List of medical schools in South Korea explained
This is a list of medical schools located in South Korea.
Western Medicine
Private medical colleges
- Ajou University, School of Medicine
- Catholic Kwandong University, College of Medicine
- Catholic University of Daegu, School of Medicine
- Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine
- CHA University, Graduate school of Medicine
- Chosun University, College of Medicine
- Chung-Ang University, College of Medicine
- Dankook University, College of Medicine
- Dong-A University, College of Medicine
- Dongguk University, College of Medicine
- Eulji University, College of Medicine
- Ewha Womans University, College of Medicine
- Gachon University, College of Medicine
- Hallym University, School of Medicine
- Hanyang University, School of Medicine
- Inha University, School of Medicine
- Inje University, College of Medicine
- Keimyung University, School of Medicine
- Konkuk University, School of Medicine
- Konyang University, College of Medicine
- Korea University School of Medicine
- Kosin University, College of Medicine
- Kyung Hee University, School of Medicine
- Soonchunhyang University, College of Medicine
- Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine
- University of Ulsan College of Medicine
- Wonkwang University, College of Medicine
- Yeungnam University, College of Medicine
- Yonsei University, College of Medicine
National University College of Medicine
Korean Medicine
- Gachon University, College of Korean Medicine
- Kyung Hee University, College of Korean Medicine
- Daegu Haany University, College of Korean Medicine
- DaeJeon University, College of Korean Medicine
- Dongguk University, College of Korean Medicine
- Dongshin University, College of Korean Medicine
- Dong-eui University, College of Korean Medicine
- Pusan National University, School of Korean Medicine
- Sangji University, College of Korean Medicine
- Semyung University, College of Korean Medicine
- Woosuk University, College of Korean Medicine
- Wonkwang University, College of Korean Medicine
See also