List of international presidential trips made by Sauli Niinistö explained

The following is a list of presidential trips made by Sauli Niinistö during his tenure as the 12th President of Finland, which began on 1 March 2012 and ended on 1 March 2024. During this time he travelled abroad 151 times.

This information was gathered mainly from the official site of the president, more specifically from his calendar and pages linked there,[1] although some of his trips are missing there, and his press releases from the same site.

First term of office

Niinistö’s first term of six years began on 1 March 2012 and ended on 1 February 2018.


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2012
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1. 2012 March 26–27 [2]
2. 2012 April 17–18 Carl XVI Gustaf, King [3]
3. 2012 April 25 Official visit [4]
4. 2012 May 20–21 [5]
5. 2012 May 22 [6]
6. 2012 June 21–22 [7]
7. 2012 July 27–31 United Kingdom[8]
8. 2012 September 2–4 [9]
9. 2012 September 4–5 Working visit [10]
10. 2012 September 22–29 [11]
11. 2012 October 10–11 Harald V, King State visit [12]
12. 2012 November 8–9 Official visit [13]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2013
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13. 2013 January 23–25 [14]
14. 2013 February 11–13 Vladimir Putin, president Official visit [15]
15. 2013 April 4–5 State visit [16]
16. 2013 April 6–10 Official visit [17]
17. 2013 April 16–18 Nursultan Nazarbayev, president State visit [18] [19]
18. 2013 May 13–15 State visit [20]
19. 2013 May 28–29 Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, president State visit [21]
20. 2013 July 9–11 Francois Hollande, president Official visit [22]
21. 2013 September 4 Meeting of the US President with Scandinavian heads of state [23]
22. 2013 September 9–11 Andris Bērziņš, president State visit [24]
23. 2013 September 15 Carl XVI Gustav, king 40th anniversary celebrations of the accession to the throne of King Carl XVI Gustaf [25]
24. 2013 September 23–25 Vladimir Putin, president Working visit [26]
25. 2013 October 8–10 Bronisław Komorowski, president Met the presidents of European states [27]
26. 2013 October 15–16 State visit [28]
27. 2013 November 16–17 Received the Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung Prize [29]
28. 2013 December 9–11 State memorial service of former President Nelson Mandela (Dec 10) [30]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2014
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
29. 2014 January 12–13 [31]
30. 2014 January 23–24 [32]
31. 2014 February 6–12 Vladimir Putin, president [33]
32. 2014 March 11–13 Michel Suleiman, president Official visit [34]
33. 2014 March 23–25 [35]
34. 2014 June 3–4 Bronisław Komorowski, president [36]
35. 2014 August 15 Vladimir Putin, president Working visit [37]
36. 2014 August 16 Working visit
37. 2014 September 4–5 [38]
38. 2014 September 20–25 [39]
39. 2014 September 29–30 Met the presidents of European states [40]
40. 2014 October 6–8 [41]
41. 2014 October 8–11 State visit [42]
42. 2014 October 30-November 1 [43]
43. 2014 November 4–5 Working visit [44]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2015
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
44. 2015 January 21–22 Several Met the heads of various EU institutions [45]
45. 2015 February 6–8 [46]
46. 2015 March 1 [47]
47. 2015 March 30–April 2 Bronislaw Komorowski, president [48]
48. 2015 April 11–13 Official visit [49]
49. 2015 April 21–22 Carl XVI Gustav, king King of Sweden’s 40th jubilee [50]
50. 2015 May 13–14 Charlemagne Prize ceremony [51]
51. 2015 May 23–27 State visit [52]
52. 2015 June 9–10 Working visit [53]
53. 2015 June 16 Vladimir Putin, President of Russia Working visit [54]
54. 2015 September 21–22 Meeting of European presidents [55]
55. 2015 September 24–29 [56]
56. 2015 October 12–15 Official visit [57]
57. 2015 November 2–4 [58]
58. 2015 November 30 [59]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2016
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
59. 2016 January 21–22 [60]
60. 2016 February 4–5 Official visit [61]
61. 2016 February 12–14 [62]
62. 2016 March 7–11 [63] [64]
63. 2016 March 22 Vladimir Putin, President of Russia Meeting with Putin [65]
64. 2016 March 31–April 1 [66]
65. 2016 April 30 Working visit, discussions on NATO [67]
66. 2016 May 12–15 Official visit, meeting of US and Nordic leaders [68]
67. 2016 May 17–18 [69]
68. 2016 July 8–9 [70]
69. 2016 August 16–18 Official visit [71]
70. 2016 August 18–21 [72]
71. 2016 September 13–14 Arraiolos Group meeting [73]
72. 2016 September 18–21 [74]
73. 2016 October 25–26 Official visit [75]
74. 2016 November 9–10 Meeting with leading EU officials [76]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2017
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
75. 2017 February 16–19 [77]
76. 2017 March 13 [78]
77. 2017 March 30 Vladimir Putin, president IV International Arctic Forum [79]
78. 2017 May 9–10 [80]
79. 2017 May 11–12 Working visit [81]
80. 2017 May 13 Lennart Meri Conference [82]
81. 2017 June 10 Finland 100 day of celebrations [83]
82. 2017 June 19–20 [84]
83. 2017 August 24 Celebration of Finland’s 100th Anniversary [85]
84. 2017 August 29 Working visit [86] [87]
85. 2017 September 18–21 [88]
September 21–23

Second term of office

Niinistö’s second term of six years began on 1 February 2018 and ended on 1 March 2024.


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2018
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
86. 2018 February 16–18 [89]
87. 2018 February 18 [90]
88. 2018 March 28 [91] [92]
89. 2018 April 10–12 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, President of Croatia[93]
90. 2018 May 26 [94]
91. 2018 June 22 [95]
92. 2018 July 11–12 [96]
93. 2018 August 22 Working visit [97]
94. 2018 September 13–14 [98]
95. 2018 September 23–28 [99]
96. 2018 November 10–11 [100]
97. 2018 November 18 [101]
98. 2018 December 3 [102]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2019
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
99. 2019 January 1 [103]
100. 2019 January 14–15 [104]
101. 2019 January 23 [105]
102. 2019 February 15–17 [106]
103. 2019 April 9 [107]
104. 2019 May 23–24 Official visit [108]
105. 2019 July 14 [109]
106. 2019 September 12–14 Official visit [110]
107. 2019 September 22–25 [111]
108. 2019 October 2 Working visit [112]
109. 2019 October 15–16 Official visit [113]
110. 2019 October 21–23 [114]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2019
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
111. 2020 January 27 [115]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2021
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112. 2021 August 23 [116]
113. 2021 September 7 Emmanuel Macron, president Working visit [117]
114. 2021 September 15 Arraiolos Group meeting [118] [119]
115. 2021 September 17–21 [120]
116. 2021 October 13 [121]
117. 2021 October 29 Vladimir Putin, president Working visit [122]
118. 2021 November 1–2 [123]
119. 2021 November 12 Sverker Göranson, General (ret.) [124]
120. 2021 November 21–23 Working visit [125]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2022
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
121. 2022 February 18–20 [126]
122. 2022March 3 Working visit [127]
123. 2022 March 14–15 Joint Expeditionary Force meeting [128]
124. 2022 March 21 Working visit [129]
125. 2022 May 17–18 Carl XVI Gustaf, King [130]
126. 2022May 19 [131] [132]
127. 2022 June 28–30 [133]
128. 2022 September 19 [134]
129. 2022 September 19–21 [135] [136] [137]
September 22
130. 2022 October 4 Working visit [138]
131. 2022 October 10–11 [139]
132. 2022 October 19–20 [140] [141]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2023
width=30 style=background:#BED9F6No.width=40 style=background:#BED9F6Yearwidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Datewidth=120 style=background:#BED9F6Countrywidth=100 style=background:#BED9F6Locationwidth=200 style=background:#BED9F6Hostwidth=180 style=background:#BED9F6Reason for visitwidth=80 style=background:#BED9F6References
133. 2023 January 24 [142] [143]
134. 2023 March 6–10 [144]
135. 2023 March 16–17 Official visit, Niinistö travelled to Ankara to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. They spoke, among other things, about EU-Turkey relations, Finland's application to join NATO and efforts to combat terrorism. [145]
136. 2023 April 4 [146]
137. 2023 April 25–26 [147]
138. 2023 April 27–28 State visit [148]
139. 2023 May 6 [149]
140. 2023 June 1–2 [150]
141. 2023 July 11–12 [151]
142. 2023 September 14–15 Carl XVI Gustav, king [152]
143. 2013 September 18–21 [153]
144. 2023 October 5–6 Arraiolos Group meeting [154]
145. 2023 October 12–13 Joint Expeditionary Force meeting [155]
146. 2023 October 23–24 [156]
147. 2023 November 15–16 Official visit [157]
148. 2023 November 20–21 [158]


Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s presidential visits in 2023
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149. 2024 February 12 Working visit [159]
150. 2024 February 24–25 State funeral of Hage Geingob, President of Namibia [160]
151. 2024 February 26 Working visit [161]

Post-presidential trips of societal importance

Former Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s post-presidential visits
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1. 2024 March 20 Announcement that Niinistö is to write a report on how to enhance Europe’s civilian and defence preparedness and readiness [162] [163]
2. 2024 May 17–18 Samfundet Sverige-Finland 100th anniversary of the SSF,
received an award from the community
Interview in Svenska Dagbladet (in Swedish)[164] [165]

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Kalenteri . ‘Calendar’ . 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  2. Web site: President Niinistö at the Nuclear Security Summit in South Korea . 18 April 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  3. Web site: President Niinistö on state visit to Sweden . 25 April 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  4. Web site: President Niinistö to official visit to Estonia . 12 April 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  5. Web site: President Niinistö at the NATO Summit . 1 June 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  6. Web site: Prinsessa Estellen ristiäiset . ‘Baptism of Princess Estelle’ . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . fi.
  7. Web site: President Niinistö on a working visit in St Petersburg. 19 July 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finlan . 16 March 2024 . fi.
  8. Web site: President Niinistö at the Olympic Games in London. August 7, 2012. Office of the President of the Republic of Finland.
  9. Web site: President Niinistö to attend the Paralympic Games and to make working visit to Hungary . 28 August 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  10. Web site: Työvierailu Unkariin . ‘Working visit to Hungary’ . 5 September 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 .
  11. Web site: President Niinistö to attend the UN General Assembly . 21 September 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  12. Web site: State visit to Norway to bolster Arctic cooperation . 26 October 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2012 . en.
  13. Web site: President Niinistö to make official visit to German . 25 October 2012 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2012 . en.
  14. Web site: President Niinistö at the World Economic Forum in Davos . 30 January 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  15. Web site: President Niinistö on working visit to Moscow . 7 February 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  16. Web site: President Niinistö to make state visit to Denmark . 27 February 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  17. Web site: President Niinistö to make official visit to China . 14 March 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  18. Web site: President Niinistö to make state visit to Kazakhstan . 27 March 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  19. Web site: Green economy in focus on visit to Kazakhstan . 18 April 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  20. Web site: President Niinistö to make state visit to Lithuania . 30 April 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  21. Web site: President Niinistö to make state visit to Iceland . 16 May 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  22. Web site: President Niinistö to make official visit to France . 9 July 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  23. Web site: President Niinistö meets the President of the United States in Stockholm . 4 September 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 21 March 2024 . en.
  24. Web site: President Niinistö to make state visit to Latvia . 28 August 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  25. Web site: President Niinistö to attend King of Sweden’s 40th jubilee as reigning monarch . 11 September 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  26. Web site: President Niinistö on working visit to Russia . 18 September 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  27. Web site: President Niinistö to meet European presidents in Poland . 2 October 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  28. Web site: President Niinistö to make state visit to Switzerland . 1 October 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  29. Web site: Presidentti Niinistö vastaanottaa Hayek-säätiön talouspalkinnon Saksassa . ‘President Niinistö to receive the Received the Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Stiftung Economic Prize in Germany’ . 11 November 2013 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  30. Web site: President Niinistö on the state visit to South Africa: "We need international cooperation, and Africa is playing a rapidly increasing role" . 24 April 2024 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  31. Web site: Speech by President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö at the Rikskonferens Seminar in Sälen on 12 January 2014 . Niinistö . Sauli . 12 January 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  32. Web site: President Niinistö at the World Economic Forum in Davos . 7 February 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  33. Web site: President Niinistö attended the Winter Olympics in Sochi . 13 February 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  34. Web site: President of the Republic inspects crisis management forces in Lebanon . 14 March 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  35. Web site: President Niinistö at the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague . 27 March 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  36. Web site: President Niinistö at the 25th anniversary of Poland’s liberation . 6 June 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  37. Web site: Niinistö and Poroshenko meeting in Kiev . 16 August 2014 . YLE . 16 March 2024 . en.
  38. Web site: President Niinistö at the NATO summit: Our security rests on independent defence and broad-based networking. . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  39. Web site: Statement by President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö at the UNGA 69th General Debate on 24 September 2014 . 24 September 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  40. Web site: President Niinistö to meet European presidents in Portugal . 25 September 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  41. Web site: Speech by the President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö at the opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair on 7 October 2014 . 7 October 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  42. Web site: President Niinistö on a state visit to Canada . 15 October 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  43. Web site: President Niinistö to attend Arctic Circle assembly in Iceland . 28 October 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  44. Web site: President Niinistö meets President of Italy in Rome . 11 November 2014 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  45. Web site: President Niinistö in Brussels: EU to prioritise security . 29 January 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  46. Web site: President Niinistö to attend Munich Security Conference . 3 February 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  47. Web site: Presidentti Niinistö vastaanotti kisalipun Falunin MM-hiihdoissa . ‘President Niinistö received the games flag in the World Ski Championships in Falun’ . 2 March 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . fi.
  48. Web site: President Niinistö pays state visit to Poland . 11 March 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  49. Web site: President Niinistö meets senior politicians from the United Arab Emirates . 15 April 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  50. Web site: President Niinistö to attend King of Sweden’s 40th jubilee as reigning monarch . 11 September 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  51. Web site: President Niinistö to visit Germany . 11 May 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  52. Web site: President Niinistö meets President of Mexico . 1 June 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  53. Web site: President Niinistö discusses the Ukrainian crisis with the President of Kazakhstan . 11 June 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  54. Web site: President Niinistö met President of Russia in Moscow . 17 June 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  55. Web site: President Niinistö meeting European presidents in Germany . 14 September 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  56. Web site: President Niinistö to attend the UN General Assembly . 21 September 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  57. Web site: President Niinistö: Europe needs Turkey more than ever . 15 October 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  58. Web site: President Niinistö meets President of Indonesia in Jakarta . 20 November 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . en.
  59. Web site: President Niinistö to attend Paris climate conference . 20 November 2015 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  60. Web site: President Niinistö at the World Economic Forum in Davos . 25 January 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  61. Web site: President Niinistö visiting Austria . 12 February 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  62. Web site: President Niinistö in Munich: Is worse still to come, or is something better and constructive in store? . 2 March 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  63. Web site: President Niinistö in Tokyo: Finland and Japan move towards strategic partnership . 15 March 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  64. Web site: Culture in Kyoto, partnership in Tokyo . 11 March 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  65. Web site: Presidents Niinistö and Putin in Moscow: Traffic via Salla and Raja-Jooseppi to be restricted . 30 March 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  66. Web site: President Niinistö attends Nuclear Security Summit: "For once, the international community has begun taking action in advance" . 13 April 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  67. Web site: President Niinistö meets with Prime Minister of Sweden – NATO report discussed . 9 May 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  68. Web site: Security situation discussed by US and Nordic leaders . 14 May 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  69. Web site: President Niinistö on a state visit to Estonia: Relationships must be maintained in several directions . 19 May 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  70. Web site: President Niinistö at the Warsaw Summit: Deterrence and dialogue in balance in NATO’s relations with Russia . 11 July 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  71. Web site: President Niinistö visits Uruguay . 29 August 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  72. Web site: President Niinistö to visit Uruguay and the Rio Olympics . 5 August 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  73. Web site: President Niinistö at the meeting of the Arraiolos Group: We need the EU, we need cooperation . 16 September 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  74. Web site: President Niinistö at the UN General Assembly: International cooperation even more important in conflict resolution . 22 September 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  75. Web site: President Niinistö in Iran: International cooperation necessary to combat terrorism . 27 October 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  76. Web site: President Niinistö in EU meetings in Brussels: Every step taken in defence cooperation is warmly welcome . 16 November 2016 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  77. Web site: President Niinistö attends Munich Security Conference . 24 February 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 14 March 2024 . en.
  78. Web site: President Niinistö to attend celebration of Swedish volunteers in Stockholm . 28 February 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 14 March 2024 . en.
  79. Web site: President Niinistö to attend Arctic Forum in Russia . 27 March 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 14 March 2024 . en.
  80. Web site: President Niinistö and Mrs Haukio attend 80th birthdays of Norway’s royal couple . 3 May 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  81. Web site: Presidentti Niinistö vierailee Saksassa . ‘President Niinistö visits Germany’ . 5 May 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 .
  82. Web site: Lennart Meri -konferenssi . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  83. Web site: Finland 100: President Niinistö and Mrs Haukio to visit Tallinn for a Finland 100 day of celebration . 2 June 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 14 March 2024 . en.
  84. Web site: President Niinistö will visit Kazakhstan and the Astana World Expo . 6 June 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  85. Web site: Suomi 100: Presidenttipari juhlisti satavuotiasta Suomea Tukholmassa . ‘Finland 100: The Presidential Couple Celebrated Finland’s Centennial in Stockholm’ . 10 October 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . fi.
  86. Web site: Miksi Trump kutsui Niinistön Washingtoniin? Asiantuntija: "Trump haluaa tehdä kahdenvälisiä diilejä" . ‘Why did Trump invite Niinistö to Washington? Expert: “Trump wants bilateral deals’ . Ortamo . Simo . 17 August 2017 . . . 16 March 2024 .
  87. Web site: President Niinistö in Washington: Security the top theme of talks . 29 August 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  88. Web site: Presidentti Niinistön ja rouva Haukion Yhdysvaltain-vierailu alkoi Washingtonista – Suomi 100 -gaala lauantaina . ‘Visit of President Niinistö and Mrs Haukio to the United States began in Washington — Finland 100 gala to be held on Saturday’. 17 September 2017 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 16 March 2024 . fi.
  89. Web site: President Niinistö in Munich: It is in Finland’s interest to be involved in resolving Ukraine crisis . 19 February 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 14 March 2024 . en.
  90. Web site: President Niinistö attends Lithuanian Centennial Celebration . 18 February 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  91. Web site: President Niinistö to visit Brussels . 21 March 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  92. Web site: President Niinistö in Brussels: Dialogue with Russia needed perhaps more than ever . 29 March 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  93. Web site: President Niinistö on a state visit to Croatia . 12 April 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  94. Web site: President Niinistö attends Georgia’s 100th Anniversary . 23 May 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  95. Web site: Presidentti Niinistö Viron 100-vuotisjuhlallisuuksiin Tartoon . ‘President Niinistö to attend the celebrations of the Estonia centennial’ . 21 June 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . fi.
  96. Web site: President Niinistö attends NATO summit in Brussels . 12 July 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  97. Web site: President Niinistö to make a working visit to Russia . 10 August 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  98. Web site: President Niinistö to attend the meeting of the Arraiolos Group in Latvia . 7 September 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  99. Web site: President Niinistö at the UN General Assembly and in Washington . 27 September 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  100. Web site: President Niinistö to attend Paris Peace Forum . 2 November 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  101. Web site: President Niinistö to attend Latvian Centennial Celebration . 12 November 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  102. Web site: President Niinistö at UN Climate Change Conference: "More needs to be done, and faster" . 3 December 2018 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  103. Web site: President Niinistö and Mrs Haukio visited Austria . 1 January 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  104. Web site: President Niinistö visits China. 15 January 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  105. Web site: President Niinistö at Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: "Never again must Europe fall into a state of war" . 23 January 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  106. Web site: President Niinistö to attend Munich Security Conference . 8 February 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  107. Web site: President Niinistö in St. Petersburg: Dialogue is key in reducing tensions . 10 April 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  108. Web site: President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö made an official visit to Slovenia on 23–24 May 2019 . 23 May 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  109. Web site: President Niinistö to attend the French National Day celebrations in Paris . 10 July 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  110. Web site: President Niinistö in Ukraine: "Nothing is more valuable than peace" . 12 September 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  111. Web site: President Niinistö at the UN General Assembly: The mindset of ordinary people plays a major role in the efforts to mitigate climate change. Office of the President of the Republic of Finland. 2019-09-27. 2019-10-03.
  112. Web site: President Niinistö in Washington: Europe needs the United States, but the United States also needs Europe. Office of the President of the Republic of Finland. 2019-10-02. 2019-10-03.
  113. Web site: President Niinistö on official visit to Ethiopia . 18 October 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  114. Web site: President Niinistö and Mrs Jenni Haukio to attend the ceremony of the enthronement of the Emperor of Japan in Tokyo . 14 October 2019 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  115. Web site: President Niinistö attend the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz . 27 January 2020 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 17 March 2024 . en.
  116. Web site: President Niinistö at Crimea Platform in Kyiv: We need the spirit of Helsinki . 24 August 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  117. Web site: Key issues for European security raised during President Niinistö’s working visit to France . 8 September 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  118. Web site: President Niinistö at Arraiolos Group meeting: We must find common denominators . 16 September 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  119. Web site: Visita di Stato del Presidente della Repubblica di Finlandia, Sauli Niinistö . 2024-07-14 . it.
  120. Web site: President Niinistö to attend the UN General Assembly in New York . 17 September 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  121. Web site: President Niinistö attended Malmö International Forum on Holocaust . 14 October 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  122. Web site: President Niinistö visited Russia: The current situation requires at least a minimum level of mutual trust . 1 November 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  123. Web site: President Niinistö at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow: Combatting climate change is one of our weightiest human responsibilities . 3 November 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  124. Web site: Speech by President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö in honour of the 225th anniversary of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences in Stockholm on 12 November 2021 . 12 November 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  125. Web site: President Niinistö to pay a working visit to Germany . 15 November 2021 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 18 March 2024 . en.
  126. Web site: President Niinistö at the Munich Security Conference: "When we are challenged, we are together". 20 February 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  127. Web site: President Niinistö in Washington: Security and defence cooperation with the United States will be deepened . 4 March 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  128. Web site: President Niinistö attended JEF Leaders’ Summit in London and met Prime Minister Johnson . 15 March 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  129. Web site: War in Ukraine and European security on the agenda during President Niinistö’s working visit to France. 22 March 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  130. Web site: President Niinistö on state visit to Sweden: "In addition to democracy and well-being, security is increasingly becoming one of the basic pillars of our joint Nordic model" . 19 May 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  131. Web site: President Niinistö’s statement in the White House following the discussions with the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Sweden on 19 May 2022 . 19 May 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  132. Web site: President Niinistö in Washington: Finland takes the step of NATO membership to strengthen not only its own security, but also wider transatlantic security . 19 May 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  133. Web site: President Niinistö attends NATO Summit in Madrid . 1 July 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  134. Web site: Presidential couple to attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II . 12 September 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  135. Web site: Visit to the United States . 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  136. Web site: President Niinistö to UN General Assembly in New York and Washington. 13 September 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  137. Web site: President Niinistö to receive Atlantic Council’s Global Citizen Award . 19 September 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  138. Web site: President Niinistö on working visit to Estonia: We need to feel able to respond to threats, to trust each other . 6 October 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  139. Web site: President Niinistö on an official visit to Norway: We are now living in a new reality . 11 October 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  140. Web site: President Niinistö to make state visit to Iceland . 11 October 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  141. Web site: State visit to Iceland on 19–20 October 2022 . 2022 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  142. Web site: President Niinistö visits Ukraine . 24 January 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  143. Web site: Visit to Ukraine on 24 January 2023 . 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  144. Web site: President Niinistö in the United States: Europe needs the United States, but the United States also needs Europe . 10 March 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  145. Web site: President Niinistö on his visit to Türkiye: "Türkiye is ready to start the ratification process for Finland" . 17 March 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  146. Web site: President Niinistö: "A new era begins" – Finland becomes a member of the defence alliance NATO . 4 April 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  147. Web site: President Niinistö on the state visit to South Africa: "We need international cooperation, and Africa is playing a rapidly increasing role" . 24 April 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  148. Web site: President Niinistö on the state visit to Namibia: "Our countries share a long history – now we are building the future" . 28 April 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  149. Web site: Presidential couple to attend the coronation of King Charles III. 4 May 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  150. Web site: Common global challenges, the future of multilateral order and economic cooperation on the agenda during President Niinistö’s visit to Brazil . 3 June 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  151. Web site: President Niinistö in Vilnius: In many respects, a historic NATO Summit . 11 July 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  152. Web site: Presidential couple to attend King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 50th jubilee in Stockholm . 4 September 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  153. Web site: President Niinistö at the UN General Assembly in New York: We all have much to gain from cooperation on equal footing . 22 September 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  154. Web site: President Niinistö at the Arraiolos meeting: We need a strong and united Europe . 9 October 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  155. Web site: President Niinistö at the JEF Leaders’ Summit: JEF complements NATO and provides answers to hybrid issues . 13 October 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  156. Web site: President Niinistö on the State visit to Italy: We need unity to build a better future . 25 October 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  157. Web site: Situation in the Middle East, support for Ukraine, global divisions and migration on the agenda during President Niinistö’s official visit to Germany . 17 November 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  158. Web site: President Niinistö in Poland: One of the key responsibilities of the European Union is to secure its borders . 21 November 2023 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 19 March 2024 . en.
  159. Web site: Meeting with Prime Minister of Norway . 12 February 2024 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  160. Web site: President Niinistö attends the funeral of the late former President of Namibia Geingob . 26 February 2024 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  161. Web site: President Niinistö in Paris: We will step up efforts to support Ukraine . 27 February 2024 . Office of the President of the Republic of Finland . 20 March 2024 . en.
  162. Web site: Press statement by President von der Leyen with former Finnish President Niinistö . 20 March 2024 . . European Commission . 21 March 2024.
  163. News: Tutkija: Näistä syistä Niinistö haluttiin raportin kirjoittajaksi . ‘Academic: For these reasons Niinistö was selected as writer or report’ . Susanna . Laari . Helsingin Sanomat . Sanoma . Helsinki . 21 March 2024 . A 22 . 21 March 2024 . fi.
  164. Web site: Sauli Niinistö paljastaa: Tältä näyttää uusi arki – "On aika paljon tekemistä" . ‘Sauli Niinistö reveals: This is how my days look like — “I have quite a few things to do’ . Laisi . Erno . 17 May 2024 . Ilta-Sanomat . Sanoma . 18 May 2024 . fi.
  165. News: Niinistö: Turvallisuus perustuu voimaan . ‘Niinistö: Safety is a function of power’ . Helmi . Muhonen . Helsingin Sanomat . Sanoma . Helsinki . 18 May 2024 . A 8 . 18 May 2024 . fi.