List of members of the British Free Corps explained

This is a list of members of the British Free Corps. It is based on the list printed in Appendix 5 of Adrian Weale. Renegades: Hitler's Englishmen. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1994. .[1] The Corps (de|Britisches Freikorps) was a unit of the Waffen SS during World War II consisting of British and Dominion prisoners of war who had been recruited by the Nazis. The Corps used the SS rank structure. The column 'MI5 no.' refers to the number allocated to the member in question in MI5's Report on the British Free Corps dated 27 March 1945, which is printed in Appendix 1 of 'Renegades'.[2] Starting in February 1944, BFC members were ordered to adopt aliases for official purposes, although several declined to do so.[3]

After the War, some members of the Corps were prosecuted. Of those members, those who had been serving in the armed forces were court-martialed, while the merchant seamen and other civilians were tried in the Old Bailey. The column 'Seymer Category' refers to a list prepared by Colonel Vivian Home Seymer of MI5 on 30 August 1945 and which is held in file KV 2/2828, entitled 'The British Free Corps. Papers about the military unit established by the German authorities to exploit renegade British prisoners of war' in the National Archives.

Another list, containing at least 165 names, appears in Richard Landwehr, Britisches Freikorps PP77–88, Lulu, 2008. . However the author records many members of the Corps separately under their real names and their aliases, as set out in the list below:

List of members

MI5 no. BFC Rank Surname Forename Alias DetailsSentence MI5 Cat.[12] Jackals of the ReichBritish Rank Unit/ShipLandwehr number Alexander William J. Clyde "arrived towards the end of September 1944... a Glaswegian … the victim of compulsion because of his sexual liaisons with a German girl" "Tough, tattooed".[13] He was selected to box for the SS pioneers against the SS police in Prague in late 1944, but lost his bout. Planned to leave with Cowie, January 1945[14] Sent to the isolation camp at Drönnewitz[15] Home Office file – HO 45/25835data-sort-value=0.02"in the middle of 1946 ... called to an MI5 office and given a severe warning as to [his] future conduct". – Passed to DPS (sic) for consideration, August 1945IVdata-sort-value=CP105 – Pte Clyde (a corporal in the Highland Light Infantry)Private – 33144473. 128. 'Corporal Clyde' Axon Frank Atkins In late February 1945 ‘the last volunteer came forward. Frank Axon, from Crewe, had been taken prisoner in Greece in April 1941 ... Since then he had been employed as an agricultural labourer in detachments centred around Stalag XVIII-A at Wolfsberg in Austria, where in February 1945 he was accused of striking a cow, causing it to calve early. Threatened with punishment for this he was offered the alternative of joining the BFC which, unbelievable as it may seem, he accepted.’[16] Court martial papers – WO 71/1123data-sort-value=022 years’ imprisonment with hard labour at a court-martial[17] VIdata-sort-value=AP143 – "Ronald Atkins, a driver in the RAMC", P164 re sentenceLance-corporal – 182828Royal Army Service Corps26.
3. data-sort-value=1818 SS-MannBarker Ronald Voysey ‘entirely seduced by the prospect of more food, alcohol, tobacco and, above all, the opportunity to associate with women. Described by Cooper as ‘a man of very inferior intelligence’, he was an Australian, from Goulburn, New South Wales, and was captured on his ship, the, by the German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer in the Indian Ocean in 1941.’ Retrieved Cowie & Co. Shortly after 8/3/45 ‘Finally realizing that the British Free Corps was going to have to fight, Barker lost all of his former enthusiasm for anti-Communism and made himself ill by smoking aspirins; he was sent back to Berlin by a gullible medical officer.’ Took off towards Bremen, 9 April 1945[18] Home Office file – HO 45/25822data-sort-value=2[19] [20] 2 years' imprisonment with hard labour at the Old Bailey for offences against the Defence Regulations[21] data-sort-value=0data-sort-value=VPP 90, 147, 151 – David VoyseyMerchant Navy SeamanMV British Advocate 154. 126. 'David Voysey'
4. data-sort-value=2020 SS-Mann Batchelor Harry Dean Cameron/ Young From Kent ... captured by the Germans in Crete and recruited from a Stalag in Austria. Planned to leave with Cowie, January 1945 Left BFC outside Schwerin on 2 May 1945.[22] Court martial papers – WO 71/1121data-sort-value=0.01Acquitted because statement improperly taken VIdata-sort-value=CP89 – Charles CameronSapper – 1944855124. 'Charles Cameron'
5. data-sort-value=1919 SS-Mann Berry Kenneth Edward Jordan See Kenneth Berrydata-sort-value=0.759 months' imprisonment with hard labour at the Old Bailey for offences against the Defence Regulationsdata-sort-value=0data-sort-value=JEdward JordanMerchant Navy SeamanSS Cymbeline28. Berry, 87.-88. 'Edward Jordan', 89. 'Kenneth Edwards'
6. Not known Blackman Harry Charles[23] Not Known Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 ISergeant – 601022821.
7. data-sort-value=99 data-sort-value=4Brittain William Charles HundrupeSee William Brittain – National Archives – waiter and floorwalker in Bournemouth before War – Court martial papers – WO 71/1142data-sort-value=1010 yrs – released after 2 months on med. groundsVdata-sort-value=HPP61, 81-2, 154 – HundrupeLance-corporal – 5109799Royal Warwickshire Regiment serving in No. 4 Commando24. 121. 'Hundrupe'
8. Not known Browning Alfred Not known Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 – NA – stool pigeon Court martial papers – WO 71/1136data-sort-value=0.1Convicted at court-martialIdata-sort-value=RP72 – Possibly Pte Alfred RobinsonPrivate – 519294750., ?116. 'Alfred Robinson'
9. Not known Chapman NA – William James Not known Left Pankow December 1943 data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warranted[24] Idata-sort-value=BP72 – possibly Pte William BryantPrivate – 14536737 or 14336737 Not known51., ?115. 'William Bryant'?, 133. 'Private Bryant'
10. SS-Mann Chipchase Robert nil /Jones[25] From ‘XVIIIa Spittal … Robert Chipchase … In fact Chipchase only stayed for a couple of days before going to the isolation camp,’ [26] data-sort-value=0.015Dealt with summarily by his commanding officer and discharged[27] IIPrivate – W1755 or W/X 17552/32nd Battalion[28] of the Australian Army53.
11. Not known Clarke William (Nobby) – NA – Frederick Wilfred Edward nil Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIdata-sort-value=CP58 – Nobby ClarkGunner – 6846466Royal Artillery56.
12. data-sort-value=33 data-sort-value=2Cooper Thomas Haller BöttcherSee Thomas Haller Cooperdata-sort-value=99Death for high treason at the Old Bailey,[29] appeal failed,[30] execution date set for 28 February,[31] commuted to life imprisonment[32] – served 7 yearsdata-sort-value=0data-sort-value=BPeter ButcherN/A – CivilianN/A – Civilian2., 109. 'Peter Butcher'
13. data-sort-value=11 data-sort-value=3Courlander Roy Nicholas Regan See Roy Courlanderdata-sort-value=1515 years[33] – reduced to 9 – served 6Vdata-sort-value=RPP 43, 59-60, 150-1- Roy ReganLance-Corporal – 277118th Battalion (New Zealand)5. 'Roy Regan', 30. Roy Nicholas Courlander
14. data-sort-value=3Cowie Hugh Wilson Kingsley 'After being captured in France in 1940 and imprisoned in Stalag XX-A, had made several escape attempts and joined the BFC to avoid court-martial for having a clandestine radio at his Upper Silesian work party'; in Dresden he took drill parades; he was also instrumental in having six Maoris, recruited by Hans Kauss, returned to their work party on the basis that the BFC was a ‘whites only’ unit.;[34] planned to leave, January 1945; sent to the isolation camp at Drönnewitz; British Security Service file held by the National Archives under reference KV 2/257; Court martial papers – WO 71/1120In 1953, Cowie was sentenced to three years in prison for demanding money under threats from a Jewish businessman. He would drift in and out of prison for various crimes, and died in prison in 1977.[35] data-sort-value=1515 years and dismissed with ignominy from the army at a general court-martial;[36] ‘(later reduced to seven)’ Vdata-sort-value=KP86 – Robert KingsleyPrivate – 2876924Gordon Highlanders122. 'Robert Kingsely'
15. SS-Mann Croft Frederick Nixon 'not recruited by the renegades but joined as the result of blackmail by the German military authorities. Frederick Croft ... from Finchley, had escaped a total of five times from his working party, until in July 1944 he was put in solitary confinement for a five-week stretch; he was given the opportunity to join the BFC several times before he caved in'; '[i]n August of that year he demanded to be returned to his camp. He was stripped of his uniform and summarily despatched to an SS punishment camp near Schwerin, where he worked in a road-making gang.';[37] returned to the BFC in November.;[38] surrendered with Cooper in Schwerin on 2 May[39] Court martial papers – WO 71/1118data-sort-value=0.56 months at a court-martialVIdata-sort-value=NP147 – Nixon – P164 – sentenceBombardier – 900679Royal Artillery
16. data-sort-value=0N/ASS-Mann Croft George nil Joined about Christmas 1944 – ‘George Croft …who had … been in captivity since 1940, … [he and John Sommerville] held strong views about Communism, but in the working party where their long familiarity with the language had led to their employment as interpreters, they were also under physical threat from unruly gangs which had grown up amongst the other prisoners. After some discussion, the pair decided that their best option was to join the Waffen-SS, preferably in the ‘Totenkopf’ division which they had read about in the English version of Signal magazine. As soon as they made their views known they were hustled to Berlin for an interview with [the BFC's Verbindungsoffizier SS-Obersturmführer Dr Walter] Kühlich, who persuaded them to join the BFC instead; in March 1945 ‘suddenly found himself stricken with gonorrhoea serious enough for him to be sent to a military hospital in Neubrandenburg; he had caught it from a girlfriend in Berlin,’[40] Court martial papers – WO 71/1124data-sort-value=77 years' penal servitudeVIPrivate – 4390016Green Howards57.
17. Not known Cryderman Arthur James Tilbury Weale ‘from Manitoba’ – Left Pankow December 1943 data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIdata-sort-value=TP43 – "Private Arthur Tilbury"Private – H/4163659., 117. 'Arthur Tilbury'
18. Not known Dowden Clifford Not known Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIdata-sort-value=HP58 – Clifford HaggardGunner – 1422467464.
19. data-sort-value=1414 SS-Mann Ellsmore Not known Fraser Weale ‘a Belgian civilian named Theo Menz who had acquired a British military identity as ‘Sergeant Ellsmore’. From ‘XVIIIa Spittal … Sergeant Theo Ellsmore, the Belgian masquerading as a South African.’ Charged with mutiny on 20 June and sent to Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig ... there is some evidence to suggest that Theo Menz, alias Sturmmann Theo Ellsmore, was executed at Stutthof shortly after his arrival.[41] data-sort-value=0.25data-sort-value=MPP 78 and 168 – Theo MaertensN/A – CivilianN/A – Civilian55. 119. 'Theo Maertens' 153. 'Private Frazer'
20. data-sort-value=1313 data-sort-value=2SS-OberscharführerFreeman Thomas Rogers ‘recruited by Courlander from XVIIIa in Austria in February 1944…decided to join the BFC as a means of attempting to reach the Russian lines and had discussed this and eventually received permission from RSM Jim Mantle, camp leader at Arbeitskommando 99… Freeman, a big man in all senses of the word, stayed on for several months; his case is particularly interesting in that he was the only member of the BFC to be unequivocally cleared of any guilt for his involvement after the war. MI5 later noted: ‘Private Freeman was a member of the British Free Corps but has been cleared of suspicion as it is now abundantly clear that he joined with the object of escaping and of sabotaging the movement.’ [PRO: HO45/ 25805]. He succeeded in at least one of these aims.’ 20 April 1944 – ‘promoted Oberscharführer but with responsibility as discipline NCO (‘ Spiess’ in German military parlance) at Hildesheim;' charged with mutiny on 20 June and sent to Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig. … ‘the charge of mutiny included allegations that I was trying to obstruct the efficient working of the Corps, encouraging insubordination, etc.’ Freeman succeeded in escaping from Stutthof in November 1944 and managed to reach Russian lines; he was repatriated in March 1945;[42] data-sort-value=0the only member of the BFC to be unequivocally cleared of any guilt for his involvement after the war – Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIVdata-sort-value=RPP 77–9 – Buck Rogers, Canadian[43] Private – 5831031No. 7 Commando[44] 66. 118. 'Buck Rogers'
21. data-sort-value=3434 SS-Mann Futcher Roy Ralph Phillpotts threatened with court-martial for associating with German women;[45] In August 1944 he demanded to be returned to his camp. He was stripped of his uniform and summarily despatched to an SS punishment camp near Schwerin, where he worked in a road-making gang. He returned to the BFC in November. Planned to leave with Cowie, January 1945 Sent to the isolation camp at Drönnewitz Home Office file – HO 45/25836data-sort-value=0.02Released with a warning – 'Committed fascist and anti-Semite ... not considered to be a major player in the unit'[46] – Passed to DPS (sic) for consideration, August 1945IVdata-sort-value=RPossibly Pte [P154 – Joe] Reeves of the Duke of Cornwall's Light InfantryPrivate – 5724178Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry130. 'Private Reeves' 157 'Joe Philpotts'
22. Not known Haines Cyril Not known Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 – later asked to go back to BFC, so Seymer categorises him as IV data-sort-value=0.014No further action taken due to insufficient evidence[47] IVPrivate – 4459934Durham Light Infantry67.
23. 10. SS-Mann Heighes Robert Reginald Reid Weale – Petersfield butcher – Left Pankow December 1943 – returned in 1944 – by September had taken control of the unit's stores and had discovered that he could considerably increase his wealth by selling their contents to other occupants of the barracks and foreign workers in town.[48] In February 1945 successfully deserted from the unit and joined a column of POWs being evacuated west; … never to return to the ranks of the renegades.[49] data-sort-value=2Court-martialed[50] – 2 years' imprisonment[51] IVPP 43,151,164 – Allan TaylorCompany sergeant major (acting)/ Private – 1437746 Hampshire Regiment69.
24. 24. SS-Mann How William Browne listened to the recruiter but he did not decide to join until the spring of 1944. From Rochester in Kent.[52] In August 1944 he demanded to be returned to his camp. He was stripped of his uniform and summarily despatched to an SS punishment camp near Schwerin, where he worked in a road-making gang. He returned to the BFC in November. In February 1945 successfully deserted from the unit and joined a column of POWs being evacuated west; … never to return to the ranks of the renegades. Court martial papers – WO 71/1113data-sort-value=77 years' penal servitude[53] IVdata-sort-value=BP89 – Private Bookie Brown, a former lance-corporal in the Indian Army Military PoliceLance-Corporal – 793819Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, transferred to Corps of Military Police 193970. 123. 'Bookie Brown'
25. 37. SS-Mann Jackson (E) Edward Collins Edward Jackson ... was also often absent from his working party … he had acquired a girlfriend in the local area; this came to the attention of the Gestapo in Dresden who arrested him and made him an offer that he felt he couldn’t refuse.[54] - HO 45/25834data-sort-value=0.02Passed to DPS (sic) for consideration, August 1945IVPrivate – 3713897King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster)45.
26. Not known Kipling Thomas Blake Meredith Weale – Left Pankow December 1943data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIdata-sort-value=MP58 – Rudyard MeredithGunner – 112318796., 114. 'Rudyard Meredith'
27. SS-Mann Labuschagne Pieter Andries Hendrik Smith Joined in the winter of 1944–5 ... succumbed to one of Stranders’ German recruiters, Unterscharführer Hans Kauss, whilst working on a road gang. [D]eemed to be so useless by Mardon that he refused to take him. Slipped away in the direction of Dresden, there to be ‘liberated’ by advancing US forces.[55] data-sort-value=0.03Guilty and fined £50[56] data-sort-value=0.5data-sort-value=SPP 112, 145, 151 – Private Adriaan SmithPrivate – 24202Not Known71.
28. 12. SS-Mann Lane Robert Henry Street Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 – returned 1944 – ‘returned to a Stalag.’ in August 1944[57] data-sort-value=0.013Released with a warning – Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIVdata-sort-value=SPP 57, 59 – "Private Sandy Street" "from Brixton"Private – 614542272., 95., 112. 'Sandy Street'
29.Not known Leigh John Not known Left Pankow December 1943 data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIFusilier – 3606704Lancashire Fusiliers73.
30. 22. SS-Mann Leister Dennis John Beckwith SS-PK Standarte 'Kurt Eggers' – Home Office file - HO 45/25819data-sort-value=33 years’ penal servitude at the Old Bailey for offences against the Defence Regulationsdata-sort-value=0data-sort-value=BPP 90, 152 – John BeckwithN/A – CivilianN/A – Civilian25. 'John Beckwith'
31. 8. Not known Lewis Frederick Lander MI5 says that he was a seaman PoW – Weale ‘Frederick Lewis, the Fascist merchant seaman, also left [in December 1943]; he found the stress of the frequent British bombing raids on Berlin too much to bear and he was allowed to return to Milag on the basis that he would continue to recruit for the legion.’ [58] data-sort-value=0data-sort-value=LPP58, 72 – Able Seaman Walter Lander of the Royal NavyMerchant Navy SeamanNot known48., 113. 'Walter Lander'
32. SS-Mann MacKinnon Alexander nil BFC's penultimate recruit … was pressured into joining the Corps to avoid punishment for ‘sabotaging’ agricultural produce. [January 1945][59] In section as at 8/3/1945[60] Left as Berneville-Claye's driver, borrowed a farmer's jacket, split up with B-C near Schwerin and handed himself over to the advancing Allies [61] Court martial papers – WO 71/1116data-sort-value=22 years VIP144 – 'Webster' was 'driven by his batman, Private Thomas Bull'Lance-corporal – 2927002Cameron Highlanders74.
33. data-sort-value=3Mardon Douglas Hodge Joined around Christmas 1944 – Douglas Cecil Mardon, the third of the trio of South Africans who joined the Corps at Dresden, possessed very rigid views on the threat to the free world of Soviet success on the Eastern Front. As a POW he had seen Russian prisoners and had come to distinctly racist conclusions about them which, when he read BFC recruiting literature, caused him to volunteer with alacrity. On 8 March 1945 ‘received promotion to Unterscharführer and was given command of a section … was undoubtedly sincere in his wish to fight against the advance of Communism’. On 15/3/1945 ‘removed the tell-tale BFC insignia from [his uniform] … substituted an SS runes collar patch’ [62] Was left with HQ between 29 April and 2 May data-sort-value=0.04Fined £375 for high treason – or £75 per Timesdata-sort-value=0.5data-sort-value=HPP 112, 145 – Douglas HodgeLance-Corporal – 6221Not known75.
34. 7. data-sort-value=4Martin Edwin Barnard Bartlett Edwin Barnard Martindata-sort-value=2525 years[63] Vdata-sort-value=BEdwin BartlettPrivate – A/211311Essex Scottish Regiment of the Canadian Army101. 'Edward Bartlett'
35. 2. data-sort-value=3SS-UnterscharführerMaton Francis Paul MacCarthy SS-PK Standarte 'Kurt Eggers' – Francis Paul Maton – Nat Archives P 38 says that he was born around 1920 in Ireland – "Francis Maton was ... a former member of the British Union. He was captured on Crete whilst serving as a corporal in 50 (Middle East) Commando, having been severely wounded in the legs. Commando corporal who had already broadcast for Radio National … with his pronounced Fascist sympathies appeared to be good BFC material"[64] British Security Service file held by the National Archives under reference - KV 2/264[65] Court martial papers – WO 71/1117data-sort-value=1010 years – Richard Paul Francis MATON: captured in Crete in 1941, he joined the British Free Corps and broadcast propaganda in 1943. Court martialled in 1945, he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for voluntarily aiding the enemy.[66] Vdata-sort-value=MPP 101, 150-151, 162 – MacCarthyTerritorial soldier/ Corporal – 1437735Royal Artillery44., 105. 'Frank McCarthy'
36. 4. data-sort-value=3SS-UnterscharführerMacLardy Francis George Wood SS-San. Ers. Btl. Lichtenburg. Frank McLardy – Court martial papers – WO 71/1125data-sort-value=98Life at a court-martial[67] – reduced to 15 years – served 7Vdata-sort-value=WPP44, 59, 78-9, 81-2, 151 – Antony Wood.Sergeant – 7522956Royal Army Medical Corps7. 'Anthony Wood'
37. 38. SS-Mann Miller William John nil Joined Dec 44/Jan 45 – captured at Tobruk in 1943, who was persuaded to join the BFC in preference to serving a four-month sentence at the military prison in Graudenz. Planned to leave with Cowie, January 1945 Deemed to be so useless by Mardon that he refused to take him. Taken to Dronnewitz and arrested in Schwerin[68] data-sort-value=0.013Released with a warning – Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIVdata-sort-value=HPP 112–3, 146-7 – Ian HardcastleGunner/ Driver – 847322 Royal Artillery77.
38. 5. data-sort-value=5SS-Sturmmann Minchin Alfred Vivian Milton Alfred Minchindata-sort-value=77 years’ penal servitude at the Old Bailey for offences against the Defence Regulationsdata-sort-value=0data-sort-value=MPP 43, 147, 151-2 – "a merchant seaman called Spencer Milton"Merchant Navy SeamanSS Empire Ranger102. 'Sgt Miltion'
39. SS-Mann Munns Charles nil a Scotsman ... had acquired a girlfriend in the area of his POW camp near Danzig … his girlfriend, Gertrud Schroeder, was pregnant, an offence technically punishable by death. Allowed to leave the BFC … in order to return to his fiancée in Danzig, January 1945[69] data-sort-value=0.013- Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warranted‘seems to have escaped punishment entirely, presumably by convincing MI5 that joining the BFC was entirely the result of duress’ IIIPrivate – 4452237Durham Light Infantry78.
40. SS-Mann Nicholls Ernest nil In section as at 2/5/1945 – left with a group of ex-prisoners[70] Court martial papers – WO 71/1122data-sort-value=55 years' penal servitudeVIPrivate – T/92375Royal Army Service Corps[71] -165.
41. 30. SS-Mann Nightingale Harry nil Arrived towards the end of September 1944 … from Burnley, was the victim of compulsion because of his sexual liaison with a German girl[72] – In February 1945 ‘made [successful] representations, along with Rose and Symonds, to go to the isolation camp at Drönnewitz.’[73] data-sort-value=0.1Convicted at court-martialIVdata-sort-value=TP154 – Reginald ThrushGunner – 874257 79. 132. 'Private Thrush'
42. SS-Mann Perkins Thomas – NA – William Cecil Walters during a party held in their accommodation, Perkins stole a pistol … and sold it to a foreign worker. Perkins claimed to have been a prison officer before the war, but according to Cooper ‘his general character and behaviour led me to believe that his knowledge of prisons was very probably from the inside rather than the outside of a cell’ whilst Maton later remarked that Perkins ‘would steal anything’. Perkins was arrested and, after he had spent a couple of days in close confinement, sent away to the isolation camp.[74] data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIVdata-sort-value=WPP 105, 154 – WaltersCorporal – 6915004Royal Northumberland Fusiliers[75] 80.
43. 21. SS-Mann Pleasants Eric Reginald Dorran Eric Pleasantsdata-sort-value=6Never tried, but spent 8 years in a Soviet gulagdata-sort-value=0data-sort-value=DP90 – Eric DurinN/A – CivilianN/A – Civilian8. 'E. Durin'
44. 23. data-sort-value=5SS-SturmmannRose Norman Owens Weale – – Left Pankow December 1943 – returned 1944 – ‘a long-serving regular army lance-corporal – ‘given the job of storeman and also placed in charge of the distribution of the Red Cross parcels’[76] – In August of that year he demanded to be returned to his camp. He was stripped of his uniform and summarily despatched to an SS punishment camp near Schwerin, where he worked in a road-making gang. – He returned to the BFC in November.In February 1945 ‘made [successful] representations, along with Symonds and Nightingale, to go to the isolation camp at Drönnewitz.’ Court martial papers – WO 71/1130data-sort-value=98Life at a court-martial[77] IV data-sort-value=OP105 – Pte OwensLance-corporal – 5669883East Surreys/ Somerset Light Infantry /Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment)81. 97. 'Sgt Major Own'
45. 25. SS-Mann Rowlands Herbert Miller ‘member of the Merchant Navy. Rowlands was a Londoner who, bizarrely enough, had fought in, and deserted from, the International Brigade during the Spanish Civil War; by all accounts he exhibited great resentment towards any kind of authority and by joining the BFC seems to have been making a gesture of defiance at the prisoner leadership in Milag.’[78] – In August 1944 he demanded to be returned to his camp. He was stripped of his uniform and summarily despatched to an SS punishment camp near Schwerin, where he worked in a road-making gang. – By November he had escaped and was hiding out with Herbert Smallwood, an elderly English ex-soldier, in the Berlin suburb of Spandau[79] – British Security Service file held by the National Archives under reference KV 2/625 – Home Office file – HO 45/25801"Seamen Committed For Trial." Times, London, England, 3 Jan. 1946: 2. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 18 Feb. years imprisonment with hard labour at the Old Bailey for offences against the Defence Regulationsdata-sort-value=0data-sort-value=MPP 90, 152-3 – Roland MillerMerchant Navy SeamanNot known41. 127. 'Roland Miller'
46. 32. data-sort-value=1SS-UntersturmführerShearer William nil William Shearerdata-sort-value=CP85 – "a captain from a Scottish regiment"Lieutenant 4th Seaforth Highlanders152.
47. data-sort-value=0N/A SS-Mann Somerville John nil Joined about Christmas 1944 – George Croft and John Sommerville, who had both been in captivity since 1940, also held strong views about Communism, but in the working party where their long familiarity with the language had led to their employment as interpreters, they were also under physical threat from unruly gangs which had grown up amongst the other prisoners. After some discussion, the pair decided that their best option was to join the Waffen-SS, preferably in the ‘Totenkopf’ division which they had read about in the English version of Signal magazine. As soon as they made their views known they were hustled to Berlin for an interview with Kühlich, who persuaded them to join the BFC instead.[80] In section as at 2/5/1945 – left with a group of ex-prisoners.[81] data-sort-value=0.09'Not yet located' in August 1946Gunner – 1449698Royal Artillery58.
48. 17 SS-Mann Stokes Albert Gordon Agreed along with Wood and Freeman to join – from ‘XVIIIa Spittal … Albert Stokes’ – Albert Stokes, the quiet Australian, had actually joined at the same time as his friend Tom Freeman with the specific intention of sabotaging the unit. Batchelor later suggested, ‘They didn’t want the Jerries to think they were frightened so they just went,’[82] – Left BFC outside Schwerin on 2 May[83] data-sort-value=11 year's imprisonment[84] VI Corporal – WX 18392/32nd Battalion[85] of the Australian Army54.
49. 11. data-sort-value=5SS-Sturmmann Symonds Henry Davies Henry Alfred Symonds – MI5 says that alias Davis was a battalion signaler – Planned to leave with Cowie, January 1945, but did not show up[86] – In February 1945 ‘made [successful] representations, along with Rose and Nightingale, to go to the isolation camp at Drönnewitz.’ - Court martial papers – WO 71/1126data-sort-value=1515 years at a court-martial[87] V data-sort-value=DPP43, 59 – "Private Harry Davies"Signaller/ Private – 6153448East Surrey Regiment, then Princess Louise's Kensington Regiment42., 107. 'Harry Davies', 110.
50. Not known Van Heerden L.P. nil Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 – "Killed in action on 12 February 1945, during bombing of Dresden"[88] data-sort-value=0.5data-sort-value=PPossibly P 112 – Jan Pieterson Rifleman – RH6857914[89] Long Range Desert Group68.
51. SS-Mann Viljoen Lourens nil Joined Dec 44/Jan 45 – a South African, who joined through the good offices of a friendly SS NCO in charge of his working party.[90] – hospitalized with burns during the Dresden raids[91] data-sort-value=0.01Acquitted data-sort-value=0.5data-sort-value=Ppossibly P 116 – Corporal Ludewicus RendsbergCorporal – 195528Not known91.
52. Not known Wilson John nil Weale – Left Pankow December 1943 – alleged to have sought to return to BFC data-sort-value=0.013Judge-Advocate General decided no disciplinary action warrantedIV Private – 14406287Durham Light Infantry93.
53. 6. data-sort-value=2Wilson John Eric Montgomery "News in Brief." Times, London, England, 22 Jan. 1946: 2. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. Court martial papers -WO 71/1119data-sort-value=1010 years at a court martial[92] V data-sort-value=MCompany Sergeant Major ‘Tug’ Montgomery – PP 43, 61, 100Trooper – 7684352No. 3 Commando43., 94. 'Eric Wilson'
54. 15/ 16 SS-Mann Wood Lionel Williams ‘recruited by Courlander from Stalag XVIIIa in Austria in February 1944…decided to join the BFC as a means of attempting to reach the Russian lines and had discussed this and eventually received permission from RSM Jim Mantle, camp leader at Arbeitskommando 99… only stayed with the BFC for three weeks before demanding to be returned to camp’[93] data-sort-value=0.015Dealt with summarily by his commanding officer and discharged IIdata-sort-value=FPossibly P89 – Corporal Lionel FrostLance-Corporal – V/X 13097 or W/X 130972/32nd Battalion of the Australian Army65. 125. 'Lionel Frost'

Other current or former British subjects who served in the German Armed Forces in the Second World War

This category includes citizens of neutral Eire who were captured while serving in the British Army – see British nationality law and the Republic of Ireland#British subjects with local Irish nationality. It does not include members of the BFC who also served in other units of the German armed forces, such as Thomas Haller Cooper (Waffen-SS), Roy Courlander, Dennis John Leister and Francis Paul Maton (all SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers) and Frank McLardy (SS Medical Corps Lichtenberg).

No. German Rank Surname ForenameAliasDetails Sentence Jackals of the ReichBritish Rank British Unit/ShipGerman unitLandwehr number
1.SS-HauptsturmführerBerneville-ClayeDouglasDouglas Berneville-ClayeNot prosecutedChapter 15 – Archibald WebsterSecond Lieutenant – 20172L detachment of the Special Air ServiceSS Hauptamt27.
2.SonderführerBecker*Frank Chetwynd'WAR: Renegades and Persons suspected or convicted of assisting the Enemy: BECKER, Frank Chetwin; served in the German army and in the Indian Legion (Free Indian Corps)' [94] N/A – CivilianN/AIndian Legion164.
3. SS-UnterscharführerBradyJamesCharlos de Lacy[95] James Brady (SS)Fifteen years in prison, of which the General Officer Commanding London District remitted three years[96] – released in 1950FusilierRoyal Irish FusiliersSS-Jagdverband Mitte22.
4.SS-HilfswilligerCelliers*William South African policeman from Windhoek, South-West AfricaNot prosecuted[97] Corporal1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler104.
5.Codd*JohnJuan Louis[98] John CoddNot prosecutedCorporalRoyal Welch FusiliersGerman Intelligence service (Abwehr) and SS Intelligence/ Sicherheitsdienst
6.SS-HilfswilligerConen*James London taxi-driverNot prosecutedCorporal1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler103.
7.SS-UntersturmführerFreemanRailtonRoyston/MetcalfeCourt Martial papers AIR 18/28
The National Archives Security Service file KV 2/631
Ten years in prison[99] Flying officer – 77107No. 16 Squadron RAFSS-Standarte Kurt Eggers6. 'Raymond Metcalfe'
8.Purdy*Roy WalterPointer/Ronald WallaceWalter PurdyDeath sentence commuted to life imprisonment – released after nine years[100] HMS Van DyckSS-Standarte Kurt Eggers46.
9. SS-SturmbannführerStrandersVivianNot prosecuted – had been naturalized as a German citizen in 1933[101] PP 92–6 – appears under his real nameCaptain in the RAFSS-Hauptamt Amtsgruppe D83.
10.SS-MannStringerFrankWilly Le Page[102] Frank Stringer Court martial papers – WO 71/113215 years[103] Fusilier – 7043206Royal Irish FusiliersSS-Jagdverband Mitte23.
(*) Not in Weale's list.

Notes and References

  1. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 3757). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  2. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 3505-3506). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  3. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2289-2290). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  4. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 154). Random House. Kindle Edition
  5. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 1085–1087). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  6. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2804–2805). Random House. Kindle Edition
  7. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 1208–1210). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  8. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 3649-3661). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  9. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 3181-3182). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  10. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 1503–1507). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  11. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2041). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  12. Allocated by Colonel Vivian Home Seymer of MI5
  13. News: The legion of traitors . . 8 September 2002 . 16 April 2015.
  14. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2933). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  15. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2523-2524, 2873, 2950). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  16. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2981-2984). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  17. "News in Brief."
  18. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2360-2366, 2946, 3009-3011, 3187). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  19. "Assisting The Enemy Charge."
  20. "Seamen Committed For Trial."
  21. "Seamen Sentenced For Aiding Enemy."
  22. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2413-2414, 3154). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  23. National Archives
  24. The National Archives - Information about UK renegades from the Continent of Europe - KV 2/3581 - 24/84
  25. Nazi Dreamtime: Australian Enthusiasts for Hitler’s Germany
  26. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2328-2330). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  27. The National Archives - Information about UK renegades from the Continent of Europe - KV 2/3581 - 23/84
  28. Web site: Stalag XVIIIa Roll Call . 3 May 2015 . 4 December 2008 . . dead .
  29. "Death Sentence For High Treason."
  30. "Court Of Criminal Appeal."
  31. "News in Brief."
  32. "News in Brief."
  33. "Helping The Enemy."
  34. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2414–2416, 2865, 2929–2930). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  35. Web site: September 8, 2002 . The legion of traitors .
  36. "Penal Servitude For Aiding Enemy."
  37. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2482-2484). Random House. Kindle Edition
  38. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2857). Random House. Kindle Edition
  39. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2445-2447, 3161). Random House. Kindle Edition
  40. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2917-2921, 3025-3026). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  41. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2282-2283, 2328-2329, 2428-2429). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  42. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2280-2289, 2340-2341, 2425-2428). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  43. Hitler's Bastard
  44. Sean Murphy. Letting the Side Down: British Traitors of the Second World War, P134. London: The History Press Ltd, 2005.
  45. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2416-2417). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  46. Sean Murphy. Letting the Side Down: British Traitors of the Second World War, P221. London: The History Press Ltd, 2005.
  47. The National Archives - Information about UK renegades from the Continent of Europe - KV 2/3581 - 25/84
  48. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2525–2526). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  49. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2968–2969). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  50. Times, London, England, 16 Jan. 1946: 2d. (earliest edition)
  51. The National Archives - Information about UK renegades from the Continent of Europe - KV 2/3581 - 22/84
  52. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 1976–1977, 2347–2348). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  53. The National Archives - Information about UK renegades from the Continent of Europe - KV 2/3581 - 21/84
  54. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2448-2450). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  55. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2862-2864, 3000, 3187-3188). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  56. "South African Soldiers' Treason."
  57. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2485). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  58. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2161-2162). Random House. Kindle Edition
  59. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2935-2936). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  60. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2998). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  61. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 3124). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  62. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2914-2917, 2998-3002, 3016-3017). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  63. "Aiding The Enemy."
  64. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 1932–1933, 2417–8). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  65. "Soldier Accused Of Aiding Enemy."
  66. KV 2/264
  67. "Life Sentence For Aiding Enemy."
  68. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2911-2912, 3000, 3186). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  69. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2450-2452, 2951). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  70. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 3155-60). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  71. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2352). Random House. Kindle Edition
  72. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2523-2524). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  73. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2987-2988). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  74. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2475-2479). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  75. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2418). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  76. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2295). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  77. "Life Sentences For Aiding Enemy."
  78. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2360-2363). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  79. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2860-2861). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  80. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2917-2921). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  81. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 3155–60). Random House. Kindle Edition
  82. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 3003-3004). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  83. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 3154). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  84. The National Archives - Information about UK renegades from the Continent of Europe - KV 2/3581 - 20/84
  85. Stalag XVIIIa Roll Call
  86. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2933–7). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  87. "News in Brief."
  88. Web site: South Africa War Graves Project . 2024-07-15 .
  89. South Africa War Graves Project
  90. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2912–2913). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  91. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2968). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  92. "News in Brief."
  93. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 2280-2285). Random House. Kindle Edition.’
  94. National Archives HO 45/25829
  95. O'Reilly, Terence Hitler's Irishmen, page 90 – 2008
  96. "Penal Servitude For Serving With Enemy."
  97. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2324). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  98. O'Reilly, Terence Hitler's Irishmen, page 84 – 2008
  99. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Locations 3363-3364). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  100. Sean Murphy. Letting the Side Down: British Traitors of the Second World War, P215; London: The History Press Ltd, 2005.
  101. Weale, Adrian (2014-11-12). Renegades (Kindle Location 2510). Random House. Kindle Edition.
  102. O'Reilly, Terence Hitler's Irishmen, page 83 – 2008
  103. Web site: The War Room - Irish Volunteers in German Service – by Adrian Weale. . 20 May 2015 . 13 February 2009 . . dead .