List of massacres in Indonesia explained

The following article is a list of massacres that have occurred in Indonesia.

Precolonial and colonial Indonesia

Banda massacre7 March–late 1621Lontor, Maluku2,500–2,800Genocidal massacre of the Banda people by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) under Jan Pieterszoon Coen during the Dutch conquest of the Banda Islands.
1740 Batavia massacre9 October–22 November 1740Jakarta10,000+Pogrom of the Chinese community of Batavia by the VOC under Governor-General Adriaan Valckenier.
Kuta Reh massacre14 June 1904, Aceh561Massacre of the inhabitants of Kuta Reh by the Korps Marechaussee te voet of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL) under General Gotfried Coenraad Ernst van Daalen during the Aceh War.
1918 Kudus riot31 October 1918Kudus, Central Java 10Pogrom of the Chinese community of Kudus by Javanese residents.
1942 Qantas Short Empire shootdown30 January 1942West Timor13The Corio, a Short Empire flying boat airliner, operated by Qantas, was shot down by Imperial Japanese Naval Air Service aircraft in the early days of the Pacific War during World War II off the coast of West Timor, Thirteen occupants were killed. Captain Aubrey Koch, along with another crewman and three passengers, swam to shore and were rescued.
Laha massacreFebruary 1942Ambon, Maluku309Massacre of Australian and Dutch prisoners of war (POWs) by the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) under General Takeo Itō during the Dutch East Indies campaign.
Bangka Island massacre16 February 1942Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands82Massacre of Australian and British nurses and POWs by the IJA following the Fall of Singapore.
Balikpapan massacre24 February 1942Balikpapan, East Kalimantan78Massacre of Dutch civilians and POWs by the 56th Division of the IJA during the Dutch East Indies campaign.
Pig-basket atrocity1942–1943Throughout the Indonesian ArchipelagoUnknownKillings of Allied POWs by the Japanese Kempeitai and the IJA under General Hitoshi Imamura during the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies.
Pontianak incidents1943–1944Kalimantan20,000+[1] Massacres of various Borneo demographies, in particular local ethnic Malay elites, by the Imperial Japanese Navy during the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies.
Bersiap killingsAugust 1945 – November 1947[2] Throughout the Indonesian Archipelago3,500–30,000Revolutionary and intercommunal killings of Chinese, Europeans, Indos, Japanese, Minahasans, Moluccans, and other demographies by (fellow) native Indonesians during the Indonesian National Revolution; in particular between the surrender of Japan in August 1945 and the arrival of the Dutch military in March 1946.
Bulu prison massacreAugust 1945Semarang, Central Java200+Massacre of Japanese POWs by Indonesian revolutionaries during the Indonesian National Revolution.
South Sulawesi campaign10 December 1946–21 February 1947South Sulawesi4,600–5,000Killings of Sulawesi civilians during the Indonesian National Revolution; 3,100–3,500 people killed by troops of the KNIL and the Korps Speciale Troepen (KST) under Captain Raymond Westerling, and approximately 1,500 people killed by Indonesian revolutionaries.
1947 Yogyakarta Dakota incident29 July 1947Ngoto, Bantul8
Mergosono massacre31 July 1947Malang, East Java30Pogrom of the Chinese community of Mergosono by Indonesian revolutionaries during the Indonesian National Revolution.
Rawagede massacre9 December 1947, West Java431Massacre of the inhabitants of Rawegede by KNIL troops under Major Alphons Wijnen during the Indonesian National Revolution.
Rengat massacre5 January 1949Rengat, Riau400–2,600Massacre of the inhabitants of Rengat by KST troops under Lieutenant Rudy de Mey during the Indonesian National Revolution.

Republic of Indonesia

Kashmir Princess bombing11 April 1955off the Natuna Islands16The Air India Kasmir Princess (Lockheed Constellation) crashed into the sea near the Natuna Islands following a bomb explosion that killed 16 people. The aircraft was chartered by the government of the People's Republic of China to transport an official delegation to the Bandung Conference in Bandung. Possible suspects include a Kuomintang secret agent who used a bomb on the aircraft during its transit in Hong Kong, in an attempt to assassinate Zhou Enlai, who missed the flight.
Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66October, 1965–March, 1966Throughout Indonesia500,000–1,000,000+
East Timor genocide1975–1999East Timor (then under Indonesian occupation as the province of East Timor)100,000–300,000Indonesian genocidal massacre and state terrorism against the population of East Timor, from the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975–79 until the formation of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor in 1999.
Malari incident15–16 January 1974Jakarta11Student protests against New Order government corruption, high prices, and financial inequality turn into violent riots and a pogrom of the Chinese community of Glodok.
Petrus killings1983 and 1985Throughout the Indonesian Archipelago300 to 10,000Extrajudicial executions of thousands of criminals and other offenders (including alleged political dissents) by undercover Indonesian Army, death squads and secret police forces.
Kraras massacreAugust–September 1983, East Timor (then under Indonesian occupation as the province of East Timor)200+Massacre of the inhabitants of Kraras by the Indonesian Army in collaboration with local Hansip during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.
Tanjung Priok massacre12 September 1984Jakarta24–100+Killings of Muslim residents of Tanjung Priok by the Indonesian military, who had been protesting earlier arrests of mosque caretakers.
Santa Cruz massacre12 November 1991Dili, East Timor (then under Indonesian occupation as the province of East Timor)250+Killings of East Timorese pro-independence demonstrators by the Indonesian Army during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor
Kingmi Church massacre31 May 1995Hoya, Central Papua11Killings of Papuan refugees on their way to mass at the Kingmi Protestant Church near Hoya, by the Indonesian Army during the Papua conflict.[3]
1996 Timika shooting15 April 1996Timika, Central Papua16Mass shooting of five Kopassus officers, six Indonesian military officials, and five civilians by Kopassus Second Lieutenant Sanurip at the Mozes Kilangin Airport.
1997 Banjarmasin riot23 May 1997Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan137+Attacks against Golkar supporters, local Chinese and Christians, and businesses by supporters of the United Development Party in the run-up to the 1997 Indonesian legislative election.
1998 Banyuwangi massacre1998Banyuwangi, East Java143A witchhunt in Banyuwangi against alleged sorcerers spiraled into widespread riots and violence. In addition to alleged sorcerers, Islamic clerics were also targeted and killed, Nahdlatul Ulama members were murdered by rioters.[4] [5]
May 1998 riots of Indonesia4–8 and 12–15 May 1998Jakarta, Medan, Surakarta, and elsewhere5,000There were dozens of documented accounts of ethnic Chinese women being raped. Other sources note over 1,500 people were killed and over 468 (168 victims in Jakarta alone) were mass gang-raped in the riots. There is a possibility of 5,000 dead.[6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Biak massacre2–6 July 1998Biak, Papua40–150Massacre of Papuan pro-independence demonstrators of the Free Papua Movement by Indonesian military and police forces during the Papuan conflict.
Sambas riots1999Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan3,000Malays and Dayaks joined to massacre the Madurese. Madurese were mutilated and killed with 3,000 of them died in the massacres, and the Indonesian government doing little to stop the violence.[11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
Liquiçá Church massacre6 April 1999Liquiçá, East Timor (then under Indonesian occupation as the province of East Timor) 200Massacre of East Timorese Catholics by pro-Indonesia militias, mainly Besi Merah Putih, during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.
Manuel Carrascalão House massacre17 April 1999Dili, East Timor (then under Indonesian occupation as the province of East Timor)14Killings of East Timorese pro-independence figures by the pro-Indonesia Aitarak militia under Eurico Guterres during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor. Guterres has led the Indonesian Laskar Merah Putih militia in Indonesian New Guinea since August 2003.
Suai Church massacre6 September 1999Suai, East Timor (then under Indonesian occupation as the province of East Timor) 200Massacre of East Timorese Catholics by the Indonesian Army, police, and the pro-Indonesia Laksaur militia during the Indonesian occupation of East Timor.
Walisongo school massacre28 May 2000Poso, Central Sulawesi165–191Massacre of Muslim residents in villages around Poso city by radical Christian militants during the Poso riots as part of the sectarian conflict between Muslims and Christians in Central Sulawesi.
Atambua UNHCR office attack6 September 2000Atambua, West Timor5Angered residents and pro-Indonesian militiamen stormed the UNHCR office in Atambua. The mob then killed three foreign UN aid workers who were shot and hacked to death, two Indonesians were also killed in the riot.[16] [17]
Jakarta Stock Exchange bombing14 September 2000Jakarta15A car bomb exploded in the basement of the Jakarta Stock Exchange, triggering a chain of explosions in which a number of cars caught fire. Most of the dead were drivers waiting by their employer's cars.
Christmas Eve 2000 Indonesia bombings24 December 2000Medan, Bandung, Batam, Ciamis, Mataram, Mojokerto, and Pekanbaru18Series of coordinated bombings of churches in Jakarta and eight other cities which killed 18 people and injured many others.
Sampit conflict18–28 February 2001 Sampit, Central Kalimantan500Massacre of Madurese migrants by Dayak natives, with violence later spreading throughout Central Kalimantan.
Bumi Flora massacre9 August 2001Julok, East Aceh Regency, Aceh.31Dozens of TNI soldiers opened fire against workers of PT Bumi Flora, a rubber and palm oil plantation in East Aceh, killing 31 people, 7 injured and 1 missing.[18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
2002 Poso bus attacks5 June–8 August 2002Poso, Central Sulawesi7Bombings and a shooting targeting public transport in Poso, Central Sulawesi by radical Islamic militants as part of the sectarian conflict between Muslims and Christians in Central Sulawesi.
2002 Bali bombings12 October 2002Kuta, Bali204 (including both bombers)Coordinated bomb attacks occurred on in the tourist district of Kuta, Bali. The attack was the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia, killing 202 people, including 88 Australian citizens and 38 Indonesian citizens.[23] A further 209 people were injured. Various members of Jemaah Islamiyah, a violent Islamist group, were convicted in relation to the bombings, including three individuals who were sentenced to death.
4 April 2003around Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua53Following a raid on an Indonesian military armory which killed 2 soldiers, around 7,000 civilians were forcefully relocated and around 50 died.
2003 Marriott Hotel bombing5 August 2003Jakarta13Suicide car bombing of the Marriott hotel.
2003 Aceh New Year's Eve bombing31 December 2003Peureulak, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam10A New Year's Eve concert in Aceh were bombed by suspected separatists.
Australian Embassy bombing in Jakarta9 September 2004Jakarta11 (including the perpetrator)A one-tonne car bomb, which was packed into a small delivery van, exploded outside the Australian embassy at Kuningan District, South Jakarta, at about 10:30 local time (03:30 UTC), killing 11 people including the suicide bomber, and wounding over 150 others. Jemaah Islamiyah claimed responsibility for the attack.
2004 Poso bus bombing13 November 2004Poso, Central Sulawesi6A bomb exploded on a minibus carrying Christians.
2005 Tentena market bombings28 May 2005, Central Sulawesi22Two bombs were detonated at an open air market frequented by Christians.
2005 Bali bombings1 October 2005Bali23 (including 3 perpetrators)Three suicide car bombings target a resort and Kuta town square, places popular with western tourists.
2005 Palu market bombing31 December 2005Palu, Central Sulawesi8A butcher's shop that was frequented by Christians and sold non-Halal food was bombed.
2009 Jakarta bombings17 July 2009Jakarta99 people killed following the bombing of the JW Marriott Hotel and Ritz-Carlton.
Tarakan riot27–29 September 2010Tarakan, North Kalimantan4A violent riot between native Tidung and migrant Bugis following the fatal mugging of a Tidung elder by Buginese youths; further escalation is avoided through a government-mediated peace agreement between the communities.
Bloody Paniai case8 December 2014Paniai Regency, Central Papua5Killings of civilians protesting military misconduct by the Indonesian Army during the Papua conflict.
2016 Jakarta attacks14 January 2016Jakarta8Several explosions followed by gunfire occurred with a Starbucks and a police station appearing to be the main targets. The attack involved seven participants.
2018 Mako Brimob standoff8–10 May 2018Depok, West Java8Five police officers and one militant were killed and four others injured in a standoff between security forces and terrorists in a detention center. Hours after the end of the siege, an Islamic militant fatally stabbed a policeman at the police detention center before he was shot by another policeman.
Surabaya bombings13–14 May 2018Surabaya and Sidoarjo28A series of terrorist attacks. The attacks killed 15 civilians, mostly churchgoers, and injured 57 others. 13 perpetrators also died as a result of the bombings.
Nduga massacre1 December 2018Nduga Regency, Highland Papua20Massacre of 19 non-Papuan civilian workers and 1 Indonesian Army soldier by West Papua National Liberation Army fighters under Egianus Kogoya during the Papua conflict.
2019 Papua protests19 August–23 September 2019Throughout Indonesian New Guinea31–33Papuan protests throughout western New Guinea, fueled by an incident of racism in Surabaya and the ongoing Papua conflict, resulted in 5–7 civilian deaths in clashes in Deiyai Regency and 26 deaths from looting in Wamena and Jayapura.
2019 Indonesian protests and riots23 September–28 October 2019Throughout Indonesia5Mass protests by students in major Indonesian cities against new government legislation, resulting in the deaths of 3 protesters in Jakarta and 2 others in the Bloody September incident in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.
Llaga killings20 November 2020Llaga, Central Papua4Killings of Papuan civilians by the Indonesian Army near the village of Llaga, two youths were shot one dying and the other only suffering injures, around an hour later one teen, one child and a civil servant were executed, during the Papua conflict.[24] [25]
27 November 2020, Palolo, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi4Murder of a Christian family By Terrorist Group East Indonesia Mujahideen. Seven houses, including a house usually used as a place of worship for Christians, were burned.[26] [27] [28]
Bilogai Hospital incident16 February 2021, Papua3Torture and killing of three brothers by the Indonesian Army while two brothers were visiting their injured brother after he was shot during rioting, during the Papua conflict.[29] [30]
Kalimango murders11 May 2021Napu Valley, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi4Four farmers were killed by East Indonesia Mujahideen, The attack was said to be a revenge for the killing of two members of the group, including Santoso's son, two months prior.[31] [32]
Nipuralome killings4 June 2021, Central Papua3the killings of Papuan civilians in the village of Nipuralome, where a man (village chief) and his wife were killed as well as another man being killed, during the Papua conflict. Beny Wenda accused the perpetrator to be the TNI and Polri.[33] [34] However the Cendrawasih Commands spokesperson claimed the perpetrators to be members of the separatist movement who attacked the Aminggaru Airport.[35] On 27 May 2022, one of the perpetrators, Lerinus Murib, member of Bumunggur and Titus Murib of TPNPB Kodap III was shot dead by Damai Cartenz Task Force.[36]
25–27 January 2022Haruku Island, Maluku3A customary land dispute between two villages leads to a violent riot; local leaders deny religious conflict, despite different religions between the communities.[37]
Telkomsel BTS tower shooting2 March 2022Beoga, Central Papua8Killings of civilian workers at a Telkomsel telecommunications facility by West Papua Liberation Organization fighters during the Papua conflict.
Nogolait shooting16 July 2022Nogolait, Highland Papua11Killings of non-Papuan and Papuan residents of Nogolait by West Papua National Liberation Army fighters under Army Tabuni, Egianus Kogoya, and Yotam Bugiangge during the Papua conflict.
Timika killings22 August 2022Timika, West Papua4Killings of alleged OPM members by the Indonesian Army, who were attempting to buy weapons from the soldiers; they were shot, dismembered and their bodies stuffed in sacks and thrown in the Pigapu River, during the Papua conflict.[38]
12 November 2022Kai Besar, Maluku2A customary land dispute between two Catholic Kei villages and a Muslim Banda village leads to a violent riot; religious conflict is denied by local leadership.[39]
2023 Wamena riot23 February 2023Wamena, Highland Papua12A violent riot between Papuan residents of Sinakma, Wamena and Indonesian security personnel following the arrests of two Batak merchants on suspicion of child kidnapping during the 2023 Indonesian child abduction scare.
Brazza River killings14 September 2023Brazza River, Papua5During clashes in the Dekai district, members of Yotam Bugiangge KKB group, Wosak Battalion, part of Kodap Nduga-Darakma under Egianus Kogoya were killed by the Indonesian Army near the Brazza River after fleeing from Nduga.[40]
Jagakarsa child killings6 December 2023 (bodies found)Jagakarsa, Jakarta4A father of four children Panca Darmansyah (41)[41] beats his wife to the extent that she had to be hospitalized. Subsequently, he was reported to the police and summoned to the police station but refused, citing the reason of 'taking care of the children.' Later, he killed his four children between the possible dates of 3–6 December. The lifeless bodies of the four children were discovered lined up in their bedroom, while their father was found in the bathroom, covered in blood with cut wounds on both wrists (possibly attempting suicide after committing the murders) on 6 December.[42] [43] [44] [45]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Mandor killing fields – Dark Tourism – the guide to dark travel destinations around the world.
  2. The end of the Bersiap period is variously placed in March 1946 (per KITLV/NIMH/NIOD), November 1947 (per William H. Frederick), and even December 1949 (per the Dutch government).
  3. Web site: Lowenstein . Allard K. . April 2004 . Indonesian Human Rights Abuses in West Papua . Yale Law School.
  4. Web site: Category: Edition 62: Apr–Jun 2000 . The Banyuwangi murders . Inside Indonesia . 2018-02-04.
  5. Web site: Liebhold . David . That New Black Magic – TIME . . 1998-10-19 . 2018-02-04.
  6. Web site: Gerry van Klinken . Inside Indonesia – Digest 86 – Towards a mapping of 'at risk' groups in Indonesia . . dead . 2000-09-20 . 2018-02-04.
  7. Web site: [Indonesia-L] Digest – The May Riot | |access-date=2018-02-04 |archive-url= |archive-date=2017-03-25 |url-status=dead ].
  8. Web site: "Over 1,000 killed in Indonesia riots: rights body Reuters – June 3, 1998 Jim Della-Giacoma, Jakarta", "The May riots DIGEST No.61 – May 29, 1998" . May 2, 2015 . . February 13, 2015 . dead .
  9. Book: Donald L. Horowitz. Constitutional Change and Democracy in Indonesia. 25 March 2013. Cambridge University Press. 978-1-107-35524-8. 34–.
  10. Collins 2002
  11. Web site: BBC News – ASIA-PACIFIC – Beheading: A Dayak ritual. 23 February 2001. 10 January 2024. BBC News.
  12. Web site: Violence in Indonesian Borneo Spurs the Relocation of Ethnic Madurese – Cultural Survival.
  13. Web site: – The Sampit conflict – The Madurese and the Dayak – Discover Indonesia Online. 2013-01-14. 10 January 2024. 26 March 2006. dead.
  14. Book: John Braithwaite. Valerie Braithwaite. Michael Cookson . Leah Dunn . Anomie and Violence: Non-truth and Reconciliation in Indonesian Peacebuilding. 2010. ANU E Press. 978-1-921666-23-0. 299–.
  15. Book: Eva-Lotta E. Hedman. Conflict, Violence, and Displacement in Indonesia. 2008. SEAP Publications. 978-0-87727-745-3. 73–.
  16. Web site: Karena Atambua, Rusak Indonesia di Mata Dunia - News 18 September 2000. 9 August 2024. id.
  17. Web site: Remembering UNHCR colleagues killed in Atambua, West Timor, twenty years on - UNHCR Asia Pacific. 10 September 2020. 9 August 2024. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
  18. Web site: H-Net Discussion Networks - Aceh: Rept on Massacre in Aceh, Sumatera. 15 August 2001. 2 May 2024. H-Net.
  19. Web site: Sejumlah Petunjuk Pembantaian Karyawan di Aceh Ditemukan - News 15 August 2001. 2 May 2024. id.
  20. Web site: Pembantaian di Aceh Timur Diselidiki Komnas HAM - News 26 August 2001. 2 May 2024. id.
  21. Web site: Accountability for human rights violations in Aceh. 2 May 2024. Human Rights Watch.
  22. Web site: Pembantaian Bumi Flora - Lorong Ingatan. 15 January 2021. 2 May 2024. REZA RACHMADHANI. MUHAMMAD. id.
  23. News: Bali death toll set at 202 . . 19 February 2003. 5 January 2024.
  24. Web site: u1l2m3w4p5 . 2020-11-25 . ULMWP Chair: Three school children massacred in Puncak as Indonesia targets new generation . 2023-12-23 . United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) . en-US.
  25. Web site: Siswa di Papua Tewas Tertembak, Keluarga: Pelakunya Berseragam Serba Hitam. 24 November 2020. 31 January 2024. id.
  26. Web site: Four killed in alleged MIT attack in Sigi, reigniting concerns over sectarian conflict - National - The Jakarta Post. 29 November 2020. 29 March 2024. The Jakarta Post. Fachriansyah. Rizki. id.
  27. Web site: Harahap. Lia. Kronologi Satu Keluarga di Sigi Dibunuh Anggota MIT. 17 January 2024. 29 November 2020. en. 30 November 2020. dead.
  28. Web site: Duduk Perkara Pembantaian Keluarga di Sigi, Ini Penjelasannya. 29 November 2020. 29 March 2024. CNBC Indonesia. Iqbal. Muhammad. id.
  29. Web site: 2021-02-22 . What Can Indonesian Church Do To Ease The Papua Conflict? – OpEd . 2023-12-23 . Eurasia Review . en-US.
  30. Web site: Kronologi Versi Masyarakat Papua Soal Tewasnya 3 Warga Sipil Diduga oleh TNI di Intan Jaya - News 20 March 2021. 5 January 2024. Radityo Priyasmoro. Muhammad. id.
  31. Web site: Sederet Fakta Dugaan Pembunuhan 4 Petani oleh Kelompok Teroris Ali Kalora. 2021-05-14. Tempo.Co. 14 May 2021. id. 17 May 2021. live.
  32. Web site: Jokowi Diminta Jangan Biarkan Poso Jadi Ladang Pembantaian Nyawa Manusia . 17 May 2021. 13 June 2024. id.
  33. Web site: Wenda accuses Jakarta’s military of ‘massacre’ after killing of 3 Papuans – Asia Pacific Report. 10 June 2021. 3 January 2024.
  34. Web site: Ketua ULMWP: Kades Patianus Kogoya Ditembak TNI, Jika OPM Teroris, Semua Rakyat Papua Barat Teroris - 9 June 2021. 26 January 2024. id.
  35. News: Andriansyah . Anugrah . Pesawat Rusak Dibakar, 3 Warga Sipil Tewas Ditembak KST di Ilaga Papua . VOA Indonesia . 2021-06-04 . id . 2024-03-14.
  36. News: Ramdhani . Jabbar . 5 Jejak Keji Teroris KKB Lerinus Murib: Tembaki TNI-Bunuh Karyawan PTT . detiknews . 2022-05-30 . id . 2024-03-14.
  37. Web site: Patty. Rahmat Rahman. 29 January 2022. Kurniati. Pythag. Pratiwi. Priska Sari. Budi . Candra Setia. Cerita di Balik Bentrok 2 Desa di Maluku Tengah, 3 Orang Tewas dan Ratusan Rumah Dibakar. 3 January 2024. id.
  38. Web site: 2022-09-02 . Indonesian Soldiers Arrested for Killing 4 Papuans Human Rights Watch . 2023-12-19 . en.
  39. Web site: Rumangun . Dheddy . 12 November 2022 . Mencekam! Warga 2 Desa di Maluku Tenggara Bentrok, Rumah dan Sekolah Dibakar . 2022-11-13 . Sindonews . id.
  40. News: Latumahina . Raymond . Nasib 5 Jasad Anak Buah KKB Yotam Bugiangge yang Tak Diakui Warga Yahukimo . detiksulsel . 2023-09-18 . id . 2023-09-18.
  41. Web site: Panca Pembunuh 4 Anak di Jagakarsa Resmi Ditahan!. 20 December 2023. 3 January 2024. Susilawati. Tina. Indonesian.
  42. Web site: Father Allegedly Murders His Four Children in South Jakarta. 6 December 2023. 3 January 2024. Ali. Ichsan.
  43. Web site: South Jakarta father killed his children out of jealousy: Police – Jakarta – The Jakarta Post. 12 December 2023. 3 January 2024. The Jakarta Post.
  44. Web site: Terungkap Motif Panca Darmansyah Habisi 4 Anaknya, Cemburu Devnisa Selingkuh dengan 3 Pria Sekaligus - 22 December 2023. 3 January 2024. Indonesian.
  45. Web site: Reconstruction Of Murder Cases Of 4 Biological Children In Jagakarsa, Starting With Domestic Violence Scenes. 29 December 2023. 2 January 2024.