This is a list of notable high schools in Indonesia. This list is not intended to be complete, as there would be too many high schools.
See main article: Education in Indonesia. In Indonesia, primary schools or SD (id|Sekolah Dasar—"Elementary School") are from 1st to 6th grade, while high schools (secondary school) generally comprise junior secondary school (7th–9th grade) or SMP (id|Sekolah Menengah Pertama—"First Middle-grade School"), senior secondary school (10–12th grade) or SMA (id|Sekolah Menengah Atas—"Upper Middle-grade School") or SMU (id|Sekolah Menengah Umum—"General Middle-grade School") and SMK (id|Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan—"Middle-grade Vocational School"), with virtually all public schools operated this way. Private schools may combine them, even though the students still wear different uniforms.
Public schools (SMPN, SMAN/SMUN, and SMKN, with "N" being Negeri or "State") employ standardized uniform outfits: red skirts and short trousers for primary schoolers, navy blue skirts and short trousers for junior secondary schoolers, and grey long skirts and long trousers for senior secondary schoolers. Vocational schools and some vocational schoolers add different uniform outfits. With some students wearing a white shirt on top. Private schools may choose different outfits for their students, but schools generally employ uniforms—sometimes several sets of them—including the Pramuka (boyscout) uniform, the batik uniform, etc. Public schools often, but not always, employ numbers in their names, corresponding to the order of their formation, e.g. SD/SMP/SMA Negeri 1/2/3, etc., followed by city/regency names, and usually don't carry personal names.
Before 2015, the mandatory time in school in Indonesia was 9 years, from 1st to 9th grade; therefore, senior secondary school was not mandatory. Since 2015, however, the mandatory school has been extended throughout the 12th grades. Tertiary schools (id|Sekolah tinggi—"High School") are college and university level.
Schools in Indonesia are under the care of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and for some period (2014–2019), the universities ("high" school or sekolah tinggi) are moved under the Ministry of Research and Technology. The religious schools are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religion.
Religiously organized schools include Muslim, Christian, and Catholic private schools. Muslim schools uses Arabic terms in their names, like: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) = SD, Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) = SMP, and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) = SMA. Christian schools use the abbreviation SDK, SMPK, SMAK/SMUK, or spelt out SD Kristen, SMP Kristen, or SMA Kristen in their names. Catholic schools use Saints (Santo) and Saintesses' (Santa) names in their school names or use Kolese (college) in their names. Secular schools didn't use any of the above and chose secular names. Vocational schools (mainly for senior secondary schools) are called SMK (id|Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan—"Vocational Middle-grade School"). Foreign-operated schools may use English, romanized Arabic, or Chinese (pinyin) names.
The most schools are in West Java and East Java (the most heavily populated provinces), with around 1.5 thousand each (671 and 535 thousand students, respectively), while the youngest province of Indonesia, North Kalimantan, has the fewest schools, 59, with 16 thousand students.
With regard to school time, almost all schools (92,1%) are morning schools, while 4,4% are evening schools, and the rest are a combination. With regard to religion, 79% of the students are Moslem, 12% Protestants, 5% Catholics, 2% Hindu, 1% Buddhist, with a very small minority (0.05%) of Confucianist religion, and other beliefs. With regard to preference for public/private schools, Moslem and Hindu students overwhelmingly favor public schools, Christians and Catholics somewhat prefer public schools, and Buddhists and Confucianists overwhelmingly favor private schools.
From provincial statistics, the province with the most students per school is Bali (545), while the least is North Maluku (198), and the most teachers per school are West Sumatra (36) and Bali (34), and the least is North Maluku (15). But for private school, West Java has the most number of students per school (891), while private schools in Central Kalimantan only have 95 students per school.
Below are some of the private schools in Indonesia: (Some of the English names of these schools are not necessarily official names, but merely translation. But most with official English names have influences based on international curriculums, international affiliations or religious affiliations.)
Below are some of the public senior secondary schools (SMP/SMA Negeri) in Indonesia:
Below are some of the public senior vocational school (SMK Negeri) in Indonesia: