List of streets and piazzas in Valletta explained

Below is a list some streets and piazzas (squares) in Valletta, the capital city of Malta.

Main thoroughfares


A piazza (mt|pjazza, misraħ) is a public square. A number of formerly existing square in Valletta no longer exist.[2]


Historical names of Valletta's streets and squares

Original Informal French British British post-1926 Maltese [4] [5]
Porta di San GiorgioPorte NationalePorta RealeKingsgatePutirjal/Bieb il-Belt
Piazza San Giorgio Piazza dei Cavallieri Place de la Liberté Palace Square Pjazza San Ġorġ
Piazza dei Cavallieri Piazza della Città Place de l'Egalité Piazza Regina[6] Victoria Square Pjazza Repubblika
Strada San Giorgio Strada delle Corse Rue Nationale Strada Reale Kingsway Triq ir-Repubblika
Strada San Giacomo Strada di Castiglia Rue de Marchands Strada Mercanti Merchants Street Triq il-Merkanti
Strada San Luigi Strada Sant’Aloisio Rue de la Constitution Strada Levante East Street Triq il-Lvant
Strada San Paolo - Rue de la Constitution Strada San Paolo St Paul Street Triq San Pawl
Strada San Pietro Strada della Chiesa di San Rocco Rue de la Barraque Strada St Ursula St Ursula Street Triq Sant’Ursula
Strada San Giovanni Battista - Rue des Fours Strada Forni Old Bakery Street Triq l-Ifran
Strada San Sebastiano Strada Toro Rue de la Monnaie Strada Zecca Old Mint Street Triq Żekka
Strada Stretta Strada Vanella Rue Etroite Strada Stretta Strait Street Triq id-Dejqa
Strada Pia Strada del Gran Falconiere Rue de la Félicité Publique Strada Britannica Britannia Street Triq Melita
Strada di Monte Strada dei Carcerati Rue de Peuple Strada San Giovanni St John Street Triq San Ġwann / In-Niżla tal-Ganċ
Strada del Popolo Strada di Aragona / Strada dei Greci Rue des Libérateurs Strada Vescovo Archbishop Street Triq l-Arċisqof

Notes and References

  1. Christopher Street in Valletta was first named "Strada della Fontana" as a spring or fountain of fresh water was struck in its vicinity whilst a well for the storage of water was being excavated during the building of Valletta. The French Republican Government altered the name to "Rue des Droits de l'Homme". The British Colonial Government then changed the name to "Strada Cristoforo"; Victor F. Denaro, The Houses of Valletta, Malta, 1967.
  2. [Giovanni Bonello|Bonello, Giovanni]
  3. 1929 Map of Valletta
  4. times of Malta
  5. Cilia Lacorte
  6. During British pre-1926 (and possibly even after that) Republic Square was known as Piazza Tesoreria not Piazza Regina. Piazza Regina was what is now known as Castille Place.