See main article: Motu proprio. This is a sortable, incomplete, list of motu proprios by pontifical authors.
Motu Propio | Pope | Year | Content / phrase | |
Ad beatissimi Apostolorum | Benedict XV | 1914 | First world war | |
1998 | Oriental and Latin codes of canon law | |||
Ai nostri tempi | Francis | 2013 | on criminal matters / Ai nostri tempi il bene comune è sempre più minacciato dalla criminalità transnazionale e organizzata | |
Aperuit illis | Francis | 2019 | Establishing the Sunday of the Word of God | |
Bibliorum Scientiam | ||||
Bonum sane | Benedict XV | 1920 | practices of honoring St. Joseph during the month of March | |
Come Una Madre Amorevole | Francis | 2016 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2016-06-04)[1] | |
Crux Pectoralis | Pius X | 1905 | Crux pectoralis, quamvis sit particulare signum episcopalis dignitatis | |
Cum proxime | Pius XI | 1922 | Periode of Interregnum changes on behalf of American Cardinals | |
De concordia inter codices | Francis | 2016 | Changes in canon laws of the Roman Catholic Church[2] | |
Dolentium Hominum | John Paul II | 1985 | Pastoral care for the sick and erection of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers. | |
Ecclesia Dei | John Paul II | 1988[3] | ||
Ecclesiae Sanctae | Paul VI | 1966 | Promulgation of and norms for implementation of several Decrees of Vatican Council II, including Christus Dominus, Presbyterorum Ordinis, Perfectae Caritatis, Ad Gentes Divinitus [4] | |
Fides per Doctrinam | Benedict XVI | 2013 | Fides per doctrinam sustineatur oportet, quae credentium mentem corque illuminare valeat / whereby the Apostolic Constitution “Pastor Bonus” is modified and competence for catechesis is transferred from the Congregation for the Clergy to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization | |
Fidelis Dispensator Et Prudens | Francis | 2014 | Established a new coordinating agency for economic and administrative affairs of the Holy See and the Vatican City State.[5] | |
Humanam Progressionem | Francis | 2016 | Instituted the Dicastery for promoting Integral Human Development[6] | |
Humani Generis Redemptionem | Benedict XV | 1917 | Christian preachers and an ever-decreasing effect of their preaching | |
I Beni Temporali | Francis | 2016 | I beni temporali che la Chiesa possiede sono destinati a conseguire i suoi fini e cioè il culto divino / Regarding certain competencies in economic-financial matters[7] | |
In Cotidianis Precibus | Pius XII | 1945 | ||
In Fructibus Multis | Paul VI | 1964[8] | ||
In hac Beatissimi Petri | Pius X | 1910 | In hac Beatissimi Petri Cathedra ad procurandum Catholicae Ecclesiae | |
Ingravescentem aetatem | Paul VI | 1970 | On Voting Cardinals in the Conclave / Ingravescentem aetatem inter et aptitudinem ad quaedam maioris momenti officia | |
Integrae Servandae | Paul VI | 1965[9] | ||
In Praeclara Summorum | 1921 | Sixth centenary of the death of Dante | ||
In Romanae Curiae | Pius X | 1910 | In Romanae Curiae ordinatione, per Constitutionem Sapienti Consilio decreta... | |
Intima ecclesiae natura | 2012 | Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio on the Service of Charity, opening words in English: The Church's deepest nature ...[10] | ||
Le più colte | Pius VII | 1801 | Trade Liberalization | |
Magnum principium | Francis | 2017 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on the authority and process of translating liturgical texts [11] | |
Maiorem hac Dilectionem | Francis | 2017 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on the Oblatio Vitae ("offer of life"), 11 July 2017 [12] | |
Maximum illud | Benedict XV | 1919 [13] | ||
Ministeria Quaedam | Paul VI | 1972 | On first tonsure, minor orders and the subdiaconate (15 August 1972) [14] | |
Ministrorum Institutio | Benedict XVI | 2013 | Ministrorum institutio sacrorum inter praecipuas Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II / whereby the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus is modified and responsibility for seminaries is transferred from the Congregation for Catholic Education to the Congregation for the Clergy | |
Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus | Francis | 2015 | Reform to the Canons of the Code of Canon that pertain to the marriage nullity cases.[15] | |
Mitis et Misericors Iesus | Francis | 2015 | Reform of the canons of the Code of Canons of Eastern Churches pertaining to cases regarding the nullity of marriage[16] | |
Mysterii Paschalis | Paul VI | 1969 | Reorganisation of the liturgical year | |
Nobilissimam Sacrarum | Benedict XV | 1917[17] | ||
Omnium in Mentem | Benedict XVI | 2009 | ||
Normas Nonnullas | Benedict XVI | 2013 | Normas nonnullas per Apostolicas Litteras / on certain modifications to the norms governing the election of the Roman Pontiff | |
Organi Giudiziari | Francis | 2013 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio On the Jurisdiction of Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters (11 July 2013)[18] | |
Paul VI | 1968 | |||
Francis | 2013 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio for the Prevention and Countering of Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism, and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction[19] | ||
Quando per ammirabile disposizione | Pius VII | 1816 | Fiscal and criminal justice reform, abolition of torture | |
Religiosorum Ordinum | Pius X | 1906 | Religiosorum Ordinum familias, utpote quae praeclaro semper et adiumento | |
Rubricarum Instructum | John XXIII | 1960 | Revision of the Breviary | |
Quartus Iam Annus | Benedict XV | 1918 [20] | ||
Benedict XV | 1918 | |||
Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela | John Paul II | 2001 | Promulgation of Norms on more grave delicts reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith[21] | |
Sacrorum antistitum | Pius X | 1910 | Oath Against Modernism[22] | |
Sanctuarium In Ecclesia | Francis | 2017 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2017-02-11)[23] | |
Sedula Mater | Francis | 2016 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2016-08-15)[24] | |
Segreteria Comunicazione | Francis | 2015 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2015-06-27)[25] | |
Statuti Segreteria Per Economia | Francis | 2015 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2015-02-22)[26] | |
Statuto Aif | Francis | 2013 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2013-11-15)[27] | |
Statuto Accademia Vita | Francis | 2016 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2016-10-18)[28] | |
Statuto Dicastero Famiglia Laici Vita | Francis | 2016 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2016-06-04)[29] | |
Statuto Dicastero Servizio Sviluppo Umano Integrale | Francis | 2016 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2016-08-17)[30] | |
Statuto Segreteria Comunicazione | Francis | 2016 | Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio on (2016-09-06)[31] | |
Summorum Pontificum | Benedict XVI | 2007 | About the Roman Liturgy before the reform of 1970. | |
Summo Sane | Pius X | 1905 | Summo sane afficimur gaudio quod in Patriarchali Seminario Venetiarum Iuris canonici Schola | |
Supremum Officium | Pius X | 1912 | ||
Trasferimento Apsa | Francis | 2014 | Transferral of the Ordinary Section of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See to the Secretariat for the Economy (8 July 2014) [32] | |
Tra le Sollecitudini | Pius X | 1903 | Regulations for the performance of music in the Roman Catholic Church | |
Traditionis custodes | Francis | 2021 | Restricting celebration of the Tridentine Mass (16 July 2021)[33] |