List of steam car makers explained

The steam car manufacturers listed here were mostly active during the first period of volume production, roughly 1860–1930, with a peak around 1900. From 1940 onwards, steam cars have tended to be either experimental or prototypes.

The first experimental steam-powered vehicles were built in the 18th and 19th centuries, but it was not until after Richard Trevithick had developed the use of high-pressure steam, around 1800, that mobile steam engines became a practical proposition. The first half of the 19th century saw great progress in steam vehicle design, and by the 1850s it was viable to produce them on a commercial basis. The next sixty years saw continuing improvements in vehicle technology and manufacturing techniques and steam road vehicles were used for many applications. In the 20th century, the rapid development of internal combustion engine technology led to the demise of the steam engine as a source of propulsion of vehicles on a commercial basis prior to World War II. Since then there have been sporadic resurgences of interest in steam, particularly in the late 1960s in California to address air pollution issues and later in response to the 1973 oil crisis.

1600s – Concepts

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Grimaldi Italy 1671 Phillipe-Marie Grimaldi is thought to have followed on from the Belgian model steam vehicle and served as an inspiration for the Italian model steam-powered carriage successor.[1] [2]
Verbiest Belgium 1665 Ferdinand Verbiest is suggested to have built what may have been the first steam-powered carriage in about 1665, it had a length of 65 cm and was powered by an aeolipile. Both the Belgian model and later the Italian model were little more than toys.[3] [4]

1700s – Pioneers

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Cugnot France 1769 Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot's "machine à feu pour le transport de wagons et surtout de l'artillerie" ("fire engine for transporting wagons and especially artillery") was built in two versions, one in 1769 and one in 1771 for use by the French Army.[5]
Fourness and Ashworth England 1788 A British patent No.1674 of December 1788 was granted for a steam-powered car.[6]
Murdoch Scotland 1784 William Murdoch built and operated a steam-powered carriage in model form in 1784. In 1791 he built a larger steam-powered carriage which he had to abandon to do other work.[7]
Nolet France 1748 It seems that the Belgian vehicle of 1665 served as an inspiration for the French steam-powered carriage successor.[8]
Symington Scotland 1786 William Symington built a steam-powered carriage in 1786.[9]

1800s – Early developments

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Aiken US 1882 A steam car built by Dr William E Aiken of the University of Maryland.[10]
Amoskeag US 1872 Amoskeag alongside building locomotives for railroad use also built a self-propelled fire extinguishing steam carriage.[11]
Anderson Ireland 1829 James C. Anderson built several steam carriages in conjunction with Henry James and later Jasper W. Rogers.[12] [13]
Austin England 1863 The Austin Steam car was made in 1863.[14]
Blackburn England 1878 A steam-powered dog-cart.[15]
US 1825 A steam-powered wagon created by Thomas Blanchard of Springfield, Massachusetts.[16]
France 1873 Amédée manufactured his first steam vehicle the L'Obéissante (The Obedient) in 1873 and made the first road trip between Paris and Le Mans in 18 hours. The L'Obéissante carried 12 passengers and had a cruising speed of 300NaN0 and a top speed of 400NaN0. It was driven by two V twin steam engines, one for each rear wheel.[17]
Bordino Italy 1854 Colonel Bordino built a steam carriage in 1854.[18]
Poland/Czech Republic 1815 Josef Božek began construction of a steam carriage in 1814 and completed it 1815. Božek is considered one of the founders of Czech mechanics.[19]
Burstall & Hill England 1824 Timothy Burstall and John Hill built a steam carriage in 1824.[20]
US 1884 Designed by Edward Scott Callihan, it was a tricycle layout with a single spoked wheel in front and two at the rear. The driver sat behind the steam boiler on a seat from a reaper. It was steered it with levers. The top speed was 15 mph. Only one was built.[21]
Catley & Ayres England 1863 A small three-wheeled vehicle propelled by a horizontal twin cylinder engine which drove the rear axle by spur gearing, only one rear wheel was driven, the other turning freely on the axle.[22]
Carhart US 1871 A steam buggy made by Dr J.W. Carhart of Racine, Wisconsin.[23]
US 1887 Made a steam-powered bicycle and a three wheeler. Only prototypes made.
Curtis US 1867 In 1866 Francis Curtis, Newburyport, Massachusetts invented a steam engine attached to a piece of fire fighting equipment. Curtis demonstrated it to Nehemiah Bean, who went on to design the steam-powered Amoskeag fire wagon. The following year Curtis built a steam passenger carriage for an unnamed client. The client did not pay, and Curits made the first repossession in American history. During the initial testing of the carriage a warrant was issued for Curtis' arrest. To escape the arresting officer, Curtis made the first getaway by car in American history.
France 1883–1904 The company was renamed De Dion-Bouton, possibly as a result of Trepardoux resigning in 1894 over the use of petrol engines. The last steam-powered cars were made in 1904. The company lasted until the 1950s.[24]
US 1859 Robert Dudgeon of New York made a steam-powered carriage to take his family to church. The carriage was described as noisy and costly to run. It was abandoned.[25] [26]
Evans US 1805 In 1805 Oliver Evans built the Oruktor amphibolos (literally Amphibious digger), a steam-powered, flat bottomed dredger that he modified to be self-propelled on both water and land. The dredger was not a success, and after a few years lying idle, was dismantled for parts.[27]
Field US 1879 A steam car built by Edwin F Field of Lewiston, who later went on to superintend the Skene American Automobile Company.
Fisher US 1859 A one off steam carriage designed by J H Fisher and built by Danforth, Cooke & Co. Fisher continued to work on the carriage until his death in 1873.[28]
Fowler England 1862 John Fowler built a steam car in 1862.[29]
Grenville England 1875–1880 It was designed about 1875 by Robert Grenville of Glastonbury with some assistance from his friend George Jackson Churchward.
Griffith England 1821 Julius Griffith built a steam carriage in 1821.[30]
Gurney England 1827 Goldsworthy Gurney built a steam carriage in 1827.[31]
Hancock England 1829 Walter Hancock in 1829 built a 10 seat steam bus called the Infant.
Hills US 1868 A steam-powered buggy later converted to petrol made by James Hills of Fleetwood.[32]
Holt England 1866 H.P. Holt made a three wheel light steam carriage.[33]
Inshaw England 1881 John Inshaw built a steam car in 1881.
Jacquot France 1878 Designed and built by Louis Lejeune.
James England 1829 See Anderson.
Kemna Germany 1871 In 1871 Julius Kemna started selling English steam threshing systems. A couple of years later Kemna started producing various other steam-powered vehicles (such as road rollers) but also high quality steam ploughing engines and road steamers.
Knight England 1868–1870 In 1868–1870 John Henry Knight of Farnham built a four-wheeled steam carriage which originally only had a single-cylinder engine.
US 1880 The Long steam tricycle was built by George A. Long around 1880 and patented in 1883. One example was built.
Lotz France 1860 Lotz in 1860 built a steam car called the L'Eclair.[34]
Macerone England 1832 Colonel Francis Macerone built a steam carriage in 1832.[35]
Italy 1864 In 1864 Italian inventor Innocenzo Manzetti, associated with Serpolett, built a road steamer.[36] It had the boiler at the front and a single cylinder engine.
Manton US 1866 An experimental coal-burning steamer built by Joseph P Manton of Providence, Rhode Island.
Mason US 1885–1897 William B Mason of the Mason Regulator Company (now a subsidiary of Dresser Industries) made his first steam carriage in 1885. He made a second car in July 1897. Both these vehicles were used as test beds for his steam engines.
France 1889 Fernand Mérelle was the concessionaire for De Dion and Bouton at the 1889 Exposition Universelle in Paris and cars were sold under that name.[37]
Nairn Scotland 1870 Nairn built a steam bus in 1870.
US 1886–1894 Ransom Old's is reputed to have made his first steam-powered car in 1886. He did make the first car exported from the United States in 1893. It was steam powered and destined for India. However, the ship sank and the car was never delivered.[38]
Pagani Italy 1830 Luigi Pagani built a steam car in 1830.[39]
France 1889 The first Peugeot automobile was a three-wheeled steam-powered car designed by Léon Serpollet and was produced in 1889, only four examples were made.
Randolph Scotland 1872 In 1872 a steam bus by Charles Randolph of Glasgow weighed four and a half tons, was 15feet in length, but had a maximum speed of only 6 miles per hour. Two vertical twin cylinder engines were independent of one another and each drove one of the rear wheels by spur gearing. The entire vehicle was enclosed and fitted with windows all around and carried six people.
England 1854–1860 Rickett made ploughs and steam engines. In 1858 he created a steam-powered plough. This inspired the Marquess of Stafford to order a steam car. This vehicle had a rear mounted coal fire boiler with a two cylinder engine and three wheels, the single wheel at the front. He made a second vehicle for the Earl of Caithness in 1860. These were potentially England's first cars.
Roberts US 1884 A steam car made by John H Roberts of Providence, Rhode Island.
Rogers Ireland 1829 See Anderson.
US 1861–1894 Sylvester H. Roper drove around Boston, Massachusetts on a steam car he invented in 1863.[40] [41] [42] One of his 1863 cars went to the Henry Ford Museum, where, in 1972, it was the oldest car in the collection.
Russel Scotland 1834 John Scott Russell built a steam carriage in 1834.[43]
England 1889 In 1887 the Santler brothers designed a small steam engine that they had running in 1889 and installed in a four wheeled chassis.
New Zealand 1881 Robert Julian Scott's steam-powered buggy built by Cutten and Co, Dunedin.
France 1887–1898 Léon Serpollet's first steam cars were sold under his own name, before the partnership as Gardner-Serpollet. Serpollet is credited with inventing the flash boiler.
Spencer US 1862–1904 Christopher Spencer built a steam buggy in Connecticut. He continued making steam vehicles with his last being delivery vans for a New York dairy.[44]
Squire England 1843 John Squire built a steam bus in 1843.[45]
Summers & Ogle England 1830-1831 In around 1830-1831 William Alltoft Summers and Nathaniel Ogle based at the Iron Foundry, Millbrook, Southampton, made two three-wheeled steam carriages.
Canada 1867 The Henry Seth Taylor steam buggy was the first known car built in Canada. It was built by Henry Seth Taylor, a watchmaker and jeweller in Stanstead, Quebec in 1867. It was unveiled at the Stanstead Fall Fair that year.[46] [47]
Thomson Scotland 1869 In 1869 the road steamer built by Robert William Thomson of Edinburgh became famous because its wheels were shod with heavy solid rubber tyres.
Thury Switzerland 1879 In 1879 René Thury made a steam-powered tricycle.
Trevithick England 1803 In 1803 Richard Trevithick built the London Steam Carriage that ran successfully in London in 1803, but the venture failed to attract interest and soon folded up.[48]
Whitney US 1885–1898 George Eli Whitney of the East Boston Whitney Motor Wagon Company began to make a steam motor vehicle in 1885 when he partly built one. In 1895 he began again and completed the 650 lb carriage in October 1896. He built several more machines after that date. Whitney had gained experience while working on the Roper steam velocipede. For a short time Whitney's were manufactured by the Stanley Manufacturing Company as Stanley-Whitney's and by Everett Motor Carriage Company as Everett's In 1899 Whitney sold the rights to a higher powered version of his car to Brown Brothers of England.[49]
Yarrow & Hilditch England 1861 Alfred Yarrow and James Bracebridge Hilditch built a steam car in 1861.

1890s – Commercial manufacture

Make Country Years active Comments
US 1898–1899 The American Waltham was produced from 1898 to 1899 by the American Waltham Manufacturing Co., a bicycle firm based in Waltham, Massachusetts. It was a typical light steam buggy with a two cylinder engine under the seat, cycle type wheels and tiller steering.[50]
US 1899–1905 The Baldwin Automobile Manufacturing Company made steam runabouts at Connellsville from at least July 1899. By 1901 the company was in receivership, but continued trading till about 1905. The relationship between these cars and Leo Baldwin's is unknown, although they may be the same.[51]
Baldwin US 1899–1901 A steam buggy made by Leo F.N. Baldwin's Baldwin Automobile Company, of Providence. He moved to Connellsville in March 1900 and built the Baldwin there until 1901. He then returned to Providence and continued manufacturing under the Baldwin Motor Wagon Company until 1902. Closing his factory that year, Leo Baldwin went on to sell steamers and later race Stanley's.[52] Also see Cruickshank and Cross below.
Best US 1898 Daniel Best of the Best Manufacturing Company, San Leandro made an experimental automobile in 1898 but decided not to put it into production. He also built a runabout for personal use. The company made traction engines and its factory was later sold to Holt now part of Caterpillar.[53]
US 1891 In 1891 Charles H Black completed and tested his first steam-powered "chug buggy". However, he rejected the steam engine for use in an automobile as being "too cumbersome and hard to manage" and continued to search for a more suitable engine.
Brown-Whitney England 1899–1900 See Whitney.
Buard France 1896–1914 Concentrated on steam-powered bicycles.
Burgett & West US 1899 C.E. Burgett and William S West of Middleburgh, New York made a steam car prototype. This vehicle was exhibited in 1901 at the Schoharie County Fairgrounds. No more were known to have been made.[54]
Cameron US 1899 An alternative name for the Eclipse.[55]
Sweden 1892 Painter Joens Cederholm and his brother, André, a blacksmith, designed their first car, a two seater, introducing a condensor in 1894. It was not a success.[56]
CenturyUS 1899–1903 Century Motor Vehicle Company (1899–1903) was a manufacturer of electric and steam automobiles in Syracuse, New York. The company switched to gasoline-fuelled internal combustion engine-powered automobiles in January 1903, and went out of business later that year.
Clark US 1895–1909 Edward S Clark made several experimental steam-powered wagons in Boston before in 1900 he began manufacturing steam cars at Dorchester. His steam engine was a horizontally-opposed 20 hp 4 cylinder engines of 20 hp which was centrally mounted and had the flash boiler located at the front. He also made steam-powered delivery wagons.[57]
Clarkson England 1899–1902 [58]
Cross US 1897 Only one Cross was made. LFN Baldwin of the Cruickshank Engine Works, Providence, Rhode Island made the steam engine, Alonza Cross of the Cross Writing Instrument Company made the chassis, and the body was made by H M Howe, a carriage maker. It was the first car made in Rhode Island. Construction began in October 1897 and its first trial run was in March 1898.
Crouch US 1897–1899 Three steam-powered cars are believed to have been made by W E Crouch, a machinist from New Brighton, Pennsylvania. His third and final car made in Baltlimore still exists and is believed to have been made from parts used in his first two vehicles. The steam engine is thought to be a converted marine engine. The car's body was an angle iron frame with aluminum cladding.[59]
Cruickshank US 1896 Cruickshank Engine Company made steam carriages to order. Alonza Cross was probably a Cruickshank's as Leo F N Baldwin who constructed the engine was employed by them. Baldwin went on to set up his own firm in 1899.
Dyke US 1899–1904 A steam kit car produced by A L Dyke Auto Supply Company of St. Louis. When the company ceased making steam cars, it became a publisher.[60]
Ernest Ofeldt US 1898 See Ofeldt.
Eclipse US 1899–1903 Eclipse Automobile Company bodies were made in Amesbury by Currier, Cameron and Company.
Electrobat US 1895–1897 See Salom and Morris.
Ellis England 1899–1902 Probably prototypes only.
Europeenne France 1899–1901 (possibly as late as 1905) In early 1899 La Societe Europeene d' Automobiles made a two-seat runabout and a four-seat dogcart. The patent was in the names of Tatin and Taniere.[61]
Everett US 1899 See Whitney.
Fawcett-Folwer England 1897 A steam car produced by Fawcett Preston & Co. Ltd.[62]
US 1898 An experimental steam car. Paul Gaeth went on to make petrol engined cars at Cleveland, Ohio from 1902 to 1911.
Gardner-Serpollet (See Serpollet) France 1899–1907 Serpollet's were made up to 1899, when the Frank Gardner became involved and the make changed to Gardner-Serpollet. The first cars sold under the new name were in 1900.
France 1894–1898 Their first cars were steam powered but by 1898 they were using petrol engines.
US 1899–1905 Their first cars were called New Home. Manufacturing was located in Orange, Massachusetts and the company run by Carl, Fred and C.B. Grout in partnership with Thomas H. White. William L. Grout, their father, set up the company. The name changed to Grout in 1899.
Hartley US 1895–1899 The Harley Power Supply Company made a cart powered by a rotary steam engine. It participated in the 1895 Chicago Times Herald motor race. The company withdrew from vehicle manufacture in 1899.[63]
House England 1899–1902 See Lifu.
Hughes & Atkin US 1899–1903 Made by William Hughes and Joseph W Atkin of the Rhode Island Auto Carriage Company. Made about 14 steam-powered carriages.[64]
US 1899–1902 The Kensington Automobile Manufacturing Company manufactured steam cars until 1902. In 1903 the company went out of business after unsuccessfully seeking a licence to manufacture Darracq's.[65]
US 1899–1900 The Keystone Match and Machine Company of Lebanon, Pennsylvania made three cylinder steam-powered cars until 1900, when it returned to manufacturing matches and machinery.[66]
England 1896 A shaft-driven steamer created by Frederick Lamplough who went on to make a steam-powered car in 1903 for Albany Manufacturing.
LaneUS 1899–1910 Manufactured in Poughkeepsie, New York. The Lane Motor Vehicle Company initially produced a 30-horsepower vehicle that could carry six people. The vehicle weighed 3,200 pounds, had a steel frame, a detachable aluminum body, and could obtain a speed of 15 mph. Manufacturing of the vehicle began in 1902 at a price of $2,250. In 1909, Lane sold 150 vehicles. Production of the vehicles ended in 1912 due to high cost of production and the company focused on its primary products which included barn door hangers and automobile jacks.[67]
LeachUS 1899–1901 A 2 seat or 4 seat buggy for use on good roads.
Lifu England 1899–1902 House and Lifu steam cars designed by Henry Alonzo House were manufactured by Liquid Fuel Engineering Company of East Cowes, Isle of Wight. The cars may have been manufactured under license. Most Lifu steam-powered vehicles were commercial trucks, buses and vans. House had made a steam carriage with his brother in 1866.[68] [69] [70]
US 1899–1903 Locomobile acquired the right to make Stanley's in 1899. They were a well known lightweight and relatively low-cost steam car, although widely criticised for poor performance. In 1904 Locomobile switched to gasoline engines. The company remained in business until the 1920s.[71]
Loomis US 1896 A single steam-powered car made by Gilbert J Loomis. In 1900 Loomis went on to build a line of gasoline powered cars.[72]
Malden US 1898 Light steam cars made by the Malden Automobile Company of Malden.
Malevez Belgium 1898–1908 Malevez were agents for Lifu commercial steam-powered vehicles. They are known to have manufactured cars, but sources do not state their motive power.
Marlboro US 1899–1902 The Marlboro Steam Stanhope was built by Orrin P Walker of Boston with assistance from William B Mason who provided the engines. The car was similar in design to Locomobile's and Stanley's of the period. After an initial period of success the company ceased trading in 1903.[73] [74]
Marsh US 1899 Marsh Motor Carriage Co, Brockton, Massachusetts.
Mason US 1898–1899 William B Mason of Milton, Massachusetts.
Belgium 1896–1926 The first Miesse steam car La Torpille was made in 1896 by Jules Miesse. In 1903 the company licensed Turner's of England to manufacture its cars under licence. These were marketed as Turner-Miesse. In 1910 the company branched into steam-powered commercial vehicles. The final steam cars were made in 1926, and many were used as taxis in Brussels. From that point forward the focus was on petrol and diesel engine commercial vehicles.[75]
US 1899–1903 The Mobile Company of America was founded by John B Walker in 1899 after a fallout with Locomobile's Amzi L Barber, whose financing had earlier allowed Walker to purchase the Stanley Steamer concern. By 1903, the Mobile Company of America was out of business.[76]
France 1897 The Montier & Gillet was a French automobile manufacture only in 1897. A steam Wagonette steered by a tiller featured an odd-looking boiler.
Morris Salom US 1895 1897 Salom and Morris of Philidelpia.
New England US 1899–1900 The New England Motor Carriage Company made a steam-powered runabout. It was lever steered. The company began manufacturing Comet bicycles and sold the steam car business to Stanton Company.
New Home US 1897–1898 See Grout.
Ofeldt US 1899–1902 F.W. Ofeldt and Sons built steam cars in Brooklyn, New York from 1899 to 1900 and Newark, New Jersey from 1901 to 1902. The first cars were also known as Ernest and Ofeldt.
Orient US 1898–1899 A steam buggy made by Waltham's.[77]
Ovenden US 1899 W C Ovenden of West Boylston made a light steam buggy. Only one was sold.
US 1899–1904 Overman Wheel Company, later the Overman Automobile Company of Chicopee Falls MA. See Victor.
Pecori Italy 1891 Enrico Pecori built a steam tricycle in 1891.[78]
Rand & Harvey US 1899 A light steam buggy made in Lewiston. Probably only a prototype.
Salvesen Scotland 1897 A one-off steam cart made for a Norwegian who commissioned it for use around his Scottish estate near Grangemouth.[79]
Schöche Germany 1895 Gustav Adolf Schöche in 1895 designed a steam car.[80]
Scotte France 1892–1901 A steam car that competed in the 1894 Paris to Rouen car race. No further detail is known.
Shaver US 1895 A steam buggy made by Joseph Shaver of Milwaukee. Only one was made.
Australia 1898 Australia's first indigenous automobile. It was capable of 15 miles per hour on the streets of Adelaide, South Australia. The boiler was a horizontal design of the semi flash type. Steering was by a tiller type design and a photograph of the vehicle shows it carrying eight passengers.
Simmonds US 1893 A two seat steam carriage that ran on bicycle wheels.
Simpson England 1897–1904 A series of experimental vehicles made by John Simpson of Stirling.[81]
Squier US 1899 A small steam carriage built by W E Squier of Virginia City.[82]
US 1897–1924 The twins Francis E Stanley and Freelan O Stanley produced their first car in 1897. During 1898 and 1899 they produced and sold over 200 cars and then sold rights to Locomobile. In 1902 they formed the Stanley Motor Carriage Company which operated from 1902 to 1924. The cars made by the company were colloquially called Stanley Steamers, although several different models were produced. A Stanley Steamer set the world record for the fastest mile in an automobile (28.2 seconds) in 1906. The record for steam-powered automobiles was not broken until 2009.[83]
Stanley-Whitney (also called only Whitney) US 1899 See Whitney.
US 1899–1902 Two types of car were made by the Strathmore Automobile Company of Boston. The company was founded as the International Automobile Company but changed its name in 1901.
Sweany US 1895 Only a prototype was made by Charles S Caffrey Co for Dr F.L. Sweaney of Philadelphia. The car had four small steam motors, one driving each wheel, that could be driven individually or in combination. One, two, three or four wheel drive could be selected by moving a lever. The car weighed 1350 pounds. It had a foot brake that also cut off the steam and steam power steering.[84] [85]
US 1898–1903 A series of prototypes made by William H. Terwilliger prior to launching the Empire Auto Company of Amsterdam, New York in 1904.
Thomson Australia 1896–1901 Herbert Thomson of Armadale, Melbourne, built steam cars around 1900. He tested them on the hill of Kooyong Road in nearby Caulfield, where in 1971 the Pritchard steam car was also tested.[86]
US 1898–1899 See Waltham.
England 1897 A coke fire wagonette with a three stage tubular boiler, and that could seat six. It was made in a joint venture between Toward and Company engineers of St Lawrence and Atkinson and Philipson, Newcastle carriage manufacturers of Tyneside.[87]
Victor US 1899–1904 In 1899 A H Overman of Chicopee Falls, a bicycle manufacturer, made a steam car called the Victor. Overman named his steam car after the bicycles he made. In 1901 Overman reorganized his company as The Overman Automobile Co and continued to produce the Victor Steam Carriage. About 50 were made by 1901. In 1904 Overman merged with Locomobile.[88]
US 1898–1903 In 1898 engineers George M Tinker and John W Piper of the Waltham Manufacturing Company build a light steam buggy. It was exhibited at the 1898 Boston Automobile Show in 1898. Two more steam cars were built under the Tinker and Piper name. In 1899 Tinker and Piper set up the Waltham Automobile Company which made steam cars until 1902 or 1903.
Waverley US 1896–1901 and 1909–1916 Waverley Co of Indianapolis became International Motor Car Co in 1901 and revived in 1909.
West & Burgett US 1899 See Burgett and West.
Weston England 1897–1905 Rebadged Grouts sold in England under licence.

1900 to 1913 – Volume production

The early years of the 20th century, prior to World War I, were the heyday of the steam car.

Make Country Years active Comments
England 1903 Designed by Frederick Lamplough and better known as the Lamplough-Albany, it was only made in 1903. Albany also made petrol powered cars.[89]
Germany 1905–1907 The Altmann was an automobile made by Kraftfahrzeug-Werke GmbH, Brandenburg-Havel from 1905 to 1907. See also the American Aultman.
AMC England 1900–1910 The Automobile Manufacturing Company (AMC) was a short-lived British steam car manufactured in London around 1900.[90] to 1910.
Anderson US 1901–1902 Steam cars made by the Anderson Steam Carriage Company of Anderson.[91]
Arden England 1908 Steam cars made by the Arden Steam Car Company, Halifax probably not produced commercially.
Artzberger US 1903–1905 See Foster.
US 1901–1902The Aultman was a 1901 American automobile manufactured in Canton, Ohio.
Ball US 1902 Miami Cycle and Manufacturing Company Middletown Ohio.
Barton US 1903 Barton Boiler Company Chicago, Illinois made steam cars to order.
US 1901–1902 A steam automobile built in Boston from 1901 to 1902 by James L Binney and John Appleton Burnham.
Bliss US 1901 A steam car made by the Bliss Chainless Automobile Company of Attenborough. The drive train was spur geared to the rear axle rather than chain drive.[92]
Bolsover England 1902 Only made a prototype. No production model made. Best known as makers of the Bolsover Express boiler, used for steam launches and as a replacement boiler for Stanley steam cars.[93]
Bon-Car England 1905–1907 No series production cars made.
Boss US 1903–1907 A steam car made by the Boss Knitting Machine Works of Reading.
Brecht US 1901–1903 Steam-powered cars made by the Brecht Automobile Company of St Louis.
Breer US 1900 A steam-powered car made by Carl Breer, an engineer who later went on to work for Chrysler and is credited with providing much of the aerodynamic design to the Chrysler Airflow.
Buffard France 1900–1902 Details unknown—named in list of steam car makes.
California US 1903–1905 Maker of steam, electric, and gasoline automobiles based in San Francisco.
Campbell Australia 1901 A steam car made by Archie M Campbell of Liverpool Street, Hobart.[94]
Cannon US 1902–1906 Details unknown—named in list of steam car makes.
Capitol US 1902–1903 A steam built by the Capitol Automobile Company of Washington DC and based on a Frank Goodwin model developed from experiments that commenced in 1889.
Central US 1905–1906 A rotary steam engine powered vehicle made by the Central Automobile Company of Providence, Rhode Island.
Chaboche France 1901–1906 Chaboche made steam cars and a steam wagon with a 2.5 ton carrying capacity.[95]
Chautauqua US 1911 A car made by the Chautauqua Motor Company, Dunkirk, New York.
Chelmsford England 1901–1903The company exhibited two cars and a van at the 1903 motor show. They were made at the Moulsham Works in Chelmsford.[96] Chelmsford also built many steam buses.
Chicago US 1905–1907 A steam car made by the Chicago Automobile Company.
Cincinnati US 1903–1905 A two seat steam-powered car made by the Cincinnati Automobile Company of Ohia.
Clark US 1900–1909 Advanced flash boiler steam cars made by Edward S Clark Steam Automobiles of Dorchester.
Cloughley US 1902–1903 A four seat steam-powered surrey made by the Coughley Motor Vehicle Company of Parsons.
Connor Switzerland 1903 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Conrad US 1900–1924 A variety of 2 seat and 4 seat models plus a dos-a-dos.[97]
Cook England 1901–1902 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Cotta US 1901–1903 A 4 wheel drive and steering steam car made by Charles Cotta's Cotta Automobile Company of Lanark, Illinois.[98]
US 1901–1907 B.V. Covert and Company was a manufacturer of automobiles in Lockport, New York from 1901 to 1907. The company started as a manufacturer of steam-powered cars, but later switched to gas-powered vehicles. Some Coverts were exported to England as Covert-Jacksons.
Cremorne England 1903–1904 A steam car made by the Cremorne Motor Manufacturing Company of Chelsea.
Crompton US 1903–1905 A steam car made by the Crompton Motor Carriage Company of Worcester.
Dawson US 1900–1902 A steam car made by George Dawson's Dawson Manufacturing Company at Waynesboro (then known as Basic City). Only one was completed and sold.[99]
US 1901–1904 The Desberon was an American automobile manufactured from 1901 until 1904. The company initially built steam trucks, and later branched out into making 4 hp gas-driven "pleasure carriages" built along "French lines".
US 1906–1930 The first Doble was made from wrecked White with a Doble steam engine. Two more prototypes were made with production starting with the Model B. The most technically sophisticated of the steam car manufacturers. Even after they had been supplanted by petrol engines for use in automobiles, Abner Doble continued to sell his experience in designing water-tube boilers to railway locomotive manufacturers, such as Sentinel.
Eastman US 1900–1903 Henry Eastman and Jay Hayes formed the Eastman Automobile Company in Cleveland to make steam cars. At the end of 1900 Eastman and Hayes sold the company to the Benson Automobile Company.
Eclipse US 1900–1903 Eclipse Automobile Company Boston.
E.J.Y.R England 1907 See Rutherford.
Elberon US 1903 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Electronomic US 1900–1901 The Electromagnetic Steamer was manufactured by the Simplex Motor Vehicle Company. The company was incorporated in 1900, but made its first car in 1899.
Elite US 1900–1901 A model built by D B Smith and Company, Utica, New York.
Empire US 1901 Built by Empire Manufacturing Company of Stirling, Illinois also known as the Stirling steam car.
US 1904–1905 A steam-driven car designed by William H Terwilliger of the Empire Auto Company of Amsterdam, New York. Several experimental models were made from 1898 but production only started in 1904.
English Mechanic England 1900–1905 Do-it-yourself tricycle and steam car designed by Thomas Hyler White for The English Mechanic and World of Science magazine. He also designed petrol cars as the one shown to the photograph.
Essex US 1905–1906 A 4 cylinder steam car made by the Essex Motor Car Company of Boston.
Fawcett-Fowler England 1907–1909
Federal US 1901–1903 A steam car made by Federal Motor Vehicle Company of Brooklyn, New York.
Fidelia France 1905–1906 A steam car produced by Voitures Fidelia of Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France.
Filtz France 1901–1910 Mostly commercial vehicles.
Foster US 1900–1903 The Foster Automobile Manufacturing Company of Rochester, New York produced 165 vehicles before bankruptcy in 1903. One of the investors in the company William H. Artzberger, an artist of Allegheny acquired the rights, and founded the Artzberger Automobile Company. Re-launching the cars as improved Foster's in 1903. The company ceased auto production in 1905.[100]
Frazer England 1911 Possibly only a prototype made.
Friedmann US 1900–1903 A steam car made by the Friedmann Automobile Company of Chicago.
Gage US 1903 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Geneva US 1901–1904 The Geneva Steamer was made in 1901 by the Geneva Automobile and Manufacturing Company of Geneva, Ohio. One is on display at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan. Geneva also made the Turtle, a racing car. In 1904 the company was sold to the Colonial Brass Co.
Henrietta US 1901 A steam car made by the Henrietta Motor Company of New York.
Hess US Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
US 1901 Between one and four were made by the Hidley Automobile Company of 257 Broadway, Troy, New York.
Hoffman US 1902–1904 A light steam car made by the Hoffman Automobile and Manufacturing Company at Cleveland, Ohio. From 1904 the company switched to petrol powered vehicles, the Royal Tourist.
Holland US Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Hood US 1900–1901 Steam car made by Ralph Hood of Danvers associated with the Simplex Motor car company.
Houghton US 1900–1901 A steam car made by H R Houghton's Houghton Automobile Company of West Newton.
Howard US 1900–1902 Steam cars built by the Howard Automobile Company of Trenton, New Jersey.
Howard US 1901–1903 A chainless steam car built by William S Howard's Trojan Launch and Automobile Works of Troy, New York.[101]
US 1901–1902 A steam car designed by Howard Coffin and built by Bean-Chamberlain Manufacturing Company.
Hythe England 1903 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
International US 1903 In Toledo became the International Motor Car Company for a time before becoming Pope Motor Car Company.
US 1903–1904 Steam cars made by Jackson Automobile Company of Jackson, Michigan.
Johnson US 1905–1907 Steam cars made by Professor Warren F Johnson's Johnson Service Company of Milwaukee until 1907 when the company switched to petrol powered vehicles. The company ceased business after Johnson died in 1912.
Keene US 1900–1901 The Keen Steammobile was built by the Trinity Bicycle Company of Keene. In 1901 the company changed name to the Steammobile Company of America and the cars name also changed to Steammobile.[102]
Keenelet England 1904 Possibly only a prototype built by Keene's Automobile Works of London.[103]
Kellogg US 1903 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
US 1900 An unusual steam car made by A.W. Kent's Colonial Company of Boston. It had a wheel for steering at the front and three rear wheels, one of which propelled the car while the other two could be lifted making it more like a motorbike.
Kidder US 1900–1901 Three styles of Kidder's were made including a delivery wagon.[104]
King US 1904 One-off steam automobile built for Gilbert M King.
Austria 1904-1910 Steam cars made by Max Friedmann of Vienna. Very few were made.
Kraft US 1901 A steam car made in St. Louis, Missouri.
France 1905–1906 A Parisian steam car make powered by a Gardner-Serpollet engine.
Lamplough-Albany England 1903 See Albany-Lamplough.
Lane US 1900 Steam cars made by Lane Motor Vehicle Company of Poughkeepsie, New York.
Liquid Air US 1901–1902 Liquid Air Power and Automobile Company Boston.
Locke US 1901 See Puritan.
US 1901–1902 A Lozier Motor Company prototype steam car. The production cars, commencing in 1905, had petrol engines only.
Lyons US Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
US 1900–1901 A steam car made by the Maryland Automobile Manufacturing company of Luke, Maryland.
MCC England 1902–1904 Motor Construction Company of Nottingham steam cars sold as Vapomobile.[105] [106]
McCurdy US 1901 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
McKay US 1900–1902 Renamed Stanley-Whitney. Steam buggy made by Frank Forrester Stanley's Stanley Manufacturing Company. Stanley's reverted to manufacturing shoes and in 1920 were taken over by the A.G. Walton Shoe Co.
Meteor US 1902–1903 The Reading steam cars were built by the Meteor Engineering Company from 1902 after the company acquired the Steam Vehicle Company of America.[107]
Miller US 1903 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Mills US Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Milwaukee US 1900–1902 A steam stanhope made by the Milwaukee Automobile Company.
Moncrief US 1901–1902James A Moncrief of the Pawtucket Steamboat Company of Pawtucket, Rhode Island made a few steam cars.
Morriss England 1906–1912 Only four cars were made at Sandringham. Only one survives.[108]
Morse US 1904–1909 Made by the Morse Motor Vehicle Company of Springfield. In 1909 the company became the Easton Machine Company, which made a petrol powered vehicle under the Morse name.[109]
Neff Canada 1901 A steam buggy built by Benton Neff of Port Colborne and displayed at the Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum.[110]
Neustadt-Perry US 1901–1903 J.H. Neustadt and Perry was partnership. In 1904 Neustadt bought out Perry forming the Neustadt Automobile and Supply Company located in St Louis, Missouri. From 1904 it made petrol powered cars.[111]
New Home US 1901 See Grout.
Ophir US 1901 Made by the Century Motor Vehicle Company of Syracuse, New York.
Ormond US 1904–1905 Made by United Motor and Vehicle Co of Boston.
Overholt US 1909 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Oxford US 1900–1904 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Paridant Belgium 1903–? Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Parker-Wearwell England 1901 Thomas Hugh Parker of Wearwell Motor Carriage Company, Wolverhampton made a steam car. Only one seems to have been made with Wearwell concentrating on petrol powered motor bikes.[112]
Pawtucket US 1901–1902 A single seat car made by the Pawtucket Steam Boat Company of Providence, Rhode Island.
England 1908–1916 Pearson and Cox were petrol and steam powered car makers from Shortlands, Kent.[113]
Phelps US 1901 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Pierce US 1900 The first car made by George N Pierce and Co was steam powered but a failure. They switched to petrol cars.
Pope US 1903–1904 The Pope Motor Car Company replaced the International Motor Car Company making Toledo's.[114]
Porter US 1900–1901 Steam cars made by Porter Motor Company of Boston.
Prescott US 1901–1907 These steam cars were made by A L Prestcott's Prescott Automobile Manufacturing Company, 09 Chambers Street, New York. The company closed in 1907 after an employee stole most of its cash.
Puritan US 1902–1903 Albert Locke's Lock Regulator Company of Salem, Massachusetts built a four-passenger steam runabout named the Puritan.[115]
Ramapaugh US 1902 Charles A Ball's Miami Cycle and Manufacturing Company decided to build automobiles in 1902. The name Ramapaugh came from an old Indian chief who lived near Ball in New York. Ball bought the first and only vehicle completed.[116]
Randall US 1902 A steam carriage made by G N Randall.
Randolph US Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Reading US 1900–1902 A steam car made by Steam Vehicle Company of America, Reading. The company was sold to Meteor Engineering Co in 1902.[117]
New Zealand 1903-1905 Made three steam cars which used engines imported from the United States.
Rexer France 1905–1910 See Weyher et Richemond.
US 1902–1903 A steam car made by the Richmond Automobile Company of Richmond, Indiana.
US 1902 A steam car made in Brooklyn, New York.
Rochester US 1900–1901 A steam buggy made by Rochester Carriage Motor Company of Rochester, New York.
US 1905–1909 A steam car made by Louis S Ross of Newtonville.
Rutherford (also known as E.J.Y.R.) England 1907–1912 The car was designed by EJY Rutherford and George Hamilton of the Highclere Motor Car Syndicate Ltd, and was first known by Rutherford's initials as the E.J.Y.R.
Safety US 1901 Safety Steam Automobile Company Boston.
Schirmer Switzerland 1903–1904 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Seely US 1900s A double engined steam car made by F.L. Seely. Only one is believed to have been built.
Shatswell US 1901–1903 A kit steam car sold by H K Shatswell and Co Dedham MA.
England 1912 A steam automobile made in York by Colonel F H Sheppee's Sheppee Motor Company. Only two cars were made, most production was flash steam powered commercial vehicles. The company still exists but no longer makes vehicles.
Germany 1900–1905 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Simons US 1903 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Simpson India 1903 Samual John Green of Simpson & Co, Madras produced the first Indian steam car in 1903. They made very few as the company specialised in coachmade bodies for imported motor car chassis.[118] [119]
US 1900–1901 Steam cars made by Skene American Automobile Company of Springfield.
SM England 1904–1905 A steam car that may never have got beyond prototype.
Springer US 1904–1906 A steam car made by John H Springer's Springer Motor Vehicle Company of New York.
Springfield US 1900–1904 The Springfield Motor Car Company made a steam-powered van in 1901, but no details of a steam-powered car found.[120]
Stammobile US 1902–1905 A steam buggy made by the Stammobile Manufacturing Company of Stamford, Connecticut.
Standard US 1902–1905 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Stanton US 1901 Stanton Manufacturing Co acquired the New England steam car business in 1901. They continued to make the cars with some improvements but ceased business the same year.
US 1901–1902 The renamed Keene. In 1902 the factory closed because of over-production.
US 1900–1904 E.C. Stearns of Syracuse, New York owned a huge automobile parts supply store and as owner of the Stearns Automobile Co made Stearns Steam Carriages. He made the automobile company a subsidiary of E J Pennington's Anglo-American Rapid Transit Co which drained money from Stearns company making it went bankrupt.
Sterling US 1901–1902 See Empire.
Stesroc England 1905–1906 A steam car made by Johnson Brothers of Knaresborough, Yorkshire.
Stolz Hungary 1911–1915 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Storck US 1901–1903 Steam cars made by Frank C Storck of Red Bank, New Jersey.
Stringer US 1901 Prototype only made by Stringer Automobile Company of Marion, Ohio.
Strouse US 1915 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Sunset US 1901–1904 A steam car made by Dorville Libby Junior's Sunset Automobile Company of San Francisco until they switched to petrol engines.
Taunton US 1901–1904 A steam runabout built by Everitt Cameron. Cameron went on to build petrol powered cars under his name.
Thompson US 1900–1902 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown. There was a Thompson Automobile Company of Providence Rhode Island that made a six-passenger steam car in 1906
US 1901–1903 A steam car first made in September 1900 by the American Bicycle Company of Toledo, later by the International Motor Car Company and then by Pope in 1903. Production ceased in 1903 and Pope contracted the Manhattan Supply Company to dispose of the remaining cars. The last were sold in 1904 at below cost.
Tractobile US 1900–1902 The Tractobile was built by E.J. Pennington's company of Carlisle between 1900–1902. While a car with that name could be ordered it was more an engine and wheels on a removable frame that could be attached to a carriage instead of horses. Very few were built.
Trinity US 1900 Possibly a name for Keene's as they were made by the Trinity Cycle Manufacturing Company.
Triumph US 1900 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
England 1902–1907 Miesse's from Belgium built under licence in England.[121] The licence with Miesse was terminated in 1906 or 1907 and after that Turner made their own design of steam car until 1913.
Twombly US 1904, 1910 The first of Williard Twombly's three attempts to make a car. The steamer was too expensive to produce so he turned to petrol. This also proved to be too expensive. His 1910 version had a quick replacement engine and a body that could be changed. Unfortunately Twombly could not raise funds to manufacture the car. He tried again in 1914 with a petrol powered cyclecar, but this suffered the same fate.
England 1902–1904 See MCC.
US 1901–1902 The Xander automobile company was founded in 1901 by John G. Xander in Reading, Pennsylvania. His first cars were steam, then gasoline engines were used. He only built his car custom order. In 1902, he stopped.
Warfield England 1903 Possibly only a prototype.
Watch US 1903 A steam car made by Watch City Automobile Company of Waltham, Massachusetts.
Watt US 1901 Named in list of steam cars—details unknown.
Webb-Jay US 1908 Racing specials largely of White Motor Company origin.
Weidknecht France 1911 Weidknecht built a steam bus in 1911.
Westfield US 1902–1903 Steam cars made by C J Moore Manufacturing Company of Westfield.
Weyher et Richemond France 1905–1910 Steam cars made by Automobiles Weyher et Richmond of Pantin, Seine. Probably no private cars built after 1907. Also known as Rexer.
US 1900–1911 The White Motor Company was an American automobile and truck manufacturer from 1900 until 1980. The company also produced bicycles, roller skates, automatic lathes, and sewing machines. Before World War II, the company was based in Cleveland, Ohio. From 1900 to 1911 White produced steam-powered cars before switching to gasoline.
Wood US 1902–1903 A steam car made by the Wood Vapor Vehicle Company of Brooklyn, New York.
Wood-Loco US 1901–1902 A steam car made by Wood-Loco Vehicle Company of Cohoes, New York.

1914 to 1939 – Decline

The steam cars of this era up until the 1930s were the last steam-powered production cars. The power advantages that steam had possessed were overtaken by the improvements to the petrol powered internal combustion engines.

Make Country Years active Comments
Alena Steam Car US 1922 The Alena Steam Products Company of Indianapolis, Indiana began making steam trucks in 1920.[122] The Alena Steam Car was an American car planned for manufacture in 1922. Only two cars were built both touring models, each had a wheelbase of 126inches. The company went into receivership and closed in 1923.[123]
US 1924–1948 The American Steam Cars were production cars of various makes retrofitted with steam engines of the American Steam Automobile Co, West Newton, Massachusetts, from 1924 to 1948. It was built by Thomas S. Derr, a former faculty member at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Among the cars made was the Leslie steam car of the late 1930s to early 1940s.[124]
US 1922–1924 Steam cars manufactured by the American Steam Truck Co. of Elgin, Illinois.
Baker US 1917–1924 Steam cars made by Dr Hartley O Baker's Baker Steam Motor Car and Manufacturing Company of Pueblo and Denver, Colorado.
Barlow US 1922 Steam cars made by L P Barlow's Barlow Steam Car Company - also known as Barlow Steam Engineering Company, the Barlow-Detroit, and the Barlow Steam Engineering Syndicate.
Canada 1923–1926 A Detroit steam car made by Brooks Steam Motors Limited.
Bryan US 1918–1923 Steam cars made by Bryan Steam Motors of Peru, Indiana. Only six were built.
Clermont US 1922 A short lived steam car company.[125]
US 1922–1923 Steam cars made by Coats Steam Car Company of Chicago, later models called Stewart-Coats.
Crossland US 1922–1923 Designed by Harry Crossland Pfaff, the 2 cylinder Crossland of the Crossland Steam Motive Corporation debuted at the January 1923 Chicago Automobile Show. It was financed Edwin Galt Brookfield. Four are thought to have been built with only one, a 1923 Crossland Phaeton, known to have survived.[126]
US 1921 The Davis Steam Motors Inc of Detroit may have built a steam car. The company was formed in March 1921 by Merrill Davis, E M Bliss, A B Eggert and F D Sieberg.
Delling US 1923–1927 A steam car developed by Eric H. Delling of the Delling Steam Motor Company West Collingwood, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Derr US 1926–1931 (possibly as late as 1935) See American.
US 1922 The Detroit Steam Motors Corporation of Detroit made steam cars called Trask-Detroits in 1922. The company became Brooks Steam Motors maker of the Brook steam car.
US 1924–1925 A steam car built by the Endurance Steam Car Company of Los Angeles, California and later Dayton, Ohio.
Gearless US 1921–1923 Made by Peterson-Culp Gearless Steam Automobile Company, Denver, Colorado.
HLB England 1914 Possibly only a prototype made by HLB Motors of Islington Green, London.
Lutz US 1917 Proposed car by Lutz Motor Co Buffalo New York.
MacDonald US 1923–1924 Steam cars made by MacDonald Steam Automotive Group of Garfield, Ohio.
Marion-Handley US 1916–1919 Mutual Motors Company, Jackson MI.
Mercury US 1923 Steam car made by the Mercury Steam Car Corporation of San Francisco.
Remal-Vincent US 1923 A steam car made by the Steam Car Corporation of California based in San Francisco.
US 1921–1922 See Standard.
US 1920–1921 Manufactured by the Standard Engineering Company of St Louis, Missouri from 1920 until 1921. Also known as the Scott-Newcomb.
Stewart-Coats US 1923 See Coats.
Super-Steamer US 1918–1919 See Gearless.
Trask-Detroit US 1922–1923 See Detroit.
Windsor US 1922–1923 See Detroit.[127]

1940 to date – Renewed interest

Makes in this era are generally prototypes or experimental.

Make Country Years active Comments
Aerojet US 1972 Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company of Sacramento were contracted by the Californian Assembly to develop a steam-powered car. Aerojet retrofitted a steam turbine into a Chevrolet Vega.[128]
Arbel Symétric France 1958 First French nuclear concept car was to be possibly powered by a steam engine driven by steam from a nuclear reactor.
Autocoast Vaporizer US 1969 A retrofitted Indy Car by Ernest Kanzler which was to attempt to set a new steam car speed record driven by Skip Hedrick at Bonneville on 19 October 1969.[129]
US 1956-57 Project for Henry Kaiser to install a steam engine in a Kaiser Manhattan.
Crank US 1977 See Steamin' Demon.
Detrick US 1957 Forrest R Detrick's S-101 prototype.
Dutcher US 1972 Steam Power Systems of San Diego were contracted by the Californian Assembly to develop a steam-powered car. They build the Dutcher, a car named after the company's founder, Cornelius Dutcher. It is on display at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles.
Enginion Germany 1996 An R&D subsidiary of the Volkswagen group developing a system called ZEE (Zero Emissions Engine). It produced steam almost instantly without an open flame.
US 1954 A concept car which was envisaged possibly having a steam engine using steam from a nuclear reactor.[130]
Ford Mystere US 1955 Was to be world's first nuclear powered concept car. Never went past model stage. Was to use a steam engine powered by steam from a nuclear reactor.
US 1958 Was to be world's second nuclear powered concept car. Never went past model stage. Was to use a steam engine powered by steam from a nuclear reactor.
US 1962 Concept car demonstrated at 1962 Worlds Fair in Seattle never went past concept stage. Was to use nuclear powered steam engine as auxiliary source of power.
General Motors US 1969 Two experimental steam-powered cars. The SE 124 based on a converted Chevrolet Chevelle and the SE 101 based on the Pontiac Grand Prix.
Healey England 1970 Donald Healey decided to make a basic steam car technology more in line with Stanley or Doble and aimed at enthusiasts.[131]
England 2009 The British Steam Car Challenge broke the record for a steam vehicle, setting a new speed record of 238.679 km/h (148.308 mph).[132]
Keen US 1940–1973 Completed two experimental cars and was constructing a third at the time of his death.
Kinetics US 1970 A variant of the steam engine made by Wallace L. Minto of Kinetics Corporation, using Ucon U-113 fluorocarbon as the working fluid instead of gasoline, kerosene and steam or the like as a fuel. The first vehicle was a Volkswagen Microbus fitted with a Stanley Steamer engine using U-113 instead of water. The second was a Datsun Bluebird 510 stationwagon.[133] He followed that in 1973 with a Freon powered Nissan 520 light truck.[134]
Lear US 1969 A retrofited Chevrolet Monte Carlo and an Indy Car prototype.
Likamobile US 2005–? A steam-powered replica of the Locomobile Style 2 (1900–1901) that is made in kit-form by Modelworks.[135]
Loco Hauk US 2016 Heavily modified steam powered jeep.
Mildred UK 2017 Steam powered Land Rover
Paxton US 1953–1954 A prototype called the Phoenix was created by the Paxton Engineering Division of McCulloch Motors Corporation, Los Angeles, incorporating Abner Doble's Doble Ultimax engine.[136] The project was eventually dropped in 1954.[137]
Peterson Stanley steam-powered.
Pellandine Australia 1970s-2012 Peter Pellandine conducted experiments with a steam car for the South Australian government. He made an attempt on the steam speed record in 1976 and continued his interest in developing steam-powered cars until his death in 2012.
Pritchard Australia 1972 Edward Pritchard created a steam-powered 1963 model Ford Falcon in 1972.[138]
Ranotor Sweden 2000s After leaving Saab, Dr Ove Platell started a company Ranotor with his son Peter Platell to develop a steam hybrid that uses the exhaust heat from an ordinary petrol engine to power a small steam engine to reduce fuel consumption.
Saab Sweden 1974 A project codenamed ULF headed by Dr Ove Platell made a prototype steam-powered car. After Saab dropped the project Platell started his own project. See Ranotor.
Simca Fulgur France 1958 Second French nuclear concept car was to be possibly powered by a steam engine driven by steam from a nuclear reactor.
US 2014 A speed record attempt car by Chuk Williams of Team Speed America. It crashed on its first run after reaching 147 mph.
Steamin' Demon US 1985 Barber-Nichols Engineering of Denver used a steam turbine they had designed for Lear and the Los Angeles city bus program to attempt to gain the steam-powered land speed record. It reached 145.607 but only completed one pass due to a fire. The cars body was a Fiberfab Aztec 7 and had originally been completed by James Crank for his 1977 steam record attempt.[139]
Studebaker-Packard Astral US 1957 Was Studebaker-Packard's answer to the Ford Nuclear Concept Cars. This too possibly could have used a steam engine powered by steam from a reactor.
Williams US 1957–1968 Calvin C William's Williams Engine Company Incorporated of Ambler began advertising steam car retrofits or complete cars in 1957. At least one original car was built, using a Victress S4 body. They were offering a steam converted Chevrolet Chevelle for $10,250. Nine were ordered along with a Ford Fairlane from the Ford Motor Company. Cost of components delayed the project causing the Williams to close in 1968.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 1700 Steam carriage from Grimaldi . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  2. The steam turbine in the forbidden city, The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 4, Joseph Needham and Colin A. Ronan, Cambridge University Press, 1978, page 143,, 9780521329958
  3. Web site: 1679-1681 Steam carriage from Verbiest . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  4. Book: Setright, LJK . LJK Setright . Drive On!: A Social History of the Motor Car . Granta Books . 2004 . 1-86207-698-7.
  5. Web site: 1769 The "fardier" of Cugnot . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  6. Web site: 1788 Steam engine of Fourness . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  7. Web site: 1784 Murdock Steam engine . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  8. Web site: 1748 Steam carriage from Nolet . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  9. Web site: 1786 Steam carriage from Symington . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  10. Dr. William E. A. Aiken, Baltimore, MD, 1882
  11. Manchester Locomotive Works first self-propelled Amoskeag steam fire engine sold to Boston fire department after use at great Boston fire of 1872
  12. Web site: James C. Anderson - Graces Guide. . 27 October 2020.
  13. Web site: Steam carriage of James . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  14. Austin Steamer, England, ca: 1863, at
  15. News: The Blackburn Car . Stamford Mercury . 6 December 1878 . 13 August 2015 . . subscription .
  16. Springfield's Thomas Blanchard, inventor of the lathe used to manufacture gun stocks in the 19th century, also invented a steam car
  17. Web site: 1873 "L'Obéissante" by Amédée Bollée . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  18. Web site: 1854 Steam carriage of colonel Bordino . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  19. "Josef Bozek", archived from
  20. Web site: 1824 Steam carriage of Burstall and Hill . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  21. Callihan's Infernal Machine
  22. Photo of Catley and Ayres Steam powered vehicle
  23. His vision inspired the automobile
  24. . De Dion Steam Tricycle . XXI . 1 . January–February 1972 . 43.
  25. News: Evolution of the Automobile . Kansas City Journal . October 17, 1899 . 4 . . August 5, 2015 .
  26. Steam carriages on common roads, Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, John Timbs, Publisher: Simpkin, Marshall, and Company, 1859, pages 27-28
  27. Web site: Lubar . Steve . Was this America's first steamboat, locomotive, and car? . Invention and technology magazine, Spring 2006, Volume 21, Issue 4 . (at American . 2008-04-09 . . 3 April 2008 . dmy-all .
  28. The Popular Science Monthly, Vol 12, 1877, page 272
  29. Web site: 1862 Fowler's locomotive . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  30. Web site: 1821 Steam carriage of Griffith . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  31. Web site: 1828 Steam carriage of Gurney . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  32. History of Early American Automobiles 1861 1929 Chapter 1 Introduction
  33. The intermediate period, W. Worby Beaumont, Volume 1 of Motor Vehicles and Motors, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pages 34-36,, 9781108070607
  34. Web site: 1860 Lotz L'Eclair locomotive . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  35. Web site: 1832 Steam carriage of colonel Macerone . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  36. Innocenzo Manzetti - Le invenzioni (Archived copy) Noi stessi abbiamo visto il veicolo a vapore creato dall'inventore del telefono. 'We ourselves have seen the steam vehicle created by the inventor of the phone... in 1864... The fireplace was high and although situated opposite the travelers it did not bother them at all. The steam projected into a piston located under the boiler, the piston moved the connecting rod in communication with the front wheels and the car moved. was perfected in the atelier of the engineer Serpollet, which now takes all the credit.' Accessed 16 February 2018
  37. Web site: De Dion-Bouton et Trépardoux steam quadricycle . Steam Car Club of Great Britain ( . 16 February 2018 .
  38. Chapter 2 Motoring Pioneers, Million Cars for Billion People, Gautam Sen, Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2014,, 9789384027742
  39. Web site: 1830 Steam car from Pagani . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  40. News: Miscellaneous items, Mr Sylvester H Roper of Roxbury, Mass has invented a steam carriage… . New Haven Daily Palladium . New Haven, Connecticut . 3 March 1863 . 52 .
  41. News: Ford Museum Houses U.S. History . Pearson . Drew . . 8 . 2011-02-06 . 16 May 1965.
  42. See also:
  43. Web site: 1834 Scott-Russel's steam carriage . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  44. REPRINTS 'Spencer Got Up Full Head of Steam' Storyteller: Richard Tambling, from the Journal Inquirer, August 8, 1989, at
  45. Web site: 1843 Steam bus of Squire . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  46. Web site: Old gold: The Henry Seth Taylor steam buggy . Schultz . Jonathan . February 12, 2015 . BBC Autos . BBC . February 23, 2015.
  47. Web site: Henry Seth Taylor Steam Buggy, 1867 . . 2011 . Virtual Museum . Canada science and technology museum . February 23, 2015 .
  48. Web site: 1803 Steam carriage of Trevithick and Vivian . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  49.,21097 Brown Bros. at
  50. . Steam Cars Made in North America . XXV . 3 . 186.
  51. '1899 Baldwin, Baldwin Steam Car Company, South Connellsville, Pennsylvania', in Early American Automobiles, 1877-1899 Models, at
  52. History of Early American Automobile Industry 1891-1929 Chapter 2
  53. Best and Shaver models pictured at 'History of Early American Automobile Industry, 1861-1929 Chapter 3A at
  54. Cobleskill Times June 20, 1926
  55. Early American Automobiles: Massachusetts Manufactured- Chapter 33, at
  56. [G.N. Georgano]
  57. Edward S. Clark Steam Cars, Boston, MA, Dorchester, MA, 1898 - 1909 at
  58. The Complete Catalog of British Cars 1895-1975, Veloce classic reprint series, David Culshaw and Peter Horrobin, Veloce Publishing Ltd, 1998,, 9781874105930
  59. 1899 Crouch Steam Runabout at
  60. Dyke Steam Carriage, A. L. Dyke Auto Supply Co., Olive Street, St. Louis, MO, 1899 - 1904?
  61. The Automobile Magazine, Volume I, October, 1899 to March, 1900
  62. Fawcett Preston & Co. Ltd- Mention of Fawcett Fowler steam car, at
  63. Hartley Power Supply Company, Hartley Steam Motorcycle/Trap/Car, Chicago, IL, 1895 - 1899, at
  64. The Automobile comes to Rhode Island, J Stanley Lemons, Rhode Island history, August 1994, Volume 52 No 3 pages 71-94, Rhode Island historical society, Providence, Rhode Island,
  65. Kensington Automobile Mfg. Co. Buffalo, NY: 1899 – 1904, at
  66. "The Standard Catalogue of American Cars", Kimes, Beverly Rae (editor) and Clark, Henry Austin, jr., 2nd Edition, Krause Publications, Iola WI 54990 (1985),
  67. News: Inspired by Stanley Steamer, Poughkeepsie manufactured Lane vehicle had aluminum body . Poughkeepsie Journal . Musso . Anthony P. . July 9, 2019 . July 9, 2019 .
  68. Liquid_Fuel_Engineering_Co at
  69. Henry House & LiFu Engineering Company, Bridgeport, CT and East Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, at
  70. Turn of the Century Lifu Steam Car- Description of the British steam car manufactured by the Steam Car Company, Houses System Ltd., at
  71. Book: Wise, David B. . British Steam-Car Pioneers . Northey, Tom . World of Automobiles . London . Orbis Publishing . 1974 . 11 . 1207 .
  72. Loomis, and also Pierce, in 'History of Early American Automobile Industry 1891-1929 Chapter 6' at
  73. 1899 Marlboro Steam Stanhope at
  74. marlboro steam car / 1900 Marlboro Steam Runabout, Posted on January 28, 2014 at
  75. automiesse in 'Cars of Tintin' Series – Automiesse
  76. 100 Years of the American auto millennium edition, copyright 1999 Publications international, Ltd.
  77. History of Early American Automobile Industry 1891-1929 Chapter 4
  78. Web site: 1891 Pecori steam tricycle . History of the Automobile: origin to 1900 . .
  79. Imperial commemorates London's first motor show
  80. 'The oldest known Saxon automobile was built by Gustav Adolf Schöche'
  81. Image of Auto-Simpson, with text
  82. The car solution: the steam engine comes of age, Gary Levine, Horizon Press, 1974, page 48,, 9780818017070
  83. Glaskin, Max, Steam-powered car breaks century-old speed record, August 25, 2009, retrieved August 26, 2009
  84. 'Charles Caffrey Carriage Co. - Charles S. Caffrey - Camden, New Jersey 1870s-1919 and Philadelphia, PA 1890s'
  85. The Charles S. Caffrey Co. Sweany Steam Car Camden, NJ, 1895
  86. . Pritchard steam car . XXI . 2 . March–April 1972 . 59.
  87. Atkinson and Philipson of The Coach Factory, Newcastle upon Tyne
  88. The Victor Steam Car & The Overman Automobile Co.
  89. Book: Steam Cars 1770–1970 . Appendix A . 215–221 . Lord Montagu of Beaulieu . Anthony Bird . St. Martin's Press . 1971.
  90. Comments: An automobile Handbook . Cordingley and Company . The Motor Car Journal . 2 . 94 . London . 22 December 1900 . 708 .
  91. 'Indiana-Built Automobiles- Then and Now'
  92. Cars, Lou Phillips, Xlibris Corporation, 2011,, 9781456892944
  93. Appendix 3, The Complete Catalog of British Cars 1895-1975, David Culshaw and Peter Horrobin, Veloce Publishing Ltd, 1998,, 9781874105930
  94. The Campbell Locomobile, The Mercury, Hobart, 28 November 1901, page 2
  95. Miesse and Chaboche Steam Cars, W Worby Beaumont, Steam Automobile Vol 24 no 4 1982, page 38-39
  96. Kennedy, modern engines, III, pp. 195-205
  97. Floyd Clymers Steam Motor Scrapbook, Clymer Motors, 1945
  98. cotta_automobile_co at
  99. virginia-cars at
  100. foster_automobile_manufacturing_company at
  101. 1903 at
  102. American Automobiles Chapter 5, at
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  104. American automobiles part 16, at
  105. Encyclopedia: Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars, 1885 to the Present . . Dutton Press . New York . 2nd . 1973 . 0-525-08351-0 .
  106. Book: Kennedy, Rankin . The book of modern engines and power generators . Steam autocar engines . 1905 . 1912 . Rankin Kennedy . Caxton . London . III . 185–186.
  107. Steam Vehicle Company of America, Meteor Engineering Co. Reading, PA. 1900 - 1903
  108. 'Steam driven' - including a reference to the only MORRISS steam car survivor
  109. Morse Motor Vehicle Co. Springfield, MA 1904 - 1909
  110. Steam buggy a forgotten part of local history. Built in Port Colborne in 1901. Aug 23, 2013
  111. 1902 Neustadt-Perry NA
  112. Wearwell Motor Carriage Co.
  113. Book: Autocar Handbook . The Autocar . The Autocar . 1919 . Iliffe & Sons . London . Ninth . 258–259.
  114. 'toledo_steam_carriage' etc.
  115. Locke Regulator Company, Automobile Parts, (Locke Regulator Company, Salem, MA, 1903)
  116. "Ramapaugh" Automobile, 1902 (in the George C. Crout collection) at
  117. Book: 100 Years of the American Auto Millennium Edition . 24 . 1999 . Publications International.
  118. General History of the Company, Industrial Relations, Venkatraman P, APH Publishing, 2007, page 92,, 9788131300725
  119. First wheels roll into India
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  123. News: And thus endeth the Alena Steam Products . The Franklin Evening Star . April 14, 1923 . 2 . . June 23, 2015 .
  124. John H Leslie - Progress on the Leslie Steam Car, Steam car developments and steam aviation, Vol VIII, February 1940, No 96, at
  125. The Clermont Steam Automobile, Steam Automobile Magazine 1971 Vol. 13, No. 2, pages 6-7
  126. Rock Falls Mfg. Co., at
  127. American Automobiles: Early Steam Automobile Manufacturers
  128. On the road – Peterson museum
  129. News: Beach car builder, driver steamed up - ready to go . Independent Press-Telegram. November 30, 1969. 26. June 26, 2015.
  130. Manufacturers/ Ford/ 1954 Ford FX Atmos at
  132. British Steam Car 'Inspiration'
  133. Popular Science, Oct 1970, pages 51-53, Vol. 197, No. 4, ISSN 0161-7370
  134. Popular Science, Aug 1973, page 59, Vol. 203, No. 2, ISSN 0161-7370
  135. Rick Stoeber: Modelworks Likamobile Kit at
  136. "A Modern Automotive Steam Power Plant Part IV". James L. Dooley, Vice President, McCulloch Corp, The Steam Automobile, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1963, page 12
  137. The True Story of the Paxton Phoenix . Road and Track . April 1957 . 13–18 .
  138. Pritchard. Edward. July–August 1974. The Pritchard Steam Car… Progress on the Pritchard Steam Car. The SAE-Australasia. 156–160.
  139. 1977 1977 Steamin' Demon in 'Race Cars' at