Meaning | ||
M | murmur (heart murmur or heart attack that can cause death) | |
MACE | Major adverse cardiovascular events | |
MAC | Mycobacterium avium complex | |
MAE | moves all extremities | |
MAHA | microangiopathic hemolytic anemia | |
MAL | midaxillary line | |
MALT | mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue | |
MANOS | minilaparoscopy assisted natural orifice surgery | |
MAOI | monoamine oxidase inhibitor | |
Mφ | macrophage | |
MAP | ||
MAR | ||
MARSA | methicillin- and aminoglycoside-resistant Staphylococcus aureus | |
MAS | Morgagni–Adams–Stokes syndrome meconium aspiration syndrome | |
MAST | Michigan alcohol screening test | |
MAT | multifocal atrial tachycardia microscopic agglutination testmedication-assisted treatment | |
MBSS | modified barium swallow study | |
MC | metacarpal bone | |
MCA | mucinous cystadenomaMiddle cerebral artery | |
MCAT | Medical College Admission Test | |
MCC | MotorCycle Collision, Motor Cycle Crash | |
MCD | minimal change diseaseharmful can cause cancer | |
MCDK | multicystic dysplastic kidney | |
MCP | metacarpophalangeal joint | |
MCHC | mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration | |
MCH | mean cell hemoglobin | |
MC&S | microscopy, culture, and sensitivity (the investigation steps in processing microbiology samples) | |
MCTD | mixed connective tissue disease | |
MCV | mean corpuscular volume | |
MDCT | multidetector row computerized tomography | |
MDD | major depressive disorder | |
MDE | major depressive episode | |
MDI | metered dose inhaler | |
MDip | Master Diploma (specialization) | |
MDS | myelodysplastic syndrome | |
ME | UK: Myalgic Encephalopathy (= Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or "CFS") | |
M/E | microscopic examination | |
MEC | Moderate emetic chemotherapy | |
MEDLINE | Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (U.S. National Library of Medicine) | |
MELD | Model for End-Stage Liver Disease | |
MEN | multiple endocrine neoplasia | |
MeSH | Medical Subject Headings (U.S. National Library of Medicine) | |
MET | metabolic equivalent | |
met | metastasis (pronounced like the word met; plural mets) | |
MFM | maternal and fetal medicine | |
Mg | magnesium | |
MG | myasthenia gravis | |
MGN | membranous glomerulonephritis | |
MGPE | milligrams of phenytoin equivalents | |
MgSO4 | magnesium sulfate (Do not use this abbreviation. Write out the name. Per the do-not-use list.) | |
MGUS | monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (unknown or uncertain may be substituted for undetermined) | |
MHA-TP | microhemagglutination assay for T. pallidum | |
MHMR | mental health and mental retardation | |
MHW | Mental Health Worker | |
MI | myocardial infarction | |
MIC | minimum inhibitory concentration | |
MICA | mental illness and chemical abuse; mentally ill chemical abuser | |
MICU | mobile intensive care unit / medical intensive care unit | |
MIF | Müllerian inhibitory factor | |
MIP | Maximum intensity projection, a technique used to enhance CT, MRI, MRA, and PET images | |
MIS | Minimally Invasive Surgery Müllerian Inhibiting Substance | |
MLC | mixed lymphocyte culture | |
MLE | midline episiotomy | |
MM | myeloid metaplasia middle meningeal multiple myeloma | |
M&M | morbidity and mortality | |
MMFR | midmaximal flow rate | |
MMI | maximum medical improvement | |
MMK | Marshall–Marchetti–Kranz procedure | |
MMM | moist mucous membranes Myelofibrosis with Myeloid Metaplasia | |
MMP | medical marijuana patient Medical Monitoring Project (of the US CDC) | |
MMPI | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory | |
MMR | measles, mumps, and rubella combined vaccination mismatch repair | |
MMR-D | mismatch repair deficiency syndrome | |
MMSE | ||
MMT | malignant mesenchymal tumor Mixed Mullerian Tumor | |
MN | membranous nephropathy | |
MND | motor neurone disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lou Gehrig's disease or Charcot disease | |
MOB | mother of baby | |
mod | moderate
| |
MODY | maturity onset diabetes of the young | |
Mo | monocytes | |
MoM | multiples of the median | |
MOM | milk of magnesia | |
Mono-Di | monochorionic-diamniotic twins | |
Mono-Mono | monochorionic-monoamniotic twins | |
mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone in combination (older treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma) | ||
MPA | medroxyprogesterone acetate | |
MPD | Main pancreatic duct | |
MPD(s) | myeloproliferative disease(s) | |
MPGN | membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis | |
MPO | myeloperoxidase | |
MPT | multi-professional team | |
MPV | mean platelet volume | |
MR | medical representative mental retardation mitral regurgitation modified release (compare time release technology (medicine))menstrual regulation (unsafe abortion) | |
MRA | magnetic resonance angiography | |
MRCP | magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography | |
MRG | murmurs, rubs, and gallops (see heart sounds) | |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging | |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus | |
MS | medical student (MS-1, MS-2, MS-3, MS-4) mental status (see mental status examination) mitral stenosis multiple sclerosis | |
MS-AFP | maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein | |
MSD | musculoskeletal disorder | |
MSDU | medical surgical day unit | |
MSE | mental status examination | |
MSH | melanocyte-stimulating hormone | |
MSK | medullary sponge kidney musculoskeletal | |
MSM | men who have sex with men | |
MSMW | men who have sex with men and women | |
MSO4 | morphine sulfate (Do not use this abbreviation. Write out the name. Per the do-not-use list.) | |
MSOF | multisystem organ failure | |
MSSA | methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (contrast with MRSA) | |
MSU | midstream urine sample (used in testing for presence of urinary tract infections) monosodium urate | |
MSUD | maple syrup urine disease | |
MT | metatarsal bone | |
MTBI | mild traumatic brain injury | |
MtF | Male to Female transgender person (trans woman) | |
MTP | metatarsalphalangeal | |
MTX | methotrexate | |
MUGA | Multiple gated acquisition scan | |
MUSE | medicated urethral system for erections | |
MVA | motor vehicle accident | |
MVC | motor vehicle crash | |
MVI | Multivitamin | |
MVo2 | mixed venous oxygen concentration | |
MVP | mitral valve prolapse | |
MVPS | mitral valve prolapse syndrome | |
MVR | mitral valve replacement |