List of members of the Storting, 2013–2017 explained

Between 9 October 2013 and 30 September 2017, the Parliament of Norway consisted of 169 members from 8 parties and 19 constituencies, elected during the 2013 Norwegian parliamentary election on 8 and 9 September. The center-right block received a majority of the seats, with the two largest right-wing parties, the Conservative Party (48 members) and the Progress Party (29 members) forming the minority Solberg's Cabinet. The cabinet had parliamentary support from the Christian Democratic Party (10 members) and the Liberal Party (9 members). The opposition consisted of the Labour Party (55 members), the Centre Party (10 members), the Socialist Left Party (7 members) and the Green Party (1 member).

Members of the Parliament of Norway are elected based on party-list proportional representation in plural member constituencies. The representatives from different political parties were elected from 19 constituencies, which are identical to the 19 counties. The electorate did not vote for individuals but rather for party lists, with a ranked list of candidates nominated by the party. This means that the person on top of the list would get the seat unless the voter alters the ballot. Parties could nominate candidates from outside their own constituency, and even Norwegian citizens currently living abroad.[1]

The Sainte-Laguë method was used for allocating parliamentary seats to parties. As a result, the percentage of representatives was roughly equal to the nationwide percentage of votes. Conversely, if a party's initial representation in Parliament was proportionally less than its share of votes, the party might seat more representatives through leveling seats, provided that the nationwide percentage is above the election threshold, at 4 percent. Since 2005, nineteen seats in each parliament have been allocated via the leveling system.[1]

If a representative was absent for whatever reason, his or her seat were filled by a candidate from the same party-list—in other words, there are no by-elections. Representatives who died during the term were replaced permanently, whereas representatives who were appointed to a government position, such as government minister (cabinet member) or state secretary, were replaced by a deputy representative until the representative no longer holds the government position.[2] Deputy representatives also meet during typically short-term absence, like when a representative travels abroad with a parliamentary work group or is absent for health reasons.

By county and party

The following is a breakdown of the intersection of parties and constituencies.

scope=col Constituencyscope=col Soc. Leftscope=col Labourscope=col Centrescope=col Greenscope=col Chr. Dem.scope=col Liberalscope=col Cons.scope=col Progressscope=col Total
scope=row Aust-Agder0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 4
scope=row Vest-Agder0 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 6
scope=row Akershus1 5 0 0 0 1 7 3 17
scope=row Buskerud0 3 1 0 0 0 3 2 9
scope=row Finnmark1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 5
scope=row Hedmark1 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 7
scope=row Hordaland1 4 1 0 1 1 6 2 16
scope=row Møre og Romsdal1 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 9
scope=row Nordland0 4 1 0 0 0 2 2 9
scope=row Oppland0 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 7
scope=row Oslo1 6 0 1 1 2 6 2 19
scope=row Rogaland0 3 1 0 2 1 4 3 14
scope=row Sogn og Fjordane0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4
scope=row Telemark0 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 6
scope=row Troms1 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 7
scope=row Nord-Trøndelag0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 5
scope=row Sør-Trøndelag1 4 1 0 0 0 2 2 10
scope=row Vestfold0 2 0 0 1 0 2 2 7
scope=row 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 2 9
scope=row Total7 55 10 1 10 9 48 29 169


The following is a list of members elected to the parliament in the 2013 election. It consists of the representative's name, party, and constituency, in addition to noting members assigned to government and deceased, with their regular deputy, chair and deputy chairs of standing committees, parliamentary leaders of the parties and representatives elected through a leveling seat.

When the Solberg's Cabinet was announced, nine representatives were given ministerial positions and a tenth representative is a state secretary. Deputies took their seats while the elected members are serving in the cabinet.[3]

scope=col Namescope=col Partyscope=col Constituencyscope=col class=unsortable Commentsscope=col class=unsortable Refs
scope=row LabourAust-Agder
scope=row ConservativeAust-Agder
scope=row ProgressAust-Agder
scope=row Christian DemocraticAust-AgderLeveling seat
scope=row ConservativeVest-Agder
scope=row LabourVest-Agder
scope=row ProgressVest-Agder
scope=row Christian DemocraticVest-Agder
scope=row ConservativeVest-Agder
scope=row LabourVest-AgderLeveling seat
scope=row ConservativeAkershusMinister of Local Government and Modernisation in Solberg's Cabinet. Hårek Elvenes met in his place.
scope=row LabourAkershusChair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence
scope=row ProgressAkershusChair of the Standing Committee on Health and Care Services
scope=row ConservativeAkershus
scope=row LabourAkershus
scope=row ConservativeAkershus
scope=row LabourAkershus
scope=row ProgressAkershus
scope=row ConservativeAkershus
scope=row LiberalAkershus
scope=row LabourAkershus
scope=row ConservativeAkershus
scope=row ProgressAkershus
scope=row LabourAkershus
scope=row ConservativeAkershus
scope=row ConservativeAkershus
scope=row Socialist LeftAkershusLeveling seat
scope=row LabourBuskerudChair of the Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs
scope=row ConservativeBuskerud
scope=row ProgressBuskerud
scope=row LabourBuskerud
scope=row ConservativeBuskerud
scope=row LabourBuskerud
scope=row ProgressBuskerud
scope=row ConservativeBuskerud
scope=row CentreBuskerudLeveling seat
scope=row LabourFinnmark
scope=row ConservativeFinnmarkMinister of European Affairs and Nordic Cooperation from 20 December 2016. Deputy Laila Davidsen met in his place.
scope=row LabourFinnmark
scope=row ProgressFinnmark
scope=row Socialist LeftFinnmarkLeveling seat
scope=row LabourHedmark
scope=row LabourHedmark
scope=row ConservativeHedmark
scope=row ProgressHedmark
scope=row LabourHedmark
scope=row CentreHedmark
scope=row Socialist LeftHedmarkLeveling seat
scope=row ConservativeHordalandPrime Minister. Erik Skutle met in her place.
scope=row LabourHordaland
scope=row ProgressHordalandState Secretary between June 2015 and December 2016. Laila Reiertsen met in his place.
scope=row ConservativeHordaland
scope=row LabourHordaland
scope=row ConservativeHordaland
scope=row Christian DemocraticHordaland
scope=row ProgressHordalandChair of the Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration
scope=row LabourHordaland
scope=row ConservativeHordaland
scope=row LiberalHordaland
scope=row LabourHordaland
scope=row Socialist LeftHordaland
scope=row ConservativeHordaland
scope=row CentreHordaland
scope=row ConservativeHordalandLeveling seat
scope=row ConservativeMøre og Romsdal
scope=row LabourMøre og Romsdal
scope=row ProgressMøre og Romsdal
scope=row ConservativeMøre og Romsdal
scope=row LabourMøre og Romsdal
scope=row ProgressMøre og Romsdal
scope=row Christian DemocraticMøre og Romsdal
scope=row CentreMøre og Romsdal
scope=row LiberalMøre og RomsdalLeveling seat
scope=row LabourNordland
scope=row ConservativeNordland
scope=row ProgressNordland
scope=row LabourNordland
scope=row ConservativeNordland
scope=row LabourNordland
scope=row ProgressNordland
scope=row LabourNordland
scope=row CentreNordlandLeveling seat
scope=row LabourOppland
scope=row LabourOppland
scope=row ConservativeOpplandPresident of the Parliament
scope=row ProgressOppland
scope=row CentreOppland
scope=row LabourOppland
scope=row LiberalOpplandLeveling seat
scope=row LabourOsloGranted leave to assume the position of Secretary General of NATO from 1 October 2014. Truls Wickholm met in his place.
scope=row ConservativeOsloMinister of Defence in Solberg's Cabinet. Heidi Nordby Lunde met in her place.
scope=row LabourOsloChair of the Standing Committee on Justice
scope=row ConservativeOslo
scope=row ProgressOsloMinister of Finance in Solberg's Cabinet. Mazyar Keshvari met in her place.
scope=row LabourOslo
scope=row ConservativeOslo
scope=row LiberalOslo
scope=row Socialist LeftOslo
scope=row LabourOslo
scope=row ConservativeOslo
scope=row GreenOslo
scope=row ProgressOslo
scope=row LabourOslo
scope=row ConservativeOslo
scope=row LabourOslo
scope=row LiberalOsloChair of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment
scope=row ConservativeOslo
scope=row Christian DemocraticOsloLeveling seat, chair of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
scope=row ConservativeRogalandMinister of Health and Care Services in Solberg's Cabinet. Sveinung Stensland met in his place.
scope=row LabourRogaland
scope=row ProgressRogalandMinister of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion in Solberg's Cabinet. Helge Thorheim met in her place.
scope=row ConservativeRogaland
scope=row Christian DemocraticRogaland
scope=row LabourRogaland
scope=row ProgressRogaland
scope=row ConservativeRogalandChair of the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Affairs
scope=row LabourRogaland
scope=row ConservativeRogaland
scope=row ProgressRogaland
scope=row CentreRogaland
scope=row Christian DemocraticRogaland
scope=row LiberalRogalandLeveling seat
scope=row LabourSogn og Fjordane
scope=row CentreSogn og Fjordane
scope=row ConservativeSogn og Fjordane
scope=row LiberalSogn og FjordaneLeveling seat
scope=row LabourTelemark
scope=row ConservativeTelemarkMinister of Education and Research in Solberg's Cabinet. Solveig Sundbø Abrahamsen met in his place.
scope=row ProgressTelemarkState secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Communications until June 2015. Kristian Norheim met in his place.
scope=row LabourTelemark
scope=row LabourTelemark
scope=row Christian DemocraticTelemarkLeveling seat
scope=row LabourTroms
scope=row ConservativeTromsMinister of Fisheries in Solberg's Cabinet until 16 December 2015, then of European Affairs until 20 December 2016. Regina Alexandrova met in her place.
scope=row ProgressTroms
scope=row LabourTroms
scope=row ConservativeTroms
scope=row Socialist LeftTromsLeveling seat
scope=row LabourNord-Trøndelag
scope=row LabourNord-Trøndelag
scope=row CentreNord-TrøndelagChair of the Standing Committee on Business and Industry
scope=row ConservativeNord-Trøndelag
scope=row LiberalNord-TrøndelagLeveling seat
scope=row LabourSør-TrøndelagChair of the Standing Committee on Education, Research and Church Affairs
scope=row ConservativeSør-TrøndelagChair of the Standing Committee on Transport and Communications until 2015. Minister of Culture from 16 December 2015, whence Torhild Aarbergsbotten met in her place.
scope=row LabourSør-Trøndelag
scope=row ProgressSør-TrøndelagMinister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs from 16 December 2015. Lill Harriet Sandaune met in his place.
scope=row ConservativeSør Trøndelag
scope=row LabourSør-Trøndelag
scope=row LabourSør-Trøndelag
scope=row CentreSør-Trøndelag
scope=row ProgressSør-Trøndelag
scope=row Socialist LeftSør-TrøndelagLeveling seat
scope=row ConservativeVestfold
scope=row LabourVestfold
scope=row ProgressVestfoldMinister of Justice and Public Security in Solberg's Cabinet until 20 December 2016. Tom Holthe met in his place.
scope=row ConservativeVestfold
scope=row LabourVestfold
scope=row ProgressVestfold
scope=row Christian DemocraticVestfoldLeveling seat
scope=row LabourØstfold
scope=row ConservativeØstfold
scope=row ProgressØstfold
scope=row LabourØstfold
scope=row ConservativeØstfold
scope=row LabourØstfold
scope=row ProgressØstfold
scope=row ConservativeØstfold
scope=row Christian DemocraticØstfoldLeveling seat


Notes and References

  1. Book: Ryssevik, Jostein . I samfunnet. Norsk politikk . 2002 . Aschehoug . . no . 978-82-03-32852-7 .
  2. Book: Nordby, Trond . Trond Nordby . I politikkens sentrum. Variasjoner i Stortingets makt 1814–2004 . 2004 . Universitetsforlaget . Oslo] . no . 82-15-00651-5 . 98 .
  3. News: Disse overtar statsrådenes stortingsplasser. Moltubak. Roar Dalmo. 16 October 2013. TV 2. no. 22 October 2013.