List of neutrino experiments explained

Neutrino experiments are scientific studies investigating the properties of neutrinos, which are subatomic particles that are very difficult to detect due to their weak interactions with matter. Neutrino experiments are essential for understanding the fundamental properties of matter and the universe's behaviour at the subatomic level. Here is a non-exhaustive list of neutrino experiments, neutrino detectors, and neutrino detectors.

AbbreviationFull nameSensitivityTypeInduced reactionType of reactionDetectorType of detectorThreshold energyLocationOperationHome page
ANNIEAccelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction ExperimentSciBooNE Hall, Illinois, United Statesfuture
ANTARESAstronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss Environmental RESearchATM, CR, AGN, PULSeawaterCherenkovMediterranean Sea, France2006–
ARIANNAAntarctic Ross Ice-Shelf ANtenna Neutrino ArrayS, CR, AGN, ?Ross Ice Shelf, Antarcticafuture
BDUNT (NT-200+)
Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope /
Gigaton Volume Detector
S, ATM, LS, AGN, PULCC, NCWater (H2O)Cherenkov≈10 GeVLake Baikal, Russia1993–
BOREXINOBORon EXperimentLSESLOS shielded by waterScintillation250–665 keVGran Sasso, ItalyMay 2007–
BUSTBaksan Underground Scintillation TelescopeScintillationBaksan River valley, Russia1977–
CCMCoherent CAPTAIN-MillsACCCLiquid ArgonScintillation50 keVLos Alamos Neutron Science Center2019-
CHANDLERCarbon Hydrogen AntiNeutrino Detector with a Lithium Enhanced Raghavan-optical-latticeR + → + CCWLS Plastic Scintillating Cubes and Lithium-6-loaded Zinc Sulfide SheetsScintillation1.8 MeVNorth Anna, Virginia, USJune 2017-
CLEANCryogenic Low-Energy Astrophysics with NeonLS, SN, WIMP
Liquid Ne (10 t)ScintillationSNOLAB
Ontario, Canada
COBRACadmium zinc telluride 0-neutrino double-Beta Research Apparatus

BBCadmium zinc tellurideGran Sasso, Italy2007–
COHERENTCOHERENTAC,, + nucleus → + nucleusNCCsI[Na], NaI[Tl], HPGe, LArCoherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS)few keV nuclear recoil energySpallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National LaboratoryNov 2016-
Daya BayDaya Bay Reactor Neutrino ExperimentR + → + CCGd-doped LAB (LOS)Scintillation1.8 MeVDaya Bay, China2011–2020
Double ChoozDouble Chooz Reactor Neutrino ExperimentR + → + CCGd-doped LOSScintillation1.8 MeVChooz, France2011–2017
DUNEDeep Underground Neutrino ExperimentAC, ATM, (S), SNallNC, CC, (ES)Liquid argonScintillation & Time projection chamberaround 10 MeVSanford Underground Research Facilityconstruction start 2017
ENUBETEnhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon TaggingAC,
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
ESSnuSBThe European Spallation Source neutrino Super BeamAC, (Background:,)WaterWater Cherenkov MEMPHYS detector0.36 GeVGarpenberg, Lund, Swedenfuture by 2023[1] [2]
FASERForwArd Search ExpeRimentC+ N → + XCC + NCTungstenEmulsion>10 GeVLarge Hadron Collider2022-
EXO-200Enriched Xenon Observatory
BBLiquid XenonWIPP, New Mexico2009–
GALLEXGALLium EXperimentLSCCGaCl3 Radiochemical233.2 keVGran Sasso, Italy1991–1997
GERDAThe GERmanium Detector ArrayBB → + + BBHPGeSemiconductorGran Sasso, Italy
GRANDGiant Radio Array for Neutrino DetectionAGN, CR, ? + N → + XCCElectromagnetic waves caused by through extensive air showers in the atmosphere.Radio1017 eVChinaProposed
HALOHelium And Lead ObservatorySN, x
CC, NCLead and 3HeHigh-Z≈10 MeVCreighton Mine, Ontario2012–
HERONHelium Roton Observation of NeutrinosLS (mainly)NCSuperfluid HeRotational excitation1 MeVfuture
HOMESTAKE–CHLORINEHomestake chlorine experimentS
CCC2Cl4 Radiochemical814 keVHomestake Mine, South Dakota1967–1998
HOMESTAKE–IODINEHomestake iodine experimentS
NaI in waterRadiochemical789 keVHomestake Mine, South Dakotafuture
Hyper-KamiokandeHyper-KamiokandeS, ATM, SN, AC,

(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
ES, CC, (NC)waterCherenkov200 MeVTokai and Kamioka, Japan2027-
(under construction)
ICARUSImaging Cosmic And Rare Underground SignalS, ATM, GSNESLiquid ArCherenkov5.9 MeVGran Sasso, Italy2010–
IceCubeIceCube Neutrino DetectorATM, CR, AGN, ?, CC, NCWater ice (1 km3)Cherenkov≈10 GeVSouth Pole, Antarctica2006–
India-based Neutrino ObservatoryIron Calorimeter Detector @ India-based Neutrino Observatory ATM +Fe→+XCC (dominant), NCMagnetised iron (50 kton)RPC active detector elements≈0.6 GeVTheni, Tamil Nadu, India 2012– (lab construction); 2018– (detector operation)
JUNOJiangmen Underground Neutrino ObservatoryR + → + CCLAB (LOS) + PPO + Bis-MSBScintillationKaiping, China2014– (construction)
KamiokandeKamioka Nucleon Decay ExperimentS, ATMESWater (H2O)Cherenkov7.5 MeVKamioka, Japan1986–1995
KamLANDKamioka Liquid Scintillator Antineutrino DetectorR + → + CCLOSScintillation1.8 MeVKamioka, Japan2002–
KM3NeTKM3 Neutrino TelescopeS, ATM, CR, SN, AGN, PULSea water (≈5 km3)CherenkovMediterranean Sea2014–
LAGUNALarge Apparatus studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysicsfuture
LENSLow Energy Neutrino SpectroscopyLSCCIn-doped LOSScintillation120 keVproposed
The BB → + + BBHPGeSemiconductor2039 keVHomestake Mine, South Dakotaconstruction start 2012
MicroBooNEAC, SNES, NC, CC Liquid ArgonTPCfew MeVIllinois, United States2014-
MINERvAMain Injector ExpeRiment for v-AACmanyCC, NCSolid scintillator, targets of Liquid helium, Carbon, Water, Iron, LeadScintillation≈0.5 GeVIllinois, United States2009–2019
MiniBooNEMini Booster Neutrino ExperimentACCCMineral oil Cherenkov≈100 keVIllinois, United States2002–
MINOSMain Injector Neutrino Oscillation SearchAC, ATM, +nucleus → +XCC, NCSolid scintillatorScintillation≈0.5 GeVIllinois and Minnesota, United States2005–2012
MINOS+Upgraded electronics for MINOSAC, ATM,, +nucleus → +XCC, NCSolid scintillatorScintillation≈0.5 GeVIllinois and Minnesota, United States2013–
MOONMolybdenum Observatory Of NeutrinosLS, LSNCCMoF6 (gas)Scintillation168 keVWashington, United States
NEMO-3Neutrino Ettore Majorana ObservatoryBB → + 2
→ + 2
BBTracker + calorimeterHe+Ar wire chamber, plastic scintillators150 keVModane Underground Laboratory, Fréjus Road Tunnel, France2003–2011
NEMO TelescopeNEutrino Mediterranean ObservatoryMediterranean Sea, Italy2007–
NEVODCherenkov water detector NEVODATM, CR
CCWater (H2O)Cherenkov≈2 GeVMoscow, Russia1993–
NEXTNeutrino Experiment with a Xenon Time Projection ChamberBB → + 2 BBGaseous XenonTime projection chamber≈10 keVCanfranc, Spain2016–
NOνANuMI Off-Axis νe AppearanceAC, +nucleus → +XCCLiquid scintillatorScintillation≈0.1 GeVIllinois and Minnesota, United States2011–
OPERAOscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking ApparatusAC+nucleus → +XCCLead/EmulsionNuclear Emulsion≈1.0 GeVLNGS (Italy) and CERN2008–
AugerPierre Auger ObservatoryCRCherenkovArgentina
RENOReactor Experiment for Neutrino OscillationR + → + CCScintillation1.8 MeVSouth Korea2011–
RNO-GRadio Neutrino Observatory GreenlandCR, AGN, ?CC, NCIn-IceRadio>10 PeV Summit Camp, Greenland2021–
SAGESoviet–American Gallium ExperimentLSCCGa (metallic)Radiochemical233.2 keVBaksan River valley, Russia1989–
SciBooNESciBar (Scintillator Bar) Booster Neutrino ExperimentACCC, NCPlastic (CH,10 ton)Scintillation≈100 keVIllinois, United States2007–2008
SNOSudbury Neutrino ObservatoryS, ATM, GSN

Heavy water (D2O)Cherenkov3.5 MeVCreighton Mine, Ontario1999–2006
SNO+SNO with liquid scintillatorS,LS,R,T,SN,LSN + → + ES, BBlinear alkylbenzene (LAB) + PPOScintillation≈≤1MeVCreighton Mine, Ontario2014–
SoLidShort baseline Oscillation Search with Lithium-6 DetectorR + → + CCplastic and anorganic scintillatorScintillation≈2 MeVMol, Belgium2015-
STEREOSTErile neutrino REactor Oscillation experimentR + → + CCliquid organic scintillator loaded with GdScintillation≈2 MeVGrenoble, France2013–
Super-KSuper-KamiokandeS, ATM, GSN

Water (H2O)Cherenkov200 MeVKamioka, Japan1996–
SuperNEMOSuperNEMOBB → + 2
→ + 2
BBTracker + calorimeterHe+Ar wire chamber, plastic scintillators150 keVModane Underground Laboratory, Fréjus Road Tunnel, France2017–
TRIDENTTRopIcal DEep-sea Neutrino TelescopeS, ATM, CR, SN, AGN, PUL,, CC, NCSeawater (7.5 cubic km)CherenkovWestern Pacific OceanProposed
Pilot: 2026
Full operation: 2030
T2KTokai to KamiokaAC,
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
(+π, +X)
CC(NC)Water (H2O)Cherenkov
200 MeV
Tokai, Japan Kamioka, Japan2011–
UNOUnderground Nucleon decay and neutrino ObservatoryS, ATM, GSN, RSNESWater ( H2O)CherenkovHenderson Mine, Coloradoabandoned
Accelerator neutrino (AC), Active galactic nuclei neutrino (AGN), Atmospheric neutrino (ATM), Collider neutrino (C), Cosmic ray neutrino (CR), Low-energy solar neutrino (LS), Low-energy supernova neutrino (LSN), Pulsar neutrino (PUL), Reactor neutrino (R), Solar neutrino (S), Supernova neutrino (SN), Terrestrial neutrino (T).
Double beta decay (BB), Charged current (CC), Elastic scattering (ES), Neutral current (NC).

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Wildner . E. . Baussan . E. . Blennow . M. . Bogomilov . M. . Burgman . A. . Bouquerel . E. . Carlile . C. . Cederkäll . J. . Christiansen . P. . Cupial . P. . Danared . H. . 2016 . The Opportunity Offered by the ESSnuSB Project to Exploit the Larger Leptonic CP Violation Signal at the Second Oscillation Maximum and the Requirements of This Project on the ESS Accelerator Complex . Advances in High Energy Physics . en . 2016 . 1–16 . 10.1155/2016/8640493 . 1687-7357. free . 1510.00493 .
  2. Dracos . Marcos . September 2018 . The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam . Journal of Physics: Conference Series . 1067 . 042001 . 10.1088/1742-6596/1067/4/042001 . 1803.10948 . 4938289 . 1742-6588.