List of minor Greek mythological figures explained

This list contains persons named in ancient Greek religion and mythology of minor notability, about whom either nothing or very little is known, aside from any family connections.


NameAncient GreekDescription
AbarbareaἈβαρβαρέηthe name of several mythological figures
AbarisἌβαριςthe name of several mythological figures
AbasἌβαςthe name of several mythological figures
AbderusἌβδηροςaided Heracles during his eighth labour and was killed by the Mares of Diomedes
AbiaἈβίαnursemaid of Glenus, a son of Heracles
AbrasaxἈβρασάξname of a divine being in the Greek Magical Papyri[1]
AbrotaἈβρώτηwife of Nisos, king of Megara
AcallarisἈκαλλαρίδοςdaughter of Eumedes
AcamasἈκάμαςthe name of several mythological figures
AcarnanἈκαρνάνthe name of several mythological figures
AcasteἈκάστηthe name of several mythological figures
AchaeusἈχαιόςthe name of several mythological figures
AchatesἈχάτηςthe name of several mythological figures
AcheloisἈχελωίςthe name of several mythological figures
AcmonἌκμωνthe name of several mythological figures
AcoetesἈκοίτηςthe name of several mythological figures
AconteusἈκόντιοςthe name of several mythological figures
AkraiaἈκραίαthe name of several mythological figures
AcraepheusἈκραιφεύςa son of Apollo
ActaeaἈκταίαthe name of several mythological figures
ActaeonἈκταίωνa hunter transformed into a stag by Artemis and devoured by his own hounds
ActaeusἈκταῖοςthe name of several mythological figures
ActorἌκτωρthe name of several mythological figures
AdmeteἈδμήτηthe name of several mythological figures
AdmetusἌδμητοςthe name of several mythological figures
AdrasteἈδρήστηthe name of several mythological figures
AdrasteiaἈδράστειαthe name of several mythological figures
AdrastusἌδραστοςthe name of several mythological figures
AegaeonΑἰγαίωνthe name of several mythological figures
AegialeΑἰγιάλη/Αἰγιάλειαthe name of several mythological figures
Αἰγιαλεύςthe name of several mythological figures
AegimiusΑἰγίμιοςa king of Thessaly and progenitor of the Dorians
AegleΑἴγληthe name of several mythological figures
AegyptusΑἴγυπτοςthe name of several mythological figures
AepytusΑἵπυτοςthe name of several mythological figures
AedonἈηδώνdaughter of Pandareus, changed into a nightingale
AelloἈελλώthe name of several mythological figures
AeolusΑἴολοςthe name of several mythological figures
AepytusΑἴπυτοςthe name of several mythological figures
AeropeἈερόπηthe name of several mythological figures
AesacusΑἴσακοςson of Priam who was transformed into a bird
AesepusΑἴσηποςthe name of several mythological figures
AethalidesΑἰθαλίδηςthe name of several mythological figures
AethillaΑἴθιλλα/Αἴθυλλαsister of Priam, king of Troy
AethliusἈέθλιοςfirst king of Elis
AethraΑἴθραthe name of several mythological figures
AetolusΑἰτωλόςthe name of several mythological figures
AgamedeἈγαμήδηthe name of several mythological figures
AgamedesἈγαμήδηςa famed architect
AganippeἈγανίππηthe name of several mythological figures
Ἀγαπήνωρleader of the Arcadians during the Trojan War
AgasthenesἈγασθένηςa king of Elis
AgastrophusἈγάστροφοςa Paeonian ally of the Trojans
AgaveἈγαύηthe name of several mythological figures
AgelausἈγέλαοςthe name of several mythological figures
AgenorἈγήνωρthe name of several mythological figures
AglaeaἈγλαίαthe name of several mythological figures
Ἄγλαυροςthe name of several mythological figures
AgreusἈγρεύςthe name of several mythological figures
AgriusἌγριοςthe name of several mythological figures
AgronἌγρωνson of Eumelus who was transformed into a plover for disrespecting Hermes, Athena and Artemis
AlabandusἈλάβανδοςthe founder of the town of Alabanda
AlastorἈλάστωρthe name of several mythological figures
AlcaeusἈλκαίοςthe name of several mythological figures
AlcanderἌλκανδροςthe name of several mythological figures
AlcathousἈλκάθοοςthe name of several mythological figures
AlcidiceἈλκιδίκηwife of Salmoneus, king of Elis
AlcimacheἈλκιμάχηthe name of several mythological figures
AlcimedeἈλκιμέδηthe name of several mythological figures
AlcimedesἈλκιμέδηςthe name of several mythological figures
AlcimedonἈλκιμέδωνthe name of several mythological figures
AlcimenesἈλκιμένηςthe name of several mythological figures
AlcimusἌλκιμοςthe name of several mythological figures
AlcinoeἈλκινόηthe name of several mythological figures
AlcippeἈλκίππηthe name of several mythological figures
AlcmeneἈλκμήνηmother of Heracles
AlconἌλκωνthe name of several mythological figures
AlcyoneἈλκυών/Ἀλκυόνηthe name of several mythological figures
AlectorἈλέκτωρthe name of several mythological figures
AlexirrhoeἈλεξιῥῤόηthe name of several mythological figures
AlkeἈλκήthe name of several mythological figures
AlmusἌλμοςone of the sons of Sisyphus
AloeusἈλωεύςthe name of several mythological figures
AlopeἈλόπηa woman seduced by Poseidon in the form of a kingfisher
AlphesiboeaἈλφεσιβοίαςthe name of several mythological figures
AlthaeaἈλθαίαmother of Meleager
AlthaemenesἈλθαιμένηςson of Catreus, king of Crete; it was prophesied he would kill his own father
AmarynceusἈμαρυγκεύςa chief of the Eleans
AmeiniasἈμεινίαςa boy who fell in love with Narcissus
AmethystosἈμέθυστος a maiden that was changed into amethyst
AmpelosἊμπελοςa satyr who was a personification of the grapevine and lover of Dionysus
AmphictyonἈμφικτύωνa king of Athens
AmphidamasἈμφιδάμαςthe name of several mythological figures
AmphimachusἈμφίμαχοςthe name of several mythological figures
AmphinomeἈμφινόμηthe name of several mythological figures
AmphinomusἈμφίνομοςa son of Nisos and one of Penelope's suitors during the Odyssey
AmphionἈμφίων)the name of several mythological figures
AmphissaἌμφισσαthe name of several mythological figures
AmphitheaἈμφιθέαthe name of several mythological figures
AmphithemisἈμφίθεμιςthe name of several mythological figures
AmphiusἌμφιοςthe name of several mythological figures
AmpyxἌμπυξthe name of several mythological figures
AmyclasἈμύκλαςthe name of several mythological figures
AmycusἌμυκοςthe name of several mythological figures
AmymoneἈμυμώνη the one daughter of Danaus who refused to murder her husband, thus escaping her sisters' punishment
AmyntorἈμύντωρthe name of several mythological figures
AmythaonἈμυθάωνa son of Cretheus, father of Melampus and Bias
AnaxagorasἈναξαγόραςa king of Argos
AnaxareteἈναξαρέτηa Cypriot maiden turned to stone by Aphrodite for refusing her suitor's advances
AnaxibiaἈναξίβιαthe name of several mythological figures
AnaxoἈναξώthe name of several mythological figures
Ἀγκαῖοςthe name of two separate Argonauts, each of whom was killed by a boar
AnchialeἈγχιάληthe name of several mythological figures
AnchialusἈγχίαλοςthe name of several mythological figures
AnchirroeἈγχιρρόηthe name of several mythological figures
AndraemonἈνδραίμωνthe name of several mythological figures
AndreusἈνδρεύςthe name of several mythological figures
AndrogeusἈνδρόγεωςthe name of several mythological figures
AntenorἈντήνωρa counselor of Priam
Anthas/AnthesἌνθας/Ἄνθηςfounder and king of Anthea, a part of what later became Troezen
AnthedonἈνθηδώνthe name of several mythological figures
AntheusἈνθεύςthe name of several mythological figures
AntianeiraἈντιανείρηςthe name of several mythological figures
AnthusἌνθοςthe name of several mythological figures
AnticleaἈντίκλειαmother of Odysseus
AnticlusἌντικλοςone of the Greek warriors who hid inside the Trojan Horse
AntigoneἈντιγόνηthe name of several mythological figures
AntilochusἈντίλοχοςa son of Nestor who participated in the Trojan War
AntimachusἈντίμαχοςthe name of several mythological figures
AntinoeἈντινόηthe name of several mythological figures
AntinousἈντίνοοςthe name of several mythological figures
AntiochusἈντίοχοςthe name of several mythological figures
AntionἈντίωνfather of Ixion
AntiopeἈντιόπη the name of several mythological figures
AntiphatesἈντιφάτηςthe name of several mythological figures
AntiphusἌντιφοςthe name of several mythological figures
ApemosyneἈπημοσύνηa daughter of Catreus who was raped by Hermes
AphareusἈφαρεύςthe name of several mythological figures
ApheidasἈφείδαςthe name of several mythological figures
ApisἌπιςthe name of several mythological figures
ApisaonἈπισάωνthe name of several mythological figures
ApsyrtusἌψυρτοςa son of Aeëtes, murdered by his sister Medea
ArabiusἈράβιοςthe name of several mythological figures
ArcadiaἈρκαδίαthe name of several mythological figures
ArcasἈρκάςson of Zeus and Callisto
ArceophonἈρκεοφῶνa Phoenician man who committed suicide after being spurned by his beloved
ArcesilausἈρκεσίλαοςone of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War
ArchemachusἈρχέμαχoςthe name of several mythological figures
ArchitelesἈρχιτέληςthe name of several mythological figures
AreilycusἈρηίλυκοςthe name of several mythological figures
AreithousἈρηίθοοςthe name of several mythological figures
AretaonaἈρετάωνthe name of several mythological figures
AreteἈρήτηwife of Alcinous
ArethusaἈρέθουσαthe name of several mythological figures
AretusἌρητοςthe name of several mythological figures
ArganthoneἈργανθώνηfamed huntress and lover of Rhesus
ArgeἌργηνthe name of several mythological figures
ArgeusἈργεύςthe name of several mythological figures
ArgiaἈργείαthe name of several mythological figures
ArgiopeἈργιόπηthe name of several mythological figures
ArgusἌργοςthe name of several mythological figures
ArgynnusἌργυννοςbeloved of Agamemnon
ArisbasἈρίσβαςthe name of several mythological figures
ArisbeἈρίσβηthe name of several mythological figures
AristodemusἈριστόδημοςA descendant of Heracles who helped lead the Dorian Invasion
AristomachusἈριστόμαχοςthe name of several mythological figures
ArsinoeἈρσινόηthe name of several mythological figures
ArsinoosἈρσίνοοςthe name of several mythological figures
AscalabusἈσκάλαβοςa boy who was changed into a lizard by Demeter
AscalaphusἈσκάλαφοςthe name of several mythological figures
AsiusἌσιοςthe name of two people who fought during the Trojan War
AsopisἈσωπίςthe name of several mythological figures
AspalisἈσπαλίςa maiden of Melite, Phthia associated with a local cult of Artemis
AstacusἌστακοςthe name of several mythological figures
AsteriaἈστερίαthe name of several mythological figures
AsteriusἈστέριοςthe name of several mythological figures
Ἀστεροδείαthe name of several mythological figures
AsteropaiosἈστεροπαῖοςa Paeonian ally of the Trojans
AsteropeἈστεροπήthe name of several mythological figures
AstraeusἈστραῖοςthe name of several mythological figures
AstyanassaἈστυάνασσαHelen of Troy's maid
AstyanaxἈστυάναξinfant son of Hector and Andromache, killed during the Sack of Troy
AstycrateiaἈστυκράτειαthe name of several mythological figures
AstydameiaἈστυδάμειαthe name of several mythological figures
AstynomeἈστυνόμηthe name of several mythological figures
AstynousἈστύνοοςthe name of several mythological figures
AstyocheἈστυόχηthe name of several mythological figures
AstypalaeaἈστυπάλαιαa lover of Poseidon
AtraxἌτραξfounder of Atracia in Thessaly
AtymniusἈτύμνιοςthe name of several mythological figures
AugeΑὐγήmother of the hero Telephus
AutochtheΑὐτόχθηa daughter of Perseus and Andromeda who married Aegeus
AutolycusΑὐτόλυκοa son of Hermes
AutomedonΑὐτομέδωνAchilles' charioteer
AutonoëΑὐτόλυκοthe name of several mythological figures
AutonousΑὐτόνοοςthe name of several mythological figures
AxionἈξιόν)the name of several mythological figures
AxylusἌξυλοςa participant in the Trojan War who fought on the side of Troy
AzanἈζᾶνthe name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
BateaΒάτειαwife of Dardanus and mother of Ilus
BauboΒαυβώan old woman who jested with Demeter while the goddess was mourning the loss of Persephone
BaucisΒαυκίς a virtuous old woman whose hospitality the gods rewarded
BiannaΒίανναa Cretan woman who migrated to Gaul and disappeared in a chasm of the earth
BienorΒιήνωρthe name of several mythological figures
BistonΒίστωνa son of Ares and eponym of Bistonia in Thrace
BolinaΒολίναa mortal woman transformed into an immortal nymph by Apollo
BormusΒῶρμοςa Mariandynian youth abducted by nymphs
Βῶροςthe name of several mythological figures
Βότρηςa son of Eumelus, transformed into a bee-eater
BriseisΒρισηίςa princess of Lyrnessus, taken by Achilles as a war prize
BriseusΒρισεύςfather of Briseis
BroteasΒροτέαςa son of Tantalus
BucolionΒουκολίωνillegitimate son of the Trojan king Laomedon and half-brother of Priam
BudeiaΒούδειαname of two separate figures
BuphagusΒουφάγουa son of Iapetus
BuraΒούραa daughter of Ion
ButesΒούτηςthe name of several mythological figures
ByblisΒυβλίςa woman who fell in love with her twin brother


NameAncient GreekDescription
CaeneusΚαινεύςformerly Caenis, a woman who was transformed into a man and became a mighty warrior
CalesiusΚαλήσιοςAxylus' charioteer
CaletorΚαλήτωρthe name of two men involved in the Trojan War
CalaisΚάλαιςan Argonaut and son of Boreas
CallidiceΚαλλιδίκηqueen of Thesprotia and wife of Odysseus
CallithyiaΚαλλίθυιαthe first priestess of Hera
CalyceΚαλύκη the name of several mythological figures
CalydonΚαλυδὼνeponym of Calydon Aetolia
CalypsoΚαλυψώthe name of several mythological figures
CanaceΚανάκη daughter of Aeolus and lover of Poseidon
CanethusΚάνηθοςthe name of several mythological figures
CanthusΚάνθοςthe name of several mythological figures
CapaneusΚαπανεύς an arrogant warrior who was struck down by Zeus
CapysΚάπυςthe name of several mythological figures
CariusΚάριοςson of Zeus believed to have learned music from nymphs
CarystusΚάρυστοςson of Chiron
CassiopeiaΚασσιόπειαthe name of several mythological figures
CauconΚαύκωνthe name of several mythological figures
CaunusΚαῦνοςson of Miletus who fled from his twin sister's incestuous advances
CebrionesΚεβριόνηςillegitimate son of Priam
CeltineΚελτίνηa Celtic princess and lover of Heracles
CerambusΚέραμβοςa talented yet arrogant singer who was transformed into a beetle
CerdoΚερδοῦς wife of Phoroneus
CestrinusΚεστρῖνος son of Helenus and Andromache
CeyxΚήυξhusband of Alcyone
ChaeresilausΧαιρησίλεωson of Iasius
ChalciopeΧαλκιόπηthe name of several mythological figures
Χαλκώδωνthe name of several mythological figures
CharopsΧάροψthe name of several mythological figures
CheloneΧελώνηchanged into a tortoise by Hermes
ChioneΧιόνηthe name of several mythological figures
ChlorisΧλωρίς the name of several mythological figures
ChromiaΧρωμίαdaughter of Itonus
ChrysanthisΧρυσανθίςa woman who told Demeter of the abduction of Persephone
ChrysaorΧρυσάωρson of Medusa and brother of Pegasus
ChryseisΧρυσηίςa woman enslaved as a war prize by Agamemnon, who was later forced to return her
ChrysesΧρύσηςa priest of Apollo and father of Chryseis
Χρυσίππηthe name of several mythological figures
ChrysippusΧρύσιπποςa divine hero of Elis
ChrysothemisΧρυσόθεμιςthe name of several mythological figures
Χθωνία the name of several mythological figures
ChthoniusΧθόνιοςthe name of several mythological figures
ChthonophyleΧθονοφύληa daughter of Sicyon and wife of Phlias
CilixΚίλιξfounder of Cilicia
CillaΚίλλαthe name of several mythological figures
CleiteΚλείτη the name of several mythological figures
CleitusΚλεῖτος the name of several mythological figures
CleoboeaΚλεόβοιαthe name of several mythological figures
CleobuleΚλεοβούληthe name of several mythological figures
CleodaeusΚλεοδαῖοςgrandson of Heracles
CleopatraΚλεοπάτρη wife of Meleager
ClinisΚλεῖνιςa Babylonian man, transformed into a bird
CloniusΚλονίοςthe name of several mythological figures
ClymeneΚλυμένη the name of several mythological figures
ClymenusΚλύμενοςthe name of several mythological figures
ClytieΚλυτίηthe name of several mythological figures
ClytiusΚλυτίοςthe name of several mythological figures
ClytodoraΚλυτοδώραthe name of several mythological figures
ClytusΚλύτοςthe name of several mythological figures
CoeranusΚοίρανος the name of several mythological figures
ComaethoΚομαιθώ the name of several mythological figures
CoonΚόωνson of Antenor who fell against Agamemnon
CopreusΚοπρεύςherald of Eurystheus
CoresusΚόρησοςthe name of several mythological figures
CoronisΚορωνίςthe name of several mythological figures
CragaleusΚραγαλεύςa man transformed into stone by Apollo
CratosΚράτοςgod of strength
CreteΚρήτηthe name of several mythological figures
CreusaΚρέουσα the name of several mythological figures
CrinoΚρινώ the name of several mythological figures
CrisusΚρῖσοςfounder of the town of Crissa
CtesippusΚτήσιππος the name of several mythological figures
CtesyllaΚτήσυλλαa maiden of Ioulis
CtimeneΚτιμένηyounger sister of Odysseus
CyanippusΚυάνιπποςthe name of several mythological figures
CychreusΚυχρεύςson of Poseidon and Salamis
CycnusΚύκνοςthe name of several mythological figures, most of whom were transformed into swans
CydippeΚυδίππη the name of several mythological figures
CydonΚύδωνthe name of several mythological figures
CynurusΚύνουροςa son of Perseus
CyparissusΚυπάρισσοςa boy beloved by Apollo and transformed into a cypress tree after his death


NameAncient GreekDescription
DaedalionΔαιδαλίωνa man transformed by Apollo into a hawk
DaedalusΔαίδαλοςa skilled inventor and artisan
DascylusΔάσκυλοςthe name of several mythological figures
DeileonΔηιλέων the name of several mythological figures
Δηίμαχοςthe name of several mythological figures
Deioneus/DeionΔηιονεύς/Δηίωνthe name of several mythological figures
DeiphobusΔηίφοβοςa son of Priam and Hecuba who fought in the Trojan War
DeipyleΔηιπύληwife of Tydeus and mother of Diomedes
DelphusΔέλφοςthe name of several mythological figures
DemodiceΔημοδίκηthe name of several mythological figures
DemonassaΔημώνασσαthe name of several mythological figures
DemoniceΔημονίκηthe name of several mythological figures
Demophon of EleusisΔημοφῶν a son of Celeus, king of Eleusis, whom Demeter attempted and failed to immortalize
DeucalionΔευκαλίωνsurvivor of the Deluge
DexamenusΔεξάμενος the name of several mythological figures
DiaΔία mother of Pirithoos
DiasΔίαςthe name of two mythological figures
DictysΔίκτυςthe name of several mythological figures
DimoetesΔιμοίτηςbrother of Troezen
DioclesΔιοκλῆς the name of several mythological figures
DiomedeΔιομήδη the name of several mythological figures
DirceΔίρκηwife of Lycus
DiusΔῖος the name of several mythological figures
DoliusΔολίοςa slave of Penelope
DolonΔόλωνa fast runner who fought for Troy in the Trojan War
DolopsΔόλοψthe name of several mythological figures
Dolusa apprentice of Prometheus
DorusΔῶρος progenitor of the Dorians
DotisΔωτίδοςthe name of several mythological figures
DryasΔρύαςthe name of several mythological figures
DryopeΔρυόπη a woman transformed into a black poplar
DymasΔύμαςthe name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
EchionἘχίων the name of several mythological figures
Echetlus/EkhetlaiosἜχετλος/Ἐχετλαῖοςan Athenian mythical hero fought in the Battle of Marathon
EioneusἨιονεύςthe name of several mythological figures
ElectryoneἨλεκτρυώνηνa daughter of Helios and Rhode
Ἠλεῖοςthe name of several mythological figures
EleusisἘλευσῖνι eponymous hero of the town of Eleusis
EleutherἘλευθήρthe name of several mythological figures
ElpenorἘλπήνωρa crew member of Odysseus, who died in an accident; his shade approached Odysseus in the Underworld to beg him for a proper burial
ElymusἜλυμοςprogenitor of the Elymians
EmathionἨμαθίωνthe name of several mythological figures
EnalusἜναλοςa man from Lesbos
EnareteἘναρέτη wife of Aeolus
Endeis/EndaisἘνδηίς/Ἐνδαίςdaughter of Chiron
EndymionἘνδυμίωνeternally sleeping lover of the moon goddess Selene
EnyeusἘνυεύςthe name of several mythological figures
EpeiusἘπειός the name of several mythological figures
EpicastaἘπικάστη the name of several mythological figures
EpidaurusἘπίδαυροςeponymous hero of the city Epidaurus
EpipoleἘπιπολήa woman that went to Trojan War in disguise of a man
EpirusἬπειροςdaughter of Agave and Echion, after whom the region of Epirus was named
EpistrophusἘπίστροφοςthe name of several mythological figures
EpochusἜποχοςthe name of several mythological figures
EpopeusἘπωπεύςthe name of several mythological figures
EreuthalionἘρευθαλίωνthe name of several mythological figures
EribotesἘρυβώτηςone of the Argonauts
EriopisἘριῶπιςthe name of several mythological figures
EriphyleἘριφύλη mother of Alcmaeon and wife of Amphiaraus
Ἐρύμανθοςthe name of several mythological figures
ErythrasἘρύθρανthe name of several mythological figures
Εὐίππηthe name of several mythological figures
EuchenorΕὐχήνωρthe name of several mythological figures
EulimeneΕὐλιμήνη a Cretan girl who was put to death after having an affair with a man other than her betrothed
EumaeusΕὔμαιος Odysseus' loyal swineherd
EumedesΕὐμήδηςthe name of several mythological figures
EunostusΕὔνοστοςa Boeotian hero
EuphorionΕὐφορίων son of Achilles and Helen
Εὕρωψthe name of several mythological figures
EuryalusΕὐρύαλοςthe name of several mythological figures
EuryanassaΕὐρυάνασσαthe name of several mythological figures
EurybatesΕὐρυβάτηςherald of the Greek armies and squire to Odysseus during the Trojan War
EurycleiaΕὐρύκλεια the name of several mythological figures
EurycydaΕὐρυκύδαa lover of Poseidon
EurydamasΕὐρυδάμαςthe name of several mythological figures
EurydiceΕὐρυδίκη the name of several mythological figures
EurylochusΕὐρύλοχοςthe name of several mythological figures
EurymachusΕὐρύμαχος the name of several mythological figures
EurymedonΕὐρυμέδονταthe name of several mythological figures
EurymedousaΕὐρυμέδουσαthe name of several mythological figures
EurypyleΕὐρυπύληthe name of several mythological figures
EurypylusΕὐρύπυλος the name of several mythological figures
EuryteΕὐρύτη the name of several mythological figures
EurythemisΕὐρυθέμιδοςthe name of several mythological figures
EurythemistaΕὐρυθεμίστηthe name of several mythological figures
EurytionΕὐρυτίωνthe name of several mythological figures
EurytusΕὔρυτοςthe name of several mythological figures
EvaechmeΕὐαίχμηthe name of several mythological figures
EvippusΕὔιπποςthe name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
Galanthis/GalinthiasΓαλανθίς/Γαλινθιάςservant and friend of Alcmene, who foiled Hera's plan to prevent Heracles' birth and was transformed into a weasel in punishment
GeranaΓεράναa Pygmy queen changed into a crane
GolgosΓόλγοςson of Adonis and Aphrodite
GorgeΓόργηthe name of several mythological figures
GorgoΓοργόνοςthe name of several mythological figures
GorgophoneΓοργοφόνη daughter of Perseus and Andromeda
GuneusΓουνεὐς the name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
HaemonΑἵμων the name of several mythological figures
HalaesusἍλαισοςthe name of several mythological figures
HalirrhothiusἉλιρρόθιοςa son of Poseidon who was killed by Ares
HarpalionἉρπαλίωνthe name of several mythological figures
HarpalyceἉρπαλύκηthe name of several mythological figures
HarpalycusἉρπάλυκοςthe name of several mythological figures
HecamedeἙκαμήδηdaughter of Arsinoos who was captured and given to Nestor as a servant
HeleusἝλειοςa son of Perseus and Andromeda
HemitheaἩμιθέαprincess of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape her father's wrath; Apollo transformed her into demi-goddess
HeniocheἩνιόχηthe name of several mythological figures
HerippeἙρίππηa woman from Miletus, abducted by the Gauls
HermippeἙρμίππηwife of Orchomeus and mother of Minyas by Poseidon
HeroἩρώpriestess of Aphrodite who inadvertedly caused her lover Leandros' death and then died of suicide by throwing herself into the water
HesychiaἩσυχείηpersonification of quiet and silence
HilaeiraἹλάειραone of the Leucippides, wife of Castor
HippocoonἹπποκόωνthe name of several mythological figures
HippodamasἹπποδάμαςthe name of several mythological figures
HippodamiaἹπποδάμειαthe name of several mythological figures
Ἱππόλυτοςa son of Theseus
HippotesἹππότηςthe name of several mythological figures
HippothoeἹπποθόη the name of several mythological figures
HippothousἹππόθοοςthe name of several mythological figures
HoditesὉδίτην the name of several mythological figures
Ὁδοίδοκοςson of Cynus, father of Oileus
HyacinthusὙάκινθοςa lover of Apollo changed into a flower
Hyacinthus of LacedaemonὙάκινθοςfather of four daughters who were sacrificed to avert plague
HyamusὝαμοςmaternal grandfather of Delphus
HyettusὝηττος an Argive, reputedly the first person to ever commit murder over adultery
HylasὝλαςarms bearer to Heracles
HyllusὝλλοςson of Heracles and Deianira
HyperbiusὙπέρβιος the name of several mythological figures
HyperenorὙπερήνωρ the name of several mythological figures
HyperesὙπέρηςthe name of several mythological figures
HyperippeὙπερίππηthe name of several mythological figures
HypermnestraὙπερμνήστραthe name of several mythological figures
HyperochusὙπέροχοςthe name of several mythological figures
HyperphasὙπέρφαντοςthe name of several mythological figures
HypsenorὙψήνωρthe name of several mythological figures
HyrmineὙρμίνη the wife of Phorbas
HyrnethoὙρνηθώthe wife of Deiphontes


NameAncient GreekDescription
IalmenusἸάλμενοςa son of Ares who sailed with the Argonauts
IasusἼασοςthe name of several mythological figures
Ἰκάριος the name of several mythological figures
Ἴκαροςa son of Daedalus, who fell to his death
Ἰλιόνηa daughter of Priam and wife of Polymestor
IlioneusἸλιονεύς the name of several mythological figures
ImbriusἼμβριος a son-in-law of Priam
InoἸνώa Theban princess who became the sea goddess Leucothea
IodameἸοδάμαν daughter of Itonus, turned to stone by Athena
IolausἸόλαος a nephew of Heracles who aided his uncle in one of his Labors
IoleἸόλη a daughter of Eurytus
IonἼωνa son of Apollo and Creusa, wife of Xuthus
IphianassaἸφιάνασσα the name of several mythological figures
IphianeiraἸφιάνειραthe name of several mythological figures
IphiclesἸφικλῆςthe name of several mythological figures
IphidamasἸφιδάμαςthe name of several mythological figures
Ἰφιμέδειαa lover of Poseidon
Ἰφινόηthe name of several mythological figures
IphitusἼφιτοςthe name of several mythological figures
IphthimeἸφθίμη the name of several mythological figures
ItonusἼτωνος the name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
LamedonΛαμέδωνa son of Coronus of Sicyon
LampusΛάμποςthe name of several mythological figures
LaodamasΛαοδάμαςthe name of several mythological figures
LaodamiaΛαοδάμεια the name of several mythological figures
LaodiceΛαοδίκηa daughter of Priam
LaonomeΛαονόμη the name of several mythological figures
LeontichusΛεόντιχοςstar-crossed lover stoned to death for his affair with the betrothed Rhodine
LaophoonΛαοφόωνa Paeonian ally of the Trojans in the Trojan War
LaothoeΛαοθόηthe name of several mythological figures
LapithesΛαπίθηςthe name of several mythological figures
LeandrosΛέανδροςlover of Hero who died trying to make his way to her tower in the middle of swimming across a river after her torch went out
LeitusΛήιτος a leader of the Achaean forces during the Trojan War
Λεώςname of two Attic heroes
LepreusΛεπρεύςa grandson of Poseidon and an enemy of Heracles
LethaeaΛηθαίαa woman turned into stone for her vanity
LeucippusΛεύκιππος the name of several mythological figures
LeuconΛεύκωνthe name of several mythological figures
LeuconoeΛευκονόηthe name of several mythological figures
LeucophryeΛευκοφρύνηdaughter of Mandrolytus; she betrayed her city for the love of a man
Λεῦκος the name of several mythological figures
LityersesΛιτυέρσηςa son of Midas killed by Heracles, and eponym of a kind of reaping songs
Λόφιςthe young son of a Boeotian king
LycaonΛυκάωνthe name of several mythological figures
LycasteΛυκάστηthe name of several mythological figures
Λύκαστοςthe name of several mythological figures
LycorusΛυκωρεύςthe name of several mythological figures
LycurgusΛυκοῦργος the name of several mythological figures
LynceusΛυγκεύςking of Argos
LysianassaΛυσιάνασσα the name of several mythological figures
LysimacheΛυσιμάχη the name of several mythological figures
Λυσίππη the name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
MachaonΜαχάωνa physician and son of Asclepius who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War
MacrisΜακρἰςa daughter of Aristaeus and Autonoe
MaeonΜαίωνthe name of several mythological figures
MagnesΜάγνης the name of several mythological figures
MantiusΜάντιος a son of Melampus and father of Cleitus
MariandynusΜαριανδυνόςeponymous hero of the Mariandyni
Μηκιστεύς the name of several mythological figures
MedaΜήδαthe name of several mythological figures
MedônΜέδωνthe name of several mythological figures
MegapenthesΜεγαπένθηςthe name of several mythological figures
MelanippusΜελάνιπποςthe name of several mythological figures
MelanthoΜελανθώthe name of several mythological figures
MelasΜέλαςthe name of several mythological figures
MeliboeaΜελίβοιαthe name of several mythological figures
MelicertesΜελικέρτηςson of Athamas and Ino who was transformed into the marine god Palaemon
Μελίτη the name of several mythological figures
MemphisΜέμφιςthe name of several mythological figures
MenippeΜενίππη a daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet
MesseneΜεσσήνηan ambitious Argive princess for whom Messenia was named
MetaneiraΜετάνειρα wife of Celeus, king of Eleusis
MetiocheΜενίππη a daughter of Orion who was transformed into a comet
Μήστωρ the name of several mythological figures
MestraΜήστραdaughter of Erysichthon who possessed the gift of shape-shifting
MiletusΜίλητοςa son of Apollo and founder of the city Miletus
MinyasΜινύαςthe founder of Orchomenus in Boeotia
MolurusΜόλουρος the man killed by Hyettus
MunichusΜούνιχος the name of several mythological figures
MyrinaΜύριναthe name of several mythological figures
MyrmidonΜυρμιδόνοςthe eponymous progenitor of the Myrmidons
MyrmidoneΜυρμιδώνthe name of several mythological figures
MyrrhaΜύρραthe mother of Adonis
MyrtilusΜυρτίλοςthe charioteer of Oenomaus
MyrtoΜυρτώthe name of several mythological figures
MysiusΜύσιοςan Argive who offered hospitality to Demeter
MytileneΜυτιλήνηthe name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
NarcissusΝάρκισσοςa young man who fell in love with his own reflection
NaubolusΝαύβολοςthe name of several mythological figures
NausicaaΝαυσικάαa Phaeacian princess who aided Odysseus
NausithousΝαυσίθοοςthe name of several mythological figures
NeleusΝηλεύςking of Pylos.
NeoptolemusΝεοπτόλεμοςa son of Achilles
NicippeΝικίππηthe name of several mythological figures
NireusΝιρεύςthe name of several mythological figures
NyctimeneΝυκτιμένηa woman transformed by Athena into an owl
NyctimusΝύκτιμος a son of Lycaon who was killed and served up as a meal to Zeus


NameAncient GreekDescription
OenoeΟἰνόη the name of several mythological figures
OenoneΟἰνώνη the first wife of Paris, whom he abandoned in favour of Helen
OenotrusΟἴνωτροςa son of Lycaon
OlenusὌλενος the name of several mythological figures
OmphaleὈμφάληa queen of Lydia to whom Heracles was required to become a slave for the period of a year
OnciusὌγκιοςa son of Apollo and eponymous hero of Oncium, Arcadia
OrchomenusὈρχομενόςthe name of several mythological figures
OrestheusὈρεσθεύς the name of several mythological figures
OrionὨρίων a hunter whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion
OrithyiaὨρείθυιαan Athenian princess abducted by Boreas and made the goddess of cold, gusty mountain winds
OrmenusὌρμενοςthe name of several mythological figures
OrnytionὈρνύτιων a son of Sisyphus and ruler over Corinth
OrnytusὌρνυτόνthe name of several mythological figures
OrsilochusὈρσίλοχοςthe name of several mythological figures
OthryoneusὈθρυονεύςa suitor of Cassandra
OxylusὌξυλος the name of several mythological figures


NameAncient GreekDescription
Paeon of PaeoniaΠαίωνthe father of Agastrophus
Παίωνthe son of Antilochus
Paeon of ElisΠαίωνeponym of Paeonia
Παίωνby Helle, sister of Phrixus
PalaemonΠαλαίμωνthe name of several mythological figures
PalleneΠαλλήνηthe name of several mythological figures
PandaieΠανδαίηa daughter of Heracles in India
PandareusΠανδάρεωςa friend of Tantalus who got involved with his impious deeds
PandarusΠάνδαρος a Trojan archer who fought in the Trojan War
Πανδώραthe name of several mythological figures
PanopeusΠανοπεύςa son of Phocus
PanthousΠάνθοοςan elder of Troy
ParisΠάριςa son of Priam whose abduction of Helen resulted in the Trojan War
ParthenosΠαρθένοςprincess of the Island of Naxos who leapt into the sea to escape her father's wrath; and was transformed by Apollo her into a demi-goddess
ParthenopaeusΠαρθενοπαῖοςone of the Seven Against Thebes
PatroclusΠάτροκλος a comrade/lover of Achilles who was killed by Hector during the Trojan War
PeirousΠείροοςa Thracian ally of the Trojans
PeisenorΠεισήνωρthe name of several mythological figures
PeisidiceΠεισιδίκηthe name of several mythological figures
PeisistratusΠεισίστρατος the youngest son of Nestor
PelasgusΠελασγόςthe name of several mythological figures
PelopiaΠελόπειαthe name of several mythological figures
PeneleosΠηνελέως an Achaean soldier in the Trojan War
PenthilusΠένθιλοςthe name of several mythological figures
PeriboeaΠερίβοια the name of several mythological figures
PeriguneΠεριγούνηdaughter of Sinis and lover of Theseus
PerileosΠερίλεωςthe name of several mythological figures
PerimedeΠεριμήδη the name of several mythological figures
PerimedesΠεριμήδηςthe name of several mythological figures
Περίφᾱςthe name of several mythological figures
PeriphetesΠεριφήτηςthe name of several mythological figures
PeristhenesΠερισθένης the name of several mythological figures
PetraeaΠετραίηthe name of several mythological figures
PhaenopsΦαῖνοψthe name of several mythological figures
Φαέθωνthe name of several mythological figures
Φάλανθοςthe name of several mythological figures
PhalerusΦάληροςa son of Alcon who sailed with the Argonauts
PharisΦᾶρις a son of Hermes and founder of Pharae in Messene
PhemiusΦήμιος an Ithacan poet who performs in the house of Odysseus
PheresΦέρηςthe name of several mythological figures
Φιαλώa lover of Heracles
PhilemonΦιλήμωνa virtuous old man who was rewarded by Zeus
PhiloctetesΦιλοκτήτης a famed archer who participated in the Trojan War
PhliasΦλίαςa son of Dionysus who sailed with the Argonauts
PhocusΦῶκος the name of several mythological figures
PhoebeΦοίβηthe name of several mythological figures
PhoenixΦοῖνιξ the name of several mythological figures
PhorbasΦόρβας the name of several mythological figures
PhorcysΦόρκυςa Phrygian ally of Priam in the Trojan War
PhrastorΦράστωρthe name of several mythological figures
PhrixusΦρίξοςa son of Athamas and Nephele, rescued by Chrysomallus, the ram with the golden fleece
PhrontisΦρονίς a son of Phrixus who sailed with the Argonauts
PhylacusΦύλακος the name of several mythological figures
PhylasΦύλαςthe name of several mythological figures
PhyleusΦυλεύς a son of Augeas
PhyllisΦυλλίςthe wife of Demophon of Athens
PhylonoeΦυλονόηa daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, made immortal by Artemis
PhysadeiaΦυσάδειαthe name of several mythological figures
PhyscoaΦυσκόα a member of the Sixteen Women and lover of Dionysus
PhytalusΦύταλοςan Attic hero encountered by Demeter
PieriaΠιερίαone of the multiple wives of King Danaus of Libya
PleuronΠλευρῶνοςthe eponym of Pleuron, Aetolia
Πλήξιππος the name of several mythological figures
PodaliriusΠοδαλείριοςa healer and son of Asclepius who participated in the Trojan War
Πολίτηςthe name of several mythological figures
PolyboeaΠολύβοιαthe name of several mythological figures
PolycaonΠολυκάων the name of several mythological figures
PolycasteΠολυκάστηthe name of several mythological figures
PolydorusΠολύδωροςthe name of several mythological figures
PolyidusΠολύειδος a seer from Corinth
PolymeleΠολυμήλη the name of several mythological figures
PolypheidesΠολυφείδηςthe name of several mythological figures
PolystratusΠολύστρατοςa youth of Dyme, Achaea
Πολύξενοςthe name of several mythological figures
Πολυξώthe name of several mythological figures
Πραξιθέαthe name of several mythological figures
Πρέσβων the name of several mythological figures
ProcliaΠρόκλεια daughter of Laomedon, sister of Priam and wife of Cycnus
ProcrustesΠροκρούστης a rogue smith and bandit from Attica who attacked people
PromedonΠρομέδωνpossibly a follower of Orpheus
PronaxΠρῶναξa brother of Adrastus
Πρόσυμνοςa shepherd who aided Dionysus in rescuing Semele from Hades
Πρωτεσίλᾱος the first Greek soldier to die at Troy
Πρωτογένεια the name of several mythological figures
Προθοήνωρone of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War
Ψῶφιςthe name of several mythological figures
PterelaosΠτερέλαοςthe name of several mythological figures
PtousΠτῶοςeponym of Mount Ptous in Boeotia
PygmalionΠυγμαλίων a sculptor who fell in love with his own creation
PylaeusΠύλαιοςa Pelasgian ally of the Trojans
Πυλαιμένηςan Enetian ally of the Trojans
Πυραίχμης a Paeonian ally of the Trojans
PyramusΠύραμοςtragic lover of Thisbe, on whom Shakespeare's Romeo is based
Πύῤῥαthe wife of Deucalion


NameAncient GreekDescription
RarusΡᾶροςa possible father of Triptolemus
RhidineῬαδίνηbetrothed star-crossed lover stoned to death for her affair with Leontichus
RhoeoῬοιώ a lover of Apollo


NameAncient GreekDescription
SaonΣάωνthe name of several mythological figures
SchediusΣχεδίος the name of several mythological figures
SchoeneusΣχοινεύς the name of several mythological figures
ScylaceusΣκυλακεύςa Lycian ally of the Trojans. Though wounded by Ajax the Lesser he survived and returned home after the Fall of Troy only to subsequently be stoned to death by several women of Lycia when he told them how their husbands and sons had all died in the war. At the urging of Apollo a monument to Scylaceus was built to make amends for this crime and he was subsequently worshipped as a minor god.
SelemnusΣέλεμνοςa man who loved the sea nymph Argyra
SideroΣιδηρώ stepmother of Tyro
SocusΣῶκοςthe name of several mythological figures
SolymusΣολύμουancestral hero of the Solymi tribe in Lycia
SostratusΣώστρατοςa beloved of Heracles
SpartaΣπάρταthe wife of Lacedaemon for whom the city of Sparta was named
Στάφυλος the name of several mythological figures
Στέντωρa herald of the Greek forces during the Trojan War
Σθενέβοια the daughter of Iobates and consort of Proteus
Σθενέληthe name of several mythological figures
SthenelusΣθένελος the name of several mythological figures
StratoniceΣτρατoνίκη the name of several mythological figures
Στρόφιος the name of several mythological figures
StymphalusΣτύμφαλος the name of several mythological figures
Συλεύςa Lydian who forced people to dig his vineyard and was killed by Heracles
Σύμηeponym of the island Syme
Σκίρωνson of Poseidon, bandit


NameAncient GreekDescription
TeuthrasΤεύθραςa native of Magnesia, who fought at Troy and was killed by Hector and Ares[2]
TeuthrasΤεύθραςan Athenian, founder and eponym of Teuthrone in Laconia[3]
Teuthras ΤεύθραςBrother of Tyres and one of the companions of Aeneas[4]
TeuthrasΤεύθραςa young man of Argos, son of Iphiclus; he was shot to death by the Amazon Hippolyta during the Parthian War[5]
TecmessaΤέκμησσαthe name of several mythological figures
TegeatesΤεγεάτηςfounder of Tegea
TelecleiaΤηλέκλειαa daughter of Ilus and wife of Cisseus
TelegonusΤηλέγονος son of Circe and Odysseus
Τηλέμαχος Son of Odysseus and Penelope, and a central character in the Odyssey
TeleonΤελέωνfather of Butes and Eribotes
TelephassaΤηλέφασσαwife of Agenor and mother of Cadmus
Τέννηςeponymous hero of Tenedos
TermerusΤέρμεροςa bandit killed by Heracles
TheiodamasΘειοδάμαςthe name of several mythological figures
ThemisteΘεμίστηa daughter of Ilus and mother of Anchises
ThemistoΘεμιστώthe name of several mythological figures
TheobuleΘεοβούλη the name of several mythological figures
TheonoeΘεονόη the name of several mythological figures
TheophaneΘεοφάνηa lover of Poseidon, changed into an ewe
Θηρώ the name of several mythological figures
ThersanderΘέρσανδρος the name of several mythological figures
ThersitesΘερσίτηςa soldier of the Greek army during the Trojan War
Θέσπιος founder-king of Thespiae Boeotia
Θέστιοςthe father of Iphicles
ThestorΘέστωρthe name of several mythological figures
ThisbeΘίσβηthe tragic lover of Pyramus, on whom Shakespeare's Juliet is based
Θόαςthe name of several mythological figures
Θόων the name of several mythological figures
ThraceΘράκη the daughter of Oceanus and Parthenope, and sister of Europa
ThrasymedesΘρασυμήδης soldier who fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War
ThymoetesΘυμοίτης the name of several mythological figures
TimandraΤιμάνδραthe daughter of Leda and Tyndareus
TithonusΤιθωνόςa lover of Eos, granted immortality but not eternal youth
TlepolemusΤληπόλεμος a son of Heracles who fought in the Trojan War of the side of the Greeks
ToxeusΤοξεύς the name of several mythological figures
TrambelusΤράμβηλοςa son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax
Τρόχιλος possible inventor of the chariot linked to cults of Hera and Demeter
Τροιζήνa son of Pelops and eponym of the city Troezen
TrophoniusΤροφώνιος an architect, brother of Agamedes
TydeusΤυδεύς father of Diomedes and one of the Seven Against Thebes
TyresΤύρηςa companion of Aeneas along with his brother Teuthras[6]
TyresΤύρηςa warrior in the army of Perses who fought and died in the war between Perses and Aeetes[7]
TyroΤυρώdaughter of Salmoneus


NameAncient GreekDescription
XanthippeΞανθίππη the name of several mythological figures
XanthiusΞάνθιοςa descendant of Bellerophon and father of Leucippus
XanthusΞάνθος the name of several mythological figures
XuthusΞοῦθος a son of Hellen and Orseis and father of Ion and Achaeus


NameAncient GreekDescription
ZarexΖάρηξa son of Carystus and founder of the town Zarex in Laconia
ZetesΖήτηςan Argonaut and son of Boreas
ZeuxippeΖευξίππηthe name of several mythological figures
ZeuxippusΖεύξιπποςthe name of several mythological figures

A group of figures

See also

Notes and References

  1. Book: Betz, Hans . The Greek Magical Papyri In Translation . . 1996. 9780226044477 . Entry: "PGM III. 1-164".
  2. [Homer]
  3. [Pausanias (geographer)|Pausanias]
  4. [Virgil]
  5. Latin Anthology, 392 (Traiani Imperatoris e Bello Parthico versus decori), ed. Riese
  6. [Virgil]
  7. [Gaius Valerius Flaccus]