List of members of the United States Congress by longevity of service explained

This list of members of the United States Congress by longevity of service includes representatives and senators who have served for at least 36 years, in the United States Senate, the United States House of Representatives, or both. In cases where there is a tie in time, the following criteria will sort people higher:

  1. Achieved time uninterrupted (for total tenure ranks)
  2. Achieved time first
  3. Senators over representatives (for Senate and House lists)
  4. Senate and House seniority


Currently serving
Served in the U.S. Senate (for combined categories)
Served in the U.S. House (for combined categories)
Interruptions in service (for total tenure categories)

Combined U.S. Senate and U.S. House time

Total tenure Uninterrupted NameParty affiliation State width=150 Reason for leaving !Lifespan
1 1 John Dingell (H) Democratic Retired 1926–2019
2 2 Robert Byrd (S, H) Democratic Died 1917–2010
3 56 years, 319 days 3 56 years, 319 days Carl Hayden (S, H) Democratic Retired 1877–1972
4 53 years, 118 days 4 53 years, 118 days Daniel Inouye (S, H) Democratic Died 1924–2012
5 53 years, 60 days 5 53 years, 60 days Jamie Whitten (H) Democratic Retired 1910–1995
6 52 years, 336 days 6 52 years, 336 days John Conyers (H) Democratic Michigan Resigned 1929–2019
7 50 years, 61 days 7 50 years, 61 days Carl Vinson (H) Democratic Retired 1883–1981
8 49 years, 305 days 8 49 years, 305 days Emanuel Celler (H) Democratic Lost renomination 1888–1981
9 9 Chuck Grassley (S, H) Republican 1933–present
10 49 years, 12 days 10 49 years, 12 days Don Young (H) Republican Died1933–2022
11 48 years, 257 days 11 48 years, 257 days Sam Rayburn (H) Democratic Died 1882–1961
12 48 years, 0 days 12 48 years, 0 days Patrick Leahy (S) Democratic Retired 1940–present
13 48 years, 0 days 999 Sidney R. Yates (H, I) Democratic Retired to run for the U.S. Senate, retired 1909–2000
14 13 Ed Markey (S, H) Democratic 1946–present
15 47 years, 159 days 16 46 years, 57 days Strom Thurmond (S, I) Democratic,
Resigned, retired 1902–2003
16 47 years, 3 days 14 47 years, 3 days Wright Patman (H) Democratic Texas Died 1893–1976
17 46 years, 292 days 15 46 years, 292 days Ted Kennedy (S) Democratic Massachusetts Died 1932–2009
18 46 years, 0 days 17 46 years, 0 days Charles Rangel (H) Democratic New York Retired 1930–present
19 46 years, 0 days 999 Joseph Gurney Cannon (H, I) Republican Illinois Defeated twice, retired 1836–1926
20 45 years, 247 days 18 45 years, 247 days Adolph J. Sabath (H) Democratic Illinois Died 1866–1952
21 45 years, 142 days 19 45 years, 142 days J. Lister Hill (S, H) Democratic Retired 1894–1984
22 45 years, 87 days 20 45 years, 87 days Thad Cochran (S, H) Republican Mississippi Resigned 1937–2019
23 44 years, 0 days 21 44 years, 0 days George H. Mahon (H) Democratic Texas Retired 1900–1985
24 44 years, 0 days 22 44 years, 0 days Warren Magnuson (S, H) Democratic Defeated 1905–1989
25 44 years, 0 days 23 44 years, 0 days Charles E. Bennett (H) Democratic Retired 1910–2003
26 44 years, 0 days 24 44 years, 0 days Richard Shelby (S, H) Democratic,
Alabama Retired 1934–present
27 43 years, 299 days 25 43 years, 299 days Justin S. Morrill (S, H) Whig,
Vermont Died 1810–1898
28 26 Ron Wyden (S, H) Democratic 1949–present
29 27 Chuck Schumer (S, H) Democratic New York 1950–present
30 28Hal Rogers (H) Republican 1937–present
31 29 Chris Smith (H) Republican 1953–present
32 43 years, 152 days 999 William B. Allison (S, H, I) Republican Iowa Retired, died 1829–1908
33 43 years, 110 days 30 43 years, 110 days Melvin Price (H) Democratic Illinois Died 1905–1988
3431 Steny Hoyer (H) Democratic 1939–present
35 42 years, 288 days 32 42 years, 288 days Bill Young (H) Republican Florida Died 1930–2013
36 42 years, 241 days 33 42 years, 241 days Henry M. Jackson (S, H) Democratic Washington Died 1912–1983
37 42 years, 157 days 999 Carter Glass (S, H, I) Democratic Resigned to become U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, died 1858–1946
38 42 years, 58 days 34 42 years, 58 days John W. McCormack (H) Democratic Massachusetts Retired 1891–1980
3942 years, 0 days 35 42 years, 0 days John Sparkman (S, H) Democratic Alabama Retired 1899–1985
40 42 years, 0 days 36 42 years, 0 days Jack Brooks (H) Democratic Texas Defeated 1922–2012
41 42 years, 0 days 37 42 years, 0 days Orrin Hatch (S) Republican Retired 1934–2022
42 42 years, 0 days 38 42 years, 0 days Jim Sensenbrenner (H) Republican Retired 1943–present
43 41 years, 362 days 39 41 years, 362 days William R. Poage (H) Democratic Texas Resigned 1899–1987
44 41 years, 305 days 40 41 years, 305 days Robert L. Doughton (H) Democratic Retired 1863–1954
45 41 years, 305 days 41 41 years, 305 days Joseph W. Martin Jr. (H) Republican Massachusetts Lost renomination 1884–1968
46 41 years, 276 days 42 41 years, 276 days Dave Obey (H) Democratic Wisconsin Retired 1938–present
47 43 Dick Durbin (S, H) Democratic Illinois 1944–present
48 44 Marcy Kaptur (H) Democratic 1946–present
49 41 years, 69 days 45 41 years, 69 days Clarence Cannon (H) Democratic Died 1879–1964
50 41 years, 59 days 46 41 years, 59 days John C. Stennis (S) Democratic Mississippi Retired 1901–1995
5141 years, 30 days 47 41 years, 30 days Kenneth McKellar (S, H) Democratic Lost renomination 1869–1957
52 40 years, 240 days 48 40 years, 240 days William Natcher (H) Democratic Kentucky Died 1909–1994
5340 years, 207 days 999 Claude Pepper (S, H, I) Democratic Florida Lost renomination, died 1900–1989
54 40 years, 157 days 49 40 years, 157 days William P. Frye (S, H) Republican Died 1830–1911
55 40 years, 10 days 50 40 years, 10 days Ted Stevens (S) Republican Alaska Defeated 1923–2010
56 40 years, 0 days 51 40 years, 0 days Carl Curtis (S, H) Republican Retired 1905–2000
57 40 years, 0 days 52 40 years, 0 days Peter W. Rodino (H) Democratic New Jersey Retired 1909–2005
58 40 years, 0 days 53 40 years, 0 days Pete Stark (H) Democratic Defeated 1931–2020
59 40 years, 0 days 54 40 years, 0 days Tom Harkin (S, H) Democratic Iowa Retired 1939–present
60 40 years, 0 days 55 40 years, 0 days George Miller (H) Democratic California Retired 1945–present
61 40 years, 0 days 56 40 years, 0 days Henry Waxman (H) Democratic California Retired 1939–present
62 40 years, 0 days 57 40 years, 0 days Barbara Mikulski (S, H) Democratic Maryland Retired 1936–present
63 40 years, 0 days 58 40 years, 0 days Pat Roberts (S, H) Republican Retired 1936–present
64 40 years, 0 days 999 Eugene Hale (S, H, I) Republican Maine Defeated, retired 1836–1918
65 39 years, 364 days 999 Jennings Randolph (S, H, I) Democratic West Virginia Defeated, retired 1902–1998
66 39 years, 362 days 59 39 years, 362 days Leslie C. Arends (H) Republican Illinois Retired 1895–1985
67 39 years, 352 days 60 39 years, 352 days Daniel A. Reed (H) Republican New York Died 1875–1959
68 39 years, 305 days 61 39 years, 305 days George W. Norris (S, H) Republican,
Nebraska Defeated 1861–1944
69 39 years, 305 days 62 39 years, 305 days John Taber (H) Republican New York Retired 1880–1965
70 39 years, 305 days 63 39 years, 305 daysWilliam M. Colmer (H) Democratic Mississippi Retired 1890–1980
71 64 Mitch McConnell (S) Republican Kentucky 1942–present
72 39 years, 34 days 65 39 years, 34 days Max Baucus (S, H) Democratic Appointed Ambassador to China 1941–present
73 39 years, 9 days 999 Samuel Smith (S, H, I) Democratic-Republican,
Maryland Retired twice 1752–1839
74 38 years, 329 days 999 John L. McClellan (S, H, I) Democratic Retired, died 1896–1977
75 38 years, 145 days 66 38 years, 145 days Morris Sheppard (S, H) Democratic Texas Died 1875–1941
76 38 years, 55 days 67 38 years, 55 days Fritz Hollings (S) Democratic South Carolina Retired 1922–2019
77 38 years, 9 days 68 38 years, 9 days Richard Russell Jr. (S) Democratic Georgia Died 1897–1971
78 38 years, 4 days 999 John Sherman (S, H, I) Opposition,
Ohio Appointed U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, appointed U.S. Secretary of State 1823–1900
79 38 years, 3 days 69 38 years, 3 days Russell B. Long (S) Democratic Retired 1918–2003
80 38 years, 0 days 70 38 years, 0 days Frederick H. Gillett (S, H) Republican Massachusetts Retired 1851–1935
81 38 years, 0 days 71 38 years, 0 days Wilbur Mills (H) Democratic Arkansas Retired 1909–1992
82 38 years, 0 days 71 38 years, 0 days Dante Fascell (H) Democratic Florida Retired 1917–1998
83 38 years, 0 days 72 38 years, 0 days Robert H. Michel (H) Republican Illinois Retired 1923–2017
84 38 years, 0 days 73 38 years, 0 days Nick Rahall (H) Democratic West Virginia Defeated 1949–present
85 37 years, 305 days 999 Robert Crosser (H, I) Democratic Ohio Lost renomination twice 1874–1957
86 37 years, 290 days 999 Bob Sikes (H, I) Democratic Florida Resigned, retired 1906–1994
87 37 years, 255 days 75 37 years, 255 days Nathaniel Macon (S, H) Anti-Administration,
North Carolina Resigned 1757–1837
88 37 years, 250 days 76 37 years, 250 days Henry Cabot Lodge (S, H) Republican Massachusetts Died 1850–1924
89 77 Ben Cardin (S, H) Democratic Maryland 1943–present
90 78 Nancy Pelosi (H) Democratic California1940–present
91 37 years, 74 days 999 Alben W. Barkley (S, H, I) Democratic Kentucky Elected Vice President of the United States, died 1877–1956
92 37 years, 60 days 79 37 years, 60 days Henry B. González (H) Democratic Texas Retired 1916–2000
93 37 years, 6 days 999 Francis E. Warren (S, I) Republican Defeated, died 1844–1929
94 36 years, 83 days 999 James Eastland (S, I) Democratic Mississippi Appointment expired, resigned 1904–1986
95 36 years, 12 days 80 36 years, 12 days Joe Biden (S) Democratic Elected Vice President of the United States 1942–present
96 36 years, 3 days 81 36 years, 3 days John Murtha (H) Democratic Died 1932–2010
97 36 years, 0 days 82 36 years, 0 days Henry L. Dawes (S, H) Republican Massachusetts Retired 1816–1903
98 36 years, 0 days 83 36 years, 0 days F. Edward Hébert (H) Democratic Louisiana Retired 1901–1979
99 36 years, 0 days 84 36 years, 0 days Edward Boland (H) Democratic Massachusetts Retired 1911–2001
100 36 years, 0 days 85 36 years, 0 days William Broomfield (H) Republican Michigan Retired 1922–2019
101 36 years, 0 days 86 36 years, 0 days Dan Rostenkowski (H) Democratic Illinois Defeated 1928–2010
102 36 years, 0 days 87 36 years, 0 days Neal Smith (H) Democratic Iowa Defeated 1920–2021
103 36 years, 0 days 88 36 years, 0 days Claiborne Pell (S) Democratic Retired 1918–2009
104 36 years, 0 days 89 36 years, 0 days Joseph M. McDade (H) Republican Pennsylvania Retired 1931–2017
105 36 years, 0 days 90 36 years, 0 days Paul Sarbanes (S, H) Democratic Maryland Retired 1933–2020
106 36 years, 0 days 91 36 years, 0 days Pete Domenici (S) Republican Retired 1932–2017
107 36 years, 0 days 92 36 years, 0 days Ralph Regula (H) Republican Ohio Retired 1924–2017
108 36 years, 0 days 93 36 years, 0 days Chris Dodd (S, H) Democratic Retired 1944–present
109 36 years, 0 days 94 36 years, 0 days Jim Oberstar (H) Democratic–Farmer–Labor Defeated 1934–2014
110 36 years, 0 days 95 36 years, 0 days Richard Lugar (S) Republican Lost renomination 1932–2019
111 36 years, 0 days 96 36 years, 0 days Daniel Akaka (S, H) Democratic Hawaii Retired 1924–2018
112 36 years, 0 days 97 36 years, 0 days Norm Dicks (H) Democratic Washington Retired 1940–present
113 36 years, 0 days 98 36 years, 0 days Dale Kildee (H) Democratic Michigan Retired 1929–2021
114 36 years, 0 days 99 36 years, 0 days Carl Levin (S) Democratic Michigan Retired 1934–2021
115 36 years, 0 days 100 36 years, 0 days Sander Levin (H) Democratic Michigan Retired 1931–present
116 36 years, 0 days 101 36 years, 0 days Pete Visclosky (H) Democratic Indiana Retired 1949–present
117 36 years, 0 days 102 36 years, 0 days Jim Inhofe (S, H) Republican Resigned 1934–2024
118 36 years, 0 days 103 36 years, 0 days Peter DeFazio (H) Democratic Oregon Retired 1947–present
119 36 years, 0 days 104 36 years, 0 days Fred Upton (H) Republican Michigan Retired 1953–present
120 36 years, 0 days 999 Shelby M. Cullom (S, H, I) Republican Illinois Lost renomination, retired 1829–1914

U.S. Senate time

The 90th Congress was notable because for a period of 10 days (December 24, 1968 – January 3, 1969), it contained within the Senate, all 10 of what was at one point the top 10 longest-serving senators in history (Byrd, Inouye, Thurmond, Kennedy, Hayden, Stennis, Stevens, Hollings, Russell Jr., and Long) until January 7, 2013, when Patrick Leahy surpassed Russell B. Long as the 10th longest-serving senator in history. This short 10-day period stretched from the appointment of Ted Stevens of Alaska to fill a vacancy to the retirement of Carl Hayden of Arizona early the next year. The 107th Congress (2001–2003) was the most recent one that contained all of the current top 7 longest serving senators in history (Byrd, Inouye, Leahy, Thurmond, Kennedy, Grassley, and Hatch).

The 99th Congress (1985–1987) and the 100th Congress (1987–1989) were the periods in which most people from this list were serving together (all but Hayden, Russell Jr., Warren, Eastland, Magnuson, and Shelby in the former and all but Hayden, Russell Jr., Long, Warren, Eastland, and Magnuson in the latter).

Total tenure Uninterrupted Name Party affiliation State Dates of service Lifespan
1 51 years, 176 days 1 51 years, 176 days Democratic West VirginiaJanuary 3, 1959 – June 28, 20101917–2010
2 49 years, 349 days 2 49 years, 349 days Democratic HawaiiJanuary 3, 1963 – December 17, 20121924–2012
3 48 years, 0 days 3 48 years, 0 days Democratic VermontJanuary 3, 1975 – January 3, 20231940–present
4 47 years, 159 days 5 46 years, 57 days Strom Thurmond (I) Democratic,
South CarolinaDecember 24, 1954 – April 7, 1956
November 7, 1956 – January 3, 2003
5 46 years, 292 days 4 46 years, 292 days Democratic MassachusettsNovember 7, 1962 – August 25, 20091932–2009
6 6 Republican Since January 3, 1981 1933–present
7 42 years, 0 days 7 42 years, 0 days Republican UtahJanuary 3, 1977 – January 3, 20191934–2022
8 41 years, 305 days 8 41 years, 305 days Democratic ArizonaMarch 4, 1927 – January 3, 19691877–1972
9 41 years, 59 days 9 41 years, 59 days Democratic November 5, 1947 – January 3, 19891901–1995
10 40 years, 10 days 10 40 years, 10 days Republican December 24, 1968 – January 3, 20091923–2010
11 11 Republican Since January 3, 1985 1942–present
12 39 years, 94 days 12 39 years, 94 days Republican Mississippi December 27, 1978 – April 1, 2018 1937–2019
13 38 years, 55 days 13 38 years, 55 days Democratic South Carolina November 9, 1966 – January 3, 20051922–2019
14 38 years, 9 days 14 38 years, 9 days Democratic January 12, 1933 – January 21, 19711897–1971
15 38 years, 3 days 15 38 years, 3 days Democratic December 31, 1948 – January 3, 19871918–2003
16 37 years, 6 days 999 Francis E. Warren (I) Republican November 24, 1890 – March 4, 1893
March 4, 1895 – November 24, 1929
17 36 years, 83 days 999 James Eastland (I) Democratic Mississippi June 30 – September 28, 1941
January 3, 1943 – December 27, 1978
18 36 years, 20 days 16 36 years, 20 days Democratic December 14, 1944 – January 3, 19811905–1989
19 36 years, 12 days 17 36 years, 12 days Democratic January 3, 1973 – January 15, 20091942–present
20 36 years, 0 days 18 36 years, 0 days Democratic January 3, 1961 – January 3, 19971918–2009
21 36 years, 0 days 19 36 years, 0 days Republican January 3, 1973 – January 3, 20091932–2017
22 36 years, 0 days 20 36 years, 0 days Republican January 3, 1977 – January 3, 2013 1932–2019
23 36 years, 0 days 21 36 years, 0 days Democratic January 3, 1979 – January 3, 2015 1934–2021
24 36 years, 0 days 22 36 years, 0 days Democratic,
January 3, 1987 – January 3, 2023 1934–present

U.S. House time

Total tenure Uninterrupted Name Party affiliation State Dates of service Lifespan
1 59 years, 21 days 1 59 years, 21 days Democratic MichiganDecember 13, 1955 – January 3, 20151926–2019
2 53 years, 60 days 2 53 years, 60 days Democratic MississippiNovember 4, 1941 – January 3, 19951910–1995
3 52 years, 336 days 3 52 years, 336 days Democratic MichiganJanuary 3, 1965 – December 5, 20171929–2019
4 50 years, 61 days 4 50 years, 61 days Democratic GeorgiaNovember 3, 1914 – January 3, 19651883–1981
5 49 years, 305 days 5 49 years, 305 days Democratic New YorkMarch 4, 1923 – January 3, 19731888–1981
6 49 years, 12 days 6 49 years, 12 days Republican March 6, 1973 – March 18, 20221933–2022
7 48 years, 257 days 7 48 years, 257 days Democratic TexasMarch 4, 1913 – November 16, 19611882–1961
8 48 years, 0 days 999 Sidney R. Yates (I) DemocraticJanuary 3, 1949 – January 3, 1963
January 3, 1965 – January 3, 1999
9 47 years, 3 days 8 47 years, 3 days Democratic TexasMarch 4, 1929 – March 7, 19761893–1976
10 46 years, 0 days 9 46 years, 0 days Democratic New YorkJanuary 3, 1971 – January 3, 20171930–present
11 46 years, 0 days 999 Joseph Gurney Cannon (I) Republican Illinois March 4, 1873 – March 3, 1891
March 4, 1893 – March 3, 1913
March 4, 1915 – March 3, 1923
12 45 years, 247 days 10 45 years, 247 days Democratic IllinoisMarch 4, 1907 – November 6, 19521866–1952
13 44 years, 0 days 11 44 years, 0 days Democratic TexasJanuary 3, 1935 – January 3, 19791900–1985
14 44 years, 0 days 12 44 years, 0 days Democratic FloridaJanuary 3, 1949 – January 3, 19931910–2003
15 13 Republican Since January 3, 1981 1937–present
16 14 Republican Since January 3, 1981 1953–present
17 43 years, 110 days 15 43 years, 110 days Democratic IllinoisJanuary 3, 1945 – April 22, 19881905–1988
18 16 Democratic Since May 19, 1981 1939–present
19 42 years, 288 days 17 42 years, 288 days Republican FloridaJanuary 3, 1971 – October 18, 20131930–2013
20 42 years, 58 days 18 42 years, 58 days Democratic MassachusettsNovember 6, 1928 – January 3, 19711891–1980
21 42 years, 0 days 19 42 years, 0 days Democratic TexasJanuary 3, 1953 – January 3, 19951922–2012
22 42 years, 0 days 20 42 years, 0 days Republican January 3, 1979 – January 3, 2021 1943–present
23 41 years, 362 days21 41 years, 362 days Democratic TexasJanuary 3, 1937 – December 31, 19781899–1987
24 41 years, 305 days 22 41 years, 305 days Democratic North CarolinaMarch 4, 1911 – January 3, 19531863–1954
25 41 years, 305 days 23 41 years, 305 days Republican MassachusettsMarch 4, 1925 – January 3, 19671884–1968
26 41 years, 276 days 24 41 years, 276 days Democratic WisconsinApril 1, 1969 – January 3, 20111938–present
27 25 Democratic Since January 3, 1983 1946–present
28 41 years, 69 days 26 41 years, 69 days Democratic MissouriMarch 4, 1923 – May 12, 19641879–1964
29 40 years, 240 days 27 40 years, 240 days Democratic KentuckyAugust 1, 1953 – March 29, 19941909–1994
30 40 years, 0 days 28 40 years, 0 days Democratic New JerseyJanuary 3, 1949 – January 3, 19891909–2005
31 40 years, 0 days 29 40 years, 0 days Democratic CaliforniaJanuary 3, 1973 – January 3, 20131931–2020
32 40 years, 0 days 30 40 years, 0 days Democratic CaliforniaJanuary 3, 1975 – January 3, 20151945–present
33 40 years, 0 days 31 40 years, 0 days Democratic CaliforniaJanuary 3, 1975 – January 3, 20151939–present
34 39 years, 362 days 32 39 years, 362 days Republican IllinoisJanuary 3, 1935 – December 31, 19741895–1985
35 39 years, 352 days 33 39 years, 352 days Republican New YorkMarch 4, 1919 – February 19, 19591875–1959
36 39 years, 305 days 34 39 years, 305 days Republican New YorkMarch 4, 1923 – January 3, 19631880–1965
37 39 years, 305 days 35 39 years, 305 days Democratic MississippiMarch 4, 1933 – January 3, 19731890–1980
38 38 years, 0 days 36 38 years, 0 days Democratic ArkansasJanuary 3, 1939 – January 3, 19771909–1992
39 38 years, 0 days 37 38 years, 0 days Democratic FloridaJanuary 3, 1955 – January 3, 19931917–1998
40 38 years, 0 days 38 38 years, 0 days Republican IllinoisJanuary 3, 1957 – January 3, 19951923–2017
41 38 years, 0 days 39 38 years, 0 days Democratic West VirginiaJanuary 3, 1977 – January 3, 20151949–present
42 37 years, 305 days 999 Robert Crosser (I) Democratic Ohio March 4, 1913 – March 3, 1919
March 4, 1923 – January 3, 1955
43 37 years, 290 days 999 Bob Sikes (I) Democratic Florida January 3, 1941 – October 19, 1944
January 3, 1945 – January 3, 1979
44 40 Democratic California Since June 2, 1987 1940–present
45 37 years, 60 days 41 37 years, 60 days Democratic Texas November 4, 1961 – January 3, 19991916–2000
46 36 years, 256 days 42 36 years, 256 days Democratic MassachusettsNovember 2, 1976 – July 15, 20131946–present
47 36 years, 3 days 43 36 years, 3 days Democratic PennsylvaniaFebruary 5, 1974 – February 8, 20101932–2010
48 36 years, 0 days 44 36 years, 0 days Democratic LouisianaJanuary 3, 1941 – January 3, 19771901–1979
49 36 years, 0 days 45 36 years, 0 days Democratic MassachusettsJanuary 3, 1953 – January 3, 19891911–2001
50 36 years, 0 days 46 36 years, 0 days Republican MichiganJanuary 3, 1957 – January 3, 19931922–2019
51 36 years, 0 days 47 36 years, 0 days Democratic IllinoisJanuary 3, 1959 – January 3, 19951928–2010
52 36 years, 0 days 48 36 years, 0 days Democratic IowaJanuary 3, 1959 – January 3, 19951920–2021
53 36 years, 0 days 49 36 years, 0 days Republican PennsylvaniaJanuary 3, 1963 – January 3, 19991931–2017
54 36 years, 0 days 50 36 years, 0 days Republican OhioJanuary 3, 1973 – January 3, 20091924–2017
55 36 years, 0 days 51 36 years, 0 days Democratic–Farmer–Labor MinnesotaJanuary 3, 1975 – January 3, 20111934–2014
56 36 years, 0 days 52 36 years, 0 days Democratic WashingtonJanuary 3, 1977 – January 3, 20131940–present
57 36 years, 0 days 53 36 years, 0 days Democratic MichiganJanuary 3, 1977 – January 3, 20131929–2021
58 36 years, 0 days 54 36 years, 0 days Democratic MichiganJanuary 3, 1983 – January 3, 20191931–present
59 36 years, 0 days 55 36 years, 0 days Democratic IndianaJanuary 3, 1985 – January 3, 20211949–present
60 36 years, 0 days 56 36 years, 0 days Democratic OregonJanuary 3, 1987 – January 3, 20231947–present
61 36 years, 0 days 57 36 years, 0 days Republican MichiganJanuary 3, 1987 – January 3, 20231953–present

See also
