This is a list of (some of) the researchers in quantum gravity who have Wikipedia articles.
expert on dynamical triangulations who helped develop the causal dynamical triangulations approach to quantum gravity.
the physicist who demonstrated that perturbative quantum gravity diverges at two loops, and made a number of important contributions to string theory (most notably the discovery of the orientifold, which connects type I string theory to type IIB string theory).
physicist who developed the idea of doubly special relativity, and founded Quantum-Gravity phenomenology.
inventor of the Ashtekar variables, one of the founders of loop quantum gravity.
mathematical physicist who introduced the notion of spin foam in loop quantum gravity (a term originally introduced by Wheeler).
philosopher and author of The End of Time, Absolute or Relative Motion?: The Discovery of Dynamics.
mathematical physicist who helped develop the Barrett–Crane model of quantum gravity.
physicist who developed the application of loop quantum gravity to cosmology.
expert on 3-dimensional quantum gravity.
mathematician who helped develop the Barrett–Crane model of quantum gravity.
formulated the Wheeler–DeWitt equation for the wavefunction of the Universe with John Archibald Wheeler.
mathematical physicist known for her contributions to loop quantum gravity and spin foam models, currently working on coarse-graining of spin foams.
physicist working on causal sets as well as the interpretation of quantum mechanics.
physicist who has contributed much quantum relativity and the logical foundations of QR.
mathematical physicist known for his contributions to loop quantum gravity and spin foam models, in particular the Freidel-Krasnov model.
physicist who helped introduce loop quantum gravity; coauthor of Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity.
physicist who has done important work on black holes.
physicist who is considered one of the world's foremost string theorists.
physicist who helped develop the Hartle-Hawking wavefunction for the universe.
leading physicist, expert on black holes and discoverer of Hawking radiation who helped develop the Hartle-Hawking wavefunction for the universe.
physicist who focuses on conceptual problems in quantum gravity.
physicist who helped develop loop quantum gravity.
physicist one of the foremost leading String theorist and also known for the Popular Science.
physicist who worked on loop quantum gravity and more recently helped develop the causal dynamical triangulations approach to quantum gravity.
physicist who worked on string theory.
physicist who works on loop quantum gravity and spin network models that take causality into account.
mathematical physicist who invented spin networks and twistor theory.
physicist who helped develop loop quantum gravity, co-author of Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity.
one of the founders and major contributors to loop quantum gravity.
one of the founders and major contributors to loop quantum gravity.
physicist, primary proponent of the causal set approach to quantum gravity.
physicist who works on string theory.
physicist who is considered to be one of the three fathers of string theory.
mathematical physicist.
physicist engaged in the study of semiclassical gravity and responsible for the discovery of the so-called Unruh effect.
physicist and developer of F-theory, known for Vafa-Witten theorem and Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture.
physicist in the field of quantum field theory in curved spacetime.
physicist, major contributor to Horava-Lifshitz gravity; String theory and applications to cosmology.
physicist, cosmologist and writer, known as founder of the "Space-time Consortium" and his work on Kaluza–Klein theory.
physicist in the field of quantum gravity due to his development, with Bryce DeWitt, of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation.
mathematical physicist in string theory and M-Theory