List of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (1956–1959) explained

The following article lists the members of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 1956–1959 period. Its membership consisted of 257 members elected in the 1955 Indonesian legislative election and 15 members appointed as representatives of ethnic minorities and Papua, which was then under the control of the Netherlands.


Fractions in the house consisted of two types: single-party fractions (marked in green) and multi-party fractions (marked in yellow).

! Fraction name! Elected members! Appointed members! Total members
Masyumi Party57360
Nahdlatul Ulama45247
Communist Party of Indonesia32032
National Progressive11 011
Indonesian Christian Party819
Catholic7 18
Proclamation Supporter6
  • Labor Party (2)
  • PRI (2)
  • PRIM (1)
  • PRD (1)
Development 707
Indonesian Socialist Party505
Islamic Education Movement404
League of Supporters of Indonesian Independence415
Movement to Defend the Pancasila 202
Police Employee's Association of the Republic of Indonesia202
Islamic Tharikah Unity Party101
Independent 022


OfficeMembership NumberConstituencyPortraitNamePartyRefs
Speaker1Central JavaSartonoPNI
Deputy Speaker17South SumatraZainul ArifinNU
Deputy Speaker57West JavaArudji KartawinataPSII
Deputy Speaker11South SumatraZainal Abidin AhmadMasyumi


!Name!Photo!Membership Number!Constituency!Fraction!Party!Notes
Abdullah Afandi127East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Abdul Azis112East JavaIslamic Victory Force
Abdul Aziz Dijar106East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Abdul Hakim88North SumatraMasyumi
Abdul Rasjid Faqih138Southeast Sulawesi/South SulawesiMasyumi
Abdul Wachid Soejoso109East JavaMasyumi
Abdullah Gathmyr69South SumatraNahdlatul Ulama
Abdulmutalib Daeng Talu172East Nusa TenggaraGreat Indonesia Unity Party - Hazairin
Abdulrozak156South SumatraResigned on 1 June 1957.
Abdul Wahab Hasbullah73East Java
Abdulhajat55West JavaDevelopmentDied in Jakarta on 15 September 1958
Achmad Ghozali130East Java
Achmad Siddiq131East Java
Achmad Sjaichu114East Java
Achsien 199East Java
Adam Malik84Jakarta
Ahem Erningpradja249West JavaResigned on 12 July 1959.
Muhammad Ahmad181West Java
Ahmad Dara Sjahruddin243Southeast Sulawesi/South Sulawesi
Dipa Nusantara Aidit256Central Java
Muhammad Akib144Southeast Sulawesi/South Sulawesi
Ali Akbar15Central Sumatra
Mohammad Ali Pratamingkusumo123East Java
Ali Sastroamidjojo38East JavaNonactive since 24 March 1956.
Resigned on 20 June 1957.
Ambio124East Java
Amir Anwar204West JavaResigned on 28 November 1956.
Amung Amran202West Java
Andi Sewang Daeng Muntu137Southeast Sulawesi/South Sulawesi
Anuarbek170West Nusa Tenggara
Anwar Harjono8East Java
Anwar Musaddad227Central Java
Anwar Tjokroaminoto75South Sumatra
Muhammad Anwar Zain236East Java
Daeng Muhammad Ardiwinata241West Java
Ardiwinangun179West Java
Arudji Kartawinata57West Java
Asmah Sjachrunie239South Kalimantan
Asmuni183West Java
Asraroedin87West JavaProclamation Supporter Labor Party
Hussein Saleh Assegaff139South Sulawesi/South East Sulawesi
Emong Wiratama Astapradja139West JavaProclamation Supporter
Atmodarminto216Central JavaNational Progressive Grindra
Ahmad Balja Umar234Central Java
Muhamad Basah198Central JavaPolice Employee's Association of the Republic of Indonesia
Abdul Basjid247Central Java
Soleman Dairo Bili99East Nusa Tenggara
Burhanuddin Harahap52Central Java
Brodjotruno Maniudin105East Java
A.Chamid Wijaya21West Nusa Tenggara
Muhammad Dahlan53East Java
Muhammad Dalijono233Central Java
Darsono176West Java
Djadi Wirosubroto223Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Djadil Abdullah158South SumatraMasyumi
Djadja Wiriasumita189West JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Tjetje Djaja Rachmat193West JavaMasyumi
Syekh Haji Djalaluddin163Central SumatraIslamic Tharikah Unity Party
Djerman Prawira Winata180West JavaMasyumi
Djody Gondokusumo64West JavaNational Progressive National People's Party
Muhammad Djunaidi bin Abdul Azis56JakartaNahdlatul Ulama
Djokosudjono34Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Djumhur Hakim175West Nusa TenggaraIndonesian National Party
Djunah Pardjaman192West JavaMasyumi
Doedi Soemawidjaja185West JavaIndonesian National Party
Gondulphus Doeriat229Central JavaCatholicCatholic Party
Ajip Muhammad Dzuhri37West JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Muhamad Fadil Dasuki190West JavaMasyumi
Fakih Usman67West JavaMasyumi
Gatot Mangkoepradja186West JavaMovement to Defend the Pancasila
Hadikusumo2Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Hadinijah Hadi Ngabdulhadi134East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Hafni Zahra Abu Hanifah Thaib91East JavaMasyumi
Hamid Algadri18West Nusa TenggaraIndonesian Socialist Party
Mohammad Hanafiah238South KalimantanNahdlatul Ulama
Imam Soeparni Handoko Widjojo128East JavaIndonesian National Party
Hardi80JakartaIndonesian National Party
Hariadi Jadipranoto219JakartaNational Progressive National People's Party
Harsono Tjokroaminoto121Southeast Sulawesi/South SulawesiIndonesian Islamic Union Party
Hartojo Prawirosudarmo93West JavaDevelopment
Hasan Basry3South KalimantanMasyumi
Natiar Hulman Lumbantobing12North SumatraIndonesian National Party
Hutomo Supardan92Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Ibnu Parna208West JavaNational ProgressiveAcoma Party
Ido Garnida182West JavaProclamation Supporter Party of the People of Free Indonesia
Imam Soetardjo81East JavaProclamation Supporter Labor Party
Zakaria Imban246North Sulawesi/Central SulawesiIndonesian Islamic Union Party
Imron Rosjadi253West JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Mohamad Isa155South SumatraIndonesian National Party
Muhammad Isa Anshari200West JavaMasyumi
Mohammad Amin Iskandar9West JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Ismail Napu5North Sulawesi/Central SulawesiMasyumi
Ismangoen Poedjowidagdo19Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Mohammad Isnaeni254East JavaIndonesian National Party
Jahja Siregar248North SumatraMasyumi
Jusuf Adjitorop149North SumatraCommunist Party of Indonesia
L.Kape171East Nusa TenggaraCatholicCatholic Party
Ignatius Joseph Kasimo Hendrowahyono25East JavaCatholicCatholic Party
Kasman Singodimedjo59West JavaMasyumi
Katamsi Sutisna Sendjaja 206West JavaLeague of Supporters of Indonesian Independence
Kiagus Alwi 169West Nusa TenggaraMasyumi
Rahendro Koesnan 13Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Lastari Sutrasno 44East JavaIndonesian National Party
Johannes Leimena65MalukuIndonesian Christian Party
Muhammad Hatta Lukman48Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Lukas Kustaryo242West JavaLeague of Supporters of Indonesian Independence
Mahmudah Mawardi85Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Manai Sophiaan27Southeast Sulawesi/South SulawesiIndonesian National Party
Sarmidi Mangunsarkoro33Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Entol Muhammad Mansjur203West JavaIndonesian National Party
Mansoer Daoed Datuk Palimo Kayo 160Central SumatraMasyumi
Ida Bagus Putra Manuaba41West Nusa TenggaraIndonesian National Party
Mariam Kanta Sumpena195Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Ma'rifat Mardjani159Central SumatraIslamic Education Movement
Marijamah Djunaedi207East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Masjhur Azhari154South SumatraMasyumi
Masjhur Rifai97West KalimantanMasyumi
Masjkur50East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
D. S. Matakupan89East Nusa TenggaraCatholicCatholic Party
Mawardi Noor150North SumatraMasyumi
Memet Tanumidjaja201East JavaPolice Employee's Association of the Republic of Indonesia
Misbach110East Java
Moedawari111East Java
Moedikdio26Central Java
Gusti Abdul Moeis60South Kalimantan
Moeljadi Notowardojo126East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Moenadir103Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Moersid Idris96West KalimantanIndonesian National Party
Murtadji Bisri104East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Moelisch214Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Christoffel Joseph Mooy174East Nusa TenggaraIndonesian Christian Party
Munir Abisudjak83Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Muslich225Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Engkin Zainal Muttaqien188West JavaMasyumi
Mohammad Natsir90West JavaMasyumi
Njak Diwan153North SumatraIslamic Education Movement
Njono252Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Njoto42East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Noerjahman235Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Mohammad Noor142Southeast Sulawesi/South SulawesiMasyumi
Abdoel Ghani Mohammad Noor133East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Notosukardjo232Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Nungtjik bin Hadji Abdul Roni157South SumatraCommunist Party of Indonesia
A. Nunung Kusnadi194West JavaIndonesian Islamic Union Party
Muhammad Nur el Ibrahimy82North SumatraMasyumi
Osa Maliki178West JavaIndonesian National Party
Franciscus Conradus Palaoensoeka6West KalimantanCatholicDayak Unity Party
Pamudji220Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Pandu Kartawiguna205West JavaNational ProgressiveMurba Party
Oter Pardikin Partoadiwidjojo230Central JavaIndonesian Islamic Union Party
Peris Parede22West JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Jacob Piry167East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Poeger129East JavaIndonesian National Party
Prawoto Mangkusasmito36Central JavaMasyumi
Rahmah el Yunusiyah164Central SumatraMasyumi
Boudewijn Jeremias Rambitan10North Sulawesi/Central SulawesiIndonesian National Party
Rasjid Sutan Radja Emas32East JavaIndonesian National Party
Ridwan Sjahrani240South KalimantanNahdlatul Ulama
Roestamadji210Central JavaProclamation Supporter Indonesian People's Party
Runturambi54East JavaDevelopmentCommunist Party of Indonesia
Saalah Yusuf Sutan Mangkuto161Central SumatraMasyumi
Sjafi'ie136East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Sahar Gelar Sutan Besar152North SumatraMasyumi
Sahlan Ridwan224Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Muhammad Saifuddin140South Sulawesi/Southeast SulawesiNahdlatul Ulama
V. B. Saka165East Nusa TenggaraCatholicCatholic Party
Sakirman43Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Charlotte Salawati Daud141JakartaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Saleh Soerjoningprodjo113East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Saleh Umar61North SumatraIndonesian National Party
Mohammad Sardjan70East JavaMasyumi
Sartono1Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Sastra191West JavaIndonesian Socialist Party
Selamat Ginting148North SumatraIndonesian National Party
Semanhadi Sastrowidjojo116East JavaIndonesian National Party
Huibert Senduk143Southeast Sulawesi/South SulawesiIndonesian Christian Party
Siauw Giok Tjhan24Central JavaNational ProgressiveConsultative Council for Indonesian Citizenship
Sidik Kertapati58West JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Singgih Tirtosoediro39Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Siradjuddin Abbas14Central SumatraIslamic Education Movement
Melanchton Siregar151North SumatraIndonesian Christian Party
Siswojo211Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Sjahbudin Latif20North Sulawesi/Central SulawesiIndonesian Islamic Union Party
Saifuddin Zuhri31Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Sjarif Usman78JakartaMasyumi
Soeatmadji119East JavaIndonesian National Party
Soebadio Sastrosatomo244East JavaIndonesian Socialist Party
Soebagio Reksodipuro244West JavaIndonesian National Party
Soedarsono79Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Soediman Puspowidagdo209Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Soedjito108East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Soedjono71East JavaDevelopmentCommunist Party of Indonesia
Soedjono Prawirosoedarso135East JavaNational ProgressiveSoedjono Prawirosoedarso
Soejoedi228East JavaIndonesian National Party
Soekamsi Djojoadiprodjo222Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Soelaeman Widjojosoebroto197West JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Soemardi Jatmosoemarto 255Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Soemari 218Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Soemitro Kolopaking 251Central JavaLeague of Supporters of Indonesian Independence
Soenardjo250Central JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Soepardi118East JavaDevelopmentCommunist Party of Indonesia
Soepeni Poedjoboentoro118East JavaIndonesian National Party
Soeprapto117East JavaMasyumi
Soeprapto101East JavaDevelopmentCommunist Party of Indonesia
Suroso Pringgosoeseno187West JavaIndonesian National Party
Soesilo Prawirosoesanto231Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Soetarto Hadisoedibjo23East Nusa TenggaraCatholicCatholic Party
Soetojo Mertodimoeljo95East JavaIndonesian National Party
Soetoko Djojosoebroto226Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Sutomo94East JavaProclamation Supporter Indonesian People's Party
Soewono120East JavaIndonesian National Party
Mohamad Soleman145MalukuMasyumi
Manuel Sondakh146North Sulawesi/Central SulawesiIndonesian Christian Party
I Gusti Gde Subamia168West Nusa TenggaraIndonesian National Party
Sudisman77East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Sudjono Hardjosudiro72West JavaMasyumi
Sudojo115East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
I Made Sugitha166West Nusa TenggaraIndonesian Socialist Party
Suhaimi Rachman28West JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Suhardjo100West JavaIndonesian Islamic Union Party
Suharti Suwarto51Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Sukatno Hoeseni40East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Soekiman Wirjosandjojo35Central JavaMasyumi
Sunarjo Mangunpuspito217Central JavaMasyumi
Sundari Abdulrachman212Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Supeno Hadisiswojo49East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Sutijah Suryahadi215Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Sutjipto221Central JavaIndonesian National Party
Suzanna Hamdani257West JavaIndonesian Islamic Union Party
Willem Linggi Tambing147Southeast Sulawesi/South SulawesiIndonesian Christian Party
Albert Mangaratua Tambunan66North SumatraIndonesian Christian Party
S.M Thaher196West JavaIndonesian National Party
Teuku Mohamad Thaher Thajeb47North SumatraCommunist Party of Indonesia
Muhammad Thajib Abdullah173East Nusa TenggaraMasyumi
Tjikwan4South SumatraMasyumi
Tjoo Tik Tjoen4East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Tjugito237East JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Udin Sjamsudin7North SumatraMasyumi
Umi Sardjono86East JavaDevelopmentCommunist Party of Indonesia
Samadi Utarjo62Central JavaCommunist Party of Indonesia
Uwes Abubakar184West JavaMasyumi
Muhammad Wahib Wahab102East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Wasis125East JavaIndonesian National Party
Karsono Werdojo76East JavaNational ProgressiveIndonesian Marhaen People's Union
Wilopo63West JavaIndonesian National Party
Wongsonegoro74Central JavaNational ProgressiveGreat Indonesia Unity Party - Wongsonegoro
Mohammad Yamin29West JavaMovement to Defend the Pancasila
Mohammad Yunan Nasution46JakartaMasyumi
Zainal Abidin Ahmad11Central SumatraMasyumi
Zainal Arifin Tanamas122East JavaNahdlatul Ulama
Zainul Arifin17North SumatraNahdlatul Ulama


!Name!Photo!Membership Number!Fraction!Notes
D. Hage268European Minority
Albert Karubuy260Unity (representing West Irian)
J.R. Koot270European Minority
Lie Po Yoe271Chinese Minority
Oei Tjeng Hien263Chinese Minority
Muhammad Padang258Unity (representing West Irian)
Johannes Cornelis Princen265European Minority
Christoffel M. du Puy266European Minority
J.L.W.R. Rhemrev269European Minority
Silas Papare259Unity (representing West Irian)
Tan Eng Hong264Chinese Minority
Tan Kiem Liong262Chinese Minority
Tjung Tin Jan261Chinese Minority
E.F. Wens267European Minority
Ang Tjiang Liat272Chinese Minority