List of owl species explained

The International Ornithological Committee (IOC) recognizes these 254 species of owl in order Strigiformes; they are distributed among 25 genera in two families. The 20 species of genera Tyto and Phodilus, the barn owls, are in family Tytonidae. The other 234 species are in family Strigidae, the "typical owls". Five species on the list are extinct; they are marked (X).[1] For a partial list with additional information, see the article "List of Strigiformes by population".

This list is presented according to the IOC taxonomic sequence and can also be sorted alphabetically by common name and binomial.

Common nameBinomial name + authoritydata-sort-typan"number" IOC sequence
Greater sooty owlTyto tenebricosa (Gould, 1845)1
Lesser sooty owlTyto multipunctata Mathews, 19122
Minahasa masked owlTyto inexspectata (Schlegel, 1879)3
Taliabu masked owlTyto nigrobrunnea Neumann, 19394
Moluccan masked owlTyto sororcula (Sclater, PL, 1883)5
Manus masked owlTyto manusi Rothschild & Hartert, EJO, 19146
Golden masked owlTyto aurantia (Salvadori, 1881)7
Australian masked owlTyto novaehollandiae (Stephens, 1826)8
Sulawesi masked owlTyto rosenbergii (Schlegel, 1866)9
Red owlTyto soumagnei (Grandidier, A, 1878)10
Western barn owlTyto alba (Scopoli, 1769)11
American barn owlTyto furcata (Temminck, 1827)12
Eastern barn owlTyto javanica (Gmelin, JF, 1788)13
Andaman masked owlTyto deroepstorffi (Hume, 1875)14
Ashy-faced owlTyto glaucops (Kaup, 1852)15
African grass owlTyto capensis (Smith, A, 1834)16
Eastern grass owlTyto longimembris (Jerdon, 1839)17
Itombwe owlTyto prigoginei (Schouteden, 1952)18
Oriental bay owlPhodilus badius (Horsfield, 1821)19
Sri Lanka bay owlPhodilus assimilis Hume, 187720
Papuan hawk-owlUroglaux dimorpha (Salvadori, 1874)21
Laughing owl (X)Ninox albifacies (Gray, GR, 1844)22
Rufous owlNinox rufa (Gould, 1846)23
Powerful owlNinox strenua (Gould, 1838)24
Barking owlNinox connivens (Latham, 1801)25
Sumba boobookNinox rudolfi Meyer, AB, 188226
Australian boobookNinox boobook (Latham, 1801)27
Rote boobookNinox rotiensis Johnstone, RE & Darnell, 199728
Timor boobookNinox fusca (Vieillot, 1817)29
Alor boobookNinox plesseni Stresemann, 192930
Tasmanian boobookNinox leucopsis (Gould, 1838)31
MoreporkNinox novaeseelandiae (Gmelin, JF, 1788)32
Northern boobookNinox japonica (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)33
Brown boobookNinox scutulata (Raffles, 1822)34
Hume's boobookNinox obscura Hume, 187235
Chocolate boobookNinox randi Deignan, 195136
Andaman boobookNinox affinis Beavan, 186737
Luzon boobookNinox philippensis Bonaparte, 185538
Mindanao boobookNinox spilocephala Tweeddale, 187939
Camiguin boobookNinox leventisi Rasmussen, Allen, D, Collar, Hutchinson, Jakosalem, Kennedy, RS, Lambert & Paguntalan, 201240
Sulu boobookNinox reyi Oustalet, 188041
Cebu boobookNinox rumseyi Rasmussen, Allen, D, Collar, Hutchinson, Jakosalem, Kennedy, RS, Lambert & Paguntalan, 201242
Romblon boobookNinox spilonotus Bourns & Worcester, 189443
Mindoro boobookNinox mindorensis Ogilvie-Grant, 189644
Least boobookNinox sumbaensis Olsen, Wink, Sauer-Gürth & Trost, 200245
Togian boobookNinox burhani Indrawan & Somadikarta, 200446
Ochre-bellied boobookNinox ochracea (Schlegel, 1866)47
Cinnabar boobookNinox ios Rasmussen, 199948
Halmahera boobookNinox hypogramma (Gray, GR, 1861)49
Buru boobookNinox hantu (Wallace, 1863)50
Seram boobookNinox squamipila (Bonaparte, 1850)51
Tanimbar boobookNinox forbesi Sclater, PL, 188352
Christmas boobookNinox natalis Lister, 188953
Manus boobookNinox meeki Rothschild & Hartert, EJO, 191454
Papuan boobookNinox theomacha (Bonaparte, 1855)55
Speckled boobookNinox punctulata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832)56
New Britain boobookNinox odiosa Sclater, PL, 187757
New Ireland boobookNinox variegata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832)58
Bare-legged owlMargarobyas lawrencii (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868)59
Collared owletTaenioptynx brodiei (Burton, E, 1836)60
Sunda owletTaenioptynx sylvaticus (Bonaparte, 1850)61
Elf owlMicrathene whitneyi (Cooper, JG, 1861)62
Long-whiskered owletXenoglaux loweryi O'Neill & Graves, GR, 197763
Boreal owlAegolius funereus (Linnaeus, 1758)64
Northern saw-whet owlAegolius acadicus (Gmelin, JF, 1788)65
Bermuda saw-whet owl (X)Aegolius gradyi Olson, 201266
Unspotted saw-whet owlAegolius ridgwayi (Alfaro, 1905)67
Buff-fronted owlAegolius harrisii (Cassin, 1849)68
Forest owletAthene blewitti (Hume, 1873)69
White-browed owlAthene superciliaris (Vieillot, 1817)70
Burrowing owlAthene cunicularia (Molina, 1782)71
Little owlAthene noctua (Scopoli, 1769)72
Spotted owletAthene brama (Temminck, 1821)73
West Solomons owlAthene jacquinoti Bonaparte, 185074
Guadalcanal owlAthene granti (Sharpe, 1888)75
Malaita owlAthene malaitae (Mayr, 1931)76
Makira owlAthene roseoaxillaris (Hartert, EJO, 1929)77
Northern hawk-owlSurnia ulula (Linnaeus, 1758)78
Eurasian pygmy owlGlaucidium passerinum (Linnaeus, 1758)79
Pearl-spotted owletGlaucidium perlatum (Vieillot, 1817)80
Red-chested owletGlaucidium tephronotum Sharpe, 187581
Sjöstedt's barred owletGlaucidium sjostedti Reichenow, 189382
Asian barred owletGlaucidium cuculoides (Vigors, 1830)83
Javan owletGlaucidium castanopterum (Horsfield, 1821)84
Jungle owletGlaucidium radiatum (Tickell, 1833)85
Chestnut-backed owletGlaucidium castanotum (Blyth, 1851)86
African barred owletGlaucidium capense (Smith, A, 1834)87
Albertine owletGlaucidium albertinum Prigogine, 198388
Northern pygmy owlGlaucidium californicum Sclater, PL, 185789
Mountain pygmy owlGlaucidium gnoma Wagler, 183290
Baja pygmy owlGlaucidium hoskinsii Brewster, 188891
Guatemalan pygmy owlGlaucidium cobanense Sharpe, 187592
Costa Rican pygmy owlGlaucidium costaricanum Kelso, L, 193793
Cloud-forest pygmy owlGlaucidium nubicola Robbins & Stiles, 199994
Andean pygmy owlGlaucidium jardinii (Bonaparte, 1855)95
Yungas pygmy owlGlaucidium bolivianum König, C, 199196
Colima pygmy owlGlaucidium palmarum Nelson, 190197
Tamaulipas pygmy owlGlaucidium sanchezi Lowery & Newman, RJ, 194998
Central American pygmy owlGlaucidium griseiceps Sharpe, 187599
Subtropical pygmy owlGlaucidium parkeri Robbins & Howell, SNG, 1995100
Amazonian pygmy owlGlaucidium hardyi Vielliard, 1989101
East Brazilian pygmy owlGlaucidium minutissimum (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1830)102
Pernambuco pygmy owlGlaucidium mooreorum Cardoso da Silva, Coelho & Gonzaga, 2003103
Ferruginous pygmy owlGlaucidium brasilianum (Gmelin, JF, 1788)104
Pacific pygmy owlGlaucidium peruanum König, C, 1991105
Austral pygmy owlGlaucidium nana (King, PP, 1827)106
Cuban pygmy owlGlaucidium siju (d'Orbigny, 1839)107
Giant scops owlOtus gurneyi (Tweeddale, 1879)108
White-fronted scops owlOtus sagittatus (Cassin, 1849)109
Reddish scops owlOtus rufescens (Horsfield, 1821)110
Serendib scops owlOtus thilohoffmanni Warakagoda & Rasmussen, 2004111
Sandy scops owlOtus icterorhynchus (Shelley, 1873)112
Sokoke scops owlOtus ireneae Ripley, 1966113
Andaman scops owlOtus balli (Hume, 1873)114
Flores scops owlOtus alfredi (Hartert, EJO, 1897)115
Mountain scops owlOtus spilocephalus (Blyth, 1846)116
Javan scops owlOtus angelinae (Finsch, 1912)117
Mindanao scops owlOtus mirus Ripley & Rabor, 1968118
Luzon scops owlOtus longicornis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1894)119
Mindoro scops owlOtus mindorensis (Whitehead, J, 1899)120
Torotoroka scops owlOtus madagascariensis (Grandidier, A, 1867)121
Rainforest scops owlOtus rutilus (Pucheran, 1849)122
Mayotte scops owlOtus mayottensis Benson, 1960123
Karthala scops owlOtus pauliani Benson, 1960124
Anjouan scops owlOtus capnodes (Gurney, JH Sr, 1889)125
Moheli scops owlOtus moheliensis Lafontaine & Moulaert, 1998126
Reunion scops owl (X)Otus grucheti (Mourer-Chauviré, Bour, Moutou & Ribes, 1994)127
Mauritius scops owl (X)Otus sauzieri (Newton, E & Gadow, 1893)128
Rodrigues scops owl (X)Otus murivorus (Milne-Edwards, 1873)129
Pallid scops owlOtus brucei (Hume, 1872)130
Arabian scops owlOtus pamelae Bates, GL, 1937131
Eurasian scops owlOtus scops (Linnaeus, 1758)132
Cyprus scops owlOtus cyprius (Madarász, G, 1901)133
Principe scops owlOtus bikegila Melo, Freitas, Verbelen, da Costa, Pereira, Fuchs, Sangster, Correia, de Lima & Crottini, 2022134
Pemba scops owlOtus pembaensis Pakenham, 1937135
Sao Tome scops owlOtus hartlaubi (Giebel, 1872)126
African scops owlOtus senegalensis (Swainson, 1837)137
Annobon scops owlOtus feae (Salvadori, 1903)138
Socotra scops owlOtus socotranus (Ogilvie-Grant & Forbes, HO, 1899)139
Oriental scops owlOtus sunia (Hodgson, 1836)140
Ryukyu scops owlOtus elegans (Cassin, 1852)141
Moluccan scops owlOtus magicus (Müller, S, 1841)142
Wetar scops owlOtus tempestatis (Hartert, EJO, 1904)143
Sula scops owlOtus sulaensis (Hartert, EJO, 1898)144
Biak scops owlOtus beccarii (Salvadori, 1876)145
Sulawesi scops owlOtus manadensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832)146
Banggai scops owlOtus mendeni Neumann, 1939147
Siau scops owlOtus siaoensis (Schlegel, 1873)148
Sangihe scops owlOtus collari Lambert & Rasmussen, 1998149
Mantanani scops owlOtus mantananensis (Sharpe, 1892)150
Seychelles scops owlOtus insularis (Tristram, 1880)151
Nicobar scops owlOtus alius Rasmussen, 1998152
Simeulue scops owlOtus umbra (Richmond, 1903)153
Enggano scops owlOtus enganensis Riley, 1927154
Mentawai scops owlOtus mentawi Chasen & Kloss, 1926155
Rajah scops owlOtus brookii (Sharpe, 1892)156
Indian scops owlOtus bakkamoena Pennant, 1769157
Collared scops owlOtus lettia (Hodgson, 1836)158
Japanese scops owlOtus semitorques Temminck & Schlegel, 1845159
Sunda scops owlOtus lempiji (Horsfield, 1821)160
Philippine scops owlOtus megalotis (Walden, 1875)161
Negros scops owlOtus nigrorum Rand, 1950162
Everett's scops owlOtus everetti (Tweeddale, 1879)163
Palawan scops owlOtus fuliginosus (Sharpe, 1888)164
Wallace's scops owlOtus silvicola (Wallace, 1864)165
Rinjani scops owlOtus jolandae Sangster, King, BF, Verbelen & Trainor, 2013166
Palau scops owlOtus podarginus (Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872)167
Northern white-faced owlPtilopsis leucotis (Temminck, 1820)168
Southern white-faced owlPtilopsis granti (Kollibay, 1910)169
Jamaican owlAsio grammicus (Gosse, 1847)170
Striped owlAsio clamator (Vieillot, 1808)171
Long-eared owlAsio otus (Linnaeus, 1758)172
Abyssinian owlAsio abyssinicus (Guérin-Méneville, 1843)173
Madagascar owlAsio madagascariensis (Smith, A, 1834)174
Stygian owlAsio stygius (Wagler, 1832)175
Short-eared owlAsio flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763)176
Marsh owlAsio capensis (Smith, A, 1834)177
Fearful owlAsio solomonensis (Hartert, EJO, 1901)178
Maned owlJubula lettii (Büttikofer, 1889)179
Snowy owlBubo scandiacus (Linnaeus, 1758)180
Great horned owlBubo virginianus (Gmelin, JF, 1788)181
Lesser horned owlBubo magellanicus (Lesson, RP, 1828)182
Eurasian eagle-owlBubo bubo (Linnaeus, 1758)183
Indian eagle-owlBubo bengalensis (Franklin, 1831)143
Pharaoh eagle-owlBubo ascalaphus Savigny, 1809185
Cape eagle-owlBubo capensis Smith, A, 1834186
Arabian eagle-owlBubo milesi Sharpe, 1886187
Greyish eagle-owlBubo cinerascens Guérin-Méneville, 1843188
Spotted eagle-owlBubo africanus (Temminck, 1821)189
Fraser's eagle-owlKetupa poensis (Fraser, 1854)190
Akun eagle-owlKetupa leucosticta (Hartlaub, 1855)191
Verreaux's eagle-owlKetupa lactea (Temminck, 1820)192
Shelley's eagle-owlKetupa shelleyi (Sharpe & Ussher, 1872)193
Blakiston's fish owlKetupa blakistoni (Seebohm, 1884)194
Brown fish owlKetupa zeylonensis (Gmelin, JF, 1788)195
Tawny fish owlKetupa flavipes (Hodgson, 1836)196
Buffy fish owlKetupa ketupu (Horsfield, 1821)197
Barred eagle-owlKetupa sumatrana (Raffles, 1822)198
Spot-bellied eagle-owlKetupa nipalensis (Hodgson, 1836)199
Dusky eagle-owlKetupa coromanda (Latham, 1790)200
Philippine eagle-owlKetupa philippensis (Kaup, 1851)201
Pel's fishing owlScotopelia peli Bonaparte, 1850202
Rufous fishing owlScotopelia ussheri Sharpe, 1871203
Vermiculated fishing owlScotopelia bouvieri Sharpe, 1875204
Flammulated owlPsiloscops flammeolus (Kaup, 1852)205
Puerto Rican owlGymnasio nudipes (Daudin, 1800)206
Whiskered screech owlMegascops trichopsis (Wagler, 1832)207
Bare-shanked screech owlMegascops clarkii (Kelso, L & Kelso, EH, 1935)208
White-throated screech owlMegascops albogularis (Cassin, 1849)209
Tropical screech owlMegascops choliba (Vieillot, 1817)210
Bearded screech owlMegascops barbarus (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868)211
Pacific screech owlMegascops cooperi (Ridgway, 1878)212
Western screech owlMegascops kennicottii (Elliot, DG, 1867)213
Eastern screech owlMegascops asio (Linnaeus, 1758)214
Balsas screech owlMegascops seductus (Moore, RT, 1941)215
Middle American screech owlMegascops guatemalae (Sharpe, 1875)216
Koepcke's screech owlMegascops koepckeae (Hekstra, 1982)217
Rufescent screech owlMegascops ingens (Salvin, 1897)218
Cinnamon screech owlMegascops petersoni (Fitzpatrick & O'Neill, 1986)219
Cloud-forest screech owlMegascops marshalli (Weske & Terborgh, 1981)220
Yungas screech owlMegascops hoyi (König, C & Straneck, 1989)221
Choco screech owlMegascops centralis (Hekstra, 1982)222
Foothill screech owlMegascops roraimae (Salvin, 1897)223
Long-tufted screech owlMegascops sanctaecatarinae (Salvin, 1897)224
Santa Marta screech owlMegascops gilesi Krabbe, 2017225
West Peruvian screech owlMegascops roboratus (Bangs & Noble, 1918)226
Tawny-bellied screech owlMegascops watsonii (Cassin, 1849)227
Black-capped screech owlMegascops atricapilla (Temminck, 1822)228
Spectacled owlPulsatrix perspicillata (Latham, 1790)229
Tawny-browed owlPulsatrix koeniswaldiana (Bertoni, MS & Bertoni, AW, 1901)230
Band-bellied owlPulsatrix melanota (Tschudi, 1844)231
Crested owlLophostrix cristata (Daudin, 1800)232
Spotted wood owlStrix seloputo Horsfield, 1821233
Mottled wood owlStrix ocellata (Lesson, RP, 1839)234
Brown wood owlStrix leptogrammica Temminck, 1832235
Tawny owlStrix aluco Linnaeus, 1758236
Maghreb owlStrix mauritanica (Witherby, 1905)237
Himalayan owlStrix nivicolum (Blyth, 1845)238
Desert owlStrix hadorami Kirwan, Schweizer & Copete, 2015239
Omani owlStrix butleri (Hume, 1878)240
Spotted owlStrix occidentalis (Xántus, J, 1860)241
Barred owlStrix varia Barton, 1799242
Cinereous owlStrix sartorii (Ridgway, 1874)243
Fulvous owlStrix fulvescens (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868)244
Rusty-barred owlStrix hylophila Temminck, 1825245
Chaco owlStrix chacoensis Cherrie & Reichenberger, 1921246
Rufous-legged owlStrix rufipes King, PP, 1827247
Ural owlStrix uralensis Pallas, 1771248
Great grey owlStrix nebulosa Forster, JR, 1772249
African wood owlStrix woodfordii (Smith, A, 1834)250
Mottled owlStrix virgata (Cassin, 1849)251
Black-and-white owlStrix nigrolineata (Sclater, PL, 1859)252
Black-banded owlStrix huhula Daudin, 1800253
Rufous-banded owlStrix albitarsis (Bonaparte, 1850)254

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Owls . IOC World Bird List . v 14.2 . Gill . F. . Donsker. D.. Rasmussen . P. . August 2024 . August 20, 2024 .