List of members of the State Great Khural, 2016–2020 explained

2016-2020 State Great Khural
Body:State Great Khural
Meeting Place:Government Palace
Election:2016 Mongolian parliamentary election
Government:Jargaltulgyn Erdenebat government
(until 4 October 2017)
Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh government
(since 4 October 2017)
Term Start:5 July 2016
Term End:2 July 2020
Chamber1:State Great Khural
Chamber1 Image:Mongolian State Great Khural 2016.svg
Chamber1 Leader1 Type:Chairman
Chamber1 Leader1:Miyeegombyn Enkhbold (until 1 February 2019)
Gombojavyn Zandanshatar (since 1 February 2019)
Chamber1 Leader2 Type:Deputy Chairmen
Chamber1 Leader2:Tsendiin Nyamdorj (until 2017)
Luvsantserengiin Enkh-Amgalan (since 2017)
Yadamsürengiin Sanjmyatav
Chamber1 Leader3 Type:Prime Minister
Chamber1 Leader3:Jargaltulgyn Erdenebat (until 4 October 2017)
Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh (since 4 October 2017)

The 2016–2020 State Great Khural was the seventh session of the State Great Khural which first convened on 5 July 2016 and remained in session until 2 July 2020. Its members were first elected in the 2016 parliamentary election held on 29 June 2016.


+Parties in the 2016– State Great Khural!Group!Seats! %
  Mongolian People's Party6585.5
  Democratic Party911.9
  Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party11.3


1st Ганзоригийн Тэмүүлэн Mongolian People's Party
2nd Ёндонпэрэнлэйн Баатарбилэг Mongolian People's Party
3rd Жамъянгийн Мөнхбат Mongolian People's Party
4th Гомбожайн Солтан Mongolian People's Party
5th Хавдисламын Баделхан Mongolian People's Party
6th Дакейн Мурат Mongolian Democratic Party
7th Гомбожавын Занданшатар Mongolian People's Party
8th Магваны Билэгт Mongolian People's Party
9th Лхагваагийн Элдэв-Очир Mongolian People's Party
10th Жадамбын Бат-Эрдэнэ Mongolian People's Party
11th Шатарбалын Раднаасэд Mongolian People's Party
12th Гомпилдоогийн Мөнхцэцэг Mongolian People's Party
13th Борхүүгийн Дэлгэрсайхан Mongolian People's Party
14th Хаянгаагийн Болорчулуун Mongolian People's Party
15th Нямтайширын Номтойбаяр Mongolian People's Party
16th Батсүхийн Наранхүү Mongolian Democratic Party
17th Ядамсүрэнгийн Санжмятав Mongolian Democratic Party
18th Загдхүүгийн Нарантуяа Mongolian Democratic Party
19th Янгугийн Содбаатар Mongolian People's Party
20th Дуламдоржийн Тогтохсүрэн Mongolian People's Party
21st Содномын Чинзориг Mongolian People's Party
22nd Намсрайн Амарзаяа Mongolian People's Party
23rd Лувсангийн Энхболд Mongolian People's Party
24th Чүлтэмийн Улаан Mongolian People's Party
25th Наваан-Юндэнгийн Оюндарь Mongolian People's Party
26th Жаргалтулгын Эрдэнэбат Mongolian People's Party
27th Дондогдоржийн Эрдэнэбат Mongolian Democratic Party
28th Миеэгомбын Энхболд Mongolian People's Party
29th Агваансамдагийн Сүхбат Mongolian People's Party
30th Нямаагийн Энхболд Mongolian People's Party
31st Баттогтохын Чойжилсүрэн Mongolian People's Party
32nd Намсрайн Цэрэнбат Mongolian People's Party
33rd Чимэдийн Хүрэлбаатар Mongolian People's Party
34th Бөхчулууны Пүрэвдорж Mongolian Democratic Party
35th Сандагийн Бямбацогт Mongolian People's Party
36th Отгоогийн Батнасан Mongolian People's Party
37th Лхагвын Мөнхбаатар Mongolian People's Party
38th Цэрэнпилийн Даваасүрэн Mongolian People's Party
39th Лувсанцэрэнгийн Энх-Амгалан Mongolian People's Party
40th Бадмаанямбуурийн Бат-Эрдэнэ Mongolian People's Party
41st Лувсаннамсрайн Оюун-Эрдэнэ Mongolian People's Party
42nd Дорждугарын Гантулга Mongolian People's Party
43rd Баагаагийн Баттөмөр Mongolian People's Party
44th Болдын Жавхлан Mongolian People's Party
45th Дамдины Хаянхярваа Mongolian People's Party
46th Отгонбилэгийн Содбилэг Mongolian People's Party
47th Октябрийн Баасанхүү Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party
48th Дорждамбын Дамба-Очир Mongolian People's Party
49th Дүламсүрэнгийн Оюунхорол Mongolian People's Party
50th Жадамбын Энхбаяр Mongolian People's Party
51st Батсүхийн Саранчимэг Mongolian People's Party
52nd Батжаргалын Батзориг Mongolian People's Party
53rd Жалбасүрэнгийн Батзандан Mongolian Democratic Party
54th Самандын ЖавхланIndependent
BagakhangaiKhan Uul
55th Даваажанцангийн Сарангэрэл Mongolian People's Party
56th Цэндийн Нямдорж Mongolian People's Party
57th Лувсанвандангийн Болд Mongolian Democratic Party
58th Бямбасүрэнгийн Энх-Амгалан Mongolian People's Party
59th Дамдины Цогтбаатар Mongolian People's Party
60th Цэндийн Мөнх-Оргил Mongolian People's Party
61st Сүхбаатарын Батболд Mongolian People's Party
62nd Цэдэнбалын Цогзолмаа Mongolian People's Party
63rd Төмөрбаатарын Аюурсайхан Mongolian People's Party
64th Мөнхөөгийн Оюунчимэг Mongolian People's Party
65th Өлзийсайханы Энхтүвшин Mongolian People's Party
66th Даваагийн Ганболд Mongolian People's Party
67th Агваанлувсангийн Ундраа Mongolian People's Party
68th Жамбалын Ганбаатар Mongolian People's Party
69th Содномзундуйн Эрдэнэ Mongolian Democratic Party
70th Данзангийн Лүндээжанцан Mongolian People's Party
Songino Khairkhan
71st Цэдэнгийн Гарамжав Mongolian People's Party
72nd Ням-Осорын Учрал Mongolian People's Party
73rd Долгорсүрэнгийн Сумъяабазар Mongolian People's Party
74th Дэндэвийн Тэрбишдагва Mongolian People's Party
75th Батбаярын Ундармаа Mongolian People's Party
76th Хишгээгийн Нямбаатар Mongolian People's Party

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Mongolia's State Great Hural . (in Mongolian) . 6 August 2013.