List of stars in Antlia explained

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Antlia, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Dist. (ly)Sp. classNotes
α 90610 51172 4.28 −0.97 366 K4III suspected,
ε 82150 46515 4.51 −2.15 700 K3III variable star,
ι 94890 53502 4.60 0.67 199 K0III
θ 84367 47758 4.78 −0.58 384 A7V+...
η 86629 48926 5.23 2.66 106 A8IV
90132 50888 5.34 2.30 132 A8V
96146 54173 5.43 −0.63 530 A0V binary star
82205 46578 5.49 −1.36 763 K2IIICNII double star
U 91793 51821 5.50 −1.54 836 C6,3(N0) ,
AG 89353 50456 5.52 −3.60 2173 B9.5Ib/II ,
A δ 90972 51376 5.56 −0.27 481 B9/B9.5V component of the δ Ant system; suspected variable,
93905 52965 5.61 0.48 346 A1V
83380 47199 5.62 1.05 267 K1III
92845 52407 5.63 −0.71 605 A0V double star
83332 47187 5.68 0.91 293 K0III
ζ1 82383 46657 5.75 0.46 372 A0 binary star
86267 48748 5.83 −0.01 479 K1III
82514 46736 5.86 1.15 285 K3III triple star
ζ2 82513 46734 5.91 0.61 374 A9IV
88809 50103 5.91 0.21 450 K1III double star
85206 48191 5.95 0.47 407 K2III
83441 47224 5.96 0.89 337 K2III
88218 49769 6.14 3.70 100 G1V binary star
82165 46517 6.15 2.18 203 A6V
89015 50234 6.17 0.91 367 K0III
ζ1 82384 6.18 component of the ζ1 Ant system
90071 50868 6.25 2.60 175 A9IV
87606 49418 6.27 0.71 422 K1III
85725 48468 6.28 2.50 186 G1V double star
88522 49967 6.28 0.31 509 A0V double star
89442 50492 6.31 −0.04 608 K2/K3III
BF 86301 48776 6.32 0.38 502 A4V ,
88836 50122 6.33 0.64 448 G8III double star
88013 49645 6.34 0.05 590 K0III
85296 48219 6.36 0.20 555 K0III
92589 52273 6.36 −0.28 695 G8/K0III+.. double star
88742 50075 6.38 4.60 74 G0V
84224 47627 6.39 −1.80 1417 Asp...
87477 49343 6.42 −0.03 637 K1III
S 82610 46810 6.43 2.05 245 A9V ,
82785 46874 6.43 2.12 237 F2IV/V binary star
84567 47868 6.45 -3.7 3500 B0.5IIIn suspected variable
83108 47039 6.48 2.47 207 F5V
92987 52472 7.0 142 G2/3V has a
93083 52521 8.33 6.03 94 K2V Macondo; has a planet
T 46924 9.26 -0.7 3200 G5 ,
B δ BZ 90972B 9.65 3.81 481 F9Ve component of the δ Ant system;,
BX 10.65 M0Ve T Tauri star,
11.6 3.7 1239 F4 has a
CE 11.73 M2Ve T Tauri star,
UX 12.37 ,
17.53 4.52 13.051 M9V
BW 18.63 X-ray pulsar,
17 T8 binary brown dwarf

See also
