CsengerCsenger Synagogue
Gergelyiugornya (now Vásárosnamény)Gergelyiugornya Synagogue1908standSmaller house of prayer. It is not in use.
HodászHodász Synagogue
KisvárdaKisvárda Synagogue1901standIt is used for cultural purposes.
MándokMándok Synagogue19th century (?)after 1945The building was demolished.
MátészalkaMátészalka Synagogue1857standIt is not in use.
NagykállóNagykálló Synagoguec. 1790after 1945The building was destroyed.
NyíracsádNyíracsád Synagogue1860standIt is used as a Baptist house of prayer.
NyírbátorNyírbátor Synagogue
NyíregyházaNyíregyháza Old Synagogue1880after 1945It burned down during World War II and the building was later demolished.
NyíregyházaNyíregyháza New Synagogue1924–1932 standIn use.
ÓpályiÓpályi Synagogue
TiszaeszlárTiszaeszlár Synagogue
TornyospálcaTornyospálca Synagogue

Tolna county

Bátaszék Synagogue1862 1949At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing.
BonyhádBonyhád Old Synagogue1795stand The building is in ruined condition.
BonyhádBonyhád New Synagogue1924stand It is not in use.
Bölcske SynagogueAt the time of its rise in 1955, the building was already used in its original function: a grain warehouse was built inside.
DombóvárDombóvár Synagogue1885stand By 2023 the building is in ruined condition.
DunaföldvárDunaföldvár Synagogue1854after 1945 The building was destroyed.
FaddFadd Synagogueend of the 19th century (?) after 1945 The building was destroyed.
GyönkGyönk Synagogue1836before 1955At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing. The new owner built a house for himself from the material of the demolished synagogue, in its place.
HőgyészHőgyész Synagogue1861stand Used as a warehouse.
IregszemcseIregszemcse Synagogue19th century (?)after 1945 The building was destroyed.
MiszlaMiszla Synagogue19th century (?)after 1945 The building was destroyed.
NagydorogNagydorog Synagogue19th century (?)after 1945 The building was destroyed.
OzoraOzora Synagogueend of the 19th century The building was destroyed.
PaksPaks Synagogue1785stand It is used for cultural purposes.
PincehelyPincehely Synagogueend of the 19th century c. 1944The synagogue was probably blown up by the Arrow Cross. The new owner built a house for himself from the material of the demolished synagogue, in its place.
SimontornyaSimontornya Synagogue1851stand Existing building. It's actually just a house of prayer.
SzakcsSzakcs Synagogue19th century (?)after 1945 The building was destroyed.
SzekszárdSzekszárd Synagogue1897stand Even in the days of socialism, an exhibition hall was set up. It is used for cultural purposes.
TamásiTamási Synagogueend of the 19th century1950sThe building was demolished.
TolnaTolna Synagogueearly 20th century1950sThe building was demolished.

Vas county

CelldömölkCelldömölk Neolog Synagogue1882[11] before 1955At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing.,
CelldömölkCelldömölk Orthodox Synagogue1911before 1955At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing.
JánosházaJánosháza Synagogue
KörmendKörmend Synagogue
KőszegKőszeg Synagogue1858–1859 standIt is not in use.
SárvárSárvár Synagogue
SzombathelySzombathely Synagogue1880standIt is used for cultural purposes.
SzombathelySzombathely Orthodox Synagogue1832standThere are shops in it.

Veszprém county

BalatonfüredBalatonfüred Synagogue
CsabrendekCsabrendek Synagogue
DevecserDevecser SynagogueAt the time of a 1955 erection, the building was already used in its original function: a flour warehouse was built inside.
KővágóörsKővágóörs Synagogue1820sstandIt is not in use. The building is ruined and life threatening.
NagyvázsonyNagyvázsony Synagogueafter 1955At the time of the 1955 eruption, demolition work was already in an advanced state.
PápaPápa Synagogue1844–1846standIt is not in use. The inside of the building is ruined and life threatening. Occasional exhibitions are sometimes held in it.
SümegSümeg Synagogue1886standIt is used for school purposes.
SzentgálSzentgál Synagogue
TapolcaTapolca Synagogue1863standIt is used for cultural purposes.
VárpalotaVárpápalota Synagogue1839standIt is used for cultural purposes.
VeszprémVeszprém Synagogue1862–1865 standIt was rebuilt, the headquarters of the Veszprém Mining Headquarters.

Zala county

HévízHévíz Synagogue19331977[12] It was demolished. A Holocaust memorial stands in its place.
KeszthelyKeszthely Synagogue1852standIn use.
NagykanizsaNagykanizsa Synagogue1807–1821standIt needs total refurbishment.
PacsaPacsa Synagogue
ZalaegerszegZalaegerszeg Synagogue1903standIt is used for cultural purposes.
ZalaszentgrótZalaszentgrót Synagoguebefore 1955At the time of a 1955 erection, the building was no longer standing.


  1. -resaved-synagogues
  2. Web site: Műemlékvédelmi rombolás Eger belvárosában – Napi Történelmi Forrás.
  3. Web site: Ősszel avatják a makói neológ zsinagóga emlékművét. 4 February 2014.
  4. Web site: Zsinagóga.
  5. Web site: Kielégítőnek mondható a magyarországi zsinagógák állapota. 11 September 2020.
  6. Web site: Pesterzsébet. 11 June 2015.
  10. Web site: Vác zsidósága a holokauszt idején. 10 August 2007.
  11. Web site: Eldózerolt és megmentett zsinagógák | Mazsihisz.


Old postcards