List of Odonata species of India explained
The following is a list of the dragonflies and damselflies found in India.
- Anax
- Cephalaeschna
- Cephalaeschna acutifrons
- Cephalaeschna klapperichi
- Cephalaeschna masoni
- Cephalaeschna orbifrons
- Cephalaeschna viridifrons
- Gynacantha
- Gynacantha albistyla
- Gynacantha apicalis
- Gynacantha arnaudi
- Gynacantha bainbriggei
- Gynacantha bayadera Selys,1854
- Gynacantha biharica
- Gynacantha dravida
- Gynacantha khasiaca
- Gynacantha odoneli
- Gynacantha rammohani
- Gynacantha rotundata
- Gynacanthaeschna
- Heliaeschna
- Heliaeschna crassa Krüger, 1899
- Heliaeschna uninervulata uninervulata Martin, 1909
- Hemianax
- Oligoaeschna
- Oligoaeschna andamani
- Oligoaeschna khasiana
- Oligoaeschna martini
- Periaeschna
- Periaeschna flinti assamensis
- Periaeschna lebasi
- Periaeschna magdalena Martin, 1909
- Periaeschna nocturnalis Fraser, 1927
- Periaeschna unifasciata
- Petaliaeschna
- Planaeschna
- Planaeschna intersedens (Martin, 1909)
- Polycanthagyna
- Polycanthagyna erythromelas (McLachlan, 1896)
- Polycanthagyna ornithocephala (McLachlan, 1896)
- Tetracanthagyna
- Tetracanthagyna waterhousei McLachlan, 1898
- Rhinocypha bifasciata
- Rhinocypha biforata abbreviata
- Rhinocypha biforata biforata Selys, 1859
- Rhinocypha bisignata
- Rhinocypha cuneata
- Rhinocypha ignipennis
- Rhinocypha immaculata
- Rhinocypha perforata beatifica
- Rhinocypha perforata limbata Selys, 1879
- Rhinocypha quadrimaculata
- Rhinocypha spuria
- Rhinocypha trifasciata
- Rhinocypha trimaculata
- Rhinocypha unimaculata
- Rhinocypha vitrinella
- Chlorogomphus
- Chlorogomphus atkinsoni (Selys, 1878)
- Chlorogomphus brittoi
- Chlorogomphus campioni
- Chlorogomphus fraseri
- Chlorogomphus mortoni
- Chlorogomphus olympicus
- Chlorogomphus preciosus fernandi
- Chlorogomphus preciosus preciosus
- Chlorogomphus schmidti
- Chlorogomphus selysi
- Chlorogomphus usudai Ishida, 1996
- Chlorogomphus xanthoptera
- Pseudagrion
- Pseudagrion andamanicum Fraser, 1924
- Pseudagrion australasiae Selys, 1876
- Pseudagrion decorum (Rambur, 1842)
- Pseudagrion hypermelas Selys, 1876
- Pseudagrion indicum Fraser, 1924
- Pseudagrion laidlawi Fraser, 1922
- Pseudagrion malabaricum Fraser, 1924
- Pseudagrion microcephalum (Rambur, 1842)
- Pseudagrion pruinosum pruinosum (Burmeister, 1839)
- Pseudagrion rubriceps rubriceps Selys, 1876
- Pseudagrion spencei Fraser, 1922
- Pyrrhosoma
- Rhodischnura
- Anotogaster
- Cordulegaster
- Cordulegaster brevistigma brevistigma
- Cordulegaster brevistigma folia
- Cordulegaster parvistigma
- Neallogaster
- Neallogaster annandalei
- Neallogaster hermionae
- Neallogaster latifrons
- Neallogaster ornata
- Neallogaster schmidti
- Philoganga
- Philoganga montana (Hagen in Selys, 1859)
- Anisopleura
- Anisopleura comes
- Anisopleura lestoides
- Anisopleura lieftincki
- Anisopleura subplatystyla Fraser, 1927
- Anisopleura vallei
- Bayadera
- Bayadera hyalina Selys, 1879
- Bayadera indica
- Bayadera kali
- Bayadera longicauda
- Dysphaea
- Euphaea
- Schmidtiphaea
- Schmidtiphaea schmidi Asahina, 1978
- Perissogomphus
- Phaenandrogomphus
- Platygomphus
- Stylogomphus
- Stylogomphus inglisi Fraser, 1922
- Lestes
- Orolestes
- Orolestes durga
- Orolestes motis
- Orolestes selysi McLachlan, 1895
- Sympecma
- Sympecma annulata annulata
- Sympecma kashmirensis
- Calicnemia
- Calicnemia carminea carminea
- Calicnemia carminea pyrrhosoma
- Calicnemia eximia (Selys, 1863)
- Calicnemia imitans Lieftinck, 1948
- Calicnemia miles (Laidlaw, 1917)
- Calicnemia miniata
- Calicnemia mortoni
- Calicnemia mukherjeei
- Calicnemia pulverulans
- Coeliccia
- Coeliccia bimaculata Laidlaw, 1914
- Coeliccia didyma didyma (Selys, 1863)
- Coeliccia didyma loringae Laidlaw, 1932
- Coeliccia dorothea Fraser, 1933
- Coeliccia fraseri
- Coeliccia pracritii
- Coeliccia renifera
- Coeliccia rossi
- Coeliccia sarbottama
- Coeliccia schmidti
- Coeliccia svihleri
- Coeliccia vacca
- Copera
- Indocnemis
- Indocnemis orang Föster in Laidlaw, 1907
- Platycnemis
- Platycnemis dealbata (Geoffroy in Selys and Hagen, 1850)
- Megalestes
- Megalestes irma
- Megalestes kurahashii Asahina, 1985
- Megalestes lieftincki
- Megalestes major
- Megalestes micans
- Megalestes raychoudhurii
- Subramanian, K.A.; Babu, R. (2017). Checklist of Odonata (Insecta) of India. Version 3.0.
- Prasad, M. & Varshney R.K. (1995). A checklist of the Odonata of India including data on larval studies. Oriental Insects 29: 385-428.
- K.A.Subramanian (2005) Dragonflies and Damselflies of India-A field guide (PDF).
External links
- DragonflyIndia Yahoo group