List of sources of Chinese culinary history explained

This is a list of historical Chinese sources referring to Chinese cuisine. Not long after the expansion of the Chinese Empire during the Qin dynasty (221207 BC) and Han dynasty (202 BC220 AD), Chinese writers noted the great differences in culinary practices among people from different parts of the realm. These differences followed to a great extent the varying climate and availability of foodstuffs in China.

Pre-Han dynasty

Documents compiled before 206BC.

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
(Notes and Commentaries on the Rites of Zhou)Government officialsAn annotated version of the Rites of Zhou[1]
(Ceremonies and Rites with Commentaries)[2] Banquet rites, single food offering rites, secondary food offering rites, and other rites mentioned
(Book of Rites)[3] Eight different delicacies and others are mentioned.
(Master Lü's Spring and Autumn [Annals]) during the Qin dynastyUnder the patronage of Lü BuweiAn encyclopedic Chinese classic text compilation (Basic Taste)
(The Four Groups Practice Calendar)Chinese: 四民月令mid 2ADEastern Han dynasty Minister Official Que ShiA book of mainly agricultural practices where food related topics are partially mentioned

Pre-Sui states

Documents from before the Sui dynasty (581–618).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
(Classic of Poetry)1000–600BCNorthern Wei dynasty Lu ShiA collection of poetry from the 11th to 7th centuriesBC
(Plants of the Southern Regions)Claims to have been completed in 304AD. Often considered a Song-era forgery.[4] Western Jin dynasty scholar and botanist Ji Han (Chinese: 嵇含)Chinese subtropical flora
(Book of Birds)The naming of birds with their characteristics and other elements
(Food record)Northern and Southern dynasties eraYu CongRecipe book with a focus on southern cuisine
(Essential Methods of the Common People)[5] 533 and 544BCNorthern Wei dynasty official Jia SixieAncient Chinese agricultural texts[6] [7] [8] (Section of Volumes 1–7)

Sui dynasty

Documents compiled during the Sui dynasty (581–618).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
(Book of Foods)Chinese: 食经Sui dynasty Xie Feng
(Excerpts of Books in the Northern Hall)[9] Chinese: s=北堂书钞|t=北堂書鈔|links=noYu Shinan, an official and calligrapherThe oldest surviving leishu, which is a kind of Chinese reference book or encyclopedia.[10] Includes a chapter covering beverages and foods.

Tang dynasty

Documents compiled during the Tang dynasty (618–907).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Chinese: [[Yiwen Leiju]] (Encyclopedia of Arts and Letters)Chinese: 藝文類聚<br>艺文类聚Ouyang Xun, a calligrapherА poetic encyclopedia;[11] [12] book 72 covers food.
(Essential Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold)Chinese: 備急千金要方<br>备急千金要方Sun Simiao, known as the King of MedicineAlong with Qian Jin Yi Fang (Supplement to the Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold), both significantly contributed to the development of Chinese medicine.[13] Book 26 refers to food treatments.
(Recipe Manuals)Chinese: 食譜<br>食谱A generic term to refer to recipe books during the Tang dynasty[14]
(Materia Medica for Successful Dietary Therapy)[15] Chinese: 食療本草<br>食疗本草684[16] or
701704 and 721–739
Meng Shen and Zhang Ding[17] The earliest complete dietary work. Based on Meng Shen's book Buyang fang (Prescription to Replenish and Nourish), Zhang Ding expanded it and renamed it as such.[18] (Fragment)
(The Classic of Tea)Chinese: 茶經<br>茶经written between 760 and 780Lu YuThe very first monograph on tea in the world that records Chinese methods of tea cultivation and preparation[19] [20]
(Note on Brewing Tea)[21] Chinese: 煎茶水記<br>煎茶水记Zhang Youxin (Chinese: 張又新), a tea expertDiscusses the way of tea brewing and suggests a trend towards more study of tea[22] [23]
(A Revised Mirror for the Dietitian)Chinese: 食醫心鑑<br>食医心鉴published in 850UnknownFood therapy[24] [25]
(Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang)Chinese: 酉陽雑俎<br>酉阳杂俎published approximately in 853Duan ChengshiA miscellany of Chinese and foreign legends and hearsay, reports on natural phenomena, short anecdotes, and tales of the wondrous and mundane, as well as notes on such topics as medicinal herbs and tattoos. Chinese: (酒食)
(Strange Southern Ways of Men and Things)Chinese: 嶺表錄異記<br>岭表录异记written between 889 and 904Liu Xun (Chinese: 劉恂)[26] [27] (Fragment)
(The Manuscript of the Diet Minister's Classic)Chinese: 膳夫經手錄<br>膳夫经手录856Yang YezhuanIntroduces many formulae for diet therapy[28]
(Chef's Manuals)Chinese: 膳夫錄<br>膳夫录Southern SungZheng Wang (Chinese: 鄭望)Anecdotes[29]

Song dynasty

Documents compiled during the Song dynasty (960–1279). The population of China doubled in size during the 10th and 11th centuries. This growth came through expanded rice cultivation in central and southern China, the use of early-ripening rice from southeast and southern Asia, and the production of abundant food surpluses.[30] [31]

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Chinese: 食譜<br>食谱
(Records of the Unworldly and the Strange)Chinese: 淸異錄<br>清异录950[32]
(Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era)Chinese: 太平御覽<br>太平御览977 to 983Li FangAn encyclopedia (Volumes 843–867 are on diets)
(Treatise on Bamboo Shoots)Chinese: 筍譜<br>笋谱Zang Ning, a monk98 kinds of bamboo[33]
(Vegetarian Recipes from the Study of the True Heart)[34] Chinese: 本心齋蔬食譜<br>本心斋蔬食谱13th centuryChen Dasou (Chinese: 陳達叟)Cookery
(The Simple Foods of the Mountain Folk)[35] Chinese: 山家淸供<br>山家清供13th centuryLin Hong (Chinese: 林洪), Zhao Xigu a connoisseurThis cookbook introduces food and beverages of hermits in the mountains[36] and usages of sugar in cookery.[37] It also mentions a cultural proverb related to pasta.[38]
Chinese: 茹草记事Published in 1646Lin Hong, Tao Zongyi, Tao Ting[39]
(Five Considerations When Scholar-officials Eat)*Chinese: 士大夫食時五觀<br>士大夫食时五观between 1045 and 1105 Huang Tingjian, a calligrapherDeals with five points of etiquette for Chinese: shidafu (gentlemen or officials) when eating meat[40] [41]
(A New Book on Supporting Parents for Longevity)[42] Chinese: 壽親養老新書<br>寿亲养老新书Zou Xuan[43] [44]
(The Wine Classic of North Mountain)Chinese: 北山酒經<br>北山酒经between 1535 and 1615Zhu Gong (朱肱)The first book extant entirely focused on wine and wine making[45] [46]
(Jade Pie)Chinese: 玉食批
(The Record of Tea)Chinese: 茶錄<br>茶录Cai XiangA renowned tea book[47]
(Note on the Lychee)Chinese: 荔枝譜<br>荔枝谱1059Cai XiangThe first monograph on any fruit tree written by a Chinese writer, in which over 30 varieties of fruit are mentioned including the lychee[48] [49]
(Dongxi Tea Tasting Record)Chinese: 東溪試茶錄<br>东溪试茶录
(Essentials in Tea Tasting)Chinese: 品茶要錄<br>品茶要录
Chinese: 食经
(Note on Oranges)Chinese: 橘錄<br>橘录1178Han YanBook: Schlegel, Rolf H. J.. History of Plant Breeding. 15 December 2017. CRC Press. 978-1-351-58895-9. 49–.
(Frosting Recipe)Chinese: 糖霜譜<br>糖霜谱
Chinese: 宣和北苑貢茶錄<br>宣和北苑贡茶录
Chinese: 北苑別錄<br>北苑别录
(Note on Crab)Chinese: 蟹譜<br>蟹谱written about 1059Crabs[50]
Chinese: 蟹略
(Note on Mushrooms)Chinese: 菌譜<br>菌谱
Chinese: 東京夢華錄箋注<br>东京梦华录Chinese: 孟元老, Meng Yuanlao 1126–1147Journal of daily life in Kaifeng
Chinese: 都城紀勝<br>都城纪胜
Chinese: 武林舊事<br>武林旧事
(Records of Marketplaces in the Southern Song Dynasty)Chinese: 南宋市肆记
Chinese: 夢粱錄<br>梦粱录
Chinese: 吳氏中饋錄<br>吳氏中馈录Madame WuThe earliest Chinese cookbook written by a woman and one of the first to mention the use of soy sauce
or Chinese: 繁胜录 or Chinese: 西湖老人繁勝錄Fragment

Jin dynasty

Documents compiled during the Jin dynasty (1115–1234).

Yuan dynasty

During the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), contacts with the West also brought the introduction to China of a major food crop, sorghum, along with other foreign food products and methods of preparation.

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
(Agricultural Treatise)Chinese: 農書<br>农书1149Chen FuDeals with paddy rice farming and sericulture in southern China[52]
(Materia Medica for Daily Use)[53] Chinese: 日用本草1367[54] Wu Rui, an official medical authorityOne of famous works on dietetics written in the Yuan dynasty.[55] It lists of 540 common foods with medicinal properties.
(Orthodox Essentials of Dietetics)Chinese: 飮膳正要<br>饮膳正要Hu Sihui, an imperial dietary physicianThe book, that defines essential diets for a healthy person, is regarded as the first systematic document on nutritional principles in China.[56]
(Fundamentals of Agriculture and Sericulture for Food and Clothes)Chinese: 農桑衣食撮要<br>农桑衣食撮要1314Lu Mingshan[57] Sugarcane and sugar manufacturing[58]
(Must Known for Diet)Chinese: 飮食須知<br>饮食须知Jia MingOne of the famous works on dietetics written in the Yuan dynasty
(The Food and Drink System of Yunlin)[59] [60] Chinese: 雲林堂飲食制度集<br>云林堂饮食制度集Ni Zan, a famous painterThe book, with various recipes for ordinary foods, is said to be the first book of China actually aimed for ordinary households.[61] [62]
(Collection of Necessary Matters Ordered for the Householder)[63] Chinese: 居家必用事類全集<br>居家必用事类全集1301An encyclopedia that became a precursor to encyclopedias of the late Ming, and has a chapter devoted to "foods of the Muslims"[64] [65] (Chinese: 庚集, Chinese: 己集)
ZhuanshiChinese: 饌史<br>馔史

Ming dynasty

China during the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) became involved in a new global trade of goods, plants, animals, and food crops known as the Columbian Exchange. Although the bulk of imports to China were silver, the Chinese also purchased New World crops from the Spanish Empire. This included sweet potatoes, maize, and peanuts, foods that could be cultivated in lands where traditional Chinese staple crops—wheat, millet, and rice—couldn't grow, hence facilitating population growth.[66] [67] In the Song dynasty (960–1279), rice had become the major staple crop of the poor;[68] after sweet potatoes were introduced to China around 1560, they gradually became the traditional food of the lower classes.[69]

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Chinese: 易牙遗意
(Heavenly Chefs' Collection of Wonderful Dishes)Chinese: 天厨聚珍妙馔集
or (The Immortal God's Hidden Book)Chinese: 神隐 or Chinese: 臞仙神隐书Fragment
(Materia Medica for the Relief of Famine)Chinese: 救荒本草Zhu SuThe book newly mentions most edible plants.[70]
(Food Guide for Materia Medica)Ning YuanGreatly contributed to the development of medical foods
(Handbook for People)Chinese: 便民图纂Volume 15 covers food and other topics.
(Wild Vegetable Manual)Chinese: 野菜谱
(Song's Health Section)Chinese: 宋氏养生部
Chinese: 云林遗事
(Food Materia Medica)Chinese: 食物本草Wang YingGreatly contributed to the development of medical foods.
(Food Collection)Chinese: 食品集
(Broad Fungi Manual)Chinese: 广菌谱
(The Compendium of Materia Medica)Chinese: 本草纲目1578–1608Li ShizhenА total of 1892 medical substances are addressed in the book, and food items make up a significant portion of them.
Chinese: 墨娥小录Regards various delicacies in food, drink, etc.
Chinese: 多能鄙事Volumes 1–4 are on diets.
Chinese: 茹草编
(Home Essentials)Chinese: 居家必备Volume 7 covers drinks.
Chinese: 遵生八笺Notes on food and drink
Chinese: 野蔌品
(Index of Seafood Products)Chinese: 海味索引
Chinese: 闽中海错疏
(Wild Vegetable Paper)Chinese: 野菜笺Section 83 is a food guide or materia medica.
Chinese: 山堂肆考1595Peng Dayi There is a section on food and clothing (Chinese: 羽集衣食).
(Extensive Record of Wild Plants)Chinese: 野菜博录
Chinese: 上医本草
Chinese: 觞政
(Encyclopedia of Agriculture)Chinese: 农政全书Xu GuangqiDetails of agricultural practices with the effects of the climate and landscape
Chinese: 养余月令
(Wine History)Chinese: 酒史

Qing dynasty

Documents compiled during the Qing dynasty (1644–1912).

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Xianqing ouji (Leisure Time)Chinese: 闲情偶寄Contains a section on food and drink
Min xiao jiChinese: 闽小记
(Necessary Dietary Information)Chinese: 饮食须知Zhu Benzhong[71] Zhu Tailai (Chinese: 朱泰来)
TiaodingjiChinese: 调鼎集
Shiwu bencao huizuanChinese: 食物本草会纂
Jiangnan yuxianpinChinese: 江南鱼鲜品
Gui'eryueChinese: 簋贰约
Riyong suziChinese: 日用俗字Has a chapter on diet and one on vegetables
Shixian hongmiChinese: 食宪鸿秘
Fan you shi'er heshuo (Rice Has Twelve Combinations)Chinese: 饭有十二合说
Yuanjian leihanChinese: 渊鉴类函Chinese: (食物及其它)
Juchang yinzhuan luChinese: 居常饮馔录
Complete Classics Collection of Ancient ChinaChinese: 古今图书集成1700–1725Chen Menglei and Jiang TingxiChinese: (经济汇编食物典卷257~308饮食部)
Xu chajingChinese: 续茶经
Gezhi jingyuanChinese: 格致镜原Volume 6 covers food and drink.
Nongpu bianlanChinese: 农圃便览(部分)
Xingyuan luChinese: 醒园录
Zhoupu shuoChinese: 粥谱说
Yangsheng suibiChinese: 养生随笔
Suiyuan shidan (Recipes from the Garden of Contentment)1792Yuan Mei
Wu xun puChinese: 吴蕈谱
Yinshi xuzhi (Food Essential)Chinese: 饮食须知Chinese: (清•朱本中)
Jihai puChinese: 记海错
ZhengsuwenChinese: 证俗文Chinese: (卷1 及其它)
XilüeChinese: 醯略
YangxiaoluChinese: 养小录
Yangzhou huafang luChinese: 扬州画舫录Chinese: (部分)
Tiaoji yinshi bianChinese: 调疾饮食辨Chinese: (6卷、卷末1卷)
Qing jia luChinese: 清嘉录Chinese: (部分)
Tongqiao yizhao luChinese: 桐桥倚棹录Chinese: (卷10市廛)
Suixiju yinshipuChinese: 随息居饮食谱
YinengpianChinese: 艺能篇Chinese: (治庖)
Zhongkui luChinese: 中馈录Chinese: (清•彭崧毓)
HuyaChinese: 湖雅Chinese: (卷8酿造、铒饼)
Zhongkui luChinese: 中馈录Chinese: (清•曾懿)
(Guang Zhoupu)Chinese: 粥谱 <br> 广粥谱
Xinbian jiazhengxue (New Home Economics)Chinese: 新编家政学Part 4, chapter 3 is on diet.
Chengdu tonglanChinese: 成都通览Volume 7 is on food and drink.

Post-Qing period

Documents compiled after the Qing dynasty.

TitleChinese nameDateAuthorDescription
Zaoyangfan shu Western CookbookChinese: 造洋饭书1909The earliest western cookbook in China. It is divided into 25 chapters, which introduce the ingredients and cooking methods of western food.
Shipin jiawei beilan Preparing Delicious MealsChinese: 食品佳味备览
Qingbai leichao Chinese: 清稗类钞Chinese: (第47、48册饮食类)
Pengren yiban Cooking First Class Chinese: 烹饪一斑
Jiating shipu Family recipes Chinese: 家庭食谱
Xican pengren mijue Tips for cooking Western food Chinese: 西餐烹饪秘诀
Jiating shipu xubian Family Recipes Continued Chinese: 家庭食谱续编
Jiating shipu sanbian Family Recipes Third Chinese: 家庭食谱三编
Jiating shipu sibian Family Recipes Four Chinese: 家庭食谱四编
Sushi pu Vegetarian Manual Chinese: 素食谱
Jiashi shixi baojian Chinese: 家事实习宝鉴Chinese: (第二编饮食论)
Zhijia quanshu Chinese: 治家全书Chinese: (卷10烹饪篇食谱)
Jiating wanbao quanshu Chinese: 家庭万宝全书Chinese: (卷5烹饪学)
Sushi shenglun Chinese: 素食养生论
Shanghai kuailan Chinese: 上海快览Chinese: (第6篇上海之饮食)
Shiwu xin bencao (New Materia Medica of Food) Chinese: 食物新本草
Qinan kuailan Chinese: 济南快览Chinese: (衣食、中西餐馆)
Beiping caipu (Beiping Recipes) Chinese: 北平菜谱
Minzhong changshi congshu (People's Common Knowledge) Chinese: 民众常识丛书Chinese: 烹饪类
Jinan daguan Ji'nan Grand View Chinese: 济南大观Chinese: (第96章中西餐)
Yinshi yu jiankang Diet and health Chinese: 饮食与健康
Beiping fengsu leizheng Chinese: 北平风俗类征Chinese: (饮食)
Feishi shiyang sanzhong Chinese: 费氏食养三种
Shiyong yinshixue Practical Dietetics Chinese: 实用饮食学
Xin shipu Latest Recipe Chinese: 新食谱Chinese: (第二册普通食物成分表)
Sushi shuolü Chinese: 素食说略
Chifan wenti Questions to EatingChinese: 吃饭问题


External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition).
  2. Book: Birdwhistell, Anne D. . Li Yong (1627-1705) and Epistemological Dimensions of Confucian Philosophy . 1996 . Stanford University Press . 978-0-8047-2605-4 . 208 . en.
  3. Book: Pohl, Karl-Heinz . Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Philosophical Approaches . 1999 . BRILL . 978-90-04-11426-5 . en.
  4. Book: Métailié . Georges . Science and Civilisation in China, vol. VI, Biology and Biological Technology, Part 4, Traditional Botany: an Ethnobotanical Approach . 2015 . . 978-1107109872 . Cambridge, UK.
  5. Alternative translations are Important Arts for the People's Welfare, The Manual of Important Arts for the People, Essential Techniques of Keeping Order among the Common People, The Art of Feeding the People, Important Technology for the People's Welfare, or Essential Farming Skills of the People of Qi.
  6. Needham, 1995, p. 189
  7. Book: Lewis, Mark Edward . China Between Empires: The Northern and Southern Dynasties . 2009 . Harvard University Press . 978-0-674-02605-6 . 116 . en.
  8. Wenhua Li, 2001 Agro-Ecological Farming Systems in China Taylor & Francis, p. 26 -27
  9. Joseph Needham, Donald B. Wagner, Ling Wang (2008) Science and Civilisation in China Cambridge University Press, p. 372
  10. Web site:;contentno=78970 . ko:북당서초 北堂書鈔 . . Korean .
  11. Book: Brown, Kendall H. . The Politics of Reclusion: Paintineg and Power in Momoyama Japan . 1997-01-01 . University of Hawaii Press . 978-0-8248-1913-2 . 25 . en.
  12. Book: Pearce, Scott . Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200-600 . Spiro . Audrey G. . Ebrey . Patricia Buckley . 2001 . Harvard Univ Asia Center . 978-0-674-00523-5 . 58 . en.
  13. Book: Hou, Joseph P. . The Healing Power of Chinese Herbs and Medicinal Recipes . Jin . Youyu . 2005 . Psychology Press . 978-0-7890-2202-8 . 39 . en.
  14. Wilkinson, 2002, p.649
  15. Alternative translations are Pharmacopoeia of Foods for Treating Illness, Nutritional Therapy; a Pharmacopoeia of Natural History or Health Food and Curative Herbs
  16. Book: Hu, Shiu-ying . Food Plants of China . 2005 . Chinese University Press . 978-962-996-229-6 . en.
  17. Peng Yoke Ho, F. Peter Lisowski Concepts of Chinese science and traditional healing arts p.35
  18. Book: Hsu, Elisabeth . Innovation in Chinese Medicine . 2001-09-27 . . 978-0-521-80068-6 . 184–187 . en.
  19. Book: Chiffolo, Anthony F. . Cooking with the Bible: Biblical Food, Feasts, and Lore . Hesse . Rayner W. . 2006-08-30 . Greenwood Publishing Group . 978-0-313-33410-8 . 339 . en.
  20. Book: Wu, Dingbo . Handbook of Chinese Popular Culture . Murphy . Patrick Dennis . 1994 . Greenwood Publishing Group . 978-0-313-27808-2 . 74 . en.
  21. An alternative translation is "Record of Waters for Boiing Tea"
  22. Book: Wang, Ling . Tea and Chinese Culture . 2005 . Long River Press . 978-1-59265-025-5 . 43–44 . en.
  23. Gleaming Qing Ming—Exhibition of China Tea Culture Literature
  24. Peiwen Li, Li Peiwen (2003) Management of Cancer with Chinese Medicine Donica Publishing Limited, p. 353
  25. Web site:;contentno=777014 . ko:식의심감 食醫心鑑 . . Korean .
  26. August Johan Bernet Kempers The kettledrums of Southeast Asia p. 179
  27. Joseph Needham, Colin A. Ronan The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China p. 251
  28. Losso, 2007 p. 102
  29. Joseph Needham, Ling Wang Science and Civilisation in China p. 127
  30. Ebrey et al. 1999, p. 156
  31. Brook, 1998, p. 96
  32. Book: Needham, Joseph . The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 5 . Ronan . Colin A. . 1978 . Cambridge University Press . 978-0-521-46773-5 . 76 . en.
  33. Book: Valder, Peter . The Garden Plants of China . 1999 . Timber Press . 978-0-88192-470-1 . 90 . en.
  34. Association française d'études chinoises (1997) Etudes chinoises L'Association, p. 10
  35. Alternative translations are Pure Dinner at a Mountain House, or The Simple Life of a Mountain Dweller.
  36. Book: Berg, Daria . The Quest for Gentility in China: Negotiations Beyond Gender and Class . Starr . Chloë . 2007 . Routledge . 978-0-415-43586-4 . 181–182 . en.
  37. Mazumdar, p. 29
  38. Book: Serventi, Silvano . Pasta: The Story of a Universal Food . Sabban . Françoise . 2002 . . 978-0-231-12442-3 . 319 . en.
  39. Hong Lin, Zongyi Tao, Ting Tao Ru cao ji shi
  40. Huang, Tingjian, 1045–1105
  41. Prof. Jo Mun-su (조문수교수) 궁중음식 Jeju University
  42. An alternative translation is New Writings on Fostering the Longevity and Nourishing the Old Age of One's Parents
  43. Chinese: 李治安 2005 元史论丛/第十辑/元代社会文化暨元世祖忽必烈国际学术研讨会论文集 p. 407
  44. Fabrizio Pregadio The encyclopedia of Taoism Chinese: 中国广播电视出版社 p. 269
  45. Catharina Yung-Kang Wang Ang, KeShun Liu, Yao-Wen Huang 1999 Asian foods: science & technology CRC Press, p. 389
  46. Bob Flaws 1994 Chinese Medicinal Wines & Elixirs Blue Poppy Enterprises, Inc., p. 15
  47. Kit Boey Chow, Ione Kramer, 1990 All the tea in China China Books, p. 8
  48. Peter Valder, 1999 The Garden Plants of China Timber Press p. 301
  49. International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Alan Kam-leung Chan, Gregory K. Clancey, Hui-Chieh Loy, 2001 Historical perspectives on East Asian science, technology, and medicine World Scientific p. 173
  50. Book: Clancey, Gregory K. . Historical Perspectives on East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine . Loy . Hui-Chieh . 2001 . World Scientific . 978-9971-69-259-9 . 173 . en.
  51. Losso, 2007, p. 102
  52. Wilkinson, 1998, p. 629
  53. It can be translated as Materia Medica of Everyday Food Items
  54. Heiner Fruehauf, (March 1998) The Ginkgo: Cultural Background and Medicinal Usage in China, The Journal of Chinese Medicine
  55. Losso, 2007, p.102 – 103
  56. Newman, 2004, p. 19-20
  57. Gang Deng, 1999 Maritime sector, institutions, and sea power of premodern China, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 260
  58. Book: Mazumdar, Sucheta . Sugar and Society in China: Peasants, Technology, and the World Market . 1998 . Harvard Univ Asia Center . 978-0-674-85408-6 . 134 . en.
  59. Wilkinson, 2000, p.649
  60. Alternative titles are Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating or Dietetic Systems of Yunlin
  61. Newman, 2004, p.20
  62. [Jacqueline M. Newman]
  63. An alternative translation is Complete Collection of Classified Affairs Essential for Those Living at Home
  64. March 2006 Beijing Halal China Heritage Project, The Australian National University, No. 5
  65. Book: Elman, Benjamin A. . On Their Own Terms: Science in China, 1550-1900 . 2005-04-30 . Harvard University Press . 978-0-674-01685-9 . en.
  66. Ebrey, Patricia Buckley (1999). The Cambridge Illustrated History of China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  67. Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. (2003). The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492; 30th Anniversary Edition. Westport: Praeger Publishers. .
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